Steel rods are manufactured to be 3 inches in diameter but they are acceptable if they are inside the limit 2.99 inches and 3.01 inches. It is observed that 5% are rejected as oversized and 5% are rejected undersized. Assuming that the diameters are normally distributed, find the standard deviati...
use five nos from the following: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 such that by adding them result is equal to 30 ++++_=30 nos can repeat themselves according to the question we need to add odd nos to make result 30 which is even so not possible. After trying lots of time r...
Is there any physical relation between shearing strain and tensile or compressive strain. If so illustrate me with an example and mathematical derivation
Using setfacl on linux, seems like only owner (and root) can modify the ACL via setfacl, is that right? If there is a directory owned by joe and joe grants rwx to marry, she can read any file, create new, delete old, make directory trees, etc. Everything seems to be fine, they share the conten...
My github account is public:<USER>. I can see my name even if not connected. However, I cannot found it when searching after it (google, bing) even if I add "github" or even if I use my username on the site or ... even directly on github. What setting should I change?
I just bought a new computer with windows 8 on it from Germany, so when it shipped over everything was in German. I was able to get around that and download the English language pack but I noticed that some of the tags were still in German. Among these are some of the default group names for the ...
I'm writing a program that generates co-primes of a number. Now for example a number 'A' has 50 co-primes, my objective is to randomly select a co-prime from the list of all co-primes generated for the number A. Again for example: consider a number 15, it has co-primes - {1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11,...
Is there a way in Google In-app payment API, to set the item's price from the app? I'd like to create a donate-my-app button in my app. There'll be some pre-defined donation amounts (eg 1$, 5$, 10$, and so on). But I'd like to offer a donation method, where my users can choose how many money wi...
Given the following code, how would one make the Inf values invisible in the scatter plot without color manipulation? J = rand(20, 40, 5); J(J>.6 & J<.4) = Inf; % Plot a scatter matrix shape = size(J); [x,y,z] = meshgrid(1:shape(1), 1:shape(2), 1:shape(3)); scatter3(x(:), y(:), z(:), 4, J(:), '...
I'd like to do this: CheckBox[] boxarray = new CheckBox[4]; boxarray[0] = checkBox1; boxarray[1] = checkBox2; boxarray[2] = checkBox3; boxarray[3] = checkBox4; using a for loop - because I have about 600 checkboxes. I thought about this: for (int i = 0 ; i<= 600; i++) { ...
I am using HMSegmentedControl in my application, basically i am displaying two segments on the top of the screen i.e. 1.Alerts and 2. Social. After tap on the segment category, i am loading the corresponding UIViews (viewAlerts and viewSocial). I have added both views in my class XIB. My problem ...
I try to create a survey app using (c#) based on ms sql server. The user can see multiple choice, single choice, and textbox answer choices to input. I am able to store textbox and single choice answers in my database but I am stuck in storing multiple answers. My design is the following...
Hi all I'm getting below error only in my chrome. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Session_Exception' with message 'This session is not valid according to Core_Session_Validator_Client.' in /home/pramo/library/Zend/Session.php:785 Stack trace: #0 /home/pramo/library/Zend/Session.php(507...
I Have created a report in report viewer and I want to show two tablix on one page of report viewer. For example if both tables have 10 rows to show then i want to show 5 rows of first table and 5 rows of second table on 1 page and rest of the rows show on next page like next 5 rows from first t...
I'm using this example to try and send a FB friend request to a user of which I know the Facebook ID (I've hardcoded my FB id in the app) This is what I'm doing: fbId = "100000265744136"; Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("message", res.getString(R.string.social_media_...
I want to do UI automation for opening an url in a real android device. For that I want to install and run appium on my linux system, please guide me how to do? Also suggest me Is there anyway to open an url in chrome browser using eclipse??
First time in my life trying to achieve implement wsdl service into web site. I am getting following response from service. I tried to parse response with following code but probably doing something wrong in somewhere. Could anyone help me to parse certain nodes from response? Regards and Thanks...
I am using this extension to give 5% discount for all newsletter subscribed customers, its working fine but the only bug i got is when i look the order in magento backend it says Total Due £0.01 and also in World pay transaction history it says total order amount £5.43 Subtotal £2.85 Shipping &...
