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Much like an engineer would have to guide the research run on the Forever cloud.
Pixie Lott - Kiss the Stars, this song is totally about her vibrator
@RudiVisser I see we lost intelligent conversation... lol j/k
Seriously, listen to it
anybody have any experience here with creating metro style apps?
can you please try and help me with something?
@Arrow If it's your binding thing, why not use string formatting?
Nah, it's not a binding issue, this is separate :)
Turns out you already know that won't work: As for StringFormat: The Property 'StringFormat' was not found in type Binding. And MultiBinding is not supported in a Windows Metro style project.
Nevermind :p
Go on
Well I'm off to take over the world with Forever... see you all later. Time for me to get rest.
Lol :) awesome. ok, I have made apps last year in the developer preview but took a long break. Now that I've started again, I'm finding it difficult to read and write files. I'm not sure why. There are no errors, and the breakpoints I've set don't reveal any info at all. I've used the reading/writing files code directly from MSDN (not copy/paste - I actually typed it all out) and I just don't see why they don't work
Have fun @Justin bye
@RudiVisser Don't warn humainty... lol
@Arrow Got example code?
Will do my best
Yey. The company responsable for email services in Brazil is going to change the default port from 25 to 587.. I smell problems..
... you have a company responsible for email across the whole country?
This one is for reading the files:

// If first time user, create directory.
bool firstTime = Convert.ToBoolean(settings.Acquire("FirstTime"));

if (firstTime)

await folder.CreateFolderAsync("Notelist", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);
settings.Set("FirstTime", "false");

// Load notes list.
//StorageFolder picturesFolder = StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(
await folder.GetFolderAsync("Notelist");

IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> fileList = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
IReadOnlyList<StorageFolder> folderList = await folder.GetFoldersAsync();
(see full text)
@AndréSilva Yippi... not salving this problem. Agian.
@RudiVisser Responsable for email services, not hosting the services..
How can I say it..
The company that create standards ?
I think that is right..
This makes no sense, the SMTProtocol is defined for use on 25, it's not a Brazilian standard
This company is responsable for some "internet standards" in Brazil.
@Arrow So you have no exceptions and your breakpoints aren't being hit?
But SMTP is already a standard
That is correct. And everything else in the app functions as expected (except for reading/writing files.)
@RudiVisser Yeah, well, Brazil says fuck international standards, we want to be like north americans !
Which is stupid and sad.
@Justin We're pretty much grammar whores on here who created that shit
@AndréSilva Fair enough :D
@RudiVisser You missing the page. I just thought I'd bring it to your attention
@AndréSilva Offended!! No not really... I want to change them to. :)
@Justin I don't want to be rude, but... what are you talking about ? ._.
3 mins ago, by André Silva
@RudiVisser Yeah, well, Brazil says fuck international standards, we want to be like north americans !
Ah lol. I'm a bit slow today.
I'm north American
Yeah, got that.
It is a bit hard to focus on the chat when my coworker doesn't stop talking like a fucking retard.
@Arrow This makes no sense, are you able to reproduce in a new app created with a specific purpose to create a file?
@AndréSilva Chloroform.
Thankfully, I know how to type without looking at the keyboard, so I can pretend that I'm hearing him..
@RudiVisser I don't want to fuck him...
@RudiVisser I forgot to mention that. Yep, I was able to repo this issue in a blank app created just to create a file. And also another to read a file. Same issue. :/
Hi people. Anyone feeling helpful and festive?
I feel bad that I get this
@GracieOmoplata Yes, just let me upload your concern to the "Forever" Cloud.
Don't Ask, READ UP^^^
I understand now why you think it would work @Justin, you're young
@Justin lol
@GracieOmoplata Hello yes
@Arrow Let me see if I can get some sample code gimme a min
Perhaps your Isolated Storage is foobar'd or something
ok, i have an interesting question that's got close to zero interest. Its related to mvc4 extension methods: stackoverflow.com/questions/13496050/…
@RudiVisser So, I'm also HUMAN, a visionary, have hope, and won't let the world kill it out of me
Good luck.
@RudiVisser I've been successful in deluding the world from destroying my hope, it's encouragable and relentless tho.
I'm not sure @GracieOmoplata, my luck with unit testing is far from anything useful, but will +1 for a little more attention hopefully
@GracieOmoplata I don't really get the signature this Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>>,... can you even call it?
For unit testing it is only one line of code, not much to test imo
Looks like you want to test ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression(expression, viewData) but idk if is framework stuff
thanks pal. The method makes me feel like a kitten playing with a ball of wool. It started off fun but now i'm not sure i want to be in this mess of knots I've made.
@JohanLarsson It's for an expression tree
yes, its an expression tree for use with an html helper
it just pulls the value from the model
but im sure this cant be the best way
but how to instantiate the expression in the first place?
@RudiVisser yeaf but you cant do (x=> x.SomeMethod).Value <- extenstion
@GracieOmoplata that was my question
it does have the redeeming quality of being working code
ok I'm done manipulating the chat...
Have a good morning everyone. Night!
Who knows, I've had 2 days off from code-mode, only 1.5hrs back..
Wow, Ellie Goulding - Figure 8 fired me up
@GracieOmoplata why not flip the arguments, this ViewDataDictionary<TModel> viewData, ... without knowing context I feel it makes more sense,
Or at least that is the type of signature I end up with usually
Ok no worries @RudiVisser, hope you can come up with something. I've been at this for a few days and I sure can't lol
public static object Value<TModel, TProperty>(this ViewDataDictionary<TModel> viewData, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression )
ok thanks. The real problem however, is how would I instantiate an argument of type Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression in a unit test?
@Arrow Do you have a sample of your code calling CreateFileAsync?
I suppose i could go a level u and call the html helper that this is called from
but i still need to instantiate Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>>
@GracieOmoplata why not just call it with myViewData.Value(v=>v.Propety)?
Yeps, @RudiVisser, here it is:

