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Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
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Awal Garg has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Awal Garg has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
lets see the capacity of the feed user now :p
Q: command line 7zip "-r" flag

MaltThe 7z man page has this to say about the "-r" flag: -r[-|0] Recurse subdirectories (CAUTION: this flag does not do what you think, avoid using it) Ok, so it doesn't do what I think it does, but what DOES it do?

Q: Porting new.module() to Python3

KimvaisHow would I implement this in Python3: def import_code(code, name, add_to_sys_modules=False): module = new.module(name) sys.modules[name] = module do_bookkeeping(module) exec(code in module.__dict__) return module Seems like neither __import__ nor importlib actually return...

Q: position fixed div, when scrolling up and position absolute, when scrolling down: google now search bar type behavior

TsonevIm trying to create a div behavior very similar to google now's search bar control. When the page loads initially, you get a div located in a specific position, as you start scrolling down the div will remain in its relative/absolute position(slide along with the scroll until it disappears). Onc...

Q: Bootstrap affix - Logo does not re-appear

user3894924My code-snippet: http://www.bootply.com/MwBngMJ6JZ When I scroll down I want to hide the big logo and display the small logo. When I scroll up again I want to hide the small logo and display the big logo. But when I scroll back up again, the big logo does not re-appear. In the contrary, the sma...

Q: when updating sphinx searchd.pid file is missing, how to solve this?

azarudeeni am new to sphinx, while rebooting the server the sphinx in stopped and i cant update my sphinx root@server [~]# /usr/local/bin/indexer --config /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf --rotate --all Sphinx 2.1.9-release (rel21-r4761) Copyright (c) 2001-2014, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Sph...

Q: Jquery mobile listview cropping thumbnail image

James ConrI have a listview from which I removed padding with custom CSS. Now, if the contained text element is not long enough, the entire listview becomes smaller and crops the image thumbnail. I tried applying margins to various JQuery classes but to no avail. My inexperience with the JQ mobile CSS clas...

Q: disable file permission when counter value reaches zero in pdf download counter

javamindswp-downloadmanager.1.62 wordpress plugin wp-downloadmanager.php line no: 189 if(($file_permission > 0 && intval($current_user-> wp_user_level) >= $file_permission && intval($user_ID) > 0) || ($file_permission == 0 && intval($user_ID) > 0) || $file_permission == ...

Q: Please explain step by step basic selenium configuration using json

AnnantI use selenium and i know how to configure testNG in it. I have to perform automation testing on a website which fetches data using JSON. in that website locating elements using id or css or xpath don't work. I was told it uses json. Can any one write sample code of how to locate elements fetched...

Q: Imageview is not filling to the full width of the screen

SohamI am having a strange behaviour with the layout for the nexus 5 device only.The problem is after flipping, the image is not setting to the screen size. Here is my code img.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { flipCar...

Q: Resolve Website Page Pagination through htaccess

Ritu SharmaThanks your, My last problem was resolve via stackoveflow users support. Here is my problem. I want to resolve Website.in/home-page/page/73/ to Website.in/page/73/ Website.in/home-page/page/74/ to Website.in/page/74/ etc. One more help i am getting this Website.in/page-url/...

Q: Cant install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 on HP 650 - Cant recognize Windows partition

GiannisI have a HP 650 and I removed Windows 8 to install Windows 7. I have disabled Secureboot and installed Win7 successfully. When I boot Ubuntu live cd, the installation manager is unable to detect Windows partition and it is showing all the HDD as "unallocated" so I have no way to resize partition...

Q: My apps still "pending review " after 2 months of submission?

killerI uploaded 2 apps for ubuntu software center but it still is showing the status of "pending review ". SO , when can I expect it to be accepted. Anyone from ubuntu or review team ,please let me know

Q: Rayleigh-Ritz-method-how to solve the given problem

amithow to solve this: An approximate solution of the problem $y^"-y^{'}+4x\epsilon^x =0$, $y^{'}(0)-y(0)=1$,$y^{'}(1)+y(1)=-\epsilon$ is: here we have to calculate the value of y(x)? what i did is: for this we use rayleigh-Ritz method, and i got the function $f(x,y,y^{'},y^{"})=y^{'2}+y^2-8x\eps...

Q: Find the volume of the lower surface of the solid z=r^2+rcos^2 theta and the second quadrant bounded by the circle x^2+y^2=9?

InokeConsider the solid underneath the surface of z= r^2+r\cos^2\theta and above the region R in the second quadrant bounded by the circle x^2+y^2=9 and the coordinate axes. Note that this region R is the same as the one in this week's discussion. Fill in the FIVE missing pieces of information for a...

Q: And another real integral to be solved by contour integration

BootstrapBillI want to solve $$\int_0^\infty\frac{1}{x^3+x^2+x+1}dx$$ and i have really learned a lot already by failing to solve it. I want to solve it using a clever contour. It is possible to do it using partial fractions (gives me $\frac{\pi}{4}$), but i´d rather not, since the residues seem quite nice....

Q: Books on differential geometry in the cases $n=2$ and $n=3$

Jack MI'm interested in learning the differential geometry of standard, "physical" space, that is $\mathbb R^2$ and $\mathbb R^3$. The sort of problems that were studied in the 18th and 19th century... curvature and so on. NJ Wildberger's lectures give an idea of the sort of content I'm looking for. I'...

Q: How do I make less open binary files without confirmation?

GiorgioI have several log files that contain a few bytes which are not displayable characters (due to binary signatures on the requests). Every time I open them with less I get asked: $ less /var/log/file.log "/var/log/file.log" may be a binary file. See it anyway? How do I make less skip t...

Q: Unreachevble VM host with multi subnet in Hyper-V

user363690i'm running a server 2008 and has installed Hyper-V on it. On Hyper-V running two VMs host with different subnet. 1. VMs Host the same subnet with server, can ping to other subnet. 2. VMs Host different subnet with server cannot ping to other subnet but external is unreachable to this host. So h...

Q: Powershell Copy-Item caching

user3615753I am having an issue with Powershell not copying the latest files across servers when using the below code. $dir="\\MyServer\SQLBackups\SQL Backup*.bak" $FileLocation = "E:\SQLRestore\SQL Backup Latest.bak" If (Test-Path $FileLocation){ Remove-Item $FileLocation } If (Test-Path $dir){ ...

Q: Why does my macro only work once?

SeesharpIt does it correctly the first time, but as soon as I click the button assigned, or run the macro, it just adds another in Rows(6:6), which is a duplicate of Rows (5:5). Any help will be much appreciated. Please note that it works fine when I remove activesheet.unprotect and activesheet.protect...

Q: Loop Regression Lm and replace NAs

helen.hI have a dataset of length and heights for shells, however in some years height was not recorded. I am trying to use a linear regression of the years of data where both height and length was recorded in order to generate heights for the years with NAs. On top of this I want it to do this regressi...

Q: First 16 bytes corrupted while decrypting using AES

user2219907I encoded a text file using openssl as follows: openssl enc -nosalt -aes-128-cbc -k mypass -in "test.txt" -out "test_enc.txt" -p and it returns the key and iv as follows: key=A029D0DF84EB5549C641E04A9EF389E5 iv =A10CE9C4682486F8622F2F18E7291367 and here is the code I used to decryp the file...

Q: Forin loop in Swift - iOS

KumarIn objective-c for-in loop control flow can be written by NSDictionary *dictionary = //some values and keys for(id key in [dictionary allKeys]) What is the syntax for this (or alternative for for-in) control flow in swift?

