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I think LLVM is capable of an IR->C transform — sehe 7 secs ago
@Mysticial I've seen you comment :)
@sehe: There was such a thing, but it's no longer available for modern versions of LLVM/Clang. — Mats Petersson 4 mins ago
About LLVM, has anyone tried to use it in an embedded context for a project? I'm really interested in dynamic code generation kind of solutions -- build to a dylib on the fly, execute code kind of thing. Working on this nodal system that lets people program the software through nodes, but currently just generating script for LuaJIT. Generating C or C++ code instead would be a benefit.
I got good reviews teaching Java. Imagine that! =)
Spirit X3 is just Qi? For Karma I should keep the Spirit 2 from boost?
@thecoshman I'm not going by plane, still have to decide whether to drive there or to to go by train... are you going?
@BartekBanachewicz I believe many people understand why it's shite :o
Shit, this is insane:
how is that even possibru
@AndyProwl lololo
on guitar it would be tapping
also, tempo is 176
but I'm not giving up yet
pff you just need to press those white and black keys
that can't be hard
runs away
that's my current approach yes
so far it worked but this... wtf lol
have you tried faceplanting down on the keyboard
I'll keep that as a last resort just in case hitting white and black keys with fingers would not work
oh, something I wrote is on the starboard
I can eval "x = 1; function f() local x = 2; return x end; return f() :3
changing closures to use table references instead of data was surprisingly easy
the only problem is that I'm leaking memory like crazy
because I'm not refcounting the closures at all
@MartinJames 21st street Queensbridge.
Nooblel!!! :)
How are you?
runParse "function f() local x = 2; local function g() return x end; return g; end; return f()()" shouldBe` [Number 2.0]`
Homework :(
this is a thing.
@Ven and it isn't even funny.
That's not what the OP shows as expected outcome — sehe 55 secs ago
Hihi. My overkill arrived 4 minutes earlier, and still he gets the wrong answer in
oh damn
I need to do closure lookup for global assignments
@AndyProwl just wing it
@LucDanton what does that mean?
@набиячлэвэлиь is there an MLG version cc @Rapptz
Are structs with flexible array members (GCC language extension) copy-constructible or copy-assignable?
@VillasV Yes
> To do something with no preparation
> I slept through the lecture so when the quiz came, I had to wing it.
from UB
@LucDanton with airhorns playing every stroke as your fingers feel the dew?
hit markers etc.
@LucDanton Ah. Not sure that's gonna work
function f()
    local x = nil
    local function g()
        x = 42
holy fuck.
batshit supercart wheezers
wait, my tables differentiate between no value and value of nil
I can use that to mark local declarations
chances are I wrote an optimization that is orders of magnitude slower than the straightforward way today
was fun writing
you optimized for learning value
I have not benchmarked before or after but can probably be locality issues
your fault for being so swedish
115+ police vs 1 gunman - only in the ... you know where
people's republic
Wait. I meant "Democratic" Republic. Of course
@sehe pretty efficient, on the inhale
nice link reply
@JohanLarsson I think I can do that
here is the possibly retarded code
not very easy to read
Hello People
I'm not here
yes you aren't
In a fantasy football league where a guy showed up at draft completely unprepared. Printed him a generic list. He's going 11-2. #GameOfSkill
Those who watch Last Week Tonight will know
I know, but I wanted my two messages to be consecutive so I wrote the second one before doing it :)
Save in OneNote
        [Test]   [OK]
yes, yes, definitely
@GregorMcGregor I’ve just completed my jungle masteries now, 1 month and 1 week in
@JohanLarsson 'Test' is 'Prova' in Swedish? Same as in Italian. OTOH 'Spara' in Italian means 'Shoot' (imperative)
woah C is sooo hard to get right
@TonyTheLion whos the boss? /cc @jaggedSpire
@AndyProwl so saying 'spare me!' is a gamble then?
@AndyProwl We have both words "Teste" and "Prova" in Portuguese, similar meanings.
yeah, we share roots
probably Italian has too, right?
To this day I'm still trying to learn how to pronounce the KTH Swedish name
@ElimGarak Do heists with me
My friend and I need two more people :P
@Borgleader :3
such a cute little kitty would never steal a bed. Clearly, the dog was awed by its sheer adorability, and gave up the bed willingly.
