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@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I attended a C++ seminar a year (or was it two?) ago. My teacher took 5 points off for not having a free in the destructor - I didn't allocate anything on the heap.
I hope I get an interview at bristol
@R.MartinhoFernandes tall shoes
@MartinJames how tall, btw? :p
@MartinJames yeah the hardest part was match making in timed triggers. (No user interaction) No team can play more than once in one day and can't play against the same team more than once
@R.MartinhoFernandes Eat more and get very fat. That will make you stand out too.
I can attest that he is quite tall
@R.MartinhoFernandes no you can't. you're short
@jalf also, most people are pretty horrible programmers. They still come interview of course.
@Martin I see you want both options ;P
Interviewsing is oh so very expensive -_-
11 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
BTW, do "compilation" testcases make sense?
@jalf 1.9m
Tall, not across:)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yep. That's why there's the initial culling pass of "what have you done that differentiates you?". It's a kind of fizzbuzz for your CV I guess :p
@R.MartinhoFernandes :((
@MartinJames pf, you need to apply for a job here so I can interview you then. I'm 1.93 :D
@MartinJames can I get a translation please!
@BartekBanachewicz of course.
Largest penguin in the world
@jalf I was asked "rate your C++ from 1 to 10" today
@BartekBanachewicz Yikes, what did you answer?
@BartekBanachewicz in binary? Definitely 10
@jalf my answer was "what is 10?"
@jalf translation X(
@jalf No thanks, I have enough crappy work to do already:)
oopsie sorry Andy. I'm slightly tipsy.
@thecoshman 6'4 or so, as far as I can figure out
@BartekBanachewicz lol, good for you ;) No problem.
@jalf oh, a bit taller than me
6' I am
@DeadMG tiss a fine height sir o_-
2'. the rest is hands
Lounge<Tall People>
@BartekBanachewicz the correct answer imo is: "My productivity level in CPP from 1 to 10 is X. As for my knowledge I know a lot of quirks in the language but I'm sure it contains many more"
I'd usually go with about 8-9
@BartoszKP lazy
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ are you this bad IRL?
where I'm weaker is teamwork and communcations
@BenjaminGruenbaum well I said that "I know how to use C++. As for creating C++ (in libraries), still a lot to learn, but then again noone knows it fully."
I'm confident there is not one person on earth you can't find a really strange corner case he'll make a mistake in. Maybe one, no more than 5 anyway.
do you really don't know this common anecdote/evaluation about "rate your c++ from 1 to 10"?
stuff like merging my work with others isn't something I have much experience with
I should'a just gone with 6'3". I assumed everyone here had been metricalized.
> The indie community believes that what people really want is experimental games with heart and a unique visual sensibility. And puzzle platformers. And roguelikes.
@DeadMG really? never saw that coming
Holy tits that is so spot-on.
@Thecosh what kind of bad?
@R.MartinhoFernandes this sort of shit
@EtiennedeMartel since macro harvest is unlikely to kick off (for me), we could make a lounge roguelike
@MartinJames white imperial power!
@BartekBanachewicz What the fuck is macro harvest? Is it like Harvest Moon?
@thecoshman Never had an opportunity to do or work otherwise, so it's hard to suggest that I should be better at it.
A rogue's gallery.
@BartekBanachewicz on second thought, I'd probably say: "I'm very productive with CPP, my productivity level is 10 (note: maybe yours, not mine). I've worked on projects such as X and Y and Z that demonstrate different things in the language. If you'd like - I'd love to discuss these projects with you. I'm also very interested in the language and follow changes closely." or something like that.
What sort of shit?
Also, we have a resident roguelike expert in @R.MartinhoFernandes.
@EtiennedeMartel macro harvest was a plan to make harvest "enterprise". A lot of database stuff I dived into and had to go out and take a big breath
im using mobile btw.
@BartekBanachewicz So, not like Harvest Moon?
@thecoshman Didn't contain any useful experience here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes terrible terrible puns
we did a team project and I passed it
@EtiennedeMartel naah, not really. Think smaller-scale MMORTS.
but frankly, it was so primitive I doubt how much it reflects real-world teamwork.
bash is kinda stupid imho
@DeadMG teamwork is an acquired skill, you work on improving it.
for example, not using source control.
esac and fi are much more difficult to read than end
For a typical lounger, I'd probably try to describe it in terms of which corners of C++ I don't know. It'll be fairly esoteric stuff that no one is really expected to know, and it underlines that "yes, this guy knows all the important stuff"
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's great, now if you could just take your head off your ass, perhaps we can continue with the quick questions.
it's hard to gain experience merging when your team won't use source control.