Q: Python Subprocess wont terminate

oalsingI'm having issues actually killing the subprocess spawned to display an image in Viewer. Basically I'm opening pictures from a stack and want to display them for a certain time then kill the subprocess. When running the program it shows the pictures as wanted but I cant get the actual .kill or .t...

Q: PHP exception and dynamic function call

RyanConsider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

Q: In ios 7 how to display alert with standard warning icon?

new2iosI need to display an alert with standard warning icon before the title. Is it possible easy way (i.e. some standard behavior) or I have to implement custom UIAlertView.

Q: Can I use Spring security for standalone applications?

Nittin NuttsMy requirement is that I want to show data in a downloadable file according to permission given to a user . And these permissions persist in Database.

Q: SQL Server 2008 - Select where NOT EXSIST

nsilvaI'm trying to pull off all the NEW numbers that have called from a database in the last 2 weeks who haven't ever called before. So basically any new numbers in the last 2 weeks.... The script I have made so far is:- SELECT Telephone, Houseno, Street, Tostreet, ...

Q: Nashorn bug when calling overloaded method with varargs parameter

Lukas EderAssume the following API: package nashorn.test; public class API { public static void test(String string) { throw new RuntimeException("Don't call this"); } public static void test(Integer... args) { System.out.println("OK"); } } The following Nashorn JavaScr...

Q: Connecting tata photon in X window manager using command line in ubuntu

user291957Due to some reason i had to shift from Gnome to X window manager. So here on the desktop nothing appears (no launcher , no menu bar nothing) but we can open command line in it using Ctrl+Alt+Tab.(I have started X window manager using startx from the tty1). Applications can be opened using termin...

Q: Java: Clearing text fields client/server

CaseyTFor some reason when the clear button is pressed it is clearing the fields no worries however crashing the program, I am sure it is in the wrong place or something? the button exit works and when i double click the clear button in designer view eclipse window builder it goes to this action per...

Q: IBM Webspehere MQ vs WSO2 Message Broker

GirishWhich is better? IBM Webspehere MQ or WSO2 MQ Or is that not the right way to compare these 2 technologies? I understand that both can co-exist and WSO2 ESB can talk to IBM MQ. But from the perspective of implementing a new messaging system, which one should be preferred?

Q: PHP - Fatal error: Call to undefined function

ifusionI am new to PHP, trying to work out why it is throwing this error when I am calling the checkFirst() and checkPass() in the html, code below - I have put ** around where the problem is accruing: Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkFirst() in C:\wamp\www\form\index.php on line 12 <...

Q: nginx redirect for specific file extension

dawnsi am having trouble setting up the redirects for a magento extension. The url requested is domain.com/index.php/Cdiscount/Package/download/type/offers/filename/BMS_PREFIX_161d529d7c3ef4b5ae1dca92e2334de6/BMS_PREFIX_161d529d7c3ef4b5ae1dca92e2334de6.zip but nginx should return domain.com/index.php/...

Q: Web site hosted in Azure is not available in some regions

IdsaI have a website hosted in Azure Virtual Machine. From time to time (like once per week) it is not available from some regions (according to whatsmydns.net) for several hours. While I understand no hosting is perfect, in my opinion it happens too often. Is it a known problem? Should I have Virtua...

Q: Proof of theorem about iterative methods

MickGHow do I prove that if $A$ is a tridiagonal (or block tridiagonal) matrix then the corresponding $P_J$ and $P_G$ iteration matrices for the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods satisfy that if $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $P_J$ then $\sqrt{\lambda}$ (plus or minus?) is one of $P_G$ and if $\lambda$ i...

Q: Infinite group having composition series

YogiExample of an infinite group having composition series. I have examples as infinite alternating group and projective special linear group. But I want example other than infinite simple group.

Q: What exactly is integration?

AbstractionConsider the function $y=2x$. The graph of this function is here. Next, Consider $\int 2x dx=x^2 + c$. Here is the graph. My question is : What exactly did I do on the straight line $y=2x$ that I landed up with a parabola $y=x^2+c.$

Q: Why would an arp table be incomplete?

Carl WrightLast night I connected to a local BT Fon network that my housemate was already on. My aim was to find his mac address, so I did an arp -a command (from OS X) and it returned only the router address. Can someone tell me why this is? Would nmap -sP be the next line of 'attack' when something li...

Q: Connecting tata photon in X window manager using command line in ubuntu

user291957Due to some reason i had to shift from Gnome to X window manager. So here on the desktop nothing appears (no launcher , no menu bar nothing) but we can open command line in it using Ctrl+Alt+Tab.(I have started X window manager using startx from the tty1). Applications can be opened using termin...

Q: New windows 8.1 acer laptop seems to be breaking my wifi dns

SimonI have a new acer laptop running windows 8.1. I have connected it over wifi to my original Bt Home Hub v1.0 which has been working happily with the desktop and various mobile devices, all connected by wifi. The new laptop works fine on the internet for 5 or 10 minutes and then the connection just...

Q: Connecting a button to a method is swift doesn't work

DenniZrI am trying to drag a button with ctrl to a method in swift xcode. but somehow I cannot connect the button to a method in the code. No line appears in the code. Can someone help me?

Q: Sort data by Sum from 2 fields and Sort Descending

KyojimaruI have a collection with this document in MongoDB string _id; string item; string category; int mobileView; int webView; I want to take 10 items sorted descending by the total sum of mobileView and webView, is there anyway I can achieve this directly just by querying, or should I get all the d...

Q: How can i resize views in runtime

karim hasebouIn my app, I have two listfragments. if I choose one item in the list and listfragment is replaced by another fragment. If orientation is landscape I want to show the two fragments side by size(with equal width). if((new Configuration()).orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT){ ...

Q: how can we get whether user click stay on this page button or leave this page button of beforeunload event

Arat Kumar ranaI am trying to get the id if user clicks on "Stay on this page" or "Leave page" in beforeunload event: $(window) .bind( 'beforeunload', function(event) { var browserAction = $('#backBtnFlag').attr( ...

Q: svn log stops at start of branch

Martin VegasI am running the command svn log d:\mybranch which was checked out from a subversion branch. Mybranch in turn was made using svn copy off the trunk. The problem is, the svn log command is only showing revisions made on the actual branch. But I want it to include changes on the trunk as well. For...

Q: How to extract list of RSS channels of my website from RSSING.COM?

Nauman KhanRssing.com has leeched onto my RSS feed and reposed many deals I have posted on my website, in full with photos. I have sent them the request to remove my website's content from their website, they have agreed but has asked me to provide them the list of channels which have my content embedded o...

Q: CakePHP AJAX does not updating div tag

user3131175I am new to cakephp. I am using cakephp version 2.3. Having problem using ajax to auto updating tag, it is just not working. Here is my CustomersController.php public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Js'); public $components = array('Session', 'Paginator', 'RequestHandler'); public function i...

Q: Why doesn't this simple boolean expression work in Perl?

jackthehipsterIn other languages I would write testvar = onecondition OR anothercondition; to have testvar be true if either condition is. But in Perl this does not work as expected. I want to check a condition where either a content-variable is empty, or it contains a specific regex. I have this sample pr...

Q: UIDocumentInteractionController showing preview in simulator but not in iPhone

nanibirI am trying to implement UIDocumentInteractionController in my app which can make a PDF out of selected photos. All works perfectly in the simulator, but when I test it on an iPhone 5s running iOS 7.1, nothing happens when I try to preview the PDF. Here is the code: - (IBAction)viewPDFButtonTouc...