Suppose $X_n$ is a supermartingale,for $\lambda>0$ ,we have the following inequality: $$\lambda\mathbb{P}(\inf_{n\leq k}X_n\leq-\lambda)\leq\int_{[\inf_{n\leq k }X_n\leq -\lambda]}(-X_k) \mathbb{dP}$$ I have tried: Let $T=\inf\{n:X_n \leq-\lambda\}\wedge k$, so $T$ is a bounded stopping time.By...
Can you suggest any method for stability analysis of FTCS scheme for the the following parabolic equation ? D.E: $u_{t}=a(x,t)u_{xx}+f(x,t,u)$, $0<x<1$, $0<t<T$, $T>0$ BCs: $u_{x}(0,t)+hu(0,t)=0$, $u(1,t)=0$ IC: $u(x,0)=g(x)$ I consider the von neumann method but it requires that the coeffic...
I'm running a simple test program to inset some values into a MySQL db (managed using MySQL workbench 6.1) and I'm getting an error. The error I get is Unknown column 'bbb' in 'field list'. Here is the code: string str = @"server=localhost;database=test;userid=root;password=asd;";...
i want to remove breadcrumb from magneto pages , from admin panel not from any code changes , from where can i do change??
I always wonder when it comes to mutability. Why .net designers have developed only stringbilder class to achieve mutability of string class & not intbilder considering int & string are implemented exactly the same way irrespective of their data types.
I am trying different Lan messengers as Qualia and Lanchat but it’s not possible to connect them to my LDAP directories. IS there a way to do that?
I am developing one application for Portable Scanner which is based on Windows CE 5.0. I simply run connection code for my application it cannot connect. I Use MySQl.Data.CF.dll When I try to use MySQL.Data it give error like below "The type 'System.Data.Common.DbConnection' is defined in an ass...
I'm trying to use grails data binding to map some form parameters into my model, but I think perhaps there are some limitations regarding mapping embedded collections. For instance, if I'm submitting some parameters like this then the mapping works fine: //this works productLineItems[0].product...
My code is jQuery('#step2continue').click(function(){ jQuery('#quizresultsave').trigger('click'); }); this trigger function is not working in safari-ipad
I have the source code for a C++ library (its a version of Box2D) I'd like to add parts of it to a new project and build it to a .dll However when I add the directory of files I want to the new project it adds them all to the root of the project and as a result most if the include statements ar...
I have my main-container div having box shadow. There will be a inner div which will contain a list. I want box shadow always be on top of inner container so if list goes out of div it get hidden behind shadow.
I have something like this where my function only takes in the second and third parameters when the first one is != 3. What's the best way to document this behaviour with JSDoc? getTimeframe: function(timeframe, since, until) { /* * @param {Number} timeframe Can be 0, 1, 2 or 3 * @param {Numbe...
I want to export the visible data in datatable to CSV format. Here is my code,I have added following code var $table=$('#example').dataTable ( { "bFilter": false, "processing": true, "serverSide": true, ...
Consider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?
I found this macro code in Delphi/Pascal syntax but i can't use it! Does Delphi support macro codes like C/C++ or this macro is for another language such as Lazarus ??? The macro : {$ifdef Profile} {$define __TRACE__:= try } {$define __END__:= finally ShowMessage('Hello !'); end;} {$else} ...
Simple addition of a string and a list of strings yields the error cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects. Is there a more elegant way to do the following (e.g. without the loop)? list_of_strings = ["Hello", "World"] string_to_add = "Foo" for item, string in enumerate(list_of_strings): ...
Hello Dudes I Have a ListView inside a ListView item : <Button android:id="@+id/button_comments_open" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:text="Comments" /> <ListView android...
I get the impression that both Gandalf and Sauron want Thorin and his company to enter the lonely mountain. Why? Gandalf is charged to aid the world in their fight against Sauron, Smaug had been peacefully sleeping for a very long time. Why would he encourage the dwarves to go and risk waking hi...
Let an autonomous dynamical system is characterized by the state equation $$ \dot x(t) = f(x(t)),\quad x(0)=x_0 $$ with state $x(t)\in \mathbb R^n$. The definition of invariant set, as I came across, is something like: A set of states $S \subseteq \mathbb R^n$ of above system is called an invari...
We say that $N$ is writable as a sum of permutation pair $\{a,b\}$ if $a+b=N$ and $a$ and $b$ are permutations of each other (e.g. $321 = 156 + 165 = 147 + 174 = ... $). Looking at 3-digit numbers, 386 of them are writable as a sum of permutations. What is the density of numbers which are...
