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a list would come json formatted or something, I suppose
oh, if it's optional you'll want Public ActionResult Index(string? id){}
unless you're actually writing in vb, in which case god help you.
VB doesn't understand string? You have to do (System.Nullable id As String)
I can't wait to get a job with other developers , this job with me as the only developer blows ass
I've got a good chance at a job coming up where I'll be expected to write in vb, java, c#, vb6, c++, tsql, mysql, php, and asm. I think I'll be the only dev to start off with. It's going to be crazy.
oh... and python. I forgot python's going to be in there.
probably good pay
I fucking hope so.
better be
holy FrankenFuck
doesn't work ,
What? That route?
Return View("Index") , wtf is so hard , go to fucking "Index" Action
RedirectToAction(), assuming it's in the same controller.
Its in teh same controller , but I have to have the id in the url
actually, I don't think redirecttoaction cares what controller you're going to, as long as you tell it
It has to be there , because the Index Actioin checks for id in url , and if it has it it does certain stuff
what's the signature on Index?
optional id
its complicated , because I have some code in there that won't work on localhost , so I am forced to check in the code , update server , try , FAIL , repeat...
check in the code , update server , try , FAIL , repeat...
check in the code , update server , try , FAIL , repeat......
check in the code , update server , try , FAIL , repeat.........
while(fail){writeFix(); checkIn(); updateserver(); fail=tryToWork();}
while(fail){updateCode();checkIn(); updateserver();}
now I am getting an error because the Function is ActionResult , and I am doing Redirect , but no ActionResult is returned .... I just tried Return View() after a redirect just to make VS Happy :) - pretty nasty code
er... correct your type
I thought redirecttoaction was an actionresult, but if not.... redirecttoaction is a returnable type.
Hey, guys! Quick question. I have a handful of static classes with identical methods. I'd like to link them via inheritance. Is there such a thing as a static interface? How could I get the polymorphism and keep the static-ness of the classes?
there were a lot of big words in that question
My comp-sci degree came from a crappy school... but isn't a static interface an oxymoron?
I don't know off the top of my head , I'm too into a stupid simple thing that could be done easily when its not 11:15 at night
Q: Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

KramiiWhy was C# designed this way? As I understand it, an interface only describes behaviour, and serves the purpose of describing a contractual obligation for classes implementing the interface that certain behaviour is implemented. If classes wish to implement that behavour in a shared method, why...

can't you just have one class for all static meathods ?
@Billdr - I thought that guy had Hats that SO has for christmas , no.... his picture is just that funny
goddamn I hate the close nazis on SO. That question is great.
@Billdr Right. I've got a bunch of static classes already. I'd like to be able to use polymorphism with them, but I can't do that via static interface.
(Because interfaces can't be static)
Am I pothigh? Static means "does not change." How can something polyMORPH if it's static?
Static doesn't really mean not change in a static method
@Billdr All the static classes have a "GetShape" method. I want to be able to write "<object>.GetShape()" instead of having to switch based on which shape it actually is.
The VB version is Shared - that makes a little more sense for what it is
I'm having trouble remeber the if invokerequired syntex. I need to call the same subroutine with the same paramters passed in it. I can't seem to find an example on the net. I remeber doing this
Please clarify? @ScottSelby
A static function, unlike a regular (instance) function, is not associated with an instance of the class.

A static class is a class which can only contain static members, and therefore cannot be instantiated.
Like a singleton?
I have no clue what a singleton is
In VB static is changed to Shared , that is the one thing I like about VB better
It's a single "instance" of an object that persists throughout the program
oh , no it's not like that
You can't make new instances of it, and if it's changed from any location in the code it's changed for every place that uses it.
it can be called from anywhere , but doesnt know anything about the class that it is its parent
Found my answer, delegates... just dind't rember how to use them, thx anyway
it doesn;t have access to anything in the program except what was passed into it
Glad you got it @Justin.
I'll have to do some reading. I'm still missing the point
I don't actually know the point , if I did I could explain it way better, I just know how they work
you need them for web forms ajax
I got the goahead to convert every webform I touch to mvc4 at work. I'm happy.
lol @Billdr - I begged for that goahead , now I'm regretting it , I keep getting texts when they'll be done
@Billdr For example, if you look at the Math class in .NET framework, you will see
that all methods are static. Why? Because there is no reason to must create
an object to use the methods. Why would you want to create an object of the
Math class, when all you want is the absolute value of something? No, there
is no reason to do this, and therefore, the method is static.
does that make sense ? You don't want a new instance of the class or function you just want to call it - the function doesn't know anything except what was passed in it
Yea, I think I get the point.
for methods, at least.
yea , the classes part - I have no idea
I've never made a static class
Well, system.math is a class, right?
oh wait , yea I have
I have eoHelper that is static
Android UI stuff is all in static classes. It's kind of obnoxious to do anything on the UI thread as a result, which I suppose is the point.
