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12:00 AM
@DeadMG Yeah, but that Dota2 game is making them tens of millions quarterly.
It's hard to argue with profit margins that high.
yeah, I know, that's why they're rolling in money
that doesn't make the game less shit from my perspective.
I obviously would rather they made games that cater to my tastes. You know. Obviously.
@hichris123 Because that's potentially a lot faster than giving you a range of all the elements.
alright fuck this
I'm gonna send it to the recruiter and if he doesn't like it, he can suck me off.
I've got another three weeks until my medical legal thingie expires.
Anyone got any idea why I would need to do "cout<<endl;" in order to have the data I sent using WSASendTo actually get to the other host?
12:03 AM
@DeadMG Have you uploaded your CV for feedback somewhere?
@Impulse flushing buffers? Does it also work with cout << flush?
I've got this atm
Except I don't see any reason to flush cout .... which is the console afaik and not sockets
Let me check
No it doesn't
Are you sure cout is actually std::cout and not just the name of some local variable, parameter or whatnot?
yes. I don't use streams in this case. cout is just from <iostream>
void udpSend(CSocket* socket, sockaddr_in addr, string message)
auto cstr = message.c_str();
socket->BeginSend(&addr, (uint8_t*)cstr, message.size());
That's really weird.
12:06 AM
Yes indeed.
you begin the send but never end it.
But why does cout<<endl end it?
I do end it.
it just happens to take long enough.
it'd be like
12:06 AM
1 message moved to bin
No walls of code man.
running a thread, and then instead of waiting for it to finish, doing something else that happens to take longer than executing the thread.
I don't exit the thread
I said it would be LIKE that.
I do a cin.getline()
well, never mind
I'm gonna go commit career suicide nao
and then hit the sack
I've got stuff to do tomorrow
good night everybody
12:08 AM
Even if cin.getline() would block the thread I am doing SleepEx(100, true); after the send...
This is nuts.
it's not nuts.
@DeadMG Have you ever made money? I see no references to jobs, no matter how insignificant they may be
why on earth would you sleep for some utterly random amount of time.
@FredOverflow I worked as a checkout monkey in retail for a few months
100 ms would seem a reasonable amount of time for a send of 6 bytes to end...
@DeadMG I would include that. Otherwise, it would appear you have never done anything for money.
12:10 AM
I would have thought 1 would be enough but eh
it doesnt work either way
OS's low resolution/precision says "fuck you".
secondly, that depends on what you mean by "send" and what your latency is to the other computer.
The other computer is the localhost
So latency is 0
42 secs ago, by DeadMG
OS's low resolution/precision says "fuck you".
Ok please explain what you mean because what I understand from that is that even 1 ms would have been enough...
or am I wrong?
12:12 AM
what I mean is
you are assuming that when you ask the OS to sleep for 100 ms, then you will sleep for 100 ms.
this is not the case.
the OS's clock that it uses for such actions has a very low accuracy.
you need to sleep until the OS has told you the action is completed.
I don't really care how much it sleeps. I use SleepEx so it would put the threadi into an alterable state
and no more or less and certainly not some random amount of time.
Oh, I forgot to mention
on the client that sends the send callback is always called
so, DeadMG got any other ideas?
I just moved the cin.getline on another thread and I use a queue to communicate between the threads. without cin<<endl still doesn't work...
@Impulse BeginSend is asynchronous, right? How do I know when the send is finished? Surely this must be documented somewhere in the API?
12:20 AM
@Rapptz wth
The callback is called. On the first client side everything looks ok, but for some reason the other client does not receive the message
Press "cursor up" to edit messages for up to 2 minutes.
socket->BeginSend(&addr, (uint8_t*)cstr, message.size());
I don't see a callback here...?
Is that configured beforehand?
BeginSend eventually calls this:
return WSASendTo(_socket, _sendBuf, 1, &sz, flag, (sockaddr*)ptr, sizeof(sockaddr_in), (LPWSAOVERLAPPED)_sendOverlap, endSend);
Wait, you pass cstr to BeginSend, which is asynchronous, and then you leave the method udpSend, making cstr a dangling pointer. Could that be a problem?
If you do cout<<endl (which is quite an expensive operaton) before leaving the method, the string is probably around for long enough.
@DeadMG This is so much better now
Now that's a thought.
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery It's an audit.