If we have undirected graph with four nodes numbered 1 2 3 and 4. How can we find the coefficient of clustering of each one? And there're two equation to know the coefficient of clustering, which one is more accoutre? 1) $C_n = 2e_n/(k_n(k_n-1)$ 2) $N/M$ where $N$ is the number of edges betwee...
I created a CLLocationManager in my ViewDidLoad but the delegate methods are not being called. What did I do wrong? My Header: @interface AccelViewController ()<CLLocationManagerDelegate> { CLLocationManager *locationManager; } My ViewDidLoad: locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc]...
I ran windows 8.1 32bit and I am trying to install libusb to use with cygwin in order to use a USB project based on C that worked in linux for a device that doesn't have driver for windows. I read a few posts here already and I am still confused about what I need to install.As I understand I need...
I experience a confusing issue with built-in SAP transformation ID. I try to serialize ABAP structure, but result XML is always empty. Do you have any suggestions, what is wrong with my code? DATA lv_xml TYPE xstring. CALL TRANSFORMATION ID SOURCE test = syst RESULT XML = lv_xml. IF lv_xm...
I have a particular query in MySQL where it compares values from two different table (indexed) using collate but this does not execute for hours. The query is provided below: create temporary table elig_temp select id from table_elig; create index elig_temp on elig_temp(id); create temporary ta...
What I Did: I have made an app for iphone using phonegap and signed it with distribution certificate and ad-hoc provisional profile. Problem Statement: In iTunes when i click on install and sync, it shows installing. But even after half an hour it will not install. UDID of my device is present i...
I need to embed an ember app made with ember-cli into an existing website. Without ember-cli i would do this: App = Ember.Application.create({ rootElement: '#app-container' }); I am basically looking to include the generated assets into my page and not use the index.html file at all.. (The ...
I trying my hand out in Spring boot exception handling . I have created a REST application and the application works for all valid url. I am trying to handle the exceptions for invalid url. But if i try hitting the application with an invalid url , i am getting the below exception:- 13:04:02.9...
I hava this code for creating thumbs after file pick: $(document).ready(function() { function handleFileSelect(evt) { if($('#attach').length > 0){ var error_container = $('#message'); var photo_input = $('#attach'); } else if ($('#photo_file').length >...
It's my first post here. As title says I'm trying to emulate Photoshop's "Color Range" using processing. I've found some useful information about the algorithm here: Emulate PhotoShop's "Color Range" algorithm but my problem is to implement it into a processing sketch, as I'm new to Java. I've ...
this is the user import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; import javax.swing.*; public class Top_9 implements Runnable{ static Top_9 s=new Top_9(); static Thread th=new Thread(s); static ObjectOutputStream sr; static JFrame frame =new JFrame("client"...
As you know, we can see a list of AID of applets reside on a smart card using gpj -list or using similar commands in another tools (such as gpshell, gp , ...) I want to know is there any way to hide an applet to list in the response of these kind of commands? I mean uploading an applet in a way ...
I'm trying to read a very big .seq file. It has thousands of rows and variable number of columns (from 1 to 20), separated with 'space'. I usually used importdata command. However, this time, this command imports this data into matrix with only 2 columns. Is there a way to make importdata command...
Hello Dudes I Have a ListView inside a ListView item : <Button android:id="@+id/button_comments_open" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:text="Comments" /> <ListView android...
Simple addition of a string and a list of strings yields the error cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects. Is there a more elegant way to do the following (e.g. without the loop)? list_of_strings = ["Hello", "World"] string_to_add = "Foo" for item, string in enumerate(list_of_strings): ...
I found this macro code in Delphi/Pascal syntax but i can't use it! Does Delphi support macro codes like C/C++ or this macro is for another language such as Lazarus ??? The macro : {$ifdef Profile} {$define __TRACE__:= try } {$define __END__:= finally ShowMessage('Hello !'); end;} {$else} ...
Consider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?
I want to get ubuntu 14 LTS to run a remmina client setup from boot up so that the user does not have to enter any information until they get to the remote desktop log on screen, Any help would be good
I have a question. There is some event 'A' and an event 'B'. Event 'B' only takes place when event 'A' is true. (The outcome of event 'B' is otherwise not dependent on the outcome of event 'A'). event A: event A: false = 58.2% event A: true = 41.8% if (event A = true) then event B: ...