            // Save all notes.
            var note = notes.AsEnumerable<Note>();

            foreach (var n in note)
                // Remove special characters from filename.
                string newN = n.Name.Replace(":", string.Empty);
                newN = newN.Replace("/", string.Empty);
                newN = newN.Replace("-", string.Empty);
                newN = newN.Replace("pm", string.Empty);
                newN = newN.Replace("PM", string.Empty);
(see full text)
@RudiVisser, sorry about that.
@Johan ok, its that simple i just need a viemdata instance and pass in a lambda
@GracieOmoplata yep, if you flip the arguments that is
it works on a mock as well
@Arrow that looks strange to me
ah i see. ok so its what i suspected: the design is flawed
newN = newN.Replace("/", string.Empty);
great. i think thats it thanks pal. you're welcome to submit the solution
@Arrow what error do you get?
@GracieOmoplata ok np
@JohanLarsson, no errors, no exceptions, breakpoints aren't being hit either.
@Arrow You might want to use System.IO.Path instead of string operations for manipulating a filename
newN is replacing a "/" from within the filename itself, with an empty string. I've done this before without issues. And I just removed all of those Replace()'s and I still have the same issue.
Hey guys, I have an already fast solution for poker hand evaluation (~50 M/s) and I would like to use the GPU to do it even faster
I know there are some projects, but no experience with either of them
@Arrow if(file != null) what if file is null?
but will probably never be, put in if (file == null) throw new Exception();?
        private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                StorageFolder folder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync("test.note", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                if (file != null)
                    await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, "Hello!");
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
(see full text)
This works just fine @Arrow
I have two different methods, first a big 123mb lookup table and second a bigger method that calculates the rank on the fly
is either of those possible to speed up with the gpu?
@BeatMe Potentially the latter
why so?
Because the whole point of using a GPU for application optimisation is to offload complex calculations
@BeatMe how long does it take?
but the calculations aren't complex, basically just a few if loops that compares the rank and suits of the cards
how long does what take?
the calculation
@BeatMe If there are no calculations, you will not be able to offload in the first place
GPU offloading is only useful when you're putting on a specific (long running, from the CPU) calculation on there to be ran across many cores (GPU cores can only run the same code on each)
I mean the whole point is to run the same thing in repeat on lots of data
@JohanLarsson well, the simple approach can do about 8M hands/s, 2 other approaches that involve lookup tables about 50M hands/s random
@JohanLarsson 65M hands/s for complete enumeration and 120-450M hands/s for lookup..
@RudiVisser ok, so it wouldn't be faster to put the lookup table into the gpu memory and retrieve the values from there?
@BeatMe Is it some poker ai thing? Could you use buckets? I'm guessing here
That's not how it works
@RudiVisser hmm, too bad
@BeatMe GPUs are capable of doing numeric calculations repeatedly, fast, they're specialised processors for that purpose to process graphical data
@BeatMe You can always look into a project such as CUDAfy and see if there's anything that you could migrate there, but the implementation is probably not worth it at all
