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@SteveG did you delete me on Steam? :(
@steveG come back :(
idk, it works
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)

if ((i % 3 == 0) && (i % 5 == 0))
Console.WriteLine("{0} FizzBuzz", i);
im retarded, its 2 am, its time to sleep
How does one enable native code debugging in VS15?
project settings, debug
turn on "Enable unmanaged code debugging"
2am here too... Should probably sleep soon too
@ReedCopsey did you read up on Kusto yet?
@Froxer protip: xor (^)
That's not the way to solve fizzbuzz though
3 hours later…
hello i bought a custom domain in ms azure, deleted the web app associated with it and now i dont have it anymore, how do i recover it?
Hi my first time here, and let's begin with something interesting, the handicap here is the way to set the value, it talks about the typeconverter but I do not get the idea to make that prettier gritsenko.biz/post/…
Hmm, that code doesn't work as is. What is _propertyChangedCallback?
It also exposes the event.. however the using code manually calls its own event handler..
That's the first time I've seen a solution where the properties themselves and not the viewmodel implement INPC
(Does the VM? I dunno, can't tell)
well I will begin with this:
public class Model : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void StringNotifyPropertyChanged(String propertyName = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

public void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string caller = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller));
let's see what can I achieve
@BoltClock I agree, it's a bit strange. And possibly completely incorrect. The Prop class does not notify anyone if its property changed
The approach seems fine, but the code posted looks to be broken/incomplete
I have to admit the code has me lost
public Prop<string> MyLittleProperty => GetProp<string>();
Like, what is this supposed to be? It doesn't even have a setter
So you couldn't even change the property if you wanted to, it's read-only
You'd have to write something like MyLittleProperty.Value = "Test"
But.. you'd have to declare it like this: public Prop<string> MyLittleProperty => GetProp<string>("MyLittleProperty");
Oh. So it returns a Prop<T> and you call the getter/setter on that Prop<T> and not the wrapping property...
I wonder if the binding actually works. (Obviously the code has to be fixed first)
Yeah... well, as I said - the approach seems okay, ie, wrapping the property in a type that does the notifying. Not entirely convinced, but I rarely need INPC - so it might be okay. But the implementation seems .. incorrect.
yes I think there are two levels of notification, the overall idea is interesting...
Hey question, is there any known method to check if an integer is between a range of two integers of which i've no idea what their numbers are?
Can you give an example, @Dave?
I assume it's not simply if (a < b && a > c)?
well if C is between A and B where by i don't know the numbers of A or B, B or A could be the highest number but i wouldn't know off hand
Ah, so you don't know which number of A/B is bigger?
correct :)
thats why the if statement doesn't work in this situation
The naive approach is if (x > Math.Min(A, B) && x < Math.Max(A, B))
ah of course!
I'm sure there's a better mathematical rule - though this may be clearer, if it's not too slow.
oh is that a slow method?
Not necessarily, no
Forget I said that - I just meant that I'm sure there are cleverer ways which would leverage some mathematical proofs which may be faster if you're concerned about extremely performant code... like in a graphics engine, for example.
well it would be premature optimization at this point i guess
Most likely, yeah ;)
Well getting the idea I finally make the following (I think is similar like the internal collection of dependencyproperties)
namespace TestingMVVM
public class MainViewModel
public List<Person> People { get; set; }
public Person Boss { get; set; }
int i = -1;

public MainViewModel()
Boss = new Person() { Name = "The Boss" };
People = new List<Person>();

while (++i < 10)
People.Add(new Person() { Name = $"Person {i}" });


private async void Update()
await Task.Delay(1000);

Boss.Name = $"The Boss {++i}";


public class Person : Model
public string Name
return GetProperty<string>();
The only you get is avoid fields but you overload the class with a dictionary so I am not sure if it worth for it
I need to convert a complicated group by result to a JSON ... sort of like in this answer but my dict has to be of type Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string. double>>
Code is like this:
var records = from x in csv
                select new
                    module = csv[0],
                    activity = csv[1],
                    time = (long.Parse(csv[3]) - long.Parse(csv[2])) / 10000.0

var grouped = from rec in records
                group rec by new { rec.module, rec.activity } into newGroup
                select newGroup;