The problems statement for question number 6 on this link. The solution is provided if we switch tabs. I have not idea how the distribution function is formulated for the question. PS : If you think the author has made an assumption, then kindly provide so in the comment section, so that I ca...
I have a 2008 server setup for testing, we have a FoxPro database that is served off a server share on this box. It is simply files ( .dbf + index files ) that exist on a normal share, not DFS, just plain old share. This application was living on a 2003 server, but testing it on the 2008 ser...
I'm using google map in Drupal (but i don't think this is relevant to my problem). On a view (a page display in Drupal), i'm displaying markers on a Google Map. I'm displaying in a external block the links of the markers on the map. i've looked at this example, but what i nedd is the other way ...
I'm trying to use Bullet physic engine to create a 3D world. I've got my character with a Capsule shape on his body and my ground his made of some static blocs stick together, here is a schema to illustrate my words: The problem is present when my character run from one block to another: Bulle...
I have this select button: <form method="post"> <label> <select id="label" name="challengeX" style="margin-top:150px;"> <option selected value="0"> Global Statistics </option> <option value="1">Challenge 1</option> <option value="2">Challenge 2</op...
I have some problems with the layout and activity.and I don't know are they different,are they related? I think the layout is a place we can add or remove our views and activity is just a place that shows any thing in our layout, is this true?
I have a question: I would like to know the difference between Jena TDB and Virtuoso Open Source Triple Store. I have read that I can save the triple in Virtuoso using Virtuoso Jena Provider. In addition, with regard to Jena, I know that I can use Fuseki as endpoint to query that are present i...
Main string contains (input string) "Success:" and output string should contain "" please explain with code in obejctive c
Could someone explain to me what can happen if I'll forget postfix for constants(literals) in ANSI C? For example I saw for bit shift operations such defines: #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of NOTRESOLVED field. */ #define AAR_INTENSET_NOTRESOLVED_Msk (0x1UL << AAR_INT...
I have a CSV file which I am trying to import using file Helpers Library, issue is I get the spree sheet files from somewhere and save them as CSV to be able to import them but the first line has Wrap-text excel properties which make the cell into multiple line which in excel is only single row/c...
I have an application to automate using selenium webdriver that has feature to browse and upload a file to the website. In windows, it was easy to use autoIt with selenium. It works fine. But if same code has to work on linux machine, the .au3 script might not work the way its expected to. Is the...
I would like to know ,How can I use tidal scheduler Adapter In soa 11g? can any one please provide the document or Information about Tidal scheduler adapter for WebServices?
When running the following code in an R terminal: library(parallel) func <- function(a,b,c) a+b+c testfun <- function() { cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile="parlog.txt") res <- clusterMap(cl, func, 1:10, 11:20, MoreArgs = list(c=1)) print(res) stopCluster(cl) } test...
For the last three weeks I have been working on little project which intended to give a website based voicemail service, till now I implemented an app for mobiles to make call and SMS using Java-ME. But now I think I'm stacked how could I make those missed calls to go to my server? how web based...
I have a very complicated positive definite linear continuous function of a single variable k for which I am trying to find all roots in a given range of k; say -4 < k < 4. Up until now I have first estimated the minima of the function, by searching for points k_j where both $k_{j+1}>k_j$ and $...
I try use binding.pry in controller file and when i reload page, passenger stuck on it but irb doesn't work (It shows up, but stuck. It looks like passenger wrote string and thats all.). On passenger site we can read, that irb is for business plan but if we use binding.remote_pry(binding.pry igno...
I've set the LinkDelegationPolicy to delegate all links and that bit is working, but it doesn't seem to be firing the linkClicked(); page->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks); connect(page, SIGNAL(linkClicked(QUrl)), this, SIGNAL(linkClicked(QUrl))); void QWebPage::linkClick...
I want to make an CMD program that can find text in a text file and then replace it with something else. Example: I want to find: maleEquip1 and I want to change it to: anInt165 Is that possible with a CMD program?
I want to be able to change the colour of this exact entire map. I am using map bubble I want a darker color for the countries and continents. how can i achieve this as colorAxis will change the data representation(bubble) colour not the map colour.
I have an error when i return from a page in WinRT. Here's the error: 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException' : The given key was not present in the dictionary. this happens only in one page !
I've been trying to solve this problem for the last 3h. I've just set up a MySQL server on my dedicated root server, running Ubuntu 14.04-minimal. I have no problem logging in as root anywhere - it works just fine on the command line, phpMyAdmin or a php-Script. Because I did not want to use all...