@Rapptz I mean the proposed edit
It doesn't make sense
Audits are based on real edits.
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery It's an audit. It's falsified based on real edits, but merged into some random post. It's supposed to test you.
12:25 AM
what is this sorcery
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery It audits made sense then they would not be audits.
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery meta.stackexchange.com/q/157121/155739
> Do robo-reviewers dream of electric sheep?
@FredOverflow Thanks. I now copy the data into a buffer and then send and it works.
12:27 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the fuck
@Impulse What can I say, call me The Debugger ;)
> Lightness Races in Orbit has approved 738 edit suggestions and rejected 302 edit suggestions
I love my name
lol. sure.
I'm awesoem
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery What's the problem?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I feel offended by this lack of confidence in my reviewing skills
12:28 AM
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery I feel offended by your ignorance
Is William real, or just a fake test for The Lounge?
I am pretty sure it's real... I am not sure bots are configured to use words like 'fuck'
Atleast, most bots behave...
haha yes, i'm very horny right now, want some pics?
unless they are meant to promote stuff..
12:29 AM
/typical bot
or viruses...
so what do you people usually discuss here? I am kinda new
> Hilarious amount of "you should vote for X", "you should not vote for Y" going on tonight. STFU and mind your own business? #democracy
@Impulse Pretty much everything except C++
fun then
@Impulse These async WSAblah API's are easy if you follow a simple rule - the buffer, _OVL and everything else associated with that particular instance of callback-setup should be in one class instance/struct that is passed into the call AND IS NOT MODIFIED/DELETED/WRITTEN AGAIN UNTIL THE CALLBACK. That means no stack/auto anything. If you don't do this, your code will fuck up.
12:34 AM
so... how is a 'web app' different than a 'web site'?
applied to that job opening I mentioned a couple of days ago; figured if they find me suitable I should go take a look before drawing conclusions
might be something nice in the end
@MartinJames thanks.
@Crow usually "web app" means that the whole code of the app is downloaded on first page load, and it runs on AJAX/websocket from then on (no page reload)
though I doubt it
> Mr Garcia, who was arrested on Tuesday, has not been formally charged.
> His arrest comes a year after three women who went missing separately about a decade earlier were rescued from a house in Cleveland, Ohio.
> Their captor, Ariel Castro, killed himself in prison in September 2013 at the beginning of a life sentence plus 1,000 years.
> a life sentence plus 1,000 years.
12:35 AM
it's still a small gamedev studio and likely to be one of those "dynamic and young and adaptable" teams
which is exactly what I don't want
@LightnessRacesinOrbit have you heard of USA
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery no
@LightnessRacesinOrbit reading the news outloud?
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery really? I think I am doing it wrong then
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's that island fully surrounded by ocean on which the whole world lives
12:36 AM
@Impulse no
@Impulse: Who are you?
@Crow Well that's my understanding, at least
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery ok
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm new around here... managed to finally get over 20 rep points (although I didnt even know there was a chat...)
Let me see if I can change my username or something
@Impulse well done
was that an Impulsive decision, or...?
12:38 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ah ah
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's common to stack on sentences. I believe you can earn multiple life sentences in prison and such (though 1,000 years seems completely odd), etc. etc., in America. I think this also affects the chances of things like parole and what not (you can drop one life in prison sentence, but that doesn't drop them all).
@ThePhD doesn't mean it's not totally retarded
@ThePhD Makes perfect sense!
I wonder how much Hitler would have been sentenced for
A whole geological age?
Well, 1,000 years just might be that there's so many crimes committed that when you're done separating and charging them, it comes out to that much time.
Not even talking about Stalin or Gengis Khan
12:40 AM
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery they would probably get bored of calculating and just call the sentence infinite
@AlexM. "Forever in Prison"
you know what a good punishment for Hitler would be?
Getting downvoted on meta
nah I'm serious
12:41 AM
but I have to search for pics damnit
Maintaining ncurses for the rest of his life.
it seems stack overflow is saying a "web app" is more of a remote program and a "web site" is a repository of data
@AlexM. imprisonment for life in a prison full of fleas, ticks & mites. Occasionally have to work outside until severe sunburnt
anyone played it?
