I actually think I know the answer to this, and it is:
current_working_directory = os.getcwd().split("/")
local_working_directory = current_working_directory[len(current_working_directory)-1]
this works for me. none of the other posts I've checked out seem to explain how to get the local dire...
Is there an idiot-proof "how to edit" guide? Preferably with bright red circles around the appropriate UI elements?
@JonClements, I wish I could find questions that would take me more than five minutes to answer, and not just because they're using an esoteric combination of third party libraries I've never used
@Kevin there's a fair share of questions that aren't... "I can't be bothered to put a ':' on my if statement, and it's not working... please help me fix it..." :)
I wish I could find actually interesting and challenging questions which are well written, and will actually yield more than just a single vote from OP…
And another Question again: Why is that: pastebin.com/uGd4T4uC no correct threading in Python? I just want a main function on my client, that starts a thread for checking for new incoming data, one thread for outgoing data and one for handling user requests.
That means in my main function i will just start 3x a thread, one for each thing i need to do, and move the loop the the corresponding threads, cause i still need to permanently check for new incoming data. correct?
the loop happens inside a thread, not at the place u spawn them
@Kevin What i mean is: in run() i just start 3 threads. One for each job that needs to be done. And in the checkIncoming() thread with checks for incoming data i need a loop to ensure its permanently checking. correct?
i am used to it cause of JQuery which I LOVEEEE. I could certainly get used to it, but surely it makes your code look like a mountain on its side? iff ya see what i mean
ok ok, haha, so when you have dropbox running (in windows), there is an icon in the tray by the clock. when you click on it, a little teensy gui comes up in the bottom-rigth corner
"Less Than Hero" is the fourth episode in the fourth production season of Futurama. It first aired on March 2, 2003 as the sixth episode in the fifth broadcast season. The episode was directed by Susie Dietter and written by Ron Weiner.
Professor Farnsworth orders a supercollider from πKEA; and after assembling it, Fry and Leela are left with sore muscles. Dr. Zoidberg prescribes them "Dr. Flimflam's Miracle Cream". While returning the broken supercollider to the store, Fry and Leela are mugged, but manage to fight back. They discover they are immune to laser fire and physica...
I think the longest it ever took me to get a joke was 15 years or so. It was a particularly philosophical Calvin And Hobbes that sailed over my head during the first dozen readings of my childhood
when a u precedes a string, that indicates it's a Unicode string
In any case, those aren't strings. The value on the left side of the != is a list of lists of strings, and the value on the right side is a list of unicode strings
Normally, I'd offer to solve the X of your XY problem but I'm lazy today, so I'll just give you exactly what you asked for
a = [['b', '3.0'], ['a', '0.0'], ['c', '0.0'], ['d', '0.0']]
b = [u'[b,3.0]', u'[a,0.0]', u'[c,0.0]', u'[d,0.0]']
transformed_b = [str(x).strip("[]").split(",") for x in b]
if a == transformed_b:
print "a and b are sort of equal"
print "a and b are sort of not equal"
tadaa, converts a list of unicode strings that look like lists, into a list of lists of strings, suitable for comparison
Also, I didn't say it'd fix it, just that since I don't know what you're doing or why, apart from it's a weird situation, you should at least do whatever you're doing properly :)
What should I google for, if I want to write a function that gets a list of strings and applies on all strings returning a list? I think I need something like "iterator" but I do not remmember correctly
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "G:/Dropbox/Python/Python2.7/ProblemSet4/getWordScore.py", line 26, in <module>
getWordScore('bob', 4)
File "G:/Dropbox/Python/Python2.7/ProblemSet4/getWordScore.py", line 21, in getWordScore
NameError: global name 'SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES' is not defined