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12:01 AM
@AndreiTita haha
I've never been able to get MH through my head. It's not that I dispute the conclusion: I accept it because I'm overwhelmingly told to, and because I believe in maths. I just haven't been able to quite understand the logic yet.
Not that I've ever given it more than three minutes' thought at a time, mind you.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit MH? I recognize the description but not the acronym.
21 mins ago, by Nolwenn Le Guen
The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle loosely based on the American television game show Let's Make a Deal and named after the show's original host, Monty Hall. The problem, also called the Monty Hall paradox, is a veridical paradox because the result appears impossible but is demonstrably true. The Monty Hall problem, in its usual interpretation, is mathematically equivalent to the earlier Three Prisoners problem, and both bear some similarity to the much older Bertrand's box paradox. The problem was originally posed in a letter by Steve Selvin to the American Statistician in 19...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The simple logic behind the outcome not being 50% is that the host doesn't pick a random door.
@AndreiTita Oh yeah I've heard about that. It's the thing with the 3 doors and asking the guy if he wants to pick another one or keep the one he already has right?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The logic is pretty simple: in 2 out of 3 cases, the game host's hint shows you exactly where the prize is.
12:08 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I find the logic fairly simple to follow if it's stated correctly. Two thirds of the time, your initial choice forces the host's decision about what door to open. Unless you've already chosen the winning door (1/3), his choice is forced -- he can only choose one of the other two doors.
I wasn't asking for an explanation
Certainly not at 00:10!
Thanks, though
There's a similar puzzle IIRC.
About prisoners.
Oddly enough, it doesn't confuse people.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well I provided one at 02:08.
Ah there it is
The Three Prisoners problem appeared in Martin Gardner's "Mathematical Games" column in Scientific American in 1959. It is mathematically equivalent to the Monty Hall problem with car and goat replaced with freedom and execution respectively, and also equivalent to, and presumably based on, Bertrand's box paradox. Problem Three prisoners, A, B and C, are in separate cells and sentenced to death. The governor has selected one of them at random to be pardoned. The warden knows which one is pardoned, but is not allowed to tell. Prisoner A begs the warden to let him know the identity of one o...
People tend to answer correctly to that puzzle
Even though it's equivalent to Monty Hall!
Fuck logic right?
@AndreiTita that's okay then
12:10 AM
@StackedCrooked Speaking of which: do people find it easier to code with automatic bracket insertion? They annoy me greatly.
Sorry bout that.
And I'm pretty sure you've only added that relatively recently.
the problem with Wikipedia's formulations is that they don't seem to use the term "given" anywhere
in fact, without "given", the odds in both cases are universally 1/3 and never change
12:12 AM
@NolwennLeGuen No, not really. The trick to Monty Hall is that you really have a dependent decision, but it looks to most people like it's really an independent decision. Three Prisoner's doesn't seem to do nearly as good of a job of disguising the fact that the decision you're dealing with isn't independent.
@AndreiTita me too
@JerryCoffin Yeah. That must be it.
@AndreiTita They are disabled now.
It's annoying that my brain doesn't really comprehend this sort of statistics intuitively; even the prisoners variant.
I don't have enough registers, or something
12:14 AM
@StackedCrooked interleaving stdout and stderr is interesting, but I don't think it's worth your time
@StackedCrooked You didn't have to do this for me (although that's very sweet of you). I was merely curious if you added that feature because people preferred it that way.
I hope it doesn't mean I'm stupid - I feel like I have good abstract comprehension abilities
Thanks anyway.
And I'm really going to sleep now.
@AndreiTita Most people like them disabled. I had temporarily enabled them to test something a while ago and forgot to turn them back off.
@AndreiTita oh god that annoys me on ideone.com so much
12:15 AM
Tag files will be massive
@MooingDuck Yeah.
@Ell You mean they will be too big?
They will be useful though!
But one tag file could have thousands of lines
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I hate eclipse for that very precise reason (among many others)
I'm not quite sure how people find that usable...
Matter of taste I guess
Bad taste
@NolwennLeGuen Eclipse forces brace insertion?
