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2:00 AM
@sehe The hallway to SO chat rooms is like a Looney Toons cartoon. You know the one where you chase someone through one door and they come out through a different door...
oh fcuk.. my booker just texted me. I have a shoot on tuesday, and I haven't told him that I cut my hair at a party this weekend.. it looks like shit
I guess they could just shave it shorter though
@refp Where do you come up with these things?
but that's not even the worse part.. I also pierced my ear with a safety pin, though now I got a nail in there.. looks alright though, guess it's healing fine
@refp A modeling programmer?
@Code-Guru there is this dark corner of my brain that gives born to silly questions, not sure where that came from though
2:03 AM
or a programming model?
@refp sounds familiar. Although most of my recent questions are quite pragmatic...
@Code-Guru not sure which one, but I see myself as a programmer who does model
I mean, I've been writing software far longer than I've been doing catwalks/shoots
@refp with a nail in your ear
10 penny or 16 penny?
with a nail in my ear.. funny thing; my booker called me up last week telling me to "be more serious, you can't just take everything as a joke.. modelling is a job as well"
if the penny stuff is directed towards me I have to admit that I have no idea what that means
jobs are serious?
jobs are serious, but he is a bit stuck up sometimes..
2:05 AM
@refp sorry, my dads a carpenter. Nail sizes are often measured in "pennies"
oh, it's a very tiny nail.. very very tiny
erhm, how wide can it be
In woodworking and construction, a nail is a pin-shaped, sharp object of hard metal or alloy used as a fastener. Formerly wrought iron, today's nails are typically made of steel, often dipped or coated to prevent corrosion in harsh conditions or improve adhesion. Ordinary nails for wood are usually of a soft, low-carbon or "mild" steel (about 0.1% carbon, the rest iron and perhaps a trace of silicon or manganese). Nails for concrete are harder, with 0.5-0.75% carbon. Nails are typically driven into the workpiece by a hammer, a pneumatic nail gun, or a small explosive charge or primer. A ...
2 millimeter, maybe
good night, my babies. and remember: !
A 16 penny nail is often used for framing
2:06 AM
@refp It now has a bounty pending
framing == building walls in buildings
Bleh...that wikipedia article didn't preview the measurement table that I had an anchor to...
@Code-Guru never does. pics are always a gamble too
well, at least the link jumps to it anyway...
2:08 AM
@sehe oh, interesting! thanks
@Code-Guru citation needed
@doug65536 meh, I just make things up. No need to cite sources ;-)
as long as I get upvotes for it...
@Code-Guru what have you answered that deserves up-votes?
@refp Not much, but I get them every once in a while anyway ;-)
@Code-Guru I have answered like one question during these last 6 months :/
2:13 AM
Well, I guess I've answered enough questions to get bronze C++ and Java badges...
I guess you can tell quite easily when I'm active on so and when I'm not
can't sleep again
oh shit.. not @Cicada
entertain me @Tomalak!
@Cicada wanna sleep together? I'm really good at sleeping together.
2:14 AM
where's when you need it ;;
lol y dont you do something productive instead?
@Borgleader Most productive thing I did all day was installing VS2012, which is somewhat productive I guess
Also got in an argument about xor swap
That's relatively productive too
@Cicada how can one argue over xor swap?
@Cicada So basically, this is you today: 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma6twef4jZ1rrlhpco1_500.gif ?
funniest tumblr, ever.
2:16 AM
@Borgleader Without the smile, yes. Nor the jerk.
I wonder if @Cicada is still ignoring me..
is it a trend to use a proper picture of yourself nowadays? seems like more and more people are using one
I'm using a proper picture
does it bring you the females?
and yes @Cicada, this is all for you.. our love is like.. is like.. a segfault
nothing special about it, and it just happend because no one cared
"I don't care if you've got a storage system that somehow magically carves the bits into granite with a frickin' laser. Have a backup plan." lol
should I start having this hair fo'real? feel like I belong in Hackers (1995) or something
@doug65536 "anything larger than what can fit on a DVD is not worth backing up, unless you're facebook.. and you are not facebook. stop with the madness and only back-up what is important"
2:23 AM
@refp are you on drugs?
@sehe no, why?
should I be on drugs?
can't use output redirection on ideone
@sehe did you get win8 to install the other day?
hmm I don't know.. is this.. the right way to read a line in "ini-like" format? : click
I'm so excited!
2:31 AM
@refp Does the pope shit in the woods?
