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12:00 PM
I'll have to friend them
am I dumb or something
fold with function composition werks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes :v
Some stupid food place I've ordered from once some time ago is sending me ads in SMS
I need to get a new number for real stuff, and leave this one for trash like that
the hell
I totally don't get >>=
Hi all
I am trying to extract data from a function which takes in a struct as input parameters:
Function(unsigned long MXSysConfig,struct testStruct* myStruct)
How do I now extract this into another struct intialized within this function?
I tried myNewStruct = myStruct but that is throwing errors...
I have 3 numbers, 1 for trash, 1 waiting to be made for trash & 1 waiting to be activated when the second become hit by enough trash
12:07 PM
@BartekBanachewicz ITT Bartek humiliates himself by openly admitting lack of understanding of fundamental Haskell principles.
@BartekBanachewicz What's wrong with it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't fold over it
I have a function: changeRandomTileToWater :: GameMap -> RandomM GameMap
@chmod711telkitty I'm just highly suspicious about all attempts to get my numbers or address, and on the verge of violence when I'm suggesting they remove me from their spam lists.
I can write return map >>= changeRandomTileToWater >>= changeRandomTileToWater
@aclarke they want to sell you, not kill you
12:09 PM
@chmod711telkitty and I want to kill them. What's the problem?
@BartekBanachewicz Signature doesn't match the expected one vOv.
You need to flip it.
also, it is a good idea to have at least 1 mail & 1 phone number for spams
Guess so, yeah.
foldr expects the base value on the right hand side.
>>= starts from the left.
@aclarke you should make that clear to them, probably then they will stop spamming you
12:10 PM
anyway, it's all show. I'm a softie really. Soft like a ferret.
<*> \o/
ferret bites
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmpfh that shouldn't matter
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, it should because types.
(a -> b -> b) and (b -> a -> b) are not the same.
@chmod711telkitty surprisingly, marketers are rarely interested in reducing their lists.
12:12 PM
>>= can only match the latter.
I know where's the problem; I rarely use non-simple folds
that's why it's all suddenly collapsing
That said.
Are you using the function monad instance?
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I have a function: changeRandomTileToWater :: GameMap -> RandomM GameMap
I thought people only used that for obfuscating shit.
12:13 PM
(type RandomM a = State StdGen a)
I was wondering about using an ad-hoc StateT to represent the map I'm modifying
but then I've realized I'm simply chaining those operations and could use >>=
I turn my mobile for spamming on once a day to check for real messages
but then I've realized that I can't fold that for some reason.
@thecoshman not that I've noticed. If so, it happened while I was away, and expired quickly, at least :)
@BartekBanachewicz Because >>= is not commutative vOv
12:14 PM
good thing is that tradies don't usually sell your number to the marketers
@Abyx uh, no? (well, I don't think I can stop you, but I would rather you didn't)
foldl should work, btw.
@LucDanton Hey!
I... don't recommend that.
I hope.
A likely story.
May 15 '13 at 11:03, by R. Martinho Fernandes
(join for functions is cool :P)
You cosuck.
12:17 PM
@jalf but what's the problem? people will just not know if it's the true jalf or not, but it doesn't really matter, right?
Mar 8 '12 at 1:05, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I think I only use join with the function monad.
@chmod711telkitty i doubt they could be arsed. I got an SMS last week from a gym I stopped going to over 10 years ago. wtf? Some genius marketing drone decided it would be a good idea to turn all old members into a list.
I'm terrible.
What are your feelings regarding The Functor/Applicative bits? I know I use them.
Foo <$> abs <*> abs or what have you.
I've enabled premium/subscription blocking maybe it'll catch the trash
12:18 PM
I use them often.
What's so bad about join?
@R.MartinhoFernandes only when it comes to getting lost and losing things and injuring yourself, and a few other things, I believe
I hope it doesn't catch one time passwords
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not join per se. The function monad. Things like join (+)
you would have thought with so much money spent on information technology, marketing would be an obsolete practice ... but nope. Humans are stupid
12:19 PM
What's so bad about it?
