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3:00 PM
Locks in 3rd place
Which is actually true, nits prefer clean hair.
I think you're a solid 4th Rob.
Ha! I don't even have any hair!
I sure hope that organisms invisible to the naked eye aren't sentient because otherwise it's really going to mess up my ethical calculus.
Pipe down baldy.
Okaaaaaay :(
makes squeaky sound with scalp
3:01 PM
It's only to okay to kill things by accident. Or if you really, really want to.
"Should I get the blue shampoo, or the red? I prefer the blue, but the one billion inhabitants of my epidermis prefer red. sigh... Red it is"
Ooof. Too dark, even for tristan.
Damn, missed it.
Hey, that imaginary person survived.
Wow someone turn on the lights
3:02 PM
Always Rotating Knives things, people.
@tristan That's true.
We need some kittens and cotton candy in here
I don't understand leaf blowers. Just use a fucking rake
WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRR just pointlessly moving trash around
Or your own lungs, runts.
3:03 PM
a fucking rake sounds like an extremely uncomfortable tool.
"Fuck Rake" would be a great name for a punk band.
the only time I use a leaf blower is to get gunk that I can't get with a rake. Then I use the rake to do the real cleaning.
As would Margaret Snatcher
tries hard not to laugh
This guy outside my apartment is using a leaf blower on an open yard. I think he's actually creating more work than he's doing.
3:04 PM
Don't resist it, Rob.
That kind of sauce doesn't make it onto Twitch
I need more active chat for my jokes to work.
With the lag it won't work.
Unless you do Google Hangout and have us bait you.
According to the latest UK amazon TV ad, the leaf blower is actually a device for old guys with bad backs to propel their grandchildren on rickety looking swings.
@tristan go out there when he's got a big pike of leaves, holding a concealed leaf blower, and then pretend to sneeze on them and momentarily turn on the leaf blower.
3:06 PM
I'm like a pickup artist of sarcasm. It's a numbers game and the ones I land are deeply depressing.
| artist
@tristan that sounds like a regular pickup artist
Who else is going to pycon uk?
Ha, hidden leaf blower! landscaping crew winces as i fail to start it
I know Martijn is.
3:07 PM
You know Martijn is what? MARTIJN IS WHAT?!
Why do I feel vaguely guilty for causing the star board to not be PG-13 any more.
/me closes eyes and waits for that setup to roll off screen
@Kevin because you're an extremely uncomfortable tool
Stop yelling. All you do is fight! runs to room
3:10 PM
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from matplotlib import style
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import io
sns.factorplot(data=df_no_missing, x="TIMESTAMP", y="P_SOUSCR")
print('okay thanks for this')
I have a probleme with seaborn
woah woah. Why is there Python code in room 6
Very tangentially related, I watched Stranger Things over the weekend and it was pretty good.
3:11 PM
I really enjoyed it.
Great show
@tristan Just had a look at room 174. Good pick.
It's like ET meets Twin Peaks meets an X-Files freak-of-the-week episode.
3:12 PM
Yeah, I was very impressed with Stranger Things.
Impossible to get the plot, can you please help me
Well, there's a lot of characters, but focus on the main houses.
@Kevin same - finished it this morning!
3:12 PM
Oh Tristan. You just outed my not paying attention at my very long planning meeting
@Bio plt.show()
Really, 'Varys', 'Little Finger', and 'Tyrion Lannister' are the plot drivers.
@JRichardSnape Nice
@idjaw standard get-out: "I think we need a plan for a plan, if you know what I mean"
titters at the ongoing plot divergence
@Ffisegydd I knew you'd like it. I'm a great believer in the socratic method.
3:15 PM
Actual lol.
Well, chuckle.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
You have some other characters that are kind of "action idiots" that have relative plot armor, like Daenerys (just call her Danielle. Daenerys is like if Starbucks had a baby, turned off autocorrect, and tried texting the name 'Diana' to instagram), Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, but you don't really have to worry about them because they're mostly there to make fight scenes happen.
An out loud chuckle is my manna.
@Bio Have you looked at some seaborn/matplotlib plotting examples?
I'm curious what the deal was with view spoiler in the last episode.
3:16 PM
I'd suggest you go look through some docs.
YEs, but it seems to complicated :(
La Mulana is $3.74 on Steam right now.
@Bio they're not, not if you sit down and think through them.
It's supposed to be really good with tricky puzzles, I'm going to give it a shot.
I played a little of the original freeware-ish La Mulana and it was as difficult as advertised.
3:17 PM
How much would you pay for nerdcop?
And if you really think they are too complicated, then how do you expect to succeed with "real" code?
