Ink Molecules Suppose you were to print, in 12 point text, the numeral 1 using a common cheap ink-jet printer. How many molecules of the ink would be used? At what numerical value would the number printed approximately equal the number of ink molecules used? David Pelkey This is the kind of problem where Fermi estimation comes in handy. In Fermi estimation, we're not concerned about…
Letter to Mom What’s the fastest way to get a hand-written letter from my place in Chicago to my mother in New Jersey? —Tim First, let's carefully consider the "walking" option. Who knows—maybe it's faster than it seems! Since you didn't specify where in New Jersey your mother lives, I'm going to assume she's in Hackensack, because that's where Miss …
Expensive Shoebox What would be the most expensive way to fill a size 11 shoebox (e.g. with 64 GB MicroSD cards all full of legally purchased music)? Rick Lewis A shoebox full of valuable stuff seems to top out at about $2 billion. Surprisingly, this turns out to be true for a wide range of possible fillings. The MicroSD cards are a good idea. iTunes songs cost about $1 each, and Mic…
Into the Blue If I shot an infinitely strong laser beam into the sky at a random point, how much damage would it do? Garrett D. A lot of the time, if a question includes the word "infinity," the answer is "an infinite amount"—when there's an answer at all. An infinitely strong laser pointer would deliver an infinite amount of energy to the air in its path, which…
Walking New York Could a person walk the entire city of NY in their lifetime? (including inside apartments) Asaf Shamir Like the answer to Paint the Earth, the answer to the first part of this question is pretty straightforward to look up. But what if it weren't? Can we figure out the answer from things we already know? Let's look at a few ways of estimating it. First of all, …

I have a set number of color palettes (8), each with 5 colors. The goal is to process an image with canvas and determine which color palette is the closest match.
Atm the minute I am getting the average RGB value from the palette then, doing the same with the source image before converting it to...

How would I, given the data below, depending on their ranks as compared to one specific team child object, obtain a subset of other child objects from the parent object "teams", and then, from that subset and depending on if any index in the array stored in their "sched" key contains the ...

I need a "do while loop" until one of three specific words is written in a prompt box.
for example
var test = prompt("");
while test =! word1 word2 word3
when one of the three words is written, the script should go on.
im trying for over 2 hours but i still dont solve the problem.

See the below example,
create table data(name varchar, value int);
insert into data values('joe',1);
insert into data values('bob',2);
insert into data values('jane',3);
insert into data values('anne',4);
insert into data values('kate',5);
And if I Execute
select * from data limit 2;
Will ...

How can I get out the properties name and text from SideBarPanelItem or SuperTabItems with Code? I don't have a idea.
Used language:

I have a function that gets a set of data from a server, sorts and displays it
def load_data(dateStr):
data = get_date(dateStr).splitlines()
result = []
for c in data:
a = c.split(',')
time = a[0]
temp = float(a[1])
solar = float(a[2])
kwH = a[...

Session For products
$product = array(array('name'=>$resname, 'code'=>$product_code, 'qty'=>$product_qty, 'price'=>$resprice, 'sizes'=>$sizes ,'colourcode'=>$colourcode , 'availability'=>$availability));
$_SESSION["products"] = $product;

I remember hearing from someone that you can simply type in a command to compile a meteor.JS app into a node.JS app, and then deploy it as a node.JS app. Is that correct? Also, does that mean I can build a completely node.JS app by first building it in Meteor, and then using a command to compile ...

First off, I'm all new to SCSS and compiling with Compass but actually love it already!
Everything started when I first downloaded ZURB Foundation (a CSS framework) and tried to edit the styling, so I had to download the additional SCSS files as well. After doing so I had to download a SCSS comp...

This is such a random error message? What are good troubleshooting tips to track where this is coming from?
[Log] Exception from Deps recompute function: NotFoundError: DOM Exception 8 (meteor.js, line 741)
insertBefore@[native code]

For example I have a paragraph
<p class="text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure d...

I am trying to display a dijit.Dialog as a popup window. This is a new feature addition to an existing project and as I have never woked wth Dojo;s before I am struggling a bit.
I have created the pop up window but it keeps displaying as a seperate page than a popup, what am I doing wrong? Please...

First, sorry for my bad english! My Problem: With this I want to connect to a SSL-secured server. How to change my code to make it work?
public class JSONParser {
static InputStream is = null;
static JSONObject jObj = null;
static String json = "";
public JSONPar...

i am just learning android so i don't know much about it.
i am trying to store my json data in sqlite and then retrieve that data on a different activity in two spinners..that means i have to store the data on different activity and retrieve it on a different one..
my json data i like-

I'm developing an windows phone 8.1 app(not silverlight) about OCR with using [WindowsPreview.Media.Ocr].
I replaced the default OCR resouce file with chinese ocr resouce file.
Here's my code,in Constructor:
ocrEngine = new OcrEngine(OcrLanguage.ChineseSimplified);
and then load the test imag...

Is it possible to calculate the elementwise product of an uBLAS vector of doubles with a complex double? The following code fails to compile since it can not find an overloaded operator *. I would expect it to work since multiplying a double with a complex double is well defined.
#include <complex>

Is there some pandas method, to in each row of pd.DataFrame like:
A44 [deg] 01 02 03 05 06 08 \
wave pulsation (rad/s)
0.005 NaN NaN 0.0029 0.0029 0.0029 ...

I have a Ubuntu 12.04 server. On that we have some projects which are shared with Samba share. I need to protect our files to be copied from there by other users except by a superuser or root for security issues. But need to work on those files by Netbeans or other IDE like it.
Can anyone help r...

Windows compatible mice of several types, all having center wheel, when scrolling down, travel approx 3 inches down page, then scroll back to top of page.
Why, and how to fix please.

I got a piece of code about perl:
if ($a==1){
And, I want to format it in vim. After using command: gg=G, the code formatted as:
if ($a==1){
Actually, I want to format it...

