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Q: Probability density function of entropy of a gaussian variable

user173129I have a problem finding the probability density function of entropy of a normally distributed sample. It is known that the entropy of a gaussian variable $X$ equals $H=h(X)={1\over2}\log(2\pi es^2)$, where $s^2$ is the variance. Now, the probability density function of sample variance $s^2$ of...

Q: Geometry - Proof involving a triangle inside another triangle.

Nick Freemanhttps://imageshack.com/i/p5KYsbcIj Here is an image of my picture. If its given that $AE = DC$, prove that $AB + BC > EB + BD$. My idea was to construct a parallelogram out of each triangle so that I get one parallelogram inside another parallelogram, and make an argument that the parallelogra...

Q: Why is the Leibnitz rule a sufficient ingredient in the construction of the tangent space?

user54092This is a very soft question, but I am wondering if anyone can shed light on why it is that the product rule (and linearity) provide exactly the right requirement for the space of derivations to be the tangent space? A similar dependence on the product rule seems to pop up if you want to define t...

Q: Find a json in Mongodb containing a subjson

davidI have a json in mongodb: { "_id" : ObjectId("540492a9bf28b029d8f4e4b5"), "type" : "liked", "userid" : "2", "coffeeid" : "5", "attributes" : {"Milk" : [ "true" ], "Sugar" : [ "unknown" ] } } I would like to find it with a query similar to this one: db.event.find({"attributes" : {"Milk" : ["...

Q: wkhtmltoimage - image is not being resized

placplacboomI'm trying to create an image with custom width like 289. The problem is that appears that minimum size is 550. If i choose a size lower then it, the wkhtmltoimage just 'cut out' a part of my image instead do a resizing. Anyone knows how to force resize instead 'cut out' the image? Here is the ...

Q: K&R exercise 5.1 wording

Spellbinder2050The exercise gives me a function, int getint(int *), which takes the address of an array element, converts ASCII digits from the input stream, and then stores them as a decimal number in the int pointer. It returns EOF for end of file, zero if the next input is not a number, and a positive value ...

Q: Send a String parameter from VFP 9 to a dll created on c++ Visual Studio

adiockI've created a DLL in C++ Visual Studio using OpenCV to capture the image of camera. I receive parameters String. When sending usually what i get is a "Declare DLL call caused an exception", and I'm not sure if the problem is the type of variable I'm sending on VFP or the type I'm receiving on C...

Q: Assigning a unique id to div element

Code_Ed_StudentI am using jquery ui to create draggable divs that are contained within a div of class name middle-side. The event occurs during an button click trigger. Text is also appended to the newly created div. The text is placed in a <span> tag inside the draggable div. The problem is how can I assign a...

Q: SQL datetime conversion

user2957114I have the following code... SELECT CAST (pos.DateShipped AS DATE) AS DateShipped, COALESCE(s.Code, c1.CountryName) AS Region_Name, c2.CurrencyCode, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SUM(pos.PriceIncTax / (1 + ct.TaxRate) * ct.TaxRate * pos.Quantity * pos.ExchangeRate) AS VAT_Sales_Curr FROM dbo.POSItem...

Q: Timestamps in MySql and Daylight Saving Time [dst]

revaxartsI have a table which holds different type of data. One of it are birthday dates: ID | meta_key | meta_value ========================== 1 | birthday | 2011-30-01 2 | birthday | 2011-30-07 3 | other | not_related With a known timestamp I would like to get all birthdays like SELECT * FROM ...

Q: Postgresql does not start after server reboot (ubuntu)

Garreth 00I have just rebooted my ubuntu server, and now I can't get postgresql service working: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start * Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output. ...fail! My /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.1-main.log ...

Q: Add reference with NuGet package using Powershell or something

Maximilien I'd like to add a dll to my nuget package... In fact I don't want it to be "add" but just "referenced". I don't want this file to be copied into the project where I install my package, I just want to add a reference that point to the dll file store into an other folder in my PC or a shared folde...

Q: Nginx - Redirect index.php to root, but not if index.php exists in folders

Raphael LerouxI've tried all kind of things to make this work and I can't find it that's why I'm requesting some help. Basically, I want to: /index.php -> / (Easy to do) But without affecting: /folder1/index.php So far all my attempts redirected /folder1/index.php to / Thanks in advance.

Q: Unlink image based on url variable

Ivars MelecisI am trying to delete image from certain folder + data from database. so far it deletes database data, however it is no unlink'ing the image together with database data...script as follows : <?php require_once('../Connections/conn_hell.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValu...

Q: How to fix 14.04.1 server installation error?

SkateguyHi I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04.1 server edition on my desktop. I am able to get the install cd to load and select the install ubuntu server option. After selecting install ubuntu server my screen goes black and nothing happens. I tried installing off of a verfified working 12.04 install d...

Q: How to put a site in maintenance mode by non-admin

user2413626Is there a module (or other way) to give permission to non-admin-users to put the site offline (and only that permission)?

Q: What axioms does ZF have, exactly?

user132181While trying to find the list of axioms of ZF on the Web and in literature I noticed that the lists I had found vary quite a bit. Some include the axiom of empty set, while others don't. That's perfectly understandable - the statement of the axiom is provable from the axiom schema of specificatio...

Q: How to convert microseconds to seconds in PHP?

Swapnil DalviInput format of time: hh:mm:ss.ms Example: 00:02:17.25 I want to convert it in to seconds. I am it confuse with that microseconds. How will I get accurate number of seconds for this kind of situation?

Q: Change TextView Color programmaticly

user3339279I tried this txt.setTextColor(0xA4C639); But then My Textview is invisible ... I also added one Color in values but I dont know how to use them programmaticly. I DONT want to use this : android:textColor="@color/droid_green" I want to make it in my onCreate

Q: python guessing number game - dealing with repeat guesses

Jonnemarie KahwatyI'm trying to make a simple guess the number game in Python.. you have 6 guesses to guess the secret number which is a random number between 1 and 100. If you guess too high, it tells you to guess lower, and vice versa. What I'm trying to figure out is how to make the program recognize when you'r...

Q: Enter a value in the text box when its submit save the value to the string in c#

Mark LiI apologize if the title is not so clear but I explain it here. I have some application that when it's stat for first time it have a text box that the user have to enter a number and when user click on submit button the number save in the program and I want the value on another computer. How can ...

Q: How to stay fancy box popup sometime after click on the browser back button

AyanBI want to show a popup when user click on the close button or back button in browser in checkout page of my site. I have implemented the following code for that ........ function PopIt() { $("a#trigger").trigger('click'); window.onbeforeunload = UnPopIt; return "Would you like to jo...

Q: Get textarea content from angular scope

MoshoI am on a page and I'm trying to get the contents of a <textarea> in the console. In the DOM, the textarea is empty although it's on the page. I tried snooping around the model using: angular.element(document.getElementById('id')).scope().modelName But it doesn't show. I looked throughout the s...

Q: print all names of special files in the current directory:

user3804980How can i get all the names of files with a special format (for example .jpg and .mp3 and ...) in the current directory and save them in a text file ? i know its possible with other lib but i want python code !

Q: Header issue - CSS Transform (parallax )

whitesthis is my parallax header. The problem is that using the transform property to get a better parallax effect, the whole header got bigger and went outside the borders. How can i fix this? header { border:none; color:black; background-image:url('<?php echo $imgURL ?>'); height:100vh; bac...

Q: ListView setItemChecked highlight not working

Christopher FranciscoI'm using listView.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE);. No row changes it's background color. I tried using CheckedTextView and FrameLayout. How do I get it to changed the selected item's background color? The XML files goes as follow <FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.c...

Q: preg_match_all match the longest word

Daniel TovessonI have a string: $string = 'Fooo Foo'; What I want to match is Fooo and Foo. This is how far I've come: preg_match_all('/Foo|Fooo/', $string, $matches); Result: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Foo [1] => Foo ) ) I know I can just switch the rege...

Q: Annotation for checking that an email address is valid in ASP.NET

user3412625I am trying to validate that an email address entered by the user is a valid email address. I have tried to use the following data annotation which I read should work: [Required] [DataType(DataType.EmailAddress)] [DisplayName("Email Address")] public string Email { get; set; } ...

Q: Put 5 divs into 2 columns, 2 fixe don the left

MaxLong challenge I have had, and I just need to ask for help now. I have a container for divs: <div id="container"> <div id="1">Bla</div> <div id="2">Bla</div> <div id="3">Bla</div> <div id="4">Bla</div> <div id="5">Bla</div> </div> Now, div 1 and 2 should be fixed and floating on the left...

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in NSChat, 12 secs ago, by Maximilian
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
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in Maharashtrian Code Warriors, 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@Kirti hello @MohanChaudhari
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in Android People, 2 hours ago, by Ramani
@AndoMasahashi hello
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in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@PG_Android @berserk hello bro
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in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by PG_Android
@AndoMasahashi hello
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 hours ago, by Unity Beginner
hello @maven
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Q: C# Time span to string issue

Gerard2202Hello people of stackoverflow.I am having an issue when i try to take a time-span and convert it to a string. Here is the code: private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; TimeLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeLeft).ToString("h...

49 mins ago, by Feeds
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Q: Restart MySQL Automatically through a Cron Job

ramzi khammassiHello today my website is down cause Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) but when i restart mysql it work for few hour and give same problem i look to script to cheque and start mysql when it down i found shell script : #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/m...

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in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 9 mins ago, by Himanshu Agarwal
hello everyone
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 3 mins ago, by Priyanka
@maven instead asking this...better i say hello again :)
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in WPF, 27 mins ago, by Denver
Hello, Sean!
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in WPF, 22 mins ago, by Denver
Hello, Billdr!
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in C#, 10 mins ago, by Sippy
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in Android People, 8 mins ago, by Sagar Panchal
hello all
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 6 mins ago, by Pankaj Sharma
@Priyanka Hello
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Q: why is this php json not working

user3613245So basically i have this script, and if you type in "hello" it should alert the comment error else it should append the comment success to the div. But it is not working? Why not? here is the php if(isset($_POST)){ $name = $_POST['name']; if($name == 'hello'){ echo json_encode...

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posted on September 01, 2014 by akk


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in Coders Of The Heaven, 13 mins ago, by Dhruti
@NitinGohel hello :P
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in IOS Developer Family, 15 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
hello @Leena maam
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in IOS Developer Family, 16 mins ago, by Leena
hello @NitinGohel
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
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in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
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in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
21 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: UISearchBar implementation Like Instagram IOS7

Andrew EdwardsHello i am trying to implement a uitabbarview defined only for search. Ideally i want to implement the exact same style that instagram does Not the suggestions but the actual search bar and the tab controls to switch between the users and hashtags. I've been researching online and haven't found ...

Q: POSTFIX+OPENDKIM : How to reject untrusted domains without keeping mails in queue?

Frédéric BauerWe needed to create a smtp server for our webapps. This server turns Under Ubuntu with Postfix and Opendkim. We have 40 domains with 40 DKIM keys. My config is the same as described here : http://blog.tjitjing.com/index.php/2012/03/guide-to-install-opendkim-for-multiple-domains-with-postfix-and-d...

