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hmm. I just noticed that I’m calculating a list of … minority reports about some stochastic parameter in my programs. Renamed the folder from backups to minority-report.
@KonradRudolph well done
time to head home, make some food and prolly work on GLDR a bit.
@thecoshman i still have 7 hours left today to do the benchmark :)
@BartekBanachewicz are you going to do it?
but indeed it would be nice to run it on more than one GPU
@thecoshman well I already said I am
I am just wondering if I could run in on my work PC too
@BartekBanachewicz Do you know how to make a grayscale fragment shader that uses a 1 color value?
to check behavior on our GPU
@BartekBanachewicz well, it will give us any of just how bad it is.
@Mikhail yes.
@ " FragColor = vec4(Color, 1.0);\n" ? Is there a separate grayscale painting mode? Like GL_Lumiance?
@Mikhail what's wrong in outputting vec4(Color,Color,Color,1.0)?
Man, changing a 700 line function makes me want to jump off a cliff.
@BartekBanachewicz Nothing wrong with it but it makes me feel like everything is RGBA
OMG! Unforgettable's cancellation last year was, as it turns out, fairly promptly reversed... and season two begins next month. Yay!
@Mikhail well it is RGBA -.-
@Mikhail Because it is! (Is it?)
until you create one channel Framebuffer, that is. (GL_RED)
Oh my, I'm digging out old pearls from the Asylum, and somethings I had almost forgot. This is really good.
@R.MartinhoFernandes last one is amazing
@TonyTheLion haha
I'm going to go home and take a nap
@TonyTheLion you earned it bud :D
@thecoshman sarcasm much?
@TonyTheLion Would would want five kronor anyway.
Not sure, but some people apparently think its worth picking up
@TonyTheLion lol
@BartekBanachewicz The one about use cases?
@TonyTheLion not at all :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes mhm
@TonyTheLion he was watching from the wrong angle
@BartekBanachewicz Just the first one in a series of "I am here to waste everyone's time and I am completely open about it"
@R.MartinhoFernandes hehe. poor fellas there
It is not supposed to be useful.
This is the best.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I enjoyed that show too. How does a cancellation get reversed? Sounds a bit weird, even if welcome.
@MartinJames Medium had it too
@BartekBanachewicz "in vec1 Color;\n" Is giving a syntax parse error. I formerly had it as a 2d sampler, but I wonder why vec1 doesn't work...
There's a vec1?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That appears to be the problem.
if for (...) { // Regular for loop body. } { // the loop condition failed. } else { // a break was encountered. }
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hollywood/TV is just ... strange.
@MartinJames yep
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are those mentions of 'attenuation patterns' a recent thing? Because it rings a bell...
@LucDanton No, not very recent.
Yeah okay.
@Mikhail vec1? Really?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ask yourself
@BartekBanachewicz Probably float, but vec1 makes more sense! I'm not a software guy, I do physics!
@Mikhail You're a physics guy, and apparently you do software.
@Mikhail no, it doesn't make sense at all. float should do. again why not just RGBA?
My chrono test gave me
manual: 3000, 164016
gl    : 0, 153015
A one dimensional vector is just a number, why does it make sense to you?
@Onno A downvote may aid you.
And now I am wondering if I didn't fuck anything
It's no duplicate, the circumstances are different
@Onno how so?
@MartinJames In essence, somebody produces a show. A network buys the rights to it. Cancellation is saying they no longer want to buy those rights. Reversing the cancellation means after due consideration, they decided to continue buying the rights after all.
A. the question referenced doesn't mention anything on the conditions.
In this case, there is the minor added twist that the customer was one part of CBS, and one of the producers was another part of CBS.
who said anything about duplicates?
I didn't
@DeadMG robot voted to close as normal linker shit
that's what the comment says
@BartekBanachewicz um where are your code comments
@JerryCoffin Heh - I wonder what exactly goes on between those steps. I guess it's like Windows - if I want to know how it all works, I have to join M$ and sign an NDA.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit does it need comments? o.O
I was wondering, can a room owner remove other rooms owners privileges?