@DeadMG I had psychology class in College because they say programmers are pretty bad at it
@Ell Use Perl.
OK guys..... time to go.....
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix reverse psychology, and you fell for it. They just wanted to draw programmers into their class :p
@thecoshman I think the #1 mistake people make is being humble in interviews.
@jalf they forced us
Time to sleep... See you guys later... :)
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Sure - what could be more useful when you spend all your working life trying to get machinery to work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum perhaps. but then #2 is being annoying
@rightfold as my shell?
Z shell.
Team projects at university were always terrible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I also mentioned language mailing lists.
@MartinJames I heard it was a decision made by major employers in the city... people complaining that programmers can't work with others.
hey all
and the other team members bugged me for stuff the documentation explained clearly
People assumed that I should take a leading role because I was more skilled and I am a terrible leader.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not for me. Well, not because of teammates at least, because I could pick pretty much everyone.
@jalf Why not force the psychologists and social scientists to do software, after all, they're pretty bad at it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ow.
@BartekBanachewicz Erm, you can't make a MMO easier to make just by making it "smaller scale".
Well I am a terrible leader too but I sometimes like to think otherwise.
@EtiennedeMartel like a single player first
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Meh - what a load of horseshit.
@thecoshman #2 is arguing with you about the requirements. People who do this surprise me. I hope you get I'd never talk using the "I'm awesome" terminology in the real world outside of an interview - mainly because I don't think I'm that good. This is interview speak though.
@BartekBanachewicz that's good I think.
"I can't work well with programmers. Clearly it is the programmers that will have to change"
@thecoshman yep, the good interviewee is neither humble nor annoying :p
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Doesn't say much about scale. Skyrim is single player, remember.
I like to think my best role in a team is the vizir.
@EtiennedeMartel it would require more elaborate explanation on my part. Which I'd be happy to provide on voicecom (because I can tell it to you in 5 minutes or write for next 3 hours)
@BartekBanachewicz I'm currently at work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes the skinny evil guy with a goatee who's almost by definition plotting to overthrow the sultan?
@jalf Yeah, exactly. Either that, or they're clueless morons who have no idea of what we have to do to get stuff working.
@jalf But he's a trusted advisor!
our gaming clan is called Sultans of Swing BTW
@EtiennedeMartel single player is probably already a 1000 times easier to make correctly, then yes, I'd say a text based rpg would be a nice start
hm, I need 5 rep
@Xeo what for?
@R.MartinhoFernandes but he's evil!
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Not at all. Networking is hard, sure, but single player means you're gonna need AI to replace the missing human players, and AI is also hard as shit.
@TemplateRex 65535
@Xeo -1
@EtiennedeMartel you can simplify AI though
If I get into bristol my team project will be an autonomous robot which does circuit analysis. Woo!
Space Invaders didn't need complex AI. But even the simplest multiplayer game needs robust net code
hm, I completely forgot to celebrate 2^14 last month then
@EtiennedeMartel multiplayer needs not only robust net code but also a way to interpolate things to minimize the effect of lag for exemple
@jalf Heh - yes. Reminds me of all those SO questions from devs who think that they can stream video with a few lines of code.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Yes, but you can hire an expert for that and you're done. Single player games require more content, which means more stuff to test.
@EtiennedeMartel again, depends on the game
hey there. has anyone an idea about minecraft bukkit servers?
@jalf Which is exactly the point I'm trying to make.
I have a MMO-Pong and most of the code is on the network part
There are only so many tetraminoes.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Yes, but that's because it's Pong.
@R.MartinhoFernandes gigady
@T_01 Bukkit? Sounds like bukkake.
so not?
What's gigady?
Plasma Pong was awesome
@TemplateRex @room is posting questions you've just answered acceptable here?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, if 2^16 rep-whoring is, then why not? ;-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes deep :S
@EtiennedeMartel yes but any rpg can be quite complex, but you have things like terraria were most things are generated
@BenjaminGruenbaum if it's interesting and not repwhoring ;0 even the latter is accepted from established users from what I've seen : )
Ok the, just asking.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix An RPG is usually a butt ton of content with a very simple engine.