@Ell Given my current traffic I don't expect it to become a problem.
12:21 AM
I guess
But it could go big
Then I'm fucked :D
Well, not really fucked. It will just become slower over time.
And I'll need to find a better solution.
I'd like to avoid using a database for now.
I'm a plain-text fanatic :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I seem to recall it does. There's probably an option to disable that but shh, let's not ruin my complaint there.
@NolwennLeGuen ok ;P
night kids
night dad
you left your anti-pervert shield on
nm tired
12:26 AM
heh :D
@Ell Currently I'm at 1557 cpp files.
who says I'm not the pervert and you the prey?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How about another you might prefer: You (a young knight) are to go to the castle to rescue the fair maiden. There are two paths: one leads to the castle, but the other to certain death. The only people who know which is which are two guards right where the path splits into two. Unfortunately, while one of the guards is truthful, the other always lies. You're allowed to ask only one question of one guard. What question do you ask of which guard to learn the correct path to the castle?
Oh, and you don't know which guard is honest or truthful.
You also don't know if the maiden is hot. Which suddenly makes the problem much harder. (No pun here @sehe, please).
Oops -- looks like I may be a minute or two too late. Oh well, maybe somebody will find it entertaining anyway.
@NolwennLeGuen Oh, you do and she is. The maiden in need of rescue is always hot! :-)
12:31 AM
Why do you always have to ruin my attempts at ruining stuff.
@NolwennLeGuen Not always. I certainly didn't bring up anything about how to configure Eclipse!
Any hole's a goal.
Any hump's a chump.
any maiden's worth the time that could be spent instead playing raiden
@JerryCoffin asking the guard what the other guard would say which direction should one go to avoid certain death, then choice the other path ( 1&0 = 0)
12:34 AM
old puzzle
but when I do I whore inheritance like a bitch?
Hello, World!
@stacked add mobile to your Todo list, even just viewing. I can't scroll arm
12:46 AM
@DeadMG: in the standard library, .empty() is a getter, returning a bool, and clear() is an action. In your allocator, .empty() is an action.
> // access A's privates
Does anyone want to edit this to add (make sure to wash your hands after)
@MooingDuck Yeah, it's not so well named.
it could be renamed clear() or whatever.
That's why ? Would be cool
@Ell Scrolling arm. added to my mental todo list.
btw link me again that list of warnings?
oh no I still have it
the first warning is spurious, the initialization order is different to the order in the mem init list, but since there is no dependency on the order, it's fine.
12:49 AM
@DeadMG they're all pretty minor, I fixed them locally without concern
hmm, my value_iterator requires begin and end to refer to the same instance of a variable. Not sure if I want to enforce that. I think end probably shouldn't require the value.
or... change how I create an end....
What is value iterator?
@Ell you construct it with a value, and every time you dereference it gives you that value back.
actually mine is reference/reference, but same deal
std::string greeting = "HI";
Far Cry 3 coop is bugged to hell
1:19 AM
So its like a list of the same value?
@Ell Yeah
Except it doesn't hold up space like a list would
3 hours ago, by Nolwenn Le Guen
@sehe Well I did make 82 rep out of my troll on meta earlier today.
^^ make that 92
@mooingduck who owns the value? Does the iterator make a copy of it?
1:27 AM
@Mysticial Make that 102
Feed the trolls, tuppence a bag..
Cicada is a troll that needs to be feed.
Along with the puppy.
Yeah, a couple pet trolls aren't so bad. Until they behave badly
But the insect seems to be significantly more friendly nowadays, Its honestly really nice
@Mysticial DeadMG is a troll?
@Borgleader When he needs to be, he's a good troll.
1:33 AM
I'm being nice on purpose okay. Okay?
Oh hello :)
02:34 AM and I'm trying to optimize my build in GW2
@Mysticial Hello there
@NolwennLeGuen I'm a failure at GW2. I played an elementalist and died so many times when leveling up.
1:35 AM
Elementalist dagger/dagger is completely broken atm
Some of the storyline quests got me to die over and over and over and ... you get the point
Unkillable, uncatchable
Nobody trolls as well as the puppy. I mean seriously who else can get 20 upvotes and a reversal badge for calling the OP a bitch?
