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06:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Morning Cabbage Folks.
I had a great day yesterday rep-wise. :)
you did indeed 245
grats! :D
heh, thanks.
I've had one of those spress once
I have never seen it return since
never got that high though, :(, highest ive gone is 150
I was surprised too, I thought you could not get over 200 a day.. :S
Why did you think that there was a limit?
I was pretty sure I read that somewhere on the site.
there's a badge for 50x200 daily rep
Yeah, woah.
@InbarRose you can't get more than 200 from upvotes
bounties and accepts don't count
So after 20 upvotes it stops counting?
yes, unless you get downvoted
I see...
Did you ever know that the * in *args is called the splat operator?
yeah, but in the python community its seldom called that for some reason
more a ruby thing i think
Although it's usually called the "unpack" operator
My personal favorite: "The spiky star thingy near the args" I don't remember where from, but one question had that as the question.
And one of the comments was just, 'do you mean "*" ' And the OP commented back "Do'h! I forgot I could just type it on the keyboard"
Man - I gotta find that, it was funny.
hi, kinda new to python. bpaste.net/show/9Bmyj4IFfxN3Gyutg7LW trying to understand self.model = MyTableModel(self, [User('Mary', '12345'), User('John', 'qwerty')], ['name', 'password']). Why is self given as the first arguement to MyTableModel()? and is this a list containing objects?
@dhee hello. you should look at MyTableModel, it probably takes a QWidget as argument in its constructor
Are there any doctest gurus floating about?
@rxdazn thanks. it takes def __init__(self, parent, rows, columns):. There's no parent since it's a 1 dimensional list. when MyTableModel is called remotely from a different class.... I guess class MyWindow(QtGui.QWidget): is sending a instance of itself as a object?
yes, your QtGui.QWidgetinstance is the parent parameter
1 hour later…
Awesome, You are awesome, May god bless you with sweet kids and lot of money. "<b>" worked for me, and i want nothing else. I don't know why i didn't thought of this simple thing. Thanks a lot. — Deepak Kumar 6 mins ago
Hope they did actually mean br but, wow - I think they're thankful
Yup - got closed fairly quickly though
This one sounds interesting
(in the sense it might be interesting to see if there's a response about the function at all)
brotha got furious!
long time since i saw the word "fucking" :)
Cabbage to all
@limelights yup - it also appeared in the original post (which I edited out)
and also: how you guys say bye? egabbac? or cabbage[::-1]? or?
we say "bye"
No, I believe it's "rhubarb"
We're not strange or anything
(although it's not official)
@limelights oh, i know that :)
@Volatility +1
pcalcao came up with that
(or however you spell it)
Ummm.... do we have a canonical source of Cabbage?
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea or B. oleracea var. capitata, var. tuba, and var. sabauda) is a member of the Brassica genus and the Brassicaceae (mustard) family.
Err - I meant for the language ;)
yeah, yeah :P
ok, too tired, going to sleep
if anyone using here sublime text, here is a beautiful icon replacement: dribbble.com/shots/…
there is a light version too
@Volatility go to bed! :)
Interesting name @TemporaryNickName - welcome
hi, but im a java programmer
Not sure if 18 months is particularly temporary but... ;)
am I still welcome?
Just don't start any language wars ;)
@JonClements Oh, silly people...
@TemporaryNickName It's worth noting that exposure to Python may cause an adverse reaction to the verbosity of Java code in the future ;)
@Lattyware @TemporaryNickName i normally develop using Python but now these last two months I've been thrown into a Java project to help out. The amounts of curses I have to suppress and the urges to call python scripts have increased with something around 500%
heya @Lattyware - I see you're loitering as promised ;)
Yup, I thought I'd start hanging around. Its been good so far :D
@limelights Tell me about it, my degree was all Java, it was a painful experience.
