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9:00 PM
VS Preview keeps crashing building LLVM.
I want pickles wrapped in salami.
@CatPlusPlus I still laugh at this sometimes.
What is silverlight
Why does it exists
Unadobe Unflash.
it's Flash .NET
9:03 PM
eg. it should be dead.NET?
It tends to work better than Flash
So there's that
well there have been worse ideas than "Take existing vaguely-reasonable language and libraries and put them in the browser".
> POST sales/info
REST API my ass
9:10 PM
@CatPlusPlus What's the problem?
His ass.
It's idempotent and doesn't create anything
Should be GET
What kind of data are you sending?
How do you know it's not creating anything?
An ID (also should be a part of URL)
Because it returns information about an existing sale?
9:11 PM
Also they don't use HTTP codes
always 200 + custom codes, best codes
I should've logged passwords when I was showing off my crappy attempt at Facebook clone to my friends.
HTTP verbs are dumb.
Your opinions are dumb
You're grammar is dumb
9:14 PM
You're all dumb
Great. We have closed the circle. Now what?
It's the end
Make it a square.
This conversation is so ignorant I almost feel comfortable
also fucking silverlight video has been loading for 2 hours
probably connection interrupted
9:17 PM
It pulled a Youtube
you guys are able to load this shit?
it's just some italian television
except for the bullshit they broadcast there's nothing dangerous
@Jefffrey Works for me.
what's IRC?
and you are on a mac?
Apart from the Silverlight crap; I don't have that installed.
9:19 PM
@cpx chat protocol.
I'm also hungry. Unlike the backwater villages like Berlin, I have a choice of several Indian, Chinese, Italian restaurants open for another 2 hours when I want actual food, or I can get stuff to cook from the 24-hr supermarkets or, if I just want to feel not hungry, McD, KFC etc all 24 hr. I think Chinese tonite.
that's the video that should be loading
German Scrabble http://t.co/DqoV9n6dbC
@MartinJames I just finished a rather large pizza
Well, half a slice left
9:22 PM
wow it's probably my first time when I needed to call the implementation of a virtual function in a base class
        catch (boost::system::system_error& e)
            std::wstringstream ss;
            ss << e.runtime_error::what() << ':' << e.code().category().name() << e.code().value();
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yay! I'm off to Mr Wu's. The krauts can all starve:)
I hate how Dutch scrabble uses Y instead of IJ.
So IJSJES would become YSJES. :<
@StackedCrooked @AlexM. @Mysticial @ScarletAmaranth Here's a great 30min anime I recommend checking out: myanimelist.net/anime/10711/Plastic_Nee-san
I lol'd
9:27 PM
@Xeo god damn it, was about to post that pic
fuck it
@ESA_Rosetta and @Philae2014 tweeting each other is so cute
it needs to be seen :P
Hey, guys, who left the boxes in the doorway? Seriously... Hm? They're from Valve?
The catgirls have arrived! NEKOPARA Vol. 1 has been greenlit! http://t.co/CKllrlR5Jp
lol'd /cc @StackedCrooked @AlexM. @Mysticial
> If there's something that fascinates us more than the moon, it is a comet. We saw one , surprisingly, last November. Almost nobody knew that, since 2004, ESA is working to ruin this to us. 10 years ago a probe, Rosetta, has been sent. After a very long journey it landed on the 67-P comet.

> Here are the terrible images that the probe sends us. A big dusty rock. In few hours a robot will get off to make a hole on the surface. It almost hurts to know that the drill was assembled in Italy. A rock. Just a rock. It's not a mistery, like the dangerous rock of Armageddon. The only ones to be ex
konnichiwa sekai
9:31 PM
Italian TV ^
@Xeo ok, bookmarked :D
Video is here, for those that speak italian.
@Xeo lolwut
@Mysticial it's great
and it's short, so perfect for a light snack
9:42 PM
I don't want features added.
I want features removed.
LLVM: 1026 errors
I ate a raw mushroom today.
9:42 PM
It was very yummy.