Alright so for one heist, I need to steal a plane.
@BartekBanachewicz finally something we can unreservedly agree with
@Nooble and thus does your life of crime come into the open.
@jaggedSpire This is actually really difficult.
I'm really good at stealing planes
@nick you delinquent, you
Like uhh.
I can take off, but I have never landed safely.
@Nooble koalas were never meant for the earth. They are creatures of the skies.
@jaggedSpire This explains the wings.
it is understandable such an upstanding example of your species would have a hard time transitioning from the sky to the earth.
@Nooble and the hanging in trees.
@jaggedSpire And the mind control.
@Nooble that too.
And the proficiency in C++.
The list goes on.
Naturally. Koalas are creatures of many talents.
Of all talents.
except landing planes, apparently.
I did it!
good job friend
Happy Black Friday real Friday day!
why thank you
@VermillionAzure black friday you say? I hope nobody posts...you know what
how do you overload a function?
@CMS_95 You use the overload keyword.
But you have to conjugate it for different types.
void overload, bool overlool, int overlint, char overlar, double overlouble.
I overload, you overload, he she it overloads.
yeah I looked it up on cplusplus.com...
Ich overloade, du overloadst, er sie es overloadt.
@CMS_95 And what did that say?
I have a program that collects inventory data from the user, how would I incorperate a overloaded function into that? , basically its a function with more than one meaning like it can be both int and double.
@CMS_95 You use the overload keyword, like I said.
@CMS_95 just write the same function twice. Once taking an int param, once taking a double param
@MooingDuck Hi duck.
There's better ways, but they take more knowledge/experience
Don't see you here often.
@Nooble hey
@MooingDuck trouble is I don't need a double, cya all later
@CMS_95 then don't overload. Write different functions
@CMS_95 Also, what do you think overloading means?
cranking the function up to 200%
@Nooble you forgot to use the overload keyword! :p
@melak47 It's ok, it's implicit after C++83.
But just in case he's using VS :D
when the hell is VS2015 Update 1 coming anyway? I thought it was supposed to be November, that's almost over
Try not dying.
Expecting emergence service ...
1 fire Bridget truck 3 police cars
It's late but evening folks
:3 /cc @Borgleader @TonyTheLion @ScottW @ThePhD
@Ell night
What a great way to spend Saturday afternoon ...
first time I called 000 though ...
@chmod666telkitty Whose pipe was it? Are you now going to get a massive bill from your gas utility? :(
No idea so far ... But since it's in my front yard I guess it's my own ...
Expecting penalty bill though ... Tough life
The gas pipe is a lot shallower than requested by the regulation though ...
@melak47 ???
Everyone's gone now ...
@VermillionAzure This.
Well would you look at the time.
It's time for me to sleep :P
@chmod666telkitty How did you manage that?
Good night all.
@wilx Fire Bridget people clamped the pipe, gas company people glued it
Mean while police guided the traffic
I mean, how did it happen that you have cut the pipe?
The time between the gas pipe was hit & me dialled 000 was less than a min
@wilx digging a trench for stormwater pipe
@chmod666telkitty Well, don't you have to have it put deeper?
@wilx the gas company didn't ... Even after they fixed the pipe, they still did not upon our request.
@ScottW not @ home yet ...
Man...I want to see TALOS Principle and its story without actually playing it.
Day9 played that but did not finish it. :(
You now offer degress in Pedentry?!? Whatever happened to, "Pedantry thy name is C++"?
> For example, imagine a + operator overload to concatenate two strings; in this example, the names of two cheeses.
@wilx This was so intentional :P
@Morwenn hi
The Lounge is rather quiet today.
@Morwenn did you intentionally name yourself just to have everyone wish you morning? :D
@S.R.I Not really, I couldn't even properly speak English when I chose that name.
@Morwenn Now that you do, change it! :P
@S.R.I Over my dead body.
may have been breaking the room rules by posting that.
@LucDanton Probably not
Ugh, I have to drive and it is snowing and cold and shit and I hate it.