7 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I thought people only used that for obfuscating shit.
@Abyx I don't understand the question. I don't need to explain why I'd prefer people didn't try to impersonate me. If you're asking why you're not allowed to, then I already stated that I can't stop you
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, what does join (+) do?
@R.MartinhoFernandes hah
And I say that as someone that, as Luc clearly demonstrated, actually understands it and revels in it. (Shame on me; I don't actually use it that often outside of demo snippets, I promise)
12:20 PM
@CatPlusPlus I've used a filtering that was well thought out, but then due to my practices it didn't actually have much to do so i didn't apply to my newer phone.
@Abyx Just be aware that that behaviour is frowned upon by the staff.
@jalf I'm referring to your point that "it's ok when males use female avatars, you should just assume that user with female avatar can be male".
@Xeo well, I never did join (+) but I assume it'd do addition to self, that is addToSelf = join (+) - I'm probably wrong though and I'm too lazy to fire ghci to check :P
nope, you passed.
x * 2 = join (+) x
12:23 PM
Are people now arguing that jalf's avatar is a female penguin?
That makes sense, I agree it's easier to just do x * 2 though.
Because I missed that when I made it into a SVG
@sehe lol I always thought jalf's avatar was a snowperson
That's what penguins are.
@AlexM. It used to say "penguin" with a little arrow pointing towards it, actually
12:24 PM
Sep 12 '12 at 10:01, by sehe
@daknøk I'll just post a svg: http://downloads.sehe.nl/stackoverflow/jalf-simple.svg /cc @jalf
@Abyx so once again, females can't be real/honest on the interwebs without someone questioning their existence.
I had to crop that out at some point to make it fit the required dimensions for the avatar
Abyx is just doing his poorly thought out trolling shtick
That was Jalf's idea?
Ah. Carry on
12:25 PM
changeRandomTilesToWater m = foldl (>>=) (return m) (replicate 10 changeRandomTileToWater)
@Abyx fuck off. That's the dumbest thing I've heard since the whole stupid argument yesterday
I CAN INTO (>>=)
I am coawesome!
@sehe Heh. I haven't seen Luchian in forever.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
I don't even think he posts as many answers anymore.
12:26 PM
@jalf why so angry?
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's this pesky 1 that made it all problematic :/
it probably is a function already
@BartekBanachewicz as in - you are the complement of every problem that is awesome-complete?
@Abyx because I'm tired of arguing about whether or not we should treat women as human fucking beings
Oct 22 '12 at 17:41, by Luchian Grigore
I hereby coin the term "RAIIght" - as in "using smart pointers instead is the RAIIght thing to do" :D
Also because what you claim was "my point" seems entirely unrelated to what I actually said
12:27 PM
@Abyx you want to steal his identity? wtf?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I dunno. but look:
@BartekBanachewicz FFS that was it?
I thought that'd be obvious :S
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't look at me.
@aclarke I think he just wants to troll. But it's a bit unclear, tbh
@R.MartinhoFernandes shh
12:28 PM
oh joy... I have a serial downvoter
In my defense errors weren't helpful
@Mgetz welcome to the club.
@jalf sounds like it hey.
it works that's what counts
@Mgetz Probably Vlad
12:29 PM
that being said
I need to add a check to it
i hate it when chat scrolls just as I'm about to click the link arrow :-(
-- lol you're on water
return $ m & (ix (Point x y) . fieldType) `set` Water
@milleniumbug that's my guess
if he wants to pretend to be someone else, go to 4chan. You can be an individual anonymous, just like everyone else.
irony is I didn't downvote him at all
12:30 PM
@jalf oh and when did anyone say that "women is not a human being"? can you find a quote with it?
@Abyx and @jalf have kind of similar avatars so whenever they argue I sometimes think it's one of them replying to themselves
@BartekBanachewicz what are the types of changeRandomTile(s)ToWater?
It's possible.
@Ell yeah, both are birds.
@Ell you must be on a phone
12:31 PM
You never know when one of them will go crazy.
22 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I have a function: changeRandomTileToWater :: GameMap -> RandomM GameMap
You're never alone when you're a schizophrenic.
