For those tempted to cast a delete vote on this answer, I implore you to refrain. Everyone has a right to see how the company is responding to this issue, whether they have 10k reputation or not and whether that response is a good one or not. — jpmc26 26 secs ago
Wait. If what Monica did was so horrible that you had to summarily demod her network-wide, why are you sorry to see her go? This seems more like a “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” level of disrespect toward her and the communities that elected her. I don’t believe for a second that Monica did anything that would justify this sort of treatment. — ColleenV 24 secs ago
It is definitely hard to see long time deep contributors go, but this is sometimes the way of life. I don't begrudge anyone after ~10 years wanting a change. — Jeff Atwood 25 secs ago
@JeffAtwood: This goes a little deeper than one moderator's mid-life crisis. — Robert Harvey ♦ 42 secs ago
Thank you for this. To be fair, even though I would miss you, I am happy for you because Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange Organization doesn't deserve your services. Stack Exchange has assumed that it can move forward with killing its core group and just relying on the content which is present, totally ignoring the fact that it was the core group which brought them to the point they are. The callous replies to your post is just a cherry on the top of the cake. — Bhargav Rao ♦ 1 min ago
@YvetteColomb: Of all of the mods on the network, yours was the one voice in the wilderness that not only welcomed change, but embraced it. I will miss you as well. — Robert Harvey ♦ 1 min ago
I did not say it didn't @RobertHarvey but ten years is a looooong time anywhere, no matter how amazing it might be — Jeff Atwood just now
It's sad to see you go, but it's also hopeful to see someone taking action against SE now. I speak for everyone when I say that you were a great moderator. — MilkyWay90 29 secs ago
Sorry, but you are not interested in inclusion. You're interested in progressive ideological conformity. (the fact that you hammered someone who is pretty far left themselves is only ironic to those who are unfamiliar with the way your ideological ilk conducted themselves whenever they gained power, from French Revolution to Great October Socialist one). — DVK 1 min ago
@Sara I hope you will consider the extraordinarily large number of downvotes on this post as an indication that your position here is considered gravely wrong, rather than as a personal attack. While many users are upset with you over this issue and your part in it, these downvotes emphatically do not come from a desire to attack you. They come from the seriousness of the action taken and the danger to our ability to function as a community that it poses. — jpmc26 49 secs ago
@jpmc26: A nit - something that is unpopular is not necessarily wrong. The only things we know at this point is that some policy is changing, it's not popular and somewhere in the midst of that we have lost several moderators to it. I get that this is a huge shock to everyone, but let's not overreact just yet... — Makoto 1 min ago
@Makoto I urge you to read the various resignations. The nature of the policy was largely irrelevant to their decisions. It was the behavior of staff that triggered it. — jpmc26 28 secs ago
To be clear, this isn't happening over one particular thing, nor am I acting impulsively. It's the result of a protracted series of paper cuts and half-hearted apologies without any real change. Monica's dismissal is just the straw that broke... Well, you know. — Robert Harvey ♦ 1 min ago
Thanks for your service. I look forward to seeing you around the network, at least for the short while I'll likely be around for. You've definitely been one of the more level-headed people I've dealt with. — jhpratt 32 secs ago
As the person who will become the oldest elected moderator on Stack Overflow after Robert steps down, and as someone who has just been back on the site a full month (as of today), I'll be issuing a statement of my own soon. For now, I'd like to focus on some side projects I'm excited about for the coming week or so, and I've sent Robert my utmost regards in private. — BoltClock ♦ 1 min ago
@RobertHarvey after being on the panet >0.5century I'm a realist. I don't like rallying against things I cannot change. Serenity prayer and all that :D Please consider changing your mind. I don't want to go back to a mod chat room without you. I left while you were on holiday. — Yvette Colomb 14 secs ago
This is not a "learning opporunity", it is pure, unmitigated evil that degrades human beings and makes a travesty of compassion. — hobbs 22 secs ago
SE's agenda walks the streets wearing the clothes and the names of the principles it murdered. It excludes in the name of inclusiveness, practices absolute intolerance of those who do not meet its standard of tolerance, and on the topic of diversity, it can't permit varying points of view. — hobbs 49 secs ago