Q: Communication via web service insted database directly

EarlgrayI'm writing a small application I would like to communicate with the database directly from the code (although it could), instead I want to make communication via web service. Is this a good way? Resp. What are my advantages and disadvantages? Thank you.

Q: First password often wrong when unlocking computer

FerocI have a laptop with Ubuntu 14.04, when I lock my computer and try to unlock it after some time has passed (not if I do it immediately) the first time I try to unlock it, it will tell me that my password is wrong. When I enter my password a second time it unlocks as it should. The first few time...

Q: lenovo power management application

Mostafa Nasirii'm considering migrating to Ubuntu from windows 8 everything is fine and ready but i have one problem and if i can't do anything about it i should stick with windows :cry: i have a lenovo z510 notebook and as some of you may know, it has an internal battery that can't be removed for long time pl...

Q: How to open port for incoming connections?

Jerry BianFrom this thread (http://www.tutorialarena.com/blog/check-open-ports-on-ubuntu-linux.php), I found one port of my machine is not allowed for incoming connections, that's why I cannot visit my service outside (I guess). I've checked a lot of threads to open port for incoming connection, but it did...

Q: Are Identical Make-up Exams Fair?

BCLCI recently took an exam, and our professor told us that we should submit our question sheets since 2 other students in our class are going to take a make-up exam. We were also told that we were not allowed to talk about our exam while the other 2 are around. I presume this means that their exams ...

Q: solve the probability question below.

Bogere SirajeA and B are two events such that, P(AnB)=3/5. Given that 3P(AnB)=2P(A'nB)=P(A'nB')=x. Find P(A/B')

Q: Convergence of expected values as random variables converge almost surely

Karel MacekLet I have a sequence of random variables $X_n$ that converges to random variable $X$ almost surely as $n\to\infty$. How can I proof that $\lim_{n\to\infty}\mathcal{E}[X_n]=\mathcal{E}[X]$ where $\mathcal{E}[\cdot]$ stands for expected value?

Q: Expectation of Square of Stopping Time

20824Let $B_t$ be standard Brownian motion and $a < 0 < b$. Define $T = \min \{t \geq 0: B_t \in (a, b) \}$. Then the expectation of $T$ is given as $\mathbb ET = |a|b$. Now how do I find the expectation of the square of $T$, i.e., $\mathbb E T^2$, please? I thought it is enought to find $\mathbb V T$...

Q: Metric space. Open Ball

user172906Is $(\mathbf{N}, d)$ metric space if: $d(m,n)=\begin{cases} 0& m=n\\ \frac{1}{m}+\frac{1}{n}& m\neq n \end{cases}$. $m, n \in \mathbf{N}$ (Note: it's easily proven that it is.) If it is, does it genearate discrete topology? What sets do the open balls $B(5,1), B(2,2), B(3,\frac{1}{3})$ repre...

Q: jQuery(...).yiiGridView is not a function

AspedI have a problem with Yii grid view. for some reason it does not seem to load correctly, even though the script is included (i can see it in the source code). This is the header part of the HTML: <script src="fileadmin/static/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="...

Q: Add animation to Popover

maBOrI am using WYPopover to display popovers for iPhone.But I am not able to apply some animations into.I can only move the content view.Is there a way to include translation and rotation to the popover? here is my code : InformationViewController *info = [[InformationViewController alloc]init]...

Q: how to auto adjust cell width in fpdf using php and mysql

Mohamed MusthafaI have a problem in creating table structure in pdf using fpdf library. when any data of perticular cell have a long string then the cell data will overlap with other cell data.. auto adjust cell width in fpdf... plz help me... My code: <?php require("fpdf/fpdf.php"); ...

Q: One url for whole php application

Aditya JakharI want my whole php application on just one url , I have seen a php application which runs on /index.php, How can I make it for me. . . Please help me

Q: Callback function not get called in jasmine test code

user1184100I'm using jasmine 2.0 for testing and I'm spying on the jquery ajax and returning a promise. In the done() function method displayContent() doesn't get called but the console message above it gets shown up. Where am I going wrong ? test.js it(..., function() { var data = {"name" : "John Doe"...

Q: how to give text range for y-axis in jpgraph

Arpit138I am using Jp graph to create a graph. I have searched a lot but could not get how i can apply text for y-axis. I need a graph for day-wise performance of user for my e-learning website. Performance range is from Poor to Excellent as Poor , Average , Good , Very Good , Excellent . So i ...

Q: Grails Domain transients and calculations

Tyler EvansI have a grails domain that looks like the following User { sortedSet notifications static hasMany=[notifications:Notification] } Notification { Date dateCreated int status=0 static belongsTo=[user:User] @Override public int compareTo(obj) { dateCreated.compareTo(obj.dateCre...

Q: How to analyse the Device ID in setuplog file?

ANUWhile going through the setupapi.dev.log file, I found that the device ID in the log can be of any of the following forms: [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_SanDisk&Prod_Cruzer_Edge&Rev_1.26\200435140313A1C23630&0] [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - USB\VID_0781&PID_55...

in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in Android enhusiastics, 3 mins ago, by all
hello @Mobile are you pushp ?
in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in ASP.NET with C#/VB/MVC, 5 mins ago, by vishu minhas
Hello @TBA. Paste your problem??
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 28 mins ago, by Dilbar
@SaadChaudhry hello
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
in Discussion between Bill and Tasos K., 14 mins ago, by Tasos K.
Hello Bill, I am glad I helped. Yes, I agree CSS can be very difficult to handle sometimes and yes bootstrap has also saved me many hours
11 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: PHP exception and dynamic function call

RyanConsider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
Q: Can't deinstall software over Software-Center anymore

empedoklesSince a few days it says, that I am not allowed to deinstall software in the Ubuntu Software-Center. I never had any problems to do so before when using my account "nuc": org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name': ':1.93'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages

Q: FTP account without linux user

VimalIs it possible to create a FTP user account without creation user in linux ?

Q: Telescoping series of form $\sum (n+1)\cdot...\cdot(n+k)$

P-i-Wolfram Alpha is able to telescope sums of the form $\sum (n+1)\cdot...\cdot(n+k)$ e.g. $1\cdot2\cdot3 + 2\cdot3\cdot4 + ... + n\cdot(n+1)\cdot(n+2)$ How does it do it? EDIT (Thanks Daniel Fischer): We can rewrite as: $\sum (n+k)!/n!$ or $\sum (n+k)!/n!$ And is there any name for this parti...

Q: extremal problem-how to check istrong minima,maxima condition

amitThe functional $I[y(x)]=\int_{0}^{2}(xy^{'}+y^{'2})dx$,y(0)=1,y(2)=0 possess a.strong minima b.strong maxima c.strong maxima but not weak minima d.weak maxima but not strong minima How do we show if the functiona is strong minima,maxima..how do we prove this? what all we have to check?

Q: Issue with relatively simple integral

EutherpyI'm having trouble with this integral: $$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dx/\sqrt(a^2+x^2)^3$$, $a=const$. I know it looks simple, but I've tried $a^2+x^2=t$, and $\sqrt(a^2+x^2)=t$, and those didn't work.

Q: Q: poker probability

Oscar There is a standard poker five card draw at random. How many poker hands are possible that are three of a kind and contain ace of clubs?

Q: Is there a way that can convert extension method into property?

CaulyThe problem comes from two requirements: I'm extending a class (from somewhere else without source code) using extension methods. I'm going to bind it to a property of windows form control which requires exactly a property. So there's my current code: public static class SomeClassExtender { ...