I have never driven on the snow
it doesn't snow where I live
I have never driven
hi @chmod
hey @edition
Today it's perfect weather - 22-23 degrees in the afternoon & cloudy. I hope fire brigade & police didn't hate me too much for troubling them with the broken gas pipe issue.
today is perfect weather for writing code, like most days
And there was silence in the room, with new messages being conceived of...
But until then, the unbroken silence continues.
you fuckwit
Gah, stuck in a public place
Everyone's occupied with bangin' yer mother
@набиячлэвэлиь hi.
Yes I'm occupied with work
the italicized text was posted out of boredom, not to irritate people.
The theme for Code Review is pretty neat.
Too white. I don't see half the graphics I think
@Rapptz yes, I'm glad its finally out of the beta stage. The theme is nice too.
It look pretty generic, just like code review
Mainly every shade of grey. Not visible
TIL you can actually write constraints directly after the template parameter list: template<typename T> requires Something<T>.
Time to invest in a LED-backlit IPS LCD, sehe :P
@Rapptz I hope I'll get A T-shirt or a mug :D
It's fun that the new theme is still almost beta blue though.
Also I can read everything just fine so... iunno what the issue is.
Poor display tech :P
But does anyone here actually spend time there?
I used to
I also used to.
And Jerry too.
So, what's up with these new age .io apps that like to install themselves?
That's not a feature.
I hate that 'drone' has be turned into meaning 'remote controlled flying thing' and not 'autonomous'
Today is jazz day. And tomorrow. Get stoked /cc @JohanLarsson
Blues rock, bby
But yeah, jazz is playing here, whatever this coffee shop is.
you don't know where you're at o.O?
would you agree that ragtime was a precursor to jazz?
It has changed names so many times, I refer to it by its address now.
@edition not really a precursor, more a related genre
@sehe ah right.
Q: How to create a user defined thread in C++ using pthread_create?

Addzy KBasically what I want is this. My function header is: void producer() { } That's right. No 'void* producer (void* variable)' stuff. Cause I don't know what void* means and I don't want to use it. Just a simple function which runs on a thread. I'm calling it as: main() { pthrea...

why is threading using the Windows API more simplistic than pthread in Linux?
That's like testing the softness of two turds. With your finger.
So... apparently, I could make my sorter_facade transform any comparison sorter into a projection sorter too. Interesting.
@sehe streaming now? i went to work for a session
dunno if the site works here
@edition lol "threading" and "simplistic" in the same sentence
Like, projection support for std_sorter and std_stable_sorter out of the box even if std::sort and std::stable_sort don't handle projections yet.
Scanning sheet music - not very on-topic
@milleniumbug how is it not simplistic?
if you think you understand threading, you don't
@milleniumbug what do you mean?
@edition It's fairly clear what he means
All you have to read his sentence and then process it :P
@ElimGarak yes, I know. I just wanted to continue the conversation, besides the sentence being self explanatory.
Wat. That's a very annoying habit people have, don't be that popele.
A conversation either carries itself or it is not worth having.
@edition there are too many details that will bite you in the ass if you aren't careful. Also some issues are almost impossible to debug
(thanks to being non-reproducible)
@milleniumbug oh, so issues with thread safety for variables, and other things?
If you access non-thread-safe resource from multiple threads, you're screwed. If you do your locks wrong, the world stops.
@milleniumbug reminds me of device I/O.
@edition Sure - drivers and multiple user-space threads face many of the same issues, after all, it's often drivers that change the set of running threads.
Threads are not all that difficult. As long as you ignore most of the 'Intro to Threads' sites, you should be fine:)
don't have shared state, and the threads become trivial :D
@milleniumbug Well, yes, if it can be avoided, absolutely. Nearly all my threaded apps just exchange message objects on producer-consumer queues. They just work.
It's that create/join/terminate shit that fucks up the newbs. That and 'You must always terminate all your threads gracefully and clean up everything before exiting your main thread' bullshit.
ah, wish I could talk with a C++ developer in real life. :/
I am pretty sure this is real life. Or is this just fantasy?
It's all in your mind.
as in sit down for lunch, and talk.
Fantasies don't eat.
You'll find that C++ developers don't like to talk about C++ face to face. Especially during lunch.
uh, nevermind.
yes you are real.
Easy come, easy golang
Errr... Lang. Erlang? Erlang!
javascript is fun
Jabbascript half full heap debebelober
@edition Get them drunk first.
