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Interesting problem:
Q: Generate combinations of integers by least sum

matt18224My issue stems from generating combinations of a very large sorted list of prime numbers choose 5, but I need the combinations to be returned such that the combinations with the smallest sums are returned first. The python itertools.combinations() function returns the numbers, increasing the fina...

I think you might have to solve the Goldbach Conjecture to provide an effective solution to OP's problem. But surely the accept rep is worth the trouble! :-)
I had an algorithm that was pretty zippy up to the 700 range, and then my fan started screaming...
Sometimes I love questions on SO - "How do you unstring a string?"
I love the idea that 'unstringing' could be an operation.
Many languages have a ToString() method, so it follows that there ought to be a fromString() method too.
I think the OP wants deserialization, but doesn't know that word.
Hmm, reading the follow up comment from the OP, maybe not. He's dead set on unstringing his string, by manually removing the quote marks if necessary.
Hrm, getting the directory of a package is pretty hard when namespace packages are involved...
@Kevin toString() is rarely a true serialization though, it's normally just a representation, without enough information to reconstruct the object completely.
@rxdazn IT WAS A MYSTERIOUS bug. I comment out everything, and started comment it back, step by step, to catch where is the problem BUT didn't correct anything — and when I finished, comment in everything — magically it is working. I ran it for a 100 times, and it is still working..
I really don't understand it :)
In the ideal world, __repr__ can be used to recreate an object with the same value (given an appropriate environment).
But in practice, it's about as reliable as the pretty-but-useless __str__
yay for tricky hacks...
# __name__:       'indico.web.flask.app'
# __file__:  '..../indico/web/flask/app.py'
# For each dot in the module name we go up one path segment
up_segments = ['..'] * __name__.count('.')
app.root_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__, *up_segments))
If i use this: with open(file, 'r+') as f: i = f.read(); i = change(i); <here>; f.write(i) do I have to place f.seek(0) to <here> or it will work without it? The real question is: what does this seek method do? I've read the documentation, I know it is 'jumping' from byte to byte.. so I have to use it, because read() is on the last byte?
Generally, you'd want to re-open the file in 'w' mode.
Unless you know len(old_i) > len(new_i).
Sorry, other way around.
You get what I mean.
If the old data is longer than the new data, seeking to the start and writing will leave the old data trailing at the end of the file.
Imagine your file has a cursor in it, like in a text editor.
If you read all the data in the file, the cursor is at the end of the file.
So if you write then, the data will be written after the old data (appended)
if you seek to the start, you'll overwrite the data (but potentially, as mentioned before, leaving data at the end).
Generally, the best bet for something like this is open in 'r' mode, read the data and modify it, and then open in write mode and write it back.
@Lattyware NOW I GOT IT, thanks! And is there a way — without close and then reopen it
to just delete everything after I read out?
You could do it without reopening by truncating the file.
which would be the best method if you are doing it lazily - the data is too large to fit into memory
but it's less readable than just reopening, I'd argue.
So f.truncate() will do the same as open('r') -> close() -> open('w')->close() ?
Nope, it wipes from the cursor to the end of the file.
So you use it after your write to ensure any of the old data doesn't hang around.
OH! So if file = '0123456789' and I open it, read it, and change the first 5 character to 'abcde' and write it back and then calling truncate will delete 'abcde56789' -> 'abcde' ?
That is pretty cool:)
THANKs mate, you saved the day
No worries - it's essentially just the same as a simple text editor - it just takes thinking about the right way.
One more thing: after reading and before writing, do I have to use seek to get back to the beginning?
so read-> seek -> write -> truncate?
What are you trying to do
Yes, reading moves the cursor forward just like writing does.
so reading the whole file will result in the cursor being at the end of the file.
@Jerome Overwrite the contents of a file.
@Jerome I'm trying to understand the IO in python:)
The I/O in python is the same as any other language
@Jerome I'm learning python — and this is my first "serious" language in my life..
I'm actually a jewelry and product designer — not a developer:)
but I'm trying my best:)
@Lattyware thanks again!
No worries.
slightly longer walk than intended!
@PeterVaro just reading back on the room, it's also possible you may want to look at the mmap module
that'd enable you to muck about with the file if you have sufficient access, and then sync changes back to the file, then let the OS deal with it (if what you're doing is fixed length operations and truncation)
Otherwise, the fileinput module will enable you to re-write a file in place by effectively doing a copy back over the original
@JonClements thanks, but right now, after @Lattyware 's explanation, I'm feeling very confident about using read(), seek(), write() and truncate() methods
I finally got it — what is going on with the bytes of the file.