How much would I pay for you to fail your startup by writing an 80s-like film? Nothing.
I got twenty minutes in and decided to switch to watching a Let's Play of it by an expert. Watching his great suffering, I don't regret my decision.
I did exactly what it is described but I falied :(
I'm back on the work-train of doing web dev and "businessing" Mon-Thur, then some game dev/passion projects on Friday.
3:18 PM
@Bio Okay, I'd have a look at some other tutorials, and note that you're not using a jupyter notebook (which is exactly what they're doing)
@tristan That sounds like a good balance.
@Bio pay special attention to the "note" in ffisegydd's message above.
@Ffisegydd Cheers. We joke a lot, but I partially floated it out there for feedback
@Bio if you do happen to be doing a jupyter notebook like they are, then you're not really following their example to the letter.
@davidism Yeah from what I can tell, it can be very rewarding to the player that likes to make maps and take notes and put together broad spanning puzzles.
And I can see the part that you're missing.
3:20 PM
Hi! From c++ structs, how is this operation called: struct->member ? Is is making copy or wats happening here?
I'm like Stella, trying to get her groove back, but instead of "groove" being sexual congress, it's ability to sludge through frontend dev.
@RobertGrzelka Hello, this is the Python room.
which part?
The part.
I know, im pythonist too
But I cant find c++ room :<
3:21 PM
@RobertGrzelka Try harder. It exists
struct -> member is called a "syntax error" in Python.
Dang, Terry isn't active. I wanted to test my rotating bunnies.
@Kevin There's going to be a second season, which will hopefully answer that.
3:21 PM
I want to star this, but my star button is missing from that in the history. +1 clements.
@tristan is that the one I posted the other day?
I thought it was going to be an anthology series, but apparently they're doing a direct sequel.
Morning cabbage for all.
3:22 PM
Sup DeeEssEmm.
@MorganThrapp Oh, cool. I thought they were angling for a sequel but I didn't know how seriously they were gunning for it
@Kevin My understanding is that Netflix already confirmed that they're funding a sequel.
This pleases me.
@Bio You need to step back and evaluate. Firstly - are you running your code in a Jupyter notebook? If yes, are you sure, you've followed your tutorial exactly? Irrespective of either, it is important to read matplotlib / seaborn docs and examples if you don't understand each bit of what your tutorial is doing. Or find a different tutorial.
3:23 PM
Considering how rapidly it blew up, they'd be crazy not to.
I like that it ended without requiring a sequel though.
But I'd be happy for another season.
Yeah I want a sequel. Though it'll be interesting how they handle the kids, apparently they couldn't do extra voice bits in post production because their voices had changed that much between the end of filming and post production.
Yeah, definitely. I loved view spoiler
So I wonder if the sequel will be "a few years later"
@Bio If you're not in a Jupyter notebook. Try adding my first suggestion (the line plt.show()) into your terminal / at the end of your .py file. To find out what it does, google plt.show(). That will yield many results, some of which will be docs and/or tutorials.
I would assume so, though with view spoiler they can't wait too long.
@MorganThrapp Well that stuff was months after the incident so they could probably stretch it to 1-2 years.
Nice - Lightnin' Hopkins. A change of mood after an afternoon full of Richard Thompson.
@Ffisegydd That's true.
Considering we've seen view spoiler I think we can safely assume that there's enough conflict for another season
3:27 PM
Between that and Dark Tower, next year is going to be a great year for Sci-Fi.
And another star war!
I still haven't seen EP7. :/
Me neither.
I'll wait to see it on a plane or something.
Don't forget American Gods.
American Gods and Dark Tower? I might need to lie down.
3:29 PM
I've still yet to read that.
Calling it now: Stanger Things season 2 is going to have at least some of view spoiler
You're a bad person Morgan, did I ever tell you that?
@Kevin I certainly hope so.
@Kevin would make things intersting
@Ffisegydd Probably.
3:30 PM
@tristan WHAT IS THIS
It's a jif.
@poke Is it a cabbage?
The falling cat problem is a problem that consists of explaining the underlying physics behind the observation of the cat righting reflex: that is, how a free-falling body (cat) can change its orientation such that it is able to right itself as it falls to land on its feet, irrespective of its initial orientation, and without violating the law of conservation of angular momentum. Although amusing and trivial to pose, the solution of the problem is not as straightforward as its statement would suggest. The apparent contradiction with the law of conservation of angular momentum is resolved because...
“that is, how a free-falling body (cat) can change its orientation” – I like how that reads as if “cat” is the proper name for a free-falling body.