I have bought a Leoxsys WiFi USB device to use WiFi in my PC. Its working absolutely fine in Windows7 as its provided with windows7 Drivers. Installing and using drivers in windows 7 is easy and Its working fine. But coming to Ubuntu linux 12.04LTS its not working . Actually I found drivers fo...
In Alberto Bressan's "Lecture Notes On Functional Analysis," we have the following exercise (p. 72). Let $X$ denote a Banach space. Let $U \subseteq X$ be a closed, convex set such that $\bigcup_{n \geq 1} nU = X$. Prove that $U$ contains a neighbourhood of the origin. This is a homewor...
The line y = 4x-7 is tangent to a parabola that has a y-intercept of -3 and the line x=1/2 as its axis of symmetry. Find the equation of the parabola. I really need help solving this question. THx
Consider $\triangle ABC$. BC lies on a line passing through $(g,f)$. The pair of straightlines $(x+y)(x-9y)=0$ are the perpendicular bisector of $\triangle ABC$. Find the locus of the point A. NOTE- We only know that BC lies on the line through (g,f),but not the exact co-ordinates of B and C....
I have $f:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R$ and $\gamma:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R^n$, which are both $\mathrm C^2$. Considering $g=f\circ \gamma$, how could I express $g''$, second derivative of $g$ in terms of partial derivatives of $f$ and $\gamma$?. The first I know is that $$ \mathrm Dg(a) = \mathrm D...
I have another question for you: Tell how many solutions does the congruence $x^{14}+x^7+1 \equiv 0 \; (\text{mod } 343)$ and compute at least one of them. Does this kind of exercise have a standard way to procede? If so, how would you do that? Thank you very much!
Recently I installed Synergy on my desktop PC (running Windows 8.1) and my Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian) so the PC's keyboard and mouse is shared with the Raspberry Pi. The Windows PC is a Synergy server and the Pi is a client, and both run Synergy 1.5.1. Everything works fine apart from bot...
hello i have a html5 video. this is a example <video width="320" id="video" height="240" controls> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="video1.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> </video> i would a list of "source" i'm write this code var...
I have Three list to display.How to add them on single layout? my layout file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical" >...
I'm confused ( new to Java) I've read that : TreeSet doesn't actually use equals() at all. It uses compareTo() instead - if compareTo() returns zero, that means the two objects are "equal" as far as the TreeSet is concerned. Great. So I have : public class User implements Comparable<...
I have the following requirement. I have a project with two packages: com.interfaces com.impl I am using the sbt-proguard plugin shrink my project (I mainly need for com.impl, com.interfaces has almost no code). The thing is, I need com.interfaces needs to be in its own separate jar. Proguard ...
IN Combine Voronoi polygons and maps using how was workspace or the image of the map in PZNALL saved? I have generated a map using library(maps) map("world","india") I am not able to use it even after saving it.
I am using VS2010 and want to find the equivalent of log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator in MS Enterprise Library 5.0. Just like it is possible to embed the location of logging configuration file for log4net, by [assembly: XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = @"C:\Product\Development\Reval\HedgeRx\Dev\Compo...
How will you find last Sunday of a month in Fire bird? select extract(week from encodedate(31,12,2009)) from rdb$database
TypeError: Not a buffer at new Hmac (crypto.js:226:17) at Object.Hmac (crypto.js:224:12) at Object.module.exports.Pusher.createSignedQueryString (E:\angular-pusher-gh-pages\node_modules\pusher\lib\pusher.js:167:43) at (E:\angular-pusher-gh-pages\node_modules\push...
I am attempting to make a carousel and associated navigation with side-by-side elements which bleed off on either side, no matter how large the screen is, but which also have internal elements which are locked to the grid. I have a kind-of solution which uses a variety of hacks to just-about acc...
I tried to install gtk+ on ubuntu for learn gtk programing . before that Ubuntu Desktop was working well.when I installed it my ubuntu didn't work themse,Icons,bg,keyboard languages and ... set to deafault form.and I can't change any thing (like back ground , fonts , themes , and other) ....
I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS alongside Windows 8.1 on my Thinkpad Twist. Now I'm planning on using Ubuntu to learn python from LearnPythonTheHardWay. But I have absolutely no idea how Ubuntu works. I've read tons of stuff but where do I start. I don't know how to use terminal commands to d...