Well other than results are as above, strange. Manual creation time is 2000, 3000 or 4000
@Jeffrey mhm
@BartekBanachewicz code needs documenting comments, yes
@Jeffrey yes they can.
Anyways, I've already tried to check for most common linker problems that I could find info on on the web. The circumstances do not apply to my question as the conditions that cause them are not present
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well it was a simple benchmark intended to be ran once or twice
@MartinJames Much like you can understand a lot of the internals of Windows without signing an NDA, I think most of it is open enough that you can learn a lot about it -- but it will take quite a bit of time and effort to do so.
@TonyTheLion Even the first one? Let's call him "founder"?
@Jeffrey yes
@EtiennedeMartel Happy "Talk less drink more" day
The system makes no distinction
Welp I've changed system_clock to high_resolution_clock but results are exactly the same
@Jeffrey Yes -- there is no hierarchy among owners (at least none enforced by the system).
I'm the king.
<--- I am King.
(Cue someone unownering me for punishment and to make the point that I am not above anyone)
@TonyTheLion I guess the relevant question would be whether this qualifies as a jungle.
@JerryCoffin It most certainly does.
@JerryCoffin I don't think I'll bother:) Having been screwed over by DRM once, (bought a new PC which refused to play any of my large legally-aquired, full-price-paid DVD collection), I have no inclination to give Hollywood/TV any more of my time/money.
I felt bad
since no one wants to debug my code, I am going to downvote each of you and head home
Ok. Time to unowner you all now and assert my superiority.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
Oh - unown race!
now really I have no idea why it works as it works
I'll just try at home, perhaps under g++.
@MartinJames I can't say I blame you there. I remember when new computers, operating systems, etc., were about adding new capabilities to enable users. Nowadays, most of them seem to be about stopping the users from doing what somebody has decided they shouldn't/can't/don't have a right to.
@BartekBanachewicz I am too lazy to read you post but on Windows this might be fun to try pastebin.com/nnNrQP2h
@Mikhail why would I use something like that?
There's <chrono> dammit
and it's supposed to work
@BartekBanachewicz I am not sure what your problem is but I have had poor success using c++11 chrono/thread on Winodws
@BartekBanachewicz It does work, the robot made a fancy timer out of it
@BartekBanachewicz try TimeSetPeroid(1)
@Mikhail that's not standard C++ either
@BartekBanachewicz So? Just #define and ship your product
@Mikhail :cripes:
@JerryCoffin Yeah:( They shot themselves in the wallet. I immediately stopped buying DVDs and loaded uTorrent.
@BartekBanachewicz IIRC high_resolution_clock in MSVC is not the highest resolution available. IOW what everyone already knew: MSVC sucks.
@Mikhail I am not going to use #define in anything that's going to ship :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes so what is then?
@BartekBanachewicz Fair enough, if you want you can implement code branching at the makefile level?
@BartekBanachewicz Something else crappy. Disclaimer: I am going by memory which may be fuzzy.
@Mikhail no, my code is to compile without any changes at every platform with the biggest percentage I can get
:10182059 get out with macros already
damn these people.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that ain't fun.
As an (important) note, there is a "bug" in the current std::chrono::high_resolution_clock in VS2012 in that it is much, much lower resolution that using QueryPerformanceCounter and doing some math. See: bit.ly/QX86s6Donnie Dec 2 '12 at 5:47
fuck you and your fucking useless crap.
hi people
@QWR you are the C zealot.
I remember your nick
> c rules
What ?
@QWR what @Jeffrey wrote
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe I should write wheels::high_resolution_clock.
yes my word
@BartekBanachewicz C-alot
@R.MartinhoFernandes I betcha boost got that covered
i just prefer it over c++ . nothing more .
@BartekBanachewicz You are including Boost to avoid a #define?
own opinion
You don't know C++.
@QWR that's enough
@Mikhail of course
@QWR What do you need now? That we take down another website for you?
@BartekBanachewicz :-/
@Jeffrey have u got any problem ?
