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It does make sense though now after the fact. Have to tell apache what to do otherwise default will get overridden by wsgi
hmm should I make my own website?
@Crowz That's kinda impossible to answer
I want to make a website... but I want to make it really novel and interesting, so time to learn WebGL!
Yayy :D
Troublesome question:
Q: how do you get the current local directory in python

Michael JensenI actually think I know the answer to this, and it is: current_working_directory = os.getcwd().split("/") local_working_directory = current_working_directory[len(current_working_directory)-1] this works for me. none of the other posts I've checked out seem to explain how to get the local dire...

Which is actually three questions: the one in the title, "how do I self-answer posts?", and "how do you get the current local directory in Fortran?"
I'm also not quite sure what the second line of code is meant to solve
yea, what is that line supposed to do
I'm not even sure what a "local directory" is
I thiunk that means current folder?
That's what I assume. If you're in C:\users\kevin\projects, the local directory is "projects"
what the hell is "local" directory? Root? current directory? Login directory?
parent directory by the looks of it
no... that's the wrong word
It is os.path.basename it would appear though... so.... base directory?
I like that his solution isn't cross-OS-compatible because Windows separates directories with backslashes :-)
that doesn't actually work. that gives me the directory just above the one I'm currently in. ? — Michael Jensen 3 mins ago
@kevin that's their response to the os.path.basename ...
What do they think theirs does differently?
I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto
I don't know if he knows what he is doing. I just threw some answers at him from the first thign I googled.
He'll probably just accept his own answer in eight hours no matter what we do
you talking about the local_working_directory
being one level above?
that's cuz you did the len-1
like C:\users\kevin\projects\run.py
your cwd is projects
@Kevin wow, wtf
I don't know about that
Wait if he accepts his answer, does he get reputation?
because that is bs if it works like that
>>> x = "C:/users/kevin/projects/run.py".split("/")
>>> x[len(x)-1]
I (usually) work hard for my answers
@ShannonStrutz Nope
Here, we see that x[len(x)-1] is equivalent to x[-1]. That is, the last element of the sequence, not the second to last
Ok good
alright back to work
sorry, my bad
just tried it out
it's right
it gives me the projects
getcwd doesn't return including run.py tho
it returned projects
>>> os.getcwd()
>>> os.getcwd().split('/')[-1]
Yeah if you want the program name you want sys.argv[0], IIRC
So OP is apparently not a Windows user :P
Yep @poke, that's my guess as well
>>> os.getcwd()
>>> os.getcwd().split('/')[-1]
>>> os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
works for me…
could make that '/' a os.pathsep?
it works for me too
can't see why it isn't working for him
Maybe he's running on an OS he programmed himself
that doesn't implement os quite right
Um... wondering if it's nicer to move out the .setdefault to an if blah in style construct... stackoverflow.com/questions/19851304/…
Actually, a defaultdict.. then it keeps it as one statement... even nicer than setdefault me thinks
@Jon You always seem to ask for improvements on answers of yours where one would need to invest quite a few time to even understand the question… ^^"
setdefault is weird because I don't like functions with actiony sounding names, that have return values
I like to keep a strong distinction between functions that answer questions, and functions that carry out instructions
>>> class sanedict (dict):
	def setdefault (self, *args, **kwargs):
		dict.setdefault(self, *args, **kwargs)
		return None
>>> a = sanedict()
>>> a.setdefault('key', 'value')
Happy @Kevin?
It will take more than that to make me happy
Aww ^^
I demand world peace, efficient clean energy, and a filling low calorie snack food that whitens your teeth
monsanto says they will give you all that if you support them
Get thee behind me, monsanto
@poke I'm being somewhat more selective in answering these days :)
this is the zillionth guy to paste his code in as a comment
I'm using the - if it'll take me less than 5 minutes to answer... I'm probably not going to bother
Is there an idiot-proof "how to edit" guide? Preferably with bright red circles around the appropriate UI elements?
@JonClements, I wish I could find questions that would take me more than five minutes to answer, and not just because they're using an esoteric combination of third party libraries I've never used
@Kevin there's a fair share of questions that aren't... "I can't be bothered to put a ':' on my if statement, and it's not working... please help me fix it..." :)
I wish I could find actually interesting and challenging questions which are well written, and will actually yield more than just a single vote from OP…
And another Question again: Why is that: pastebin.com/uGd4T4uC no correct threading in Python? I just want a main function on my client, that starts a thread for checking for new incoming data, one thread for outgoing data and one for handling user requests.
Looks like you're creating an unlimited number of threads, there
    while Running:
        test = threading.Thread(target=checkIncoming)
Not too surprising that this starts a zillion threads
you want the condition to be i < numberOfWorkers
That means in my main function i will just start 3x a thread, one for each thing i need to do, and move the loop the the corresponding threads, cause i still need to permanently check for new incoming data. correct?