I have a polygon in the following format: [813,1623],[816,1623],[818,1617],[823,1626],[831,1626],[832,1629],[839,1632],[841,1636],[837,1636],[842,1640],[839,1632],[835,1631],[831,1624],[827,1621],[827,1618],[830,1620],[838,1619],[838,1618],[832,1608],[839,1605],[841,1599],[846,1596],[848,1589],[...
Suppose I have 3 dice. Each has some mechanism that can prevent other dice being in the same number as itself when they are rolled together. Now I roll the 3 dice at the same time. Then what is the probability of at least one 2 appear? Is the answer 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/2 since the event are mutu...
Consider $\Sigma = {a,b,c}$ and the language $L$, the set of all strings that do not contain 'ab' Find strings, of size $k$ is in $L$ ($L_k$) Consider $A_k$ (strings of size $k$ that end in a) and $N-k$ (strings of size $k$ that don't end in a) The recurrence is quite simle, $$ A_k = A_{k-1} ...
Hello I am from pure mathematics background (Bsc and Msc), I am reading on my own the Quantum Computing: From Linear Algebra to Physical Realization by Nakahara. Could anyone make me understand how the dimension of seperable state is $\dim \mathcal{H_1}+\dim\mathcal{H_2}$?
When trying to create a new server farm in the sharepoint foundation 2013 we get a following error : The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with FeatureDependencyId are not registered. PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-SPConfigurationDatabase cmdlet New-SPConfigurationDatabase at command pipeli...
I have this part of code: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ... scanNextButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { ... formNextButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClick...
In what situations in javascript do we need to wait for the window onload event before running code? And what useful things can be done without needing to wait?
I have setup a PHP session to capture the CAMPAIGN and CLICKID variables that are passed to the site within a URL - i.e. I am achieving this using he code below : <?php session_start(); $_SESSION["campaign"] = $_GET['campaign']; $_SESSION["cli...
I have this url and want to change it to with htaccess and get it argument in code from GET
i have an issue with one of my database time fields, the issue that iam having is that i want to add two time fields together. for example my database contains a value like this 01:43:00 and i want to add 01:23:08 to the first value. coloum in my database which contains the time is set to a time ...
Why one has to use tickets to avoid multiple SSL handshakes. Is it impossible to use HTTP persistent (keep alive) connection and send multiple GET... requests in a single SSL session? There is timeout in Apache for exmaple, but it can be reconfigured (in my case the web server is not random but f...
I got a function to reverse the order of the elements in a list, such as (define (rvsl sequence) (foldl (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) '() sequence)) However, when I ran it in DrRacket with the input (rvsl (list 2 3 4)) DrRacket told me this cons: second argument must be a list, but rece...
I have a reporting application written in grails. it fires SQL at a production back office database, and simply lists the resultant rows back to the user. The bit which executes the sql is this: class ReportService { static transactional = false def dataSource_target def runReport(sql) { ...
I have a problem with uploading video in my project. If File has about 25mb then uploads good, but if I try to upload bigger file - 80 mb, I receive "failed". Web.config file: <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="104857600" executionTimeout="3600" /> My function in view file: function createVideo...
WE are using Play 2.3.x for our web application . I wanted to debug the server side code , so performed the following steps on Windows 7 machine 1) set the JAVA_OPTIONS to "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9999" 2) On IntelliJ IDE : Run > Edit Configurations >...
I am building an application and I have constant called ENVIRONMENT_SETTING. As I am currently developing the application I have it as define('ENVIRONMENT_SETTING', 'dev'); Then I am checking at the top of the file what it is. I am currently doing if statements like so: if (defined('ENVIRONMEN...
I have WordpressTheme and in my MySql Database is Stored a Value like the following. Its an Optionlist that shows up in an Form. But i never saw something like this. Any Ideas what this is and how to handle with it? Or where do find a Documentation about it. a:9:{i:0;a:4:{s:8:"cssClass";s:8:"tex...
I want to normalize a value between -x and x to -1 and 1. I thought about value / Math.abs(value), but the problem is if value is 0 that doesnt work. so is there a possibility without if and else, so with one operation? thank you.
Is there a way to add a new column to existing table in DynamoDB in Amazon's AWS? Google didn't help, UpdateTable Query in doesn't have any information related to adding a new column.
