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Q: Connecting homomorphism in the Gysin sequence

Matthias SchmidtLet $j : SO(2n) \to SO(2n+1)$ be the standard subgroup embedding and let $Bj : BSO(2n) \to BSO(2n+1)$ be the induced fibration obtained by factoring the universal $SO(2n+1)$-bundle by the subgroup $SO(2n)$. I am looking for an explicit formula for the connecting homomorphism of the corresponding ...

Q: How to pronounce $\sim$ and $\overline a$ in equivalence relations?

justinI just was thinking about the basic statement shown below relating equivalence relations and partitions. My question specifically is, how to pronounce this statement, $$ \overline a = \{x \in S: x \sim a \}. $$ Would it be correct to pronounce it as "the cell containing $a$ is defined as the set ...

Q: How do you find it?

MadhurimaAt college, 70% students studied Maths,75% students studied English,85% studied french and 80% studied german. What percentage at least must have studied all 4?

Q: Sun reaching zenith at a particular latitude

Mashed PotatoesI need to find when the sun reaches the Zenith at a given latitude. What I've done so far: $L=23.5 \cdot \sin(\frac{2\pi}{365.25}\cdot D) $ Here L is the latitude (<23.5) and D is number of days from March 21. This is based on my understanding that the sun executes SHM around the celestial eq...

Q: Lenovo E440 hybrid IDE - is it replaceable

Alex G.P.I have an E400 notebook and I found that it has behind standard 3.5" IDE small card SDD-like. But I cannot find any replacement for it. I want to replace default 16G "SSD" which something bigger, but do not want to remove DVD drive or IDE. I thought that it is mSATA but no, it has different pins ...

Q: Servlet's service and init method are being called, but not doGet

ImrayI have a simple Servlet that looks like this: import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletReq...

Q: Using single quotes with echo in bash

JohnstonI am running some code from the command line by using echo and piping. This is the line of code I am trying to run: echo 'import Cocoa;println("It's over there")' | xcrun swift -i -v - I tried using a backslash to escape the single quote with a backslash like so: echo 'import Cocoa;println(...

Q: is this possible in javascript(without using jquery make tab key of keyboard enable or disable under if-else conditions)?

user3337667i have a condition like below (make tab key of keyboard enable or disable under if-else conditions):- <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> if(document.getElementById('firstbutton').style.visibility=='block') { //keyboard tab key for disable alert('testing disable'); } if(document.getEle...

Q: c# How to map a string to a class in set of common classes via a static member

zongoI need to find a class in set of classes based on a string, lets call it ActionString (coming from a URL entered by a user, which does not equal the class name!), create an instance of this class and trigger a class method TriggerSomeAction(). So each ActionString ("apple", "banana", ...) should...

Q: R: linear model with errors of x- and y-values

Fabio ValentiniI have data that I have to fit with a linear model. I also have errors associated with every one of the x and y values. Basically I want to do something like this (all vectors of the same length): lm(y_data +- y_errors ~ x_data +- x_errors) But obviously that does not work. It seems Origin c...

Q: Building a CAML query dynamically from a Dictionary (only "And"s)

KilazurI'm trying to implement a method to build a CAML query from a Dictionary. Due to the horror that is CAML, I can't manage to do it, because it's recursive. Anyone can show me such an implementation? The best I've got so far is this, obviously only working if the Dictionary contains only one entr...

Q: Video.js - Want to create a Youtube like playlist

TonyaLepskiI need to create a youtube like playlist with Video.js : And have no idea how, could not find anything helpful on google, will appreciate if you can point me to some tutorials or give me some indicators as to how, that will be great !! Many thanks !!

Q: Find link from page code with preg_match

user3898993I would like to change this using preg_match: <li class="fte_newsarchivelistleft" style="clear: both; padding-left:0px;"><a class="fte_standardlink fte_edit" href="news,2480143,3-kolejka-sezonu-2014-2015.html">3 kolejka sezonu 2014/2015&nbsp;&raquo;&raquo;</a></li> <li clas...