Q: Android: Gradle project refresh failed - Protocol familty unavailable

LucaThis morning I've updated from SVN my Android project, added some new lines of code and tested: everything work fine. A couple of minutes later I've tried to run again the application on my device but now Android Studio tells me: Gradle 'iSfa' project refres failed Error: protocol family unavai...

Q: How did you do JSF over NGINX?

Wilson López RomeroI saw you have JSF over NGINX, I'm using CentOS and even reading NGINX documentation, i don't know what to do, Can you help me please?

Q: How to call Ctrl-F of IE9 and highlight few words

JaikratHow to call Ctrl-F or open Search tool of IE9 on click of some element. I want to open a new browser on click of some hyperlink and highlight few words there. I have a code of function openLink(thiis, keywords){ //keywords is a comma seperated words. var val = $(thiis).text(); window...

Q: CSS3 Flexbox layout... cannot get how browser handle width of flexed boxes

norixxxI am studying css3 layout based on flexboxes. I usually use the portion of the power of flexboxes just to layout some navigation. My quiestion is when property flex is being applied to child elements, how the browser handle the width of elements. Here's some note: Now it's confusing part.....

Q: How to Automatically Turn on a Computer at a Specified Time

negar salehiI am writing a C++ program. this program when running should get a time and after shut down system , automatically turn on at specified time. I searched but could not find my questions answer. My OS is windows 7 and 8. my hardware is 1- motherboard : Asus , CPU : AMD or 2- motherboard : Gigab...

5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
5 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: PHP exception and dynamic function call

RyanConsider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Discussion between Bill and Tasos K., 14 mins ago, by Tasos K.
Hello Bill, I am glad I helped. Yes, I agree CSS can be very difficult to handle sometimes and yes bootstrap has also saved me many hours
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 28 mins ago, by Dilbar
@SaadChaudhry hello
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in ASP.NET with C#/VB/MVC, 5 mins ago, by vishu minhas
Hello @TBA. Paste your problem??
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in Android enhusiastics, 3 mins ago, by all
hello @Mobile are you pushp ?
Q: Nginx sites-available doesn't work

Pierre Le BotI've got this really simple server block under sites-available. Problem: When I try to access to mydomain.com, Nginx returns a « 404 Not Found », but if I try to access to a file in particular, it works fine, like mydomain.com/index.php server { listen 80; index inde...

Q: Why the greenish tint in the Matrix trilogy?

AnkitAll the movies of Matrix trilogy have this distinct greenish tint during most of the scenes. Though it can inferred that the greenish tint denotes the matrix, but I want to know why "greenish"? What is distinct about green that makes it suitable for this story? In other words what does it resemble?

Q: Show that this statement is valid.

MaTaKazer¬p → C; ∴ p. Where C denotes a contradiction. What does it mean by ¬p → C;? Also another statement ¬p → F; ∴ p. Is there any differences between the two statement since from my understanding a contradiction is always false?

Q: Question to the proof of the $L^p$ Ergodic Theorem of Von Neumann

math12Before giving the Theorem of Von Neumann and asking my questions to its proof, I'll cite the Ergodic theorem of Birkoff (out of Walters' "An Introduction to Ergodic Theory", p. 34) that is used in that proof of Von Neumann's Theorem: Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem. Suppose $T\colon (X,\mathfra...

Q: How to compare only (Y-m-d) in mysqli query

Elias35In my Mysql database i have a field named "time" which includes the mysql timestamp (Y-m-d H:i:m). Now, i would like to check if there a value in my table, which is from today. The time does not matter. My query until now: $date = date("Y-m-d"); $select = mysqli_query($sql, "SELECT id FROM t...

Q: An exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in System.Data.Entity.dll but was not handled in user code

sarath menonstack trace.... [NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Double] ToList[Double](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Double])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.] System.Data....

Q: row count in a dataframe according to a condition

user34771I would like to get the number of entries > 0 for each row of a dataframe, such as to get a new column with this row count. I performed a loop with which I can obtain row counts, but they are printed as a series of individual vectors. How to get these values in a single column that can then be a...

Q: JQuery click seemingly being triggered on all buttons of same class

Ben SimpsonI have a series of HTML links, all with the same class but with unique ID's - the ID contains a database ID. When a button is clicked (as detected by a click on a button of that class) - it calls an ajax script to delete from the database using the ID passed on the link. I can't replicate it ...

Q: Would I be missing anything or running into walls if I want to develop Django/Flask web apps in Windows?

xMicRozI know that there are some issues with rails development under Windows and all the people are suggesting to switch to OS X/Ubuntu. I run a company and I need to stick with Windows (7). I cannot switch to any other os. What do you think about web app development with Python and its frameworks un...

Q: java.lang.lllegalStateException: Could not execute method of the activity

SignoI'm using metaio SDK in order to be able to use augmented reality on my projects, the problem is that when I run the app and click on my AR options (for example the possibility to add a 3D model to the screen) the app crashes with the following log: 09-01 11:03:02.348: E/AndroidRuntime(27008): F...

Q: Sorting ArrayList of objects with integer does not work

NiklasI have got a Mission object, which has an integer order. I want to sort a list of Missions. Input of list: Mission order: 1 Mission order: 2 Mission order: 4 Mission order: 3 Mission order: 5 Code: Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Mission>() { @Override public int compare(final...

Q: Angular is showing null as html

ArcagullyI'm working on a website using angular (front, that is my work), and a golang(back, colleague different timezone). I went on vacation, and I'm back now, I merged our branches and now angular is showing this for every page/route: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome-extension:...

Q: should filters state be stored in model or controller?

RenoSo let's take that simple example: data --> projection --> view What I call projection here can be any UI state resulting in filtering, sorting, highlighting, etc... In an MVC paradigm, data lives in the model, view is the view, where does state belong? I used to store state in the controlle...

Q: Wrong query result in sqlalchemy ZopeTransactionExtension

VitmaisI have application on bottle.py. This application work with MySQL through sqlalchemy. Start version I am simple define session and do commit. engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() class Message(Base): __tablename__ = 'messages...

Q: update text field ui in swift ios

user3996780i meet a question when i'm using swift of ios SDK 8 I used a callback to fetch data background and when data fetched, i want to set a text field value and update screen. here is my code: @IBOutlet var txtTest: UITextField! @IBAction func login() { let username = "aaa"; let password = ...

Q: i am using highchart plugin to generate barchart, but its displaying only for last object because of overriding, how can i fix it?

shreyafor reference i am using http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.9.1/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/highcharts/demo/column-basic/ Actually i dont want the data to be hard coded in series[{}]. var d=[{ name: 'Tokyo', data: [49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 14...

Q: How to get item value of some name key in python?

igogorevi4I read object: data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url)) I have JSON like this: {"state": [{"connected": true, "name": "smtp"}] {"connected": true, "name": "emailer"} {"connected": true, "name": "mysql"} {"connected": true, "name": "m...

Q: What to do with presentational classes in the markup when something changes(eg:media query)?

WebritosI have seen many people using OCSS and BEM approaches saying that putting presentational classes in the markup make a lot of sense, so I don’t have doubts about that. Put what is the best approach in the case below? <aside class="sidebar sidebar--fixed"> // code </aside> .sidebar-...

Q: load images from phone gallery into application gallery in android

mystackThe following method is called on button click. the activity must load the sdcard images on create. but when i run it is giving null point exception. even if i use INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI the app is displaying blank. pls help me. package com.example.sampleapp; import android.content.Context; im...