@Rob I fully agree, but this answer is formulated in a pretty disrespectful way. Anyway, the one massive thing I am upset about SEs acting without communication, which has been going on for months. No wonder this is now blowing up. — Modus Tollens 19 secs ago
@Zoe I didn't see yet that this answer was crossposted on many moderator resignation posts. That's... even worse. This was probably posted in an attempt to show some reaction quickly. I hope a more fleshed out reaction is posted very soon. This should be the first point on the agenda, moderators resigning left and right should be handled as what it is - a big crisis. — Modus Tollens 1 min ago
You're not sharing specifics out of respect, but throwing around unsubstantiated accusations against someone I trust nonetheless. Imo this is way worse than saying nothing at all. — Erik A 52 secs ago
@Cerberus: I don't think it's quite the public spectacle you think it is or needs to be. I just want to issue a personal statement so everyone knows what's going on in my life and what my own plans are going forward. And while this is unprecedented in the network's history, it's not really the business of anybody outside of the network. — BoltClock ♦ 1 min ago
@BoltClock♦: OK, I understand. I just thought, the light of day might provide a new perspective, but I understand that choice is nor for everyone. — Cerberus 2 mins ago
meta is for questions about StackOverflow. Besides: Is there really anyone in a company who still measures productivity in lines of code? Read: When, if ever, is “number of lines of code” a useful metric?, How bad is SLOC (source lines of code) as a metric?, Lines of Code is a Bad Metric, Either Way (off-site) — BDL 1 min ago
It is only frustrating because you're at a stage where 10 rep can mean the difference between having privileges and not having them. The only way out of that frustration is to do whatever you can to care less about having reputation points, because they will drop from time to time. It is inevitable. — Gimby 44 secs ago
I'm not sure there would be a conclusive correlation there. Some people just love programming and do some in their spare time regardless of how long they've been in the industry - they could be new university graduates or people with 15-20 years of experience. Similarly, others just don't enjoy doing things at home. Maybe because looking at code at work is enough for them, maybe because they just went with programming for the money and don't really like it overall. Or others. I've met both of types - who like or don't like programming in their spare time and experience didn't seem to matter. — VLAZ 37 secs ago
I am the only one wondering whether the comments on that one locked answer are really "off topic"? — GhostCat 15 secs ago
@GhostCat Yeah. Weird. I even had some removed, they were critizising the company for lack of communication in the last months. — Modus Tollens 22 secs ago
@GhostCat: As far as I understand it was locked for getting too many incendiary comments, or just plain too many comments too quickly, several of which were getting flagged. Would be nice if the notice could be edited. I can unlock it now, but people gotta promise not to say things that have already been said... we know and agree how objectionable management's actions were and don't need more comments saying the same in varying combinations of words. We have enough on our plate as it is. We don't need more flags over any of this. — BoltClock ♦ 1 min ago
@BoltClock So, you are basically saying: when there is a kettle full of water on a hot boiling plate, we better make sure that kettle is really nicely sealed, because otherwise, bad things are going to happen? OK, seriously. I understand you point, and obviously we mere mortals do not see flagged-and-deleted comments (only the reasonable ones left behind) ... but still: I am wondering if it is really "helpful" to the community in the long run. If there is a large negative sentiment, that can't be "locked out". — GhostCat 1 min ago
I think answers 2 and 3 need rewording - what if my answer is exactly three hours? — Amy Barrett 1 min ago
@GhostCat: There is no shortage of critical comments with dozens of upvotes - I think the negative sentiment has been quite well-articulated and hardly "locked out". Some of the later comments we've been getting weren't even constructive criticisms so weren't adding value. I see Modus Tollens' comment and it looks fine - I suspect it was deleted because Rob (who's been the one handling the comments and flags) decided to retract what he said, thereby making their reply obsolete. — BoltClock ♦ 1 min ago
You've stepped down (which I understand)? Makoto is not a mod? Now Robert Harvey? WTF is happening to SE? — Jon Harper 18 secs ago
It looks like the mods attrition rate increased suddenly. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/333965/… — Tadeusz Kopec just now