Q: Proofreading scripts before running them

AWEI make bad scripts and often do stupid things. I can live with that but sometimes I run these scripts on clusters that give me and my co-workers limited time and space. What is the laziest way to proofread my scripts so I donĀ“t screw up for everyone? E.g. is there a site like S.O. or softwar...

Q: Dynamic colour picker in vb.net

bmgh1985I have a colour picker that I use on a picture with MouseMove rather than Click event so as to allow the colour to be displayed "on the fly", however when I leave the bounds of the image, I am getting an error and cannot think of the best way to handle it. Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseMove(sende...

Q: MySQL getting last month instead of specific week

Sebastian RushI have this part of my SQL-statement where I select the one week depending on the input date: SELECT DATE_FORMAT(md.`mydate`, '%d.%m.%Y'), ... DAYNAME(md.`mydate`) FROM `mydates` md LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM `import` WHERE `Zeitspanne` != 'Anwesenheit' and `Person` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($...

Q: How do I take a LOW-QUALITY screenshot?

DukeYES, YOU READ RIGHT, I WANT LOW QUALITY SUCH AS 360P OR MAX 480P. Why is that? I'm making a program that can share your screen with others but when getting a HIGH-QUALITY screenshot (basically just pixel through pixel and writing it to an image file) sending it over the net is pretty slow as my ...

Q: iTunes App Files Sharing, in Xcode, how to disable the "Save to..." function?

RRNMy app is using the iTunes App "File Sharing" feature, but I want to disable users to use the "Save to..." function, that mean they can only "Add" files to my app, how can I do that in Xcode? Is it possible?

Q: CSS div tile change colour based if else statement

user2720970I have this little project that I would like to update with a more "metro" interface. How would I create a box and have is change colour based on the PHP statement. At the moment all I can do is change the font colour. Thanks <?php $fp = @fsockopen("SERVERIP", "443", $errno, $errstr, 1); if($fp >...

Q: Tachyonic field

millii'm working on a paper about symmetron cosmology. symmetron is a scalar field that by its symmetry breaking can explain the dark energy. the action is: ans A , V are assumed to be: where M and are mass scales and lambda in a coupling. somewhere in this paper (http://arxiv.org/abs/1107...

Q: Escape velocity

SuchalI have several confusions regarding escape velocity. I am sure I am missing something(s) obvious or maybe I am taught wrong. Lets say we throw an object of any mass at exactly escape velocity of earth calculated from $v^2=\frac{2GM}{r}$ which is almost $11Km s^{-1} $ but i am talking about ex...

Q: How to distinguish blobs with different properties

albus_cI have a set of connected blobs, and I would like to distinguish the more regular (a, c and d in the figure) from the more irregular ones, like b. I tried using the convolved area (putting a threshold on blob_area/convolved_blob_area), shape factor and roundness but none of them works well to d...

Q: c# How to stop console from displaying "..." whilst StreamWriter copies large amounts of data from a DataTable

DezzamondoI have a console app that takes hundreds of small files, puts them into a temporary DataTable and then copies the data to a single StreamWriter. That works fine. However, the console output continually adds "..." during the StreamWriter copy process, which is a bit annoying. Is there any way t...

Q: In C++ is there a way to print char* from different memory locations?

Rahul ManneI'm not sure if the question makes too much sense, so I'll try to show an example: Imagine I had a string at memory location &s (not null terminated) and another string at memory location z (null terminated). char s[4]; s[0] = 'a'; s[1] = 'a'; s[2] = 'a'; s[3] = 'a'; char *z = malloc(sizeof(ch...

