Turns out you already know that won't work: As for StringFormat: The Property 'StringFormat' was not found in type Binding. And MultiBinding is not supported in a Windows Metro style project.
Lol :) awesome. ok, I have made apps last year in the developer preview but took a long break. Now that I've started again, I'm finding it difficult to read and write files. I'm not sure why. There are no errors, and the breakpoints I've set don't reveal any info at all. I've used the reading/writing files code directly from MSDN (not copy/paste - I actually typed it all out) and I just don't see why they don't work
@RudiVisser I forgot to mention that. Yep, I was able to repo this issue in a blank app created just to create a file. And also another to read a file. Same issue. :/
thanks pal. The method makes me feel like a kitten playing with a ball of wool. It started off fun but now i'm not sure i want to be in this mess of knots I've made.
Yeps, @RudiVisser, here it is:
// Save all notes.
var note = notes.AsEnumerable<Note>();
foreach (var n in note)
// Remove special characters from filename.
string newN = n.Name.Replace(":", string.Empty);
newN = newN.Replace("/", string.Empty);
newN = newN.Replace("-", string.Empty);
newN = newN.Replace("pm", string.Empty);
newN = newN.Replace("PM", string.Empty);
newN is replacing a "/" from within the filename itself, with an empty string. I've done this before without issues. And I just removed all of those Replace()'s and I still have the same issue.
@BeatMe If there are no calculations, you will not be able to offload in the first place
GPU offloading is only useful when you're putting on a specific (long running, from the CPU) calculation on there to be ran across many cores (GPU cores can only run the same code on each)
I mean the whole point is to run the same thing in repeat on lots of data
@BeatMe GPUs are capable of doing numeric calculations repeatedly, fast, they're specialised processors for that purpose to process graphical data
@BeatMe You can always look into a project such as CUDAfy and see if there's anything that you could migrate there, but the implementation is probably not worth it at all
@RudiVisser I still think I could use the gpu for the lookup. It isn't that much different than for example image processing and matrix transformation. I have a array as data source, millions of seperate instructions to traverse the array and returning the final value, which is still seperate from all the other traversions