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it's a hidden secret that c++ has always supported non-static member initializers. but only for the case where the initializer is a "0" and you used the "virtual" keyword
@EtiennedeMartel waiting for the book :)
@JohannesSchaub-litb I think he was talking about `hello` // std::string
@MooingDuck ohh
i just made it up
what about
std::string hello std::string
that even makes the intent much clearer
what about "hello"_s
and would be vendor neutral.
QString hello QString
What about "hello"s
Is it in C++14?
i think there was an ambiguity between "seconds" and "string" with that "s" ?
Screw seconds.
std::string is used more frequently than seconds.
@JohannesSchaub-litb No.
They said they'd know from context
(i.e. integral type or string literal)
std::string is slow and sucks.
You think everything sucks.
I don't
const char* is horrible.
and rope, string_ref are not
posted on June 28, 2013 by Stephan T. Lavavej - MSFT

I'm Stephan T. Lavavej, and for the last six and a half years I've been working with Dinkumware to maintain the C++ Standard Library implementation in Visual C++.  It's been a while since my last VCBlog post, because getting our latest batch of changes ready to ship has kept me very busy, but now I have time to write up what we've done!   If you missed the announcement, you can dow

@Rapptz I mean "I don't think that I suck".
Oh great, I spent 7 months drinking my own piss (so did you!)
Vim + ctags = orgasm.
Quantum mechanics is the body of scientific principles that explains the behaviour of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles and how these phenomena could be related to everyday life (see: Schrodinger's cat). Classical physics explains matter and energy at the macroscopic level of the scale familiar to human experience, including the behaviour of astronomical bodies. It remains the key to measurement for much of modern science and technology. On the other hand, at the end of the 19th century scientists discovered phenomena in both the larg...
I'm reading this
@thecoshman awesome
@CaptainGiraffe even the comments have interesting insights.
can I stop git from ignoring obj files? I removed the *.obj from my .gitignore, but it still ignores my (WaveFront) obj file. I know I can --force, but I want it to see future .obj files on its own :/
Commit the .gitignore and you should be fine. o.0
I did :/
it doesn't show up on git status?
Maybe you have a .git/info/exclude or global settings that's ignoring it?
Q: which gitignore rule is ignoring my file

Carlos CampderrósIs there any way to see why some file is getting ignored by git (i.e. which rule in a .gitignore file is causing the file to be ignored)? Imagine I have this (or a much more complex scenario, with hundreds of folders and tens of .gitignore files: / -.gitignore -folder/ -.gitignore -subf...

