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rare voxel octree? :(
@Cicada - everything is magnified when you're stuck on the inside. One thing I've learned is that you cannot possibly imagine what doors will open for you, or when. One of the best jobs I ever had was chatting to someone (while off my face!) at a party. It just happened that my interests coincided with the job. It's easy to talk or think yourself into a corner.
sparse apparently doesn't cut it
Q: NSFW proposal on Area51

anon See flags for deletion reason There is a proposal on Area 51 that definitely does NOT fit with the family-friendly nature of StackExchange, given the current level of integration (site footer, multicollider, „all sites” list, merged accounts). I have flagged it for moderator attention severa...

^^ ahahaha
lol, I sometimes browse through the last 20 or so pages of lowest voted when I'm bored :P
Another good way to have some fun is browsing through the reversal badge
right. :P
@BrettHale yeah chatting to people, wankered, at a party.. .seems like a pretty good gig
@Mysticial Good grief
10 bucks that OP's American
took me a while to figure that NSFW stands for boring Not suitable/safe for work. When searching the web, I expected something like Nudity, Sex, Frivolous, Wish...gnat Dec 21 '11 at 19:31
where do these people come from
When I first saw tl;dr I thought it was from some sort of html escape code, like  
> The Sexuality site didn't have enough activity during the beta, and has been closed.
kind of a silly proposal to start with
@LightnessRacesinOrbit - "wankered, at a party" - please tell me this is a local variation on a phrase.
Holy shit, with 2 GB RAm and 64 MB VRAm Ubuntu is running liek GARBAGE.
@BrettHale I wouldn't call it a "local variation", but I'll concede that it may not mean what you think it means
How can you run anything with 2GB RAM
2 GB RAm should be enough to run Ubuntu with nothing else open.
But no, the thing's chugging to just move the mouse.
Ubuntu is open
To be clear, words spoken across all of England are part of English, not "local variations". "Local variations" to English are words and phrases that are used in the English languages but in places that are not England. i.e. non-local to the home of the language itself
GNOME is not the most lightweight DE
Explorer would probably chug in 2GB RAM environment too
C# y u suck.
public Token PeekToken(uint skip = 0) {
    int oldIndex = Index;
    Token tok;
    for (var i = 0; i < skip + 1; ++i) {
        tok = ReadToken();
    Index = oldIndex;
    return tok; // use of unassigned local variable 'tok'
Token tok = null
It is impossible for tok to be unassigned since skip is unsigned.
oh didn't see that
lol :P
Oh wait right skip can overflow when I add 1 to it.
@CatPlusPlus Vista's explorer ran fine on my really old computer with 1 GB RAM and an AMD Sempron :3
1 GB RAM?!
@Zoidberg Overflow.
if skip is the maximum value of it's type, then +1 will yield 0, which means the loop won't run.
3 mins ago, by Zoidberg
Oh wait right skip can overflow when I add 1 to it.
oh, I didn't read that part.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit - gotcha. Yes, it was 'kismet' - just spoke to someone who knew someone who was looking for someone with particular skills. I got a phone call out of the blue the week after. I wish life could've always been so easy!
4 GB ram
if Ubuntu still runs slow,
I am going to Arch.
@ThePhD there's also Xubuntu
Yay lexer works.
@BrettHale oh I see. so the chat wasn't the job
@Zoidberg Isn't this like your eightieth lexer?
Whatever; this one's better.
@ThePhD each lexer lexes the code for the previous lexer
Hm. Well, as long as there's progress.
@Zoidberg Why don't you go out and have some drinks with your mates?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Boring.
that's a disgraceful image
Take it slow with the caps.
I used to run ubuntu in a VM on my crappy laptop without issue, and I only gave it 768MB
but then...unity happened
@ThePhD Check your video card drivers, unity is a hog when it's not set up right
Or install Xubuntu and use XFCE instead
.... Unity.
That piece of shit.
That's probably the problem.