Q: update-grub ignores GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub when generating menu.lst

eik3I created /etc/default/grub with the contents GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1". When I run update-grub, I expect these additional arguments to be appended to the kernel lines in /boot/grub/menu.lst. But it never works. I tried several variants (GRUB_CMDLINE_{XEN,LINUX}{_DE...

Q: Location of persistent files in bootable USB

Null pointerI have created a bootable USB of ubuntu using startup-disk-creator and added the persistence of around 2GB on the USB..I booted through the USB. I downloaded some documents made some changes and saved the documents. Now when I try to boot from that usb I am getting some kind of boot error. I c...

!!youtube \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
@AwalGarg The Lords of YouTube did not find your query favorable
!!youtube caprica six
!!youtube youtube
Q: Equivalence in Portmanteau's lemma

hejsebI'm trying to understand the proof of one of the equivalences in Portmanteau's lemma. The equivalence (or implication rather, as that's what I'm trying to prove) is this: For any random vectors $X_n$ and $X$, the following statements are equivalent: (i) $P(X_n\leq x) \to P(X\leq x)$ for ...

Q: Bochner: Absolute Integrability

Freeze_SThe statement is as follows: $$f\text{ Bochner integrable}\iff\|f\|\text{ Bochner integrable}$$ for any positive measure $\lambda\geq 0$. The one direction is relatively simple when noticing: $$\int|\|s_m\|-\|s_n\||\mathrm{d}\lambda\leq\int\left(\|s_m\|-\|s_n\|\right)\mathrm{d}\lambda$$ for simp...

Q: How to delete a file with a bad file name

hekimgilI had a file downloaded from torrent by a media center device on an external hard disk. The file has an invalid filename such as "Movie ** 480p ** NEW.wmv" (without the quotes). I cannot delete or rename the file in any way probably because of the asterisks "**" in the file name. Do you have any ...

Q: Why are static methods in .Net framework classes always thread-safe?

SunilI have noticed the following statement in most places of .Net framework documentation. Question: What is the secret to this? I don't think a static class is always thread-safe. Would the method 'GetString' in static class below be thread-safe just because the method is a static method? publi...

Q: What does /deep/ mean in a CSS selector?

Drew NoakesIn looking at Polymer, I see the following CSS selector in the Styles tab of Chrome 37's developer tools: So, what does the /deep/ in the selector mean?

Q: Get position of CCSprite

AllreadyhomeIm a bit confused. I am trying to move one CCSprite onto the position of another CCSprite. I figured it would be simple, but the CCSprite isn't positioning correctly. I have 2 CCSprites: //Get Position of EMPTY SPRITE CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite*)[self getChildByName:[NSString stringWithFormat:...

Q: Does iterator continuously provide current view of the underlying data in LevelDB?

GomsI am trying to use the same iterator over a period of time in leveldb. Once I create an iterator, if there are changes from another thread, will leveldb iterator provide those changes? Or do I have to create an another iterator?

Q: boot development in hoplon not working

HermanssonIn a hoplon project, by executing: boot development i get these errors: I/O exception (java.net.SocketException) caught when connecting to the target host: Network is unreachable Failed to collect dependencies for [# # # #http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/): Connecti...

Q: Extending the return dictionairy of a function

MaartenMI have this function which I like to extend. The function returns a dictionary. def _prepare_order_line_procurement(self, cr, uid, order, line): return { 'name': line.name, 'origin': order.name, 'date_planned': date_planned, } How would I add the key value pair...

Q: How to get XML tags and parse to textview?

Zoltán Szilágyihttp://android-forum.hu/feed.php I tried everything, but i don't know how to get... (sorry my bad language)

Q: Alternative for OPTIONAL Keyword in SPARQL-Queries?

AaginorI have a sparql-Query, that asks for certain properties of URIs of a given type. As I am not sure, whether those properties exists, I use the OPTIONAL Keyword: PREFIX mbo: <http://creativeartefact.org/ontology/> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> SELECT * WHERE { ?uri a mbo:...

Q: How to add source files in another folder

Setzer22I'm using cmake to build my project. Assume I have the following directories on my Source folder Source/ Source/Dir1 Source/Dir2 In Dir1 there's a class with its header and implementation files (Class.cpp and Class.hpp). In Dir2 there's the main application which uses the class in Dir1 What i...

Q: Javascript- Stay on the current page not working

Vin05I want to show the confirmation message when user navigate to another page. But I am facing a problem, if user select "Stay On the Current Page", the browser is taking user to another page. Please see my code below. var onBeforeUnloadFired = false; window.onbeforeunload = function(){ if ($(...

Q: Gnuplot: Set palette colours for absolute values

ivokabelI plot a 2D function using splot with a colour palette: set zrange [0.5:1.5] set palette defined ( 0 "green", 1 "black", 2 "red" ) splot "HTSG_PeakPositions_thetaI080.gnuplot" using 3:1:5 title 'Relative Peak Positions' with pm3d This somehow works; however, I'd like the graph to be black exa...

Q: Windows 7 32 bit wireless driver

Ahmed Abdo OrtigaMy labtop is dell n series, core i7, I installed windows 7 32 bit on it(need for some work), I tried a lot of wireless driver but the wireless lan didn't work, any help please Note: I installed windows 8 64 bit and the wireless work normally, the problem that no driver worked with win 7 32-bit.

Q: OpenBSD ISC-DHCP IPv6 not working?

josefusHow to enable dhcp for ipv6 in OpenBSD 5.5. Default dhcpd don't know about IPv6, it says that option -6 is incorrect and do not understand ipv6 config. But it has version 4.X that IPv6 must be enabled by default. Does anybody know how to solve that issue??

Q: Loggin on to Unbuntu after new install

Michael KrikorianI installed Unbuntu 13.04 four times. After each installation I attempted to log in by clicking log-in instead of guest. In this field I typed the user name and password I established at the beginning of each installation. Each and every time I received the error message that my password was inva...

!!youtube kiss
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: youtube
3 messages moved from Sandbox
Q: Tangent to $2^x$ passing through point (1.0)

ALEXANDERI've been asked to find a tangent to $2^x$, where the line goes through point (1,0). Know it's important to realise that it's not the line at the point (1.0) im trying to find. If we say that x=a, $2^a *ln(2)+2^a-ln(2)*2^a*a$ Which we can solve for a, however I do not understand how we can g...

Q: Combinatorics Ordered Pair of embeded Subsets

John SwansonLet X be the set {1,2, .... n}. Count the number of ordered pairs (A, B) where A and B are subsets of X and A is a subset of B. I'm just starting to learn how combinatorics works and I have no clue how this basic problem works. Could anyone give me an example process for finding the answer? I k...

Q: Windows 7 32 bit wireless driver

Ahmed Abdo OrtigaMy labtop is dell n series, core i7, I installed windows 7 32 bit on it(need for some work), I tried a lot of wireless driver but the wireless lan didn't work, any help please Note: I installed windows 8 64 bit and the wireless work normally, the problem that no driver worked with win 7 32-bit.

Q: How to activate VT-x on a Acer Aspire E1-571G?

Andrei OlteanuHow to activate the hardware virtualization an this laptop if on the BIOS i don't have any options...It's very simplified ( the only tabs on the BIOs are those: http://i58.tinypic.com/k96ud4.jpg and http://i61.tinypic.com/1zlc4s3.jpg ) I searched and the processor supports VT-x ...

Q: how to parse multiple records in a single file using python

user3275349I have written python script for parsing a file. python script file: import os import sys import re from xml.dom.minidom import parse import xml.dom.minidom DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("details.xml") CallDetailRecord = DOMTree.documentElement def getText(data): detail = str(...

Q: How can i report a user for downvote me?

Rui OliveiraA user downvote me because he don't understand my question, how can i report that to the administrators of stackoverflow? The reputation points are essential to vote in another questions and i don't have enough to that.

Q: Bind won't respond to DNS

jfreak53I have a site and DNS server that I manually moved from an older VPS unit to a new VPS unit. I copied Bind's files exactly as I found them and started it up on the new server. I then changed the IPs of the Nameservers and waited. It just doesn't respond for some reason on the new unit. I have ...

Q: aren't normals (read from NORMAL semantic ) in object space?

fantawhen converting normals from object space to world space, the predefined matrix _Object2World works like a charm :(mul(_Object2World, normal)). both rotation and scaling (uniformly) gave the expected matrix through color checking elements in rows and columns, but why some code use normals to left...

Q: ld -L parameter not working?

SynapsI am pretty new to C++ and I have faced and error with linking I can't solve myself. I am reading "Pro Ogre 3d programming" and doing all the coding stuff in Netbeans 8. When I reach a step when I have to compile the code I have written with use of Boost and Ogre libraries. Linker (ld) throws me ...

posted on September 01, 2014 by Daniel Tovesson

I have a string: $string = 'Hey there Hey'; I want to match both Hey there and Hey. This it how far I've come: preg_match_all('/Hey|Hey there/', $string, $matches); Result: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Hey [1] => Hey ) ) My issue here is that if it matches the first word it stops looking for a

Q: RevMob and IOS integration

lyonsT'm ttying to integrate revmob ad network to mi poject. I already made all the steps to integrate this as plataform But now i'm having some issues hen login This is what i do [RevMobAds startSessionWithAppID:@"APP_ID" andDelegate:self]; [RevMobAds session].testingMode = RevMobAdsTestingModeWi...

Q: Spring stackOverflow in hibernate merge

user3610035everyone. I'm working with the following tools. Spring: Version: 3.5.1.RELEASE Hibernate entity-manager: 3.6.0 Maven I want to create a new Variable using a form managed by ViewController.java. Every time a variable is created, this has to be related with all the Products of every Customer ...

Q: Why is my padding doing this on bootstrap 3 navbar collapse?

GrovesyThis question has three parts, I thought it would be best to ask all on here as there relevant to each other. If this question is too much/over the top please advice and I will amend it. Issue #1 Basically when my navbar collapses into a drop down menu the padding increases and leaves massive...

Q: test code for code in java

Nelson MenezesWe have written the following code in java that calculates the occurance of each character in a string. The code is as follows: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; public class COUNT { public static void m...

Q: Can't use levenshtein() on a singel array to compare and find elements with shortest distance

MikaelCan't wrap my head around this one using levenshtein(). Lets say I have a array that looks like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [Gammal URL] => /bil-och-garage [Ny URL] => /catalog/verktyg-och-maskiner ) [1] => Array ( [Gammal UR...

Q: AngularJS animation (show/hide) speed

Jeffrey RoosendaalI've created a show/hide animation on my Angular page. I've used the standard angular-animate.js library, paired with animate.css. AngularJS core is v1.2.20. Everything is working fine, and I'm using it in several occasions. When the show/hide functions are called, all kinds of classes are add...

Q: Apache server not started in centOS

yog[root@testserver~]# sudo service httpd start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start httpd.service Job for httpd.service failed. See 'systemctl status httpd.service' and 'journalc tl -xn' for details. [root@nexstudios ~]# systemctl status httpd.service httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Serv...