@Crow For me a web app is something like cloud9
12:44 AM
@chmod711telkitty hmm
@Crow: A web application or web app is any application software that runs in a web browser or is created in a browser-supported programming language (such as the combination of JavaScript, HTML and CSS) and relies on a common web browser to render the application [wikipedia]
or, just throw him to the closest community of Jews
and let them do justice
@AlexM. How can you get justice for few million dead people...
@AlexM. that's popular justice. it usually doesn't work well.
12:48 AM
@AlexM. Oh, haha- I seen the intro, and it was pretty interesting.
@AlexM. and I say that for having lived a few years in a country where they burn (supposed) thieves and hang homosexuals
you don't want popular justice
it's not justice
it's justice for straight people and people who have been burgled
@Nican there's a walkthrough somewhere on youtube
I can't play adventure games
the moment I see a hard puzzle I just quit
so I prefer to watch them like movies
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery for those affected, it is justice
12:50 AM
@AlexM. I said supposed thieves. Not convicted.
if someone killed one of my parents, the only justice I'd consider would be the guy getting the same
They might be culprits. They might not.
@AlexM. That's not justice.
it is to me
Come on now this is 2014 and we have nearly 4 billion years of evolution behind us.
@AlexM. what if his parents are already dead?
12:51 AM
oh the old "this is 2014" argument
totally empty
I can't understand your idea of justice for the guy who killed my parent
@StackedCrooked no, I meant for him to die
oh lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit u wana fite
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery 4 billion years? where did you get the figure? :S
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery k
12:53 AM
@Impulse from the Bible obviously
@Impulse Seems accurate to me.
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery I don't remember reading that figure... I must read some more then.
@Impulse Current estimates say it's around 3.8
@Rapptz That is if you have faith in the evolutionism theory
top kek
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery I think it's 3.6 actually
but yeah somewhere around that > 3.5 but < 4.0 range
shit, it's 4 am again
@AlexM. tell me about it ... :(
I miss the days when I used to go to sleep at 22, naturally
@Rapptz seriously where do you get that figure from
I was in 7th grade back then
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery Hm? It says life on Earth is over 3.5
Read the rest
Earth wasn't always life housing.
140M years to house life? That's interesting.
ya pretty gud score
We can now define the MTTL (Mean Time To Life) score of a planet
12:58 AM
@Impulse How long ago do you think life has been around?
Call me old fashion but I believe in the old Bible tale...
This room is meant for you
I see.
Is that 6,000 years? o.o
It's 3 am I should be sleeping~ ;_;
Something like that
Although there can be more. The only thing I know for sure is that neither me nor you can know for sure how long it has actually been since the planet appeared.
1:01 AM
lol @?
I don't like prolonging these types of conversations -- they're an infamous psychological trap.
True that. Cupcakes anyone?
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery lol.
1:06 AM
So what are your views on extinct species?
let me google it
I believe the earth is the testing ground for an alien specie - although the normal definition of 'alien' might not apply
what :v
@chmod711telkitty like in pacific rim? (the story about dinosaurs and w/e)
1:09 AM
I want one function to return both a position and velocity, where the position and velocity are of a vector type that's already been defined. Would it be better to use std::tuple or to define a little POD struct to hold them?
that explains why there is microevolution but there is no connection between, say a duck & a chicken (fossil wise) ... and yeah the extinction of dinosaurs
@Maxpm Do you use that kind of tuples all over? If yes, go with a type. For a one time use or so, a pair is fine. This is more of a semantic choice than anything.
@Maxpm std::pair might help if it's a one-time thing.
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery Nope. Just in this case.
1:11 AM
Then I'd go with what @Rapptz said
Alright. Thanks.
also explain the speed of light - you know one of the most important aspect of a testing ground? So your specimens can not escape - earth is rather far from the next inhabitable planet ..
How high are you right now?
On a scale from 0 to telkitty
1:15 AM
I just had half a cup of morning coffee, please tell me how high I am?
@chmod711telkitty "how high I am?"
surely my theory is as only far fetched as bible or quran?
since both of these are already pretty far fetched...
I humbly accept that my imagination is much inferior to the authors of the other two books
@chmod711telkitty Well the Bible says pretty much what you just said yourself: an alien (God) placed people on earth for "testing" purposes ... (or something along the lines)
Seems like the audience is sleepy... maybe I should go to sleep as well... not stay up all night ...
1:23 AM
Most loungers are in CET
excuse my ignorance but what does CET stand for?