But there's no i in his program?
What does "move the loop" mean?
you would have the workers keep watching the job queue
and have something that keep pumping the new data to the queue
i think
you can even have each thread keep checking some data source and only terminate when you say so
what other python web frameworks like compared to django? how different are they?
the loop happens inside a thread, not at the place u spawn them
@Kevin What i mean is: in run() i just start 3 threads. One for each job that needs to be done. And in the checkIncoming() thread with checks for incoming data i need a loop to ensure its permanently checking. correct?
async and lightweight
That might be what you want to do, but it's not what you're doing
@user2800761 Pyramid, Aspen
Wow... didn't realise that the template I'd found was quite such a massive copy of the wiki.python.org :)
I thought I was on sopython.com then :)
so Django is clearly the best :)
Django is basically the most common
was - "bloomin' heck - Kevin's been busy!"
@user2800761 I like it :)
IDK about best
@user2800761 How did you reach this conclusion now?
I think Django is a powerful beast, which is not necessarily a good thing (imo).
@JonClements, Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair
Yeah, that’s certainly true :P
hah. I do not like the fact EVERYTHING is done for you in django, but i do still like it.
and i guess using the built in apps are optional.
Anyone know what node.js is like in comparison to python/django? like what is it like to learn compared to django?
How well do you know javascript compared to python?
How good are you at learning?
I don’t know Django myself too well, but Node is just an environment JavaScript runs in.
Similarly to Python, there are quite a few different web frameworks with different features and targets available.
So you can’t really compare Django with Node…
Also I think node runs all blocks concurrently so it is a different style of thinking
All parallel like FPGA's and HDL languages
Well, i don't really know JS that well, i can use it for basic stuff, like time, basic syntax, and functionality, i do know JQuery pretty well.
I can be good at learning... if i enjoy the topic and am awake enough ;)
did somebody say FPGA?
@ShannonStrutz Heya!
Do you do that stuff?
@ShannonStrutz Yes
what you use? Verilog?
something lese?
@ShannonStrutz VHDL ftw
Verilog here.
I know its all based on callbacks, (asynchronous ) - which i am not entirely fond of.
Stuff is sweet
@user2800761 asynchronous is awesome! You can do so much in the time you would be wasting if you were doing synchronous
i am used to it cause of JQuery which I LOVEEEE. I could certainly get used to it, but surely it makes your code look like a mountain on its side? iff ya see what i mean
>>> print "asynchronous is awesome!"
>>> print "what could possibly go wrong?"
awshyantc hcroounlodu sp oisss iabwleys ogmoe !wrong?
Just gotta watch out for those race conditions ;-)
and why the hell would asynchronous do that to a string???? i do not get that haha
The joke being, the second statement won't wait for the first one to finish printing, so they'll get displayed in a jumbled manner
@Kevin Hahaha, tahts awesome
I see that your a and h keys suffered from some async. there :)
haahah got it
So I am curious. We all know dropbox. it has a nice desktop gui. A very little one albeit, but its there when you click on it. How's it do that?
Can't say, never used it
That's nice. Not personally. Does it? Is it? No idea what you mean.
i don't know dropbox ;/
ok ok, haha, so when you have dropbox running (in windows), there is an icon in the tray by the clock. when you click on it, a little teensy gui comes up in the bottom-rigth corner
reminds me of gmail..."Load basic html"
that what it is?
LAME! I gotta close chrome to update java
@kevin 11,712 messages... Do you actually get any work done during the day when you're here? :p
Yeah, I think about code while I type
haah. thats ! cool...
The words I put into chat come mostly from my prefrontal cortex.
are we all at work?
With this global community, you never know what time it is for any particular person
You're not doing well with your "we all" statements at the moment @Shannon :)
Yea..I think I might have to work out my "we all" statement maker
It's the Royal We. Like "We are not amused"
omg, I just got a joke from futurama
whats java like for web?
thats why Bender puts on a crown to say "we are not amused" and then puts it away
I thought it was because he was super king
"Less Than Hero" is the fourth episode in the fourth production season of Futurama. It first aired on March 2, 2003 as the sixth episode in the fifth broadcast season. The episode was directed by Susie Dietter and written by Ron Weiner. Plot Professor Farnsworth orders a supercollider from πKEA; and after assembling it, Fry and Leela are left with sore muscles. Dr. Zoidberg prescribes them "Dr. Flimflam's Miracle Cream". While returning the broken supercollider to the store, Fry and Leela are mugged, but manage to fight back. They discover they are immune to laser fire and physica...
(if you were wondering, i have time to learn a new server lang)
@Shannon I have doubts I wish to know the answer, but how long again was this?
again was it since I heard the joke?