Q: postgresql does not start after reboot ubuntu

Garreth 00I have just rebooted my ubuntu server, and now I can't get postgresql service working: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start * Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output. ...fail! sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql status Running cl...

Q: IIS ARR/Reverse Proxy 502 Errors for Larger Files

Tom--GI have an API written in Python which I am accessing with IIS 7.5 via the ISAPI extension PyISAPIe. I thought it would be sensible to separate this API from our main site, so it is in a different site accessed with port 8008. To be able to access the API with URL like http://domain/api, I have ...

Q: MPD YouTube stream buffering

user978734I have modified greasemonkey youtube script, adding button to play audio using MPD on dedicated box. It works OK. I have used classic mpc add `youtube-dl --prefer-insecure -f140 -g $1` type command. I have made this for listening few hours long mixes. But for this long videos it takes few minut...

Q: Set ip address and stuff on Ubuntu

user3398919how can I set Ip Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Preferred DNS Server and Alternative DNS Server on Ubuntu 14.04? thank you

!!youtube do the harlem shake
Q: VPN on SSID #2 (OpenWRT)

byonI am a new at openwrt (attitude adjustment - TP-Link WDR3600), i am trying to get a OpenVPN On Dedicated Wireless Access Point (VAP). Let me show you what i'm trying to do here with visuals, http://i.imgur.com/9rngqJJ.jpg SSID Home is able to connect to VyprVPN as well, but unable to route to ...

Q: Entity Framework performance between include(string) and include(x=>x.myType)

gilles emmanuelI know that we can now (from EF5 ?) use var employees = Db.Employees.Include("Details").Include("Details.DetailsType")) instead of var employees = Db.Employees.Include(x => x.Details).Include(x => x.Details.Select(y => y.DetailsType)) With the Debug, the tho queries seems to be exactly the...

Q: Pi camera preview with GUI - Raspberry Pi

Daniel Vettorazii am new in the 'Python world' and i am (trying to) make a photobooth for my kids. i bought a picamera and wrote a python script for it. the python script it's simple (like the examples of the picam): open the picamera, show the preview window, sleep for 5 seconds and take the picture. well... ...

Q: Visual Studio Code Map: How to filter by class type?

Mike WilsonTL;DR - I want to view a diagram of a .NET project which shows all of the WinForm classes and from which classes they are called. Dear fellow super-developers, Isn't Visual Studio 2013's Code Map feature amazing? I'm just getting into it but I feel that I am missing something. It's a very power...

Q: How can access to the Facebook API if I have restricted IP

Victor Hugo Arango A.I have an app on facebook, but when I try to change a setting it show my this alert "Updates for this app are restricted to specific IP addresses" My computer has a dynamic IP, so I probably can't recover that address... please help me to find how I can retore my settings... Thanks

Q: Upserting large dimension tables

Mihai BejenariuI was looking for a way to upsert a large dimension table (10M rows). Using Lookup Transformation with "Full Cache" is not an option as I have duplicate values in source. Using Lookup Transformation without Cache is not the best option from performance point of view. Do I have any other option?

Q: Creating click event for textbox control created at runtime

user3929962I have an aspx page which creates controls at runtime in the codebehind. I am creating a textbox using the code below: If idValue.Name = "YEAR" Then txt.ID = "txt" & SysID.Name & "_orc_" & idValue.Name & "_start" Dim txtEndYear = New TextBox txtEndYear.ID = "txt" & SysID.Name & "...

Q: Wkhtmltopdf-node open and render a local file

ovvnI've walked through the examples, where the main method takes url or html directly: // URL wkhtmltopdf('http://google.com/', { pageSize: 'letter' }) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('out.pdf')); // HTML wkhtmltopdf('<h1>Test</h1><p>Hello world</p>') .pipe(res); // output to a file directly wkhtmltop...

Q: org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:98) Error

user3442392After sometime server is giving 500 Error and when i restart the tomcat again everything works fine .. In the log file I found MySQLSyntaxErrorException Table 'code_online_judge.SEPMED14ranking' doesn't exist but Table actually exists in database .. After restarting the server this Error is g...

Q: Filter out a particular category

user2530371Here's a sample dataset. a <- structure(list(ID = c("A1", "A2", "A3", "A1", "A1", "A2", "A4", "A5", "A2", "A3"), Type = c("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "B"), Alc = c("E", "F", "G", "E", "E", "E", "F", "F", "F", "F"), Com = c("Y", "N", "Y", "N", "Y", "Y", "Y", "N", "N", "Y")), ....

Q: Why doesn't std::atomic initialisation do atomic release so other threads can see the initialised value?

Niall DouglasSomething very odd turned up during the thread sanitising of proposed boost::concurrent_unordered_map and is recounted at this blog post. In short, bucket_type looks like this: struct bucket_type_impl { spinlock<unsigned char> lock; // = 2 if you need to reload the bucket list atomic<...

Q: Posting json through ajax to mail

tabiahere is my code. This works perfect. but i am confused how to post this form to php mail function. Ajax <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $.fn.serializeObject = function() { var o = {}; ...

Q: Please explain org.hibernate.service.spi package

dinu1389i gone through hibernate documentation .But it is not up to my level .Please explain it in simple words or place any tutorial link.I will go through it.

Q: How to theme an email template with vanilla forum?

0x1geneI wonder if anyone has ever themed an email template from vanilla's forums ? I know how to theme the webpages but I can't find the documentation concerning email ...

Q: Cannot get 3 of 4 photographs to display

Sean FennellI am an amateur running a website for my church, and I have a problem getting photographs to show. More precisely, they sho just fine on my local server XAMPP on Windows, but only photo4 shows on the actual site. Here is the HTML: <div class="align-bottom"> <img src="./renovation/photo1.jp...

17 mins ago, by Feeds
21 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: UISearchBar implementation Like Instagram IOS7

Andrew EdwardsHello i am trying to implement a uitabbarview defined only for search. Ideally i want to implement the exact same style that instagram does Not the suggestions but the actual search bar and the tab controls to switch between the users and hashtags. I've been researching online and haven't found ...

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in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
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in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
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in IOS Developer Family, 16 mins ago, by Leena
hello @NitinGohel
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in IOS Developer Family, 15 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
hello @Leena maam
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in Coders Of The Heaven, 13 mins ago, by Dhruti
@NitinGohel hello :P
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posted on September 01, 2014 by akk


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Q: why is this php json not working

user3613245So basically i have this script, and if you type in "hello" it should alert the comment error else it should append the comment success to the div. But it is not working? Why not? here is the php if(isset($_POST)){ $name = $_POST['name']; if($name == 'hello'){ echo json_encode...

17 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 6 mins ago, by Pankaj Sharma
@Priyanka Hello
17 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Android People, 8 mins ago, by Sagar Panchal
hello all
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in C#, 10 mins ago, by Sippy
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in WPF, 22 mins ago, by Denver
Hello, Billdr!
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in WPF, 27 mins ago, by Denver
Hello, Sean!
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 3 mins ago, by Priyanka
@maven instead asking this...better i say hello again :)
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in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 9 mins ago, by Himanshu Agarwal
hello everyone
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Q: Restart MySQL Automatically through a Cron Job

ramzi khammassiHello today my website is down cause Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) but when i restart mysql it work for few hour and give same problem i look to script to cheque and start mysql when it down i found shell script : #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/m...

17 mins ago, by Feeds
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17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
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1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: C# Time span to string issue

Gerard2202Hello people of stackoverflow.I am having an issue when i try to take a time-span and convert it to a string. Here is the code: private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; TimeLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeLeft).ToString("h...

17 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 hours ago, by Unity Beginner
hello @maven
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in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by PG_Android
@AndoMasahashi hello
17 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@PG_Android @berserk hello bro
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in Android People, 2 hours ago, by Ramani
@AndoMasahashi hello
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in Maharashtrian Code Warriors, 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@Kirti hello @MohanChaudhari
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
17 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
in Java, 3 mins ago, by compski
hello ppl!
Q: VPN on SSID #2 (OpenWRT)

byonI am a new at openwrt (attitude adjustment - TP-Link WDR3600), i am trying to get a OpenVPN On Dedicated Wireless Access Point (VAP). Let me show you what i'm trying to do here with visuals, http://i.imgur.com/9rngqJJ.jpg SSID Home is able to connect to VyprVPN as well, but unable to route to ...

Q: Encryption Phassphrase

Mike DWhen I installed Ubuntu and first logged in, it gave me a chance to pick an encryption passphrase. I did not do it at that time, but I want to now. I am not getting the option. What do I need to do?

Q: Prove that $\int_0^{\pi/2}\ln^2(\cos x)\,dx=\frac{\pi}{2}\ln^2 2+\frac{\pi^3}{24}$

V-Moy Prove that \begin{equation} \int_0^{\pi/2}\ln^2(\cos x)\,dx=\frac{\pi}{2}\ln^2 2+\frac{\pi^3}{24} \end{equation} I tried to use by parts method and ended with \begin{equation} \int \ln^2(\cos x)\,dx=x\ln^2(\cos x)+2\int x\ln(\cos x)\tan x\,dx \end{equation} The latter integral seems hard...

Q: intergration formula

phihelp me please all these functions are regular. How we can found this formulation $$ \displaystyle\int_{\Omega} (f(u)-f(k)) \nabla p(g(u)-g(k)) \xi dx = - \displaystyle\int_{\Omega} H(u,k) \nabla \xi dx dt, $$ where $$ H(u,k) = \displaystyle\int_0^{g(u)-g(k)} (\gamma ((r+g(k))-g(k))) p'(r) dr $$...

Q: Where is the MMC CARD that I see in the my computer

TheGoodUser-SpThere is no MMC CARD connected to my computer, But when I open MyComputer I see a MMC-Card drive there that has 487 MB of 487 MB free space! Disk Management output : And Diskpart output : Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601 Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation. On computer: THIS-...

Q: Ubuntu 12.04 + supervisord service - not starting with the system

AndnaI installed supervisord on some of virtual machines that I manage and I also added init script for supervisor from here: https://github.com/Supervisor/initscripts/blob/master/ubuntu Here is part of ansible role that is taking care of that: - name: Install supervisord pip: name=supervisor stat...

Q: Scala: why AnyVal appears here?

G33KHere is the code: val m=scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Long]() var i=m.get("foo") i=i+i Here is the error: Error:(28, 9) type mismatch; found : AnyVal required: String i=i+i ^ Why i suddenly becomes AnyVal? And why String is required here while values in my map are...

Q: push notification. at AndroidManifest.xml

Robiatul Adaweyahcan anyone help me. i've stuck this coding. it show: "Not targeting the latest versions of Android; compatibility modes apply. Consider testing and updating this version. Consult the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES javadoc for details." <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:andr...

Q: How many languages does Speech Recognition supports in WP8

Rajeev CWhen tried below code its throwing exception SpeechRecognizerUI speechRecognition = new SpeechRecognizerUI(); SpeechRecognitionUIResult recoResult = await speechRecognition.RecognizeWithUIAsync(); The language which I tried is ru-RU(Russian). The error message is "The text associated with this...