Q: Call JavaScript function defined inside object from outside

testndtvI have the below JS code; self.myActions = { "ANALYSIS_ACTION": { "text": "Analysis", "action": function(event) { my.app.navigate(myURL); }, "disabled": function(){ ...

Q: Does VMware ESx server run a operation system of its own to manage the the hardware(like a host OS) inside of VMware ESx server

user3592502Does VM ware Ex server run a Host operation system in itself(bare metal hypervisor). I know that vsphere client is uded to manage the VM's created inside of the server but what about the management of other things inside of the Server.

Q: When is it wrong to look at previous exams?

BCLCIt is clear that if I study for an exam in 2014, then it should be okay to look at previous exams from the previous semester of 2014, exams from 2013, 2012, etc. First question: Is it wrong, however, to look at previous exams within the same semester? Example: Let's say there are two classes (...

Q: Can the transpose of a matrix be expressed in row/column operations?

Not an IDSuppose that $A$ is a matrix, can we get its transpose, $A^T$, by performing row and column operations to $A$? (i.e. swap two rows, multiply a row by some non-zero number, add one row to another)

Q: Definition of “contradiction” and use of the term for “⊥”

Incnis MrsiIf one looks in Internet for definition of “contradiction” (including respective words in other languages), one finds a mess. See for example this index of Wikipedia articles in various languages. The meanings offered include: Logical incompatibility between two statements, i.e., in modern nota...

Q: Checking whether root exists in of a matrix quadratic equations.

FractasConsider a polynomial $X^d+X^{d-1}+...+C=0$ where $X$ is a matrix whose entries are from the finite field $F_p$ and $C$ is also a matrix from $F_p$. How to verify the equation has roots in $F_p$. If there are roots, how to find them. Any concrete references are also desired.

Q: Sketch the region in the second quadrant bounded by the circle x^2+y^2=9 and the coordinate axes.Find the integral of area o fthe reion?

InokeLet R be the region in the second quadrant bounded by the circle x^2+y^2=9 and the coordinate axes. First sketch the region R, and then fill in the missing limits of integration for an integral to be used to find the area of the region: \int_{\Box}^{\Box}\int_{\Box}^{\Box}rdrd\th...

Q: Avoiding duplicate rows in an EXCEL Pivot Table

Jean-Pierre MerxI am running EXCEL 2007 and try to do a Pivot table. The data are the following ones: And the table pivot result: As you can see, I have some duplicate lines in the pivot table that I don't want. What can be the issue? Column B are all numbers. And column C all texts. Thanks.

Q: How to align drawableLeft to top instead center in android TextView?

SharifIn TextView I sat drawableLeft where the drawable is showing from center. I need to align the leftdrawable with top insideTextView` like this image. Is it possible to achieve this?

Q: Give text from function to view in titanium

user123456789987654321I have a small question about titanium. What i am trying to do is pass text from my function to a label on my view. Can someone explain to me how i can accomplish this. The function is in an other file then the label. Im trying to do this: text from function --> label This is my code: //making...

Q: How to fetch range based on number in oracle sql?

Ganesh HegdeI have table with two columns. One is start and another column is end. If I give any number it has to pick all matching rows in the table. Example: start- End 100 - 200, 100 - 500, 1 - 345, 200 - 400 If i give 123 it should pick 100-200,100-500,1-345. How to write query for this?

Q: MySQL subqueries multiple result

VanDerPrygelIs it possible to make the code below work. At the moment it only show employees from "New York" but not employees from "Chicago".? SELECT employees.ename, zipcodes.city FROM employees LEFT JOIN zipcodes ON employees.zip=zipcodes.zip WHERE employees.zip = ( SELECT zipcodes.zip FROM zipcodes WHER...

Q: Code worked until now, but is now unable to access object's properties

DrakaSANI am working with mongodb/mongoose. Until now, the collection I used were hardcoded, but now that I access the collections with a string variable, this code doesn t work anymore: /* res: express response object result: result from mongoose queries view: name of .ejs file, used f...

Q: htaccess forward conflict with wordpress

Nathan HornbyI'm looking to forward all but a few directory's of an old site to a new domain, so that the client still has access to the old sites data (i.e. the backend area of the wordpress site) as well as maintaining access to a specific directory due to the content it houses. The rule I've set up defini...

Q: Gstreamer 1.0 begginer example

user3820641Okey guys I need few examples on simple gstreamer 1.0 piplines ( command line and python ) so that I could better understand it.Thx in advance.

Q: virtualenv error for another python version

maahdI'm getting this error when I try to setup virtualenv for a version of python other than my system default: -sh-4.1$ virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python2.7 test Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/local/bin/python2.7 Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix> Consider setting...

Q: Qt OpenCV Android code doesn't moved ahead of capture.grab()

Sumit SrivastavaCreated an Android app using OpenCV and QT. The call of method "grab" or "read" of VideoCapture object freezes the further execution of code. Nothing happens after that. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc,argv); qDebug() << "CP 1"; Ptr<VideoCapture> capture; ...

Q: WebView is taller than needed, Javascript height is wrong

Stephane MathisI have a WebView inside of ScrollView (with more stuff around), the webview height is set to wrap_content. That works great on Android 4.0+, the webview expands to display all the content and the scroll works great. But I'm also testing on Android 2.3.3 (Galaxy S2) and the height is way taller ...

Q: Web Service Hangs only on 2008 R2

Antony DelaneyI have a web service method that is called by making a POST to a given page. When ran it uses linq to sql to update records based on a set of Ids passed via a JSON object. When hosting this locally or within windows server 2003 it takes about 10 seconds to complete.When We moved the service to ...

Q: xubuntu 14.04 gsm modem connection dropping

UjagagaI'm using XUBUNTU 14.04. My GSM modem (E3131) keeps dropping connection randomly in intervals from 10 minutes to an hour. Most of the time I just wait about 30 seconds until it is recognized by the modem manager again and I reconnect it. It did not happen before with Xubuntu 13.10. My friend inst...

Q: YouTube too wide on Firefox with Ubuntu, but normal with Windows

jcoYouTube recently changed its layout, and along with that it became much wider on Firefox with Ubuntu. It takes up like 90% of the page, here's how it looks: On Windows (same version of Firefox), the width is normal, as it used to be. What's going on? (Both are 100% zoomed.)

Q: In which comic issue was Superman ruler of hell?

kmdhrmThis question expands to DC multiverse. Wikipedia page for Lucifer (DC Comics) has following to say: Two angels, several demons, a human, and briefly Superman have taken his place as ruler of Hell... This is, I believe, after Lucifer leaves Hell, and his obligations as its lord, forever, i...

Q: Conditions for Exam Sheet

BCLCWhat are some possible conditions for a particular exam to have an exam sheet? Context: In my university, there was this class, Introduction to Time Series, that one year did not have any exam sheets. The next year, it did. I never knew why exactly, but I guess that it has something to do with t...

Q: Why is (2 sin 5x cos 5x) (2 sin x cos x) = sin 10x sin 2x?

Akshat TripathiThe question says it all, why? Also, those are not powers, all of them are co-efficient, thanks.

Q: Cross product uniqueness

Rejo_SlashI have following relationship between vectors $A_1'(t)=\psi(t)\times A_1(t) \tag1$ $A_2'(t)=\psi(t)\times A_2(t) \tag2$ $A_3'(t)=\psi(t)\times A_3(t) \tag3$ Given Data " ' " means derivative with respect to t $\times $ means cross product $A_1(t),A_2(t),A_3(t),\psi(t)$ are vectors $A_1(t...

Q: Integration of this type?