@Mikhail boost works on more systems and compilers you could possibly imagine or "#define"
I dare you to write better timers than it has
@QWR No, I'm sorry. I was just wondering. Please don't punch me :(
@BartekBanachewicz But that means a boost::duration-based interface instead of std::duration :( (this kind of thing is the main reason I shun boost stuffs that made it to C++11)
@R.MartinhoFernandes i just need the results from that one tbh, not concerned about code
@BartekBanachewicz the Windows way for medium precision is to use timeSetPeroid(1);_sleep(10);timeEndPeroid(1);
@BartekBanachewicz Sorry, I can't make sense of that sentence :S
@Mikhail fuck windows
@Jeffrey i really cant get you guys . since when havving opeinion became big deal . even not wrote hi . got did u say so and so
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was writing a benchmark, and I don't care about the type, I need the numbers. Sure, I could use Windows only code, but in the rare occasion that will require running it on linux drivers I don't want to rewrite it.
@BartekBanachewicz Which was it, in the end?
What is going on this time.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit MSVS suckage
@BartekBanachewicz Oh. That. Meh.
@BartekBanachewicz No, I mean, was it once or twice?
@R.MartinhoFernandes but hey, I wanted to write it properly, it's not my fault MSVS sucks deep :/
@QWR Dude, you're wrong on the internet, how can it not be a big deal? fuck c.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ... right now more than twice, because I don't get satisfying results
@Mikhail s/timeSetPeroid/timeBeginPeriod/
@JerryCoffin lol I could just leave my room and ask him directly
hey, why I stored the environment variables in the .bashrc, every time I need to source .bashrc to make it work?
I thought it should not be like this
@Tiina Shouldn't every time you login .bashrc should load them up, if you are on bash
@Tiina I don't think you are in the right place.
@BartekBanachewicz Or you could just copypasta.
should be just once right?
@JerryCoffin which I am going to do no less.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm still baffled at the retardedness of this thingy in C++.
Jun 15 at 21:09, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@LucDanton I find it interesting that we have something cool like Criterion in Haskell, but no such thing in C++.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok let you be right . are u kid or fan i wonder
what is Criterion?
@R.MartinhoFernandes the link Jerry posted says that it has been acknowledged as a "bug"
@DeadMG That cool benchmarking thing I guess?
@QWR can you please stop putting spaces in front of your dots, please?
@Tiina Use Z shell.
May 24 at 6:12, by rightfold
Can you please speak English in Lounge<C++>?
@BartekBanachewicz I don't mean the clock thingies. I mean this kind of benchmarking in general, especially given that C++ folks are so enamored with it. (You just need to try Criterion once to understand what I mean)
This was the worst night ever
Or at least any existing language.
@QWR Now you offended me, on the internet. I feel so fucking sad. Offended by a fucking C noob on the internet.
Nightmares upon nightmares, spotty hours of sleep
@QWR, have you read the newbie hints?
And my mouth is bleeding
@ThePhD haha owned.
Fuck sleeping. Fuck it in its eyeballs.
@ThePhD Protip: you should not eat your lips.
@ThePhD Skull fuck
@R.MartinhoFernandes welp, I should read about it later, I guess.
Oh well. At least I have work to cheer me up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You got problem dude . and thinkk before writing
@BartekBanachewicz And FWIW, Criterion is the one I am more familiar with. There are some competing alternatives available as well. In C++... do everything yourself.
@QWR I think you should think before writing, because apparently you don't. You just hit random keys.
@QWR I'm pretty sure that's how he got his nick ^
Also, pløøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøønk.
@rightfold be fair . i just said hi . they all startted with language manguage things
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@QWR can you please stop putting spaces in front of your dots, please?
no ,he Cant ........
my OCD hurts.
Jun 15 at 21:10, by Luc Danton
@R.MartinhoFernandes That thing is so disgustingly good it makes me sick. And it even has competitors/similar tools to fulfil other needs, too.
wow ^
it has to wait at least a few minutes. Focus.
fuck yeah.
manual: 3310, 142277
gl    : 61, 147686
Thanks a lot for that link, @Jerry
does the conditional operator short-circuit?
> [C++11: 5.16/1]: [..] Only one of the second and third expressions is evaluated. [..]
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you won't get rep by that self-answer here
Being able to navigate & read standard is great
@QWR If you really want respect: start writing like a grown up ( no "u", no "i" instead of "I", no "startted" and other shits ), don't be an help vampire, read those fucking rules I linked to you and remove spaces before dots, for Christ's sake.