Q: Toggle Function For CSS3 Nav Bar

Leonard LabitaLooking to get jquery toggle function working for my nav bar. I want to be able to click on the "about" and "philanthropy" sections to open up the UL lists inside and also be able to close the upon click. The ul nested in each should only display when clicked. HTML <body> <div id="wrapper">...

Q: C# class libary show and update a form on seperate thread

MytzenkaI am creating a dll in C# with a public method that should be called from a different program. When that program calls this method: 'ShowMsg', it should create and show a small form (basically an alert popup) with a certain message in a certain color based on the type of message. The form should ...

Q: SWF Generated based on Template

KitaraI saw this website today (http://www.flashbanneronline.com/) that creates flash banners based on templates. I thought cool, you just have a SWF, then based on the input from the visitor you generate a XML file that the SWF will read and display the banner as customized by the visitor, right? But...

Q: Loading pem certificate files in Tigase server

freemanpolysI'm trying to load a SSL certificate sign by thawte in a XMPP server running on Tigase 5.2. As described in this howto the certificate is in certs/ folder, but the server rename it with .bak extension and generate its own certificate. Anybody once faced this issue?

Q: Why does mstats and malloc_zone_statistics not show recovered memory after free?

Dave HeinI'm trying to write some unit tests that check whether memory has been freed -- to check for memory leaks -- on OS X (10.9 Mavericks). I'm trying to use mstats() and malloc_zone_statistics() to discover the information I need. But it seems that they don't show memory being released (see example o...

Q: Casper Js Form - Use variable Key

TimoI want to use a variable as key for the fillSelectors() Method input tag: this.fillSelectors(formLogin, { variable1:myEmail},false) The form name and the value (myEmail) are variable, but not the key(variable1). As key, a string is needed, otherwise I get an error: CasperError: Errors encoun...

Q: How to change the Word template late bound

Ben DoverI have written some vb code to compile an exe to find and replace something in Word in a specific folder. However the code works great, it does not work for thew files I initially written the code for. I think it has to do with the document's template. When the template is normal.dotm, it works ...

Q: Can't get express to work with Redis

user3381433I'm using Express 4.x. I declare Redis here: var app = require('express')() , express = require('express') , connect = require('connect') , http = require('http').Server(app) , path = require('path') , request = require("request") , io = require('socket.io')(http); // Cookie and Session Reqs:...

Q: Meteor custom login method not found

ilyoI want to create a custom login method, so I added only accounts-base and did this: client: Accounts.callLoginMethod({ methodName: 'mymethod', ... server: Accounts.registerLoginHandler('mymethod', function(loginRequest) { ... And this is what I get: error: 404, reason: "Method not found"

Q: Pretty Print Clisp

user2793223I used to use MIT's version of Lisp for Linux, and it had pretty-print (auto-indent, print your code on multiple lines before running it, etc.). Now I'm using CLisp under Windows, and pprint seems to be missing. I'd like to at the minimum be able to print on multiple lines and indent. Is there an...

Q: Where is fail in rewrite rule?

Сергей ИлларионовI have got url siter.ru/en.html want to see site.ru/en/ I write in htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1.html But it gives to me 500 error, why?

Q: Is there a way to partially change the font style of a textbox in an .rdlc?

YinYangKimI'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and vb.net language. I want to know if this is possible in an .rdlc textbox. Example: NAME: John Doe I want the "Name: " to be size 8, arial then the "John Doe" to be 10, arial, bold. Is this possible in one textbox? I know I can assign each to a separate ...

Q: How to upgrade a Forge provisioned Digitalocean server to php 5.6?

murzeI'd like to upgrade the php-version from 5.5 to 5.6 on my digitalocean-boxes that I provisioned with Forge in the previous months. Can this be done simply by executing sudo apt-get upgrade php5?

Q: Showing that $\vec{H} = \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A} = \vec{\nabla} (t-\tfrac{x}{c}) \times \tfrac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t}$

bobbyHow does one derive equation (47.3) here. If $$\vec{A} = (0,A_y(t-\tfrac{x}{c}),A_z(t-\tfrac{x}{c}))$$ then how does one see that $$\vec{H} = \vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A} = \vec{\nabla} (t-\tfrac{x}{c}) \times \tfrac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t}$$ It's not just a Taylor expansion of $\vec{...

Q: Characterizing functions which satisfy de Moivre's theorem

George V. WilliamsLet $f$ and $g$ be two non-zero functions $ \mathbb R \to \mathbb R $ which are continuous and differentiable everywhere. Furthermore, say that for all integer $n$: $$ (f(\theta) + i g(\theta))^n = f(n\theta) + ig(n\theta) \tag{de Moivre's Theorem}$$ Does it follow that $f(\theta) = \cos a\thet...

Q: Clarification on Some Definition of Inner Product Space

Hobbit6094Suppose $V$ is finite-dimensional Real vector space and $T\in \mathcal{L}(V)$. Suppose that $V$ has a basis $(e_1,e_2,..,e_n)$ of eigenvectors of $T$, every element of $V$ can be written as a linear combination of $(e_1,...e_n)$. Thus we define an inner product of $V$ by $$\langle a_1e_1+.....a_n...

Q: Generate 4 columns of data such that each row sum to 100

Mat.SIf I wanted to randomly generate 4 columns of positive numbers such that the numbers for each row sum to 100, how do I do this in Excel or some other program that you can recommend?

Q: Run command on startup (Mac OS X)

user1808064I need to run the command: sudo apachectl stop So that my database web server can handle incoming requests instead of the Apple server. However, this does not survive a restart. I tried setting up the file KillApache.plist in the /Library/LaunchAgents/ folder. This is the text: Labe...

Q: Python issues output. String manipulation

robe007I got the following code, however at the time of the output (txt file) it will not return a value just a "None" however that happensw when I save it to a txt file, when I simply run the program it does display the values that I want. Help on this please. archi2=open('googletabla.txt', 'w') nicC...

Q: how to traverse this tree?

CaseyJonesI've come across this python trick of creating a tree: def Tree(): return defaultdict(Tree) t = Tree() t["key1"]["key2"]["key3"] = value So I'm using it in such a way that each key in this data structure is unique regardless of which dimension I am at. However, this poses a bit of a probl...

Q: using svm with additional constraints in Matlab

user2006189I am working on a problem where I have two sets of data- X (NxT) and Z(KxT). For each z(1xT), I want to classify those X' which are related to the z, from those (X-X') which are not. 1. I have prior information of a relationship binary matrix between Z and X (say B,NxK)), 2. I know Z and X are ...

Q: How to make a flipswitch checkbox work in IE8

LindsayI created a flipswitch checkbox but since IE8 doesn't recognize ":checked", I am trying to use jQuery to make it toggle in IE8. However, the methods I'm trying, like the code below, are not working. $('.onoffswitch-checkbox').click(function () { $('.onoffswitch-checkbox').toggleClass('checke...

Q: Error all module Scrapy

JRazorI don't know, and then appeared this error, but now I can't run any Scrapy spider. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/Eugene/Scrapy/Test/Test_news.py", line 37, in <module> crawler.configure() File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scrapy\crawler.py", line 46, in configure ...

Q: Access 2010 - Unlock form during OnError Event Procedure

BobbitWormJoeI have a form with multiple required fields. I have error handling in my Save function to handle when one of these fields is empty, so the user only recieves the error (error 3314) when trying to save the record (This handling has no problems and works fine by itself). However, sometimes (usuall...

Q: Get Tweets from User timeline (RestKit)

LbaseI'm trying to get all the tweets from the TwitterAPI account, but I keep getting errors trying to load it. Looks like its calling the correct URL, but I can't tell if its telling me I just don't have my mapping set up right? RKTUser: @interface RKTUser : NSObject @property (nonatomic, copy) N...

Q: Drag and drop with AngularJS, Javascript and HTML doesn't work

user3766553I researched much, but I didn't get the answer. At the moment I'm learning Angular and javascript and so I'm building a todo-app with HTML, Javascript and (of course) Angular. I want to have a drag and drop system... so if you want to delete a task you drag it and drop it into the trash. I manage...

Q: Add new indexes

HotgeartI've 2 problems. I'm not sure if we can create one thread for 2 problems so let me know. Add new indexes I'm tring to add new indexes for performance, but it's create a new table User with new indexes My code : * User * * @ORM\Table(name="fos_user") * @ORM\Table(indexes={@ORM\Index(name="...

Q: Procedure to create bootable USB from Windows 7 cd on RHEL 6.5

panda123Internet is full of articles and tools about creating bootable USB drives on Windows operating system. One example that doesn't require any external tool and works fine for Windows 7 installation CD on Windows 7 is to: Copy /boot section from your cd to c:\Temp\boot Run c:\Temp\boot\bootsect /n...

Q: Loading pem certificate files in Tigase server

freemanpolysI'm trying to load a SSL certificate sign by thawte in a XMPP server running on Tigase 5.2. As described in this howto the certificate is in certs/ folder, but the server rename it with .bak extension and generate its own certificate. Anybody once faced this issue?

Q: Blocking IP address ranges en masse - performance considerations?

SimonGoldstoneOne of our services is an extranet for the exclusive use of our 200 employees across the UK. We're seeing a huge number of login attempts from China, Russia, Ukraine and Nigeria. I have large lists of IP ranges that I would like to block. There are thousands of entries. (For the purpose of this ...

Q: connection of phone to ubuntu laptop through data cable

Rohit RanjanUbuntu 14.04 is unable to read my lumia 520, it shows phone plugged in then gets disconnected. it is continuously repeated. also when i use $lsusb command in terminal it shows nokia lumia 920 there.

Q: Derivative of $\ln x$

FsantusMay we calculate derivative of the function in the points in which function is not defined. For example, if: $f(x)=\ln x$, is then $f'(-1)=\frac{1}{x}[-1]=-1$.

Q: Series Solutions Near an Ordinary Point

TheColonelI am attempting to solve this problem for practice: y"-(x-3)y' - y = 0 at x_o = 3 But it appears as though I don't have an idea of the best approach to employ to go about solving it. Can someone help me understand the steps in solving a DE such as this? I know that a power series is required, ...

Q: Probabilistic method in coloring of graph

Anurag SharmaI was reading Noga Alon's Probabilistic Methods and came across this question which I am unable to prove. There is a two-coloring of $K_n$ where $K_n$ is a complete graph of $n$ vertices with at most $${{n}\choose{\alpha}}*2^{1-{{\alpha}\choose{2}}}$$ monochromatic $K_{\alpha}$.

Q: version control of for PDFs with annotations

AbhishekI have a a lot of important PDF files. The only way I modify them is add/remove annotations. Is there an efficient way to have version control for such files. I can perhaps use standard tools like SVN/Git. I heard that SVN stores only deltas even for binary files. In the case of SVN/GIT, would t...

Q: When is dynamic_cast<void*> useful?

0x499602D25.2.7/7 says something along the lines of: If T is "pointer to cv void, the result is a pointer to the most derived class pointed to by x. What is a good application of this synatx? should dynamic_cast<void*> be used?

