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3:00 PM
I have no plans of micromanaging this room. @Sippy . "To all stupid people put panini in your ass****" or "I hope you like ana* because you are going to get fuc**d" cannot be part of a civilised conversation. Please ensure that you don't use such lines in the future.
@Sippy That got blocked by my proxy
@StevenLiekens but when Creating a project the MVC icon had a 4 next to it.
@Mr.Toxy don't let it happen again. ;P
MS must have not updated the icons
5.2.3 should work in vs2013 so that's not it
3:00 PM
@bluefeet sorry. I wont :p
unless your buddy is missing some SDKs
@StevenLiekens I'm surprised its not working, I wouldnt be surprised if its him.
Ill ask someone else to try to open it
@TomW - People should be warned first (politely). You should always give them a chance to correct themselves.
yeah make sure he has the framework SDK and not just the runtime
@Michael what does your co-workers VS complain about? better have the message
3:02 PM
@TheLostMind I don't think that answers the question
@tweray yeah, he didnt say.. of course
Okay everybody. Pad all the sharp edges, cover the outlets, and get your blankies.
Well.. any downsides to installing Vs2013 and VS 2015 side x side?
I don't feel safe in here anymore without my panini.
Put another way, I don't agree that it follows that because someone shouldn't say some things, when they do say them, that message should be deleted
Especially if it's historical by that point
In other words, I think you're interfering for no benefit in this case.
3:03 PM
@Michael downside: You'll have VS 2013 sitting uselessly on your disk
@TomW - If they don't learn, then its their problem.
@KendallFrey i'll have to use it to start projects :/
@TheLostMind I don't say stuff like that cos I'm not a pleb
You're also not under attack
@Amy same
well, after all this is chat, not SO posts. we can't just talk like monday meeting with CEO listening, that's simply not... chat
I'll say more about it later, I need to work lol
@TheLostMind we've done pretty well in my experience handling disruptive users. I don't think culling the room history is really necessary.
Things that are truly offensive go straight in the trash can.
3:06 PM
We delete things from this room all the time in self-policing.
22 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
I sense impending clusterfuck
^ now you stahp
I hate you caprica
^ I laugh every time. I don't know why.
3:07 PM
@KendallFrey you watch your mouth, there are women and children here with delicate sensibilities
@Sippy - As long as you guys keep the vulgarity under check, there won't be a problem.
I sense jimmies getting rustled.
I disagree that vulgarity is necessarily offensive.
If I responded to that the way that I really wanted to...
@TomW - Yes. It isn't always offensive. But The 2 sentences I pointed to are offensive.
3:08 PM
@TheLostMind We have no room rules against vulgarity
We all disagree.
reputation puah
"to all stupid put all "Panini" in your hiney-hole" ?
god, its not the same.
3:09 PM
disregard reputation, acquire stars
@TheLostMind No, they're offensive to you.
None of the people in this room found either of them offensive.
That seems like a grey area to me
And as a mod you have the right to respond to grey areas however you see fit
All I'm trying to do is explain that we can handle offensiveness as a group of ROs
ehm if i have this html code : <embed name="svgAll" src="https://dev.w3.org/SVG/tools/svgweb/samples/svg-files/opera.svg" type="image/svg+xml" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/" style="width: 319px;">
When we have a problem with a user we will always call for help.
3:10 PM
can i put html outputted code into itexsharp
@Sippy totally agree, it was just a joke
I love how every intention I could ever express already has an image macro.
This looks strangely familiar...
I like how both of the deleted messages feature anuses prominently
3:11 PM
(I actually won't)
@Sidney what, thas cool xD
@Sidney even if you did you can't run from mods
We can discuss anuses.
And to point out most of the active users in this room are RO's and we are pretty vulgar and also a group of friends.
And panini.
3:12 PM
Friendship is magic after all
Panini are magic, too
I know all about friendship and magic shit.
@mikeTheLiar hahaha it's a common thing in programming world
> magic shit
Anuses can be pretty magical if you know what you're doing
Magic Shit: no splashing!
3:12 PM
@Amy you're a pony, thats what you live for
sounds like something pony can produce
@tweray touche ^^
@TheLostMind tl;dr we respect your diligence, but we're asking you to respect our autonomy.
