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@Feeds hey bro you check out Poorly Drawn Lines too
4:30 AM
@Feeds lol no more onebox?
@Rapptz No fun allowed!
@MarkGarcia Who is this?
@Rapptz Care to take a guess?
Ya know, the most prominent feature...
Only two guesses: Andy or you.
4:38 AM
This is a bit earlier than the crack of dawn.....
@buttifulbuttefly I never checked for a pic. lol
Add the starfish on that one too
Then we can make an meme
4:42 AM
may may, and it's May.
man I'm getting old
when did curvy mean fat people?
since like, forever
not true
They are gravitationally attractive, not fat
4:45 AM
the chick on the right isn't even fat
@Rapptz u fuckin wot....
22 secs ago, by Rapptz
the chick on the right isn't even fat
do I have to repeat myself
17 secs ago, by Don Larynx
22 secs ago, by Rapptz
the chick on the right isn't even fat
No but just in case you delete it I have it for records.
4:46 AM
wow you really showed me up m8
Rapptz is living in the U.S. :p
@Rapptz Yes, she is. Are you American or what that you cannot see that? :)
I'll reiterate for you
she's not obese
But Aussies are as fat
not obese.
4:47 AM
@Rapptz overweight is fat lmaoooooo
obese != overweight and to me fat == obese.
You're overweight
Fat is In, fat is the new black.
> Overweight is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight is common especially where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary.
4:48 AM
ayyy lmao
But hey, as the average body weight goes up, so does life expectancy in the past 50 years. Coincidence? I think not.
@buttifulbuttefly hahaha
everyone I've seen pictures of in this room (except robot I guess) is overweight.
@chmod711telkitty Life expectancy does go up, life expectancy in good health has been going down. hth
@Rapptz No pencil.
4:50 AM
@Rapptz Andy Pitbull ain't overweight
Bartek isn't either
Nor the pirate
And I am not
@buttifulbuttefly look at his waist
@buttifulbuttefly @buttifulbuttefly ?
well I can guess his pants might be baggy
but iunno looks like an overweight waist to me
idk @Andy how obese are you
4:51 AM
but I didn't know everyone had negative connotations with being overweight
yeah it's not good but it's not awful either
overweight is a very factual term no?
a lot of people are overweight
"Over the optimal healthy weight"
the issue is obesity tbh
@chmod711telkitty lol poor thing
4:52 AM
It's literally over - weight
You can't get it wrong. :v
Yeah I am a poor thing who has to chat on iPhone 6 ...
@buttifulbuttefly obese != overweight
@Rapptz It is for comical effect
@chmod711telkitty I'll translate for your simple mind
4:54 AM
@Rapptz wowowowowwooowooo
I wouldn't be talking m8
@Rapptz Well... I would say obese ⊆ overweight.
@Rapptz Not overweight m8
@wilx no
I would say the troll scale is over 9000 in here
@Rapptz YES
4:55 AM
While life expectancy has increased a lot over the past century, life expectancy in good health (aka, you are not sick with alzheimer, require surgery, etc), has been decreasing steadily for the past decade or so.
we're being trolled hard
How is obese not a subset of overweight
The Healthy Life Years indicator (HLY) is a European structural indicator computed by Eurostat. It is one of the summary measures of population health, known as health expectancies, composite measures of health that combine mortality and morbidity data to represent overall population health on a single indicator. HLY measures the number of remaining years that a person of a certain age is expected to live without disability. It is actually a disability-free life expectancy. == History == The European Union has decided to include a small set of health expectancies among its European Community Health...
LMAO, this discussion.
what is wrong with you?
4:56 AM
@Rapptz mfw le rage face ecksdee
@buttifulbuttefly too bad I don't have to stress over a deadline so I can afford to share a chicken cage.
Oh it's an European™ indicator
Maybe that's why the poor sobs over there in racistralia haven't heard of it
> ecksdee
i loled
@Rapptz not enough food in system
Speaking of the south hemisphere...
I have found this on YouTube yesterday:
4:59 AM
i need food.
Australian richest woman is a fat f*ck, but you see, she doesn't care because she doesn't have to sell her body to afford a Porsche or multi million dollar home.
you're making too much sense
anyway adios
I know, aren't I ...