How to reproduce:
Create Project called Project1, rename it to Project2
URL will still be
this can be very disturbing if your Project1 Name was totally different from the Project2 Name.
We have already 100 Users assigned and I don't want to recreate that project.

On my server I'm trying to remove a folder and all its subfolders with the usual rm -rf dirname, but it silently fails:
kramer65@vps1:~$ ls -l
total 24
drwxrwxr-x 2 kramer65 kramer65 4096 Jul 11 22:00 backups
drwxrwxr-x 2 kramer65 kramer65 4096 Jul 17 17:37 bin
drwxrwxr-x 3 kramer65 kramer65 ...

I'm doing my Laboratory exercise in Python.
i made the code but i don't know how will i make a test if the matrix is a symmetric or skew-symmetric. The problems are:
1. Make a test if the matrix is symmetric or skew-symmetric.
2. How will I use assertion to be sure that the matrix is a square mat...

my question is simple
how can I convert a longlist of multiselect from list to dropdown like in the images
I'm using organic group module for drupal 6

I am using two or more diferent menu, the problem i have is that, second collapse open together with down toggle??
Here is HTML
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#" data-toggle="collapse" d...

Hi I am trying to send an email using Rebex Smtp SendDirect and I get this error:
SendEmail: Rebex.Net.SmtpException: Client was not authenticated (530).
at Rebex.Net.Smtp.WCB(String A, String B)
at Rebex.Net.Smtp.ADB(String A, String[] B, String C, Stream D, TransferEncoding E)
at Rebex.N...

'''base python code:'''
for host in hosts:
with settings(
password=passwd,enter code here
run('uname -a')
''' i want change like down '''
def take_with_out(host, user, password):

This below methods are working fine in Windows server 2008 R2 and my app is registered. but when i deploy it on live server 2012 R2. Then after response.redirect my session went empty. Please help me.. because i am finding solution form couple of days but did not find any thing.
i have used the r...

Is there a way to use the Symfony2 router to build URIs that include fragment identifiers?
We have a page listing lots of different entities (call this the "list" page) - when a user clicks on a link within one of the entity's details, they are taken to an "edit" page for that entity. When they ...

My question is "Is it possible to update iphone application while it is running and then reload it again?"
I want the user interaction whit old version while update application and next reload it to the new version.
It's possible on iPhone?

I want to maintain the position of the text but when hovered on the div, the text goes down
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<p>hover over the div element above, and the text goes down</p>

I have the following data structure:
current: { Number: '8', AnotherNumber: 123 },
current: { Number: '9', AnotherNumber: 456 },
I want in angular view to print out in a table:
Number AnotherNumber
8 123
I am trying with this, but it is displaying the whole current...

I have a huge project, that has dozens of screens.
I had to include google maps into the project and show some markers on it.
The maximum number of markers is around 600, spread all over the town.
When I call this mapView, it increases memory consumption from 19 to 240mb. This is not reasonab...

I am running Samba 4 as an AD Server. Everything works fine, beside the members of a group is not listed by getent group:
# getent group
LOCAL\Enterprise Read-Only Domain Controllers:*:3000040:
LOCAL\Domain Admins:*:512:
LOCAL\Domain Users:*:513:
LOCAL\Domain Guests:*:3000012:

I would like to send all mails of different VPS through one mail-server, which I want to set up now.
All mailservers are running on postfix.
Well, I know how to configure the "clients", the VPSes to authenticate on an relay-server, but how can I configure the "main-mail-server" as a relay-serve...

Hi I have privilleges of "Organizational Administrator" in my company's private dev cloud. I tried to add a custom VM by selecting a VM in the organization's public catalog and tried to increase its RAM. How ever after the changes are made the VM does not start. It only starts when I reduce the R...

My question in short: how can I set up Dovecot to store replies to an email in the same IMAP folder that contains the replied-to email?
I have a Postfix (SMTP) + Dovecot (IMAP) setup, with my /home/sybren/Maildir directory storing my mail. I have a Sieve filter to ensure my work email ends up in...

Our SBSMonitoring database has reached its limit (10GB). I've worked with databases in a previous job and I'm familiar writing SQL queries.
Is it safe to delete entries from tables in that database? I would keep entries from the last 3 months and delete anything older.
Is there anything I shoul...

I have downloaded the latest KDE and installed it successfully on my Ubuntu 14.04 - based PC. I can select which GUI to start on login, and all seems to work very well.
Now what I would like to do is to launch KDE on one virtual screen and Unity on another virtual screen. Is this possible? In KD...

I have the following directory setup:
the folder html is actually a link to /home/tim/Website. This means all my Website files are in my home area (they get included in the backup etc).
Is there anything wrong with this method? Is there a bett...

I'm managing a several servers which are in Linux. I will have others administrators who will need access to those servers in order to administrate them.
So I would like to have a sort of ssh bastion which will transparently connect users to these servers via ssh from their laptop which are in wi...

I have configured Ubuntu 14.04 with XRDP as per steps mentioned in with XFCE Desktop. It's working perfectly (including session resumption) except for a problem during logging in.
The first login fails with unable to connect to vnc server error, but the next time I...

I'm running the 14.04 installation. When I get to the timezone choice installation I get a dialog box with just six questions marks. "??? ???" is both the title and the content of the dialog box.
THere's a single ok button as choice.
When I press ok, the installation application freezes for a f...

Being a huge fan of Shoujo Ai/Yuri, Vastra's and Jenny's relationship intrigues me greatly.
the first time i remember seeing Vastra and Jenny was in the episode A Good Man Goes to War when The 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) gathers allies and storms Demon's Run to rescue Amy and her baby Melody.
As t...

