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@StackedCrooked thought you love anime artwork because of this NSFW
@not-sehe I have no such doubts.
@Xeo If only it was. It now shows a very different image. (NSFW!) Sigh. I have flagged for a mod to delete it.
@sbi Wow. That's a powerful message. Very NSFW
Of course, I'm at work and found it.
@not-sehe I absolutely did not post that. Sigh.
Good to know. It's hilarious though. I might screenshot it for future black mailing :/
@jalf Uh. What?
Anyways, it could be worse :)
One of my friends used to send me pictures of naked men to my work email address & the place I worked for had open plan office & I was situated near the kitchen. She never warned about the pictures. I opened those emails and wahlla!
@not-sehe Not that I think this shows anything bad, but, remember, this server runs in Merkia.
@sbi If I click it, it says the DNS points to a prohibited ip.
@sbi imgur IDs get reused.
@StackedCrooked If I click on it I get a giant vulva on my screen.
17 hours ago, by jalf
> Resizable C++ Project Properties Window.
@sbi My point. It's bad for Europeans at work too. And at home.
@BartekBanachewicz lol, rather it's about time I go study something serious rather than answering simple questions. Otherwise I'll never fit in the Lounge
@R.MartinhoFernandes OOOOOOOOHHHH
@sbi I didn't have to click on it. I got the giant vulva oneboxed in chat o.O
@AndyProwl we hang here all day answering simple questions.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 That's not NSFW :) (Maybe the pictures around this though..)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do they? That seems surprising enough in it self. But within, what?, 10mins? I doubt it.
@not-sehe o_0
@StackedCrooked NFFW (Not fit for work)
@not-sehe Well, the one I get when clicking is a bit more giant even.
@StackedCrooked I think the general theme starts to make it a bit odd for work though
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but in the meanwhile you guys do some serious stuff. It's time for me to try and do the same
@not-sehe But I have the day off. Checkmate!
@not-sehe Not Fit For Work is something else.
@sbi "Doctor when I click my vulva it gets so big" - Well, then, don't click it :/
@AndyProwl You seem to have very weird definition of "serious". Anyway I'd love to see you work on something opensource :3
@not-sehe I don't have one.
@sbi I'm not sure. I might have known that. But you'll never know :)
@StackedCrooked I told her to stop and she did, what WTF was she thinking?????????
@sbi I believe that makes your vulva getting big all the more worrying
@BartekBanachewicz I'd love to work on something opensource, I'm just not good enough yet
I need to learn more stuff
@thecoshman Of course you'd believe that. But then we didn't expect any less from you.
@AndyProwl Just start trying to help out with something, it is a great way to learn
@sbi ?
@AndyProwl that's not true. like, at all. I can't C++, but I think some of the things I wrote make a bit of sense. You can C++
@thecoshman Perhaps you're right. I've never worked on an open source project. No idea how the whole thing works
@Gordon hey! we got flagged again?
@AndyProwl first thing to decide: join something existing or roll your own.
@AndyProwl take a copy of the code, make an improvement, offer said improvement back
> The most British leaflet ever. pic.twitter.com/4Ai3qRgNsKJason Kent
@thecoshman 4. Profit.
@BartekBanachewicz I can pretend I can :D This week I started writing my own range library and I already see how much it sucks
@AndyProwl so, have you put it online already?
@thecoshman But what if I fuck up? Like, introduce some UB? Won't everybody suffer from that?
@BartekBanachewicz No, I'm horribly ashamed
It would reveal how much I can't C++ :D
There's some serious fuckup going on with images today.
Tsk. This worked.
@AndyProwl Everyone is ashamed of their code, that's the first step. Putting it online is the greatest way to see problems with it and improve the code and thus yourself.
C++:D, is that something akin to C++/CX etc.?
@sbi Another vulva?
It will be. In an hour or so
sbi's really into vulvas today.
@not-sehe lol
@StackedCrooked Not wholly, though. I'm too big.
@AndyProwl you offer changes back, they may not be taken. usually people will check it first.
@AndyProwl in theory the Pull Request (Change request) should be revieved by the repo owner. Of course bugs are sometimes introduced, but that's akin to normal, commercial development.