foreach (var item in grouped)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}:", item.Key.module);
    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}:", item.Key.activity);
I select all items then deleting. After mirnor modification again I insert those selected records .. First time it works fine 2nd time onwards it start Primery Key voilation while all the records from DB deleted.
How to resolve it?
Well I end with this so until we have a way to override what get;and set; does we cannot simplify this:
public class Person : Model
public string Name
return GetProperty<string>();
set { SetProperty(value); }
Good morning ppl
@JuanPabloGarciaCoello Take a look at this: dotnetfiddle.net/2QYCdv
The fiddle will break for private set, but it does in-fact work. Must be due to their sandboxing
So you'd define properties as:
public AutoNotifyProperty<string> MyLittleProperty { get; private set; }
Why primary key voilation is showing in error
var taskList = db.ProjectTasks.Where(wh => wh.ProjectID == projectID).ToList();
foreach (var item in items)
var task = clone.Where(wh => wh.TaskDesc == item.taksName).FirstOrDefault();
task.TaskID = item.taskID;
task.TaskGroup = item.sourceGroup;

@Own Please use Ctrl-K to format your code. It's unreadable without it.
var taskList = db.ProjectTasks.Where(wh => wh.ProjectID == projectID).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        var task = clone.Where(wh => wh.TaskDesc == item.taksName).FirstOrDefault();
                        task.TaskID = item.taskID;
                        task.TaskGroup = item.sourceGroup;

Sorry let me again post the complete code...
Please edit instead
Hi, how to read delegate "Func" ? function ? or funk?
or create a gist/pastebin etc
@MichaelMao What, out loud? I say "funk" when I say it at all, which is rare.
Q: Changing the functionality of get;set; keywords

Juan Pablo Garcia CoelloIn order to avoid coding I implemented a dictionary to store the properties values: public class MainViewModel { public List<Person> People { get; set; } public Person Boss { get; set; } int i = -1; public MainViewModel() { Boss = new Person() { Name = "The Boss" };...

@Rob ^
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes, thx! sorry for my poor english
hello guys,
@BoltClock Haven't seen AOP in quite a while - though it does look like an elegant solution here :)
Primary key voiulation when Inser....    public bool reOrderTask(IEnumerable<ent_ProjectTasks.reorderTask> items)
                using (var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        var projectID = items.FirstOrDefault().projectID;
                        var taskList = db.ProjectTasks.Where(wh => wh.ProjectID == projectID).ToList();
                        var clone = taskList;
can anyone solve my question ?
Q: How to sum a field using some conditions in Axapta?

ErtI have a user table like this ID Date Value --------------------------- 1001 31 01 14 2035.1 1002 31 01 14 1384.65 1003 31 01 14 1011.1 1004 31 01 14 1187.04 1001 28 02 14 2035.1 1002 28 02 14 1384.65 1003 28 02 14 1011.1 1004 2...

@BoltClock Oh, didn't realise you meant this is Juan's question
@Rob Haha yeah
When I run this code first time it works fine. While after that it thows error of Primery Key Voilation .... projectID+taskID is primary key

public bool reOrderTask(IEnumerable<ent_ProjectTasks.reorderTask> items)
            using (var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var projectID = items.FirstOrDefault().projectID;
                    var taskList = db.ProjectTasks.Where(wh => wh.ProjectID == projectID).ToList();
hi..i am parth my question is related to 3 tier architecture .
I Add two solution onr for BAL second one for DAL and third one is main the application Now i want to setup this application the problem is for the connection string. If i want to make the setup like where the setup successfully installed from that path i want to find databse now i cant use Configration manager in DAL because it not access..
HI anyone have hands on to RHINO MOCK test cases??
Q: write Rhino Mock Test cases for Web api

stylishCoderHI have created a WEBAPI below. i am trying to write rhino Mocks for below API i have tried a lot but everytime i failed WEBAPI Code [Route("api/{Home}/{Username}/{Password}")] public HttpResponseMessage Get(string Username, string Password) { HttpResponseMessage r...