Do you think Bram Cohen is a huge cunt because he developed torrent and released large number of porns to attract people?
or he is a great programmer who supports free speech on internet
Will "yes" suffice as a rather generic and useless answer?
@TemporaryNickName using porn was probably a bit devious but I doubt releasing it and distributing pictures of cats would have been of much benefit for him and the technology he had created
Cats have managed to propagate regardless of P2P networks - in fact, even before the net they've managed to infiltrate sometimes discretely, sometimes not, into our lives...
Cat memes are VERY old :P
yes, but have cats ever done anything for technology?
Cat Scans!?
boom boom
I thought this was Python not cat memes
@JonClements but it's CT Scan not CAT scan... :(
@EthanBacon it is Python - but for some bizarre reason we also find it amusing to partake in conversation not related to programming as well
Also, are you the brother of Kevin?!
is '%s text' % 'my' as fast as '{id} text'.format(id='my')?
fair point
i use format for everything
Wouldn't a more fair comparison be %(id)s % {'id': 'my'} ?
i think it makes for cleaner code.
(or maybe dict(id='my') so you've got function overhead instead of a literal)
@JonClements it's fair, because the first is getting it1s values from list the next one is from dictionary
I'm curios about is format with its dict method as fast
format will probably be slower, as it's more powerful
as the old %s method
but I'd argue it's the better option
as I find the old method really ugly and unreadable.
but many people disagree with me on that one
Oh, I like format much much more!
for me the best practice, about formatting with the new method
is that you can pass the string without formatting it
and later you can do it in one place
@PeterVaro not quite sure I'm following
for example: you create a piece of a message
this will be the 'common' part
but it also has some formatting in it
which is based on an item's behavouir
you also have a message part
which is special, and different formatted for each item
with formatting
you can create the common part '{this} is {that}'
and just leave it there
while in a for loop you create the specific one, and in the loop you add and fill the common part
Okay, and that differs from '%(this)s is %(that)s' how ?
%(something)s want to replaced immiddiatle
ooooh, you are right...
I should hope I am ;)
OMG, shame on me.. it's soooo obvios
Just think of the % (values) as calling .format(...) instead
Apart from the increased flexibility, there's also some nice features about format
guys you know that in MMORPG games
and is the % invoking the same function at the end as {}?
format(123, 'b') or stuff is nice
defense and hit point upgrades are generally cheaper than damage upgrade?
@PeterVaro who knows without looking at the internals - I'd imagine it all goes down the same route after the parsing of the string is done though
so by focusing on defense and hit point upgrades, you win the game
i figured it out
Oh, OK:)
@PeterVaro you can also make nice callables out of them... fmt = '{0} = {1}\n'.format; for line in some_tuples:print fmt(line) etc...
@TemporaryNickName lol, wat
I'm not 100% wake at the moment
but I love this:)
@TemporaryNickName That varies massively game to game.
@PeterVaro then you can use them in list-comps, or for instance, map(fmt, some_stuff) to create strings out of stuff
@Lattyware @limelights No but most of time I am right
@TemporaryNickName yeah, you might but randomly blurting it out was new to me
@TemporaryNickName Well, you would tailor your strategy to the game at hand - no one would play enough MMOs to make not doing so valuable.
I think game designers believe damage related upgrades are more awesome than defense related upgrades so they make them cheaper
print map('{0:x} {0:b} {0:o}'.format, range(10, 14))
# ['a 1010 12', 'b 1011 13', 'c 1100 14', 'd 1101 15']
So basically, in MMORPG, weapons cost million golds
but boots or shields or hats cost half of that price
yes, @JonClements and @PeterVaro . The thing about .format() instead of % is teh same reason they switched print msg to print(msg) ...
I don't see the value in making such generalisations. It might well be the case on average, but not in all games, and any MMORPG will require enough time sunk into it that spending a little time developing a tailored strategy for the game would be worthwhile.
@InbarRose Indeed. It just makes a lot more sense. Python is all about flexibility.