9:54 PM
shit, doom 3 is so atmospheric
how does it manage to do it
it's the only game that got to jumpscare me
and it's so goddamn easy, I know I can kill anything in max 2 shotgun hits
but I still run away when I hear some weird sound
@AlexM. startling is not scary
lol doom 3?
doom 3 is nothing but monster closets in dark corridors.
it's monsters in very well made dark corridors
Raw mushrooms aren't very nice I don't think
@Xeo woooo
I'll get it once I get some money
10:03 PM
@Puppy so like NetHack
@Ell a little salt, a little olive oil... maybe some thyme or organo...
mornin' bitches
#VSConnect This is cool - x = "I"; y = "love"; z = "this"; String.Format("\{x} \{y} \{z}"); v/s String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", x, y, z);
Wait, C# gets string interpolation?
as if we didn't already know Microsoft were utter morons.
10:08 PM
iunno, I don't quite see it as a problem, if it only applies to string literals.
maybe they'll hear you and un-opensource their stuff
it's not so much a problem as a total waste of time for no benefit.
they could instead fix their moronic compiler to infer types in trivial cases.
fucking shit
starter broke
we used hammer to no avail
buy a robo-car that fixes itself.
welp, time for sleeps
@Puppy iunno, sounds trivial to implement, and allows more concise code.
10:14 PM
it's trivially more concise, non-trivially less obvious to read, and for zero benefit.
@Puppy except removing a large class of errors under maintenance
What's with all this "iunno" business, anyway?
Code at work often ends up looking like this. Helper CRTP. Private constructors + friendship to enforce a strict parent/child relationship (inherent to the app). I don't like this structure very much. I wish I could use more "natural" semantics.
@sehe What, the class where you change a variable name and don't look inside random string literals to try to find it there?
@Puppy At least the compiler supposedly checks that. I mean, how else would it know that \{ is special
10:18 PM
@StackedCrooked wtf is that?!
not sure myself
identifiers should never have semantic meaning inside a program.
well, that's just your opinion man
@StackedCrooked WTF with finalize() and destroy()? It already has a destructor.
AbstractItem offers absolutely no useful or interesting functionality at all.
@Puppy So it's at least better because the order of substitution variables can no longer get out of synch, and neither is it possible to pass too few/too many arguments. I was kind of assuming, too, that this would be a string interpolation thing, not some random syntactic sugar that only works for foo(string fmt, params string[] pp)
10:22 PM
Well, it's a too short sample.
@thecoshman seems a bit echoy
Object are created dynamically over rpc. So I can't really put them on stack.
@sehe Frankly, I really don't see what this offers over x + " " + y + " " + z, which does exactly the same thing but in a way that regular humans and existing tools can handle just fine.
Q: PLEALE HELP me with this C++ program but i keep on geting errows

Isaac DixonPLEALE HELP me with this C++ program, im trying to make a program that will read 10 integers from the user and store them into an array and save the numbers into a disk file BUT I KEEP ON GETTING ERROS. hire it is #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main(){ i...

10:26 PM
@Puppy except, you get maintenance nightmare because you had @"C:\mypath01\file.txt" and now need to make that @"C:\mypath" + i.ToString("N2") + "\file.txt". And oh fuck, need to remember making that @"\file.txt" too.
Seems to me that @"C:\mypath\{i:N2}\file.txt" is both more expressive and less error prone. Humans could do without the noise IYAM (<-- and raises the question whether the interpolation business even exists for verbatim literals)
We should do a cinnamon challenge at the next Unconference.
@sehe The first alternative is definitely better.
lol. obviously
10:29 PM
sehe zit er alcohol in stoofperen? Ik proef alcohol.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In the question text he spells it right though. (right whire the code frigment stars)
Hi btw :)
@rightføld Depends on how old they were :) And yes, given enough sugar, I think alcohol can technically be produced (hence, Apple-cider etc.?)
No idea.
@sehe Cider is not alcoholic AFAIK.
10:31 PM
But it can ferment
Mmm. Not sure about the specifics. I dropped biology and chemistry.
@orlp Like 4 months.
Cider is not alcoholic? What planet are you on. I'm watching Star Wars Episode 3 while my apples are degrading.
> Apple cider (also called sweet cider or soft cider) is the name used in the United States and parts of Canada for an unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic beverage made from apples.
> Cider (/ˈsaɪdər/ sy-dər) is a fermented alcoholic beverage made from the unfiltered juice of apples.
Oh god fuck English.
10:34 PM
What a terrible language.
string literals stop being string literals, because you can randomly add executable code in the middle (but only an arbitrary subset)
and secondly
@Puppy so it's not executable code. But whatever. You don't like it. I think it removes opportunity for errors.
it feels obscenely special-case to add a language feature to format only variables into only string literals.