Lim Zhi JianCan anyone help me with this? I used completing the square but do not know how to continue? Thanks

Q: A infinite sum with harmonic serie

candProof or disproof the folowing statment $$\sum_{n=1}^{+\infty}\frac{2n+1}{(n^2+n)^2}H_n=\sum_{n=1}^{+\infty}\frac{1}{n^3}$$ Where $\displaystyle H_n=\sum_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{k}$

Q: IF $P^2=a^2 .cos^2 \theta+a^2 .cos^2\theta$,prove that $ P+\frac{d^2 p}{d\theta^2}=\frac{a^2 .b^2}{P^3}$

Nikhil01how i have done:- diff wrt $\theta$:- $2p\frac{d p}{d\theta}=a^2 (2cos \theta)(sin \theta)+b^2 (2sin \theta)(cos \theta)$ 1.) $2p\frac{d p}{d\theta}=b^2(sin 2\theta)+a^2 (sin 2\theta)$ double diff wrt $\theta$ $2[p\frac{d^2 p}{d\theta^2}+(\frac{d p}{d\theta})(\frac{d p}{d\theta})]=b^2(2 cos 2...

Q: Evaluation of $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac {x^{-n}}{n}$

user148432I wanted to evaluate $$ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac {2^{-n}}{n} $$ And noticed that for any base it has a pattern, so now I want to know how to evaluate $$ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac {x^{-n}}{n} $$ I don't have any approach. The result is logarithmic. If any problems occur $\forall x$ then I wan...

Q: Space Threading Theory alternate theory on time travel concept

Space Threading The theory which makes the travelling to past looks feasible & possible in near future eliminating the paradox of killing of our own counterpart in past & change of future & establish balance in nature & elimination the need of extra parallel spatial universe for explaining grandfather paradox ...

Q: pendrive damaged after using rufus to make bootable disk

shivamafter using rufus some space 44.7 mb is kept as reserved by rufus after formatting please help and I have tried formatting by cmd as well as by rufus but the used space does not comes back

Q: Are you Looking for Android Game Development Services?

John HelselWe provide Android game development services rich in high quality graphics which you will love to play on your Android devices. Visit http://www.mymobileinnovations.com/Android-Game-Development.aspx If you need any help, then Contact at: 574 Newark Avenue, Suite 210 Jersey City, NJ 07306 Toll F...

Q: Excel Sendkeys not working

Nicki have the following code which should minimize the Excel 2010 ribbon. I have placed in the workbook_open event code : Dim iheight As Integer iheight = Application.CommandBars.Item("Ribbon").Height If iheight > 100 Then Application.SendKeys ("^{F1}") End If However when i run it, it opens e...

Q: Expand a HTML table with jQuery dependent on an intendation string

matthieu Introduction: in my department, a colleague and me trying to build a inventory control system based on the Django Framework. Basically, most of the stuff is working. But at the moment, we have some problems with jQuery. Imagine, we have some devices in our database, e.g. a mobilephone, of whic...

Q: Windows Forms Chart - column series not plotting from zero on y axis

steveI have an MS chart control with several StepLine series and one column series. All series are plotted by doing: double yvalue = ...; Series[seriesName].Points.AddXY(DateTime.Now, new object[] {yvalue}); the series in question is defined in the designer: series31.ChartArea = "ChartAre...

Q: Stange behavior with my C string reverse function

Sérgio PauloI'm just an amateur programmer... And when reading, for the second time, and more than two years apart, kochan's "Programming in Objective-C", now the 6th ed., reaching the pointer chapter i tried to revive the old days when i started programming with C... So, i tried to program a reverse C strin...

Q: Read .txt-file reversed in R

Olli JääskeläinenI have a problem where I need to import a two column (first column being the x-axis and the second being the y-axis) .txt-file into R and I need to do this so that R reads it from bottom to top. Here is what I did so far: data<-read.table("data.txt",skip=1910,nrow=132982) plot(data,type="l") ...

Q: Auto reload while getting "Aw snap" in chrome

Vinu DevIs there any way to auto reload our webpage on getting "Aw Snap" error message in chrome. Please do share your views.

Q: Not able to get json response?

Anita MehtaI have restful api which return json response which return image if corresponding to that userid pass in function, if not than return "no image" I didnt get any error in console, I don't know where I am going wrong. js code QAApp.controller('imgCtrl', function ($scope, $http) { $scope.image...

Q: i want to add the scroll bar in a flex player application how to do it

Ali Khani want to add scroll bar in the text field i added that through tag but it is not visible to the text field i make it the child of text field and set the visible property to true yet not working flex code is right here ...

Q: How to configure TeamCity to perform clean build without deleting NuGet packages

Buh BuhI am using TeamCity for my CI builds. To keep things simple suppose there are only two build steps: NuGet Installer Visual Studio (sln) Before these run I would like the entire working directory to be reverted to match the SVN repo; deleting the bin/obj/anything else that might have snuck in...

Q: Google results may vary if we type uppercase letters and lower case letters

user3689953I am having problem with search results I have a site which i want to rank on google.ca I have noticed that, if i type uppercase keyword(Abc) then i see results on 4th page(with latest meta tags) but if i type keyword in Lowercase letter(abc) it is showing results in 38 page(with old meta tags)...

Q: How to avoid redundant call of base class constructor

Maitray BhattI have a base class and then there are 3 classes which inherits from base class lets say class1, class2 and class3. Now, Assume I put a print statement in base class constructor like "Base class constructor called"... so basically, class1 inherits from base, class2 inherits from base, class3 in...

Q: oracle can log in with sql developer but not with slqplus?

hi4ppli'm trying to connect to user from sqlplus and get error of (ORA-12154: TNS:) but I can connect to sql developer without any error. it's very strange for me...I can tnsping and also lsrnrctl is okay and up and running. can you help in this? regards

Q: Execute something after rendering

marka.thoreI have a very heavy ng-repeat that is rendered only if user wants it. <div ng-if="activated"> <div ng-repeat="..."> </div> </div> I would do something after that DOM is completely rendered. Is there any event / directive / workaround that can I use?

Q: MySQLi Query prepare and retrieving results

Chris CrossmanI've gone through quite a number of stackoverflow threads and I simply can't get it right to retrieve the results after preparing a query. I've tried a number of different solutions and none seem to be able to fetch the associative array after I execute the query $mysqli = new MySQLi('localh...

Q: How to provide SQL installation without revealing Product key?

SamselvaprabuRecently we got requirement to embed sql server as part of our release. However the product key should not be exposed to user. Is there any way we can hide the product key info details alone to user and allow the user to select other features? Or is there any semi quite mode where only the pr...

Q: apply tooltip on child grid in heirarchy kendo grid

user3667903I have 2 level of hierarchy kendo grid. As Child grid have unique name every time I am unable to get selected row Id and could not apply tooltip on change event of child grid. Parent grid name= "AccountStatusgrid" <script type="text/kendo" id="LocationsTemplate"> @(Htm...