@BartekBanachewicz awww
@LightnessRacesinOrbit but I can hug you.
@Jeffrey Also, no space after "(" and before ")". >:3
@BartekBanachewicz Good reading here: serpentine.com/blog/2009/09/29/…. Shows exactly what kind of goodies I was talking about.
I wonder why people keep inviting me to private rooms.
> The first thing that [Criterion program] does is measure how long it takes for the system clock to tick. It will then run our benchmarked code enough times that the resolution of the clock will not introduce a significant error.
> We adjust our timing measurements to take the cost of clock calls into account, even though in practice this makes almost no difference to the numbers we report.
Basically, it uses stats for real. Not just grab two points in time, subtract and divide.
Actually, that's a good project to suggest to the next person that barges in asking for project ideas. (I can't stats and I don't have any free time left)
Hm. I can throw that at people on my uni
@BartekBanachewicz Surely.
We had BOTH numerical methods and statistical analysis this semester
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, I had those classes as well.
Most of what I learned from them was to be able to tell how much I don't know, and to play human abacus :(
Heh. I'll try hinting them, but the API will have to be rewritten anyway, they don't know C++ even more than me
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's already been done (e.g., the timing code in Joe Orost's bench++ did roughly the same thing).
@JerryCoffin Oh, where is that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hard to find, anymore. I've been meaning to post a copy somewhere easily available, but haven't yet.
@sbi: :)
@JerryCoffin Googling tossed me around a couple of dead ends.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not surprising -- I spent some time looking a year ago or so, and concluded that if it's available for download any more, it's well hidden. I'm not sure of a good place to put it to make it available though. It's also old enough that it really needs some updating as well.
I also like how it points out that your benchmark may have been influenced too much by external factors.
The main thing missing from bench++, as far as basic capabilities goes, is producing any sort of graphical output. In particular, it includes quite a few things intended to be compared to each other, where graphs of some sort would be very useful.
Do you think ASCII graphs or proper pngs?
@JerryCoffin Well, if it can output the data, graphing can be done by an external tool.
@BartekBanachewicz Criterion produces pngs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It can, but the data isn't formatted to make that as easy as you'd like.
Yeah. Even excel or Google docs can graph allright
@BartekBanachewicz I'd prefer real graphs, but even ASCII would be better than nothing.
@JerryCoffin ASCII would possibly be harder (in that you cannot easily find an existing tool available for doing so), actually.
I love how my phone capitalized Google but not excel
Bb, gotta find my better half
Gotta leave as well.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Later.
@BartekBanachewicz Have fun.
BIOS corruption is annoying af
how does that even happen
No clue
Is corruption where junk code is inserted in place of the original code? Or is something physically done to the memory to make it unreadable?
hey everyone, please pm me if you are a member of Mathematics site and could offer some help with a really small problem calculating eigenvectors. I know this is not the place but Mathematics chat is empty and this is not a real question...
I was told on Super User to flash my BIOS "just in case". No way in hell am I doing that to a computer I just built
I don't know much about bios. what does flashing it do?
@EvilGoat have you posted a question?
@Borgleader Typically results from a power glitch while writing to the Flash. Most recent motherboards have at least some fallback so that doesn't brick the machine though (e.g., two Flash memory chips, so if one is corrupted, it can boot from the other).
@moonbeamer2234 It updates (really replaces) the BIOS software
@moonbeamer2234 Writes to nonvolatile (Flash) memory.
@moonbeamer2234 nop its a bit too general, not constructive and seems more like a fault on my end on a specific matrix so yeah I think I should bother someone in the Mathematics community chatrooms provided I found anyone there...
@BoltClock why wouldn't you want to do that? Does it cause problems?
@BoltClock Are you using a mobo that doesn't provide a second flash memory?
Work is so nice.
@JerryCoffin My mobo specs are so full of marketese that I have no idea if it actually does. Is this bad?
@BoltClock Lol. Is it MSI?
No, ASRock
@BoltClock I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but it is pretty typical, I'm afraid.
@JerryCoffin I noticed
> I think it's fine to have a toilet in your house.