Q: # in $_Post, $_Get or $_Request results in empty variable

TractionBusinessSolutionsIf I try to submit a piece of text from a form that starts with # - or using GET, I don't get any data. Any idea what is going on here? URL: {blah}/test.php?test1=foo&test2=#bar Entire PHP Code: echo $_REQUEST['test1']; echo '<br/>'; echo $_REQUEST['test2']; echo '<br/>'; var_dump($_GET); ...

Q: Dismiss uialertview programatically in iOS7

Steve GearI have implemented UIAlertview category in custom class. i am calling that method from my uitableviewcontroller to show an alert .But in iOS7 on iPhone 4 device, that alertview is coming multiple times while fast clicking on the uitableviewcells. I am trying to dismiss the alertview if it is alr...

Q: Change model in child directive and rerun link function of parent directive

user59442How can I change in a child directive the model (global data structure, in my case a binary tree) and rerun the link function of a parent directive. In the link function of the parent directive, the binary tree is used. Sorry I can't explain what I want to achieve better. I would appreciate it, ...

Q: List all shared folders from a network location

user3884264I want to list all the shared directories from a network server. To list directories from a shared network directory I used Directory.GetDirectories(@"\server\share\") The problem is I want to list all folders in "\server". If I use the same method I get an exception saying The UNC path should be...

Q: Changing spring property value dynamically on from DB after server startup

HariI have configured to load all my properties from DB. <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="beanName" value="databaseConfiguration"/> </bean> <bean id="commonsConfigurationFactoryBean" class="org.springmodules.commons.configur...

Q: I want to read a value based on key inside factory from json

user2650513I am trying to read value in array in factory but I am unable to do so. I am using ng-grid and when I click on one row I get selecteditems list which I pass in another controller where I call a factory service in which I pass that as a parameter but that parameter in the factory stays as array a...

Q: Sending data to a webserver with GPRS recommendations

Tomas CamposIm doing a project for tracking bikes in my school. Im using a GPS EM406-A for recieving the position and a Arduino UNO with the ATMEGA328 for processing the data. Im OK obtaining the data. Now i need to send the the position to a webserver and then show it on a webpage using the Google Maps AP...

2 hours ago, by Feeds
in Andy devs, 1 min ago, by Ando Masahashi
@CapDroid hello
2 hours ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 3 mins ago, by Priyanka
@maven instead asking this...better i say hello again :)
2 hours ago, by Feeds
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in WPF, 27 mins ago, by Denver
Hello, Sean!
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in WPF, 22 mins ago, by Denver
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in C#, 10 mins ago, by Sippy
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in Android People, 8 mins ago, by Sagar Panchal
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 6 mins ago, by Pankaj Sharma
@Priyanka Hello
2 hours ago, by Feeds
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Q: why is this php json not working

user3613245So basically i have this script, and if you type in "hello" it should alert the comment error else it should append the comment success to the div. But it is not working? Why not? here is the php if(isset($_POST)){ $name = $_POST['name']; if($name == 'hello'){ echo json_encode...

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posted on September 01, 2014 by akk


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in Coders Of The Heaven, 13 mins ago, by Dhruti
@NitinGohel hello :P
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in IOS Developer Family, 15 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
hello @Leena maam
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in IOS Developer Family, 16 mins ago, by Leena
hello @NitinGohel
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
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in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
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in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
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Q: PHP exception and dynamic function call

RyanConsider the function below: <?php function foo() { $bar = new stdClass(); $bar->hello(); } try { $fn = 'foo'; $fn(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'suck..'; } The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

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in Discussion between Bill and Tasos K., 14 mins ago, by Tasos K.
Hello Bill, I am glad I helped. Yes, I agree CSS can be very difficult to handle sometimes and yes bootstrap has also saved me many hours
2 hours ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
2 hours ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
in Maharashtrian Code Warriors, 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@Kirti hello @MohanChaudhari
in Android People, 2 hours ago, by Ramani
@AndoMasahashi hello
in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@PG_Android @berserk hello bro
in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by PG_Android
@AndoMasahashi hello
in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 hours ago, by Unity Beginner
hello @maven
1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: C# Time span to string issue

Gerard2202Hello people of stackoverflow.I am having an issue when i try to take a time-span and convert it to a string. Here is the code: private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; TimeLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeLeft).ToString("h...