Good morning guys :)
@parth Have you referred System.Configuration in the Data layer??
@SamyS.Rathore yes i use that
I am using this one
public static string connectionString = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=" + (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)) + "\\database.mdf" + ";Integrated Security=SSPI;User Instance=True;";
@Rob +1 to you. Though it doesn't seem like what his question is looking for, judging by his comments
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I Modified my question please check know
When I run this code first time it works fine. While after that it thows error of Primery Key Voilation .... projectID+taskID is primary key

public bool reOrderTask(IEnumerable<ent_ProjectTasks.reorderTask> items)
            using (var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var projectID = items.FirstOrDefault().projectID;
                    var taskList = db.ProjectTasks.Where(wh => wh.ProjectID == projectID).ToList();
@BoltClock Hmm yeah, admittedly I only briefly glanced over the question.. was answering based on the chat here. Having another read over it, I'm not really sure what he's asking for. I'm about to head home now - so I'll take down the answer until I'm sure of what they need
At the very least, they're pinged with the fiddle in case it is what they're after
Anyway, be back later
Morning all
anyone know of a good pdf maker application that can cope with pdf/ xml/ xlst/ crystal files
or api
Good morning.
@Ggalla1779 If you're doing web, I highly recommend using phantomjs.
@Ggalla1779 You can just feed it html and get a pdf. It's brilliant.
can it do xls / crystal / word
xlm and xlst
I don't even know what you mean by "XML to PDF"?
You want the XML text to be in a PDF? Where's the point in that?
business want it
you combine format xlst and content xml and it makes a page
Do you even know what XSLT does?
more like do they!
Nah, look at the technical aspect.
thats what they call there CSS sheets
XSLT is a transformation for XML to another format. That format could be HTML.
So yeah, you can put XML+XSLT=>HTML=>PDF
yes thats what they are doing
So that answers your question, "can it do xls"? Yeah, it can.
Moving on, crystal and word.. as html?
ok thanks Ruel
well word to pdf is easy
I was looking for an all in 1 solution
they did have adlib but it lapsed
and adlib want some stupid figure to continue to use it
Then you just need to look at a crystal solution. I dunno how to make PDF of that.
me neither
An all-in-one solution likely doesn't exist though. It makes no sense for it to exist.
there was a question and few answers on here
well adlib can do it all in 1
but it takes work to customise the scripts...called dpis
So essentially it does the same thing, take an input, make a normalized form, then change that to PDF. You can do the same just by making everything you want HTML and making a PDF of that :P
Also, note, PhantomJS is Blink (Google Chrome) so it's really predictable when dev'ing. Just make a pdf print in chrome to see results.
yeah it only does screenshots though
I prob want native convertion
When I run this code first time it works fine. While after that it thows error of Primery Key Voilation .... projectID+taskID is primary key

public bool reOrderTask(IEnumerable<ent_ProjectTasks.reorderTask> items)
using (var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
var projectID = items.FirstOrDefault().projectID;
var taskList = db.ProjectTasks.Where(wh => wh.ProjectID == projectID).ToList();
var clone = taskList;

var newList = new List<ProjectTask>();
@Own don't spam
@Ggalla1779 But it doesn't. It makes actual well structured PDF documents based on the HTML markup. Try it. Make a PDF now, all the text is properly selectable, searchable, etc, etc.
I will give it a go but can I open word and exel in browser then use it to save to pdf?
why would every browser allow that?
I dunno. Probably not, but do give it a try. I guess you'll need to deal with those natively. Or use something like Google Docs/Word 365, I dunno if that works.
it's a risk to open random content
Nah, it isn't. It's a browser. A browser is properly sandboxed.
ow I never thought about Office 365 or Google docs...thats a good idea
the idea of moving everything away from the server and server configuration is very appealing
Oh but the server can be making the PDF, don't get me wrong on that. It's just that.. the server would run something alike to Google Chrome to generate the PDF and hand it to the client. It isn't visible to the client at all, but it makes testing and implementing new 'PDFs', regardless of input format, a breeze in comparison with other solutions. At least, that's my experience.
Q: write Rhino Mock Test cases for Web api

stylishCoderHI have created a WEBAPI below. i am trying to write rhino Mocks for below API i have tried a lot but everytime i failed WEBAPI Code [Route("api/{Home}/{Username}/{Password}")] public HttpResponseMessage Get(string Username, string Password) { HttpResponseMessage r...