@Collin that's what I did
@R.MartinhoFernandes that was bad. Though I can't seem to make up my mind which was worse, the flaggot or this one :)
@ThePhD so stop using it
@ThePhD I know on my laptop, for whatever reason the video chip is blacklisted, so it falls back on that CPU rendered thing, which is obnoxiously slow
That's probably it. Unity is the only component doing the most chode-blowing right now.
@Collin You know you don't have to install Xubuntu to have XFCE on Ubuntu
You can, wait for it, just install XFCE
I hate you, Unity.
Crazy huh?
@CatPlusPlus Well yeah, but it was easier for me to start with Xubuntu
@Collin that's lame
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
@sehe Hey, you guys make terrible puns here all the time. I am entitled to that too!
I don't understand people installing linux that's easier
Also, six people disagree about "flaggot" being bad.
It was a really bad pun.
Which is what made it hilarious.
We only make bad puns
@Cicada my mind is non-moveable, non-copyable
@BartekBanachewicz really? reinstalling windows is easier than fixing a broken one, too :p
@melak47 and?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That doesn't stop my from notussing :)
@ThePhD So bad it's good counts as good in my book.
@BartekBanachewicz and..? what?
@melak47 linux sucks.
I may have misparsed your statement
@sehe mine doesn't fit in a standard container
Is there a way to SLAY Unity?
@sehe So, a brick.
@ThePhD smash it in two
@ThePhD kill -9
@melak47 Cough. I've recently spent over 6 hours trying to get Windows 8 installed on a brand new i7 system, on a wiped SSD
@sehe :o
I've had enough for today / tonight. I would just like to test moderation in the name of science.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yep. I thought you might notuss that
@BrettHale Thank you
@sehe how..what...huh?!
@BrettHale dat ass
I can't evne make it to the command window.
@ThePhD too bad.
This is terrible.
stop using linux
Anyone remember the keyboard shortcut for waking up the Command Window?
@ThePhD cmd.exe :)
Happy now?
Just launch one?
@melak47 Well, it's actually documented in this chat. The short version is: Win8 installer suck s sooooo entirely badly, that it will not install on an empty disk if it contained an empty MSDOS partition table, but no partition.
24 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@BrettHale ffs I can't star ffs
@R.MartinhoFernandes Unity is throwing a giant hissy fit.
@ThePhD ctrl alt f1? or f7, or something
I have 4242 rep
@BartekBanachewicz Why would we do that?
@sehe ...wat, really?
@Collin because it sucks.
@ThePhD ctrl-alt-T on my gnome desktops
Ctrl Alt F1 gets me to a tty1 terminal
Sweet deal
@BartekBanachewicz You suck!
@Collin go back to the server room
@melak47 Yup. It gave me
9 hours ago, by sehe
> 'Windows cannot be installed to the selected location: Error 0x80300001. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's bios menu'
hello guys
@BartekBanachewicz You stop using Linux.
@ThePhD I am not using it. Well, not as a host system
In the end, after having tried using a driver disk, setting each and every combination in BIOS, the solution turned out to be, create a single partition from Linux, reboot, delete partition in Win8 installer and continue.
@ErhanDemirci hiho
how are you ?
I'm fine, thanks.
And then I got a very good first impression of Win8 (I can't even see what people were going on about; keyboard control is largely unchanged and who needs a mouse?)
How about you?
@sehe awesome :E
Is there a boost::variant-alike in C#?
I am fine @BartekBanachewicz
But I got shell shocked to find out it uses 46Gb of my 50Gb partition ON A BARE INSTALL.
I have problem @Bar
@sehe pagefile, hibernation file?
Holy Fucking Crap. What does Microsoft do? Pad all files with 2MiB of randomness?
Affirmative, @Erhan. I read you.
@melak47 Makes sense. Lemme disable both. I have 32 Gb
@sehe Probably. Don't want to get cracked as easy now. :D
@sehe 32GB RAM = 31GB hib file or so :p
@melak47 Yeah. Good point, like I said
I am a 4rd year student at Kocaeli University in Turkey. I search job for Erasmus internship program.I have to find some place in England,İreland,Scotland
or poland
Without your space helmet, @Erhan? You're going to find that rather difficult.