I was rewatching Pacific Rim the other day and got to the scene in Hong Kong harbour where the three Jagers fought Leatherback and Otachi.
I noticed that Leatherback seemed to wait until Striker opened it's chest to fire it's missiles before triggering it's organic EMP weapon.
Was the timing of...

In episode #243 - "Into the Dalek", there is at least one large ship full of Daleks, and a rebel ship of humans that are fighting them.
Are these Daleks new creations of the multicoloured Daleks from the #205 - "Victory of the Daleks" episode, as discussed here
Or, are they anything to do with ...

His setup seems to be a telephone connected to a computer. When he dials another computer on the phone, he manages to gain access to it remotely.
Is this a realistic situation or just something done for effect?
This video shows the technique but not the actual access being gained, as it is w...

I was wondering but how exactly is the avatar state very useful for example if an avatar like Korra gets poisoned by a metallic based venom?
The Avatar State, yes, is a defense mechanism designed to empower you with skills and knowledge from your pasts lives and stuff but if we think about it, i...

I feel like this particular example has a lot of good elements. I think visually the colors work well. I like the logo design. I like the home page. But I am struggling with how to layout the rest of the site beyond that. So I am looking for a few suggestion of how I can bring this design togethe...

I'm used to design a small icon / graphic art, rather than
the big size of A3 paper.
So then When i tried to use A3 as the Paper Size with resolution of 300 dpi.
The file size is bigger in Photoshop compared to the file size in CorelDraw.
Is there any calculation that we need to use
for achievi...

I'm looking for good sites that collect information/data, sort data, reveal information, and reveal relationships

I am creating a print advert artwork for a magazine on illustrator cs6. However, I'm having problems with one .eps logo on the artwork which disappears once I export the artwork as a jpeg. What could be causing this particular logo not to show once I export the artwork as a jpeg, yet the 2 others...

When writing the references at the end of my internship report, I needed to cite all the information that needs to be said about the scientific articles that I used while writing the report. But these articles, most of the time, do not mention the conference or journals in which they were present...

I have several sentences in a row that that cite the same source. For example,
Here is question one [1]. Here is question two [1]. Here is question three [1][myOriginalWork]. Here is question four [1].
What is the proper way to cite this using IEEE? Do I cite my use of the source each tim...

I am trying to list my publications in my curriculum vitae. But, because I have publications in three fields x, y, z of study such that x is my major and y, z are not, I am looking for how to best display them so that it can be emphasized that I have works in different areas.

This question might be more suitable for they who are or were application reviewers of STEM ph.D. programs in U.S. universities.
I want to know what kinds of s.o.p. do catch reviewers' attention? Should I emphasize more at biography or more at research experience and intention or more at introd...

I am looking for a good mailing list in political philosophy/theory which covers conferences, calls for papers etc. globally or at least in Europe. Do you know any?

I wish to solve the following integral equation that has popped up in my studies of focused light. If you notice, it looks almost like a homogenous Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. However, it involves the mag-square of the function to be found, and not the function itself. Is there ...

In high-school I used to think that either a function has a derivative or doesn't. But then in college everything becomes subtler, I encounter example where a function can be differentiable on some interval but not on the other.
Say $|x|$ is differentiable on $(0, 1)$ but not on $[-1,1]$ becaus...

$X=(0,4] \cup \{6\} \cup[10,11]$ is subspace of $\mathbf{R}$.
If A is $A=(0,2] \cup \{6\} \cup(10,11]$, find $IntA$, $ClA$, $FrA$ in subspace $X$, where is: Int - interior, Cl -closure, Fr-boundary.

I would like to implement the following function due to Erdeliy and need it as $_pF_q^{(\alpha)}(a,b;c,d)$
$\Phi_3=\Sigma_{m} \Sigma_{n} \frac{(\beta)_m}{(\gamma)_{m+n}m!n!}x^{m}y^{n}$, where the sums run to infinity.
I have a package that implements hypergeometric functions of all kinds in MAT...

In this question, expansion of space is considered, and it is explained that gravity and electomagnetic forces prevent matter from expanding.
The idea I get in my head is something like a weight attached to a spring, dragged behind a car. The movement of the car will try to expand the distance b...

Spoiler alert for the animated film "Superman vs. The Elite":
In the ending fight scene Superman flies off with one of the (more or less human) villains and when he comes back alone he answers to another villain's question "Where the hell is he?" with:
"Orbit. He went into orbit at Mach 7. If y...

I'm working on a sandbox game that allows the player to build a spacecraft and attach thrusters in arbitrary locations on the hull of the spacecraft. The game is set completely in 2D. (I'm a programmer, not a physicist, so I apologize if my terminology is all wrong).
I have need to actually ca...

Probably a stupid question here - I think it's a case of me not having sufficient mathematical background to follow this through. In Leonard Susskind's Theoretical Minimum book, he represents the ket-vector A as such:
|A\rangle = \displaystyle\sum_{i} a_{i}|i\rangle
Which I follow, as I do...

We have BdG equation,
\mathbf{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{\sigma} - V & \Delta_{0}e^{i\phi} \\
\Delta_{0}e^{-i\phi} & V - \mathbf{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{\sigma}
\left( \begin{array}{c}u\\v\end{array}\right)
= \mathcal{E}\left( \begin{array}{c}u\\v\end{array}\righ...

Windows services turned off, can not turn back on. I have transferred a lot of data..200+gigs, onto it, and I don't have hard disc to reinstall..I do have a 7 starter from my old notebook.. can I use it to repair corruptions, or do I have to clean install..also disc version is 32 bits, and curre...