(This is exactly how I produce PDFs for all company systems btw)
well its not random its targeted content to a folder
Looks fairly easy to use google docs to convert word/Excel via the API as well
this is a background process user would never see it
they just have apps that save to a folder
@RoelvanUden oh, that sounds neat.
Although you might want to look into the business side of google docs if you go that way
In my opinion, there is no point ever choosing a different solution than the open web ones. Everyone understands CSS/HTML/JS, it's well supported, it's versatile, and can do pretty much anything. Whether it is PDF generation, or mobile apps, or desktop apps, or IoT, or web apps, or services, just choose CSS/HTML/JS and you're never wrong. #webisthefuture
@scheien :P and simple
reporting services
good morning guys
yes but if office is installed on the server that gives pdf support right there
@Ggalla1779 Then you need a Windows server and license, Office license, complex COM interop code, and lots of time to debug various interop issues. But it's a choice that is not wrong either.
But, say, native XML/XSLT to PDF without intermediary format? That's wrong.
I don't even know how it would work.
does webkit render XML in a readable way like IE does?
It does
@RoelvanUden I have most of that now...got 2 dev servers with office etc
I think roel ment it would be a pain to just roll it out to new servers if you ever had to
yeah I havent looked at the xml/xslt thing yet
anyways thanks
I never knew about Phantomjs... and I do like idea of web solution
pf i got a question... im working with a large database (over 100k rows) and i have a problem when im displaying data to the user. Now we are loading all the data at once and i takes some time to accomplish that and show it to the user.
I would like to "speed" it up and somehow load info bit by bit but the problem is that the database on a remote server and the app is working locally and i still need to keep all the functionality of the datatable(sorting,filterin etc) anyone can give some kind of advice
@Proxy according to what i've learned here, IQueryable should be your friend. I do not, however, now details.
@RoelvanUden I think you mentioned that IQueryable <=> Database stuff once to me?!
@RoelvanUden I'll think of that next time I'm going to generate some pdf's. Do you have a sample on github?
hm yeah i was planning to first load the inital few thousand rows and later when based on user clicks i would load the next desired pages
@scheien phantomjs rasterize.js 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jakarta&printable=yes' jakarta.pdf
@Proxy well do a stored proc or PAckage to extract data to a temp table with a uniq identifer...call data in bits
or page the data
but i dont know how exactly to implement it
my plan is to page the data but everything i search online is based on serverside
@AlexL sweet, thanks.
@scheien I was thinking the same thing as you :P it looks very helpful.
@scheien No. One sec.
yeah. I've been using all sorts of frameworks over the years, and they're all clusterf***. (forgot the no profanity thingy)
itextsharp etc
'use strict';
var args = require('system').args;
var page = require('webpage').create();

(function () {
    var address = args[1];
    var format = args[2];
    var output = args[3];

    if (format === 'pdf') {
        page.paperSize = {
            format: 'A4',
            orientation: 'portrait',
            margin: '1cm'
    } else {
        page.viewportSize = {
            width: parseInt(args[4], 10),
            height: parseInt(args[5], 10)