@PeterVaro and a massive +1 for how quickly and able you are picking up these concepts - a lot of students who want to make a career out of it - don't
thank you — that's probably because of motivation. If you are undermotivated, you can't understand things — because you don't care
Well, if I was spending money on a degree and wanted a job out of it, I would bloody well care
right now, I'm building software for myself. And I know what I want, and how I want and I think this
is the biggest motivation.
@JonClements yes, that is other thing. I'm from Hungary, and I'm the founder of a startup called devsigner www.devsigner.net
And it was a HUGE
challange to find well qualified and rockstar C++ hackers in town
so I really understand, and knows what is going on the developer 'market'
Please don't ever use "rock star" like that again.
you don't like that term then @Cairnarvon?
Only Zed Shaw does, AFAIK.
@Cairnarvon OK, sorry, this is because of the pitch decks I had to say for venture capitalists
As much as I would hate having to work in the US, almost all of the interesting people and tech jobs seem to be there.
The UK use to have 1/3 of the world's programmers
By the way, as a quick test - I'm working on a small game which is aimed primarily at children (but not exclusively), and there is going to be a race of creatures that are the main focus of the game. Is 'Venturins' a reasonable name, in a fantasy setting.
@Cairnarvon THAT's not true! If you want to code 'web-apps' and 'mobile-apps' — shure thing, but for example, my project is about 3D parametric and generative CAD modelling
What age range are you looking at @Lattyware
and I think it is a huge challange
like... 7 up maybe, but ideally not ostracising older children.
/even adults.
Giorgio Venturin plays association football.
Basically, the same target audience as those brain training things.
Middle-aged house-wives?
Awkwardly, they happen to be entertained by the same puzzles you'd give a 7 year old.
(Test case for this: My mother)
My mom bought everyone in the family a DS just so we could all play Brain Age together.
Wibblers ?
or, the Contemplaters
Two ends of the spectrum, I'd say too childish, and not childish enouhg.
Dothinks? That has a ring to it.
I dunno, I've gotten to the point I have heard so many names I don't know any more
it also doesn't help it's heavily based on another game so in the back of my mind, I'm always comparing them to that.
Umm, you could introduce an enemy, the "dothinkers" have to combat the "dontthinkers" or something
My inner child says, that's pretty far beyond my suspension of disbelief.
Yeah, I don't want to try and insert too much meaning into it
that's why I like Venturins - it has that hint of "adventure' without being too in-your-face.
the "octopodes"
I never liked proper names that happened to be a combination of English words. Especially if that place/culture/whatever had never interacted with English-speaking beings.
Then again, I was a weird child. Who knows what normal kids think.
I read now, that string.upper() is depricated (7.1.6) but there is no mention what to use instead.. any idea?
First I've heard of it.
Then again, I haven't upgraded to Python 7.1.6 yet.
As in, instead of string.upper("blah") use "blah".upper().
OK, I always use that, thanks
And if they were called "octopodes" they'd have to be ocotopus like, as that's the instant link.
I dunno, I'll give it time.
Who is going through all the old Python questions - curiouser and curiouser
Bah, first question I answer all month and the user removes the post :-(
Why is the web based on HTML/CSS/JS? I mean, it would be much-much nicer, if the model/view would be JSON and the controller would be Python.
Both are easier to read, to debug and therofore maintain
Because the web evolved from something very different to what it is today.
The internet is designed as a method for viewing documents.
The web-app stuff is a hack that's plastered on top.
But then it has to change sometime, hasn't it?
Good luck trying to move the web onto a new platform - everything is way too entrenched.
Look how long CSS took to take hold, let alone anything else.
hmm, fair point.. it's quite sad, I have to admit that..
It's not so terrible. The web isn't perfect, but it could be a lot worse.
Wasn't the net originally funded by the army, as a decentralized computer system that would continue working if parts of it were destroyed?
If the Internet can't be killed by nuclear weapons, it can probably weather anything else we can throw at it.
We haven't quite killed it with lolzcats yet
@Lattyware the worst thing in web is the layouting system for me... not really a box-model, not really a grid system, not consistent, no vendor gives a shit about rules..
I dunno, I don't hate it that much these days, but then again I remember IE6.
Trying to get CSS to behave with IE6 was... ugh
@Lattyware back that time I started to get familiar with flash
Let's go back to basics. black text with blue links on a white background, and nothing else.
it was fun back then
Image is partially supported in the form of monospace ASCII art.