Oh I'd say about 1.5 years
Not when it first came out or something then :)
I'm not the quickest one, but when it comes to memory, yea
yea about 18 months ago i heard it
I think the longest it ever took me to get a joke was 15 years or so. It was a particularly philosophical Calvin And Hobbes that sailed over my head during the first dozen readings of my childhood
Then I read it last month and understood it.
Calvin and hobbes is confusing but they are so cute
Precisely my reaction 15 years ago :-)
Your journey towards enlightenment is proceeding as it should then @Kevin
i was wondering if a python guru might help answer a question on strings
With 24 users present, your odds are good
I am basically trying to compare these two strings
[['b', '3.0'], ['a', '0.0'], ['c', '0.0'], ['d', '0.0']] != [u'[b,3.0]', u'[a,0.0]', u'[c,0.0]', u'[d,0.0]]']
Do you have a SO question posted?
but am confused as to why the second portion has "u'" in front
nope, not yet
figured i'd try chat first
when a u precedes a string, that indicates it's a Unicode string
In any case, those aren't strings. The value on the left side of the != is a list of lists of strings, and the value on the right side is a list of unicode strings
the first portion came from a list ... the second portion from a concatenation of strings
so how do i convert the string portion to a list that i can compare the first too?
How's that last element of the second list got an extra ] in it
good catch, that is my bad on the string
try looping through the second list and set each value to int(value)
and thennnnn compare them
*sorry meant loop the first list
@bbbco so how are you building the second ?
I'm actually using Robot Framework in case this helps
Err... nope... :)
Well, you can force those to be comparable to each other, but it'd be easier to just make sure they're not so crap to start with
yea how was the second list created? there is probably a way to avoid each value becoming a string. can u show more code?
basically "[b,3.0], [a,0.0], [c,0.0], [d,0.0]"
So, what, the user typed them in manually? Or did you get them from a website? Or read it from a text file? or...?
yeah, think "read it from a text file"
best way to explain Robot Framework
**at least easiest for the moment
i am so confused about what you are asking, whats your aim, and what is ALL your code? we can help you then.
Normally, I'd offer to solve the X of your XY problem but I'm lazy today, so I'll just give you exactly what you asked for
a = [['b', '3.0'], ['a', '0.0'], ['c', '0.0'], ['d', '0.0']]
b = [u'[b,3.0]', u'[a,0.0]', u'[c,0.0]', u'[d,0.0]']
transformed_b = [str(x).strip("[]").split(",") for x in b]
if a == transformed_b:
    print "a and b are sort of equal"
    print "a and b are sort of not equal"
tadaa, converts a list of unicode strings that look like lists, into a list of lists of strings, suitable for comparison
@Kevin oh... if we're being lazy then... all('{},{}'.format(*i) == j.strip('[]') for i, j in zip(a, b))
@Kevin I'd be able to explain my X if there was someone familiar with Robot Framework :)
but thanks for your help, I think I understand better what is happening
@Kevin it's another one!!!! stackoverflow.com/questions/19988268/…
Your dad must be online :)
Have we worked out a canonical dupe yet ?
Or did we talk about one, then not decide on one, then laugh about it a bit... and then completely forget
We don't have a canonical target for this one, but we do for the other way around
This one is fairly well-formatted. I think I'll add it for the time being.
I need a nap you guys
Although the title's not too good, and he's confusing the issue by using an if and two elses instead of one of each of if, elif, and else
Beats nothing, I guess
if canonical_dupe == 1234567 or 1234145 or 671432 is fine by me
i am hitting a Ernno13 Permission denied
any clue why?
I assume that's on the open? Cos the bugs in the rest of the code haven't thrown you other errors yet :)
Actually, could be on your Popen ?
as the file isn't executable ?
What are you even doing with that code anyway?
First draft of the canonical post to That Dang Question: pastebin.com/X6fk169W
The editor marks this as a related question, but its code block has a lot of unnecessary details
Are you going to make that a real question and post it as CW or something ?
Jon, yeah, it happened at Popen
I want to incorporate the a or b or c == d problem as well, and make it cross-version-compatible if possible
Yeah, @JonClements, once I've got it juuuuust right
I am trying to pass the current sys.stdin to the subprocess
for a hack around a harder problem
I'll continue my Grand Design tomorrow, have a nice evening all
@Kevin take care
heya @juan
@ttback And what do you hope to achieve by doing that ?
pass the input to the subprocess python process
and let it run based on the input
hi @jon
So you have a process that's receiving input, but you want to pass that input to another process?
basically two python files
main, child
main takes input, pass it to child
child runs stuffs based on that input
that's all
Umm.. fine... odd way of doing it if they're both python programs :)
have to because it's a weird situation
if you're on 2.7 though, look more at subprocess.check_output instead of Popen
So you'd have output = subprocess.check_output('/other/python.py', stdin=sys.stdin)
how can i get dajngo running python 3?
Have you tried installing it?