3:39 PM
@tristan seaborn is awesome, it lets me avoid Excel every once and a while
I also need to read Dark Tower, my wife owns it and I swear hides it from me
@JGreenwell Oh, I know. I just like running in a different direction when faced with "here, you read the docs for me" drive-by questions
not knowing plt.show() with the statement that "its too hard" is not a "read the docs for me" question - it is a plea to be emasculated by data, math, and CS people
Googled 'seaborn show plot' and the first two answers state it plainly.
stackoverflow.com/q/38702622 dupe, should have edited out flask after I hammered it :-/
first 4 for me :P ;)
3:46 PM
Usually, when I'm flippant, it's because I've checked to make sure I could find the answer myself within 30 seconds.
I think the OP has migrated away in the face of a blunt answer, incredulity, whimsical snark and helpful hints. Not sure why - that seems like a fairly good outcome for a "halp me!!" type question.
it was positively polite compared to our usual Monday morning moods
it's sad because i know it's monday because i streamed yesterday
I blame Terry - his bunnies and kitties are making us more civil
it is too complicated
3:49 PM
@tristan You stream junkie you...
aww cheer up new buddy
@JonClements i'm having a lot of fun with it, but the immense general sadness of it all isn't wasted on me
I watched a bit of the stream yesterday. I really want to play that game
go away summer! we're playing sandbox games!
@Bio yes, but it is far less complicated then doing the same thing with just matplotlib and JS (cause it does it for you)
3:50 PM
bark bark go away money, i don't want to write code, i want to "get good" at FPS
I dont know If i treat timestamp
or decompose it to date and time
Money is only a means to an end, the end being getting good at FPSes
"well, good news and bad news. bad news: the rent will be late. good news: i'm solidly 12-1 for k:d ratio in cs:go"
How else you gonna pilgrimage to South Korea and learn the art of clicking?
however, to be more civil, @Bio -> check out my favorite seaborn cookbook
3:51 PM
I'm currently on 50 frames per second, working well for me ;)
My stomach made me end my planning meeting
Thank you stomach
Yeah, I can't stomach agile bullshit either.
@JGreenwell there is note date in your cookbook
And if you note the URL for JGreenwell's cookbook, @bio, you'll see it's one page of a whole tutorial on the actual seaborn site - all of which is pretty useful.
Anyhoo - I'm off home - have a good evening / day at work y'all.
later JRS! have a good night!
3:55 PM
cause timeseries (verbage for that btw) can be displayed as histograms, scatterplots, and a whole bunch of other ways depending on a lot of factors - check the link to tutorial up top and you'll find ones specifically on timeseries. Then when you try something and have a problem come back and ask about that specific problem
graph checks out.
Why aren't those red lines drawn in transparent ink and not in the shape of a kitten?
because it's drawn in blood? maybe that?
It is transparent ink. The inside of your monitor just happens to be red.
From Tristan's previous gif, we can assume that kittens can take on all sorts of interesting shapes that aren't immediately recognizable as kitten-shaped
4:08 PM
e.g. kitten in beer glass shape
@Kevin fonts that don't put much space between a c and an l are the best
Tangentially related. While I was watching Stranger Things I got an unusual amount of satisfaction from the opening whenever the G flattened against the N.
I liked the old-school slightly creepy electronic music and 80s title effects
So it sounds like this Stranger Things should go on The List?
4:13 PM
A lot of 80s nostalgia goes over my head because I didn't become sentient until like '91
@DSM It's very well done, but scarier than an easter egg hunt by a wide margin.
Stranger Things didn't land with me.
You're entitled to your wrong, terrible opinion.
Just kidding. Like whatever you want to like.
The little girl is a great actress
You know, the one who plays the mum
Oh, yeah, I'm totally open to the idea that it's a fault with me if I don't like it.
4:14 PM
(So tristan should be added to The Other List?)
Ah, well. I'm sure something else interesting will turn up to watch which is cheerful.
I barely recognised Winona Ryder...
DSM, your colleagues will be happy to learn that I've scheduled 10 hours each week to work on nerdcop.
(Just kidding, Winona!) She and the actual little girl actress are really good.
@tristan: that'll be welcome news. That's more time than I allocate to writing, and I'm not running a startup!
4:16 PM
Neither am I
Oh. Wait .__.
You're sprinting a startup!
IRL stuff has finally started to settle into "new normal," and I'm using creative projects to pull me out of the "mental fog" instead of doing what I normally do -- leave a project at 90% completed, then take another job that I'm not excited to do.
@tristan Is nerdcop a place holder for "playing CS:GO, FTL and The Long Dark" ?
@JonClements Nope. I think Streams will be a scheduled thing for 1PM on Sunday. Now that I have the setup "done", it's very little work to do them.