TIL: aggregates cannot be copy-constructed with uniform initialization syntax
@Collin Impressive.
@Rapptz nope.
@Rapptz Awesome to see it go from "idea -> hack -> patch -> merged -> released" all in one post
@Collin .git/info/exclude is empty :/
check your user and global settings as well
Someone close this
I forget where they are on windows
@Rapptz It's still bothering you?
what's wrong with it?
@ThePhD Yeah. I don't like it.
@Collin ? where are those :D :/
@Collin It's a dupe. IMO.
Does anyone know if Google Maps show real-time image?
No. It doesn't.
@Rapptz It's definitely not a dupe of that question
Is there anyway I can see a real time image? Does any website offer that?
@AshKetchum not even close
@MooingDuck It's either that or opinion based. Still, needs to die.
@AshKetchum no, public satellites only cover like 1% of the earth at a time
I found one
and obj is ALL it contains >_>
@Rapptz It might qualify as opinion based, but I would disagree. There's rules of thumb that are good to know. Like "how big should a buffer be when buffering files" has an answer of "OS page size/4k on most systems".
Yeah.. other than the fact it isn't what the question is asking. Only what the answer happened to provide.
So Google Earth and all that is bogus?
It's a snapshot dude, what you're asking for is impossible and down right creepy.
@Rapptz the question (implicitly) asks when and how often to flush
@AshKetchum no it's not bogus. You just completely misunderstood what google earth is
Its not creepy, I am actually trying to see if there are people in a basketball court near me but I don't feel like driving all the way there.
@AshKetchum Did you somehow think google earth was realtime?
No, but I thought I might as well try, maybe the image it shows would be somewhat recent.
Recent as in minutes? hours?
so I've looked at all the .gitignores and excludes..still no luck
minutes, but then again, I don't know much about Google Earth and how the images are shown, so yeah.
In my area I think they update every few months
at best weeks
what the heck
Renting a satellite to take pictures isn't cheap
Google is so huge, perhaps it should consider launching its own satellite.
@AshKetchum quick search says approx every 3 years
@AshKetchum and what would that solve? One satellite to track realtime imagery of the entire Earth?
Well, I want to see who is there now, not who was there 3 years ago. Oh well.
@MooingDuck Oh wow I severely overestimated how often they update
To get the resolution Google Earth requires, each satellite can only scan a tiny strip of the Earth at any one time. It certainly won't capture the entire hemisphere that's facing it
@jalf Doesn't have to be real-time. Perhaps the satellite just moves around the Earth and keeps updating every 24 hours. Better to have the image updated once a day than once in three years.
@AshKetchum you are still severely overestimating how much those high res satellites can cover.
@AshKetchum but again, in each orbit, it'll only capture a tiny thin strip of the planet
Which idiot says Science & Technology have advanced?!
it needs to do a lot of orbits to capture the entire planet (and that is assuming the satellite has nothing else to do and it's never cloudy or anything)
@AshKetchum the idiots who put men on the moon, a nuclear-powered laser-firing robot on mars, a supercomputer in your pocket and Satellite imagery of the planet on your PC?
@AshKetchum to get those high-res pictures they can only take incredibly narrow photographs.
@AshKetchum The thing about science is that it is not magic.
oh hey, wikipedia says teh high-res for cities is done via airplanes not satellites.
@AshKetchum you get free satellite/airplane maps, and you complain that they are not updated often enough?
What I am trying to say is that what I talking about (24 hour update satellite imagery), that must be possible if we can do in three years. If it can be done per three years, it must be possible to narrow down that timeframe.
@AshKetchum How do you figure?
^ this
It would be useless to have them if they are from 2010 when we are living in 2013.
@AshKetchum sure can, just have to fly 900 times as many planes
How many satellites and planes are you personally prepared to fund?
@AshKetchum Useless? Really? No one gets any use out of Google Earth as it is?
I'm sorry, but you just graduated from silly to absolutely dumb fuck.
The nice thing about the Earth is that it doesn't really look all that different from year to year. A satellite image from 2010 still shows pretty much the same thing as it would today.
grr. I found all the gitignores everywhere...except the nested one deeper in my repository. blargh.
holy shit my stomach hurts
go see a doctor?
I did, repeatedly
he was of little assistance
That is not what I meant. Wrong choice of words. What I mean is that the usefulness of this feature is severely minimized if the image is from three years ago.
@BartekBanachewicz don't worry - just for you I am syncing my git repo with dropbox~
@AshKetchum Sure. Just like it would be if the image was from three weeks ago
Or three hours ago
because it still wouldn't be realtime
@melak47 <3 dropbox
Well, for it to be realtime, there have to be satellites and live feed 24/7 in all parts of the world which could get nasty installing all that.
it's called Google Earth, not Google What's Up In Your Neighborhood Or Anywhere Right Now
But say if it was updated every hour or two, then it would bring more use.
Bring more use to your lazy ass that can't just get to the park.