@GamErix if you're running windows, use GetPrivateProfileString
@GamErix besides it being super dangerous, that you are not handling whitespaces and such.. well, pretty much
@Code-Guru I have no idea, I don't know the pope
@doug65536 ehm I'm reading from a user generated string in a console, not really handy to say to the end user : hey go to regedit and edit this key, then come back
2:32 AM
it reads ini files like you said, now I see what you meant
"ini-like" format :P
argh, anyone with DX11 experience here? this damn fullscreen stuff doesn't want to work
anyway, is it possible to extract "true" or "false" with sscanf? (and ignoring whitespaces etc)
@melak47 Raises hand.
Disclaimer: I have experience, but nobody said I'm good with it. :D
@GamErix LGTM
2:34 AM
@GamErix please don't use sscanf
@refp then how would I use a stream to extract true false after a = (and the string before =)
@GamErix if you ignore the huge security hole - buffer overrun
@ThePhD do you have any idea in which order I'm supposed to do this to go fullscreen?SwapChain->SetFullScreenState(true, NULL); SwapChain->ResizeTarget(&newdisplaymode); SwapChain->ResizeBuffers(newx, newy);
Oh, nope. Not a clue.
because , well, my console exists only from std::strings but with scanf now I need to use c_Str and char ~.~
2:36 AM
You're one your own. :D
@GamErix meh, why are you mixing std::strings with scanf
when I do in what I think is proper order, my other screens stay black 90% of the time...
@Cicada because I don't know how to use a stream to extract left and right from a = string
@GamErix std::getline with the appropriate arguments can be used as a quite satisfying tokenizer
@melak47 Can you copy paste your back buffer description?
@GamErix You mean a stringstream?
2:37 AM
:7775289 bool read_console_stream(std::istream& is)
	std::string line;
	while(std::getline(is, line))

		// now.. what here
	return is.eof();
this I had so far
but then I didn't know what to do next..
@Cicada I can give you the swap chain description?
@melak47 Pastebin your backbuffer and swapchain if you can, please
@Cicada I don't create the backbuffer
2:39 AM
well swapchain then!
@GamErix That seems good so far, what do you want to do within the while block?
@melak47 why windowed = true?
@doug65536 because I create a windowed window
um, ok. you're going fullscreen after?
2:40 AM
yes, upon alt+enter
@Cicada put string,bool pairs into a map from my stream (user console input)
std::map <std::string,bool> samod2_config;
@melak47 Change your backbuffer size to your screen size
depends on your reasons for going fullscreen. you mean fullscreen windowed? you need to change the window styles to WS_POPUP
@Cicada before or after switching the swapchain to fullscreen?
just changing the backbuffer size does not appear to change the resolution which is used for the fullscreen display mode
@doug65536 nono
2:42 AM
@melak47 before
@GamErix gist.github.com/anonymous/145e2c524aa7a9bdc9f6 with some proper error handling and written in a more nice manner and you're set
@GamErix Use a stringstream then
@melak47 also try alt+enter
@GamErix though you should use a std::map<std::string,std::string> instead of a std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>, but I'll leave that to you
@Cicada well, that sort of works
@melak47 "sort of"? è_è
2:44 AM
@refp hm thanks :D
@Cicada most of the time, the other screens stay black. sometimes they show the desktop, but it's frozen and not refreshing, and very rarely it works properly and my window is fullscreen and the other screens show the updating desktop
@melak47 Are you clearing the background at every draw call?
I'm clearing my backbuffer, yes.
the problem is not with my window, but with the desktop not showing on the other screens not covered by my window
same thing happens when I let DXGI handle the alt+enter keypress and fullscreen transition
hmm, pasta with Roquefort cheese mixed with some milk, reduced to make a sauce.. could it work?
i have no idea how how multi-screen directx works
assuming it even works to begin with
2:48 AM
I'm lazy and just wanna cook me something nice, the pasta is already boiling
@Cicada I don't even want to do multiple screen crap, I just want the other screens to continue working when my window is in fullscreen on one of them
You have multiple monitors
and you fullscreen your app
@melak47 how many screens do you have
@Cicada 3
When you do, the other windows freak out?
Gib me one plx. :c
2:49 AM
you don't happen to be poor do you
@ThePhD I had 4 for a while, started causing neck issues so I went back to 2
@doug65536 ... o_O;
Ya'll be nuts.
can you explain better whats going on?
because 4AM
2:50 AM
@Cicada I've seen the same issue with other games, say BF3. So this problem may not be solvable...and on windows 8, this doesn't seem to happen at all, might be something to do with the WDDM...idk
And the @Cat isn't even up, ah ah, now mock him
@Cicada I take my window fullscreen. works, draws fine. but the other screens are completely blank instead of showing my desktop and other open windows
I am going to post a pair of great tits
I'd suggest completely recreating the swap chain and reinitializing
2:52 AM
@Cicada Sup
Okay nevermind
@doug65536 ;_;
Do you have normal nights on occasions btw
@melak47 yes, that is expected behavior. the entire idea of fullscreen is you own all the gpu resources. why would you have other windows on the screen
@doug65536 ..because fullscreen only covers one screen
2:53 AM
that's an idea that you have projected onto it. fullscreen = you own the whole video card
No no
That's not necessarily true...
it's more complicated than that
Other things can render while applications are fullscreen.