Thank you for all the good work. I sincerely hope that StackExchange takes a deep look into its consciousness and turns around soon in order to preserve the value of the work that has been invested here. On the other hand I'm rather pessimistic usually. The reply by Sara Chipps, which I would like to downvote, but can't, is not really confidence inspiring in this regard. — Trilarion 11 secs ago
'Research update: Improving the question-asking experience' - SO, please do some research on how to treat mods/power-users who spend their valuable, free time to keep the site clean and what the appropriate way is to treat them. — Script47 19 secs ago
Just read @SaraChipps' answer which is locked (surprise surprise) and it left a bitter taste in my mouth. You've really got to question what you write if each time you make a post it has to be locked and leaves folk furious... 'We’re sorry to see you go.' - No you ain't sorry, you're sorry that it made it this public. 'We understand there are some folks upset about the decision made this week.' - No you don't understand, otherwise you'd have been more tactful. [1/2] — Script47 59 secs ago
'We aren’t going to share specifics out of respect for all individuals involved but this is a site reaching millions of people and we have to do what we believe fosters a spirit of inclusion and respect.'* - Respect? Heh. You've a funny way of showing it. 'This is always done based on what we believe is best for all SE users.' - That's the issue, your beliefs on what is "best" for users have got us in this situation. — Script47 1 min ago
At this point, you deserve whatever is thrown at you. Folks have tried explaining for years what needs to be done and have been ignored. Keep focusing on your research updates/blog posts/welcoming efforts because that's where you'll find the the successes you so desire. Ignoring the core users of this site that have driven it to its success won't cause any issues at all. /s [3/3] — Script47 1 min ago
"a long term SE employee also got his account suspended" Have you got a source for that? — Cerbrus 43 secs ago
Please bring off-topic discussions as well as comment replies to other users to The Meta Room. Read warning in the post above before posting a comment. — Samuel Liew ♦ 45 secs ago
Is this the start of a SE Spring? Maybe not, but is in a certain way something that is telling us our house smelly. — Mauricio Contreras 1 min ago
@Cerbrus I opt to keep their identity private. To address your question, he was an elected mod on this site, then worked for Stack Exchange for more than a year. After discussing this on a chat room, I came to know that he got the network wide suspension for 5 year because he tweeted a screenshot of a threat mail he received from the company, which says if you share anything against this company, your account will be suspended. — Sagar V 1 min ago
Maybe the company would profit from extending the arbitration mechanism it has for legal disputes also to moderation disputes. A director just comes and fires someone from the mod team doesn't leave a good taste. Better to give it some time, try to find consensus and uphold rules. Anyway, if the company really wants to do the best for all SE users we will see it and be aware of it, and if not, we will also recognize it. I guess in this case the company would have failed (if doing good was actually the goal). — Trilarion 5 secs ago
@Tom, ok. I'm not keeping it private. It's Jeremy Banks who got suspended for a tweet and he was elected in 2015 stackoverflow.com/election/6 — Sagar V 2 mins ago
@YvetteColomb, Tom's (sadly) right. We can't do anything. SE won't, nor will they ever, listen to their users. — JL2210 56 secs ago
@SurajRao I mentioned it here because the behavior from the company in that issue is highly unacceptable. any company should be able to take negative and positive reviews from user. A company can't threat it's users that if you say anything bad, your account will be suspended. This is not the site, it were last year. It has completely changed. — Sagar V 1 min ago
Suspensions in Stack Overflow isn't private but I thought to keep their identity because I was following that for last 2 years. In this specific scenario, he didn't violated any CoC or done any malpractice. I thought about it again and In this case, I don't believe there's a problem in disclosing their identity. — Sagar V 17 secs ago
Honestly, I am surprised and disappointed this answer is duplicated across the network. It's a little dismissive. No answer would be better than a copy and pasted answer. I would strongly recommend getting someone with more good will within the community to make these posts. — Yvette Colomb 1 min ago
@SagarV Jeremy Banks has a long past of being a loud dissenting voice and thorn in the company's side. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy and think he's usually in the right, but to suggest that he was "suspended for a tweet" leaves out a lot of the history - even if there's no more history there than the bits I happen to know about, which is likely not the case. — Mark Amery just now