@Rapptz cya
5:03 AM
@Rapptz Later Potaters!
@Rapptz buenas noches
@Rapptz Later.
I love my fat chooks ...
They are huggable.
@DonLarynx I am in between the two, lol
5:10 AM
@chmod711telkitty I like that
I need to be up in 6 hours.
@chmod711telkitty You're an Asian that's < 50. You can't be fat.
5:23 AM
I wish I was jacked
I'm p underweight tho
Actually I don't really want to be all muscley I want like a swimmer's body
I want to be super jacked.
So I can run through walls and shit.
Ah yes, running through walls. The most useful of skills
I'd rather have insane stamina so I can just run :p
That reminds me I wanna make a game where you have to run through walls
5:46 AM
I wonder if vector<bool> is faster or slower to iterate over vs vector<char>
The more important thing would be if you could do with the idiosyncrasies of std::vector<bool>.
@Prismatic why would it be?
@DonLarynx Why could it not?
I don't know how to get configure to work on Winnows. .-.
@DonLarynx its weird because the bool's are packed
vector<bool> is a specialization of vector and acts differently
5:54 AM
@buttifulbuttefly Burden of proof doesn't lie on me
@Prismatic How so?
@Prismatic packed?
google it
@ThePhD use msys
@Rapptz I have MSys2.
@DonLarynx How so?
type ./configure
5:55 AM
I think I need to install whatever "configure" is
@Rapptz Tried that, no luck.
"configure" is just a shell script you noob
@buttifulbuttefly Since he made a claim, I get to ask him why it's true. The claim-maker is usually the one with the burden.
@DonLarynx Where did he make a claim
5:56 AM
9 mins ago, by Prismatic
I wonder if vector<bool> is faster or slower to iterate over vs vector<char>
I don't see how that qualifies as a claim
He didn't make a claim.
He made a question.
wow no. a question has "?" on it.
get out
5:57 AM
@Rapptz hm, you're right
There's no configure script, but that's what the docs are telling me to do
Why is this so complicated.
5:58 AM
Maybe I need to run autogen.sh first??
I don't know. ;~;
@ThePhD configure is generated by autogen
5:59 AM
What are you trying to build
./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=/my/install/path && make && make install && echo "time to party!"
fuck system-wide installs
Some projects have autogen.sh already run so you can just clone a repo or grab source or whatever and run configure right away
Now I need libtool, automake...
Time to go installing things.
I thnk MSys has a package maneger thingy... Pacman?
6:02 AM
whatever happened to that build system y'all were gonna build
to end the oppressive dictatorship of libtool, automake and friends
"Now type make to compile libxml2"
lucpm and lucbs
Fug dat shiz.
windows is bad at building stuff
use a real OS
6:03 AM
windows is bad at building stuff
@buttifulbuttefly the best
@Prismatic no one had that
fuzzy memory then I guess
we only had lucpm™
Legitimately Underwhelming C++ Package Manager™
6:04 AM
you guys should start up a site for your package manager
hype it up on all the subreddits and hackernews
then apply for a google summer code student
all the wrong places
And make them do a TON of work
while you all sit back, crack whips and sip pina coladas
some people really have no soul
Wait, what?
typical usa, trying to market cancer as a product
Those are some Big Name cancer charities.
That's why super rich people form their own charity funds, so that they know where the money is going to.
Really nice people are not dumb or naive.
6:10 AM
i give directly to the people in deep shit
no intermediates no scam
@buttifulbuttefly Do you have a hotline? You know, just in case.
I'm here all day everyday
@buttifulbuttefly I am! Gimme something now!
@MarkGarcia Here's some of my heart-felt pity
6:11 AM
I’ll cancel my insurance
@buttifulbuttefly You should be ashamed!
Why? It's a luxury commodity that can be sold for monies
> We're on a mission to build a new type of database for a modern world in which information is constantly moving, and moving fast.
Is this a new religion
Ah no, just a new database
curry on
> We're on a mission to build a new type of <zealot topic> for a modern world in which information is constantly moving, and moving fast.