@Lattyware Yeah - Or you just take a caster DPS....
@InbarRose fair point too, although % is a valid operator, while print is definately a function.. however I know, these functions are looking for a magic function in a class
but for me, this is more obvious
Exactly, operators are just syntactic sugar, really - they make it nicer to work with some things as they make our code more similar to real-world maths and stuff.
But string formatting isn't something we do outside of programming, so why use an operator? There is nothing for it to be similar to.
And just having a function makes it easier to use in a lot of situations.
and I did a timeit 100-100 times
and format is better
timeit.timeit('"some %(id)s text" % dict(id="my")', number=10000)
timeit.timeit("'some {id} text'.format(id='my')", number=10000)
these are the best results
but format is a lot more faster
in general
wow.. I made a small script for doing timeit in 1000 times and calculates the average
%s -> 0.0100193889141; {} -> 0.0084358894825
timeit already does that...
that's not the point:)
but you are right:)
@PeterVaro you seem to be quite enjoying your Python experience ;)
@JonClements I love every single character of it:)
I came to say goodnight to Volatility but he is not here. Goodnight everyone, and @Volatility GO TO SLEEP
LOL - he's already gone to bed
@Haidro GO TO SLEEP! :)
Wow, okay, someone just deaccepted my answer D:
@Haidro that just happened to me a 3 or 4 days ago..
Well, this user didn't get removed...
heya @lciamp - welcome back
In other news, I somehow have 246 userpage views. Huh
Yeah - that always seems arbitrary to me... I've got 2,601 now... not sure if that's good or bad really
1,410 for me - I'll take it as a good thing.
I got at least one bite on my SO Careers profile, so it's probably a good thing.
I think a lot of those came as (maybe foolishly?) putting myself up for election
@JonClements I voted for you :)
I think many people voted for him :)
awww - me love you long time!? :)
Volatility voted for Brassica Prime
Maybe I should change my name - take on the intellectual looking cabbage picture, and change my profile and stuff..... It'll be a sure winner!
But I am sad you didn't take that strange photo you found before :P
everyone who works in the python tag
should change their avatar to a cabbage
When's your b'day Inbar?
@Haidro How about - no.
@JonClements Not for a long while.
@InbarRose okay - my avatar change will be about then, then ;)
blegh :P
Sooner or later...
@JonClements cabbageeeeeee!
sorry, I had finals this week, so i havent been around.
No problem - you found your way back ;)
happy to be back!
Excellent.... the army for his cabbage grows.... chuckles evilly...
Okay... night
@Haidro night mate! (i just woke up :()
@Haidro GO TO BED
@JonClements quick question for you. I got offered an internship for this summer. I had to turn it down because A) it was an hour and a half from where i live and B) it was an unpaid internshit...i mean internship.
heya @rxdazn
@lciamp Did I miss a question there?
@lciamp why don't you just answer that you got a better offer / something that better fits your professional goals?
@rxdazn I didn't get a better offer. i have to do something other than programming this summer.
does it really matter if you didn't get a better offer?
I mean, do you know them personally or something?
actually, unpaid internships are better than paid ones IMHO. because either way you are stuck doing something shity. at least when it is unpaid when you get a job later, people see you have integrity of trying to learn as opposed to just wanting to earn. Also - doing unpaid work is better then not doing work -think of your future.. You need the experiene, that is what they are paying you
It is very hard to get jobs now-a-days, especially with no experience. This is not "no-payment" it is a short few months that you can then take to any other job and they will see "oh good, this guy has experience, and he worked for free - so we know he is serious and not just here for money"
@InbarRose the problem is that, how the hell is one supposed to afford costs associated with living and working without an income... Dedication is one thing, being able to afford shelter and food is another thing
@JonClements the internship was to make a spider that gets the price of flowers from local flower shops. I was wondering which librarys i should use? i was thinking urllib2, socket, and beautifulsoup. My question is if you have any other suggestions?
or requests and beautifulsoup
Also, if the unpaid internship doesnt come with job guarantee (or possible) then i'd say that they're just using unpaid help.