And do have GPU resources.
GPU are multiprocess now (whatever that means)
2:54 AM
My brother runs like, 1 fullscreen game, and has another windowed MMO going.
please describe what the difference is between "fullscreen windowed" and fullscreen. thanks
@ThePhD see if your brother has it on "fullscreen (windowed)"
@doug65536 fullscreen windowed: your window size = screen size, form border style = none, topmost = true
@doug65536 It's fullscreen.
windowed: you have an accelerated window that happens to cover the whole screen. fullscreen: you get all gpu resources.
@doug65536 fullscreen: you own gpu resources as you said. but it's not exactly all gpu resources. i don't know exactly how it works
2:57 AM
@doug65536 I don't really care about the terminology. Other games let you go to actual fullscreen while other screens will still display stuff.
windows forces you to provide an hwnd right? that's so when your process dies, they have a reliable way to detect that and windows yanks back control of the gpu
@doug65536 for DX you need an hwnd to render, yup
DX demands your sooooooooooooooooooul (a handle to it, anyways).
HSOUL hsoul;
If I make an OS, that's how I'll handle processes.
The OS is Satan.
It is greedy. It will loan you a soul if you ask for one.
that already exists
souls have a COM interface? I wonder if there is a lot of cache line contention on the reference count
3:00 AM
@doug65536 some people do not experience this "other screens going black" business at all, some experience it with nvidia cards, others not, some with amd cards, others not.
It's probably some finnicky thing with drivers.
and as I mentioned, the issue isn't present on win8 for me.
@melak47 I'd love to help you but my knowledge is very limited
Albeit, Most games completley reinitialize the swapchain (and the back buffer) when they do full-screen changing.
I.E. see mass-effect and its GRATUITOUS PAUSE when you change screen modes.
@ThePhD Yes of course!! @melak47 aren't you doing this?
3:01 AM
I guess I will try that. I haven't tried if creating the swapchain fullscreened behaves any better
if you programmed old (horrible) versions of directx, you wouldn't dare doing anything crazy like changing something. reinitialize it!
@melak47 You have to! Going full screen is a device reset
@Cicada wat. then why does the SwapChain have a "SetFullScreenState" method
@doug65536 oh I remember DX9 when you have to basically reload everything on device reset
in old directx, it was a project just getting it to initialize properly on two brands of video cards
3:04 AM
@melak47 Because they want to screw with you, of course. :3c
@melak47 that's a good question
It's probably some new thing only supported by DirectX 11.1 / Windows 8
@ThePhD no.
Oh, well okay.
it's been there for a while, and DX11.1 has a new SwapChain and all
but it does work in win8.
with the old swapchain
3:08 AM
@Cicada Will you be here tomorrow?
I'm afraid yes
You only show up here when things go wrong? D:
don't you like it here? :3
Did you eat something?
@melak47 Think about that question carefully...
3:10 AM
This room is a love/hate thing for me
"I should stop going there", but I keep coming back. ohwell
Well, works for me.
Good night then!
night :)
@Rapptz Now that you mention it! Gonna cook some rice
Ah okay.
That's good.
3:12 AM
And put random stuff in there
Like idk, corn maybe
tastes surprisingly good
I don't have any, sadly
But would've been a good idea
With salmon chips
@Cicada hm, when I am in fullscreen, will just destroying the swapchain get me out of fullscreen? :S
@melak47 um no I think that wouldn't make sense actually, forget everything I said
what? D:
3:15 AM
It doesn't make sense to destroy the swapchain
That would crash your app
Do try starting as fullscreen, though
if I want to switch to fullscreen
@melak47 probably. destroying the hwnd you assiciociated with the original swap chain should always break you out of fullscreen
@doug65536 wat. I don't want that
I want to keep my window :/
@melak47 try making it start as full screen for starters
@Cicada yes, but if I want to switch, then I'll need to destroy the swapchain so I can create a new fullscreen swapchain
3:17 AM
Use OpenGL :v:
@melak47 no you don't
just start fullscreen and check if your problem still exists
stop thinking ahead
@Cicada but then I'm right back where I am now, asking you how I can switch to fullscreen :S
windowed = false?