@Kevin — bcg: #F8F8F8, color: #999 and link: #141414
and that would be acceptable:)
The reality is complexity comes if you want to be able to control every aspect of the display of a document.
HTML formatting would be pretty simple then, since only <br> and <a> would be valid. None of this fancy <head> stuff would be necessary.
CSS isn't perfect, but with something like SASS, it's not terrible.
If SASS/SCSS would be THE
native solution, not some preprocessors
I will love that idea
I heard something about SCSS being planned for a future CSS version
What I'm building nowdays with python, I've started that in SCSS.. but SCSS has some serious mistakes. For example it can't tell you the difference between: (((a))) and a -> where () means a list
Well - hasn't CSS3 been propsed since 2005 or something dsft?
@ThiefMaster for first, I think the number one priority is add CCSS (Constraint Cascading Style Sheet)
If you ever heard about Cassowary Constraint Solver
what's that? (too lazy to google ;p)
it is an amazing layouting system
a linear solver
try out this demo:
you won't belive it!
The new Apple Cocoa UI (from 10.8+)
in XCode they call it the AutoLayouter
but it is based on the opensource Cassowary Linear Solver
the same, what is implemented in the above link into JavaScript
anyway, my idea was simple: CSS is almost like JSON and JSON is almost like Python dictionary -> so it would be lovely to code in it:)
Wow - I've got my any(i) and not any(i) in again LOL
A: How can I check that a list has one and only one True value?

Jon ClementsOne that doesn't require imports: def single_true(iterable): i = iter(iterable) return any(i) and not any(i) This: Looks to make sure i has any true value Keeps looking from that point in the iterable to make sure there is no other true value

wooooow.. I just found the assert statement.. never used it before, but, oh god, this is heaven for debugging:)
@Lattyware thanks for your comment
Not at all, it's a really nice way of doing it. I'll be remembering that one.
Pretty much what I suggested (and really missed out on) in stackoverflow.com/questions/16522111/…
It's weird the questions that blow up - my big one is one about PyPy
Kinda missed out there too.
+50, but the accepted got +200.
Not that my answer was better in that case, so it's not exactly the same.
well, I think my answer is better - but obviously the community has decided otherwise - or - like the OP they just don't grok the code
I think the issue is it's one of those yellow bike-shed questions.
It's simple enough everyone has an opinion on how it should be done.
and so you end up with tons of answers.
and stuff gets burried.
I think your answer is definitely the best option there.
thank you - now if only others had such discerning taste ;)
my big painful question is this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/12734178/…
the accepted answer hurts me inside - iteration by index is my personal kryptonite
Unfortunately the asker was mislead by someone who did timings, but used zip() in 2.x instead of izip() that made my answer look horrifically slow, when it was actually the fastest.
He updated it later, but the damage was done XD
nice use of all and a bit of pairwise recipe stuff there, definitely better than the accepted answer
Got my upvote
XD, so it goes on sites like SO
I like to hope people look past the accepted answer.
@JonClements and @Lattyware what IDE/TextEditor are you using for python dev?
PyCharm for me
I use a mix
that's a pretty one
ST2, PyCharm, Komodo, PyScripter sometimes, PSPad other times...
@Cairnarvon what are you using then?
nano at other times
Vim, of course.
emacs/vim if needs be
@Cairnarvon :)
IDEs are a disease.
Why is that?
I was once threatened with expulsion for refusing to use Eclipse.
@JonClements I'm using ST2 too. What packages are you using?
They're slow and get in the way.
I need to give Ninja-IDE a try some time.
@PeterVaro none, just a basic install
@Cairnarvon Not the good ones.
@JonClements is this a philosophy or some kind of laziness?
@Lattyware +1
PyCharm even has a plugin to enable vim-style input.
going without IDE is like flying without a plane
ST 2 too
it is called vintage mode
you either have superpowers, or cannot
I wouldn't go that far, when it comes to Python
It's laziness - never looked at any packages ;)
Java without an IDE is a good way to get RSI
Ugh, I really want to switch back to Arch
OS X is starting to annoy me
anyone know if any of the windowing environments handle different density displays well yet/
for Linux
Can't help ya there mate - sorry
@JonClements You should definately try some of these: Alignment, AllAutoComplete, PlainTasks, SideBarEnhancements, SublimeLinter, SublimeTODO, SublimeREPL and ThemeSoda (dark version ofcourse:))
Okay - I'll have a look later - I was thinking it'd be nice to have some kind of git integration - but never really got around to it - just use the command line
oh it has
diff tool as well
since I'm on OSX I use Kaleidoscope for diff — it can diff images as well
cool - looks like the any(i) and not any(i) is also the fastest ;)
now, it's time for me to get relaxed — latest doctor who is downloaded :)
rhubarb for all
Ahh, which one you watching?
name of the doctor?
matt smith
LOL - the name of the episode
but the favourite is david tennant
one sec
name of the doctor
Matt Smith more like worst Doctor.
