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I'm researching some things... not planning to actively murdering someone in the near future.
@KendallFrey You know there have been many studies about this. The more you know, more you learn, the less happiness you are likely to have. I personally think this correlates with the fact that the mass of people will seem more and more dumb by the minute; and that's the people you have to spend time with on this planet.
@JABFreeware I am recording this for fedral state and local law enforement
@RoelvanUden I'm happiest when I'm learning
I actively try to be less intelligent
the funny part is I am pure software developer haven't worked in embedded side but I have got a job in pure electronics company and you know what I am the only software developer here who is not only working on the cloud computing + C# but also doing the embedded programming
My IQ has dropped by 15 points in the last decade :D
my IQ dropped in last 15mins
@Sippy Are you like that girl that went to psychiatrists to become more dumb?
I'm not that dumb.
@MuhammdAzeem rlemon also does embedded programming
@Ggalla1779 oh no! I gtg guys...I'm fleeing to russia now.
@Sippy 15 points is pretty dumb, that's a whole standard deviation
@KendallFrey great news
@JABFreeware K schast'yu, ya v Rossii moy comarde
Luckily I am based in Russia my comarde
@Ggalla1779 Can I talk to Snowden then? Wake him up...
A russian guy taught me about dynamic data masking in azure secure databases last night
He was cool
@JABFreeware am sorry whe dont know who that is....
@Ggalla1779 Don't dare deceive me
@JABFreeware Sorry must go my Shuba is ready
@Ggalla1779 You will be watched
@Sippy you can't have negative IQ can you?
Ended up having to download a beta build of Nuget Package Manager yesterday because of a breaking change they made in the last Nuget update
That was in the morning
@JABFreeware are you my big brother
Think they released the actual update in the afternoon
@tweray I'd swear at you but I'm not allowed anymore
my vs2013 Premuim license didnt renew today..... this made me unhappy
@Ggalla1779 actually....they didn't tell you did they? :(
@tweray According to statistics, there's about a 1 in 3 chance that at least one person in the world has a negative IQ
The definition of IQ doesn't exclude negative
@Ggalla1779 thats...fixable...with google.
@Sippy Dynamic data masking-what-now?
I ended up just using vs2015 community
@RoelvanUden uhh
all good
but, i mean, if i go take a IQ test and purposely trying to get a negative score, can I make it?
@tweray please try and report back
You can mask sensitive data on the server side using Azure and SQL Server 2016 has it as well I think
Meaning you don't need to write your own data masking
if you don't want to
So if you had a credit card number
How would it work then?
You get xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-5678
0161 0804 2141 0249 8565
is that MS masking where you cant access it but every B**dy hacker in the world can access it
I'm so tempted to flag that for great kek
Oh that kind of masking. Okay then.
Seriously, your server doesn't need a credit card number
@KendallFrey that doesn't mean that no one in the world stores credit card information.
just don't store cc number, encrypted or not
@KendallFrey I have no idea what kind of restaurants you go to
there are payment gateways that are more secure than you could hope to be
Jesus fuck we're not storing anything
I went to a talk about DDM
@kush I handle my credit card myself
Chill your god damn beans
"Remember my details" feature?
@Sippy Religion and swearing, you dare.
I'm offended!!!
I just use stripe and save the tokens instead
@JABFreeware I'm not chill about security
hey stop slagging my beans
someone link to the key and peele nfl video with the flags... or wait will that video get flagged?
@KendallFrey me either. And yeah if idiot companies handled credit card numbers securely (as in not handling them at all) fraud would go way down
> Chilly your god damn beans
@Sippy yoyo you only yolo once
Yeah I learned this from our company. Our software doesn't deal with credit card details
@KendallFrey that said idiot users need to realize that just because the interface looks official and maybe is paypals embedded payment...that doesn't mean the site isn't collecting your numbers for their evil deeds.
then again users will always be idiots so its hopeless
btw, where is kyle these days?
He comes in here from time to time.
Can't spell the last name but that sounds right
He just showed up for a bit the other day
ah alright
he doesn't come around too much
in a function how can I catch an exception but without have to stop that function? If I use try catch, if it cacthes any exception it will stop the function. I dont want that to happen, I still wanna execute the function
lol i googled kyle trauberman and my face came up
bored at work? submit a pull request that adds more tests github.com/kusl/Tree
@KendallFrey I thought that yoyo was his picture
yeah it does look like him
@Mr.Toxy I've had an idea for a feature like that, but right now you can't.
@KendallFrey cant I just use like a goto?
So, explain your X-Y problem and maybe then we can be helpful
in the catch I do something like :command
why is there no DateTime.UtcToday?
