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how much do co-ops usually pay?
I wonder why they didn’t do it like this: i.sstatic.net/LjPeQ.png
(minus the careers link)
whoah, when did it get this late? I’m out, rhubarb! :)
return automatically breaks a loop right? no need for an extra break after return
@JebediahKerman i believe so
but return would break the function you are in i think
break just break out of the loop
so you can still have stuffs out of the loop but in the function
hmm weird stuff is going on my code
anyone has ever encountered error: AF_UNIX path too long
@ttback I do not know, otherwise I would have the problem ;)
In an or Boolean expression.
If the left side is true does python still check the right side?
e.g True or 1 != 1
does it check if 1 != 1
well if let me know if you know, I gtg
@JebediahKerman Interesting question
@thefourtheye You there?
Ya @aIKid
Wanna ask something
About pip
Can you set pip to change the python version it's set?
Or do i have to install a new pip for each python version?
I have three versions on my computer so..
Actually pip itself is a script and it is different for different versions of python
__requires__ = 'pip==1.3.1'
import sys
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

if __name__ == '__main__':
load_entry_point('pip==1.3.1', 'console_scripts', 'pip-2.7')()
This is for 2.7 version
Come to think about it.. okay, that's true!
How come i didn't realize that :O
Instead of pip-2.7 it is pip-3.3 for python 3.3
@aIKid Welcome :)
By the way @thefourtheye, are you a student?
Nope. I am working. I wish I am a student ;)
Ahaha X)
Are you in the office?
This is an interesting question stackoverflow.com/questions/19993237/…
None of the comprehension techniques or the lambda allows assignment. So, I don't believe an oneliner is possible for this.
Any challengers?
I could answer that
but I'm on stackoverflow vacation :P
I'm forcing myself not to pick up tonnes of rep
@GamesBrainiac Can you answer it here. I swear I wont answer there. :)
Honestly, I'm forcing myself not to answer.
As you can clearly see my reputation is trailing behind yours :P
I need to keep this addiction under control.
'cuz I need to study for my mid-terms
BlackKnight seems to have the right idea
but it can be improved.
@GamesBrainiac I am using stackoverflow to learn python :)
Well if you do that your understanding will remain grounded at lists
and really basic things.
You need to take the time to read some good Python books.
SO is a very nice way of learning, since it provides a nice virtual incentive
But there are many other parts of Python that you can learn too.
Which really are not asked here much, and the reputation bonuses for them are really low.
Do you recommend any particular book?
Well try Mark Lutz's Programming Python
very good for advanced Python learners
I say this, because I feel reputation can bee too much of a factor in using SO to learn.
Most of the time, people just go on rep hunts :P
I used to do that too, and its a lot of fun.
But your understanding stays confined to lists, and itertools, since thats what most of the problems are about XD
I write answers so that people can downvote and let me know the mistakes so that I can correct me if I am wrong. Second reason, it lets me keep in touch. I tend to forget things if I dont use much.
well in Python that rarely happens.
You'll see that Python libraries are consitently designed.
If you ever do lose your edge, it will only be temprary
And no, people will rarely downvote answers on lists or itertools.
Most of the time, its quite simple, what they're demanding.
@GamesBrainiac You have a point. Probably I should stop SO and try to learn python from books.
I mean, one person I admire is falsetru, you will notice that he answers all kinds of questions.
He never lets SO consume him.
But at the same time, he has a lot of reputation.
@thefourtheye Thats up to you, I mean, I understand how much fun it is racking up points.
But, I'm trying to let it up, so that I can get a more comprehensive understanding of Python.
this seems like an interesting conversation cc @thefourtheye
anyone have a good resource for a beginner trying to wrap his brain around Classes in Python?
@GamesBrainiac Thanks :) I ll read it when I am done with eating :)
@JasonRueckert Well, I'd start by going over Zed Shaw's book "Learn Python the Hard Way"
It has a few good chapters on classes
but thats more than enough
that's actually where I'm at right now
chapter 41
i've gotten everything up to this point to "click", but not classes
Ahh, well keep going
Most of the Python stuff is easy to remember anyways
@GamesBrainiac Exactly, i wonder how he does that.
@aIKid he's a veteran programmer
but after looking deeper into the book, if I don't "get" classes, i feel like I might get lost on the rest of it
Ahh, well new things can be intimidating, but if you do have problems you can always ask on SO
@GamesBrainiac Yup. I usually able to answer questions concerning libraries i never used, just from the docs. But his answer were always detailed and it really looks like he knows everything.
@ChristianCareaga Cbg!
@aIKid Well don't try to do that too often, unless you know what you're talking about.
@GamesBrainiac Hahaha
Mostly, i know what i'm talking about
I say that because it might discourage someone knowledgeable from answering the question.
@GamesBrainiac Hum, they usually leave a comment.
But yeah you've got a point.
Well, if you wish to answer, I'm no one to stop you.
Back to falsetru, i think it's almost impossible to gain 40 thousand reps in 7 months..
But sometimes, I've seen that Falsetru's would have given a much better answer if I had let him answer.
oh, he's good with almost everything
from python to ruby to php to c to javascript
Thats crazy!
i'm only good with python and javascript
and I'll never touch php
I'm a little good at python and know things in javascript
And quite good at actionscript
Im good with python and now a bit of C#
never used the latter one again though.
Also, a tiny bit of C and C++
take this warning to heart
don't answer any c++ questions
unless you know exactly what you're doing
I used both when i programming in robotics
@GamesBrainiac ahahaha
the c++ experts here are damn good
Nice point
amazingly so
I wouldn't though, no worries.
But really, that good?
oh amazingly so
each knows atleast 4 languages with absolute proficiency.
and if they dont know a language you do, they can probably learn most of it in a day.
You know someone there?
all of them there actually
I'm a regular XD
@GamesBrainiac Oh, i didn't know that XD

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