@JohanLarsson that would be a later step. to put the hands into buckets, you need to calculate the rank and strength first
@BeatMe Ah here this should explain some more.. programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/107416/…
@RudiVisser CUDAfy only works on nvidia gpu's, right?
@RudiVisser thanks for the link
But without going native you're probably pretty restricted :)
@BeatMe on AMD CPUs you've OpenCL
Anyone has any documentation about how split works inside .NET ?
@AndréSilva string.Split()?
@SteffenWinkler Yeah, I know that. I wanna know what it does inside the function..
@AndréSilva just wanted to make sure we talk about the same thing
@AndréSilva Split splits strings.
... Come on ._. I know I ask stupid questions. I just want to see the code behind the function...
I know that Kendall usually has some saved..
@RudiVisser set a 'split' in front of you 'split strings' and I'll star that
Like that? :P
@AndréSilva if you want to know about what .net libraries do, take a .net decompiler like dotPeek
and, btw, hi
    internal string[] SplitInternal(char[] separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options)
      if (count < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NegativeCount"));
      if (options < StringSplitOptions.None || options > StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", new object[1]
          (object) options
(see full text)
@ActionHank :) Hi there.
Morning @ActionHank!
Morning @RudiVisser!
What the fuck o.o That doesn't seem like what I had in mind
Oh.. Edit.
@AndréSilva Well, it's those 2 methods. They're both there now
@SteffenWinkler haha nice
@RudiVisser The second one makes more sense I guess..
@BeatMe is calculating it once and persisting the result to db an option?
gotta go
ok guys, who of you did that?
Bye @JohanLarsson
thats what the lookup table is doing right now
@SteffenWinkler That's awesome :D
it's calculated and stored first and later the results can just be read from there
@JohanLarsson I hoped to be able to parallelize the lookup on the gpu, but apparently thats not what it's for ;)
Oh shit it's @JamieTownsend, I thought you were off and "had a life so wouldn't be on here"
haha, just installing win8 at home
@JamieTownsend are you suicidal?
@JamieTownsend!! WHOO WHOO
I must be @SteffenWinkler - it wouldn't install my wireless card forrrr shit
All you idiots and your W8 h8
@RudiVisser well, look who can't type
It looks the same as win7 to me apart from the start menu is blocks of apps lol
@JamieTownsend yeah...looks like Tetris but at least at Tetris you can win
@JamieTownsend Didn't notice the file copy improvements? Explorer improvements? Underlying kernel improvements? etc
I've only just finished getting my wireless working so no, not noticed anything apart from a bald patch @RudiVisser
vs 2012 update 1 taking about 5 hours to install lol
Is your computer from 1998 and/or doesn't have an SSD?
no SSD :(
Need a new pc. At the start when fucking with the network card. Had a BSOD about 10 times
@JamieTownsend my boss has VS2012...I just need to look at it and I know that I don't want it. Which idiot had the idea to put everything in caps?
You people anger me
You can remove the caps @SteffenWinkler
@SteffenWinkler not that discussion again :P
@JamieTownsend you know how?
@ActionHank wait there is a discussion about that?
Registry edit
Yes because people are idiotic
@SteffenWinkler no, it's more like an issue :P to a lot of people
You never see them
It's entirely irrelevant
Just write some goddamn code you lazy fuckers
@JamieTownsend registry...wow...I thought they removed it already :/
@RudiVisser but I've to debug :/
removed what ? :/
the registry
@SteffenWinkler So hit F5
@RudiVisser but I don't want to refresh