@Mr.Toxy probably not, but again, we have no idea what you're trying to do
EF7 will be code-first only - kinda a step backwards..
@StevenLiekens because when is Today?
thats weird
So I have a list will all sql commands and I need to log their execution, I will pass them one by one to another function to execute them, but when any error occurs due to that command execution I want to log that error with the exception and the command but I dont want to end the function, I want to continue to execute the other commands
so catch the exception, log it, and continue
@Squiggle the date part of UtcNow
hmmm If I just put a catch in that function and call it inside a foreach I think it will do the trick
wish you could have that feature tho
@StevenLiekens there's your answer ;) but be careful when you use that stuff 'cos the System.DateTime is dire at handling 'dates'.
@Mr.Toxy It's almost never useful
@StevenLiekens I just mean - are you storing 'today' for grouping events? displaying to the user? UtcToday has the potential to be too ambiguous
@KendallFrey yeah you're right but it wouldnt hurt also :p . I've tried with the goto it doesnt work. well I've figured it out anyways
goto is even less useful
I like goto's HHAHAHAHAHHA
back to the .bat
why people dont use them anymore?
used goto in a project - worked well
I use batch when generating resx files.
yeah I like the goto.
it can be useful
idk I'm working on a service that sends mails every month
but the more I start thinking about what monthly means the more I want to jump off a cliff
@StevenLiekens hmmmm I think monthly means something that you do in a daily basis during a month :P
Timezones, man.
Pick an arbitrary point in time relative to the most common timezone you operate in.
stick with that
can we please all switch to unix time calendars
Monthly means once a month
What else can it mean
and document your reason for choosing that
@Sippy cranky women
"Pick an arbitrary point in time relative to the most common timezone you operate in."
first day of the month seems a good arbitrary point
hi 07
can any one answer my question
you haven't asked one yet
When does a month start? As soon as the date turns to 00:00:01 in the UTC+14 timezone?
actually i have been making project on doctos sheduing page and he demands that You can select time from 10:15 to 10:45 .in continuous way ..not like that one has selected 10:15 and then on right time he has selected 10 :45 in between all are deselected .that would be bad case ..in one word i if i want to deselect one button then firstly i have to deselect other button whose timings comes after that like to deselect 10:30 i have to deselect 10:45 ,11:00 if selected
@Squiggle I would asume yes
in one word, you use many words.
What did I just read?
@Mr.Toxy I would assume no, to be honest. I would say "the month starts at the point the average user would be happy to receive their monthly email"
i'm not sure
@Sippy depends what you define as a month
i can select any no. of button but can not select it like 10:15 and then select 10:45
OK. What's the question?
@solutionseeker I have no idea what you're saying at all.
@Squiggle oh ok that would be the best aproach. having the user decide when to recieve
@solutionseeker can you show us an example of your UI?
for that i have to select 10:15 ,10:30 ,:10:45
@solutionseeker can we have that in c# please?
that happened now
@Mr.Toxy perhaps if you knew the location of the user you could send it at 7am local time for each?
<div id="city">
<asp:Button ID="Morning" runat="server" Text="Morning" OnClick="Morning_Click" style="color:blue "/>
<asp:Button ID="Afternoon" runat="server" Text="Afternoon" OnClick="Afternoon_Click" style="color:blue " />
<asp:Button ID="Evening" runat="server" Text="Evening" OnClick="Evening_Click" style="color:blue " />
<br />
<br />
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder2" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder3" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
@solutionseeker so you want a drop down with 15 min intervals for times in it?
private void GetControls()
for (int i = 10; i < 12; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 60; j += 15)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Text = i + "-" + j;
btn.ID = (i+j).ToString();
btn.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.btn_Click);
// btn.Click += btn_Click;
flag = true;
btn.CommandName = i + "-" + j;
if (count==1)

List<string> createdControls = Session["Controls"] != null ? Session["Controls"] as List<string> : new List<string>();
if (!createdControls.Contains(btn.ID)) createdControls.Add(btn.ID);
Web forms....whyyyyy
@Squiggle why just not include that feature? Just make the user set a date. if not have him use a default date that you set. Imo it would be the best aproach
no i have created buttons
use windows region
@Mr.Toxy why force the user do to anything? Computers are meant to be smart.
my boss told me
oh sweet jesus this person is using WinForms, aren't they?
@Squiggle check the windows region and time zone
I've come to the conclusion that its impossible to the actual day on a calendar if all you have is a date thus a date is a ficticious thing and all dates must therefore be datetimeoffsets
*time zone
hello tom
in all other situations you have to make assumptions which we all know means "poorly defined" or "this is a requirements question"
webforms = R.I.P (Rest In Pieces)
@solutionseeker first of all, figure out what you actually want your solution to be. Describe it in plain English. Then try to implement it.