    page.open(address, function () {
There you go. Just call "phantom yourscript.js "http://localhost:3000/mysomething.html" pdf "someoutputfile.pdf"
You can also just make it an image if you want. :p
phantom js is pretty cool
That's pretty slick
Thanks @RoelvanUden
@Proxy your powerhouse is at the server
You're welcome :-)
Last time i did pagination I used OFFSET and FETCH not sure if thats the best way to do it but it worked
@SteffenWinkler I probably did.
Queryables are the only thing C# got that other languages don't
Well, the only useful thing.
why not use
I don't know postscript?
I didnt know I did...
well whatever
@scheien itextsharp was bad.
I used that also
still is the only library that gives you the ability to sign pdf documents
@Proxy the client side would be slow compared to a database server ....
Does anyone know how to get user IP in asp.net core1 rc1? I searched on SO but the discuss this is a bug and will be fix in RC2
@RoelvanUden: The phantomjs variant was almost too easy. I feel sick.
Morning lads
@Proxy however if you check tables you may find your just missing an index to speed up your queries
@Ggalla1779 i know but as i said i don't know how to exactly do it. I have only remote access to the database so my plan was to send maybe a call to display first 1000 rows and later when user cliks page 4 new request and new tables
@scheien :-D Which is why I use this :-P
and so on..
im not allowed to do anything on the database iteself
just display the data
ow ok... 100k of rows isnt large to me... few million is large..... am not sure why your having trouble loading it...maybe the remote
@Proxy Just.. use Skip(pageSize * page) and Take(pageSize).
Then make a simple pager.
well maybe its not big but now it take like 10-15 seconds to load
i was thinking something like that with ajax calls i suppose?
does data change alot
Anything over 50ms is unacceptable :D
yeah it does
but im new and i never worked with such large systems
The principle is simple. Make a pager and limited your result set.
yeah i will try
how to batch the query, when You don't have rights to do anything on the database?
as i said im allowed only to send select querys
Hello all
@Proxy ok. stackoverflow.com/questions/1744802/… from SQL 2012 You have offset
Why can't I view my class diagram? It shows me just 1 class, whilst I have more subclasses.
Can I set a TextBox (asp.net mvc) to check that the entered value is not empty?
I tried that:
        var rules = new Dictionary<string,object>();
        rules.Add("data-val-required", "field is required");
        rules.Add("data-val", true);
        foreach (var x in Enumerable.Range(0, Model.Count))
       <td>@(x + 1)</td>
       <td>@Html.TextBoxFor(z => z.Some[x],rules)</td>
But it's not working.
has type string
@ntohl yeah i thought there is some other better way so thats why i asked.
thnaks for tips lads
Some has type string[]
it is just property
maybe I need to add something else?
maybe i didnt understand very well but you want to check it on clien side or?
morning toxy-boy
hahahahah :P
@Proxy yes, client side
i think you will need to use javascript to check then
a portuguese Spy was arrested selling nato secrets to russia. that bastard
should be thrown into a dungeoun
cause Putin is a bastard that wants nothing good to anyone
I think he's putin it on.
hahahah GG WP
@Mr.Toxy true
@FoggyFinder yup he's a lunatic, thinks everyone and everything wants to attack russia... just like north korea.
Putin might not be quite as crazy as the western media wants you to believe.
that think many residents of the Russian Federation. Propaganda is very strong.
Putin is really not normal.
It's funny how you mention propaganda. Just look at what your own media shows and what it conveniently doesn't. It's all a biased look, too. Even if you don't want to believe that.
@RoelvanUden you just see a very nationalist man that thinks everything is a threat.
it's always biased to some extenet
nothing is black or white
I know many russian and also ukranian people
not even obama :D
@RoelvanUden Sorry, but I live in a region that borders with Russia. I know what I'm talking about.
And I live near the sea, yet that doesn't make me a good fisherman.
for me it's not the TV.
I've lived there. Most don't like him, but think he's better than the other options
I actually dont even know how NATO havent properly stepped up when they invaded crimea, russian ment war
@RoelvanUden in your words there is no logic.
@RoelvanUden Lol.
Actually there is logic. To say our own media is not biased is ridiculous
Both sides are biased. Maybe one is more than the other, but not by far.
No logic? Living near something doesn't automatically make you an expert on that something. All you will see is your own point of view which may not be the entire truth. It's your truth, and looking globally, local truths rarely apply on a wider basis.
We took in refugees in my town, there was some trouble. Does that mean that I have to think all refugees make trouble? Of course not. It's a local thing. Looking on a wider basis, there wasn't much trouble at all. Some incidents here and there, but nothing big.
@RoelvanUden that is not true when multiple people that lived there say the same
Crimea should be given to Russia. Together with the DNR and LNR.