If we use static in-front of a variable, it's value remain intact for the entire cycle of the program's execution in between function calls. But if we use static with functions they become local to the file in which they are declared. I know this is the way, but I want to know the reason exactly ...

lets say I want to copy a list of files to another directory
I would like to grep all the files that have a 1 in there
ls -lrt | grep 1
and try to pass it to cp as an argument
cp `ls -lrt | grep 1` /directory/
cp $(ls -lrt | grep 1) /directo...

there are lines in build.gradle file
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
However, when building the project, the error notes say,
"Error:Could not find

I'm trying to make parts of my SVG graphic interactive, but not having much luck. I have a few different things I want to happen, so any help is really appreciated.
All the shapes and paths in my SVG have IDs, and are within groups with classes. The SVG is contained in an under-construction webs...

I need to get list of all emails from exchange/active directory.Whether emails like [email protected] or email groups like all-contacts or CEO which they includes couple of email addresses.
this is my code so far:
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(ad_path);
DirectorySearcher ds = new Directo...

How does one make a program which reads the number of rows and prints the nested loop triangle. Eg if n=5
1 2 1
1 2 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
Can we use the fact that 11*11=121,111*111=12321 and so on..?

I'm working on some project. I wrote code in Visual Studio 2010 Express on my machine, released it and it worked well on my computer. But I need to run this on another machine (machine2), which runs on Win XP.
Here's the problem, it crashes when I try to run the program: "Application.exe has enco...

I have the following config for one of the sites-available .conf file.
Its configure to load the ghost blog if you hit
Somehow its causing to serve up the blog as well. But thats fine too.
<Virtualhost *:80>
ServerAdmin admin80@mexamp...

I can't deinstall software anymore (it says I have no rights to do so) and there is a teamviewer process showing up if I use top.

Being a huge fan of Shoujo Ai/Yuri, Vastra's and Jenny's relationship intrigues me greatly.
the first time i remember seeing Vastra and Jenny was in the episode A Good Man Goes to War when The 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) gathers allies and storms Demon's Run to rescue Amy and her baby Melody.
As t...

I am animating objects that will be rendered with video footage in the compositor. My difficulty is how to apply a mask so that the objects disappear when they expand past a certain point.
Objects within circle mesh should be visible
Objects outside of circle mesh should be invisible

#include <cstdio>
class A
int foo(){puts("4");return 10;}
int main()
A a(;
return 0;
Outputs 4 and 3.
It calls a member function before calling the constructor. Is the behavior defined by the standard?

Can somebody throw a light on how sizeof(char expression) will be sizeof(int)?
int main()
char a, b;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(a+b));
return 0;
The program prints 4 as output. I was expecting it to be sizeof(char) i.e., 1

Consider the function below:
function foo() {
$bar = new stdClass();
try {
$fn = 'foo';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'suck..';
The exception handler seems never work, what are the way to fix the code?

So basically i have this script, and if you type in "hello" it should alert the comment error else it should append the comment success to the div.
But it is not working? Why not?
here is the php
$name = $_POST['name'];
if($name == 'hello'){
echo json_encode...

Hello today my website is down cause
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
but when i restart mysql it work for few hour and give same problem i look to script to cheque and start mysql when it down
i found shell script :

Hello people of stackoverflow.I am having an issue when i try to take a time-span and convert it to a string.
Here is the code:
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
timeLeft = timeLeft - 1;
TimeLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeLeft).ToString("h...

I have a VMware ESXi 5.5 standalone installation here and thus need the vSphere Client to mange it. Because vCenter is a. Too complicated for just one host b. too expensive. The client is only available for Windows (God knows why, since the hypervisor is linux based). Most of the boxes round here...

I'm fairly new to monitoring and am currently trying to setup a monitoring solution for our network infrastructure. Our hardware is pretty old and can therefore fail at any time. We have taken precautions for this case (avoiding single points of failure wherever possible) but we want to at least ...

Unable to access a cloud server (Windows) from a particular public IP provided by the ISP. Tried to PING, tracert, telnet everything, nothing worked. No deny rule mentioned in the firewall. Properly accessible from any other IP or location. There is no option to use another public IP as the ISP p...

I create an application using WebRTC data channels (ordered, reliable) and WebSockets as signalling server.
Assumptions (please confirm / neglect them)
WebRTC SCTP & send heartbeats, but their interval may be different
if a crash is detected using heartbeats, the connection...

One of our server ASUS M4N78AM motherboard that comes with an onboard RAID controller. We have already utilised it and are running out of space.
Would it be possible to install an additional RAID controller and add more hard drives? Is that theorotically possible?

In 1D, the second order derivative operator $-d^2/dx^2$ can be discretized as, using Matlab
n = 501; h = 1/(n-1);
A = 1/h*spdiags(ones(n,1)*[-1 2 -1],-1:1,n,n);
Now I am wondering about what information do the smallest(0.0196) and largest(2000) eigenvalues give?
related w...

let $f(x)$ is continuous on $[a,b]$,and such
show that: there exsit $n$ different $a_{1},a_{2},\cdots,a_{n}(a_{i}\neq a_{j},\forall i,j\in[1,n])\in [a,b]$,
$$f(a_{1})=f(a_{2})=\cdots =f(a_{n})=0$$
It is easy to prove $n=1$,
Let $$F(x)=\i...

Can anyone recommend some good mobile apps for math scribbling or taking math note ?
I am looking for a simple app that I can use it on a phone or an iPad to do some math scribbling (by hand writing) or take some math note.
A simple app will do this. For example, I am even thinking that the pai...

Windows 7 Home edition 64 bit. I'm following the instructions here and in this Youtube video, to make a Recovery USB disc on a USB Flash drive. However, I'm stuck on step #4 as when I go to C:\Recovery there is nothing there. I've run my command prompt as ...

I'm lost all data on my hdd. Me need programm to recovery my "word's" documents. Very important! OS windows 7. I tried somebody programm's, but all is fall. Please, me need it's documents.

I have a String like this:
["", ""]
How can I convert it into an ArrayList of Strings?

I'm having a small issue with android push notifications
If there are 3 Notifications and only one of these displays the title and the message. The one which is on the top of the bar. If anyone has any idea what might be the issue please let me know
Refer image on this link, this is how i am ab...