1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: Restart MySQL Automatically through a Cron Job

ramzi khammassiHello today my website is down cause Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) but when i restart mysql it work for few hour and give same problem i look to script to cheque and start mysql when it down i found shell script : #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/m...

in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 9 mins ago, by Himanshu Agarwal
hello everyone
Q: Load balancing for a running server process with sessions

Gas WelderI'm developing a server application that accepts incoming connections and works with client applications. The customer wants to have two machines working: in case one goes offline, the second will back it up. The administrator of the machine (whom I almost don't interact with) came up with the lo...

Q: VMDKs on a NAS - dealing with replication, snapshots, etc

asdfjasdfjlajdfI don't know why I'm thinking of VMs and NAS on my day off :(. We are specing out an enterprise grade NetApp NAS. It's purpose isn't for Vmware but I was thinking of how I would store and run VMDKs off of it. This NAS has features like snapshots and replication. The idea of adding an NFS volu...

Q: Ubuntu 14.04 - radeon driver - HD 4770 card - Crash when HDTV as second monitor turns on

gstanleyI've been having problems trying to use my LG HDTV(42LB6300) as a second monitor. When I try turning the HDTV on, the computer crashes. The dual screen will work for a few seconds and then Ubuntu just reboots without any messages or errors. The same thing happens when I try booting with the TV on...

Q: Installing Nvidia Driver on Dell

LewsTherinI have a Dell XPS 14 l421x that I have loaded Ubuntu on, but for the life of me I cannot get the Nvidia propritery drivers installed. The system has the onboard Intel apu, as well as an Nvidia gt630m. I have encryption enabled and with the NV drivers installed, after I enter in the key the displ...

Q: Existence of finite non-cyclic group satisfying a necessary condition of finite cyclic groups

Souvik DeyGive an example of a finite non-cyclic group $G$ ( if exists) such that for every divisor $d$ of $|G|$ , $G$ has exactly one subgroup of order $d$ .

Q: An Estimation for Multiple Points in Fulton's Curve Book

Peter HuI am learning basic algebraic geometry by following Fulton's "Algebraic Curves". In 5.4, the auther stated the following theorem: Theorem If $F$ is an irreducible projective plane curve of degree $n \geq 2$, then $\sum \frac{m_P(m_P-1)}{2} \leq \frac{(n-1)(n-2)}{2}$ The author s...

Q: How to construct a solution given 100 linearly independent solutions for T(x)? An infinite number of solutions?

loriHow will you construct a solution for a homogeneous and ordinary differential equation for T(x) if there are 100 linearly independent solutions for T(x)? If there are infinite linearly dependent solutions of T(x)?

Q: Finding interaction Hamiltonian for nano particles

user50724I am studying Quantum electrodynamics (QED) and the core part of this theory is the light-matter interaction (quantized light and matter). I referred many papers and books (Molecular quantum electrodynamics, Interaction Hamiltonian of quantum optics etc), and in all the places the interaction Ham...

Q: Windows 8 Project64 Failed to initialize DirectX error

ConradI want to use project64 on my computer via remote desktop, but I always get this error: Failed to initialize DirectX error Error code: 8876086A There seems to be not fix related to my problem on google. The video card driver is up to date. It's a Geforce 460 On windows 8

Q: connected laptop with TV- sound from tv not working

ali haiderI have connected a tv via HDMI to a laptop running ubuntu 12. I can see the video on the televsion but the sound plays from the laptop and not from the television. Any ideas on what I need to change (I checked the sound settings on my laptop and was not sure if I had to turn anything off or on)...