39 secs ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Use OpenGL :v:
3:18 AM
yes, use opengl lol
just make a damn webbrowser game and press F11
there, fullscreen
i'll put mayonnaise with the rice too
it's tasty
that's windowed fullscreen. :p
why can't people google or read books or use their BRAIN
Q: What does & stands for in C and mmap()

Nizint fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); present = (unsigned char *)mmap(0, getpagesize(), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0x22400000); if ((*present & 1) == 0) { printf("Converter not present\n"); exit(1); } 1)...

OP is probably a turnip
google won't search for & will it? it's not as stupid as it first looks. a few minutes of effort would have gotten around it though
googling 'c operators' certainly will work
@doug65536 actually it does
3:23 AM
@Cicada mmm...brains...
@melak47 FWIW I hate fullscreen. I always pick fullscreen windowed, I have GPU throughput to burn and I like skype/chat/etc on the other window. I also like not waiting 5 seconds to get in and out of the game
@doug65536 :words:
@doug65536 sounds like you lack RAM
for what it's worth
I prefer windowed fullscreen, too. But I want to support actual fullscreen as well.
3:27 AM
GTX 580 SLI, X58 chipset, Core I7 990 extreme edition, win7 ultimate 64 bit
@doug65536 Well you have a serious problem somewhere then
I can alt-tab out of any game like a charm
Are you sure you're not running Windows XP?
@Cicada it works! destroying my old swap chain and creating a new one with windowed = 0 seems to switch to tullscreen without any of the other screens going black
lol, I love it when people claim my computer is slow. bam, fucking waste of money overkill computer lol
seems I will have to switch out of fullscreen before destroying the fullscreen swapchain, though.
3:29 AM
@doug65536 well if it takes 5 secs to swap out of game you have a serious issue somewhere
@Cicada I was implementing this while I was talking with you. it's not like I didn't believe you? :p
@melak47 People in this room tend to not believe me
Since I'm a scrub you know
it's could be my monitors, it's as if the momentarily powersave when switching
I spoke to soon
same issue.
guess I was lucky the first two tries. >_>
3:32 AM
Hi all.
Hi there
What's goin'?
nothing much u?
@melak47 I suggested recreating a long time ago. oh well. as long as you've fixed it :)
@doug65536 read on, it didnt fix it
3:33 AM
My head's kinda floating. Unable to code clearly. Got a non-sleep streak. OH.
I hate this. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it's somewhere in between
yes, I never disagreed that some hardware can do it. some hardware will disable other monitors
@MarkGarcia Same here! High five
@melak47 Before wasting your time on this, be sure it's not OS related
@Cicada it IS OS related
on windows 8 no such problem
Then why the fuck are you losing your time on it
3:35 AM
because I don't use windows 8.
I want it to work on my machine ;_;
turn the other monitors off
@doug65536 huh? it works some of the time on my computer , and some of the time it doesn't
@Cicada no.
not seeing the problem is not fixing it :/
is SetCooperativeLevel obsolete? Seems DISCL_EXCLUSIVE should disable other monitors
"If exclusive access is granted, no other instance of the device can obtain exclusive access to the device while it is acquired" idk
@doug65536 what function is this argument for
3:39 AM
@doug65536 and where is that
the device I think. I also think it might be obsolete, been a while
hm if I have a std::map<std::string,std::string> x; would accessing a (not yet?) existent index (x["something_not_added_yet"]) with a .find (x["not_added_yet"].find("something")) method crash?
can't find anything of the sort in D3D11 :/
or would it add ["something_not_added_yet"] to the map (and return string::npos)?
3:42 AM
@GamErix "Essentially performs (insert(std::make_pair(key, T())).first)->second"
ah okay so it won't crash :D thanks
i find that behavior a bit confusing
I'd rather having crash
well works as expected ; o
3:45 AM
@GamErix std::map::find() returns the end iterator when there's no such key.
so, I guess I can't do anything about this crappy behavior :/
@melak47 ahahaha
does my despair amuse you?
lol. I can't even type "find" properly.
3:47 AM
then I guess I didn't go through all this trouble for nothing. yay
I'm reading the DXGI docs atm
I'll tell you if I can find something useful
oh hey 5AM
interestingly though, when it does work (very rarely), I can leave the fullscreen window and interact with other windows on the other screens - but if I alt+tab, the window is forced out of fullscreen
could you disable desktop composition to see if that makes any change
I'll try
yes, and leave that performance wasting crap off permanently
3:54 AM
how about I leave you off permanently :p
desktop composition kills performance
uh what
maybe on 4 monitors it does
it seems to not happen with composition off. forcing it off is kind of ugly though :/
@melak47 well if that fixes your problem...
@melak47 you mad?
3:57 AM
@doug65536 huh?

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