I have a webpage that has a header and a footer. The background image goes behind both of them cutting about 1/4th the top of the image off behind the header and another 1/4th off behind the footer. Here is my CSS for my background image.
background-image: url('

I'm trying to write some Text (that I read on an other thread) in a TextBox on main Form.
I'm having a bit of trouble in doing that.
I tried with get/set of txtBox.Text but seem not working.
Here is my MAIN code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Worker w;
public string KBox

What I need to do is to determine whether a word consists of letters except certain letters. For example I need to test whether a word consists of the letters from the English alphabet except letters: I, V and X.
Currently I have this long regex for the simple task above:
Pattern pattern = Patt...

I have a numpy array of length 500, and try to get the position of its largest element.
> type(arr)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
> numpy.max(arr)
0.99841506 # the largest value is here the last one, so its position must be 499, but
> numpy.argmax(arr)
249 # argmax returns 249, which is 0.9814647

How to get the scheduleID value from a comboBox within a specific MovieID value from another comboBox?
comboBox Movie
$query = "select * from ref_movies ORDER BY MovieID";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
echo '<select name="MovieID" ><option value="">---Sele...

When I am using date range between 31-08-2014 and 01-09-2014 then no data returns.
please help.
I have already searched many times on net.
I have tried all solutions from net.

I am currently building an app that will permit organizations to register, add employees, and assign employees to roles with permissions for each role. I would like to know if this is something that can be done with django's built-in permissions, or do should I roll my own?
The ideal setup woul...

I have created multitenancy application using spring4 hibernate4 and struts2 running in tomcat server. Initially it loading in good speed but when I am refreshing browser it taking long time than expected. (I am thinking that there is a session problem) Please tell me how to fix it?

One of my Ember components is using internally a third party date picker library, which creates the DOM elements for the calendar by itself.
What I need to do is to insert an Ember View into each day DOM element to display some computed properties.
First attempt was to create the view programa...

When a function in php returns an array and I assign it to a varialble such a 'user' bellow. It copies the array and put it space [0]
$user = query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
[0] => Array
[cash] => 127046553.2710
[id] =>...

I have a model and am using vanilla views to create the Create, Update, Detail and Delete views.
class Person( models.Model ):
username = models.CharField( max_length=30, unique=True )
first_name = models.CharField( max_length=30 )
middle_initial = models.CharField( max_length=3, nul...

Working with django-tastypie and angularjs to create endpoints but am having trouble with some logic, looked around but can't find a similar problem.
I have two models OrderItem and OrderList and below are there resources and a user resource;
class UserResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:

I've wanted to optimize project but faced with problem. I don't know how resolve this problem. I want to use immediate call functoins which initialize IS_LOCALHOST property and CONTEXT_PATH, but I can't get access to isLocalhost() function and constant properties (like port number). I try to put ...

I'm setting up an Elastic Search ELK stack for real-time log analysis using RabbitMQ as the broker. I am shipping my log files to RabbitMQ using a python project called Beaver. Things to take note are:
Using exchange_type: "direct"
Using queue_durable: 1 (not sure if this is worth...

I have been asked to get involved server migration task . I have been given task to get list of physical paths of all websites hosted on IIS .
I know how to get individual websites path in IIS using GUI and also able to view list of websites and corresponding physical path in IIS GUI by clicking...

For what value of the constant $k$ is the line $x+y=k$ normal to the
curve $y=x^2$?
anyone know how to go about this problem? thanks in advance.

I recently switched to using MacVim gui and I'm really enjoying it. One of the issues I'm currently facing, however, is that when I run a command (such as make), I see the output of the command in MacVim, but upon hitting enter or any key, the output goes away.
Suppose I want to see the outpu...

What is use of user defined marker interface, and how it works?
In case of already defined marker interfaces such as serializable or cloneable, the JVM do some internal processing, but for the user defined marker interface how JVM behave?

This is my first Android app and my first attempt at writing something to file. I'm trying to capture a log according to these instructions and I'm getting the FileNotFoundExeption ENOENT (No such file or directory). That's fair enough because the directory does not exist. But then how do I creat...

i am a newbie hier, i try to retreive files by using filenames, which have the following definition:
Items number + Revision + lot number.pdf
For example:
1109093-A2 (85806S).pdf
1109093-A3 (85806S).pdf
1109092-A1 (85806S).pdf
1109092-A2 (85806S).pdf
for this sample file: 1109093-A2 (8580...

I continue to get the above error when running this code. I have tried dozens of web searches and adjustments to fix but unsuccessful. The code is below and any help if very much appreciated.
Public Sub Tagg()
Dim URL As String
Dim ie As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer 'MICROSOFT Internet Con...

I need an SQL function to return a table with some regular columns and some array columns.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_get_some_properties(...)
someText TEXT,
someBool BOOLEAN,
someInt INTEGER,
propVal ...

I have been developing templates for Joomla 1.5 (obsolete one, yes I knew it. Unfortunately, I've been spending some time working with it and move on to newer version will be like starting from zero).
I tried to understand how Joomla 1.5 components work, especially for those using MVC principle,...

I've been searched how to parametrize the Managed Bean class, and until now nothing.
What I'm doing?
I have a JSF component that access some methods from my Bean, but this methods are already implemented by an abstract Class.
The name of the methods and attributes don't change, but now I'm co...

I'm trying to build an update page for single entries in my "model" table by making 3 files.
First one to pull out the data, make and unique .php?id= page, second one for putting data in, third one as update. The first one works, second one too BUT when I click submit button, it won't recognize t...

I need to access some paradox files from JDBC.
Since the most complete library is not free I manage to read the files using a Odbc-Jdbc bridge see: I create a datasource in windows using the paradox drivers and connect to the source using the jdbc-odbc driver.
My problem is that the files are e...