I really hope Moffat doesn't come back for another series.
I've gotten use to him, but Tennant definitely made the role his own
It's funny, now, that people thought Russell Davies was the worst thing ever to happen to Doctor Who.
I wasn't particularly fond of Tennant either, though at least he wasn't so smug about it.
With the whole Time War thing, the Doctor has become a very unlikeable figure at the best of times.
>implying that anything could make Dr Who worse than it inherently is.
I joke, before anyone crucifies me.
I'm not a fan, but it's not the worst thing ever.
I've been watching a lot of the old stuff recently, and some of it is genuinely good.
Just not something I enjoy.
The Hartnell years are nice if you like cheesy '60s sci-fi.
Each to their own - I'm a huge fan of it, but not one of those nutters that goes psycho if you don't happen to think it's as great as I do ;)
Hi all
heya @KevinMurphy - welcome to the room
thanks :) how are you all doing?
I just wish the old seasons were available as box sets. All of the available DVD box sets just group stories by theme rather than chronology.
Except for Beginnings and Key to Time, I guess.
Yeah, I know way too many people who have gone 'WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE DR WHO COME AND WATCH THESE EPISODES YOULL LOVE IT FOREVER SHUT UP AND ENJOY IT' and then force me to watch some.
I can't really complain though, I do the same thing to people with other stuff XD
@KevinMurphy doing good - yourself?
good. I have a somewhat stupid question... I've written a couple IRC bots in python but I want to start getting into python-based websites
I want to avoid PHP from now on heh
@Lattyware someone's put a new answer to that question as a proposed extension to mine - oooo, it won the timeits, and now it's spawning it's own spinoff series - w00t ;)
Wanting to avoid PHP is a sign of sanity.
Well then, I guess I should pat myself on the back :)
Anyways, I have a shared hosting account just for messing around and they support python. How would one.. go about creating a web page in Python?
PHP is easy - create a file with the PHP extension, write some PHP, etc and go to it in the browser
I'm not sure if that extended version would be better off just using a normal loop in the generator, over any() n times.
Well, Python is essentially the same, but most people use some kind of framework..
@KevinMurphy if you're toying around - have a little look at Flask - that'll get you familiar with WSGI and a basic framework
Django is pretty insane in how much it'll just do for you. It's a bit heavyweight though.
And you do need to invest a little bit of time to learn the framework a bit.
I prefer Bottle over Flask. Flask feels like it's trying to do way too much.
For basic things they're pretty much interchangeable.
Then, the big guys are Django & Pyramid
interesting, thanks guys
One key point that'll be odd, is that Python doesn't work nicely as just embedded code in tags behind apache
There is ample documentation on how to set up a micro(framework) behind nginx/apache2/whatever using (u)WSGI or whatever servers and interfaces... no shortage of info. - just not quite as straightforward if you're use to PHP
my main thought is still... do i go to index.py? xD
hahaha - most frameworks provide routing (like PHP frameworks), so you define a route and a handler function ;)
and then the handler function normally does something and populates a template, and returns that...
Who doesn't do some URL rewriting these days?
I had to deal with a PHP a few weeks back - it's got about 50 lines of RewriteRules
Took me a fair while to work out what the hell it was doing, as it ends up re-writing and 301'ing all over the friggin' place, just to end up 302'ing, or reverse proxying...
sounds about right
Rewriting the request URL to convert it to qparams is a really odd way of doing things
1 hour later…
Did you enjoy the episode?
@JonClements John Hurt?!?!?!?!
Yup - and now we have to wait until the 23rd November!!!!!
oh-oh, november 23..
it will be a long-long summer
but actually I have to admit: this season was the worst of the previous ones
so maybe this John Hurt line
can come up with something darker
something better.. 'The Monster'
If he's going to be a "lost regeneration" that happened between McGann and Eccleston I'm going to be annoyed.
Especially since Moffat is so fond of sequences showing all of the previous Doctors. He's done it at least thrice now.
I'm probably going to be annoyed either way.
I'm somewhat annoyed McGann counted - that film was just - ummm.... painful
Very '90s straight-to-video. All it needed was a Vanilla Ice cameo.
06:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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