Q: Invalid initialization of reference type in subscript overloading function using class template

luismgallegoscI am having a problem with overloading the subscript operator in a class template. I have the following header file to declare the class template (I only include the relevant function): arrayListType.h template <class elemType> class arrayListType { public: arrayListType<elemType>& operator...

Q: What is the cause of this NullPointerException? - Java

JamesI am currently working on a project and am getting a NullPointerException and can't find the location/source of the exception. The code I have used is: public static void AccessAccount(){ try{ System.out.println("Enter your card number to access your account:"); int CardNumbe...

Q: Can you use MySQL to connect to a standalone database e.g. "mydata.db"?

IlmiontPretty sure the answer is "no" but I have found no conclusive result... Basically, can use MySQL to connect to a standalone database file and then use standard MySQL commands on it? Currently I use SQLite3 to do exactly this but I now like the usage of MySQL commands whilst retaining the single ...

Q: How to sum the each file data with each files in particular directory perl?

HussainHow to sum the one file with each file perl my file data like this File1 1 23 12 43 File2 1 98 11 3 File3 12 113 34 24 File4 12 143 123 1 I tried to try this: $dir = 'd:\occ'; opendir (file,"$dir"); @eachfile = grep{m/.*\.txt/g} readdir (file); for ($i = 0; $i<=scalar @eachfile; $i...

Q: how can i differentiate an admin login from normal user login in php

saleemanPlease how can I differentiate an admin login from normal user login, do the admin need to sign up? Or is there any other way I can implement it from my php code or the database

Q: Is there any way to check an inherited CSS property in protractor?

ChexpirI am writing some protractor tests for an Angular app. After blurring an input field, a CSS file is reloaded in the application, and I'd like to test if that style has effectively being applied to the elements that uses classes from that CSS file. I've seen I can read values that are effectivel...

Q: Look up last value in database based on 2 variables

JurriaanI'm new here but i havent been able to find the answer anywhere so i hope any of you can help me. I have a table where i register stockcounts of various products. The stock counts of the various depots are all in the same table. I want to lookup the stock count from the previous week in on my f...

Q: parse error jQuery callback on AJAX request

l0r3nz0I keep receiving a callback error on my AJAX request similar to this one: parsererrorError: jQuery21107497704593028268_1409589069770 was not called[object Object I've tried a variety of approaches but I'm fairly new to jQuery/AJAX. Here is my request: $.ajax({ type: 'GET', ...

Q: How does TCP deal with ACKs received after the timeout period has expired

user1720897Say 2 end points are communicating over TCP. 'A' sends some data to 'B' and expects 'B' to ACK it. However it takes more time than usual and the retransmission timer at 'A' expires, hence the same data is sent once again. Then the ACK from 'B'(from the first time the data was sent) finally arrive...

Q: Deploy zf2 app to a web server on a virtual machine with ubuntu from windows

FrankI just successfully installed Zend Framework Boilerplate 2 - Virtual Machine Component by Michael Romer. When I open localhost:8080 can see the following information page: It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, ...

Q: Redirecting scripts in greasemonkey

ursusI have a Chrome Extension that uses chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener to load some scripts from a different site. chrome.webRequest ideally suits me because it helps me to load "patched" script instead of original one, not on top of it. chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(f...

Q: Automatically pick a new background when my external monitor disconnects?

ilarsonaI have this image: Currently, this is stretched across two monitors (connected via VGA) and it works perfectly. What I want to be able to do is, when I disconnect my monitor, be able to switch to a cropped version of that image automatically (because I've played around with settings which hav...

Q: Convergence of $\sum_{n=2}^\infty n^p\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n-1}}-\frac{1}{\sqrt n}\right)$

CharlieI am trying to test the convergence of the series $$\sum_{n=2}^\infty n^p\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n-1}}-\frac{1}{\sqrt n}\right)$$ You can find this series in exercise 8.15 (l) - Mathematical Analysis 2nd ed. - Apostol. With some algebra I got $$\sum_{n=2}^\infty n^p\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n-1}}-\frac{1...

Q: Example of irreducible analytic set, which does not define irreducible analytic germs at all of its points

jj_pIs the set $\mathbb C^2 \supset\{ y^2=x^2(1+x) \} $ a good example of irreducible analytic set, which does not define irreducible analytic germs at all of its points? I tried to construc it with some geometric insight (looking at what happens near the origin), now I'd like to prove the correctnes...

Q: subadditivity and continuity at zero implies continuity at all points

ArindamIf $p$ is a subadditive functional on a normed space $X$ and is continious at $0$ and $p(0)=0$. To show $p$ is continious for all $x \in X$. This is a problem from Kreyszig's Introductory Functional Analysis. I have to show if $(x_{n}) \longrightarrow x$ then $p(x_{n}) \longrightarrow p(x)$. T...

Q: Refractive index of dielectric in different frames of reference

gj255The setup A transparent isotropic dielectric medium moving in the negative $x'$ direction at speed $v$ in frame $S'$ is stationary in frame $S$, where it has refractive index $n$. In other words, frame $S'$ is moving at speed $v$ in the positive $x$ direction relative to frame $S$. We take the t...

Q: ArrayAdpater illegalStateException on android

Yokupoku Maiokui use an arrayAdpater for my listView, but i' m getting this exception and i don't understand why , i inserted the id of my layout.xml and the id of the listView when i initialized the arrayAdpater, but i can't figure out to solve this issue. create_boundary_map.xml (file on which is defined the...

Q: Single column in GridView

FruitDealerHow to make only one column in GridView like in ListView? For some reasons I can't use ListView. But I want to show my content in GridView in on column. So is it possible?

Q: Is it bad practice to cache images for a long time in .htaccess?

dizzytri99erAt the moment I am caching most content for a year in my .htaccess file. I was wondering if this is regarded as bad practice? I know that many users might not see content that has changed, so is there a recommended duration? Current .htaccess: ## EXPIRES CACHING ## <IfModule mod_expires.c> Ex...

Q: Disabling services using powershell gives error string doesn't contain method ChangeStartMode

mrhobbeysMy code here should disable services in the list. But I get an error that method invocation failed because system string doesn't contain a a method named ChangeStartMode (gwmi win32_service -filter "name = 'SharedAccess' Or name = 'cx2Svc' OR name = 'NetTcpPortSharing' OR name = 'RemoteAcces...

Q: ccmake error:: The source directory "/home/norah" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt

Al Sabtii was trying to do this : https://wiki.allegro.cc/index.php?title=Install_Allegro5_From_SVN/Linux/Debian#Install_Allegro_5_from_Git_on_Debian but when i reached "ccmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .." i got an error saying:"CMake Error: The source directory "/home/norah" does not appear to cont...

Q: Breeze expanded properties - how to reference in controller arrays

Charles HankeyI am missing a key piece of understanding in my first attempt to pull full entity graphs for an entity with Breeze and EF6 (Hottowel/John Papa flavor) I have a parent-child-grandchild relationship of Policies-P_Locations-P_Hazards I want to see the graphs for all policies for one client In sh...

Q: Simple scenario ends with "integrity constraint violation"

JaggerI have been fighting this for hours. I am a total newbie to Hibernate and I want to do some basic mapping using Hibernate 4 and HSQLDB (version 2.3.2). Here is my code: TestTeam.java package utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Column; import jav...

Q: Drive Name in Windows

Mike DI have windows 8.1 and Ubuntu installed. If I change the Ubuntu partition name in Windows, will that cause me problems in Ubuntu (or Windows)?

Q: Setting keyboard shortcuts within Ubuntu 12.04 (Compose Shortcut not available)

Jean BigbouteI use Ubuntu Studio 12.04 as a Fusion VM under Mac OSX Mavericks. I have been trying to define a shortcut key to snap a window to the left half or right half of the screen. I can do this with a cursor move and would like to do it with keystrokes. I open up Settings Manager --> Window Manager...

Q: compare files in loop

Anand Pasunoorican some one please help in below query . i have folder testcases , inside it has sub folders. in each sub folder has 3 files 1) testcase.csv 2) testcase64.csv 3) testcaseMac.csv. Query: Kindly let me know how to loop thru all the subfolders and compare 3 files in each folder wheather 3 files h...

Q: Do monads encode finitely presentable algebraic structures like groups?

Ben SprottA monad is an endofunctor, $F$, on a category $C$ (along with some natural transformations). An endofunctor maps diagrams in $C$ to diagrams in $C$. One way to present an algebraic structure like a finitely presentable group, is through equations like $f \circ g = h$. An endofunctor could be a...

Q: Linux, vim and ssh: why is vsplit slow?

Olivier PonsAs soon as I have more than one file visible with a vertical split (= :vsplit) the moves and screen refresh become sluggy. I've noticed that on many different Linux systems (old and my very recent one) but it's always the same use: vim through ssh. So I'm just looking for a workaround (= multipl...

Q: jQuery live issue - undefined not a function

user934902I have a live search with ajax and im getting a console log error of Uncaught Typeerror: undefined is not a function. The error points me to the first line of the code. Ive used this before and it worked no idea whats going on now, any ideas? $("input#search-staff").live("keyup", function() { ...

Q: woocommerce - change the html of products in category

dontHaveNameproduct's html looks like this: <li class="post-13 product type-product status-publish has-post-thumbnail first taxable shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-simple product-cat-printer instock"> <a href="http://xxx"> <img width="150" height="150" src="http://xx" class="attachment...

Q: creating instance of object using reflection , when the constructor takes an array of strings as argument

mihir dattaniI am trying to create an instance of a class which has only the following constructor, overwriting the default constructor public HelloWorld(String[] args) I am doing the following Class reflect; HelloWorld obj = null; //some logic to generate the class name with full path ref...

Q: Android crashes when loading background xml to textview

omegaIn my android app, I try to load this xml into a textview background. But it crashes Does anyone know whats wrong and how to fix it? Thanks protected TextView createCountView(Context context, int text, int bg_id) { TextView nametv = new TextView(context); nametv.setText(String.valueOf(...

Q: How to open directory dialog in the client, in OpenERP7?

BrebaI have to generate files containing some data I retrieve from database. User must have the option to select where to save the generated files, but how to show the directory dialog in the client? I used Tkinter, but dialog apperared in the server (not in the client). Then I changed to python-wx li...

Q: Run Java 6 application on Google App Engine?

RoySGoogle App Engine's page about Java Runtime Environment states the following: Warning: Applications that use Java 6 need to be migrated to Java 7. Existing applications that use the Java 6 runtime will continue to work, but updating these applications will require a whitelist request. The l...

Q: CSS background image not showing properly

Raghavendra NI am trying to put a post separator in my theme. I am using an image as separator. But the image is not showing up. Here is the code: In index.php I have included (just before the ending of the loop): <?php if (($wp_query->current_post + 1) < ($wp_query->post_count)) { echo '<div class="post-it...

Q: Element 'foo': This element is not expected". Expected is one of ( {url}foo, {url}bar )

aNimich4eLWhen validating an XML DOMDocument with a scheme: $result = $Document -> schemaValidate('../../DTE/document/scheme.xsd'); I get a warning message like: Warning: DOMDocument::schemaValidate(): Element 'foo': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {url}foo, {url}bar ). What is the ...