Q: How to delete duplicate rows in wpf datagrid?

user3262450Hi guys I am using Observable collection to store values in wpf datagrid but I want to delete duplicate rows automatically. Can anyone help me out. I have tried following way but didn't succeed. I am using MVVM. My code : public ObservableCollection<VLANSPropertyClass> vlan { get; set; } vlan...

in Discussion between Gorostas and Jake745, 30 mins ago, by Gorostas
Hello Mate are you there
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in Android enhusiastics, 3 mins ago, by all
hello @Mobile are you pushp ?
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in ASP.NET with C#/VB/MVC, 5 mins ago, by vishu minhas
Hello @TBA. Paste your problem??
28 mins ago, by Feeds
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 28 mins ago, by Dilbar
@SaadChaudhry hello
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Discussion between Bill and Tasos K., 14 mins ago, by Tasos K.
Hello Bill, I am glad I helped. Yes, I agree CSS can be very difficult to handle sometimes and yes bootstrap has also saved me many hours
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: PHP exception and dynamic function call

RyanConsider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
Q: Login into a terminal server from mobile device error

user3794894I'm getting a error when users are trying to log on from a mobile device, such as android or IOS. To log on to this remote computer, you must be granted the allow log on through terminal services They have rights to log on and they can log on if they remote in from a PC. It was working fi...

Q: Invisible for traceroute with iptables rule?

programingsCan someone explain me why when i set on my host iptables rule like this: iptables -I PREROUTING -t mangle -j TTL --ttl-inc 1 ... it will be invisible for traceroute from this moment?

Q: Software Update Problem. Unable to select the displayed update

algosig What is with it? why am i unable to select and update it?

Q: Missing Operating System - Windows7 - Boot from USB

user3552392I am using an HP TouchSmart 600 that came from factory with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I have decided to get rid of it and installed Ubuntu 14.04 booting from usb and everything went perfect. Now i want to install again Windows 7 so i have downloaded the iso image from the web and created a bo...

Q: How can I load modules from /etc/modules before mounting local file systems?

Quolonel QuestionsI have modified /etc/fstab to mount a file system that requires a custom module. On two out of three systems, all running Ubuntu 14.04, I can simply add the module to /etc/modules and it will mount the file system at boot. On the third system the boot process hangs with a prompt: An error occur...

@drch Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@drch 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, aliens, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat, amazon, ihazbukkit, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, echo, pizza, wherearemypants
yourwrong, martyhugginsdarkestsecret, cantdoit, jsource, ╯°□°╯, bad, salirophilia, pedo, abhishekpornf
thats a lot of extra BS
@drch That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@drch That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@drch yep, bard is also quite similar (source)

user3651500Integral from 0 to pi : sqrt(5-4cost)dt . please help me in solving this question. i am not able to solve it. please tell me the way of solving and answer. so that i can solve it.please please

Q: Describe the surface whose equation is given by x^2+y^2+z^2-y=0. Show your working.

XonkwDescribe the surface whose equation is given by x^2+y^2+z^2-y=0. Show your working.

Q: How do I debug "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication"

wkdmartyI have a problem with X forwarding through SSH. I've battled for ages, but no-one can seem to help. I'm now taking a different tact. I would like to know how I would debug the errors? What logs should I look in, what extra flags should I set (-v etc) and what should I look for?

Q: Writing XPKeywords in Exif

Avtar GuleriaI want to write XPKeywords in a Jpeg Image. Till now I am using Sansaleen java api for writing Exif tags in Jpeg images. I am able to write most of the tags like subject, comment, author, rating but I am not able to write Windows XP Keywords. I am using below code: public static TiffOutputField ...

Q: blockUI while loading and unblockUI after loading ASP.NET WebForm default page

Ranjith VenkateshI currently have an ASP.NET WebForm "Default.aspx" which is called with POST data from another web page. It takes a while to load and i see a blank white page for a while. I would like to blockUI when the loading happens and then call unblockUI when the loading is completed. Which event should ...

Q: MSSQL query select top by weighting

Wild GoatPlease refer a table below. Each Targeted_Product_Id has 100 Recommended_Product_Id's. I want to select top 6 by Weighting. I was trying to achieve it using HAVING but unfortunately failed. Could you please help me construct such query? Thanks!

Q: Cannot serialize to Delta<> in an OData Controller

SoonDeadI'm implementing an ODataController. It's OData V3 for compatibility reasons with Breeze.js: using System.Web.Http.OData; public class OffersController : ODataMetadataController { ... Somwhere in the middle I want to implement merge/patch as seen in examples: [AcceptVerbs("PATCH", "MERGE"...

Q: Retrieving data from Biometric Fingerprint Attendance Device and push to server as sdk is not available

system siddhihiii we are can u suggest the solution for Retrieving data from Biometric Fingerprint Attendance Device and push to server as sdk is not available so that we can send sms on real time i have only below information Fingerprint based Time & Attendance System Specifications: 1)32 Bit high speed ...

Q: No weekday shift when adding hours to POSIXlt

JoschkaI have data frame ask.subset containing dates besides some other stuff (exchange rate data [Open, Close, Volume, etc.]). A typical trading day last from 21:00:00 UTC of day 1 to 21:00:00 UTC of day 2. My dates are listed in CET, so I have to shift them by 2 hours for my needs which I accomplished...

Q: Multiple locales in one jasper report

eduHi and thanks in advance! I need to combine two diferent locale in my report. For example: I need resource messages fields in spanish and i need numbers with english locale (coma,point separators). To formatting numbers i apply a pattern. This patterns depends on REPORT_LOCALE parameter so if i ...

Q: Circular body positioning not working in box2d(cocos2dx)

jjppI'm developing a cocos2dX game. I use box2d for physics simulation. I'm trying to add a circular body and a rectangular body. Here is my code // Create circular sprite and body CCSprite* ball_sprite = CCSprite::create("ball.png"); this->addChild(ball_sprite); b2BodyDef ballBodyDef; ballBodyDef....

Q: Remove extra space right of Kendo menu

jestgesHi how to remove extra space of Kendo menu item displaying at end. Here is my menu In the above menu after Events it is displaying extra blank. Is there any way to hide or remove it? Thanks

Q: initialization of a field inside an anonymous union, upon declaration

Tal ZoharI have the following structs: typedef struct cxt_simple_socket_address_s { int is_ipv6; cs_inaddr_t ip; unsigned short ip_port; } cxt_simple_socket_address_t; typedef struct cs_inaddr { union { struct in6_addr in6; struct { ...

Q: Detect the category of a product from product attributes using AI

Samir AdelI have a list of products (700,000+) in an excel file and I want to import this data to my database. On my system, each product should be assigned a category and I want to develop an importer desktop application that loops on all the products and can detect the category of each product based on ...

Q: vim: moving to the n-th next tab

kyraI am trying to improve my navigation between different tabs. I learned that one can use :tabn :tabp to change the current tab to the next and previous tab. I would like to do something like to be able to move to the 4th previous or next tab. But while :4 tabp works just fine, the command...

Q: Umbraco - Media - Image not found

hammy35I've uploaded a couple PNG images to Umbraco via the Media section that I want to be able to show in a page but for some reason it cannot find the image, even when I go to Media and click on the thumbnail and it opens a new tab, it gives me a 404 error. However this works for JPG images that I've...

Q: How to generate a valid PDF/A file using iText and XMLWorker (HTML to PDF/A process)

ArturoI'm currently developing a method that will accept HTML input and convert it into a valid PDF/A file. I know how to programmatically construct a valid PDF/A file using iText (reference: http://itextsupport.com/download/pdfa3.html) but I'm unable to generate a valid PDF/A file using HTML as input ...

Q: How do I implement a Fragment activity inside a tab fragment?