@ErhanDemirci Makes a lot sense. Poland is part of the UK too
What's the difference between a parameter and an argument?
The first letter.
Is a parameter passed and an argument taken?
Oh. :P
And the rest too, but that's irrelevant.
FFS adobe, y u cache movies in AppData
You can terminate early because of that first letter!
yea thank you
@Zoidberg The parameter is the variable at callee site, and the argument is the expression at call site.
@FredOverflow So an argument is passed and a parameter is taken?
@ErhanDemirci Your site seems interesting. However, crappy adds are ruining it. BIG TIME
@FredOverflow Well that's what you're saying if I'm right. :P
@Zoidberg Don't put words in my mouth :)
foo(42 /* I pass an int */);
int foo(int x /* I take an int */);
/* no shit */
/* no comment */
/* except this one */
What an asshole OS.
up arrow to edit ^
@sehe yes I have edit it
Blacklists my videocard, doesn't give me any options, and then just runs like SHIT from start to finish.
@ThePhD which os... CentOS? It's designed for headless (server) work
Way to be User-friendly, Ubuntu. That bug "Microsoft has a majority Market Share" is really gonna get solved this way. ._.
It doesn't even see your GPU
@sehe it's in turkish
And you probably didn't turn the acceleration on
Also, please tell me at least you got my HAL 9000 quotes. @sehe
@CatPlusPlus Why do I have to turn on things that should probably be on by default?
I need to advice? How can I find job for Erasmus internship pogram ?
In VM options you scrub
THe VM options are fine. ._.
@BartekBanachewicz Well, the crappy ads aren't. Also, I didn't notice. I think most of it was in English. O yeah "En son", "Yarif" etc. or something like that
Did you install the guest additions
Video Acceleration and nearly all my video memory is available to the guest OS.
No, I haven't yet.
You know the thing that contains GPU drivers
@BartekBanachewicz I probably wasn't here. Something with the only winning move, I wager?
I'm trying to get to it. I'm not making much progress, what with half a frame per second.
7 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
Without your space helmet, @Erhan? You're going to find that rather difficult.
@ErhanDemirci I'd just apply with interesting companies, or network via your college. The usual things
Also, my GF just found out that deviantart has drawing web app that uses wacom tablets
@BartekBanachewicz Which one? (I might already know it, anyway)
^I meant, which drawing app
@sehe Muro
@ErhanDemirci I thought Erasmus was a University-swap?
(where by "I thought" I mean "I know")
@sehe lol
@sehe It allows you to look how the picture was being drawn in slowmo
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It is.
yes that's right @LightnessRacesinOrbit
okay then I don't understand why it's suddenly an "internship program" and what you mean by finding a job for it?
@CatPlusPlus What game is that?
@CatPlusPlus Needs the watch= bits first... vOv
private sealed class BuiltInTypeName {
    public static bool operator==(BuiltInTypeName a, BuiltInTypeName b){
        return Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b);
public static BuiltInTypeName UByteTypeName = new BuiltInTypeName();
public static BuiltInTypeName SByteTypeName = new BuiltInTypeName();
// etc
This feels like such a hack.
@melak47 i disabled page and hibernation (well, I reduced pagefile to 512Mb). Now there's a more reasonable 28GiB free
@sehe of 50?
@CatPlusPlus It looks like crap.
it looks like fun
good graphics
@melak47 Yup. "More" reasonable. Not "Reasonable"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 4 days since the I try to find a company or university .but they don't come back
@CatPlusPlus Sorry, I meant the v= bits.
@sehe sounds about right though for windows :/
I thought I find here
@ErhanDemirci We can't help you. Talk to your personal tutor.
FYI, nottingham.ac.uk is part of Erasmus
Also, check your Junk Mail folder...
@CatPlusPlus lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It sounds retarded.
