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2:01 PM
NL"layout(location = 0) in vec3 position;"
NL"layout(location = 1) in vec2 texCoord;"
NL"layout(location = 2) in vec3 model_position;"
NL"layout(location = 3) in vec2 model_texCoord;"
> We encourage all users to try this new release [nsight 3.0 for visual studio] which officially supports OpenGL frame debugging and profiling, GLSL GPU shader debugging, local single GPU shader debugging, the new Kepler GK110 architecture found in Tesla® K20 and CUDA 5.0®
this actually sounds somewhat interesting
@melak47 WAAAA
where give me link where
@melak47 damn. Do you have to apply for that now?
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know. hold on
2:05 PM
@melak47 damn. No VS2012 version yet?
oh, yeah looks like you have to apply for thew nsight thing
also...no vs 2012? :(
ah! but I already applied to this thing it seems. and I've been approved
@melak47 Why the fuck can't you debug D3D shaders with just one GPU?
@DeadMG because it has to stop the driver. You pause execution, holding the gpu. To see anything, you have to have 2nd card operating normally.
idk. but I have 3 GPUs lying around, I'll manage :p
2:08 PM
@BartekBanachewicz wat. I thought they did this whole "virtualizing the gpu" thing with their cards..
Apparently not.
apparently not not
> Local, single GPU shader debugging and pixel history is now supported for HLSL and GLSL.
why is it easier to distribute windows binaries compared to linux?
uh, they said it might take as long as an hour
I waited for dev zone account about a month -.-
that was around that hacker attack
@BartekBanachewicz yeah they shut everything down for what feels like months
2:10 PM
Well, if there's no VS 2012 version yet, too bad anyway
@melak47 BTW, VS2012 has builtin directX debugging IIRC
No OpenGL here yet :/
@BartekBanachewicz I know. but not ogl
(old) gDebugger is still the best :P
It was already supported in the past
With emulated mode
But they removed it
@BartekBanachewicz actually, where the hell does it even say which VS version it supports? I can't find any mention..
2:13 PM
why do you display hidden characters?
@melak47 when you register, they ask you if you are going to use it with 2k8, 2010 or standalone
@BartekBanachewicz ..they do?
@melak47 register apply for NSight program
that was about... a year ago. VS 2012 was still RC then
did you apply just now? :/
you can also use eclipse nsight
2:15 PM
"I'd rather write code by colouring pixels in Paint than use Eclipse" #LoungeCpp
@melak47 yep
so would i, but on linux, you don't have a choice
@Cicada you have a choice of not using linux
depends on what you do
@Cicada ekhm?
hashtag lougecpp
2:16 PM
some projects require linux
@Cicada like, for example...
like, for example, anything that requires distributed GPU computations
@Cicada which surely can't be done on windows... NOT
indeed it can't :)
@BartekBanachewicz And no credit :argh:
2:17 PM
@CatPlusPlus all the quotes are without authors
you're right. looks 2010ish :/
well, fine. screw you nvidia
@BartekBanachewicz windows sucks
@Fanael you suck.
@BartekBanachewicz no I don't
@Fanael write a better OS
2:23 PM
@BartekBanachewicz why?
ugh I have a stupid ass keyboard
never go for the cheapest wireless desktop >.<
@Fanael because maybe then you'll get off the chat and stop being annoying
lol I see another plonk coming :p
@melak47 in which direction?
2:26 PM
So what's up besides "the sky" and "a direction".
@Zoidberg my code crashes
been doing more work on Wide
You deserve it.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm sorry, I'd never thought that stating the truth annoys you so much.
2:27 PM
@Zoidberg why?
Everyone's writing a language, eh?
I wrote a little web framework and now I can do this. c:
Get["/"] = async (HttpRequest request) => {
    var body = @"<h1>Hello, world!</h1>";
    return new HttpResponse(200, body, new Dictionary<string, string> { { "content-type", "html" } });
blergh, why does nvidia offer C++ AMP debugging for visual studio 11/2012, but not glsl? ._.
@melak47 why does my code crash? :)
2:28 PM
@Zoidberg That's neat.
@BartekBanachewicz I guess the answer to both is...because they/you suck? :)
Slightly too verbose on the return IMO
I need to write a subclass of Stream that reads from an IEnumerable that I can use with yield return.
@melak47 do you know anything about glDrawArraysInstanced?
body can be a stream instead of a string.
2:30 PM
@BartekBanachewicz nope. I've used DrawInstanced in D3D though :3
If I write an adaptor to IEnumerable I can lazily read from data sources.
Problem is it must be async because everything is on one thread. xD
@Zoidberg is that c#?
> Licensing mechanism disabled, it is no longer needed to acquire a free license to run gDEBugger.
@Ell yes.
2:30 PM
ughh stupid keyboard extends the place where # should be and puts it as the enter key >:(
and replaces the backspace part with the # so the backpsace key is only one key wide!
@Ell how do you not notice that before buying it
Because I bought it hastily, and on the internet you can't see the keyboard layout well :(
@Ell that's why you google photos of the damn thing
Buy the Razer Blackwidow
that's the best keyboard for coding atm.
2:33 PM
Btw I see no await in your code?
@BartekBanachewicz that thing has a weird enter key as well
@melak47 it's horizontal.
like I said :)
@BartekBanachewicz why is the menu bar in caps and why is everything black?
(inb4 "racist")
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why not?
@melak47 it's a small weirdness. Other than that, it's great
2:41 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it helps the eyes when you stay up late coding
@Cicada that's a myth
also, turn on a light
no it's not
i get tired much faster on a white screen
source: myself
also, white VS'12 is ugly :d
and the default c++ syntax highlighting colors make me want to puke.
@melak47 change eet
A: Can we have click-to-close back, please?

Jeremy TunnellHere's what happened: We're currently going through an overhaul of our error styles to make them prettier, more consistent, and more user-friendly, and this one got lumped in accidentally, along with several others. This is not an error, and shouldn't be displayed as such. We will fix these ov...

2:43 PM
@Fanael I have :3
I'm now happily coding in bright orange Comic Sans :3
user image
for science!
the horror
Seen worse, actually.
I'm still disappointed that they don't let you use wingdings :(
2:52 PM
@melak47 curl is so terrible...
@Fanael do share, please :)
@melak47 Don't have it anymore. Nor do I remember it.
@melak47 it actually looks pretty nice
Also, it doesn't crash anymore!
why would they even let you use this, what the fuck
2:55 PM
Vladimir Script. why?!
@CatPlusPlus oh, come on
@CatPlusPlus is that a "wanker" gesture?
how do I copy/paste a tweet URL from twitter.com
fucking thing
The nightmare on the US cruise ship for the last few days--that's what roughly 1 billion people endure every day.
@NickKristof But they didn't pay roughly 5 grand for it
^ What a dick
crontab for updating ddns: check
2:59 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: Which one of the two? :)

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