@RudiVisser oh
no they have not got rid of the registry @SteffenWinkler lol
@RudiVisser you mean in VS...no I need more F11
@SteffenWinkler Then press F11..
@RudiVisser I do I do
What difference does it make to you at all if it's DEBUG or Debug
Well this ought to be an interesting read: imgur.com/r/WTF/5Rytg
@RudiVisser your first option just looks bad and is harder to read and makes my eyes go blargh
But you're never looking up there
@RudiVisser I still think I could use the gpu for the lookup. It isn't that much different than for example image processing and matrix transformation. I have a array as data source, millions of seperate instructions to traverse the array and returning the final value, which is still seperate from all the other traversions
or how am I still wrong? ^^
WHAT. There is a iso mount built into explorer? Awesome
@JamieTownsend F off you're not allowed to like Win8 features if you're gonna insult it
I didn't insult it, I insulted my network card :(
@BeatMe "millions of separate instructions" < They should all be the same
@JamieTownsend Then it's ok
I was about to get daemon tools lol
ah damn
@RudiVisser Did you ever get your resharper license key ?
How long did it take ?
It came on Monday
You know I said the Mrs was buying me beats? I should have listened to you lol
You should always listen to me
I got a T-Shirt with a pig's face on it
The Office Manager isn't happy that I chose to wear it for work
I mean, the whole T-Shirt is a pig
@RudiVisser why? does he think that you wear a mirror?
Or possibly cos we're meant to be Business-Casual and a giant pig is not
@RudiVisser - opened it xmas day. Plugged it in and only one side of the headphones worked :/
@JamieTownsend That, and of course that they're generically crap. v-moda.com
Where sells them in uk ? I've never seen them ?
iheadphones, amazon?
I seem to be sharing my office at home with the bloody cat... When the fk did that happen
Hi all
Please help me with this : stackoverflow.com/questions/14053873/…
Out of stock, errm the facebook app on win8 sucks balls
@RudiVisser wow...I'm so happy that my boss doesn't care about what I wear
(big delay)
@JamieTownsend There is a Facebook app?
Well, it's called facebook touch. I assumed it was official
I wear what I want to work, unless a client is coming in. But I generally wear jeans and shirt anyways
That's not official and yes it sucks
Use the People App
For basic interaction anyway
ill check it out
any other must have apps ?
Rocket Riot 3D, Jetpack Joyride, Wordament
Can you search for apps ? I don't see a search box
Win+C, use the charms..
It even shows you that post-installation
Don't sigh the newb bitch
But it tells you this!
You think I watched that shit ?
I am a 100% official clicker, click passed everything haha
It's impossible to miss, it sits there, immovable, for about 30 seconds whilst it configures the system
Yeah I went for a shit
See - sigh
Do some bloody work loo
ok, chat works well in IE then :/ can't even edit
I'm in IE, sigh; and it works fine.
No, IE24
Of course IE10
when clicking the yellow icon nothing happens :(
What yellow icon?
Just press the up key
Ah right next to the message on hover, yea that works fine
Hi everyone
up works ok but the icon does not
Morning @Kian
@JamieTownsend You're doing it wrong it works fine
It doesn't - I've used it before to flag etc. That little popup thingy does not come up
yeah that, does not come up for me
Does the new Gmail compose work for people in Chrome
Works fine here
I don't use gmail soz
If this were a bug report, I would file 'Works for me'
lol I always write 'can not replicate' haaa
Jesus, the VS update is still going

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