I'm usually assuming that my code might actually execute things anyway
if i.ToString("N2") is too verbose for you but you wanted to use it in a Select instead of formatting in a literal, then fuck you.
10:35 PM
@Puppy It is very useful in languages where concatenating strings is a common operation.
@rightføld So in other words, it's not useful at all.
@rightføld lolwut
Oh right, the only applications are compilers and games. I beg your pardon.
@rightføld Not English's fault. Blame the idiots who keep fucking it up then pretending it's still English!
@Puppy Hmm? Select("\{i:N2}) should do the same think if you ask me (you probably do not; See assumption here
10:37 PM
so you think that list.Select(x => "\{x:N2}") would be legit?
well, it obviously should be legit if they go ahead with the feature.
As I can't get downvotes in chat I can state this plainly I like LightnessIO.
@Puppy Yes. If not, I completely yield to your triviality and gratuity argument
Lightness is like perturbation theory to Quantum Mechanics.
well I'm thinking that it would probably be valid.
so I think we can discuss on that basis.
@Puppy I'm thinking not, seeing how the tweet highlighted String.Format(...). That's batshit redundant
10:41 PM
So. I'm thinking this time your scepsis might be in order :)
ITT Puppy Scepsis Perhaps Not Premature For Once
personally I think he just copied and pasted the example, edited the second one to add the feature, and forgot to remove the format call.
@sehe Skepticism.
Ok. I plead Dutch
@Puppy Apparently, some think the twitteratus committed this ridiculously sloppy oversight yes
Nederlanders zijn pleite.
this also leads to the obvious kind of
(x, y) => "\{x + y:N2}".
10:45 PM
I vaguely remember my IBM RPG course where I had to put things at certain column numbers.
how would you guys explain an exception to a new programmer?
I've never needed to explain.
@StackedCrooked I remember it in vivid detail
@corvid it's an exception from the rule?
@corvid By writing an example together.
10:46 PM
@corvid I wouldn't. No exceptions.
Exceptions are not hard to grasp.
Unless when you are talking about correct usage..
@rightføld showed them that, I don't think they really get the concept. The example is more or less just to write a CSV reader/writer. They don't get the exception and file handling part
@CaptainGiraffe "LightnessIO" hey nice library idea
@corvid Write together ≠ show.
10:47 PM
I'd probably be in support of something like String.Format("\{x:N2}", x: x) kind of thing.
And LIO comes to the rescue =)
@BartekBanachewicz What. The. Fuck.
Feb 6 at 19:25, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Shooting people in the elevator
Wait, wrong search result.
Clearly not Cartek.
3 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
You can't repair cars without appropriate tools. Get yourself an elevator.
People are taught to always check the error codes. So some assume they should likewise always catch the exceptions a function may throw.
10:47 PM
A hammer is not an appropriate tool to get a starter motor out of a car.
Just WTF.
fot the wuck
@StackedCrooked I always catch exceptions a function may throw. I do that in main and it's called catch { case NonFatal(e) => e.printStackTrace() }.
Have you thought about... those things you use to get screws out?
I.e. not hammers.
@rightføld I never. I run the program under ptrace and handle errors in the parent process.
People are taught to check error codes.. Who are these people?
10:49 PM
I hate screws, especially when I don't have them
I have a juicy screw for you. <3
my GPU and SSD are tied to my PC's case using these things edensupplies.co.uk/images/…
because no screws
Oh yes, you're making a very stupid C++ array/array pointer mistake: You're using them.. — stefan 37 secs ago
@rightføld ew
@StackedCrooked Nice. Erlang-style.
10:50 PM
@Xeo C#6 got lots of syntax sugar.
However, I couldn't figure out where to get the function arguments. Sometimes they were in the registers and sometimes on the stack.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did it get any meaningful syntactic sugar?
@StackedCrooked Use LLDB!
@StackedCrooked Thats a song
(lldb) print typeid(*((*vec.__begin_).__ptr_.__first_)).name()
error: you need to include <typeinfo> before using the 'typeid' operator
#include <typeinfo> is accepted as a debugger command
but it repeats the above error when I try to use typeid
10:58 PM
what ABI?
Erm... I don't know?
How can I find out?

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