If we banned repwhoring, @LightnessRacesinOrbit would have nothing to do
(Come to think of it, most game engines are simple)
Roses of Gigady
@BenjaminGruenbaum you have a point, otoh, it was a question that had been open for several hours, took me quite a while to figure it out, no good answer so far (not even by Daniel Frey) and by now nobody will probably look at it anyway
@thecoshman dunno if cp can compress. rsync with -z option enables compression.
@EtiennedeMartel but I get what you mean. I'm not arguing that RPG is easy to do.
@TemplateRex I upvoted your answer. I was asking about room conduct. It's an interesting question/answer.
That's enough for us :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum the most acceptable form of room-posting is wrong answer by Vlad for downvoting ;-)
apparently we gonna create a whole new minecraft world
Anyway. Engines are easy to write because it's just code. Games are hard because you need to deal with artists, and they have the worst work ethic in the history of bad work ethic.
so if you want to have a pretty nice minecraft experience plink me (we've been doing this stuff as a community for years already)
@TemplateRex Vlad is like Jesus. He unites us alll.
@EtiennedeMartel define bad work ethic?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Vlad will participate in the Special Olympics later this week
Shooting people in the elevator
In Vlad we trust
That's bad work ethic
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Lack of discipline, amongst other things.
@TemplateRex well, he has already won my heart.
I may be the only Lounger who has never downvoted Vlad, (I'm too busy laughing).
@BenjaminGruenbaum for what?
As if programmers had discipline
@TemplateRex being special.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Says the one guy here who gets shit done.
@MartinJames rly?
@ScottW He's a piece of robot shit.
I got shit done too
@MartinJames I am too :P
it was lame but I did
Lightness especially is riding him pretty hard
I won a fucking t-shirt!
minicraft renderered cubes and shit
room topic changed to Lounge<Shit>: Come get a piece of us. [c++] [nightmares] [no-tag-policy]
: D
(Now I'm just baiting the mods)
@ScottW as you mentioned it - it's new, so a bit itchy ; )
some mods are really annoying, especially the ones removing comments
@EtiennedeMartel you could have set Lounge<Bukkake>
: D
I have no hands
I would delete the whole internet if they did
@StackedCrooked I think that answers your question then
Do nipples count?
No, they're not intelligent
@CatPlusPlus are you assuming that calculators are intelligent?
I don't like where this is going.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix that only required an implication, not equivalence
@R.MartinhoFernandes Only when they're in salad.
It gets hairy when you get to 3
Or when you stop at 1
It gets furry when you get to 3
@ScottW I see you got a few tricks up your sleeve.
106 warnings and 1019 errors generated. go me!
@ge0rges gtfo
@Ell OK, now go put the one missing bracket in.
2 messages moved to bin
Is there something I missed?
we're not interested in completely unrelated and dumped questions
@ge0rges don't come here to post your question multiple time and expect an answer if you don't even say a word
@MartinJames This is my auto-generated code :') and I thought writing a parser generator would be quicker
@Xeo He's been dumping his questions in every damn room. Fair enough.
@Xeo I didn't even recognise that as a dump. I assumed a regular lounger had linked it. I didn't find it funny, and now I know why.
@EtiennedeMartel oh, that should've warranted a spam flag then
@MartinJames hah. It turns out I am missing an end } (amongst 1000+ other things)
but I don't know how to check where it is quickly :L
I wonder if I can jump to end brace in vim
@EtiennedeMartel Meh, as I said before I haven't played that many roguelikes. I have played more NetHack than is healthy, but that's it.
@ScottW more interesting question: how many rightfolds does it take to complete a program?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, you're an expert, and as such any failure on our part shall be blamed on you.
@ScottW Dunno. Zoidberg tried to work it out, but never arrived at a figure.
@Xeo how many rightfolds does it take to make a program right?
I also installed this play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tbd.NetHack recently. Hope the interface is horrible so I don't get to like it.
@BartoszKP One, but the time it takes is indeterminate.
@ScottW browse through other cards - I bet you'll like them : D
Also, I forgot my tea in the other room.\
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh yeah, the infamous rightfold machine
@ScottW rightfolds can reproduce?
There are no rightfoldettes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes rightfold is eternally single.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I assumed they just got bigger, then binary chop.
but what about leftfolds?
opposites attract each other, right?