> TIL only 1.52% of desktop users use linux
> Benefits:
> * No set work hours--work when you feel smart
There goes my 4-hours week
i felt smart somewhere in 2012
i'm not sure when it was though
6:15 AM
I still haven't
@ThePhD quick, put it on hackernews
> The proposed final order against Effler will impose a judgment of $41,152,231, the amount consumers donated to CSS between 2008 and 2012. The judgment will be suspended upon payment of $60,000.
What does "the judgement will be suspended upon payment of 60,000" mean?
You pay 60K and then you're off the hook?
Maybe its $60k to appeal or some nonsense
6:17 AM
I should have become a lawyer
$$ all day erry day $$
shouldn't be harder than programming
We are lawyers, just the computer version
@DonLarynx No, we actually create things
@DonLarynx we are builders
6:20 AM
oh snap
> syntax error near unexpected token `LZMA,liblzma,'
@ThePhD lol
I hate configure
I hate autohell
6:20 AM
I had an argument with someone about why C and C++ is a pain in the ass for this very reason
@ThePhD lol!!!
But it's not C or C++.
It's the tools around it.
For some reason people invented fuck-ass tools
And then they became popular.
6:21 AM
they are old
that's why
How did these tools survive?
new ones are not invented for some reason
@Prismatic yeah, that sucks. But my point is, bools aren't packed.
You can use bit fields but then it would take longer.
You sure?
You would have to access the bool at the address, then iterate through the required number of bits til you got to your bool, then you query it.
for chars all you do is access the char at the address; no iterating or querying needed
6:23 AM
You wouldn't iterate through bits
You'd have an offset
@Prismatic what would i do with the offset?
If you had a vector<bool> of size 8, and you wanted to know if the 4th 'bool' was true or false you wouldn't iterate, you'd use a mask
lol you guys are funny.
I'm Cinch.
why new account?
@khajvah Question bans after 400 rep are frustrating when my first question on this account gets me 20 rep.
6:27 AM
So, if I downvote you I essentially kick you out of chat?
@buttifulbuttefly I don't know if it works like that.
You need 20 rep to chat don't you?
@Prismatic yes, why?
dat god like power of kicking someone out of chat
6:28 AM
@VermillionAzure let's try
@khajvah Whatever.
Hit me.
if you had a vector<bool> of size 8, then myBoolVec[3] would get the 4th bool.

Otherwise, if you're packing, you have a vector<bool> of size 1, then you do bool trueorfalse = myBoolVec[0] & 1 << 3.
6:30 AM
can you still caht?
> Note: Please do not use path names which contain spaces. This will
fail. Allowing this would require me to put almost everything in the
Makefile in quotas and that looks quite ugly with my
syntax-highlighting engine.
Yeah? Well fuck you too, douche.
apparently not
oh you can
6:30 AM
I'm at 19 too.
@buttifulbuttefly lol his response "I don't know if it works like that."
@DonLarynx by 'size 8' I meant 8 elements. with a vector<bool> its probably implementation defined how much memory that actually takes up
And yes, the mask example you gave is a mask not 'iteration'
@buttifulbuttefly The best part is? THE MAKEFILE IS BEING GENERATED. <___________>
praise satan
6:31 AM
@ThePhD Are you even over 30?
there is this ninja or whatever as a makefile alternative ?
@khajvah You've never tried Ninja?
6:32 AM
It's really nice
I don't write c or c++
@Prismatic you're right.
This is correct, but misses one critical point, which is that sizeof(bool) must be greater than or equal to sizeof(char), because sizeof(char) is 1 by definition. [Yes, this means it would be fiendishly difficult to make a conforming C implementation on a bit-addressable machine.] Therefore, whatever the size of the buffer is, it must be at least 81; it cannot be ceil(81/8). — zwol Oct 30 '10 at 0:54
@ThePhD To be fair its pretty common to see something like this
@Prismatic It's also pretty stupid.
6:35 AM
Don't know what that means to be honest...
I think Qt goes bonkers if you have spaces in some paths too
Yet more personal choices being shoved up my ass because GOD FORBID SOMEONE EXISTS IN A WORLD WITH WHITESPACE.
I remember your nickname from before
are you a regular?
@Prismatic Wow!
6:41 AM
@ThePhD It is a common issue under windows
Qt itself does not support being installed (or built?) in a path with a whitespace in the name
Of course.