I'm deploying a Python application to Heroku.
I have a requirements.txt file in which I install a dependency from a git repo, pinned to a certain tag, let's say:
git+git://[email protected]#egg=django
When I redeploy this, e.g. after changing the tag reference to 1.7c3, Herok...

In my previous question I learned to divide one class into multiple classes. I divided them into a couple of classes, but it is not working! It just shows blank screen.
Main :
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt....

I have some code which assembles two-dimensional arrays to be sent to the Spreadsheet gem's excel-building methods. I'd like to "tag" some subarrays (corresponding to rows) with formatting codes like {:color => "red"}.
Can anyone see a way of doing this? I could achieve a similar result by sto...

I have tableView with multiply sections. I want to have separators between row but not want have separator under last row in section. How can I achieve it?
My code removes also a inner separators.
NSInteger totalRow = [tableView numberOfRowsInSection:indexPath.section];
if (indexPath.row == tot...

We recently switched to r68 and are moving all our geometries to BufferGeometry.
We were using MeshFaceMaterial in a lot of places and according to BufferGeometry faces materials BufferGeometry does not support it. The solution seems to be to create multiple meshes, I tried this but it doesn't ...

I'm building an animation where I want a series of <div>s to appear over time (changing their opacity from 0 to 1), in an order that I assigned to them. So far, I've got the first part working: the <div>s appear on the screen one by one.
This is my HTML:
<div id="parent_container">
<div n="2">1<

How can I properly initial JSHINT to find errors in the id="text-intro" script element. How do I complete the function main() so that
1) The working data of JSHINT is set to the content of id="text-intro".
2) A array of founds errors is correctly reported by JSHINT.
<!doctype html>

Im indian student graduated in Electronics and communication engineering, and my CGPA is 6.6 which is 62.7% after conversion. I know i had low score but i realized that i had wasted my time and after realizing i decided to Do Masters in electrical and computing or communications...since i had low...

Let T be a compact operator on a hilbert space H.I want to show that the following 2 statements are equivalent.
For each $\lambda \in {\bf C} $, let $V_\lambda = \{ x \in H: Tx = \lambda x \}.$
1)The set of $\lambda $ for which $ V_\lambda \neq 0 $ ,is finite or countable, and in the latter ca...

$\frac{x}{y} \ge \frac{a_1}{b_1} \ge \frac{a_2}{b_2}$, where $x,y,a_i,b_i$ are positive numbers.
I would like to prove the following:
If $b_1 < b_2$, then $\frac{x+a_1}{y + b_1} \ge \frac{x+a_2}{y + b_2}$.

I ticked neogrub bootloader in EasyBCD, thus the opiton "Windows 7" is disabled, as shown in the pic below, now I can't enter windows 7, what can I do? thanks!

I've got a problem since this morning. I didn't install any application since the last time I used my computer yesterday and now everytime I press the space bar, windows input the space but the volume is "raised" on my windows 8.1. Is there a way to change this behavior via system wide shortcuts....

I want write a shell script to copy the files from different paths in to one folder and the file names must be as the path name.

I downloaded and installed the latest Android Sutdio version which is 0.8.6 (beta) and I was stuck while trying to create a new Android Virtual Device.
I tried to follow these steps: but looks like the CPU/ABI is unavailable when...

I'm trying to return just a single result from the following XML when you search by UID:
<Photo UID="a3d508784ff3456da7bf2ff8ce08e577">

Photoshop gives a lot of power for web designers using smart objects. I can create re-usable elements like buttons, drop downs etc. using smart objects and sue them across a project. Later if I need to make a change, I can only edit that smart object and the change will show everywhere I have use...

I am looking for a way to extract the images from thumbs.db file in java. I have tried using the method provided by another user here. The segment of his code i am having trouble with is
JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(is);
JPEGDecodeParam param = JPEGCodec.getDe...

I've started using QML and I'd like to set some sort of reference property on a QML type, linking two QML objects (ideally, without a parent/child relationship as I'd like to connect multiple QML objects).
For example, I have the following files.
A 1.0 A.qml
import QtQuic...

I have two url's for two different countries, however, the website is and should be the same.
Both url's are on the same hosting.
It looks like this:
HOSTING A - Domain A > Public_html > files
HOSTING A - Domain B > Public_html > subfolder > wordpress installation
Is it possible to l...

i have problem with reloading ajax data in bootgrid (
i have successfully prepared grid to display at all, but if i add item to db, i want make reload of the grid.
my code is now this (shortened):
var grid;
$(document).ready(function() {
grid = initGrid();

I made a image slider for my website. I want 98px margin in both right and left sides of it so that the slider seems to be middle in the webpage. How to do that?
Now I know:
margin-right:98px; can keep 98px margin in both sides. But in my case it doesn't work.
main.php file:...

I'd like to load a file from somewhere in the python path (sys.path), in a similar way as you can do in java with Class.getResourceAsStream(). This file is not a python module, but I happen to (ab)use python packaging for a repo that basically contains a collection of JSON files.
I use pip insta...

Recently, I made a code that connect to work station with different usernames (thanks to a private key) based on paramiko.
I never had any issues with it, but today, I have that : SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner
This is strange because it happens randomly on any connections. Is ...

Every time I use an effect or a modifying function ("Extrude and Bevel" or "Split into grid" for example) I have to check "Preview". I always want preview to be enabled.
Is there a way to get Illustrator to have preview enabled by default?

Prove that the set of all infinite sequences of positive integers has the power of the continuum.
By definition, the positive integers are defined to be $\displaystyle\aleph_{0}$ in terms of continuum. But that doesn't seem to be the actual solution isn't it? Let $\{a_{n}\}, n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+...