@SamuelLiew thank you for making comments possible again. I hope all of us will use it in good faith. I feel this situation deserves discussion, which is not possible when an answer like this is, for good understandable reasons, locked. — Luuklag 29 secs ago
I am random dude that just lurks around, trolls, have fun and sometimes contribute to the SE ... I got this feeling we will be wishing you
best of luck
and thanking you for not so amazing contributions
very soon .... — Veljko89 58 secs ago@MarkAmery After seeing Jeremy with 1 rep, I discussed it with few other members in a chat room of MSE (not here in SO) and the points I came to know are, i) he lost his job in 2017 mass layoff. i) When he said something, he got a mail from this company telling if you say anything bad, your account will be suspended iii) He then tweeted a screenshot of the mail. His twitter account is private, unfortunately some SE staffs are following him. They also told me that, some mods lifted his suspensions per sites and SE suspended him again and told those mods not to do that. — Sagar V 1 min ago
@Cerbrus suspension reasons aren't public. And in this case, from the information I got, mistake is done by the company. I don't think they will disclose it. I'll try to create a transcript for the chat history. (it happened ~ 2 weeks ago. I had to find those messages) — Sagar V 28 secs ago
@Cerbrus here's the link to first message(my bad. not 2 weeks ago. It happened last week) chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7926668#7926668 and the other 2 messages chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7926678#7926678 chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7926680#7926680 — Sagar V 1 min ago
@Sara, from the downvotes, I hope now you understood how much the community love it's mods and their dedication. While you, employees spent 8 hours and getting paid for that, some of the mods, spent even more time without getting paid — Sagar V 58 secs ago
When did that code get released? I'm still seeing animated GIF profile pictures, like this users profile. — Timothy G. 1 min ago
Top right -> the last button on the right -> click -> choose "log out" from the window that shows up. — VLAZ 2 mins ago
@SagarV Sonc is not an employee not even a moderator. You can't use his messages to back up your wrong assessment of what happened with Jeremy. — rene 19 secs ago
@SaraChipps I downvoted because this should have been a comment, not an "answer". This post does not contribute in a meaningful way, but is simply a copy-pasted statement you've made on multiple sites. Answers on meta sites should be reserved for meaningful, well-thought, researched discussions, as is clearly described in the help center. If you would like to edit your answer to be more substantive, I would be willing to remove my downvote. — cegfault 1 min ago
It's still just hearsay and speculation, and maybe only borderline relevant to what's happening here, if at all... — Cerbrus 39 secs ago
@rene agree. But we will never get an internal view because of the company's policy. Even if they try to fix all issues, I don't think they'll disclose all information. In such cases, we don't have any other way than relying on general information available. Sonic mentioned the tweet, which was deleted already and we've heard Jeremy's side. As long SE keeps their part private, I've to stand with Jeremy. When considering Monica's removal, I don't think Sonic is wrong — Sagar V 1 min ago
I came here to say exactly this. You will be missed. To some of us you ARE Stack Overflow, together with many others who spent years (whether elected or not) moderating the site, its content, and being a force for good. It's a shame to see someone as capable, active and level-headed leave the site. Thanks for all. — Bart 1 min ago
Wow. I'm actually amazed that SE staff is publicly responding on what is happening. Of course, this answer doesn't make much sense so I had to downvote it, but I was expecting SE to stay silent and act like nothing happened. So I'm actually pleasantly surprised. Thank you. — dim 46 secs ago
@dim: This answer is copy-pasted to several different cases of moderators resigning. It's rather dehumanizing, and arguably, it would've been better to take some time to write a proper response. — Cerbrus 56 secs ago
@Cerbrus I'd also say start with the problem, then also summarise what you are asking. I read the entire question and it explained things to me but I wasn't sure which is relevant and what is connected to what. The title didn't help and at the very end it sort of cleared up what it was about but now I had to re-read the entire question with this information in mind for it to make more sense. — VLAZ 1 min ago
@Cerbrus I've updated the title and threw in a TL;DR part containing a shallow description. What do you think? — Konrad Viltersten 58 secs ago