I am working on an app that fetches an image from the daily image sites and sets it as a wallpaper on the Firefox OS device. However I am not able to find a way to automatically change the wallpaper. Is this possible? I found an activity to bring up the wallpaper picker, here but it presents a pi...
Currently I can access page using this link Below code is used for this and it's working fine. <rule name="RRR1" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="^(.*)$" ignoreCase="false" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="client/hom...
For my wordpress child theme I'm using a function to remove the post class has-post-thumbnail. This class appears twice so I have to remove it twice with the function below: // Remove specific post_class() from Mytemplate add_filter('post_class', 'remove_has_post_thumbnail_class', 20); function ...
I try to do a switch like c# in sql or if with differents conditions. I use that but it don't work at all : it's for a stored procedure : CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Mystoredprocedure] @Value INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; CASE WHEN @Value = 0 THEN SELECT * FROM mytable1 WHEN @Value = 1 ...
I have a list of product contained in a NSMutableDictionnary and I diplsay it like this : Now, I want to add a view for each products. If i click the "Basilic" for exemple I want to switch the view and have a new view, the products details or something else .. I add t...
<select data-placeholder="Please select a payment method.." style="width:50%;" class="chosen" onchange="currencyChange(this.value)"> <option value=""></option> <optgroup label="Cash"> <option value="Paypal">Paypal</option> <option value="Bitcoin">Bitcoin</option> <...
in my english class - 7 years ago - we had isaac assimov as topic, but this little story was not form him. It was about a single guy on a outpost. He tells about how normal his live is and how nice his livestyle seems... end of story was that he was some alien with more than 2 arms. He finds a...
I'm studying Computer science (second year ), I Applied for a part time job at MacDonald 6hour 3 day per week, I thought that will not affect on my study but I started to feel tired and the work was so stressful then I quite after the first week , when I did that the supervisor of the restauran...
I believe the book which I am reading has a printing error. One of the lemmas reads like this An open subset of $\mathbb R^p$ is connected $\iff$if it can be expressed as the union of two disjoint non-empty open sets. I think, instead, the statement should be : An open subset of $\mathbb R^p$ i...
Which are homotopy classes of mappings $\mathbb{CP}^n \to \mathbb{CP}^m$ for $n < m$? In real case, even for any cellular complex $X$ with $\dim X<m$ homotopy classes of mappings $X \to \mathbb{RP}^m$ are in bijection with $H^1 (X, \pi_1(\mathbb{RP}^m)=\mathbb Z_2)$: the reason is that universal...
I'm basically trying to replace paper. I want to be able to write like I do on paper but do it on software. What hardware and software is the best for doing this? I'm learning and I specially need it for that so I can do all the math in the software instead of doing it on paper and I also need to...
I have done root for android devices. I want to restore my android device to unroot state. Is it possible to unroot android device using adb command or any other way?
I'm trying to run JBoss Remote in JUnit and getting such error: Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class Here is part of jUnit class with Remote: import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.Initia...
I have an array of numbers called CM, which I would then like to calculate EACH array item as the percentage of another number, lets call it totalOfCM (The sum of all the numbers in array CM). Is there a way that I can loop through that array and put the result into another array without having ...
I have a textarea that inserts into a database when submitted. It works when the text is typed, but sometimes does not work when the text was pasted into the textarea. Instead, it posts successfully, no errors, Text copied from some webpages/websites work, for example text copied from blindtext...
I'm writting JUnit test and I have a line like this used several times Assert.assertEquals("Size of list is incorrect", 1, list.size()); As some places, this line works fine but something the Java conversion fails. Method signature is void org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(String message, lo...
i wanna to convert the php function in javascript below is my code function getpercentage($standard,$proid,$statename,$repid,$type) { $standardids=$standard; $productid=$proid; $allstandardsguid=array(); $bencharray=array(); $stddocs = array(); $finalbench=array(); $std = array(); fo...
My program is trying to list countrynames parsed from an XML file on the web, and displaying them in a Grouped LongListSelector grouped in Alphabetical Order. Most of the code samples and documentation I found is in C# but I tried to port it using a C# to code converter and managed to get...
I am pretty new to windows phone, and I would like to create simple app that can record sound from mic, and save it. I already have searched for some classes that are able to record, but I didn't find anything I can understand. I have found MediaCapture class, but I cant find any tutorial or gu...