Q: New to Android development and need some guidance

Or MizrahiJust joined here, hope I'm not breaking any rules. I got into Android development a few days ago, and I'm following the official training in developer.android.com. Got some background in programming (Not a whole lot), and I feel like I'm getting lost. Are there any practical things I can do in ...

Q: Android: How to read NFC tag with current app

chrisI'm writing an app which needs to read NFC tags. Rather than the act of reading the tag opening up a new app via intent filters I would like my currently open app to simply read a nearby tag. I have tried to use enableForegroundDispatch() but with no luck. Whenever an NFC tag is present my devic...

Q: Is Ubuntu viable for a company of 5 employees and 20 or so clients?

user3856108Linux appears to be a viable solution for my new and growing business. The problem is that I am having an impossible time learning if it should be what I invest in without running into a sustained barrage of geek language (Juju?? Yum?? Stop it with the weird names already it's very distracting)....

Q: Block form of QR factorization

Mr.TMy question is simple. Given a matrix $D$ in the block form: $$D=\left( \begin{array}{cc} A & B \\ C & D \end{array} \right)$$ where $A$ and $D$ are square. Is there an useful block form QR factorization of $D$? (such as: $$D=Q\left( \begin{array}{cc} A' & B' \\ 0 & D' \end{array} \right)$$ ...

Q: Try catch nested in While Statement, clearing scanner

Petter Emil AnderssenSo, I'm making a small program for school, and in the previous assignment we had to create a try catch finally statement to make the program not completely crash when it crashed, if that makes any sense... and for this task that I'm working on now, this is not a demand, but I really want to find...

Q: StackOverflowError during recursive call

AndrezThe question is strictly theoretical but I couldn't find an answer. Consider this short program: public class SBtst { int i = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { new SBtst().rec(); } public void rec() { System.out.println("rec is called "+i++); ...

Q: Calling a JavaScript function with parameters from href in innerHTML

Ali NrdI'm calling a function with one parameter from an inner.HTML but nothing was displayed this is my code: var myVar="Ali"; summaryPanel.innerHTML += "<a href='javascript:sayHello("+ myVar+");'>"; function sayHello(myVar) { window.alert(myVar); }

Q: Open command link in new browser tab

Johnny Santanai need to create a new tab if my action is "true" and the <target> tab don't let me use if, so is there a way to create it using xhtml or java ? target = "if (#{dashBoardBean.documentoVisualizar}){_blank}" <<h:commandLink id="documento" action="#{dashBoardBean.documentoVisualiz...

Q: Objective C for Iphone/Ipad manual

NeptuneToday I have start to programming in Objective C, for make app for Iphone/Ipad. I follow 3 tutorial but i was very confused on this new syntax. I ask for a very good manual (not a simply how-to) to learn this language. What you can suggest me?

Q: pygame 3.3 not working

Python GuySo, I have python 3.3.5, and I downloaded pygame 3.3. when I type import pygame in the shell, it says: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> import pygame File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\pygame\__init__.py", line 127, in <module> from pygame.b...

Q: automatic installation of IPython notebook keyboard shortcuts

Leon AveryThe IPython notebook documentation describes code that can be executed in a notebook to install a new keyboard shortcut. For instance: %%javascript IPython.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut('r', function (event) { IPython.notebook.execute_cell(); return false; }); I want...

Q: make shared library ".so" on codeblocks windows

kiamnemrWe have a dll created in codeblocks (minWG) that runs on windows, but, I want to compile these libraries to .so to use in (Android), how can I configure codeblocks o minWG to make .so files? //this is only an example of dll... the original does some hard work #include<string> using namespace std...

Q: How to zoom UICollectionViewCell like in ios 7 native photo app

VityOK SmI have a UICollectionView with several cells (about 100x100 pixels). Each cell contains a UIImageView. I want to zoom cell by pinch gesture and the open it in full screen (if necessary). I think I have to use custom transition segue animation between controllers, but how can i handle pinch gest...

Q: How to implement an Variable Change Listener, for a variable running in different thread (example)

Omaha NebrascaI have a AtomicInteger Variable (CurrentCycle) that is being updated in a separate thread to my UI thread. I am trying to update a text field in the UI field based on the the value of the AtomicInteger without an ugle while loop in the UI thread. I've spent days searching online looking at relat...

Q: how to get diference between two datetime in all units(y, m, d, h, i, s)?

user3194430I want to get the difference between two datetime, so if the difference is just seconds, I want to echo the seconds only and so on, for example the output should be something like: 5 seconds ago 5 minutes ago 5 hours ago ... here is my code that I used but it give me the days only: $date1 = ...

Q: Buttons not responding when full page url is not showed

user3238509I have a website, let say the address is: website.com if i enter the website, and click a button that should pop a message box it will not work. if i enter the website like this: website.com/Default.aspx which by the way both ways display the same page, but only when using the default.aspx name...

Q: How can I setup NGINX with GlassFish?

Wilson López RomeroI've tried done this with Jetty and it works, but the NGINX configuration file it's kind of hard to understand for me... Anyways... is this the best way to upload WAR files?

Q: Autosave file on window blur - TextWrangler

ConnorIs it possible to configure TextWranger to autosave files on window blur (loss of focus), if so. how?

Q: automake/libtool how to give a custom name to a OS X dylib?

AlexI'm trying to add autotools support to some cpp code, this code support runtime loading of shared libraries (plugins), on Linux I added the option -module on LDFLAGS and everything went fine, libtool doesn't complain anymore about the lib prefix and the built application work as expected. On OS ...

Q: rst2html : unknown latex command

PinkFloydI use rst to quickly write some personal notes. I would like to add some equations in my notes. But some of the command I use are defined in special packages or personal files, therefore when I run rst2html I get : `(ERROR/3) Unknown LaTeX command` Is there a way to tell rst2html to load addit...

Q: Automatically Login for All Users

doublerainbow64I don't know, whether this is possible, but... Since I have lvm-encrypted my entire disk, I see no reason to type another password to login right after startup. However, at the moment I have two user accounts on my laptop. One for business and one for private stuff. I like things separated like ...

Q: Which image viewers can run the slideshow in a specified order?

Martin DrozdikI would like to view the images for example from the oldest until the newest. This is not possible with many viewers I tried (Mirage, Shotwell, Gnome Image Viewer).

Q: Clap Clap Switch Modifications

DexterI wanted to make a modification to the clap clap switch with a schematic diagram below but instead of a LED lighting I want to make it turn on a small fan..

Q: What is negation of the following sentence?

FreddyWhat is negation of All birds can fly. The question seems bit funny but i don't know which of the following two sentences is correct: Some birds can not fly There is at least one bird which can not fly. Both the sentence seems almost logically same. But which of the following is true. In bo...

Q: Partial Derivative of the one variable function

FsantusThis is from my exam: 1) Calculate partial derivative $f'(10)$ of the function: $f(x)=\frac{1-logx}{1+logx}$. This is a function of only one variable, why do they use the term 'partial' ? Are the terms derivative and differential interchangeable for one variable functions. Is it correct to wri...

Q: Assistance w/ Dual Booting a Alienware 17 with Windows7 & Kali Linux

Shane YostI've been redirected here to ask for assistance towards my question. QUESTION: I've found several discussions on dual booting an Alienware17 but they don't relate to my particular setup. Therefore, I would like some help on knowing how to do this and how to partition up my dual drives. I'm unsu...

Q: How can I view the terminal execution log of chkdsk when ran at boot time?

badpIf I issue chkdsk /R on a removable drive, I get a nice execution status report with a few stats such as an ETA. When I want to do the same on my system drive, however, I must reboot and, in order to be user friendly, all Windows tells me is Scanning and repairing drive (C:): 16% complete ...

Q: What is the fastest/best way to combine registers with arbitrary lane selections in AVX/SSE?

bitwiseSay I have a 128 register holding some floats [x1,x2,x3,x4] and another holding [y1,y2,y3,y4]. What would be the best way, performance wise, to get something like [x1,y1,x2,y2]? I guess I could shift the registers multiple times, use temporaries, then combine them in multiple steps, but I was wo...

Q: Remove white.space when footer text is not used

SindreIf you look at the bottom of my tumblr blog you can see there is a lot of extra white space. I know its the place for the footer text and pagination. It looks like the space for this blocks is taking place even when I am not using pagination or footer text. How can I remove space when pagination ...

Q: Reading characters from a textfile and store in 2d array

user3611818I'm trying to make a game and have each map in a textfile but it doesnt seem to work for me. Can someone show me how i can read from a textfile and put each character in a 2d array. The problem i've got is that it doesnt seem to know when to skip to the next row and start to read from there. it i...

Q: what is the absolute path to the res/raw folder in your app?

gandalfI have an xml file(thexml.xml) and it's related dtd(thedtd.dtd) file in res/raw folder. this is the DOCTYPE of the xmlfile: <!DOCTYPE myApp SYSTEM "thedtd.dtd"> Because the address to the dtd file has been set relatively i get this error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Relative URI "thedtd.dtd";...

Q: SQL 2012 UPDATING column

Jason HartI'm trying to alter the employees pay using data from a separate table to determine if the employee has a specific job classification. It's telling me I have an invalid column name. But the column exists. Any help is appreciated, while I continue to look for a solution. Thanks guys. USE HART...

Q: Display flex shrinks contact div

hsotoI have the following CSS for my display flex: .well-contact{ background-color:rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.5); border: 0; box-shadow: 1px 1px 20px #f5f5f5; } #contact{ background: url(../img/sketch.jpg) center center fixed; background-size: cover; min-height: 110vh; display...

Q: How can I make new contents combining 3 blog

서보석I am making a Website with drupal. I want to make new contents gathering 2 or 3 other contents. For example, Authentication User can make blog combining 3 blog already published. And The new blog is able to be Emailed without being saved. Please, Let me know how I solved it. Thank you.

Q: Tab delimiter not working in Chrome textarea - Javascript

JoelI have a textarea, that I would like to add a tab "\t" to when the user presses the tab key. My current code is: textarea.onkeydown = function (e) { var key = (e.keyCode || e.which); if (key == 9) { (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.stopPropogatio...

Q: JavaWordCount on Standalone Spark -- class not found exception

EdamameI got the following errors while migrating the WordCount example from Apache-Hadoop2 to Apache-Spark. Not sure what additional class path need to be added, I got the ClassNotFoundException as the following. Does anyone has any idea? Thank you very much! 14/09/01 09:42:19 INFO SecurityManager: ...

Q: Marshalling Map-like object to XML in CXF

Vishal ShuklaI am facing a similar issue as discussed here.. On trying out the solution, I am getting below error. Marshalling Error: com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.ElementImpl is not known to this context Is it really required to add the class in context? I am clueless about how to get hold of jaxb...

Q: Trying to ping the comps in my block. Just curious and trying to see if I can get it to work.