I can call eoHelper.HashPW({STRING}) I don't need eohelper eo = new eohelper......
so if (password = eoHelper.HashPassword(passwordFromUI) { //code}
that type of thing
$("#walletSelect").click(function() {
Does that look right to you?
im guessing its not workign if you/re asking?
I want to attach that onclick event to my walletSelect class, and when one of those items is clicked it should toggle the items IDed btcBets and freeBets
yea, it's not. trying to track down the error. I wanna make sure my jquery is right before I start stomping other crap
$(document).on('click', "#walletSelect", function() {
# selects ids, . selects classes.
yea - no one will ever guess that for you without html
This is why I stay the hell away from UI threads.
I need better jQuery fu. This seems like it ought to be easy.
what is going on here ???
                End If
                RedirectToAction("Index", "EditEvent")
            End Using

            Return View("Index", newEvent.ID)
        End Function
It is not redirecting .... it skips right over that line and trys the return View line
I want to check to see which radio button is selected, then take appropriate action based on that information. jsfiddle.net/QcAtj
googling now, let's see who gets it first! :p
thats easy
Google will probably be faster then goign through my own old code
and I already wasted like 1 min
I know it should be easy, I just don't know how to get to it
arrrrgggghhh ,i'll still get fiddle faster
im on the phone , doesn't count
$(".walletSelect").click(function () {
    if($("#btcBets").is(':checked')) {  $("#btcBets").show();}
    else { $("#btcBets").hide();}
        if($("#freeBets").is(':checked')) {  $("#freeBets").show();}
    else { $("#freeBets").hide();}
mine is way sloppier
That's what she said.
oh - ($("#btcBets").is(':checked')) , thats not that the radio is called
I lost on time , and it working
it's okay, I lost by not thinking through my problem before bringing it up here.
I wish I could of been the one to ask something like how to check is radio is checked in jquery with 200 upvotes , they were just the first to get to it
I need to make a snippit database. This code will be handy again, and when it is I'll have forgotten how to write it.
yea... who has time for that though
I would, if I had the database. :/
holly crap , I finally got this to work
I gave up on reading querytring in Index Action , instead I read id of model in view , before in Index Action I passed id in seperate ViewBag - I don't know why or if this even makes sense at this point
ViewBags are great in moderation. The people who tell you otherwise are jerks.
I use them for errors all the time
just set the viewbag error , pass model back - done!
I forgot who, but someone in this room says ViewBag and ViewData are the devil.
"sloppy" was the word he used, I think.
no putting an error string in a model that will be bound to db is sloppy !
I have no idea how else to solve that with out ViewData or ViewBag
I don't surface error messages to the user.
except the "don't click it like that" type stuff, which is js.
thats bad
what if you validate text client side , and you have an asshole client side turning that off , and then you re-validate server side and send the same thing
other than username/password stuff I don't take much from the client if at all possible.
they're not trustworthy.
so you just display stuff - without them being able to tell you what to display?
interesting concept
here is my website - take it or leave it asshole
I'm in a position where one of my ajax methods will need to take a string and a decimal from the client. I'm very anxious about that.
Well, sort of.
I give them drop downs and whatnot. They have options, but they don't get to stick things in my database without a VERY good reason.
well, dropdown are easy to change
even easier then un-validating textboxes
i did on a DePaul survey , I changed it all to make it really funny
sure, but if you're going to change the value a drop down passes, you aren't going to wonder why it doesn't work.
well, you are, but I'm not going to tell you.
...hmm, you just made me think of a situation where a user can do something I didn't intend on my site... they could make a bet that's for like $.002
I'll be verifying that the bet is in range (.01 to .1), but that could be .099999999999. Doesn't bother me much, but I'll be pocketing the .00999999999
I can do a math.ceil or something. We're fine. Yay.
Switching pcs. bbiab.
you'll be a millionaire in no time :)
all that .009999999 ads up
anyone know the silent install command for the .net 4.0 framework?
what do you mean by silent install?
so I can install it in the background as I'm using my own installer
The package console thing?
I don't know ...
I have the code for the 2.0 framework
but I need the command line for the 4.0 one
found the parameters "/q /norestart" /q I know will start a silent install on most install programs just wanted to be sure it worked
vpn is down. FFFFUUUUU
had to speed up to work on a old style win form... but it works well.
