@JohanLarsson Yeah, I can appreciate that. Chat flags are a bit of a weird beast... On one hand, we don't want to limit who can see them cause then low-traffic rooms would basically be boned, but on the other, it can be hard to determine context. I find things usually balance out in the long run.
@AnnaLear - I had requested a simple holiday theme or something in early november. Was flamed to -5, before it was closed and removed saying that holiday themes would cause an international incident.
@AnnaLear if you feel you have the time it would be super nice if you want to write it. That would result in proper English. Would probably add some weight to the suggestion if a high rep suggested it.
@JamieTownsend It would've been so much funnier if you'd have said "I think people should just man up, if you take offense to something say so. Don't just hide behind a flag like a little bitchass pussy, you know who you are! Flagging cunts."
If I was to call @ShotgunNinja a ratley, not many people outside of the UK would know what that means so, surely easier for him if he takes offense to say so than flag and have to have a British person moderate it lol
@JohanLarsson I upvoted the "escalation for chat flags" back when it was posted (oh hey, over a year ago). Might throw an answer on that with your suggestion as an alternative, but I honestly don't have much of a vested interest. I'm in chat a lot and there are relatively few flags that pop up.
To be fair if somebody calls somebody else a {c-word} and they're not offended by it, the others shouldn't flag it since it was never even directed at them in the first place
@TravisJ It wasn't closed (though it was on the way there)... and you deleteed it yourself. FWIW, downvotes on meta just mean disagreement. And far as holiday themes go, there's this: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/159155/155160. I know you just asked about SO, but basically the same response applies.
now I want to ask something. I know Windows Registry is a type of database. But what type of? I mean, is it just storing values into a file in some secret location, and the whole process is labeled as "database" ?
I always define an OS as one level above the kernel, providing ability to support the drivers and runtime environment for third-party integration
That is indeed mostly the kernel's job, but still an Operating System at heart. I'm sure some would define an Operating System as the full shebang, but again that's a more consumery definition imo; "Collection of tools for users to interact with their systems"
~3000+ programmers working on Windows and it takes them 2 years to finish it at the very least. I am 1 person working on it, with no where near the knowledge that those programmers have. Obviously it will be crazy complex for me, if anything.
@DemCodeLines and so should everyone else be these days. We're quickly approaching the point where C++ no longer has a use
I mean, it's basically been narrowed down to only being used for gaming and other driver-intensive processing
But as time goes on and CPUs get faster, and drivers are written to be more efficient and give more control, C/C++ are quickly losing their advantage in the speed category
@ShotgunNinja that's more or less what I meant. But at the same time, it does all depend on the runtime. Compiled languages are getting pretty quick. Hell, even interpreted languages are picking up
Well, unless you can compile C# to machine language, and have it bypass runtime type checking, memory management, and other features of the language, then it won't be as fast.
Indeed. There was a time when C++ was precompiled and converted into C... Also, the C++ guys who are currently working on rewriting GCC with better native thread support would beg to differ.
I think @rubenvb in the C++ room currently has his hands dirty with new 64-bit std::thread stuff, so I'd think twice before stating that it's a dead language.
The reason it's fading is not because of changes in performance or speed; it's due to changes in language features and existing applications.
For one, it's really hard to make web software in C++.
It's also really hard to make desktop applications in C++, due to the requirement of selecting a UI system, and the nightmare of library work.
The plethora of simple, premade tools in Java and C# for making web applications, as well as the general ease of using external tools in those languages (compared to C++) makes them far more desirable to learn and use.
That phenomenon isn't isolated to the web, either.
Ehh...yes and no. It used to be that, for example, gaming applications HAD to be written in C++. Enterprise level games still pretty much are. But c# is making a pretty big move in the gaming direction, and since it's so much easier to write c# code, people are flocking to it. Same goes for graphics applications, or driver software, etc
Understood. The thing that I feel is really driving C# to victory is its superior linking ability. Despite how obnoxious P/Invoke and CLI are, they're way better than the alternatives, and they're only there because of the inherent limitations of C++, to allow access to its better parts.
How many other languages can link to native code, prebuilt assemblies, or other languages quite like C#?
@ShotgunNinja lol yeah. If you're writing asssembly for anything in this world except for extremely rare cases of Reflection.Emit(), you're doing it wrong
Bjorne Stroustrup would never allow C++ to have a single native UI system, because he'd consider it to be "whoring out a proper language into becoming a dedicated tool".
(I'm using Vala, but any advice is still welcome): I've a 2 byte hexadecimal value which get's read from a datasource into a uint[8] array, so I want to know how I can combine those two uint8 values to get my 2 byte value back?
(I'm using Vala, but any advice is still welcome): I've a 2 byte hexadecimal value which get's read from a datasource into a uint[8] array, so I want to know how I can combine those two uint8 values to get my 2 byte value back?
The great thing about c# is that no matter how much people tell me I should, I never have to learn anything bitwise. Which is good, because I hadn't planned on it.