@limelights yup - and possibly - not even learn much - just get the "dregs" of what everyone else doesn't want to do
i told them i couldn't do it because i couldn't afford to commute to and from for 2 months. (sucks but it's true)
(unless it's some kind of properly structured internship with a reputable company with a specific training/advancement whatever plan)
@JonClements yeah
i was at a company as an unpaid intern but if all went well i'd get hired, which i later on got as well
after 2 months of interning because i took on jobs that was more or less that of a normal paid employee
yeah, im still a student. I got offered a summer internship. 5 days a week, no pay. I asked if I could do 2 or 3 days. So i could get another job to pay for gas. Answer: NO
A company I was working at, I took on an intern
Didn't plan to, but he wrote a great letter, so I invited him to come in
we had a chat
Wow, that's pretty crappy.
I thought about it for a couple of weeks, came up with a plan, had some budget spare, so took him on for a 6 month contract at the equiv. of 16k a year - which I thought was perfectly reasonable
My internship was equivalent to £14k per year with free room and board.
he learnt SQL, Python, documenting stuff, some C and bits and bobs about code design and being part of a business and how to communicate and stuff
He then proceeded to work full time after his degree at that company for a while before starting his own business
He also refers work to me now and again ;) (so I'd say it's worked out well!)
Internships have to be the best recruitment tool out there. You can show people you have a good place to work, and see how good they are at the same time.
If they're done properly - yeah
oh yeah, there is a huge amount of room for doing it terribly
I am sure.
my internship would have been $-30 a month
cabbages guys
I thought unpaid internships were illegal in the UK... they should be
any company that does them is not one I want to work for...
im in the U.S.A. (GOD BLESS US)
Exactly. An internship is meant to be more about them trying to find good people, not you begging for work.
@lciamp you're in the US, so employment law is pretty non-existent there, but still unpaid internships = evil
A company that won't pay you for an internship is probably not one you want to do one for.
I mean, with a paid internship, you know you'll be doing real work - they aren't going to pay you for doing nothing. Unpaid, you could be doing nothing of value.
and taking such a position sends out the message "at the moment my work has no value"
I'd argue you'd be better off contributing to FOSS than doing an unpaid internship
at least you know you'll be writing actual code.
and you can search for something real in the meantime
which other employers will be able to see...
internship, employee, consultant (here in the states, we fuck that up)
previous role I was in boss tried to get an unpaid "internship" to essentially do data input.... somehow the office manager disuaded him (so she was paid minimum wage), then they just dropped her after 3 months (after giving out messages they would keep her, b*stards). (Glad I left.....)
aren't internships in the us optional?
I would be ok doing unpaid internships if they are optional
Sure, in the sense that no one can compel you to work against your will.
I don't know anywhere that has mandatory internships.
in france you have some mandatory internships
As a part of a course, though, right?
depending on your school/university
yeah, so it is optional, you just need to do a different course.
I'm doing one atm, mandatory internship 4 months min
no it really is mandatory, every 3rd year student has to do a 4 months internship (at my school)
My college has a five year plan with 16 months worth of internships spread throughout. I managed to get paid positions each time :-)
I'm feeling like I'm the only person that didn't do college/uni. or something
well, as I say, I'd argue unpaid positions are generally not worth anything - it's rare they'll provide valuable experience, and devalue your work.
Uni is a great excuse to spend three years drinking. XD
and get a nice piece of paper
minimum pay is around 400 euros/month in france (they don't have to pay you if you get a < 2 months internship)
Yeah, I still did drinking, but got paid for it ;)
so a lot of companies make 400e offers knowing people absolutely have to find an internship
That's the issue with artificial demand.
heya @KanhaiyaSharma
I did a 2days/week optional internship this year, 160e/month (400 / 5 * 3) for my resume, not for the money (20e a day is nothing in paris)
400 / 5 * 2 sorry
it did help me find my mandatory internship because I had more python experience than my classmates
If it worked out for you, that's the important thing.