It reads like a debugging question with no code and no steps to reproduce. Apparently you are logging into a server with a browser with JavaScript turned off and the server receives a SAML token with no apparent prompting? And you want to know how the browser does that? I think the stuff about trying to recreate the situation in C# is irrelevant in that case. What would be helpful is a listing of the requests and responses made by the browser and server(s) during the login process. But honestly, it might be better asked on Server Fault or Super User, since there's little actual programming going on. — Heretic Monkey 1 min ago
Monica is widely seen as an excellent moderator (including by me). All of my interactions with her have been positive; I've never had any problem with her at all, nor am I aware of anyone else who has. I'm honestly more than a little baffled by this situation, and all this answer seems to add is "trust me, we're doing the right thing," which doesn't really make me feel much better about this TBH. — EJoshuaS 1 min ago
@HereticMonkey Perhaps I'm still not sufficiently clear. Let's put it this way. I know the server provided the browser with a certain string because the client is sending it in form data back to it (and it can't be generated due to no JS). It's not emitted in any of the headers and not any of the response HTMLs. Question is where to look for the string* (other than the usual places). I can't see how any of the source code will help here and providing logs of what's not containing the string won't help. Where else to check - that's the question. — Konrad Viltersten 49 secs ago
Given my knowledge of her, I have a very hard time believing that there was any intentional misconduct on her part. — EJoshuaS 10 secs ago
I would say trimming your question down to that would help, although I'm not sure how much help you're going to get here, since again, it's not really a programming thing. Basically, you have to tap your network adapter and look at the bytes flowing across from that IP address to the client (using something like Wireshark or Fiddler). It might be some kind of out-of-band negotiation process (especially if the browser is Internet Explorer). — Heretic Monkey 35 secs ago
If it's not in the response headers and not in the response body then it's not in the response. It came from somewhere else and it's not going to be possible for anyone to guess where without knowing more about the system as a whole and only you have that information. — ivarni 59 secs ago
@cegfault Have you not heard? CM's and SO Staff in general are not to be held to the same quality standards as all of us lowly contributors. — GrumpyCrouton 1 min ago
@BoltClock "And while this is unprecedented in the network's history, it's not really the business of anybody outside of the network." - I disagree. Stack Overflow has a part in the day-to-day work of millions of programmers, most of them not contributors. Its ability to help those people depends upon having good contributors. If we're at the point that the company, at Sara's bidding, is going to start purging users whose personal beliefs it finds insufficiently progressive, we're going to lose a lot of people, its mission is going to be damaged, and with it, so too will our whole industry. — Mark Amery 1 min ago
If a contributor cross-posted the same answer this many times on other questions around the network they would be barred from posting answers. — GrumpyCrouton 24 secs ago
@ivarni I fear that you're on the right trail. You are wrong factually - not even I have that information, hehe. But I sense that I was too modest assuming that I'm just too ignorant and that there's other places to look for that info that everyone else knows. So you, kind of, answered the question. Thanks. — Konrad Viltersten 1 min ago
@HereticMonkey Yeah, I'm starting to realize that there's nothing wrong with my approach. I assumed that was a gap in my skills deducing that but it seems that the community is leaning towards what I'm used to (Sharky and Fiddly included). I guess it's one of those non-standard questions that are nearly impossible to answer. Thanks, mate. — Konrad Viltersten 1 min ago
@Mark Amery: Fair enough, I hadn't considered that perspective. I just don't want to be the one speaking on behalf of anyone, not even Robert, but myself. And I certainly don't want to be put on a podium. But I can certainly agree with letting this get more attention - the community, especially us moderators, need to speak up. I think the underlying CoC issues are going to be an added complication much better handled separately, though. But you know how media is - sensationalist. — BoltClock ♦ 2 mins ago
@dim I can't call this a response. It's an emotionless poster which gives no real info. Kind of like "Sorry for the mistake" in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Just not funny at all. — Shadow Wizard 1 min ago