@Sippy - You are one of the ROs. Try to keep it under control :). Keep it clean and "less abusive". Have a great day
@mikeTheLiar ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
3:13 PM
It's not abusive
It was always under control and not abusive at all.....
You vandalised a historical monument, you panini
But lenny faces are ok, right guys?
We never didn't have control.
What's a lenny face?
3:14 PM
should i say i'm not surprised
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
lenny face
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
didn't know that had a name
@mikeTheLiar coff coff. you say that cause I bet it's not ur anus...
3:14 PM
@TheLostMind if you understood the culture of the room then you would understand that we rarely lose control of the room. Losing control only happens as a result of users that intend to cause issues because ROs do not have enough power.
i suppose I should have expected it to have a name.
make spam? yes
@Mr.Toxy ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
3:15 PM
@Sippy you know what, just let it go...
@Amy that name was borne precisely out of a lack of a name
1 message moved to Trash can
this one is so kawai tho
TIL Google Keyboard has a bunch of lenny faces as part of their emoji collection
there are like 20
So in the interest of being unoffensive we're going to be complete fucking inane instead. Gotcha.
3:15 PM
I feel bad for @KendallFrey's mom
Everyone, grab your panini.
On my mark, insert panini.
Anyone ready to go to the historical section of the library and scratch out all the bad words?
too late
3:16 PM
@Amy my anus is ready
i prematurely inserted
dammit @Failsafe now we have to do it again
You have to remember that my asshole is very large and a slight gust of wind can blow panini's in there
it's not my fault
3:17 PM
I... don't want to remember that.
@KendallFrey My what?
inb4 boltclock puts the room in spectator mode rofl
are we spectating panini insertion, now?
isn't that taking things to a whole new level?
3:17 PM
@BoltClock yeah i wonder how that happened
@Amy sometimes I like to watch
@BoltClock is that like a official certificate something? i mean... thank you
@Sippy - Our definitions of "rude / vulgar" are clearly different. I understand that. Try to keep it as less vulgar as possible. Have a great day @others
a todos los estupdios poner toda de las panini en su culo
Thank you for restoring peace and justice to the room.
3:22 PM
Honestly the removal of the message caused more disarray than the original ever did
I observed that as well. We've talked about nothing but panini and assholes for the last 30 minutes.
I love it
Who was the last Truly Offensive person in the run? Pretty sure he got booted until he learned to be a little less offensive, and is still regularly in the room.
He learned though
3:23 PM
There was that guy who claimed his account was hacked, then talked about "server loads"
Wardy|Wadry|Darth Waydr got a little heated recently but he's okay
@Amy the guy who went around making sexual jokes about server racks
honestly i thought it was hilarious
Adan gets kicked fairly frequently
3:24 PM
and him getting banned was even funnier
i was laughing the whole time
But I think he's just immature
He is.
And we're not?
He's offensive but that's just because he has the sensibilities of a 16 year old with a copy of Atlas Shrugged
3:25 PM
good point
@Failsafe anus
Erm, oh, uncomfortable self-reflection
@mikeTheLiar I keep envisioning him as a thirteen year old. I had sexy ladies as my user image when I was 13.
we literally talked about panini's going in assholes for 30 minutes
@Sidney so did I :)
3:25 PM
@Sidney and now you have sexy knights
@Amy Word
@Sidney nude?
@mikeTheLiar Double Word
@tweray he's wearing armor
shit, can't call police
3:26 PM
tastes are tastes. If you like some panini up your asshol*e no one can say anithing about that. You shove what you like to shove
Have we reached an accord with LostMind or does he hate us now?
@Mr.Toxy preach it
I can't tell
just forget about it
@Sippy neither can I.
3:27 PM
I dont know. I don't think he understands why we objected to his deletion though.
Doesn't matter.
!!learn Tastes "You shove what you like to shove"
@Sidney Command tastes learned
it's just like his first coming and willing to "full fill mod responsibility"
@mikeTheLiar well I supose we can make a religion after it. Afterall there's the flying spaguetti monster chruch right? We can have a panini church as well
3:27 PM
happens to everyone
!!zoidberg moderation
It just doesn't feel very good when a mod comes in here for an hour to act as the fun police and then disappears again
@mikeTheLiar The moderation is bad and you should feel bad
@tweray yeah, I thought yesterday that he's a new mod, gotta throw some weight around
3:28 PM
@Sippy yeah. Especially without any real resolution
@Mr.Toxy You shove what you like to shove
It doesnt feel very good when the room rules are disregarded for someone's personal bias.