Q: Quick Sort using first element as pivot

Ankur ChandraI implemented Quick Sort by choosing the first element as pivot. it works fine for general test cases but consider a case when the array is reverse sorted for instance 5 4 3 2 1. I understand where it is throwing a runtime error. but I cant fix it correctly. Is the implementation for first elemen...

Q: Create python property function dynamically

asleeaI want to create property method dynamically. It means, for example, i want first class A to be equivalent with second one. Is there any way? class A(object): def __init__(self): self._a = 10 self.createPropertyMethod(a, self._a, getFunc, setFunc, delFunc) def createPropertyMethod...

Q: Looping through jQuery objects

Kid DiamondI've got an associative array with jQuery objects that I want to loop over to set a value on each. I'm relatively new to JavaScript / jQuery, but this is what I tried without any luck: var inputs = [ { key: "firstName", val: $("#signup input[name=firstName]") }, { key: "lastName...

Q: Android: How to detect when multiple http requests complete

CJeI have this app that onResume() creates five fragments. Each fragment then opens a http connection to download an XML file. This is done using an AsyncTask. In the async tasks onPostExecute() the XML file is processed and the result rendered in a tab. I'm trying to figure out how to display a "L...

Q: Block Size relation in AES PyCrypto using Cipher block chaining

user2290820I am using numpy to create array of strings or bits in the following code and have tiny methods for conversions. What I want to know is, given the plaintext, is it possible given a block_size = 128, that full text can be decrypted using AES standard using ECB in the following code? from operato...

Q: sandbox is not in sync with pod file.lock

user3130681I'm using KIF framework for testing my iOS application and running Xcode bots for automation,but during integration this error appears. "the sandbox is not in sync with pod file.lock run pod install or update your cocoaPods installation." I've done both but still the error occurs.

Q: How to make windows file explorer recognize private clipboard format?

user1341274User RegisterClipboardFormat(TYPE_XXX) to register private clipboard format, then use SetClipboardData to fill clipboard. How to make windows file explorer recognize TYPE_XXX and handle it?

Q: Android ignoring media queries and responsive design, works on Iphones and Blackberries

tim danielsI'm working on a site with a full-width responsive design. It uses the Genesis framework with Wordpress. It works perfectly fine on certain Iphones, Ipads and Blackberries, but not on Androids. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> is included @media only scre...

Q: setting up selected values for angularjs select

sameera207I'm fairly a beginner for angularjs and currently having problems when trying to bind data to my select tag What I want to do user clicks the edit link existing object loads to the page (via back end api) object value should be selected in the drpodown Following is my code #in the html page <

Q: git log -p vs. git show vs. git diff

Roy LambertHow are the commands git log -p, git show, and git diff related and why would one be used over another? Given a repo with the following 4 commits: commitd - last commit commitc commitb coomita - initial commit What are the differences between the following git commands?: git log -p commita c...

Q: Clicking on a link during loading state doesn't start loading link's state

Pavel GavlíkI have an AngularUI Router-powered app. I have my states set up like this: module.exports.config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('projectList', { url: '/', templateUrl: '/static/partials/project-list.html', controller: 'ProjectListCtrl', resolve...

Q: Auto shrink database when it is just to become full

Rocky SinghI have my database in Full Recovery Mode. In few days span the transaction log gets full. Can I make any SQL Server job to shrink it as soon it is on the verge of getting full? If that is not possible can I run any script via SQL Server job weekly to do the same?

Q: Check Mark doesn't become visible on trigger

Chuck SavageI have a simple CheckBox, in an Items Control - That is invisible if not checked and the mouse isn't over it the parent grid. But is visible if checked or mouse is over the grid. The problem is, when the CheckBox is checked, the box stays visible but the check-mark disappears if the mouse isn't ...

Q: Saving in Core Data not working

Rafi GinatI am using the following core data saving code and it is not saving. The managedObjectContext is passed by a factory class that is providing a new context. - (void)save{ NSError *error = nil; // save the data in context if ([managedObjectContext hasChanges]) { if ([managedObjectContext save:&...

