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how to make me cringe in 6 characters: //TODO
@Cerbrus only if the bet is cookie wise
Step 1.) Download it.
Step 2.) Run it in a VM.
Step 3.) ????
Step 4.) PROFIT!
@Sidney "I didnt run it, noticed cause I tried to upload it to skype and said it wasnt accepting P2P connections to a FPT server wich raised a red flag"
@Sidney step 3.: Have the programmer underestimated and watch as the virus breaks out and wreaks havoc
my solution
dunno what it is but not willing to try hahahahaha
But seriously, if you found a website that is managing to pass off an executable as an image, report it to google. Are they still doing bug bounties?
@Sidney I didnt check the source its just layin around in google images, when downloaded it doent even downloads as any image extension, its download as "all files", wich was weird to begin with. Guess skype saved me
you're probably still infected
computers are hard
buckaroos are hard
it download a 23k file
of some sort
@Mr.Toxy you should go find that and report it.
@Sippy I have the source the link is on transfers, gonna chek it out
why would you link a site that potentially tried to infect you with a virus of some kind?
rip all the people who instinctively click on every link they see
1 message moved to Trash can
(I haven't. As mentioned, why would I click it when you've already told us it contains a virus)
@Amy the forum wont download nothing its just the link to the forum. I have the link to the file, where do I report it?
@TomW it was just the forum nothing else
but sry
You said "this is the website, it was from here" or something like that.
yeah I ment thats the forum where the file is hosted somehwere
but that link was just the forum, I wouldnt ever send the link to the virus ever
god no
The file is hosted in the forum?
from the link that forum is the source.
the forum is the source. got it.
Todays wtf is excellently cringe-tastic. And possibly semi-topical to the current discussion
tracert doesnt tell anythign either just hops back again to me wich is weird, doesnt show any other ip
i've found what the forum is about
Nairaland is an online community created by Seun Osewa in March 2005. It is targeted at Nigerians. Nairaland currently has over 1,400,000 registered accounts (August 2015), and is ranked as the 7th most visited site in Nigeria (and the most visited indigenous site) according to Alexa.com. Nairaland reportedly has over 55 million Internet users, corresponding to 32.9% of the entire population. With Nairaland having a considerable but unconfirmed number of users based in diaspora, this statistic suggests that a maximum 3% of Nigerian Internet users are registered on Nairaland compared to Facebook...
hmmm the numbers dont add up
1,400,000 accountsm its the biggest forum in nigeria... but it only has less then 10.000 members online? o.O
I dont think its the same forum
@Mr.Toxy pool's closed intensifies
"Following a successful hacking attempt, Nairaland went offline briefly on the 22 June 2014.[9] The hackers were able to get access to the website's host server and backup, and maliciously deleted all its content. Three days later, it was back online after some data had been recovered from a remote backup.[10] However, data from 10 January 2014 through the date of the attack was lost."
i guess that the photo was uploaded by some user
Did cap get killed from the room?
Hey on the plus side, think of all the viruses the hackers must have destroyed
hey guys I'm back for a bit :O
Good morning
its just weird meh how can I report it
@Sidney Cap offended someone and was banned.
@RoelvanUden u flaggin wot m8
@RoelvanUden The nerve. We should take this outrage to... What's his name? Zathura? Zoltan? Zayne?
Who now?
Hey, it's a realistic scenario.
@Sidney Cthulhu?
yey found who uploaded the photo
now what?
@KendallFrey That must have been it.
re-download the photo and run it after disabling your antivirus
whiteboards + kanban = best sprint plan going!!!
@Amy that seems a good thing to try (wondering)
I cant just leave the "image" there for some poor person download it
sure you can. its easy.
just close the browser tab and forget about it
@Darth_Wardy Absolutely
@Darth_Wardy Trello it
I have a JIRA kanban board.
It's nice.
well whatever you do dont search for "ugly black guy" in google photos and download the photo that has a guy with dark blue sweat and a dirt soccer field behind him
got it, i don't do that, thanks
who th hell searches for that anyways? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
I can't not go full judgmental on this.
hey, If I create a class A which just creates an object of another class B and overrides all the methods of class B , how much of an overhead i'm introducing in the system??
not much
@Ggalla1779 we started out on trello because i just did it, the team here has very little "process"
@Sidney on what?
I'm kicking the team in to shape slowly but surely
The whiteboard approach makes it ultra visible who is doing exactly what
Why not just teach them VSTS
@StevenLiekens so if the class A creates objects of three diffeent classes B, C and D, and overrides all their methods
I'd like to have TFS do it but it appears to hate me atm and I really cannot be arsed to fight it
which helps to just expose one class to the consecutive layer
are you trying to do multiple inheritance?
@SamyS.Rathore what do you mean by 'creates objects'?
@Sippy yeh I have been going that way ... there's a bunch of issues I have with it though
like I have one UI form
the sprint planning tools are annoying
currently its using 3 different BLL classes
are they
Trello is good.... I like the way you can control/ customise it
They could be better, pretty sure they're in active development
i like trello
I wanna merge all these classes, but my boss wants seperation of concern
but a lot of code is duplicated in this 3 classes
I like trello but not for sprint management
I use Sticky Notes. Ez
You should separate out classes by concerns.
if the tfs sprint UI was == trello it would be a dream system
If you have duplicate code, then refactor.