@EtiennedeMartel so he even sucks in terms of choosing a design pattern for himself ;00
@BartoszKP 'design pattern' what
@R.MartinhoFernandes I love how programmers lie to themselves - it can be very convincing :D
Maybe anti-rightfold exists
"Look at my OOP design, I put my global in a global so I don't have a global anymore"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sup dawg.
@BenjaminGruenbaum totally
I see the Lounge is busy
He can't even defend himself.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's fixing the symptoms :|
@rightfold come defend yourself
@MartinJames please lets not get into reproduction until I can actually pay my rent without a hassle
@TonyTheLion What?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Symptoms: That internet guy told me I should have more classes and OOP because it's more productive.
makes me uneasy for some reason
Fixing the problem involves shooting
@R.MartinhoFernandes <sparkles>Enterprise</sparkles>
I am working on my website so I didn’t follow, sorry.
I'm tired today.
5 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
@R.MartinhoFernandes rightfold is eternally single.
@R.MartinhoFernandes same
@R.MartinhoFernandes plug in vOv
a sample
@ScottW sup scott, you writing something fun lately?
I'm actually not tired
I am pretty relaxed
Snuff + Beer + FTL
Have you seen the videos of Uncle Bob Martin "refactoring" a horrible piece of java code to an even more horrible piece of java code ?
best combo EUNE
Clearly that guy knows his shit.
@TonyTheLion I know and I don’t mind.
It seems there's no one else home.
I wanted to play backgammon or something.
@BartekBanachewicz what is FTL? And doesn't snuff ruin your nostrils?
I blame my leg for denying me sleep
Now I'll just sit here and watch you guys.
@Ell Faster Than Light indie roguelike. it's a) still less harmful than smoking b) you really have to take a lot to start noticing negative effects on your nostrils. If you're not used to it you'll pass out before you start bleeding (I know it sounds scary, but it really takes a fucking lot)
23 mins ago, by Scott W
everyone is a piece of shit
baby that's not very nice
So no one knows non-GPL tensor libraries without arbitrary limitations, specifically, the number of dimensions?
I don't want to implement that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll ask a friend
3 dimensions should be enough for everybody.
My boss already shopped around, but didn't find anything interesting.
@ScottW still
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not really bothered that it affects oneself negatively - I'm against smoking in public/with children/etc. because it can cause a lot of harm indirectly. But otherwise do what you want to yourself. I just wondered if it caused you to lose sense of smell or something
That's why I have a spec on my desk.
@Ell oh no not at all. Usual negative effects are dizzyness, headache, bleeding and a lot of sneezing, obviously.
It seems so wrong that no good stuff like this exists.
what do you need limitless dimensionality for?
1019 -> 954 errors woo! I'm on my way.
For tensors of arbitrary dimensions.
very specific
@Xeo assuming that's a real question: think of a sequence as a limitless tuple. You now need 'limitless dimensionality' for proving anything that involves a sequence.
@Ell but if you know when to stop and just take a sniff or two, it doesn't have any noticeable negative effects. You just get nicotine in seconds straight into your bloodstream, and it itself isn't dangerous. It's also less likely to make you addicted, though obviously you should use responsibly, as with anything
@Xeo also, polynomials have limitless dimensionality so there's that.
if I manage to be at Lounge meetup, I'll bring you some Polish snuff
@Xeo For maths and shit :P
it's really, really good.
@R.MartinhoFernandes even more specific!
smoking kills your tastebuds
and I have tasted snuff from pretty much all parts of the world already
source: personal experience
@TonyTheLion s/ y.*//
@BartekBanachewicz Cool :) I best start learning German if I want to be able to get to one of these lounge meetups
smoking is inferior in pretty much every accept to snuff
@Ell Na klar.
I don't know the algorithms. We need it to do some kind of processing with our data.
But my German is so terrible I won't even try to use it, prolly
which is sad as hell
@BartekBanachewicz practice then
meh, fuck German. English all day, every day
@BartekBanachewicz I've never smoked before. I can't imagine what it'd taste like
@Xeo German is cool. And I love your accent
@BartekBanachewicz no what is sad was my first days in russia when I only could speak a few words
the vodka made it fun though
when you accidentally a few words?
@Ell My friends who smoke a lot were kinda shocked after trying snuff. It's really a totally different experience
@Ell The number of professional Germans who don't have reasonable English is less than the number of completed rightfold projects.
You're wrong.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've never met any.

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