@Mr.Toxy You've been immortalized.
3:28 PM
after 2-3 weeks, everybody just forget about it, and things back to normal
@Failsafe I mean shit, it's even in the rules: Please avoid flagging content unless it is egregious
@Sidney hahahahaha many cookies for you ^^
And there is no anti vulgarity rule
I'm pretty sure some other mods hopped in recently and told us to stop abusing flags when we were legit flagging Adan.
@Failsafe there is, just not in our rules
3:30 PM
well when I made that comment about Trumpshitty McDonald's his answer was "Don't talk bad about USA presidents" I find this answer so so weird...
I probably missed it, I didn't even know who Adan was until they were mentioned a few minutes ago
@BoltClock He behaves now
@Mr.Toxy he's not POTUS, so fuck him
He is a lot like Obviously
He's a help vampire who frequents this room and asks really dumb questions.
3:30 PM
@KendallFrey POTUS?
@KendallFrey Yea but the topics conversed about are at the discretion of the room owners
President of the...
!!wiki potus
says so in the FAQ
The President of the United States of America (POTUS) is the elected head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. The President of the United States is considered one of the world's most powerful people, leading the world's only contemporary superpower. The role includes being the commander-in-chief of the world's most expensive military with the largest nuclear arsenal and leading the largest economy by real and nominal GDP. The office of the president...
3:31 PM
@KendallFrey oh I see XDDD
we got ourselves a Trumpshitty McDonald's supporter, so he finds that abusive just because I mentioned a "prez" name or what? -_-
what the hell are you talking about
yea ^
@Amy lostMind banned me cause I made a comment about Trump and his answer was: "Dont talk bad about usa prez"
@Amy something in those lines
I don't believe you
me neither
3:33 PM
@Mr.Toxy For Really rlz? That's pretty sad.
@TomW I said that trump should get raped by some people. I got banned, I entered and he said something like that
oh yea now i remember
@Mr.Toxy - I banned you?. Are you high?
@TheLostMind *kick
That is a completely different statement
3:34 PM
@TheLostMind ...
I'd consider that question offensive
I told you to keep your language under control
@Sippy what?
Man you really need to learn how to read context in chatrooms
@Sippy who am Im offending and in what way?
He's calling a "kick" a "ban"
3:36 PM
I'm offended at that ^
He was kicked yesterday.
hahahaha XD everyone makes mistakes
yes kicked not baned
I would say suggesting somebody be raped is actually a tad bit offensive. Just sayin, but then again I don't know the context.
It is.
3:37 PM
Rape isn't something to joke about.
Neither is suicide.
And as such I'm sure it would've been dealt with
@Failsafe you win ^^
@Sippy It was dealt with
By the mod?
3:38 PM
@TheLostMind its worth noting that we could have, and would have, handled @Mr.Toxy's comment yesterday ourselves.
We are under control.
I guess
@Amy it wasnt an intetional joke, it was just a meme.
I wasn't really paying attention
@Mr.Toxy doesn't matter.
3:38 PM
I don't care if its part of a meme.
That doesn't shield you from responsibility.
Just like that meme about suicide you pasted yesterday.
@Amy thats a joke about the context not suicide
trash can is a magical place
I wouldn't incur the wrath of Amy if I were you
3:40 PM
Blah blah blah
I'm about 15% wrathful.
@Failsafe Isn't it a great way of explicitly saying "You're out of line" without creating a gigantic fustercluck?