The group $S_{3} \bigoplus Z_{2}$ is isomorphic to one of the following groups:
$$Z_{12},Z_{6}\bigoplus Z_{2},A_{4},D_{6}.$$
Determine which one by elimination.

Does the following series converge?

Under the transformation $\displaystyle w=\frac{z-1}{z+1}$, show that the map of the straight line x=y is a circle and find its centre and radius.
My attempt: Putting z=x+ix, $\displaystyle w=\frac{(x-1)+ix}{(x+1)+ix}$
$\displaystyle w=\frac{[(x-1)+ix][(x+1)-ix]}{[(x+1)+ix][(x+1)-ix]}$

Assuming I have different lines with different slopes, I would like to compare the slope of each line as relative to one another.
The program I am currently writing needs to compare the slopes of the lines on a 0 to 1 basis (1 being very steep, or equivalent of a slope of infinity and 0 being eq...

Using vector calculus, show that $\sin (A+B) = \sin A \cos B + \cos A \sin B
I have no idea how to even attempt the question. A small hint to help me get started would be greatly appreciated!

This is about Polchinski's eq(2.3.11).
It says that
$$Res_{z\rightarrow z_0}j(z)\mathcal A(z_0,\bar z_0)+\bar{Res}_{z\rightarrow z_0}\tilde j(\bar z)\mathcal A(z_0,\bar z_0)=\frac1{i\epsilon}\delta \mathcal A(z_0,\bar z_0)$$
from (2.3.10). But how did we know that $j\sim\frac{1}{z-z_0}$, i.e., i...

I have a large number of Skype chats going. I would like to find out of which one of my contacts is a part of, rather than go through every single one and check. Is there a command for that?
using Skype Version 6.19 (442) on Mac

I am trying to run the following simple code:
import math
def is_prime(N):
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(N))):
if (N % i == 0) :
print(str(N) + " is not prime")
return False
print(str(N) + " is prime")
return True
The goal is to determine whether ...

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L]
This is the current code I have in my .htaccess file to remove .php from every url... I'm still developing on localhost and I'd like to change localhost/profile?user=Username to localhost/Username or localho...

Here is the thing, I got some code, that does not execute (the compiler run the code but does not do anything)... Here is the code... Using NSURLSessionDelegate and [NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock
@interface tablaPosViewController : UIViewController <NSURLSessionDelegate>

I want to print chines charts to a printer.
this is my code. this code works perfectly when working on english or arabic chars but doesn't work in chiness. and by doesn't work, i mean the vs2012 keep trying to print but it is not finished at all.
StringFormat format = new StringFormat(StringFor...

I am using angular-file-upload. Everything works perfect until I try to use it on a mobile browser.
The code below works and I see in console.log the files. However in a iPhone browser the $files is empty and there are not files to upload, why?
<div ng-file-select="onProfileImageSelect...

I have a page in hebrew. It contains a simple form, which is set to send data to my email.
But the the hebrew text inputted does not display correctly in my email.
The page is live at
This is what I get in email:
From: ׳“׳¨׳•׳¨
Last Name: ׳ ׳™׳¡׳™׳•׳Ÿ
Telephone Area Code:...

I have some expressions and I want to gather them in a line after dot.
for example:
$In $dem anfang war daswort . vnnd daswort war bey Gott , vnd Gott war daswort , dasselb war $yn $dem anfang bey Gott , Alleding sind durch dasselb gemacht , vnnd on dasselb ist nichts gemacht was gemacht ist...

I have encountered a little problem and need some help
What I would like to do is pass an object from one page and pass it to another page.
This is no problem with C# as the code would look like.
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public class Class1
private String firstName;

I know that one can easily get variance (unconditional) of a Garch (r,s) process
$\sigma^2= \frac { \alpha_0 } { (1- \Sigma_{i=1}^r \alpha_i - \Sigma_{j=1}^s \beta_j ) }$
However I am struggling to get an analytical expression for Unconditional variance when there is an ARMA part also in Garc...

Find the minimum and maximum speeds of the point of a trochoid and the locations where each occurs.
I know a trochoid has equations $ (x)t = at - b \sin{t} $ ; $ y(t) = a- b \cos{t} $
for trochoid of radius a and b distance from center of circle (According to Wolfram)
The only speed equation ...

let $\lceil a \rfloor$ be the nearest integer function. Is there a nice lower bound on the expression:
| \lceil a \rfloor b- a\lceil b \rfloor|
Thank you

I just downloaded "processing" for my linux box (ubuntu 14.04), however It was a tarball, but I couldn't run configure on it.
The installation instructions, found here just say to extract the files and jun ./processing in the folder.
This works fine, but I don't like the folder just sitting ...

I am writing one program that is using some functions in another program that i wrote.
I have written command for importing like this:
import stack_(array)
But I always get this error message:
File "", line 1
import stack_(array)

I use Apache commons config very often, and its a great library .
I wander what's springs solution to handling property files.
I have seen a few DataSource JDBC config examples, and I want to know more.
hope it has set of great features the commons offers, such as variable substitution etc..

I'm using MOZ to help make improvements to my website.
When crawling my site it returns the error
"608 Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding"
This is apparently related to the use of GZIP compression.
Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding
Every page in my site has the h...

please I have been stuck on how to convert my stored images from my
database and display it as an image in imageview in javafx. All the
previously asked questions have not helped me.

I have a form like this
<input type="file" name="zip" size="20"/>
<input type="submit" value="Upload"/>
I want to upload( POST) a zip file with this form and in my controller i want to read the content of this zipped file , also i search but i found nothing .
Any ideas?

I want to build an application where a user inserts a String into a textfield and when he clicks a search button it redirects them to google with the search results displayed in google that match the string entered in the jtextfield in the application.
So for example if I type on the jtextfield ...
This question already has an answer here: Href attribute for JavaScript links: “#” or “javascript:void(0)”? 44 answers Building a link which is only going to run JavaScript code there are 2 ways which you can go about writing the code. I want t…

i have a strange problem.
I have an image in my site, with my computer i see this image right but when i try to see it with my smartphone, the image adapt themself to the screen resolution!
So, with smartphone, i see my image very little. I want that the page doesn't adapt automatically to screen...