I played staff :(
@NolwennLeGuen hi
1:36 AM
@Mysticial Hahaha xD
TIL Dota 2 Is LoL
@Borgleader Staff is more tanky/support. Also. Make sure you match the level of the storyline. Because yeah they can be quite difficult otherwise. (And make sure you dodge!!)
@Ell No, all MOBAs are Dota
Mobs? O.o
1:36 AM
MOBAs -> Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
newb :P
Dota came first, HoN/LoL/Dota2 came after
oh and Smite
I can't help being a newb!
I've played 1-2 matches of Dota2, and I prefer LoL
Anyone play any spidweb software games?
(Also I'm lvl 30 in LoL feels kind of a waste to switch)
@Borgleader Actually, Aeon of Strife, a Brood War map, came first.
1:42 AM
Woah, that SO swag comes with Joel Spolsky's real signiature.
I can tell his hand got a little tired after writing 180 of them...
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah I guess I should have said "came before"
What the fuss about this?
@Mysticial Admit it, you want one now :P
@Borgleader I have one.
That's why I know it has his real siggy.
Because it's right in front of me.
1:44 AM
In actual pen ink.
I'm jealous now
Ok that was overboard >.>
sowwy =.=;
aww... :(
I wanted to be hated... :(
I barely made that 5th page though...
Oh, we were having a debate earlier. Which programming language are you most comfortable with?
1:46 AM
I assumed c for some reason
Even though I wasn't in said discussion
@Ell now youre just trolling
@Mysticial Huh... why the hell did I think it was java -.-;
@Borgleader I haven't done any real Java in 5 years.
@Borgleader Did you mean comfortable, like, having no-reference-at-hand-while-coding?
1:48 AM
@MarkGarcia Comfortable as in, I'll choose that language to answer an interview question.
^ This
C lacks shit. So I can't really do much in C when time is limited.
Oh. Me, not yet very comfy with C++, though.
My Java is shaky. I need to keep on googling for how to use even the basic libraries.
Obviously, I can't do that in the middle of an interview.
But if you asked me to code a large (non-performance critical) project. I would choose Java.
I was coding Python on my way to school this morning (50 min train ride) and the documentation is just awesome...
1:50 AM
C has plenty of shit, especially when C/C++ interop :((
java java java
@Mysticial Not you too!
What have they done to youuuuu ~
Never even had coded a hello world example in java.
But if either code performance or programmer efficiency mattered, I'd stick with C++.
@mysticial why java over c++?
1:52 AM
@Ell Java doesn't have as many ropes.
I'm surprised you didn't say C# for large applications
@Borgleader I don't know C#.
Not saying that I can't learn it, but I can't use a language that I don't know.
I'm not entirely proficient with C# but I like it and a lot of stuff can be done in a small amount of code while remaining clear and obvious.
I don't like languages that are derived from C++. I think they're just reinventing stuff.
Are you talking about C# ? because C# feels to me more like Java (done right) than C++
1:55 AM
Depending on the complexity of the interview question, I might whip out some Haskell...
C# is C++ with GC and less objects-on-stack crap.
in fact, I'll have to remember that for my next interview, especially for something simple...
@Borgleader C# is indeed some "Java done right" with extra niceties (amazing niceties).
@Borgleader I mean languages that imitate templates, and those that say their much simpler than C++ (which is true, but I don't buy it).
Yeah like events and delegates and a few other things
@MarkGarcia Also the .NET framework is really damn useful
1:57 AM
..and properties.
Oh yes, those are great
@Borgleader True. But I really haven't coded with .NET for serious stuff.
@MarkGarcia "It's true but I don't buy it". wat
I don't see all tat much difference between c# and java, besides generics
1:59 AM
With my Delphi experience, I picked up C# very quick, though it took a while to not explicitly manage the object lifetimes.
@NolwennLeGuen Almost everything they say that can be done simpler can be done in C++. I think there's really no need for that.
What is Delphi like for memory and object lifetime.management?

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