It'd be asking too much for someone to follow basic makefile advice.
it's wrongfold's shitposting account
nah I'm kidding it's Cinch
@Rapptz ... 's regular account
@buttifulbuttefly Yes.
I'm Cinch.
6:45 AM
Sorry, how would I find the library I use on ubuntu linux on sublime text 3? — Aorus 59 mins ago
I've been here for about a year.
And now my username matches my GitHub, yay!
who's cinch
Vote to reopen :D we're at 3 stackoverflow.com/questions/26109986/…
@buttifulbuttefly you wouldn't know, you are a n00b
@πάνταῥεῖ I fixed the question! (see 2 posts above)
6:47 AM
ya ive been here 2 days @cinch
@buttifulbuttefly WHere are you from?
@Rapptz ...Did you just call me a shitposting account?
@khajvah i am from belgium
and you?
@ThePhD What is your issue?
6:49 AM
whre are you all from
btw I have a JS internship, an R internship, AND a Lisp job.
I am from Armenia, nice to meet you :)
@buttifulbuttefly Hawaii
@wilx Stupid engineers.
6:50 AM
"Open Source", but it requires black magic and a specialist to build the software.
@VermillionAzure take the lisp one
@khajvah No, I mean I have all 3.
Well, autoconf/automake works for me and many others. Maybe you are just using it wrong? :)
Or rather, I have the JS one until the R decides to pull me in.
@VermillionAzure Did Dumbledor give you that time machine-kind of thing?
6:51 AM
@wilx Except it's no longer autoconf/automake. The people decided that they should instead make a JavaScript file that will serve as the configurator for windows, and the file it expects doesn't exist in the repo, prebuilt or no.
Yes, Javascript config files.
Moving up in the world.
@ThePhD Oh, hehe.
@ThePhD Based on MeteorJS + Handlebars + Ghost + AngularJS + io.JS and OpenSSL as well as SQLite (with a little serving of Rhino to bind to JS from JS using Java as a medium)!
@khajvah What?
@VermillionAzure very nice!!!! beautfiul islands
6:53 AM
@VermillionAzure How are you gonna exist in 3 places at the same time?
@khajvah nice, is it where?
@khajvah I have the JS internship on other days when I don't have the Lisp job.
The R internship supercedes the JS one once I pin it down and they decide to call me in so I only have 2 I guess.
@buttifulbuttefly near Turkey
The Lisp one isn't that intense since I'm working for family but it turns out I'm going to have to do some major coding for them because they want an entire system.
@khajvah turkey is not a country, it is a bird
am i being trolled right now
6:55 AM
did you hear
@buttifulbuttefly ................................................................................‌​..............
canada was hungary so it ate turkey :]
@buttifulbuttefly a tasty one
so where is airmenia?
nvm ill google
@buttifulbuttefly lol
You're such troll right now
6:56 AM
@buttifulbuttefly Good job
wow you're right its just next to "turkey"
i wonder if the country gave the name to the bird or the other way around
@buttifulbuttefly You're going to be surprised that "Ivory Coast" is also a country
Ever heard of Sealand?
How about Lichtenstein and Luxembourg
and then we can also say that the Vatican is a country.
Ivory coast sounds like the name of a region, surely a coutry cannot be only coast right
@buttifulbuttefly Ivory Coast is a country.
6:58 AM
Ivory Coast (/ˌaɪvəri ˈkoʊst/) or Côte d'Ivoire (/ˌkoʊt dɨˈvwɑr/; KOHT dee-VWAHR; French: [kot divwaʁ]), officially the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (French: République de Côte d'Ivoire), is a country in West Africa. Ivory Coast's de jure capital is Yamoussoukro and the biggest city is the port city of Abidjan. Prior to its colonization by Europeans, Ivory Coast was home to several states, including Gyaaman, the Kong Empire, and Baoulé. There were two Anyi kingdoms, Indénié and Sanwi, which attempted to retain their separate identity through the French colonial period and after independence. Ivory...
whoah youre right
and they speak french
Cinch is always right
but its kinda misleading name
@buttifulbuttefly Because it's most likely "The Republic of the Ivory Coast" in their native language.

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