Also there's a general expectation of English language skills on the Erasmus program, so perhaps get someone to proof read your emails for you.
ok thank you
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            baglanti.ConnectionString = baglantiparametresi1;// baglanti connection stringi ekledik
            baglanti.Open();// baglantıyı açtık
            komut.Connection = baglanti;// komut sql banlantısı ile baglantı oluşturdu
            string SQL3 = "insert into isciler (id,isim,soyisim) values ('"+textBox2.Text+"',           '"+textBox3.Text+"',               '"+textBox4.Text+"'  )  ";  // textlere girilen degerleri verilen sıra ile veritabanına kaydı eklesin
^oops Random sampling
@ErhanDemirci good luck
@Zoidberg What's that for
@sehe wtf is this
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's probably how people talked back then :)
@CatPlusPlus type names of built-in types in the AST.
Code wall code wall
@sehe textBox2? Impressive.
@sehe WTF is in comments?
@FredOverflow It's a bug
@sehe ewwww non-English commenting.
I basically have this. gist.github.com/anonymous/4968682
how does the non-alignment of those comments not drive the author mad?
@Abyx probably something like "sql injection is fun"
The game thinks you're falling to death when gravity is low :v
fucking foreigners
@CatPlusPlus What kinda bug?
An octoton!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not everyone has OCD
@CatPlusPlus Is low gravity a feature though?
@sehe Yeah, or eyes, apparently.
It's obviously an exposed setting
NextPlanes.x = (Octant & X_BIT) ? ceilf(x) : floorf(x);
NextPlanes.y = (Octant & Y_BIT) ? ceilf(y) : floorf(y);
NextPlanes.z = (Octant & Z_BIT) ? ceilf(z) : floorf(z);
In GTA you can turn down the gravity via a cheatcode, but you wouldn't expect the obvious resulting glitches to be called "bugs"
Games doing "oh no I'm falling and gonna die" sounds usually do it by placing triggers in areas you can fall into
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thank you . Do you know best website for search job ?
@CatPlusPlus I'll give you that - it's evidence of silly design
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why, no
@ErhanDemirci It doesn't really work that way
That sound is always silly
@ErhanDemirci Anyway, why not get the educational placement first, then look for a job when you know where you will be living?
"not being in contact with ground/something for a while" == freefall -> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
@BartekBanachewicz I mean the way Chivalry does it by just triggering on, what, downward velocity? more likely distance below feet to the next hard surface. It's a bit silly, and it causes glitches like this. But is it a "bug"? Probably not since this isn't a documented/expected "mode", right?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit do you play chivalry too? <3
That said, if I were flying in the air like that, I'd probably shout AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH too so one could say it's actually a feature
@BartekBanachewicz never heard of it before
Silly design is a bug
London,bristol ,edinburgh
Okay I'm asking honestly now - is that the only prerequisite for something to be considered a "bug"?
@melak47 freefall doesn't mean you're not in contact with something. Actually, if you're actually not in contact with something, then free-fall is pretty harmless. You'll have been frozen before that point, but you'll go very far. Unless you hit the moon first
you know, these folks could actually spam C
it's shouting key
I half agree with you. The other half of me reckons that if the only symptom is in completely nondocumented functionality then it's not really a bug per se .... more like a potential enhancement in your codebase
@sehe seems reasonable to shout like crazy in that scenario :p
@CatPlusPlus by the way, why don't you ever play with me? :(
I don't have it
So, "Enhancement: Make AHHHHHHH trigger more robust" rather than "Bug: Players go AHHHHHHHH in completely unsupported game mode"
@melak47 Reasonable? Well, certainly not rational
@sehe actually it takes you a while to freeze, since lack of air means no convection which means slow heat loss
@melak47 In space, nobody can hear you scream.
@FredOverflow so who am I bothering if I do scream? :p
@FredOverflow If you scream in space, and nobody's there to hear it, is it still true that nobody can hear you scream?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wokay. Still I maintain that freefall is the least of the issues there
@sehe I didn't really get that bit
@FredOverflow Unless you're broadcasting on the right frequency
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Without a medium to transport the scream, it won't matter if somebody's there to hear it or not.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Shut up Schrödinger
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oops. Accidentally inverted a word
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Obviously. Well, not anymore of course
chat history needs diffs

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