@Abyx they have the same palette :P
@Ell I always find it clear by the content.
I wonder how to express "random, but if you hit water or a unit random again"
12:32 PM
what should I name a property that sets/gets the 'link flags'?
@BartekBanachewicz I hope you paid for that copy of RPGVX RTP!
or I could randomize map, then filter land indices
@Rapptz "link flags" ;)
x.??? = ["-flto"]
12:33 PM
@Ell lol possibly
I’ve used things like link_flags or lflags for that kind of stuff.
I'd go with "bob"
I'm leaning towards bob myself.
x.link_flags = ["-flto"]
@Abyx I could, but that would require me to dig through that stupid toxic discussion from yesterday. And if the only reason for doing so is so that someone who apparently didn't follow it can know why I have little patience for this nonsense, then I honestly can't be arsed
12:34 PM
x["link flags"] = ["-flto"]
I have x.flags for compiler flags
which is why I'm hesitant
@jalf tempting to go looking. Keywords plx?
cflags + lflags!
It's all here in the chat log. Feel free to go back to it. Must be around 21 hours ago
@jalf Don't engage urgh
12:35 PM
@jalf no you can't because there was no such thing. you just made it up in your head
@Abyx Do I really have to plonk you?
@BartekBanachewicz eww
@CatPlusPlus hmmmm yeah it's degenerating. So did anyone see the new Interstellar movie?
@jalf no, of course not
@aclarke I want to see it
12:36 PM
if you asking me >_<
I saw Citizenfour the other day though.
@jalf someone recommended it this morning. Ell maybe? The synopsis seems a bit cliched, but depends on how it's performed I guess.
@LucDanton issue with cflags is that it sorta implies it's for C to me.
and cxxflags is just ugly
@aclarke Hmm not me, I remember someone else recommending it. I haven't seen it though
Friend of mine says it's ruined.
Starts pretty good and then just falls apart.
12:37 PM
@Rapptz cxxflags is nice imho
@Rapptz Are you planning to compile C?
in cloth simulation using verlet integration, how does someone effect the "weight" of the cloth?
how about cppflags or c++flags
@corvid s/verlet/velvet/
@LucDanton I'm not prohibiting it or anything.
12:38 PM
verlet :L
How awful.
@jalf what's this one?
@LucDanton :(
oooo - 97% rating on rotten tomatoes for citizen four. Docu/drama?
Documentary about Edward Snowden/NSA stuff
12:41 PM
ohh yeah - Looks intense.
CPPFLAGS is preprocessor flags so it's funnier
@aclarke yeah, I highly recommend it
My boy is all into confused stories of the Illuminati and all that sort of crap - not sure if it would be hilarious or a disaster to take him!
imma just stick with flags and link_flags
life's hard
@Rapptz he graduated to real life?
12:46 PM
seems so
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is it true that Eigen multidimensional arrays can't be copied?
A quick google says no but this question seems to think so.
@Rapptz They totally can :.
Oh. There might be some VS suxxoring bullshit.
Everything it says there about Eigen is a blatant lie.
A: How to assign / copy a Boost::multi_array

Kirill V. LyadvinskyYou should resize m_f before assigning. It could look like in the following sample: void set_f(boost::multi_array<short, 2> &f) { std::vector<size_t> ex; const size_t* shape = f.shape(); ex.assign( shape, shape+f.num_dimensions() ); m_f.resize( ex ); m_f = f; } May be there...

yay infinite loop
Boost.MultiArray sucks :|
12:52 PM
yeah I saw that..
Boost multi array sucks?
Why? O.o
see the answer
See above.
Nothing works Q_Q
is there something that works well for multi-dimensional containers?
My coworkers sure like to pump up the heating.
@TheForestAndTheTrees Oh, my "Nothing works" was not meant in that context.
12:59 PM
From what I've read Eigen is the nicest thing for that.
@Tirth By posting that here people will just downvote you btw.
@Rapptz why?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah OK. I'd be stuck with VS if I did use Boost anyway, so I guess I'm out of luck :u

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