Is there a 3rd type of programming related degree besides CS or Comp Engineering? Neither sound particularly appealing to me but I like programming lol. Maybe ill just ge a tech dg
Alexandrescu is getting serious.
@ThePhD My graphics card is MSI though :3
... MSI graphics card?
@moonbeamer2234 "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" or something
@ThePhD yeah
Never knew they actually rolled graphics cards.
Apparently, they are pretty great in terms of cooling and they have OC software that isn't just restricted to their own cards
@BoltClock Woah.
That's like, worse than Intel.
@CatPlusPlus Something like that
It's a gem.
A very brown, undesirable gem.
@CatPlusPlus intel is bad? e__e
If it also smells, you may be in trouble.
Unless I'm thinking about something else which I might because I'm sleep deprived ahaha
I'm going crazy.
@moonbeamer2234 Yes.
I like having a day off.
They're getting better, but there's a lot of crappy Intel GPUs in the wild.
@EtiennedeMartel Die in a fire.
I probably am thinking about something else now that I read it.
I mean, worse than Intel is not possible.
@CatPlusPlus By GPU did you mean CPU? idk intel made GPU
I'm rambling disregard
Also Intel does make GPUs
I should eat something.
Oh. Well then.
Like a cat.
@EtiennedeMartel Goddamn Quebec.
@CatPlusPlus Nothing wrong with them They used to pretty much just sell the basic nVidia/ATI reference card, but more recently they're doing some fairly decent coolers and such.
@ThePhD Best thing is that it's Canada Day in exactly a week so I also got that day off too.
Although I'm gonna spend it moving out to my new appartment.
where do I report defects in boost docs?
@moonbeamer2234 Intel made nearly the first GPU (the 82786), well before its time (but it was a horrible flop).
no wait, nevermint, just a wierd API
@JerryCoffin Probably didn't have a CPU powerful enough to run a 3D game that would justify having a dedicated accelerator
@EtiennedeMartel New apartment? Where at? Is it better than your current flat?
@JerryCoffin They tried a comeback to the discrete gpu market "recently" didn't they? I forget what the card was called but iirc they canned the project before it hit the shelves
Huh. I thought they were focused on integrated graphics, what with Haswell and stuff
@ThePhD It's not very far from my current one, but it's a much better one.
Larrabee i think it was?
@DeadMG That's true, but there were many more problems than that. This was before Windows had any market share, so each game worked directly with the hardware, and the 82786 was completely different from any other hardware of the time.
@Borgleader Larrabee was not a GPU in the conventional sense.
it was more like a GPU/CPU hybrid (from my vague memory)
@EtiennedeMartel How much more expensive for what benefits?
@Borgleader I believe I heard of something, but don't really know much about it.
and I believe that the research into Larrabee went into the GPUs for their latest CPUs
@JerryCoffin Yeah I have no idea what I've been thinking about
@ThePhD Well, I'll be living with my brother then, so it's a larger appartment, so of course it's more expensive.
Although my current one is kinda shitty.
MSI makes cards not GPUs jesus you're a fucking idiot Cat
@DeadMG I suspect it was mostly a backstop, so to speak -- have an answer ready in case AMD's APU-based machines started to do something big.
@CatPlusPlus What an idiot.
@BoltClock I hate that moron
@CatPlusPlus Might want to work on that -- you can't get away from him. :-)
Bane of my life
Hi guys
Greg Wallace is sitting across the room :3
A: I have a C++ repository but github says it's D

Andrei AlexandrescuYour C++ code must be really good!

You guys cool with me deleting this?
I'm assuming you're not responsible for those... upvotes
@BoltClock it's a funny answer sure enough, but not a proper one. FIRE!
@BoltClock No.
First come first serve, so, fired
Is there even a quality filter for answers?
Aside from the minimum length.
The joke is in the username.
@Mysticial there is a flag for 'this is not an answer'
@Mysticial Yes -- it's us.
I wonder to what extent it's possible to write a D-Objective-C bridge in D using metaprogramming.
@rightfold Should be a pretty minor rewrite from the D to PL/I bridge.
Man this is an awesome school trip
First class train tickets

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