XylonTrying to Ping People in my IP block. What am I doing wrong? FOR /L %i IN (1,1,255) DO ( ping -n 1 68.235.169.i | find "TTL=" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo host not reachable ) else ( echo host reachable ) %i )

Q: trackpad doesn't work after suspend

Johan WikstenUbuntu 14.04 and a Fujitsu Lifebook U-series.I can't get trackpad to work after suspend bluetooth mouse does.Sorry to say that trackpad didn't work form the beginning but my son googled something and edited something and got it to work. Trackpad works fine if I reboot or start the computer from s...

Q: Network Printer found and drivers installed, not printing from Ubuntu 14.04

user306305I was able to find and connect to my Canon MG6320 printer from my Ubuntu 14.04 computer using the GUI. I clicked: System Settings>Printers>Add and everything worked fine until I tried to print a "Test Page". Nothing comes out. The printer does beep once, but that's it. I now have 5 or 6 test page...

Q: Question-connected bipartite graph

user159870Let $M=\{ m_1, \dots , m_r\}$ and $N=\{ n_1, \dots , n_l \}$,where $r,l \in \mathbb{N} \text{ and } 1 \leq r \leq l $. It is also given that $G$ is a connected bipartite graph,with sets of vertices $N$ and $M$. Is the diameter equal to $2$,OR between: -$2r$ and $2l$ -$r$ and $l$ -$2$ and $2r$...

Q: Bulk-boundary cutoffs in AdS/CFT

David PravosI'm studying the holographic entanglement entropy (HEE) in this paper (Ryu-Takayanagi, 2006). In section 6.3 they compute the HEE for a segment in a 2D CFT. To do so, they obtain the corresponding geodesic in the bulk (in the Poincaré patch) and compute its length. I understand all that process,...

Q: mysql user password for wordpress 3.8x

GringoWhat is the easiest way to hash Wordpress db mysql password ? /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mypassword'); How to hash "mypassword" ? I tried md5 and SHA1 but not worked, only plain unencrypted text work.

Q: MSI 990FXA-GD80 -- Won't boot; no POST LED

algernon83I've got an MSI 990FXA-GD80 motherboard. As of yesterday, the power button will turn on the fans, but nothing else happens. Even the POST LED's on the bottom of the board don't light up. Any thoughts of how I can diagnose this further?

Q: Route external traffic through vpn

user1190I have a laptop and a desktop pc. The laptop runs Win8.1 and Hyper-V, the desktop runs Win7 and a cisco vpn client. For some reason I don't fully understand, I can't run both the Hyper-V and the cisco client on the Win8.1 laptop. I thought about routing my traffic from the laptop to the desktop...

Q: Add and save text discription for a image

shamiraI want create a page where there are several images along with a button. When you click on a particular button, will appear a textarea where you can add description abuot the image. Script Example: I clicked on image A button I wrote a description of the image A now, i clicked on image B button...

Q: Laravel 4 - Render recursive @include

CerberoI'd like to get the rendered string of a template with recursive @include tags. Unfortunately it seems that the render() method doesn't support recursivity: return View::make('bind', $data)->render(); This is my view: {{$namespace}}\Decorators\{{$decorators[$i++]}} <?php $tab = str_repeat("\t...

Q: how can I take all numbers after comma?

user3017450I Have this operation: double a = 1/15, in the fact the result is 0.06666, but in the double "a" the result is 0.0 just, so how can I return the fact number and save it in "a"?

Q: Deployment error when using Laravel Forge

Ben LittleWithin Laravel Forge, on Quick Deploy or Deploy, I'm presented with this error within the deployment log: Generating autoload files PHP Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Support\Arr' not found in /home/forge/default/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php on line 182 PHP Stack...

Q: Microsoft Access - creating Table in frontend

Kshama SabnisI have two tables - Courses and Programs. The scenario is as follows: A student comes in and can select three courses ( have created three drop downs for the same). Now when I click on "FIND PROGRAMS" button,I want my query to run which will output all the program information in TABULAR format. (...

Q: copying columns from selected rows to another sheet vba

mostafa danaiefarthe user should choose some rows (not necessarily beneath each other), then some columns from each row will be copied to another sheet, how can I achieve this ? I have tried application.inputbox , but it doesn't seem to work with ranges.

Q: Storing and retrieving references to unloaded objects in game world

Jonathan SharmanI'm making an open-world single-player RPG in which the world is composed of mostly isolated regions, which for scalability are divided into sections. The world contains beings that interact with each other. Most beings will have references to other beings, possibly including beings in other regi...

Q: is there a way of assigning multiple columns in a case statement?

LoveToysHi is there a way of assigning multiple columns in a case statement? I am trying to assign two columns of data from a case statement on another column, SELECT [FileName] ,CASE WHEN [FileName] LIKE 'ATE_%' THEN CAST(SUBSTRING([FileName],5,5) + '/' + 'ABTA' AS nvarchaR(100)) WHEN ...

Q: Parse Bad Request Error

OverflowThis is a followup to my previous thread: Parse JavaScript SignUp I can't seem to get around this error that I'm getting once I submit my form. Any ideas as to how I can fix this? JQuery/Parse: $(document).ready(function () { $(".form-vertical").on("submit", function (e) { ...

Q: Hi Please I'm looking for a free tools for online training?

YBCI'm a professional trainer and I'm looking for tools to organize an online training courses.

Q: Changing Image Button with a Gallery Image in Android

user3079872I have looked around for a solution to the below problem I am having, and have not found anything. In the app, I have an ImageButton with a predefined drawable. What I was is the ability for the user to click on this ImageButton, pick a picture from the Phone's image Gallery and show that picture...

Q: How to find the original from a cropped image

monfortHei guys. I want to do a application regarding image processing but I dont know what to read first. The ideea is that I want to find from a cropped image the original one. For example unploading this image i want to detect this one

Q: My apache and vnc config suddenly don't work anymore (debian/mint)

TrySpaceLast night it worked, but this morning, all of a sudden apache2 is not working anymore, the config files seem to be overwritten, I get the following error: [FAIL] Restarting web server: apache2 failed! [warn] The apache2 configtest failed. ... (warning). Output of config test was: AH00534: apac...

Q: integral calculate by complex analysis methods

keriCalculate using methods from comples analysis. $$ \int_0^{2\pi} \,sin ^{2n} \phi\, d\phi$$ So this is how I started: $$\sin^{2n} \phi = \left[\frac{e^{i \phi}-e^{-i \phi}}{2i}\right]^{2n} = \left[\frac{e^{2i \phi}-e^{-2i \phi}-2}{-4}\right]^{2n} $$ But I don't know what to do next?

Q: Why is $\int_0^{2\pi} e^{i\,k\rho[\sin\alpha\cos\alpha-\sin\theta\cos(\phi-\beta)]}\mathrm{d}\beta = 2\pi J_0(k\rho\xi)$?

MarkusThe following is an integral in Jackson Classical Electrodynamics (3rd ed.). In equation (10.112) the integral $$ \int_0^{2\pi} e^{i\,k\rho[\sin\alpha\cos\alpha-\sin\theta\cos(\phi-\beta)]}\mathrm{d}\beta\,, $$ is solved by defining the function $$ \xi \equiv (\sin^2\theta+\sin^2\alpha-2\sin\thet...

Q: Prove the property of the theorem

Madrit ZhakuBefore you submit theorem for which I am concerned will first give some necessary data $1)$ Proposition 1: Let be $X$ a normed space, $Y$ unitary space and $A:X\rightarrow Y$ linear operator. The operator $A$ is continuity if and only if seskvilinear functional $$L(x,y)=(Ax|y), (x\in X, y\in Y)$...

Q: A simple geometry question

Kim Jong Un Suppose $ABC$ is any triangle and $BE$ is any line from the vertex $B$ to a point $E$ lying inside the segment $AC$. Let $D$ be any point on $BE$. I would like to verify the following: regardless of how we have drawn the picture above, it is true that $$ AB+BC\geq AD+DC. $$ I tried playing arou...

Q: Example of a function which is non-lipschitz but satisfies some weaker notion of linear growth

user148951What is an example of a function which is not lipschitz but satisfies the following weaker notion of linear growth $$f(x) < K(1+x) \forall x, K > 0$$

Q: open, closed, neither or both in $R^2$?

user120227$\{ (x,y): exp(x^2+y^2) = 1+ (y^3-x^3)(x^7+y^7) \}$ I usually tell if something is open or closed thinking geometrically. Would I be expected to think about what this looks like? Or is there another way to tell? Thank you.

Q: Fundamental theorem of Calculus Part 1

JohnSorry, I don't know latex, but this should be clear. If I'm taking the derivative with respect to t of the integral with lower bound negative infinity and upper bound t and the integral is over the function: (t-tau)u(tau)d(tau), does the Fundamental theorem of Calc. result in the answer being 0? ...

Q: Can we build large spaceships?

Justin JohnsonOk, so could we build large ships like the ones on TV? If not, why? Also, is their a way to improve out rocket technology and launch heavier payloads into space for a cheaper cost? If we could build a spaceship, how would we get it into space?

Q: Creating and running a launchd daemon

T145I'm trying to follow along w/ the tutorial located here: http://www.tuaw.com/2014/06/11/how-to-keep-homebrew-and-xquartz-updated-automatically/ I've properly set up all of the script files, but am having some trouble w/ the launchd part. I created the daemon and stuck it in ~/Library/LaunchAgent...

Q: How to color and center the 'ECHO' [PHP]

SpellThat's how my code looks like: if(in_array($name,$blacklist)) { echo "Admins cannot be resolved. $name BLACKLISTED! "; } else { $api1 = file_get_contents("http://www.abrasivecraft.com/api.php?cmd=10&username={$name}"); echo "$name 's IP is: $api1"; } where it says :" { echo "Admins cannot be...

Q: Is there a simpler way of to write this java program?

user2086999This program separates words in a sentence. Please do not use the "split" method as it is outside the curriculum of our school. Please reply without being mean. int length=0; int x=sent.length(); int a; int b=0; for(a=0;a<x;a++) { char z=sent.charAt(a); if...

Q: Responsive image middle aligned with a h2 header

BarryI'm trying to get a responsive sized image and a h2 header align in the middle (vertically), but I'm lost. It is a header at the top of the page. The image is a image of approx. 100 by 100 pixels (but can vary depending in the used image), but needs to be resized to a max of 15% of the page-cont...

Q: How to allow access from ec2 to beanstalk app?

Eduardo FernandesI added the beanstalk ec2 instances' security group to the inbound in the other ec2 instance, but it's not working. Both ec2 instance and beanstalk are in the same region. Is there any other restriction?

Q: UnicodeDecodeError when starting brand new django project created with the tool

Just meI am quite knew to python and django and I have installed python 3.4.1 and Django 1.6.6 in my Windows laptop. I am following django tutorial but I am stuck in the second step, because I am getting an error. I created the project: django-admin startproject TouristGuide then I entered the creat...

Q: PDO - Display Rows from Select statement

StewI have been struggling for a while to get the following code to run, it isnt returning anything: try { $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbHost;dbname=$dbDatabase", $dbUser, $dbPass); $DBH->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ); ...