@not-sehe C++D:
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not when I click on it. But it didn't onebox for me. The one I posted about this worked, though.
@thecoshman Ok, that sounds safe then
Ah, some mod reacted to my flag and removed that pic. Phew.
@AndyProwl like @BartekBanachewicz said, having your code public is a great way to get it reviewed
@BartekBanachewicz I guess you're right. I will put it online then. But with the only purpose of being taught how to stop sucking
@thecoshman Indeed. What I'm afraid of is that the review will be something like "trash this shit"
@AndyProwl you gotta get used to the internet. If something says "trash" without a reason, the comment is trash itself.
@AndyProwl if it is, it's probably not a community you want to be part of.
@BartekBanachewicz Right, I guess I can't avoid that
and you do need to man up. people will very blunt with you. If you made a mistake, or something can be done better, you will told directly "don't do X do Y". Hopefully you can get a reason easy enough.
@thecoshman True. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I usually don't share stuff that I think is not finished or badly done (which is almost always the case, btw). I rather try to study the subject until I know how to make it right, and then do it. But I see that might be just fear of criticism, and sharing since the beginning is a more effective way of learning
just got moved into a new office. I have windows :D
You can't be a perfectionist in this industry.
@Aboutblank A device that allows one to see through walls!
It's not doable.
@R.MartinhoFernandes quickly close the shades. must not let any sunlight through
:lol: AV scan flagged outputs of my Brainfuck compiler as trojans.
I've recently taken to call "device" to too many things.
I just realized I failed this school year. :D
@CatPlusPlus I'm aware of that. But it's hard to change attitude
@AndyProwl Change the definition of "perfect".
If it lacks flaws, it's flawed.
Now you can be a perfectionist.
> having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be
@AndyProwl you will never be done or right. And realising that is the only way to get better. You have to open your self up to review. It's the only way to improve what you produce
Also I have 16M files.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Reminds me of this
Change the required and desirable elements, qualities, and characteristics!
@CatPlusPlus Weakling.
@rightfold well, now you can move on
@thecoshman Makes sense. I shall do that
@AndyProwl consider you have 1470 answers on Stackoverflow, I would have to conclude your standard for perfection is pretty low :p
@thecoshman finally!
try school(); finally work();
@Telkitty猫咪咪 simple answers are easy to write perfectly ;)
(or acceptably well)
@AndyProwl do so. and send on a link to your <code host of choice> profile once you have something we can rip to pieces :P
@AndyProwl and you are so agreeable, it is scary :x
@AndyProwl >toot<
@not-sehe I have to admit I don’t know why my parser cannot be returned by value while your CliOptions parser can
@thecoshman Right, I will. So I'll put my stuff on github
or bitbucket or whatever
<Insert Fanfares Here>
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmm, nope. Let me know if it's good :)
Colleague 1: "There appears to be a problem with the [..] group-box. I am finding that it does not update as [..]."
Colleague 2: "Are you saying the graph is not getting updated?"
@not-sehe Never mind, it’s the locals … which I can remove …
Are you a dictator of a small island or something?
@jalf I will. Do you mind if I ask how many board games you own? How do you guys do it: do you pool money together and buy them as a group, or what?
@StackedCrooked Plot twist: it's a big island.
fuck me, the compilation time is too damn high!
@R.MartinhoFernandes anyway it's still a PITA that C++ project options aren't opened in a tab, just like C# :/
@BartekBanachewicz But resizable!
That's very cool the window scales now, but it looks to me like improving something that's simply broken and badly designed.
@BartekBanachewicz Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I only have a few. 4, I think (maybe twice that if you count expansions for those games). And for the most part, it is completely disorganized. Someone finds a game they like the sound of, and just go ahead and buy it (or occasionally a few of us pool our money to buy one as a birthday present for another in the group)
@R.MartinhoFernandes meh. I don't know what I expected, but right now I am still falling towards vim
I think the only game we've actually bought as a group is Descent. I guess because we have a fixed 5-man group for playing that. With the other games, it's just whoever is free that day and whoever the host feels like inviting
@jalf So I guess that means Descent is a good one?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Depends on your tastes. Mostly, it's just big and sprawling and epic, and long-form, and best played as a long-form campaign, which kind of implies fixed players and fixed characters
it is a lot of fun though
Electricity is such an unclean fuel!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@KonradRudolph time is high!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And the caption, "Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel on the planet", sort of implies electricity is a fossil fuel.