@Amy ok sorry
@Sidney Obviously not because it still did the latter
3:41 PM
> fart fart
robot chicken ^^
1h20 do leave jesus
@mikeTheLiar triggered
@Failsafe talking about triggers is offensive
3:42 PM
triggering intensifies
Triggers make me think of guns which makes me feel unsafe
if you're getting triggered turn your safety on, sheeesh
I keep running out of memory on windows 10; I suspect its new Memory Compression feature isn't designed with my run-three-visual-studios-at-once use case in mind
I need to put SO in Safe Space mode
3:42 PM
run-three-visual-studios-at-once wow big word
@MikeAsdf I usually run about 10-15 instances
Somethings wrong with your shit stuff
SoftRAM and SoftRAM95 were system software products which claimed to "double" the available memory in Microsoft Windows without the need for a hardware upgrade. However, it later emerged that the program didn't even attempt to do what it claimed to do. In July 1996, the developer, Syncronys, settled charges brought by the Federal Trade Commission of "false and misleading" claims in relation to the capability of the software. The product was rated the third "Worst Tech Product of All Time" by PC World in 2006. == SoftRAM == SoftRAM was designed for use with Windows 3.x. It was launched in May 1995...
@MikeAsdf why not use tabs?
Download more RAM
3:43 PM
I forgot safe space mode was on
@mikeTheLiar there isnt possible any person who believed in that right?
In a safe space no one can hear you scream
@Sidney multiple solutions in the same VS?
REMINDER Safe Space Mode is currently ACTIVE.
fuck Dang nabbit
3:44 PM
@MikeAsdf Ah, nevermind.
All offensive users will be terminated. Immediately.
@Amy what about defensive users?
Or special teams?
PC Principal is now in charge of this room.
3:45 PM
plz stahp
why does his head cave in
@Amy who's that?
@Amy aliens
Caprica can't do anything worth it but if someone says stop then shes on it
stupid bot
3:45 PM
@BoltClock of course!
> memesvault
that's a clever meme.
3:47 PM
I don't like WCF
clever, because no one would say that in the history of ever
I am figuring this out slowly over the course of this week
@Amy awwwwwwwn ^^ can I have a cookie pls?
WCF is a miserable existence.
3:47 PM
I'm still at 9% wrath.
"Example of a cringe worthy individual: A fedora-wearing misanthrope who also happens to enjoy My Little Pony and always complains about being "forever alone". "
The cookie dispenser is currently offline for your safety.
noooo T.T
"I Lived" by OneRepublic is a fun song.
@SteveG did you actually just join the room to say blablabla and leave
3:50 PM
3 doors down - here without you
guys i have a datagridview where buttons are generated with code form database how can i do 2 buttons to scroll the datagrid does anyone know
Eiffel 65 - Blue blablabla
buttons to scroll the datagrid?
@AndréMarques winforms or ASP.NET or what
3:52 PM
wait, "generated with code from database"?
@amy yes @MikeAsdf windows forms
@AndréMarques scroll as changing the position of the buttons or literally scroll down the datagrid?
@MikeAsdf gonna hear that one
@Mr.Toxy literally scroll down because some doesnt appear or only appear half button
Grrrr, chrome keeps on deleting my extensions. >_<
but you can delete chrome
3:54 PM
@MikeAsdf yes i get data that are use to put in button name and stuff
> delete chrome
good one
Google owns me. I might as well pay the fiver to publish them to the chrome store. =(
I was worried that the code was literally on the database
being dynamically retrieved by queries and compiled
true story, I had to test something in Chrome the other day and found it hadn't been installed since I reformatted in January.
3:55 PM
historical #1 adware/malware/worm-virus:
Chrome by Google
@Mr.Toxy I don't find that offensive but it's too NSFW
here's a protip: if you feel the need to say "please dont find this offensive", then you probably shouldn't say it.
@mikeTheLiar oh ok I forgot that damn
@MikeAsdf dont worry its just names and cods of the row
@Amy XDD good tip
3:57 PM
Just the tip
well I need more music
I have been replaying Symphony X - Underworld for a couple days now
nursery rhymes
so good
i have pandora for music
3:58 PM
@Mr.Toxy what do you like to listen to?
@Mr.Toxy Just download the FF7, 8, and 9 OST. Problem solved.
Anyone ever dealt with the ReSharper issue where it takes 10 seconds to bring up the context menu? CTRL+.
can someone help me?
I can't believe resharper is this damn heavy
I thought VS was a tank
RS is a planet
@AndréMarques sorry, i don't even understand what you're trying to do. i think a language barrier is in the way.
3:59 PM
@Sippy Bigger than Kendall's mom?

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