@Jon just made that change
that is just a wrapper around Popen though
same problem
i hav python 3 but django is stuck with 2.7
Yeah... well, I can't debug what you're trying to do... you haven't given any useful error message :)
@user2800761 That's not what docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/faq/install/… says
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 6, in <module>
myFile = open('/tmp/temp.py', 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/temp.py'
i guess it is permission
Also, I didn't say it'd fix it, just that since I don't know what you're doing or why, apart from it's a weird situation, you should at least do whatever you're doing properly :)
go it thansks
11 mins ago, by Jon Clements
as the file isn't executable ?
@ttback have you tried chmod +x'ing it ?
trying it
And if it does fix it, you realise that print sys.stdin isn't going to do anything useful in the other program, right?
Jon yea
Jon, just trying to see it works
Jon still stuck at open
Try putting it somewhere else then
look like i have to run as a sudo
now it is saying raise TypeError("bufsize must be an integer")
Errr.... what open function are you using
Is that your entire code?
guys why am I so bad at programming?
fffffffffffff, does anybody know about how to interface python with android?
I need to make an app that pushes text messages to a desktop overlay
@ttback fixed it...
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import os

with NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as fout:
	fout.write('import sys; print sys.stdin')

import subprocess
print subprocess.check_output(['python', fout.name])
Don't really need to use a NTF but I felt like using it
i see
i will try yours now
i updated my version as well
so right now all works except the permission to open the file
maybe your tempfile way will work better
heya @Code - how ya doing?
@JonClements that temp file solved the permission issue
thanks a lot
@ThiefMaster ?
What's the policy for this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/19954436/…
I just looked at it and thought it was spam
It looks like it now, but it's err, not
uh, are you sure you linked to the right question?
self-vandalism.. yay
I've had this before where I've left a note and rolled it back, and then the OP has rolled it back, so I've flagged it and left it
I just can't be bothered to do anything for this one :)
i've rolled it back and removed the hostname which might have been the reason for him vandalizing it
Fair enough
Cheers @thief
I need some help with lines on a canvas. I have drawn some thick lines on a canvas. Is there any way to erase them?
by erasing them, I expect to see the stuff drawn under the line to become visible.
I am using the simpleGui library in python.
my thought is that I would need to draw the layer below again.
Errr, pass... never heard of simplegui
its a library we are using in an online class.
I guessed, but that doesn't help at all with how that library chooses to handle canvases at all
So you could move the stuff down a layer, even undraw the stuff, or you'd have to draw over the stuff... it all depends
Probably the most generic is as you say, draw what should be below it again
What should I google for, if I want to write a function that gets a list of strings and applies on all strings returning a list? I think I need something like "iterator" but I do not remmember correctly
Not sure what exactly you're asking...
def getValues(ListOfStringsWithValues):
list = makesmeconversionandclaculation(ListOfStringsWithValues[40:])
You just return another list
Right... so that's another function that takes a slice of your input...
I don't know if this has to be censored or not, but: andykurovets.com/mouses/mouses.html
btw cbg4all
Umm... :)
Evenin' :)
heya @JonClements howdy?
Fine - tired.. probably going to get an early night - how's things with you?
actually I'm OK, I'm very happy, I finally bought a good pair of boots (a real Made In England) Doc Martens
anyway, how is it possible, that DM is cheaper in hungary, then in its home town in the UK ?
I can't believe someone actually flagged that
@JonClements flag what? the g-spot mouse?
yeah... :)
kk -- I hoped no one will ;)
I need help
I have a directory for a project
this is what it looks like
in the file getWordScore I import the file ps4a
import ps4a
when I reference as dict in it, I get an error
the dict looks like this
what does the error say?
    'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 3, 'd': 2, 'e': 1, 'f': 4, 'g': 2, 'h': 4, 'i': 1, 'j': 8, 'k': 5, 'l': 1, 'm': 3, 'n': 1, 'o': 1, 'p': 3, 'q': 10, 'r': 1, 's': 1, 't': 1, 'u': 1, 'v': 4, 'w': 4, 'x': 8, 'y': 4, 'z': 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:/Dropbox/Python/Python2.7/ProblemSet4/getWordScore.py", line 26, in <module>
    getWordScore('bob', 4)
  File "G:/Dropbox/Python/Python2.7/ProblemSet4/getWordScore.py", line 21, in getWordScore
    points += SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES[char]
NameError: global name 'SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES' is not defined
getWordScore, looks like this
are you referring to it as: p4a.SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES ?
points = 0
for char in word:
    points += SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES[char]
if len(word) == n:
    points += 50
return points
@PeterVaro thanks
that was the problem
you can import it explicitly: from p4a import SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES
cool, thought that only worked on functions/classes
It works for everything that has a name :)
Hello, Python!
Hello @Code-Guru!
How's it going?

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