Q: Android: What does this code do?

ScottI'm reading through the open source code from App Inventor (http://appinventor.mit.edu) and I'm looking at their Timer implementation. There's an interface called AlarmHandler which I can't tell does anything. // -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- // Copyright 2009-2011 Google, All Rights r...

Q: Efficiient calculation on complete columns (pytables, hdf5, numpy)

MartinI have a simple HDF5 file (created by PyTables) with ten columns and 100000 rows. For every value I have to apply a simple linear equation, with different parameters per column and write the stuff to CSV. My naive approach was to loop over the table: for row in table.iterrows(): print "%f,%...

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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Discussion between Bill and Tasos K., 14 mins ago, by Tasos K.
Hello Bill, I am glad I helped. Yes, I agree CSS can be very difficult to handle sometimes and yes bootstrap has also saved me many hours
2 hours later…
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 3 mins ago, by Priyanka
@maven instead asking this...better i say hello again :)
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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49 mins ago, by Feeds
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in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 9 mins ago, by Himanshu Agarwal
hello everyone
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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49 mins ago, by Feeds
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1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: Restart MySQL Automatically through a Cron Job

ramzi khammassiHello today my website is down cause Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) but when i restart mysql it work for few hour and give same problem i look to script to cheque and start mysql when it down i found shell script : #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/m...

in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: C# Time span to string issue

Gerard2202Hello people of stackoverflow.I am having an issue when i try to take a time-span and convert it to a string. Here is the code: private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; TimeLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeLeft).ToString("h...

in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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49 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 hours ago, by Unity Beginner
hello @maven
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
45 mins ago, by Feeds
57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by PG_Android
@AndoMasahashi hello
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@PG_Android @berserk hello bro
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Android People, 2 hours ago, by Ramani
@AndoMasahashi hello
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
in Maharashtrian Code Warriors, 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@Kirti hello @MohanChaudhari
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
45 mins ago, by Feeds
57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
21 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: UISearchBar implementation Like Instagram IOS7

Andrew EdwardsHello i am trying to implement a uitabbarview defined only for search. Ideally i want to implement the exact same style that instagram does Not the suggestions but the actual search bar and the tab controls to switch between the users and hashtags. I've been researching online and haven't found ...

in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in IOS Developer Family, 16 mins ago, by Leena
hello @NitinGohel
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
14 mins ago, by Feeds
in IOS Developer Family, 15 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
hello @Leena maam
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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45 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Coders Of The Heaven, 13 mins ago, by Dhruti
@NitinGohel hello :P
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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posted on September 01, 2014 by akk


in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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6 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: why is this php json not working

user3613245So basically i have this script, and if you type in "hello" it should alert the comment error else it should append the comment success to the div. But it is not working? Why not? here is the php if(isset($_POST)){ $name = $_POST['name']; if($name == 'hello'){ echo json_encode...

in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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49 mins ago, by Feeds
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2 hours ago, by Feeds
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 6 mins ago, by Pankaj Sharma
@Priyanka Hello
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
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2 hours ago, by Feeds
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Android People, 8 mins ago, by Sagar Panchal
hello all
in Trash, 47 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: Battery 100% still charging

davidHello I have a Acer AspireV3-772G running Win8.1. My battery indicator shows 100% available ( plugged in,charging) status. I calibrated the battery but no difference. Also I have bought a new battery, but is still battery indicator shows 100% available ( plugged in,charging) status Battery is sti...

in Trash, 41 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: C program Accidental Making Virus..?Why

Sachin Jain#include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main(){ printf("hello"); getchar() ; } When I Run The Above Code It Created the Virus.. and I am Accidentally shocked Why This is Happening... I am Using AVG Antivirus that immediately deletes the executable . I got the Threat: Torjon hors...