@SamyS.Rathore Seperation of Concern Good! God classes Bad! (code duplication is also bad though)
listen to your boss
technically you could tear down the board and start afresh each sprint
@SamyS.Rathore create a base type and use inheritance
confidentially my client has a wall of post it notes
I find it funny
post-its are fine
I don't think you know what "confidential" means.
@Ggalla1779 Are they in the shape of anything? Like Mario or Sonic? If not, they're worthless.
Ah yes, Inheritance sounds like the obvious (and best ) choice in my case
@Ggalla1779 that's basically what we do ... except we never seem to finish a sprint ... so we just have a board on which the boss insists on continuously throwing tickets at
they are just post it notes
@SamyS.Rathore I very much doubt that
@Amy only we know, its pretty confidential ... until google crawls the chat history ... but shhh, its confidential
Yes I agree finishing sprints and redoing next sprint is hard disipline
@Darth_Wardy i won't tell anyone after the first 5 people I meet.
@Amy honest!
@StevenLiekens do tell bro
inheritance and BLL classes? yeah no please don't
build software through composition instead of inheritance
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
So what triggers one to no longer be able to edit a post?
ohh poor orpahn giffs
they will fall in oblivion
i think the post is locked after a minute or so
She has to clean up. Else I might feel offended
@Sidney two minutes
@StevenLiekens what's wrong with that?
ok, let me dumb down here, why is Inheritance Bad in this case?
so animationts are being moved now also?
i just moved it because it was animated and distracting
where is that chair copter thingy?
that was funny af
@SamyS.Rathore I was just thinking that
surely its relevant where it makes logical / architectural sense
It sounds almost like a mantra that inheritance should be a conscious decision from the start of a project instead of a product of decisions down the line based in implementation, but I'll leave it to Amy if she cares to elaborate.
@SamyS.Rathore but you haven't really explained your problem in enough depth
just google "composition vs inheritance"
@Mr.Toxy click orphan gis
@Ggalla1779 You should spend some time in Orphan Gifs. It's a magical wonderland of reaction images and horrible loops.
Composition over inheritance (or composite reuse principle) in object-oriented programming is the principle that classes should achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by their composition (by containing instances of other classes that implement the desired functionality) rather than inheritance from a base or parent class. This is an often-stated principle of OOP, such as in the influential Design Patterns: "Favor 'object composition' over 'class inheritance'." == Basics == An implementation of composition over inheritance typically begins with the creation of various interfaces representing...
Most of it appears to come from our room though.
HAHAHAHAH thats hilarious
This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. <--- noone apparently knows
I did ...am traumatised..poor chair
When using EF6, is there a way to have an ICollection<T> property be populated by a custom query involving a multi-step join?
yeah they are almost all from here
I'm using code first
To favor composition over inheritance is a design principle that gives the design higher flexibility, giving business-domain classes and more stable business domain in the long term. In other words, HAS-A can be better than an IS-A relationship.[1][vague] <-- noted the vague citation here
@Squiggle I have 3 Business Logic classes for same UI form with 3 tabs. Besides seperation of concern, there's lot of duplicate code in these classes, (if I change the DAL, I have to modify code in 3 different places)
OK sure, but what part of the logic is being duplicated?
The question is more ... HAS-A or IS-A ... which is more technically correct here?
@Darth_Wardy then maybe find a better source?
In that article the example given is about game "components" which lends well to composition.
In a web stack for example it's not wrong to inherit a base controller (for web API for example) and say that all your controllers have an "IS-A controller" type relationship to that base
mostly, they are calling same Data Access methods, some mapping code for business entities, and lot of transactional logic
I think it depends on the situation, i've seen and written solutions that use both
but if your controllers inherit from a DAL base class you're doing something wrong
@Squiggle ouch
yeah, none of those examples sound like inheritence
@Darth_Wardy I've seen it!
thats just ... disturbing
no it doesn't
that guy needs firing and retraining
public class MyController : DataContextWrapper { ... }
> NumberOfNumbers
@SamyS.Rathore sounds like you need a DAL / maybe some sort of service layer that depends on a DAL object
@Squiggle are you feeling ok?
I hate working on other people's code :(
public class MyFooController : EntityController<Foo> {
      public FooController(IServiceContext<T> serviceContext) { ... }
that's how my stuff works
and service stuff depends on a IDataContext in the same way
My last work place, we used simillar pattern
@SamyS.Rathore me too
@Darth_Wardy I'm fine thank you susan
I don't hate other peoples code.. except when it's bad. Which it often is.
where I work now, the guys say they follow factory pattern, but they make different factories for each class to be instantiated
@Darth_Wardy the base class had a load of static properties that called stored procedures using ADO.Net. It was an ugly, unmaintainable beast.
@SamyS.Rathore that doesn't sound enterprisey enough
lol they make factories? what year is this again?
@RoelvanUden i'm of the opinion that there's no such thing as "good code" any more ... no matter what you read there's always some reason it can be improved in some way
how do they instantiate their factories? do they have factory factories?
They got bitten by the DDD bug, aye?
a lot of senior guys here are here for like, since forever...they hate to admit that their tech skill are outdated and they refuse to let anyone else takeover
@SamyS.Rathore that's not how the factory pattern works ... the idea is you have 1 factory that can build many types of objects
@Amy I love the idea of this ... isn't that what IoC is ... a Factory Factory
@Darth_Wardy Of course there is good code. Code that follows the company standards, is simple, doesn't do extra stuff, etc. Really just adhering to a common standard would make me somewhat happy.

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