4:18 PM
I started to get into CS:GO again, but playing ranked is frustrating because no one communicates and they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.
I watched a bit of the stream from Sunday and only really noticed that I should learn more about the game before playing, get audio compression and a ducking filter going, and maybe market a bit better.
... and don't get attacked by bears?
Eh, the more dynamic and engaging the game, the better. The Long Dark is a hard game to stream without a very active chat to keep people happy/engaged. 50% of the time is watching progress bars as you open containers/do actions.
One of my buddies is coming up at the end of the month/beginning of next month and we're going to marathon stream some stuff, then, time permitting, edit it down into consumable 10 minute reviews/highlights.
@tristan it works though because of the atmosphere and a decent host :)
4:21 PM
I showed up briefly and watched tristan get eaten by a bear.
@JonClements Oh, cheers, I appreciate that. And other people watching.
@DSM best bit ever!
Ah I wasn't there for that!
It's generally regarded as "good" if you, as the host, talk almost the entire time, but when you don't know a lot about the game, and chat isn't busy, it's hard to not just say inane things.
The Long Dark sounds a lot like Progress Quest. I wonder if PQ has any kind of streaming community...
4:23 PM
@tristan yeah it was cool in FtL when you could add expertise about the game that I found useful when playing it for myself
Maybe you need to quit this startup nonsense and become an online mentor for FtL players. You know, a real job.
@RobertGrant Yeah, that's exactly it. In a game like FTL, I have a pretty solid grasp on the mechanic, and when I encounter an event, everyone else on the stream is experiencing it in the same way, as we have time to talk and build up a shared emotion about the round
@tristan I may spend too much time on Twitch, but from what I see, most people don't care so much about the game as they do connecting with the streamer. At least when the game doesn't seem to be competitive.
@Programmer yeah, I think that's really accurate. It's that initial hill of getting regulars and > 10 people in chat that's the challenge.
I watched a good number of LPs of a guy by the name of RaoCow. I think he was from Quebec. He spoke English as a second language. Pretty much his entire gimmick was to never stop saying inane things.
@tristan livestream Windows Chess on easy, and just constantly make up names of openings and gambits
4:28 PM
Haha. I'm something like a 600-800 rating in chess, so that would actually be fun.
The longer this idea is exposed to air, the more I like it.
The guy has got views in the six digit range, so don't underestimate the power of directionless logorrhea.
Yeah. I should put a sticky note on the screen that says "ALWAYS BE YELLING"
I checked out your streams until my kids blew my sound card (repair later this week when not massively busy) - not as fun without sound :\
and now I find I missed a bear attack and I'm sad :(
I figured out twitch alerts, so now there's chat on screen (until random people from the internet find it and fill it with slurs) and follower alerts, it's at least a little more interactive
4:31 PM
Yeah I like that onscreen chat thing
@user6426692 hi there
Next time I'll post a link to an SO question I just created
@RobertGrant i'll build out the list of words/phrases that i find unacceptable for chat, then add a little chat bot to mute, and leave it up
oh, I'll check next Sunday (shouldn't be busy this weekend)
4:32 PM
amusingly, that's irc
@tristan how are you brother
man, that's a rare occurance
Haha. "I know this is a twitch stream, but could someone answer my programming question?"
@user6426692 i'm okay, how are you?
@Kevin "i couldn't find a visual basic room so i'm asking here"
4:33 PM
@tristan im fine
thank you
@tristan Can I ask a question?
How I wish Terry were fully operational.
I don't see why not :)
@Kevin You should complain to the author.
I'll mail him a box of glitter.
Didn't realise you knew where he lived.
Do you two go way back?
4:37 PM
Yeah, it's a long and difficult relationship.
@tristan :D
@JGreenwell twitch.tv/0xkeen/v/81008947 bear attack at 1:39:00
@user6426692 Please speak English.
I realise you only said one word, but just for the avoidance of doubt.
i said to @tristan yes ? in arabic lang.
4:39 PM
translate: نعم؟
(from Arabic) Yes?
Google translate wins
To be clear, "I don't see why not" means "yes".
yes in arabic = نعم
So you already have permission to ask a question.
(not that you needed it. Anyone can ask a question without asking if they can ask a question)
@JGreenwell I think that command uses Bing...
4:40 PM
@user6426692 My point was that you said "Yes?" in Arabic, but we'd prefer it if you spoke English.
A: What languages are we allowed to speak in SE chat rooms?

Shog9The short answer is: whatever language the other folks present in the room are comfortable speaking. All else being equal, if you jump into a room and start posting stuff that isn't understandable to the majority of the users there, you're probably going to get some pushback. And as a practical...