but if you have ever used any kind of camera whatsoever, then you might have noticed the zoom setting. It's a little piece of magic which lets you choose whether you want a coarse image of a large area, or an image of a smaller area at a greater resolution and detail level. It is exactly the same for airplanes and satellites. They can snap a picture of an entire hemisphere of the Earth no problem. But then it doesn't show you anything smaller than a mountain.
Or they can zoom in and take a picture of one small neighborhood. But then they won't see the rest of the planet at all
Capturing the entire planet while zoomed in just means you need to take a lot of images, which takes a lot of time (and requires a lot of careful positioning, a lot of orbits, and a lot of satellites)
MathJax is acting funny today.
@jalf in other words, money.
@jalf So does that mean it will never happen?
@AshKetchum The guys who spent millions of dollars on those satellites know more about it than you do.
it's gonna turn out that I have cancer or something
I'm gonna die
@AshKetchum what will never happen? Realtime updates of every part of the Earth?
@DeadMG If it was that I think your doctor wouldve figured it out
Realtime image of every part of earth.
my experience of them is that they are not very diligent or successful
the guy can't even remember what my symptoms are
It means exactly what I said: cameras will have to zoom in in order to get interesting images, and in doing so, they sacrifice how large areas they can cover
maybe one day in the far future there will be a thousand times more planes taking pictures of us from the sky, and then, sure, much faster update rates would be possible
@jalf I'd be kinda paranoid if that was the case
@DeadMG I'm actually scared of stomach cancer too.
for me or for you?
At some point I thought I had chrone's disease (however its spelled) Never got it checked out
@DeadMG Both.
well, I dunno
Whoa! C99 support in VS 2013. Nice.
my doc told me that loads of people have asymptomatic gallstones, then goes and tells me that since the ultrasound found them, gallstones must be the cause
this seems like pretty faulty logic to me
@wilx let's not exaggerate. It's not full C99 support (nor have they made claims to aim for that)
but yeah, they are adding some C99 features
I need to get a second opinion
but what am I gonna do, walk into my local docs and ask to see a different doctor?
@DeadMG walk into a different place and ask to see a doctor?
@DeadMG: Well, it sounds like he is just using his experience. It is likely he is right. :)
@jalf Can't do that on the British system.
> As for defaulted functions, they usually appear in the STL for moves, which (as I explained earlier) is not yet supported by the compiler.
wait what?
heh, "vector<bool>, humanity's eternal nemesis"
Why do they have =delete but not =default?
I think it means functions in the stl that would normally defaulted arent because defaulted moves arent supported by the compiler yet
Do you think your doctor is wrong?
meaning you can default shit but not moves
Be rational now. He has had years of training
@Ell Doctors can be wrong
@Rapptz They do have =default it just doesn't work for move functions.
@Ell doctors are wrong all the time (although not as often as non-doctors, obviously)
I agree, but the likelihood that the patient knows the answer isn't very high
Although I guess getting a second opinion won't cost anything
I thought you do have =default ?
53 secs ago, by DeadMG
@Rapptz They do have =default it just doesn't work for move functions.
@Ell What I know is that the treatment is utterly ineffective and I'm getting worse at a pretty rapid rate.
at this rate, I'm going to have to try putting weight back on.
I have a question.
Do you know why you're getting wrose, though?
We have an answer (maybe)
What is the temperature of the food you consume?
@ThePhD If I did that, I would not be questioning my doctor's logic.
@ThePhD People typically (not always correctly, mind you) associate increased pain as getting worse.
@Rapptz I usually eat cold yoghurt/fruit, hot bacon and eggs, and then some hot normal foods
I never eat cold meat
Do you mix temperature? e.g. hot food with cold drink or hot food with a cold side?
not really
oh, STL, "* std::cin no longer overheats the CPU when you hold down spacebar (xkcd#1172)."
@jalf lol
just before I got sick, I did eat some tinned chili stuff that I think I reheated too many times
so I did consider the possibility of some kind of worm/parasite
@jalf I want to find STL's office. And camp it.
There's usually ways you can find out if you have a parasite.
Can you doctor test for that specifically?
He already mentioned he didn't have bacterium (it was my initial guess too lol)
the usual thing is "There's moving larvae in your faeces" which I definitely checked for and did not find.
and H. Pylori is thoroughly tested for
I thought he might have H. Pylori and a peptic ulcer
for me, the real question has got to be "Why so much worse in the last six months or so"
Maybe there's a hole in his stomach or gut.
I’m worried about what the governments would do if/when they get a hold of asexuality
@Tenev nah, just boost::
If you capture a lambda as template argument, do you use F, F&& (+ forward) or const F&. (All of them seem to work.)
@EtiennedeMartel Lol. What would there be to do?
@Tenev wat?
Don't use printf, go to Stack Overflow, etc.
Dang. I wanted the javascript console open while doing that and I accidentally closed it. :(
@Rapptz what can i use if not printf?
cout<< ? :p
still not working well
i'm such a noob.
@Griwes lmao.
Michigan looks like it's in Canada.
And from atop the highest mountain, Appbintice Rapptz and Binmaster DeadMG faced off, determined to see if once and for all The One True Binmaster could be established, to reign for the remaining ages.
Q: Boost Array - conversion to BYTE