Q: Rails websocket-rails gem and chat

budkinConsider the following code in ChatController https://github.com/themgt/ws42-chat/blob/master/app/controllers/chat_controller.rb and code in chat.js.coffee https://github.com/themgt/ws42-chat/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/chat.js.coffee there almost no other code in the application. What...

Q: Android display bug with application

Никола ПејићI just made an app, but when my friends test it, since they has phones with smaller display, it doesn't shows properly. Components does not become smaller, they go one over another and changes place... I use relative layout, is there something to do with this? Anyone know how to make textview, bu...

Q: Node-Webkit get user's Desktop directory

user780756Using Node-Webkit, I need to save a file with fs.writeFile() on the user's desktop directory. How can I retrieve that?

Q: Java - Storing Information

user3619470I need to create a program that can store the names of 5 people and a status message for each. It must be able to display the names and statuses. I also want to be able to change the statuses of any person. Here on Stack Overflow, the most relevant example to my question is this one. storing na...

Q: Static variable resetting to 0

SelymAIUnless I initialize the static "type" integer to 1, it resets to 0 every iteration of the loop. If it's initialized to 1, the variable can be changed and keeps it's value just fine. What am I doing incorrectly? Main.cpp: #include "Oregano.h" #include "Game.h" int main() { Game game; w...

Q: How to pass jquery variable into php

sheetal sharmaHi i want to use jquery variable in php and then i want to use that variable in session variable how can i achieve this my code $("#paginate li").click(function(){ Display_Load(); $("#paginate li") .css({'border' : 'solid #193d81 1px'}) .css({'color' : '#0063DC'}...

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in Java, 3 mins ago, by compski
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
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in Maharashtrian Code Warriors, 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@Kirti hello @MohanChaudhari
Q: choppy video playback on Laptop

hsinxhPlease check the screenshot below http://i.imgur.com/uouS9cz.png The laptop on which I am having this issue is this http://www.thedostore.com/laptops/thinkpad-t440p.html If someone can tell me why the video playback is like this, that would be great. Thanks

Q: How can I get RTF from HTML with CKEditor?

Ian CampbellI have a pretty good structure for multiple CKEditor textareas, and when clicking a submit button I'm letting the user copy/paste the HTML from a JavaScript prompt. However, I want RTF instead of HTML. Do I need another JavaScript plugin, or can this be done with CKEditor? Here's my code: <!DO...

Q: how to create an array from one line of console input in C?

EsikaI want to create a two dimensional array where number of rows and columns are fixed and column values will be taken from console input. void main() { int myArray[3][5]; int i; int a,b,c,d,e; //for taking column values for(i=0; i<3; i++){ //i represents number of rows in myArray printf("Ente...

Q: No Title and no description using embed button

CreakIsn't Flattr able to retrieve the page title and description? I used the embed button (https://flattr.com/embed) but when I click on the link, I get a Flattr thing with no title and no description (and I can't edit it). Right now I filled up all the fields (see http://creak.foolstep.com/mesamatr...

Q: How to reduce the number of times a heavy objects.all query runs on foriegn key field in Django?

Aditya JohanssonI found that the MySQL DB was becoming unresponsive each time I would load the admin page for a model. I investigated and found that the query Model.objects.all() was running innumerable times, I thought there was some problem because of which django caching is not working, but i verified the cac...

Q: python error access denied

Wisner OliveiraI'm having a problem trying to run a project with pydev python .. it returns me the following error The Following error occurred while trying to extract file (s) to the Python egg cache:    [Error 5] Access is denied: 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Python-Eggs\mysql_pytho...

Q: conda build requirement: add package from specific channel

P.R.Is it possible to add to a conda recipe a build requirement that comes from a specific binstar channel? For instance I want to create a recipe for ffmpeg-devel, which requires 7zip. But it seems only 7za from the trent channel works. I tried to put trent/7za or trent 7za but neither of them work...

Q: Need to add html input values which are part of a mysqli array

MikeI am an extreme newbie when it comes to coding but here it goes anyway. I have a table which has the first two columns populated from MySQL database and each row gets a text box for user input. This is then written back to the database. This works fine, i need to get the total from the user input...

Q: the authetification in java : Incorrect

khadijaI am a beginner in java, i have a function that authentication but when I entered the given login and password it always shows that the data is not correct even if it is correct the code java : private String login1; private String password; private String Username=""; private String Pas...

Q: Joomla 2.5, which is the PHP code to send a message to an user using the PMS instead of the JFactory/getMailer?

user3503452Joomla 2.5, which is the PHP code to send a message to a user using the PMS instead of the JFactory/getMailer function? I like it because in UddeIM Users can select if they receive notifications to their e-mails or not.

Q: spherical geometry as hex in python

MikeI have some api traffic that looks like this { "params": { "cells": null, "cellsAsHex": [ "89d0154610000000", "89d0154f50000000", "89d0154710000000", "89d0154410000000", "89d0154810000000", "89d0154650000...

Q: want to sort map according object key

user3498071I have a map and his key and value are obejct like List<AppointmentRequest> list=AppointmentRequest.findAllAppointmentRequests(); for(AppointmentRequest a:list){ Store store=Store.findStore(a.getStoreId()); map.put(AppointmentRequest.findAppointmentRequest(a.getId()),sto...

Q: switching kde activities in command line

danideeI started taking a course on bash scripting, and i'm still a newbie in bash scripting...please i wan't to know whether it's possible to control and switch kde activities in kubuntu via the command line i.e a command to switch between different activities...Thanks

Q: How to properly run startup scripts?

Max BündchenI have some custom scripts I would like to run only one after the startup is ready. I try some solutions like rc.local, if-up.d/ and /etc/init/ but this places calls the scripts more than once. What's the proper wayt to do this assuming the scripts require interfaces and file system up?

Q: Headphones not working after update Ubuntu 14.04.1

john kieranI have tried all the forum threads here concerning this problem, none of the provided solutions worked (some even made the problem worse). I have an Asus x551m Laptop with SonicMaster audio. Ubuntu 14.04 worked fine with both the Headphones and internal speaker. After updating to 14.04.1, my head...

Q: Volterra operator and completely continuous operators

Juan PabloConsider the Volterra operator $V$ defined here. Let me give some definitions first: [Dunford-Pettis] We say that a bounded linear operator $D:L_1[0,1]\to L_1[0,1]$ is Dunford-Pettis if it sends weakly compact sets into norm compact sets. [Representable] Let $X$ be a Banach space. We sa...

Q: Showing that a set is a basis of a field as a vector space over a subset of that field

HenryLet $K \subseteq L \subseteq F$ be fields and assume that $\{\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_m\}$ is a basis of $F$ as a vector space over $L$ and $\{\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_n\}$ is a basis of $L$ as a vector space over $K$. Prove that $\{\alpha_i\beta_j : 1\leq i \leq m; 1 \leq j \leq n\}$ is a basis of $F...

Q: Expected number of 1's before a 6 shows up

broccoliI have the following problem. How do I compute the expected number of 1s that will be seen by throwing a fair dice until a 6 turns up?

Q: Tensor product of injective ring homomorphisms

Martin BrandenburgWhat is an example of two injective homomorphisms $R \to A$, $R \to B$ of commutative rings such that $R \to A \otimes_R B$ is not injective? Of course neither $R \to A$ nor $R \to B$ can be flat in this example (but this is not enough for an example).

Q: Outlook 2013 gives Windows Security warning when adding live account

Aseem BansalI have been trying to add my live.com account to Outlook 2013 but keep getting the below error. I have tried creating a new profile and other things listed at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/829918. I have also tried clearing Vault in Control Panel and other things as listed at Outlook login/...

Q: Using srand(time(NULL)) in swift gives compiler error

user3011204I'm trying to seed a random number generator in Swift using srand(time(NULL)), but I get this compiler error: Use of unresolved identifier 'NULL' Is there another way I should be using srand()?

Q: Unitialized float (C++)

JuanIf you want to initialize a float with an "uninitialized" state what value would you choose? (value easily testable and the least likely to be confused with an actual value) float min=-999999.; could have problems potentially either being confused with an actual value or even being tested d...

Q: angularjs controller function is not getting executed

user3142303I have a controller for login and I am not sure why the function within the loginController is not being executed. When I debug thru Chrome, I can see that it is executing line (var controllerId = 'login';) but it does not execute line inside the function. I have similar controller for shell pag...

Q: How do you pass a numpy array to openCV without saving the file as a png or jpeg first?

Joshua KnoxI am trying to take a screenshot, then convert it to a numpy array. I then want to run cv2.matchTemplate using the screenshot. So far the only way I have gotten this to work is to save the image: cv2.imwrite('temp.png',imcv) and then use that image in cv2.matchTemplate. This seems horribly wrong....

Q: Scale a Bitmap in function of the angle in Android

Florent BretonI want to draw arrow in ellipse shape, almost like here, but I'd like to scale the arrow in function of the angle: reduce the arrow when the radius is low, and increase it when the ratius is big. The code is: `for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { int centerX = (viewBitmapWidth / 2) -...

Q: PHP: How does if($result = someFunction()) work?

StrongJoshuaI'm learning how to use MySQL in PHP and when learning how to call for an SQL query in the database I saw that the procedural method contained this if statement: if($result = mysqli_query($link, $query)) What is this statement saying? What I think it says is: 1. Set $result equal to mysqli_qu...

Q: How to let others use a script I wrote in google sheets that is shared

JordandoI have a google sheet that is shared with many users. I wrote several scripts which create a toolbar with buttons to allow easy use of the sheet. I would like others to be able to use the toolbar, but when others try they get an error message, saying they need permission to do this. After worki...

Q: LinearLayout does not return onFling?

GilbertLeeI expect to display one picture each time and horizontally swipe to another picture through onFling(). The problem is I have to use ScrollView to wrap my ImageView so as to get response from onFling. If I use Linearlayout to wrap the ImageView, nothing happens when I swipe. I don't want to use sc...

Q: Entity's List is not serializing using JPA in JAX-RS despite trying a million ideas from the Internet

A Bit of HelpI have a simple JAX-RS 2 web service that contains a Customer entity, and the Customer may have zero or more Address entities associated with it. In our service's findAll() method, we want to just return the data in each Customer, without serializeing the Addresses. This is working perfectly. ...

Q: java subclasses and constractor error

user1977050I have 3 classes in following order for checkers game Position - contain methods and variables about position of a Piece (element in the game). Piece - abstract class which contain general methods that are common to checker and king pieces. King - contain methods relevant to king piece In the...

Q: All combinations without repetitions with specific cardinality

marka.thoreI have an array: [a, b, c, d, e, f, ... , z] and I would generate the set of all possible subarrays, withuout repetition, whose cardinality is between X and Y. Let's assume php: $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); $results = myFunction($array, 3, 5); My function should returns somethi...

Q: Set margin of a LinearLayout inside a RealtiveLayout programmatically- not working

MiguelDuqueIn my application I'm using Fragments (tabs) and when I try to set the margin of a LinearLayout of the fragment layout, it doesn't work. My layout has this RelativeLayout ... <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/calendar_activities" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_h...

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