hi, kinda new to python. bpaste.net/show/9Bmyj4IFfxN3Gyutg7LW trying to understand self.model = MyTableModel(self, [User('Mary', '12345'), User('John', 'qwerty')], ['name', 'password']). Why is self given as the first arguement to MyTableModel()? and is this a list containing objects?
@rxdazn thanks. it takes def __init__(self, parent, rows, columns):. There's no parent since it's a 1 dimensional list. when MyTableModel is called remotely from a different class.... I guess class MyWindow(QtGui.QWidget): is sending a instance of itself as a object?
Awesome, You are awesome, May god bless you with sweet kids and lot of money. "<b>" worked for me, and i want nothing else. I don't know why i didn't thought of this simple thing. Thanks a lot. — Deepak Kumar6 mins ago
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea or B. oleracea var. capitata, var. tuba, and var. sabauda) is a member of the Brassica genus and the Brassicaceae (mustard) family.
@Lattyware @TemporaryNickName i normally develop using Python but now these last two months I've been thrown into a Java project to help out. The amounts of curses I have to suppress and the urges to call python scripts have increased with something around 500%
@TemporaryNickName using porn was probably a bit devious but I doubt releasing it and distributing pictures of cats would have been of much benefit for him and the technology he had created
Cats have managed to propagate regardless of P2P networks - in fact, even before the net they've managed to infiltrate sometimes discretely, sometimes not, into our lives...
I don't see the value in making such generalisations. It might well be the case on average, but not in all games, and any MMORPG will require enough time sunk into it that spending a little time developing a tailored strategy for the game would be worthwhile.
@InbarRose Indeed. It just makes a lot more sense. Python is all about flexibility.
@InbarRose fair point too, although % is a valid operator, while print is definately a function.. however I know, these functions are looking for a magic function in a class
Exactly, operators are just syntactic sugar, really - they make it nicer to work with some things as they make our code more similar to real-world maths and stuff.
But string formatting isn't something we do outside of programming, so why use an operator? There is nothing for it to be similar to.
And just having a function makes it easier to use in a lot of situations.
@JonClements quick question for you. I got offered an internship for this summer. I had to turn it down because A) it was an hour and a half from where i live and B) it was an unpaid internshit...i mean internship.
actually, unpaid internships are better than paid ones IMHO. because either way you are stuck doing something shity. at least when it is unpaid when you get a job later, people see you have integrity of trying to learn as opposed to just wanting to earn. Also - doing unpaid work is better then not doing work -think of your future.. You need the experiene, that is what they are paying you
It is very hard to get jobs now-a-days, especially with no experience. This is not "no-payment" it is a short few months that you can then take to any other job and they will see "oh good, this guy has experience, and he worked for free - so we know he is serious and not just here for money"
@InbarRose the problem is that, how the hell is one supposed to afford costs associated with living and working without an income... Dedication is one thing, being able to afford shelter and food is another thing
@JonClements the internship was to make a spider that gets the price of flowers from local flower shops. I was wondering which librarys i should use? i was thinking urllib2, socket, and beautifulsoup. My question is if you have any other suggestions?
yeah, im still a student. I got offered a summer internship. 5 days a week, no pay. I asked if I could do 2 or 3 days. So i could get another job to pay for gas. Answer: NO
I thought about it for a couple of weeks, came up with a plan, had some budget spare, so took him on for a 6 month contract at the equiv. of 16k a year - which I thought was perfectly reasonable
Internships have to be the best recruitment tool out there. You can show people you have a good place to work, and see how good they are at the same time.
A company that won't pay you for an internship is probably not one you want to do one for.
I mean, with a paid internship, you know you'll be doing real work - they aren't going to pay you for doing nothing. Unpaid, you could be doing nothing of value.
previous role I was in boss tried to get an unpaid "internship" to essentially do data input.... somehow the office manager disuaded him (so she was paid minimum wage), then they just dropped her after 3 months (after giving out messages they would keep her, b*stards). (Glad I left.....)
Yeah I read about eclipse, I just got a few laptops handed to me, need an os for them and Im going the free route(linux) probably going to have to try out a few of them
I've heard alot about pychar
that also brings up the question of linux mint, ubuntu, or puppy
Well, you can start using something whenever you need to - although to be honest, I don't think it matters how big your project is, an IDE for Python is never really needed, just nice.
well I can agree with ou there, and IDE like visual or pycharm, or any of the other alternatives is never needed, it just makes things go smoother(in my opinion, from watching my coworker write code in both a text editor and an IDE)