It is recommended that this request for authorization of tact
just ask your question
Can you help me to find a private room Delphi’
no, but i wish you good luck
4:43 PM
You missed your cue, Terry.
Surely that's be design? If he posts a cute picture after everytime davidism kicks someone it'll be wall-to-wall rabbits and cats.
I don't think we have an Embarcadero Delphi chatroom
Let's check the logs... UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character... who's been sending non-ascii characters through chat >:-I
I'm taking the "Don't be too reluctant to kick mute" advice from A guide to moderating chat more seriously.
it breaks on unicode....oh, you shouldn't have let that slip >;)
4:46 PM
It breaks on Unicode only if I forget to run it in a command window that has the right code page active.
Is it running again?
So you can only take advantage of that fact about 50% of the time because that's how often I make that mistake :-P
code page? are we still talking in python?
@JGreenwell Thankfully! I'm still amazed that anyone else still uses it.
4:47 PM
@Ffisegydd Yeah.
Is it running in the "correct" code page?
Because that Excellent was actually en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ye_(Cyrillic) - xcellent.
@tristan Yeah. Windows support for UTF-8 is a little primitive.
Let's see. ♫ I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts ♫.
Yeah, it's the right code page.
Will something outside of UTF-8 break it?
ашш е
4:49 PM
@Ffisegydd I don't know. Maybe.
ha ha character glyph jokes
@MorganThrapp I didn't say not having one was a bad thing - I was honestly surprised to hear Delphi brought up (thought it was dead)
@JGreenwell No. It's still very alive. :/ I get to work on 7 most days, and one of our flagship products is written in 5.
4:51 PM
granted that kinda explains:
2 hours ago, by Morgan Thrapp
We just had a client print out an email, take a picture of them holding it, and then email us that picture to let us know that they were missing a different unrelated email.
im sorry gys i d'ont know
I could tell you guys stories of stuff like that that'd make your hair curl.
Yeah, we work with local municipal governments. So you can imagine how that is.
@tristan im sorry ok ?
@user6426692 what? i wasn't criticizing you. my comment was making a different joke.
4:53 PM
Just bought my PyCon ticket.
Neat :-)
@Ffisegydd is this your first PyCon?
@davidism Yarp
@tristan I mean when you talk in Arabic have been extrusive
@user6426692 I don't understand
4:55 PM
Any convention with that banner image must be amazing.
Extrusive: adjective. relating to or denoting rock that has been extruded at the earth's surface as lava or other volcanic deposits.
@MorganThrapp It's got a cat on it. That's all I need to know.
It's going to be awesome. Go to all the non-talk events / spontaneous events. You can always watch the talks later.
@tristan When I spoke in Arabic, I have been evicted from this room
Wait, which PyCon is this?
4:56 PM
@user6426692 I didn't do the kicking.
Perhaps in this context it means the opposite of "intrusive"? Maybe a malapropism of "un-inclusive"?
I hope that some other sopythonauts can come for at least some of it (cc. @JRich, @JonC, @Intrepid, @RobertGrant et al)
@user6426692 that's not why you were kicked. You were looking for a Delphi room and pretty much just disrupting chat in the mean time.
Remember guys, 2 days of it are over the weekend so you don't need to necessarily miss work if that's an issue.
4:57 PM
@Ffisegydd: at your current rate, shouldn't you be signing up for JavaOne instead?
Hyuck hyuck hyuck.
Them's fightin' words
I did not say that to do this to me, I want you to understand my situation only
@DSM They didn't have enough rooms and subrooms for the content
@Ffisegydd yeah I just may need to do work to a house at that point :)
But I'll give it some proper thought
4:57 PM
@RobertGrant What's the point of having a child if you're not going to force it to do housework?
That's a...good point
Can he crawl yet? Attach a mop to his tummy and make him clean the floor.
Long con. Be nice to it so it will pay for your retirement.
C'mon, toddlers and power tools is the best combination.
That's a worrying rbrb...
builds electroshock onesie that detects if baby isn't doing housework
4:59 PM
@user6426692 Please acquaint yourself with the room rules. As previously mentioned, you were asking us to help you find a Delphi room.
> Welcome to /java/conference/uk/day/1/morning/early/topic/programming/java/talk/1/speaker/j‌​/jon/title/h/hello\ world
@Ffisegydd I was very angry when I realized that existed after my children stopped crawling
@Ffisegydd That's a realistic looking piñata
@tristan Pleased to meet you all
4:59 PM
@RobertGrant I suspect "electroshock onesie" is a word combination that has never appeared before. Nice work.

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