5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 41 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: C program Accidental Making Virus..?Why

Sachin Jain#include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main(){ printf("hello"); getchar() ; } When I Run The Above Code It Created the Virus.. and I am Accidentally shocked Why This is Happening... I am Using AVG Antivirus that immediately deletes the executable . I got the Threat: Torjon hors...

5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 47 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: Battery 100% still charging

davidHello I have a Acer AspireV3-772G running Win8.1. My battery indicator shows 100% available ( plugged in,charging) status. I calibrated the battery but no difference. Also I have bought a new battery, but is still battery indicator shows 100% available ( plugged in,charging) status Battery is sti...

5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Android People, 8 mins ago, by Sagar Panchal
hello all
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49 mins ago, by Feeds
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2 hours ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 6 mins ago, by Pankaj Sharma
@Priyanka Hello
5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
45 mins ago, by Feeds
57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
2 hours ago, by Feeds
6 mins ago, by Feeds
6 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: why is this php json not working

user3613245So basically i have this script, and if you type in "hello" it should alert the comment error else it should append the comment success to the div. But it is not working? Why not? here is the php if(isset($_POST)){ $name = $_POST['name']; if($name == 'hello'){ echo json_encode...

5 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
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posted on September 01, 2014 by akk


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in Coders Of The Heaven, 13 mins ago, by Dhruti
@NitinGohel hello :P
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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in IOS Developer Family, 15 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
hello @Leena maam
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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in IOS Developer Family, 16 mins ago, by Leena
hello @NitinGohel
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 17 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@NareshSharma Hello Sharmaji hows you.?
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in Java and Android era , 1 min ago, by Pankaj Arora
@navya @PankajSharma hello mam, sir
6 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Java, 4 mins ago, by IvanMatala
hello guys : ]
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
45 mins ago, by Feeds
57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
21 mins ago, by Feeds
Q: UISearchBar implementation Like Instagram IOS7

Andrew EdwardsHello i am trying to implement a uitabbarview defined only for search. Ideally i want to implement the exact same style that instagram does Not the suggestions but the actual search bar and the tab controls to switch between the users and hashtags. I've been researching online and haven't found ...

6 mins ago, by Feeds
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5 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
@Dhruti Hello Miss Reader/Dhruti/Anamika etc. :)
6 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Naresh Sharma
Hello Gutam Rishi :) @Indian
6 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 26 mins ago, by Indian
hello @NareshSharma
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
45 mins ago, by Feeds
57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Maharashtrian Code Warriors, 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@Kirti hello @MohanChaudhari
6 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Android People, 2 hours ago, by Ramani
@AndoMasahashi hello
6 mins ago, by Feeds
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57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by Ando Masahashi
@PG_Android @berserk hello bro
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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57 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Java and Android era , 2 hours ago, by PG_Android
@AndoMasahashi hello
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
45 mins ago, by Feeds
57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
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11 mins ago, by Feeds
in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 hours ago, by Unity Beginner
hello @maven
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
5 mins ago, by Feeds
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57 mins ago, by Feeds
17 mins ago, by Feeds
49 mins ago, by Feeds
11 mins ago, by Feeds
1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: C# Time span to string issue

Gerard2202Hello people of stackoverflow.I am having an issue when i try to take a time-span and convert it to a string. Here is the code: private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; TimeLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeLeft).ToString("h...

6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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1 hour ago, by Feeds
Q: Restart MySQL Automatically through a Cron Job

ramzi khammassiHello today my website is down cause Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) but when i restart mysql it work for few hour and give same problem i look to script to cheque and start mysql when it down i found shell script : #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/m...

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11 mins ago, by Feeds
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 9 mins ago, by Himanshu Agarwal
hello everyone
6 mins ago, by Feeds
in Trash, 51 mins ago, by Feeds
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in Smart Developers' Lab, 3 mins ago, by Priyanka
@maven instead asking this...better i say hello again :)

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