This is what it looks like in use
Thanks, I'm hoping it promotes clean and quick installs... even tho you wait a few minutes to "prepare" (download it's files).
can anybody help in figuring out the method name and action of a SOAP based url?//
post it
good morning
Anyone know how I can pin in item to the Start Menu, safely?
@Billdr not sleeping much?
morning @JohanLarsson
I'm sleeping a lot. Just not at the correct times.
Can I pragmatically pin to the win8 "Start Screen"?
@Justin via code? My guess is it would involve registry
Maybe not if win8 but idk
I'm going to grab a fast nap.
@JohanLarsson Apparently just a adding an item to the "Start Menu" like you would normally pins them to the start screen.
@Pheonixblade9 What is weird, there are 2 people in the photo!
Morning everyone @SteffenWinkler @JohanLarsson @Billdr
@RudiVisser long time man
I had my gf do the nerd test, she failed, I told her she sux
Good xmas everyone?
@JohanLarsson and ye long time (2 days?) cos was 100 miles away from any half-viable internet connection :P
Good morning all.
Morning @AndréSilva!
:) How are you @RudiVisser ?
morning @RudiVisser long time no see
@AndréSilva Wonderful, yourself?
@SteffenWinkler It's been 2 daaaaays
@RudiVisser Hungry, but great
@SteffenWinkler I see your point
@AndréSilva Same :(
@RudiVisser How did you spend your holidays ?
Drove to my family's on xmas eve, had a very traumatic evening... Had a v nice xmas day, then drove back home early next morning to work, yay!
How about you?
I formatted my mac and installed linux...
I would flame you for Linux, but it's even more disturbing that you have a Mac
Yeah, I bought 3~4 years ago because I wanted to enter the obj-c market... Failed incredibly..
Then I retired him and returned to windows..
A few of the new words in [SAOL](svenskaakademien.se/…) this year:
Nomofobi, the fear of being out of mobile phone contact
Emoji, increased usage of animated gif's in text
henifiera, In Sweden he is 'han' and she is 'hon', it has been pc fashion to use *hen* as a neutral alternative. 'henifiera' means the act of replacing the old words with hen
kopimism, a group of file sharers applied to make filesharing a religion in Sweden and they had found a loophole so they had to be granted. kopimism is the name of the new religion.
And I found him again, formatted, put linux and installed mono !!
Good Morning
Yayyyyyyy it's @Buba1947!
Hi Rudi
@AndréSilva I guess since you installed Mono it's alright :)
Morning @Justin
@RudiVisser How are ya? Enjoying c#?
I'm wonderful, can't stand C#
Now my mac has linux and I use for developping .net stuff...
Well it's the future.... seeing as Microsoft wants you to use it's studio for win8 development
@AndréSilva CLR* stuff
@Justin Would you expect to use Xcode to write Win8 stuff?
@RudiVisser What's XCode?
Why my pic is not getting uploaded in stackoverflow profile >.<
@Justin Sorry, Eclipse :P
@Buba1947 It's gravatar, it can take an hour or two
@Buba1947 They cache 'em
No.. I uploaded 5 days ago
last fridayy
Well then you broke it
Did you set it with a PG rating?
the first one which is eligible for all websites
You sure it's the correct email?
I'm afraid that I can't believe that
@RudiVisser Than it's not native anymore. You've gone off the framework, or does it use the ManagedCode framework
I love my new mini installer!
@Buba1947 Are you 150% certain the emails match? It will definitely work, they link straight through to Gravatar
@Justin I know but you said they want you to use VS for Win8 dev like it was a bad thing
I am gonna try again... @RudiVisser
@RudiVisser Lol, no I like the idea of using the managed code framework as the backend, promotes my idea of Fluid Operating Systems and Applications that can run on any os.
Good stuff
That is until I make OS have to communicate to an intrupt layer I create sometime in the future... just to make people's life difficult (lol, not really)
I have a coworker that is on his vacation. But he is a freaking workaholic.
omg girl on the internets
On the day he left for his vacation, I turned his pc off..
@AndréSilva Aren't we all :)
Today, I found it on hibernate.
When he comes back, he will complain about how he didn't enjoy his vacation.
Because he likes to have people feeling sad for him.
@AndréSilva HE is on vactation, from human contact. lol, let 'em be.
I'll slap his fucking face so hard his face will turn into jelly..