@ShadowWizard Sure. And I realized afterwards that it was a copy/paste answer that was given everywhere. But as I said in a (now deleted) comment, at least it provides a target for my disapproval and a post to downvote. — dim 2 mins ago
@SaraChipps Could you please visit the Meta Room so we can discuss this with you? — JL2210 1 min ago
Fair warning: this is the type of thing you get sucked into. You can start here. There's a lot of friction and internal problems, and some mods have had enough. It's not just the surface that's having problems — Zoe just now
Yeah this should probably be a new question altogether, but then I have a lot more to say and I don't want to take the flak. — CodeCaster 31 secs ago
SO got this little gem called knowledge library, if new questions/answers stop coming, they can still earn those dollars for next 10 years ... and pretty good amount of same ... they just don't care about community ... you guys gave them that and they simply telling you
thank you, now it's time to go separate ways
— Veljko89 26 secs agoI think the core issue is that SE no longer has any goodwill left in the bank. At this point, the disillusionment and feeling of not being heard has resulted in people cutting their losses and moving on. Like Robert said, it wasn't this, specifically, but just the last thing that broke the camel's back. I anticipate more departures, mostly non-public. — fbueckert 1 min ago
@kemicofa It is a company. All our content is hosted on their servers. And that shouldn't be news to anybody. The question is rather if there is a meaningful way to have both sides show respect for each other again. Or, to be precise: have that company side regain all the trust and respect that it threw away during the last months. — GhostCat 1 min ago
@TimPost Why did you remove the tag featured? The resignation notice certainly deserves to be featured in my humble opinion. — Jeanne Dark 1 min ago
I agree with the de-featuring; I just wasn't courageous enough to de-feature yesterday when it was first featured. Not much can come from featuring it accept pouring gasoline on a fire. — George Stocker ♦ 50 secs ago
@GeorgeStocker Perhaps you're right, but de-featuring without comment is just adding even more fuel. I think all we've really asked for here is some open communication, and we seem to be missing that. — DavidG 23 secs ago
@TimPost why was this unfeatured? I see this very feature worthy for the moment. — Christian Gollhardt 1 min ago
Not much can come from featuring it except pouring gasoline on a fire. As opposed to quietly unfeaturing it, which will reconcile everybody..? — TaW 20 secs ago
@ChristianGollhardt the network is facing a firestorm. Featuring posts that are feeding that storm are not helping. I think we need to take a step back and allow the employees to shore up the sites and see what they can do with the damage — Yvette Colomb 44 secs ago
@GeorgeStocker Why do your and Tim's opinions outweigh the hundreds of us that have upvoted this post? If you were senators I'd complain that you're putting your personal views ahead of your constituents'. Please leave the featured tag alone, even if you personally don't like it. — John Kugelman 55 secs ago
@TaW I just came back with all this .. amazing... unfolding of.. God knows what.... I'm actually speechless — Yvette Colomb 1 min ago
@JohnKugelman As long as it's explicitly in the moderator's domain to control what gets featured and what doesn't, then our judgement is exactly what you're getting. — George Stocker ♦ 1 min ago
If a current moderators wants to feature this (we're in the process of assisting everyone that wanted to step down this AM) then they can. As the current mods have to deal with it being featured, it's up to them. — Tim Post ♦ 51 secs ago
@BhargavRao Where is your last comment here saying that, you will add the
tag when you drive back home. — Sankar 19 secs ago@Sankar: Because I did it while he wasn't looking. So I deleted it because it's no longer needed and the change will be immediately visible to him by the time he gets back. — BoltClock ♦ 1 min ago
Ironically... isn't the comments you get chastised for exactly lacking in that same "actionable" fix? They seem to tell you not to be unclear and unspecific in an.... unclear and unspecific way :/ — Patrice 47 secs ago
Oh no no, I'm taking your side here :P I'm just saying it's ironic they ask you to correct your behavior, while exhibiting the exact same behavior — Patrice 51 secs ago
@Patrice such comments account for may be 5% of my overall activity. Such moderatorials account for 100% of mod mail. — Your Common Sense 1 min ago
It is a different time now. Comments that would have been acceptable in the past are no longer welcome, in order to promote inclusivity. The bar for deletion of such comments is set very low. Apparently you missed the "Welcome Wagon." — Robert Harvey ♦ 33 secs ago