Then they'll discuss optimal fapping algorithms, but very much language agnostic.
all arduino distributors are on the other side of the city
Don't be lazy, kbok :P
So apparently theres a new RPi that costs 5$? or was that a black friday thing only?
I think it was 5 GBP. 16 GBP if you opt in for the essentials kit which is more than essential
@Borgleader No. Apparently, they're giving it away 'free', taped to a mag.
well, I should rest now, night people.
Ah, yes... The modern day reinvention of free
@MartinJames Oh
Do they secede from the state?
Anyone heard of this Jonathan Blow guy? Apparently, he's a game design genius or something.
I heard of him yes
@fredoverflow Not genius enough to change his name?
The word genius has been seriously depreciated in the 20th and 21st century.
Genius is a little much though
@JohanLarsson You think I'm gonna count those zeros? :)
mm, what mechanical keyboard to get :-\
@MartinJames no, just ~learned that .net stops at 100
The cheapest one
> Blow was $40,000 in debt and had invested $200,000 into the game's development. [...] Braid was purchased by more than 55,000 people during the first week of release. Blow recalled that he didn't receive any money until one day he saw a lot of zeroes in his bank account.
I'd like to know how many zeros those were...
@fredoverflow he's an "excellent" source of opinions on programming
6 zeroes.
@ScarletAmaranth I wanted this one but its too expensive at normal price and it sold out too quick for me to buy it during its christmas sale last year
He made one game and that's it. Much like Notch. Although, I believe Notch also has a superiority complex. He's making another, much like Notch, but they're likely to fall flat. Much like Notch's.
@Borgleader too many extra keys and crap; I want something for typing / coding, not games
@fredoverflow Well assuming he sold it for 10, he got probably 7 so, 55000*7=385000 or so
@ElimGarak Notch also had a breakdown on twitter sometime this year
Well, that's what happens when you blow a Java game out of proportion.
Wait isn't Java far too slow for games trololololol
all Java games are blown out of proportion
java is blown out of proportion
@fredoverflow Minecrafts performance is actually pretty bad (or was at the time)
@fredoverflow His videos were mentioned here (also starred), I'll find them
@milleniumbug No need, I found a handful on YouTube :)
I havent played it in years since it nuked my save game because it crashed while saving (how hard is it to save in a second file and swap only if the operation is successful!?)
@Borgleader You can write slow games in any language.
@fredoverflow Sure but I was confirming your claim :)
@fredoverflow Java can sure give you a hand though ;p
I have written a Tetris in Java once with over 1000 fps and no stutter.
@fredoverflow pats you on shoulder
Dec 15 '14 at 16:03, by Ell
"all those people who tell you private is very important are the same people that tell you all sorts of terrible things are important, like RAII" - Jon Blow ladies and gentlemen
@ScarletAmaranth Of course the graphics was handled by OpenGL, and there wasn't much Java logic left to execute :)
@milleniumbug Python doesn't have private and it works just fine, right?
@milleniumbug Oh, he is that guy who invents his own language (besides rightfold) and talks about it on YouTube? I've heard of him.
Python is based on different assumptions though. Even if it had private, it would be meaningless since I can assign an object of another type, but with all operations being the same, except the private parts being public again
Would Python people jump through such hoops? :)
Nov 3 '14 at 16:52, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> Q: Why C for the compiler's language? Have you considered Go?
A: No, I did not consider Go because Go is garbage collected and therefore we can't use it
@fredoverflow not really, it's the fact that it can be done matters
So, Facebook stopped maintaining its linter.
@Borgleader KSP is guilty of so many sins when it comes to savegames.
@milleniumbug Why is Jon Blow writing his own language?
@fredoverflow Not sure now. I think he's realising his idea of his "ideal programming language for games"
@Jefery awesome. Almost proud that's Dutch
also, here, I found what I think the first post he got mentioned in chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/10?m=19119774#19119774
oh, you were there when it started
@sehe I can show you a thing that will make you angry and sad. My parsing :)
I'm pretty sure it will leave me unperturbed :|
@sehetw Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your answering questions about the Boost Serialization library on Stack Overflow
Woop woop. That's nice.
He's the dev of Boost Serialization

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