@Buba1947 gravatar.com/avatar/951f9152d98991e3588703c17c5670ab your gravatar email is meant to have this hash
Not the 06ff one
"Please allow 5 to 10 minutes for avatar changes to take effect" - but it doesnt take any effect.. Zzzz
cos it's not the right email
Would any of you support a interim OS layer that allowed you to run any OS "fluidly" over the top of this layer (regardless of architecture changes/programs). A "OS" switch from Win8 to Mac than switch to Linux, without loosing your work and keeping your programs opened. In theory anyway. Just curious if anyone would be interested in something like that. Theoretically.
@Buba1947 Do you know the email you use to login into SO ?
I can't believe it. because I used the same e-mail address that i used for creating a profile in gravatar..
@Justin Web development ?
@AndréSilva : Yes, I used the same one
@Buba1947 The code generated on the photo you posted, isn't the same code from the photo you have right now.
The code generated after gravatar.com/...
Is your email hashed..
I have no idea.. what does tat mean :/
@Buba1947 Your email has a different hash so it's not the same email, are you sure there are no capitals/periods or whatever?
Your actual image
951f9152d98991e3588703c17c5670ab = your email hashed.
@AndréSilva Nop, more or less a interuptive framework for OS to be built around. As long as an OS (in theory) utilizes the framework calls in a standard function than moving between OS should be a breeze and you won't have to restart your pc. In theory.
If it is slow now it could be due to holidays, idk
Image you posted @Buba1947
06ff747ef6c3f7c96ffd2fec76e1a0ed = not the email you're using on SO
951f9152d98991e3588703c17c5670ab != 06ff747ef6c3f7c96ffd2fec76e1a0ed
now what can be done
@Justin 1; That would never work 2; Nobody would adopt it and 3; That's pretty much why the whole of Win8 API is async
@Buba1947 Go into your SO profile and copy the exact email into Gravatar as an additional email
@Justin A program that is common for all OSs that is not web ? ._. Seems like you're reinventing the wheel ._.
@RudiVisser let me do tat
I got itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
@AndréSilva No. It would do math calcaulations, touch reponses, human interface, drivers, memory storage, ram access, video graphics access... etc. It would make creating brillinat OS's easier and it would adapt on any hardware that it was adapted to fit to. In trhoy it could also be used for extreme virtualization over multiple PC's equipped with htis thing. Again, in theroy.
bitte sehr
@Justin It wouldn't work, especially with your example OSs of W8/Mac/Linux primarily because they all have different formats... W8 uses PE, Linux uses ELF and Mac uses probably some god forsaken proprietary version whilst still claiming they're "open", or ELF.
The web interface layer is still constantly changing and that would only be the interface for apps running in the cloud. We're not talking about the internet but machines.
@Justin and even if they did use the same format, you'd need to emulate a whole hardware layer = virtualisation, have full apps rewritten to use your framework etc
@RudiVisser Well that's where this thing would come in. It would force Win/Mac/Linux Distro's to conform to a unique (prescribed) industry standard. In theory, it would be very open source like, and most system admin's would welcome the idea as it would be more effeceint than dual boot, and virtualization would be a breeze..
@RudiVisser Yep
Nobody likes Open Source, especially not innovators
Getting E:\Development\Ljund\TFS\UserConversion Site\Filters\RestrictNonLoggedInUsersAttribute.cs
All files are up to date.
wtf TFS, how did you 'Get' it and it's not there?!
I've already been working on the idea, think of it tho developing custom OS on hardware would be very simple. Car's, thermostat's, pc, mobile devices, modem's... etc.
It already is
and FTR, they don't use a "custom OS" there's simply no need
@RudiVisser only by accessibility and ease of coding for it. Inventors love fast, simple, and easy.
Although I feel Microsoft would never play nice with it.... :( they'd hide all the user settings from the users
Because they'd rather be able to use a whole stack built by themselves
@RudiVisser I think the big reason a person or company would want to use it, let's call it the Forever. Would depend on it's adaptability. Let's say you've been righting your own stack and than a few years later x128 architecture comes out, you'd have to recode the entire structure than just migrate your code over to the new Forever release.
and tell me who would be maintaining this "Forever" for free if it were to be open source?
Plus almost unlimited backwards compatibility. Unless you doing something that requires certain specialized hardware.
@RudiVisser I never said open source, I said open source like. Highly accessible.
To encourage development it would have a minor footprint, and minor costs to use.
Right, you can't create Utopia for human life nor computing
People would lose any processor-specific optimisation (think SSE levels), any direct hardware access, everything
BTW, what you're talking about is basically a CLR for OSs, it won't work
Theoretically, of course. If it could do those things. I've just been theorizing for a while about it. It's also got thread mounting for control the amount of resource access to threads. If you combined the computers using one "Forever" like I suggested earlier, makes mounting a nessicaity. You wouldn't want low level taks taking up all your resources
@RudiVisser YES!