To be fair, 5% of your overall activity is a lot, considering how much activity you have. That's almost a thousand comments (986.9 comments out of your 19738 undeleted comments) that might be problematic in some way. It's hard to consider how to respond without knowing the contents of the comments... are you able to share some of the comments that prompted the mod mail in question? — TylerH 1 min ago
There are no prohibitions against you sharing mod messages, and we would be obliged to post the deleted comments, but do you really want that? — George Stocker ♦ 1 min ago
@TravisJ Commutes are not one way. Many places have imbalanced times to arrive at work an to leave from work. For example, my "return home" drive time is easily 15 minutes more than my "arrive at work" drive time. So, I'd like it if the question was modified to "how much time do you spend (in minutes) commuting to and from work" — Edwin Buck 50 secs ago
I think this should go up to at least 2 hours. (Personally, my commute is nearly 2 hours) — Thomas Harris 18 secs ago
I'm confused why a CM is touching the featured tag at all. Moderators are supposed to fully control that tag. The proper response if you think it shouldn't be featured would have been to go into the mod room and ask them if they want it to be unfeatured, not overstep your bounds and remove the tag. — Davy M 1 min ago
The hourly rate of contract work should be more than the hourly rate of a salaried employee. This is mainly because remote freelancers are monitored more than on-site workers, their work tends to be billed in hours rather than "as long as it takes", and freelancers often bill for less hours than they have actually done (due to underestimates or useful pro-bono work that they would struggle to charge for). — halfer 42 secs ago
@TimothyG. That particular avatar doesn't animate for me... but only because it has a different URL format, so the fix I built out on Friday actually breaks those images altogether. 🤦♂️ Thanks for the heads up, I'll fix this up. — Adam Lear ♦ 1 min ago
If you’re going to use “we” instead of “I”, you should have delegated this to someone who is more skilled at communicating with the public. This is worse than no response. — user9161 49 secs ago
@user9161 - well she is the director of public q&a, however, I noticed she doesn't know a lot about git :-/ — JonH 2 mins ago
@TylerH that's basically a question I wanted to ask - how to learn which comments prompted the mod mail in question - though went in a rather rantish way :) — Your Common Sense 43 secs ago
@GeorgeStocker I suppose it will give me a hard time but yes, this is what I want. A lesson. — Your Common Sense 41 secs ago
Okay, all done contributing here now. Have seen enough of the likes of Tim Post and Sara Chipps. They have no way to excuse their wrong, so they double down on error by trying to block others' communication. But the internet routes arounds them. — criticalfix 28 secs ago
@criticalfix Frankly, I am not very fond of the idea of putting Tim Post and Sara Chipps in the same bag. (Or even just putting people in bags at all.) Some suggest that at least one is attempting to right the wrongs in all this. — E_net4 the Meta-Skeptic 1 min ago
@GeorgeStocker Regardless, that is not a reason to wheel-war about it in my opinion. — gparyani 57 secs ago
The post was borderline before putting a link to Caleb's post (which has a lot of its own issues). Featuring this post does nothing but make a giant neon sign that says "want to have a political war over a policy that isn't even written down yet? Right this way!" If featuring a post means handing out torches and pitchforks to every passers-by, it's incumbent upon us not to feature the post. The religious overtones in caleb's post are a lightning rod for issues. We shouldn't use Stack Overflow's status as the largest site to put a megaphone to these issues. — George Stocker ♦ 2 mins ago
@GeorgeStocker you have made your position regarding what you think of these resignations abundantly clear - but SO also has rules on rollback wars and what is required for deletion. If you're going to disregard those, you're disregarding the rules you said you'd enforce. And, I cannot believe I'm saying this to a mod: That is not how Stack Overflow works. — Zoe 46 secs ago
@Zoe I have been saying that to George for a while now, it doesn't seem to matter. And as always in these situations, George won't answer Cerbrus' question. Sorry. P*ssed off. — Modus Tollens 1 min ago
I see what you mean. Well, If you feel that my description isn't fair or factually correct (as there was two parts in the mod mail for example), feel free to give that refutation. It will open that "can of worms" of interpretations but at least I will see what you meant and not what I felt reading. Regarding the reply via the mod mail, I wasted that only shot on a rant similar to this that didn't ask any questions (I am under the impression that mods aren't allowed to disclose any information related to flags raised so it didn't occur to me I can ask). — Your Common Sense 2 mins ago
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