I'm trying to count how many times a certain number occurs in a column (or row) in excel. I've tried this with the FREQUENCY comando in Excel, but this does not give me the right numbers. So how would I for example be able to count how many times the number 1 occurs in following row: A B ...
In Windows Server 2008 R2, consider the following scenario: We have an OpenLDAP for most of our services, but combine it with AD for mostly Windows services. We sync the passwords of the users by a java app. Because we want the java app to be the only entry point for changing passwords, we set t...
is it possible, to wait until one method call is finished, bevore the second starts? All handeled in a doInBackground() of an Async Task? Code: FormData currentForm=..... private ArrayList<String> requestIds; class GetFormData extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> { @Override prote...
I have two SVG lines one on top of the other. I have made them both animate. See fiddle: The top line works how I want it to but I would like the bottom line to move from right to left instead. What do i need to change in my code to make this work? Is it a CSS cha...
I am not sure about what I am doing wrong here. I am not an expert excel user but this should be straight forward! I am trying to format cell "Status" if the date2 is greater than date1. The above should be self-explanatory for the formulas I am using but this does not give me any result. Basi...
Where can I find the recorded data and screen snaps and etc things ? I had tried to find them within : ~/.local/share/zeitgeist directory but there are the following files available and i don't know how to work with them to show all recorded data and history. activity.sqlite activity.sqlite-...
I have opened two windows in chrome browser, in each window there are multiple pages . the first window is the most important for me, the second window is for search tabs. my problem is that I accidentally closed the first window(window with multiple pages) instead of closing the second window....
I am building a android project where am storing some details which includes date as string,but now I need to sort the list view by date.I am bit confused on how to do it.I am done with everything but need to sort the list by date. Here is the overview of how am storing data. I have an arraylis...
I need help. I have this code to authenticate the user, the error is in the init function that is not performing the function mvcPreDispatch. Thanks! public function init(ModuleManager $moduleManager) { $sharedEvents = $moduleManager->getEventManager()->getSharedManager(); $sharedEvents->...
Just having textField named "IBtextFieldName", which already hooked in Xib & proper class is assigned to File's Owner, But keep getting 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<UIViewController 0x7fb9cc81acd0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key IBtex...
Here is a little question I hope you guys can help me with. Console.Write("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} " + customerdetails[i].CustomerNo, customerdetails[i].surname, customerdetails[i].forname, customerdetails[i].street, customerdetails[i].town, customerdetails[i].DOB.ToString("dd/MM...
I am testing an website's login form using jmeter , website is created on cake php. The Request header of POST method was CakeCookie[username]=Q2FrZQ==.4hQpPE8O4tl+iBRWfrgElBgbwJKK6Q==; CakeCookie[password]=Q2FrZQ==.skRyYRRZ; CAKEPHP=avdhr3i8abe04nq74ra5k596f3 While the html description of lo...
I am a beginner in AngularJS. I am working through some code of an expert. I would like to customize the directive and learn something. The expert always insert: this.scope = $scope; in the first line of every controller. What's the point of this statement, if you later always just use $sco...
I am having a form in which there is an ImageView & others are TextView & EditTexts. On the click of the ImageView, I want the Camera should open & capture an image & that is to be displayed in the ImageView. Till here, the code is working fine. However, I am not able to convert the image into Ba...
I have a view that displays records of a model in a single table. What I am trying to do is allow the user to amend 2 fields using a form of all displayed records. <%= form_tag( :action => 'update_prioirty' ,:method => :post) do %> <table > <tr id="table_title"> <td >ID<...
I am trying to develop in Qt QML a digital dashboard composed by a speedometer and a tachometer with a needle each. The problem of this design arises when i am involved in a rotation of the needle: in this case, it has a jerky movement and it is not as fluent as a real needle. For instance, let u...
when packet get's converted into frame , it get's "Destination hardware address" , "Source Hardware address" , " Ether-type field " or " length" , "data field " and " Frame check sequence field " Now , if the destined host is local host , then a request for Hardware address of the local host vi...
I have recorded some CodedUI tests in VS2012. How do I get them to run on a remote machine? (The remote machine already has a test agent configured, connected to a Test Controller). In my .testsettings file, the dropdown to choose a Test Controller is always blank.
I've already written my own dijit widgets, as well as extended the existing one. It's simply making new declare with extended widget as argument, and using the own one instead of extended one. However, I have a problem with dojox/form/Uploader, because it's that 'old-style' widget using old-styl...
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