I have an Azure Website front-end which communicates with a couple of backend services (also Websites at the moment, mostly for cost reasons). Before the launch of the project, I want to secure the backend Website so that it´s only callable by my Website front end. What is the best way to achieve...

I wan't to play audio frames on a web page.
I'm using libspotify to get audio frames and send them as binary data over a WebSocket.
The client get them as Blobs, but the problem now is, how the hell do i play them?
I have tested:
var url = URL.createObjectURL(;

Is there a way to keep one specific route out of the history in angular?
My path goes like this:
Homepage -> /c creates new project -> /project/i
I want to make sure that if your at a project and you it back, you go to homepage and /c is never added to history.

Hello i am trying to implement a uitabbarview defined only for search. Ideally i want to implement the exact same style that instagram does Not the suggestions but the actual search bar and the tab controls to switch between the users and hashtags. I've been researching online and haven't found ...

Finally I decide to ask here after hours trying, searching and researching.
Months ago I migrated my site to a newer version and everything works fine with my old hosting in apache.
Recently I migrate to a VPS where I decide to use Nginx as server and I'm working in the details.
My problem is...

I once read a comic in which ruler of the planet was warned about the Phoenix force. But, he told that he was Herald of Galactus and he wasn't scared of anyone. He looked like Thanos, but with big hammer in hand.
In the same comic, the Phoenix force destroyed his planet.

Prove that $f(x)=\ln\sqrt{x^2+1}$ is symmetrical in $x=0$.
I don't know what to do? Is this the proof or did I miss something?

I use Datastax Enterprise 4.5. I hope I did the config right, I did it like on datastax website explained. I can write into the Cassandra DB with an Windowsservice, this works but i can't query with Spark using the where function.
I start the Cassandra node (there is only one for test purpose) w...

I saw the following JavaScript code and it confused me since logically 0 will never be 4 or 5:
if (0 === 4) { // Safari
safari.self.addEventListener("message", safariMessageListener, false);
} else if (0 === 5) { // Opera
opera.extension.onmessage = operaMessageListener;
I wil...

I'm trying to select data from one table based upon data in another. My code follows that provided as an answer in: Update SQLite table based on data in another table
But I can't get it to produce the results I was hoping for. My statement is shown below:
c.execute("SELECT item1, item2, item...

As you will see from the bootply I have created, When you click anywhere in the panel the input becomes active. When I click on the info button (orange icon) it should open an accordion without the parent (input) becoming active. The problem is that the parent still becomes active.
I can solve ...

In a heat map with datetime axis.
If I do:
It works, but If I change column for the ms it doesnt display anything in the cell.
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',

Hi i don't know what it is called so i don't know what to search for,hence here it is...
Please tell me what it is called and how to change it's color
This blue color appears when you pull a list view or a fragment.I want to change it

I have a problem in my Sprite kit game project, whenever i run SKAction in my game it increase the speed of SKAction like:-
SKAction *moveAction = [SKAction moveToX:enemy.position.x duration:1];
[_player runAction: moveAction];
When ever this action runs, it runs perfect on first time, but aft...

r = 0.4;
a = 0:0.1:10;
t = r*cosd(a);
x = 1 - r*sind(a);
n = (t/x);
Value of n is returning a constant value, but according to the problem it should change. Please help

I'm trying to Junit test a method but i'm getting a null pointer when the method is called and I just can't figure it out.
my JUnit
public void testNotifyUser() {
MyController myController = new MyController();
my method
public void notifyUser() {

I have 3 entity classes: Pair, BATBpa and SNSBPa.
Entity class Pair has dependencies such as pair.snsBpa and pair.batBpa.
I have a table of Pair entities and when I sort them, for example:
ORDER BY pair.snsBpa.snsId (snsId is string)
hql deletes rows where pair.snsBpa is null. How to make h...

In my TableViewer there are some TableViewerColumns.
I have a text widget and a button 'search'. Whenever i hit search i want to color the table cells text
that contain(match) the word inside the text widget. I can do that with setting a StyledCellLabelProvider
to each TableViewerColumn and overr...

I have an array of items.
var myArray = [
{group: 'A', title: 'Title 1'},
{group: 'B', title: 'Title 2'},
{group: 'C', title: 'Title 3'},
{group: 'A', title: 'Title 4'},
{group: 'A', title: 'Title 5'},
{group: 'B', title: 'Title 6'},
{group: 'C', title: 'Title 7'}

I would like to know if anyone has ever extended kaleo-web portlet of Liferay in order to modify a file like single-approver-definition.xml. How is this possible using an IDE like eclipse since kaleo-web is located on first level of webapps directory.

Here is URL i cant access
here is my htaccess file
# Turn on URL rewriting
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase //
# Protect hidden files from being viewed
<Files .*>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
# Protect application and system files f...

Today I installed ntp on my win7 (64) pc and on my 2008 R3 vps, I was following the suggestions of ntp (default config.).
I now the on my Win 7 pc ntp does a perfect job and the delay is below 0.5 seconds.
But on the vps I see a increasing delay of ~25 seconds per hour - only on direction.

this is my first question ever asking on stackoverflow! So please let me know if I'm committing any faux pas politely, and I'll try to fix it. Anyways, I'm confused about why two different bits of code that ought to be doing the same thing (at least when I run it through my mind). I've got thr...

I correctly installed and configured SMS Server Tools 3 from repository on a server (I see in the log software correctly communicates with modem). On my PC I installed SMS Server Tools 3 downloading it from the site and then I use sendsms and it works, on server I got the message. This procedure...
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