Right, need to pop out to get tea bags... bbl
does anything like visual studios exist on linux?
and also supports python
As in, an IDE?
PyCharm is my personal IDE of choice.
A lot of people use Eclipse, MonoDevelop, NetBeans, etc...
PyCharm is designed for Python, I know Eclipse has a Python plugin, I dunno about the rest.
Yeah I read about eclipse, I just got a few laptops handed to me, need an os for them and Im going the free route(linux) probably going to have to try out a few of them
I've heard alot about pychar
that also brings up the question of linux mint, ubuntu, or puppy
never heard of netbeans or monodevelop
Ubuntu is generally a great choice if you don't know you want something else.
well im really at a tie between mint or ubuntu
I have experience with both
mint doesn't have unity but you can still install gnome classic on ubuntu though
I'd say it won't matter too much either way, to be honest.
They are both very similar distros (naturally).
PyCharm is really excellent, I'd always recommend it. For Python development, it's just far better than any other IDE out there.
I've heard Ninja-IDE is looking to be the open source equivalent though
so that might be worth a look - I don't know how it compares at the moment though.
Ill have to try it out, so mint doesnt run faster than ubuntu or visa versa, the laptop I'm installing linux on first is a dell inspiron 1545
is PyCharm free
No, but you can get free licences for FOSS work
and reduced cost licences for students.
They do free licences for educational institutions as well, I believe.
I'd argue it's more than worth the cost though.
100 bucks isnt that bad, does teaching yourself count as being a student =D
although I really only need the open source license, its not like I would sell anything I created
buy I see the difference
They have a trial version, so give it a go and see if it's worth it to you
that'd be my recommendation
you definitely don't need a big IDE for Python in the way you do for Java.
It's just convinient.
a trial version is always nice
You can learn and write your code in a simple text editor without too many problems.
thats what I'm currently doing with notepad++
Yeah, I did a fair amount of work in Gedit before I started using PyCharm.
I just want something nicer so when I feel I am ready to tackle huge projects I have the the proper tools to make the job as easy as possible
Well, you can start using something whenever you need to - although to be honest, I don't think it matters how big your project is, an IDE for Python is never really needed, just nice.
well I can agree with ou there, and IDE like visual or pycharm, or any of the other alternatives is never needed, it just makes things go smoother(in my opinion, from watching my coworker write code in both a text editor and an IDE)
In some languages they are more necessary than others. As I said, I wouldn't want to write much Java without an IDE.
In Python, it's no huge loss.
ubuntu vs mint for python development(I'm guessing this doesnt matter but opinions never hurt right?)
yeah, there will be literally no difference.
so it all comes down to unity vs cinnamon
last time I installed mint I had some serious problems but ubuntu's interface is a little annoying at times
hmm(I really shouldnt think in type)
Mint has a debian based distro as well
If you like your stuff stable :)
the debian based mint is the one I had problems with
but I narrowed it down to the install disk not burning correctly
I'm liking the cinnamon based one
I had a hard time getting the full download through http
bittorrent fixed it right up
that might of been it, idk it was last year
mints faster than ubuntu by a hair isnt it?
Not sure, haven't used Ubuntu in a while
I think it has less stuff running in the background, so that might be a bit of a performance gain
which is more like windows
I cant find a comparison of debian mint vs reg
think lmde is the direction ill go
I am having another great rep day.
also you've been blessed with sweet kids and money :D
Moneys not a blessing, it's a curse
congrats though @InbarRose
Heh, thanks.
1 hour later…
why am I getting into an infinite loop?
@PeterVaro where ?
is anybody else on Windows?
@rxdazn sorry, not there.. I just commented out, and the problem is not there..
06:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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