@solutionseeker I think I see the problem here ... you are using a broken technology ... try using MVC
Also, "your boss told you" really is not an argument whatsoever.
@RoelvanUden what about "the ticket says so"
@Squiggle something like TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone could do the trick
that's a classic that one
@Mr.Toxy assuming it's a desktop application? What about a web app?
I was being snarky, but look guys, web forms is yuck but the solution isn't to throw it away, it can be made to work if you really have to
@solutionseeker you've described your requirements but you haven't asked a question yet
@Squiggle there are scripts that do that
okk i have generated button from 1 to 8 dynamically and then if i select button 2,3,4,5,6 then i want to deselect 4th button so i have to deselect 5th 6th 7th button ..then only i would be able to deselect 4th button
so i want solution
well they are kinda java based but if you can bare with that
@solutionseeker OK. What have you tried?
it could be the simplest and quickest solution
@Squiggle joda.org/joda-time something like that
Disappointed. They missed a chance to do Yoda time.
"minutes 5 9 after, it is"
@solutionseeker assuming you don't want to reload the page every time you select anything (thanks webforms) I assume you'll want some javascript to enable and disable buttons
@TomW he's tried asking for a solution. hence his name
@RoelvanUden hahahahaha
if he was using winForms hahahahahaha
damn web forms
plss tell me the solution asap
@solutionseeker your solution is silly.
ok f9 dnt help me
@solutionseeker As a seeker of solutions I understand why you want it ASAP, but we are here to help you find a solution through understanding of your problem
you asked a bad question
@solutionseeker why can't you do the same thing in just two clicks? Select start, then select end - and it automatically selects everything in between, and de-selects everything outside of those two values.
We don't copy/paste code for you
we aren't obligated to help you
isnt there like any group box type control in web forms?
I found a great method in a class
    protected virtual void AlterQuery(Query q)
        //Do nothing
@solutionseeker thanks for explaining your question fully :) sorry for being a bit blunt. There is a good solution - but think beyond the "I click buttons" problem to "how do I model time ranges in my UI"
@JakobMillah I found a unit test with everything commented out inside it and the svn commit message was fix unit test
@kush GG WP
@JakobMillah thats a nice one hahahhaha but not as good as an exception I've found, it literally said. "Some shit happened here, it's fucked up"
@JakobMillah that's not so bad. It's just a base class with an empty default implementation.
@Codeman How was your MTG saturday?
Commit messages fix bug or minor changes
@Mr.Toxy That was flagged...
I looove those.
Which is silly.
@Cerbrus why? o.O
There is a nuisance flagger in this room causing us no end of problems
Apparently someone thought it was offensive
If I get suspended for that again, I will rage at SO and wont comeback again
The solution is don't do that
bye have a beautiful time
I didnt do anything wrong. I didnt offend anyone
It's not about being offensive.
It's about vulgarity.
I just said what it was written like why did it even got flagged
I dont know and honestly dont care, flag them away if that makes whoever flagged it happy
@TomW I do that occasionally when I can't be bothered xD
But I only do it for 1 or 2 line changes
glad to contribute to your happiness Mr. :D
Never more than that
@TomW new feature
this room is out of control
!! c#
@Squiggle But still taking time. So why have it?
Seriously. We're flagging someone talking about something they saw in some source code now, too? What's next?
My Embedded mind comes in
@RoelvanUden The room gets frozen again
@Cerbrus would be great to know who's doing it, right? :P
like a delicious frozen treat
and I get a 3 day suspension....
@Amy Teat XD
or banned who knows
That would be rather uncomfortable.
@Sippy Mods can see that when a flag is pending
wow I think I found some kind of virus in a google image
@Cerbrus I'm aware
it was an image but when downloaded it was a weird attachment or .exe
@Mr.Toxy ttly safe
@Mr.Toxy RIP
@Mr.Toxy rip
@Cerbrus I guess @Sippy means 'tell us who it is so we can kick them'
@TomW I'm not a mod
I didnt run it, noticed cause I tried to upload it to skype and said it wasnt accepting P2P connections to a FPT server wich raised a red flag
@TomW He knows :D
I wasn't gonna say it cos it's probably offensive to someone (Y)
Am I taking this seriously enough yet?
vr srs
can you turn the seriousness up to 11?
vr vr
Not yet, my good sir.
ignore safety warnings and turn it up to 11.
we are now on DEFCON 3 ladies and gentleman
find the spy among us
and bring it to justice
block all exits, no one leaves this room
@Mr.Toxy Wanna bet?

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