Бай ИванSo i have this: boost::array data_; How do i convert it to normal BYTE/Char buffer or how do i print the data inside without converting it , using printf? How can i compare it with other normal chracter buffer for example "hello". It will be also very helpfull to know how does boost::array wor...

no answer yet
I like the "oops" part. It remainds me of the most perfect "oops" ever that was said in Lost.
Even though C++14 now has decay_t et al, I think I'll still use the hand-rolled Decay.
@ThePhD ?
@Rapptz Just, meh to type traits in general.
Suck less.
I wish they were language features instead.
@ScottW lol
@ThePhD Then wait for Concepts.
@ThePhD Some can be implemented as library features.
template <typename T> get_going( T& item ) where T : is_arithmetic { /* */ } // So beautiful.
template<Arithmetic T> get_going(T& item) { } :S
@Rapptz C++ 17. :D
AKA C++Never.
Is C++14 the concepts lite thing?
I have no idea.
@DeadMG I saw this before.
@Rapptz void get_going(Arithmetic& item){}!
ignore me then
Tee hee.
I wonder if I could create a VM-version of Wide.
@Xeo Is that part of the std::'s consideration just yet?
you could do, I guess
as long as that VM interprets LLVM IR
@Xeo That'd be cool too.
@ThePhD I think so, but in any case, it's something I want
Same as Arithmetic x = get_stuff(); or Iterator it = begin(cont);
@Xeo Me too.
instead of auto
@Xeo Hm. Sounds like a proposal~
Of course, now you have 2 kinds of type declarations.
No, why?
In fact, that basically looks like a static interface.
@Xeo Well, it's like IArtithmetic*, except... compile-time.
At least, that's how I understand what you're showing me.
It's auto with constraints / concepts
Simple as that
How do you declare that?
That is, how do you declare Arithmetic ?
Oh nice we've got a customer.
If Arithmetic is a concept, just that.
Our first customer!
A concept is a refinement of a general template
Oh. I don't know what Arithmetic as a concept would look like.
@rightfold For what?
Whatever you want. Likely "support arithmetic operations", like + etc
@ThePhD I'm going to start a web development company with a friend.
We'll see if it becomes something and if not then oh well.
concept Arithmetic<T>{ T operator+(T const&, T const&); ... } or something
This customer wants a static website so that's an easy start.
What framework? Language? Tightrope
@Xeo Oh, so it's like a fresh type declaration, where concept is like struct and stuff. Ah.
RIP Griwes' brain 1993-2013
I was supposed to be reading about interrupt remapping on Intel chipsets, but I guess I won't get much from reading that now -.-"
> PostgreSQL
> Cons: [to be written]
I wonder why. :)
Hello, World!
@MonadNewb Is your anus bleeding yet?
You are the one that likes it in the ass.
Alright, time to watch Herb's talk.
@Xeo Prepare for him to lie to you.
About initializer_list and stuff.
@Xeo He will tell you they'll fix their C++98 conformance.
@Xeo Spoiler: The MS compiler didnt have ASTs

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