@Mr.Toxy Basically he was a pretty cool guy, we talked about what i was developing a little bit, i didnt go into detail just explained how i did it. What frameworks i have been working with, APL's. Experience in the field work wise. We came to the conclusion that he will check with the team if they are cool with teaching me the ropes as a Junior or see if there is other junior positions as they are expanding.
@scheien (most) meetings in English, chat in English, but German is spoken between other developers. I haven't had a single problem with communication thus far :)
foggens band of gayboys was cool tho, they taught me the ropes from when i was about 2-3 days into the game
Ergan iceglow chased me the fuck down outside of andruk and we fought a bit(Mostly me fucking around a tree statting up), then he ressed me and i got into their noob clan applejews
@Froxer We have a saying here. "Goedkoop is duurkoop". Cheap is expensive, most liberally translated. Essentially it boils down to buying a cheap thing will bite you in the ass later, because it's crap and you need to fix/replace/deal with it later anyway. Do it right the first time.
Question: Is there an easy way to execute a SQL query as a different user? I have a textarea where one can enter a raw query. This raw query should only be allowed to be a SELECT. So I need a user that only has the right for the SELECT statement. How do I temporarily switch to this user to execute a query?
For EF, If I have 2 projects. (1 class library that contains the DBContext Class) and (1 asp.net MVC) why do I need to put the ConnectionString in the Web.Config of the MVC project instead of the App.Config of the Class Library??
@Michael Configuration settings are kept per-process. That means that if you use the same class library from two programs, you have two different configurations.
The idea being that a class library doesn't manage its own configuration, it's part of an application, and the application is the one that manages configuration.
the side extension contained the server room. The boss had his bedroom upstairs and had a video camera relaying the office room to a monitor by his bed
@Froxer Froxer. I'm sorry its me having to tell you this. There are some questions that are not questions at all. These are called rhetorical questions. They are not answerable.
@MuhammdAzeem Don't. Just don't. You rewrite your brain to operate in an abnormal way and nobody understands you except your fellow devouts. Just move on if you have a chance. Don't get sucked into programming.