Sandeep LondheMy app has a tabs activity with two fragments: a map a list I would like that my list woulb be fragmented (for larger screens) - like in this link: http://developer.android.com/design/patterns/multi-pane-layouts.html#combining-views Is it possibe? Thanks a lot, Sandeep

5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
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in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
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11 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: PHP exception and dynamic function call

RyanConsider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

5 mins ago, by Feeds
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Discussion between Bill and Tasos K., 14 mins ago, by Tasos K.
Hello Bill, I am glad I helped. Yes, I agree CSS can be very difficult to handle sometimes and yes bootstrap has also saved me many hours
5 mins ago, by Feeds
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
5 mins ago, by Feeds
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 28 mins ago, by Dilbar
@SaadChaudhry hello
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in ASP.NET with C#/VB/MVC, 5 mins ago, by vishu minhas
Hello @TBA. Paste your problem??
5 mins ago, by Feeds
28 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash can, 30 mins ago, by Feeds
in Android enhusiastics, 3 mins ago, by all
hello @Mobile are you pushp ?
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Discussion between Gorostas and Jake745, 30 mins ago, by Gorostas
Hello Mate are you there
Q: Repair Ubuntu broken files under live Ubuntu

KasiyA My installed Ubunut 14.04 doesn't work well and after splash screen it goes to black screen, and stuck there. I know where the problem is, I have deleted a file (this: org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys.gschema.xml) from /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ In the last successful login. now ...

Q: json_encode returns null for field with bullets as character

AdRockI am having a nightmare JSON encoding a database result from MSSQL. It encodes it all but any field with characters such as a bullet returns NULL I have trawled SO looking at other similar questions and answers but none of them worked for me so i'm posting here instead I have tested in on my l...

Q: SQL: add condition on joined table

mwafiI use this SQL query, to return results from multiple tables (question, q_t, tag, user_answer) SQL: select question.text,group_concat(tag.text), count(user_answer.question_id) as tt from question left join q_t on question.id = q_t.wall_id left join user_answer on question.id = user_answer.quest...

Q: open erp for document management for an organisation

Pooja Singhneed to create a model which manages the document list ina organisation for the specific project work. for eg. EPL/170/BILLING/01 and EPL/170/BILLING/02 and so on... also it can be EPL/170/FIELD/01.. the work can change and the document in relevance should be generated numerically.

Q: php SimpleXMLElement weird behaviour

Phil CrossI'm using a tool which exports data from a database to an XML file. I'm writing an object which can take the XML file, perform various filters, validations etc etc to it, and import it into a second database. I have an array which contains the XML field names as keys, and the database table fiel...

Q: find the biggest "defined value" in an array?

user83962I met a very simple interview question, but my solution is incorrect. Any helps on this? 1)any bugs in my solution? 2)any good idea for time complexity O(n)? Question: Given an int array A[], define X=A[i]+A[j]+(j-i), j>=i. Find max value of X? my solution is: int solution(vector<int> &A){ ...

Q: Maven - include specific file in profile

Biscuit128I would like to include a specific file in my application should i be using the development or the production profile. I have been reading around this topic and found an interesting approach outlined here <profile> <id>dev</id> <activation> <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>

Q: django - unexpected behavior when "updating" property in instance of model

efkini'm relativly new to django and found this behavior: in my views.py i have defined the following function that gets some json and updates some values of a record. def put_global_vars(request, lab_id): lab = Lab.objects.get(id=lab_id) response = '' if request.method == 'POST': ...

Q: UICollectionView - Porting Storyboard project to no IB project

Jasper PolI found an open source project (link here) that I need to implement in my next project. The problem is that the framework is setup as a storyboard project, which I will not use. I have problems in converting this project to a non-storyboard, non .xib project. I asked already some help in the com...

Q: Remove previously added class by jQuery

user2190590I have a follow up question to this: Add and remove a class on click using jQuery? I'm able to add a class to a specific li element using this snipped by Jamie Taylor: $('.team').on('click', 'li', function() { $('.team li#member').removeClass('more'); $(this).addClass('more'); }); I'd like ...

Q: password should contain atleast one number and one character

MathewI need to check whether my password contains one number and one character. Input form <input class="form-control" data-validate="required,minlength[8],alphaNumeric" id="password" name="password" placeholder="password" type="text"> Below is my jQUery validate method. jQuery.validator.addMe...

Q: How many Marvel films can be expected?

xhaltarI wonder how many Marvel films could be expected around the "Avengers subject" given the multiple post-credits scenes we already have seen. We already have 2 Infinity Stones after Thor 2 : The Dark World So, at least 5 more films could be expected. Then, for 6 Soul Gems, we could expect another ...

Q: In Mac how do I signal end of file (EOF) on the shell

anjanbacchuIN windows, I press F6 function key to introduce the CTRL + Z character that signals the end of file. c:\> copy con filename copies the command line input to the given filename. At the end, after pressing text, I will enter the F6 key which introduces the CTRL + Z(EOF) character. 1) what is t...

Q: xpages unable to create new document NotesException: Search

MFG FlayThe error from the title I'm getting it while I"m using a button from a xpage: <xp:button value=" Add new doc" id="button1"> <span class="fa-building-o fa" /> <xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete"> <xp:this.action> <xp:openPage ta...

Q: How do I spin off a jQuery plugin into it's own script?

x20marI have a jQuery Plugin which I quite like using but on an existing project I am working on for a web application we don't have jQuery (for various reason which I won't go into) So I was wondering how hard is it to spin off a jQuery plugin into it's own standalone script (ie not relying on any fr...

Q: Which of the following is a better query plan and why?

om_deshpandeBelow is EXPLAIN output of the same query. One using STRAIGHT_JOIN, the other without. Which one is a better planenter code here? Below are details FIRST ONE (USING STRAIGHT_JOIN) - *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: ...

Q: How to show elements of custom data type in TFS custom build definition

sriprasanna MGIs it possible to show the sub elements of a custom datatype in the TFS build definition file? For example in the 'Agent setting' the menu expands to its sub elements in the same way I want to show the elements of my own datatype. I tried configuring the metadata - only the main structure shows ...

Q: How to set IAM role with MrJob 0.4.2 on EMR

BekaI'm trying to set an IAM role to my EMR cluster with mrjob 0.4.2. I saw that there is a new option in 0.4.3 to do this, but it is still in development and I prefer to use the stable version instead. Any idea on how to do this? I have tried to create the cluster using Amazon's console and then ru...

Q: Ordering posts via custom meta date

user3702707Below is my code which loads a custom post type (show), for some reason whatever I change within the $args nothing changes with the order. I would like to display shows in date order. The custom field test_date is in the format of 20140907 Anyone able to shed some light? <?php $args = ...

Q: Cloudcontrol: how to install private repositories with composer during image build process?

Dirk AdlerI am using cloudcontrols standard buildback-php. I am using composer to install third party libs. These also includes private git repositories typically accessible via ssh deployment keys. Problem: accessing private repositories during the cloudcontrol image build process does not work due to mi...

Q: RenderParam of type public is not storing value

bobbyrne01I have the following link setup in a WCM component. When a user clicks on the link, I'm trying to initialize a public render parameter to that the value stored inside citySelected is available to other components + multiple portlets. [Plugin:ifNotEmpty value="[Plugin:RenderParam key='citySelecte...

Q: TLS on Mac Mail

seanyt123I was just wondering (because I am e-mail support and want to progress my knowledge and write up some guides) if anyone knows how stable TLS is on Mac Mail (latest version-although I don't think it has changes much) by stable I mean does it generally work as an encryption method if you have it se...

Q: Keyboard-layout-switching keys for Kstop working

Joshua FoxI use Settings->Keyboard in Xubuntu 14.04, so that to configure ALT-SHIFT switches between Hebrew/English keyboard layouts. Every few hours, this stops working. The layout-switching icon in the panel continues to work, but of course I want a quick keyboard shortcut. I go back to Settings->Ke...

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