The reason why the NATO did nothing is quite simply because it's a complicated matter. But there were severe consequences, ones the media doesn't show, but they were economic sanctions and they really hurt Russia. More than the word "economic sanction" might make you believe.
The fact that the entirety of Europe doesn't invest in Russia hurts them big time.
@FoggyFinder maybe, but not the way they did.
You just seem to be conveniently spinning the truth to suit your own needs. As do most people, unfortunately.
@Mr.Toxy It's still local. Everyone in my home town can say the same thing, but there are what, 15.000? If the other 16.5 million say otherwise, how can the insignificant 15.000 be "the absolute truth"? It isn't.
@RoelvanUden You are greatly mistaken.
Statistics people. Remember your math.
@RoelvanUden I see many reports that are nothing but biased in actual facts and what they see. check out VICE news. they made a report showing the steps taken my a russian spec ops into Ukraine even when russia says there werent any green man present... there were. it's not biased in what they think, but in what they saw and prooved
@RoelvanUden Math - not even once!
@RoelvanUden Know when your area will want to establish an independent region, you will also say that it is good?
oh, wait, no that was Meth. Always confusing those two
I was very lucky that KNR plan was never created.
so I know what I'm saying. Just come to Ukraine and see with your own eyes.
ukraine will be fucked for indeterminated time
@FoggyFinder we've such a region in Germany. It's called 'Bavaria'. It's terrible and we kind of want to either give it to Austria or ignore it.
@RoelvanUden and even now many believe Russia and Putin. You still don't believe in the power of propaganda?
It's too early for this
Russia has also a region filled with terrorist
they are always at war with them
@SteffenWinkler you are right, it is and it will always be
ffs this is C# channel
if you want to discuss politics I'm pretty sure there is a SE site for that
@Mr.Toxy ^ is the name of the region
as c# we must see sharp
so it can pass i would say
@FoggyFinder can u translate it into english? hahahahaha
@Proxy I totally aprove this message
Toxy don't be a dick dude, it's clear English isn't his first language.
@MaartenWachters o.O Im not being a dick I was talking seriously, I dont understand anything in russian
checenia i would say
Чечня = Chechnya
google seems to confirm
chechnya its another country
yeah but it must be that
I totally agree that media are biased, in either direction.
The Chechen Republic (/ˈtʃɛtʃᵻn/; Russian: Чече́нская Респу́блика, tr. Chechenskaya Respublika; IPA: [tɕɪˈtɕɛnskəjə rʲɪˈspublʲɪkə]; Chechen: Нохчийн Республика, Noxçiyn Respublika), commonly referred to as Chechnya (/ˈtʃɛtʃniə/; Russian: Чечня́; IPA: [tɕɪˈtɕnʲa]; Chechen: Нохчийчоь, Noxçiyçö), also spelled Chechnia or Chechenia, sometimes referred to as Ichkeria (lit land of minerals), is a federal subject (a republic) of Russia. It is located in the North Caucasus, situated in the southernmost part of Eastern Europe, and within 100 kilometres (62 miles) of the Caspian Sea. The capital of t...
The Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (/ɪtʃˈkɛriə/; Chechen: Nóxçiyn Paçẋalq Noxçiyçö [noχtʃʰiːn pʰɑtʃʜɑlq nɔχtʃɪtʃʰy̯ø], Cyrillic: Нохчийн Пачхьалкх Нохчийчоь; Russian: Чеченская Республика Ичкерия; abbreviated as "ChRI" or "CRI") is the unrecognized secessionist government of the Chechen Republic. The republic was proclaimed in late 1991 by Dzhokhar Dudayev, and fought two devastating wars with the Russian Federation, which denounced the secession. In late 2007, the President of Ichkeria, Dokka Umarov, declared that he had renamed the republic to Noxçiyc̈ó and converted it into a province of the much...
Okay. You've swayed my opinion. I agree on everything you all said.
yeah its that
I need a new avatar. Any suggestions?
And please don't say Putin.
I saw some footage of spetsnaz intervention there
@RoelvanUden Erna Solberg
@Rob Russia today is not what Russia before. I often was in Russia and I still love this country. People trust their politicians and propaganda. In spite of all the facts. Alas.
@RoelvanUden Angela Merkel meme
Well no. That'd be awkward.
People already assume dutch == german
hahahahha XD I was jk btw
@RoelvanUden dutch == swamp germans
"Swamp germans" ROFL LMFAO
Swamp germans remains a great one :)
will I get flagged for LMFAO? :S
How can I best check for a duplicate in a list?
@MaartenWachters count?
@MaartenWachters .Contains
@FoggyFinder Not sure what you mean..? I was there fairly recently.. during the Ukrainian scandal infact
@MaartenWachters lstNames.GroupBy(n => n).Any(c => c.Count() > 1);
that worked for me
@Rob what Urainian scandel
it will return a boolean, true for has duplicates false for no duplicates
Eeh can you ELI5 that?
@Rob I too was there at the beginning of "scandal." When around saying you're a fascist and banderovets, only for the fact that you have different views.
string naam = "";
            bool duplicate = false;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
                naam = "Pokeman" + i;
                Pokeman.Add(new Pokemon() { Name = naam });
                if (lbTrainer1.Items.Contains.Name = Name)
                    duplicate = true;
                if (duplicate = false)
though many think so, too, in my city :(

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