If you're talking about all of this shit, what you want is a HAL, not some separate layer
@RudiVisser Why would they need to. If Forever become efficient at what it did, they'd just have to optimize their code calls to forever like they would optimize calls made to the cpu.
@RudiVisser What I want is Snetiant AI. This is a step in the right direction. Multiple Machine Proccesing required me to think up this solution. It's all still theoretical.
Because you can't auto-optimise everything, unless you're planning on having some seriously auto-polymorphing applications; even the .NET CLR doesn't do that..
So you want to build SkyNet by abstracting hardware?
Multiple computer processing is a very simplistic concept at a fundamental level, equally split the processing required across each machine in your pool. You don't need a new HAL for that
@RudiVisser What's stopping it? You have a compiler for applications that is suppose to help with optimization. Forever would have a compiler to help applications, os's, and virtually anything compiled in it's code to do that.
And with the Cloud, compiling could be taken to a advanced Forever cloud to ensure prime optimization.
@RudiVisser What's wrong with considering developing intelligence? Something really worth the legacy of the human race. Something to say universe, we care. The ability that it's remotely possible entriges me. Plus, it would mean that almost insane calculations could be given to a intelligent computer cabable of understanding and adapting. All the result of the Forever CLR.
@Justin Because your whole concept now is becoming an anti-climax, you want to have it do everything, but to do that you're sacrificing processing time on optimisation, basically JIT, which is slow. So your "async layer" would essentially be slowing down initial startup, if it's doing thread scheduling and whatnot rather than letting the OS/apps do it, then you're also taking that overhead into your layer and slowing it down also (whilst significantly increasing complexity). Consider then..
.. your "cloud" intelligence idea which is basically live migration, let's say you move from Intel with SSE3 opts to an AMD proc without them. You said that you wanted to keep apps running, so what, would you reoptimise? Then reimport your processor state from one machine to another to keep it running? Memory transfer time (across a network)? What if it was a processing app using GBs of RAM?
It's not possible
SkyNet was intentened for Military application, so the Sci-Fi writer's theorized hell on earth by battle crazed robots. But a computer who's goal is complete research and development shifts from harm to support. Can you imagine that world? No matter how long it might last, it would be really cool! Utopia, sounds closer, don't it?
What if you went from x64 to x86? You simply couldn't abstract that far, it's an entirely different instruction set with different capabilities, so unless you're restricting what can be done on certain processors, which if you were would defeat the whole purpose, it's non-feasible
Yea but this is the problem it's all scifi, it's simply not possible
If you want to invent a new type of hardware, then yes you could probably do this, but on current systems it's just not possible
@RudiVisser Don't be such a synic of theory. It's speculation, but it's the idea that promotes the possibility. Even remote. With the right conditions, time, resources, and development it can be done. Sure v1 won't have all the bell's and whistles, but consider this. All things developed grow.
... but going into different hardware you're restricting even further
Again, defeating the purpose
@RudiVisser @Justin you do know that SkyNet is already there?
In what form?
@RudiVisser If the CPU instruction set is modulor, supported by it's own langauge, than you just load the new instruction set.
SkyNet was built on* a new processor
Oh that yea
I thought you were talking about the HawkEye thing that the US has to monitor everything
United States...who would fear them?
And yes, eventually the amount of process power required by the AI would get substantial and modern architecture would not work. I still like the theroy of moving away form process cor's fixed on a CPU to a modular CPU. It's going to happen more so.
You do make a good point
They can't even beat a bunch of people from stone age with their oh-so-great military
Memory went modular and it's been growing exponentially.
I for one wait for quantumn computers
AI is not held back via hardware, it's held back by people trying to build humans in code
@SteffenWinkler I theorized a computer core that works on the RNA exchanges of cells. Biological component to computer processing.
Thinking that "intelligence" must take some human form
@Justin as a Star Trek:VOY fan, that should remind @RudiVisser of something ;)
also I don't get why programmers would build AIs
@RudiVisser It must, the only intelligence able to be self aware is the human race that we know of so far. Their arn't any evolutionary changes to support any other theory. BUT your right true AI would take thinking out of the box
I mean, it's destroying your own profession
if there are AIs, who would need programmers?
@SteffenWinkler Those were still weapons.
also, just out of curiosity, is it 'a AI' or 'an AI'?
but that sounds stupid :/
But @SteffenWinkler there are already apps that write apps/code semi-automated
yeah and I hate that
"An Artificial Intelligence [application]"
@SteffenWinkler No longer would a programmer be prgramming in retro, they'd be programming with the AI. Guiding it to the finished product.

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