Take something like D&D and remove all the fluffy roleplaying and storytelling, and replace the DM with an evil overlord player whose express goal is simply to kill the heroes, by spawning monsters or placing traps throughout the dungeon
> The most irresistible global bull market of the next 10 years could flatten the oil barons and create a new dynasty
@not-sehe so am I.
Ik mis 28 studiepunten!
Which means that the heroes are constantly under serious time pressure as the longer they stall, the more time they're giving the overlord to turn the dungeon into a death trap. Gives it kind of a SWAT team feel I guess. :D
@rightfold Ouch. Heb je afscheid van ze moeten nemen? Is 28 studiepunten niet zo'n beetje het totaal haalbare in een jaar?
@not-sehe Wel, ik heb ze nooit ontmoet.
English, motherfuckers
Does it matter?
@not-sehe 60 is total.
Shout louder.
It works!
I got only 32 so-far.
@rightfold Ah. That changed then
@jalf Hmm, sounds really cool. One of use probably has it (the sort of dude that counts the number of games he owns with three digits) but I am not sure if we could get a fixed group for a long-running thing.
60 = propedeuse.
48 = ++year.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it can be played as individual quests too
@R.MartinhoFernandes loving the ambiguity there: counting with digits. I can count the games own on three fingers alright
@BartekBanachewicz Well, I did not notice other people were doing it as well
it's the kind of game where a single session takes most of the day though (at least for us because we tend to talk and bicker a lot, and just having the four hero players agree on who should go first this turn (never mind which actions that hero should take) can take a while :p
@rightfold cough, better change propedeuse to sophomore or something quick, or the thought control will retaliate
No. :<
I didn't think so.
@not-kbok derp, too many of it
Now I have to tell my parents and they'll kill me. :lol:
Maybe I should rent an apartment.
@rightfold wait, you've failed the year?
you won't die, you will just suffer
@BartekBanachewicz Jawohl!
@rightfold brohug. I still have hopes.
ITT Rightfold sucks
I have hopes too.
I didn't have them, but now I do.
const A = square(b)
const B = square(b)
hopes of not failing this semester, that is
Hopes for a better life.
I don't want to be stuck here any longer than necessary :/
A == B ? idiot: idiot
also new "off topic" close category is retarded
We have new lighting at my job where you can choose the color with a remote control.
how the fuck "no idea what OP is doing" is "offtopic"
There should be only three close reasons:
1) Duplicate.
2) Needs migration.
3) Terrible question.
@rightfold Perfect for productivity.
@BartekBanachewicz there is an option called "unclear what you are asking"
Clic clic clic clic - All day long
> Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. <- that's Offtopic
@JBL It has a disco mode that chooses a random color each quarter of a second.
@rightfold We need that here too :<
Hmm. The assembler goes completely crazy when I compile Boost.Spirit code. Shouldn’t it rather be the parser component? Why the heavy CPU load on the assembler?
@BartekBanachewicz yeah I'm not sure what they were doing. its so much more convoluted now
@KonradRudolph Presumably at the end of the day some code has to be generated.
@not-TonyTheLion Samsung has that.
@KonradRudolph Maybe gazillions of instructions.
@LucDanton Well sure. I’m not well versed in the GCC architecture but the name as implies that this tool merely produces assembly from the intermediate representation – shouldn’t the complex code-gen stuff caused by templates already been resolved by then?
@Gordon I have this fantasy when I look at the cat in my avatar: I feel like to shave her fur off (in summer of course) and make a cat cashmere jumper out of it. Is it wrong in Stackoverflow standard?
@AndyProwl IMO BB is better, unless you want a wiki and/or bug tracker with sensible access control
actually, yes. My executable is 17 MB!
for a tiny toy parser example

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