Central European Time. UTC+1
It's only 9:24 PM here.
after some googling I found the same answer. well I am in CET aswell... you don't see me sleeping at this hour, do you
> Lost my job, there's a new opportunity
1:25 AM
@Impulse I too am in CET
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery that sucks for both of us ...
EST here.
@Rapptz South America?
The north one then
1:27 AM
So Canada?
No. America.
Isn't that Central America?
(continent wise)
1:28 AM
that's what I remember from my geography classes
obviously I don't remember too well
You're the first person I've met who thought US was in Central America
@Rapptz Well, to be fair, you called it "America".
Central America has the Caribbean.
@EtiennedeMartel There aren't any other Americas in North America. :v
@Rapptz Still, "America" can refer to the continent, while "US" doesn't.
1:30 AM
I know you're trying to be nitpicky for absolutely no reason so whatever.
@Rapptz Because it's the Lounge, and someone has to compensate for when @LightnessRacesinOrbit isn't here.
If you followed the conversation you'd know answering "America" is unambiguous. :v
Rapptz thanks for the geography lesson
@Rapptz Yes, but that's not what "nitpicking" is about.
Nitpicking is about not giving a shit about the context and infuriating everyone.
well it's been fun but I have to sleep...
1:34 AM
@EtiennedeMartel And you suck at it
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery Then help.
@EtiennedeMartel You know I'm awful at nitpicking or trolling in general
Is there a std:: function/object that assigns argument 1 to argument 2 ?
1:35 AM
std::bind or a lambda.
@ThePhD in what context?
Hmm. Got it.
and some std::placeholders magic
hmm interesting stuff...
Hm. I guess that'll do the trick.
1:40 AM
good night people.
Anyone knows about good co-op games, aside from Borderlands and Minecraft?
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
@EtiennedeMartel In the same genre?
League of Legends
1:40 AM
Killing Floor
Guacamelee (Locally)
I'm looking for something to play with my girlfriend.
All recommendations still stand
Except, maybe Dark Souls (II)
There's older Emulators
1:43 AM
so whipping out Kirby Superstars and huddling up on a keyboard
New Super Mario Bros., if you have that stuff
Mario party 1-WHATEVER THEY'RE AT is actually surprisingly fun.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
where you two swap controllers every game/wave that's played
@EtiennedeMartel Trine and Trine II
1:44 AM
@EtiennedeMartel Who says I'm not here?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit <3
actually i nee dslepe now
(cba to fix typos)
your mum's fake
1:46 AM
going to bed
2:04 AM
template <typename A, typename B>
auto do_shit ( A&& a, B&& b ) {
      return a.my_void_returning_function( b );
^^ Will the following compile, or is it not allowed?
it's fine
I am selling my chooks for the 3rd time - plenty of views, no offer so far from the previous two times
I just answered a question tagged with some PHP code. I should go sleep.
2:05 AM
Go home, you're drunk.
what if... he's already home
Then go further into your home, in which case, the bed.
Can a universal template argument be defaulted?
template <typename TFn, typename TKernelOp = default_kernel_sum>
void Convolve( const stuff& in, TFn&& fn, TKernelOp&& kernelop = TKernelOp{ } ) {
   // ....
2:11 AM
Probably.... not I'm guessing.
Q: PHP/JS - Start user's camera with their permission

user3659024what code do i need to make a video call ?? please do not rate this negatively just if there isn't just say no. please! the website that I'm making is really simple but so far I got the login/register all done right, so after the user is logged in, there will be a VIDEOCHAT and people with the...

> please do not rate this negatively just if there isn't just say no. please!
He's not just going for LONG TIME thanks
He's going for BIG TIME thanks
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery Bananas?
2:19 AM
just a random unicode character
oh a high repwhore answered
Question was voluntarily removed by the author
2:21 AM
Gets answer, deletes question.
What a boss.
fuck these people
but that doesn't prevent them from getting question banned though
but then again who cares they can just make another account
3:58 AM
@WilliamAndrewMontgomery Three accounts deleted, suspended, will watch
@false Whoa
Thank you for flying Lounge<Flags>
What happened there?
@ThePhD A lot of really bad questions!
(Yes, you can be suspended for that.)
Oh, my.
3:59 AM
I never knew.
minitech you noob
why'd you change your name@@

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