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@BhargavRao CV police, meet grammar police
in SOCVFinder, 56 secs ago, by Petter Friberg
@tripleee she is up again
queen is back ^
@tripleee ô.ô
Is that a ... onebox?
Burn it!
@BhargavRao hiya
burn them all
@ColdFire hiya
Is that spam ?
might deserve a comment or edit
Edit for sure, disclaimer isn't really clear.
@BhargavRao back to bang?
Both answers on that are from two hungarian guys who work at that company
damn i forget how to add tags again
@ColdFire [tag:cv-pls]
@ColdFire though the Chrome plugin is really superior to hand-formatting your cv-pls:es
@ColdFire yeah
@tripleee plugin link pls?
@ColdFire hang on
damn i cannot edit now
chrome plugin? Yuck
@ColdFire it's closed already so no real harm
should be added to the FAQ I suppose - socvr.org/faq
@kayess Hello! :D
No proprietary Google stuff, please
why is the site no longer visible in the room description up on the right?
@PraveenKumar hiya \o howdy
@kayess Good... :)
@tripleee how to use that plugin
@PraveenKumar We have been missing you from here, what's the reason of your outage ?:P
@ColdFire if you are using Chrome, you should see an install button (or something like that) on the right
@tripleee yes i added it but how to use it
@ColdFire it shows a small "cv-pls" down next to the edit, flag etc links
@kayess I am in India... :D
@PraveenKumar Home sweet home :)
and also when you vote to close there is a checkbox where you can select "send cv-pls request"
Also @PraveenKumar
I struggled for a bit with figuring that out
28 mins ago, by tripleee
not particularly eager to get him to turn off his notify, but if he pops up when I'm not here, maybe ask him about it?
@kayess Hi...
@tripleee Hey... Tell me.
@tripleee nice
it's really @Cerbrus who brought this up
submitted a screenshot request github.com/normalhuman/SpamTracker/issues/3
Yea, @PraveenKumar: It'd be appreciated if you removed the SD notification subscription
@Cerbrus Okay will do.
@PraveenKumar thanks to you!
Thanks :-)
What happened? Why suddenly?
@PraveenKumar up to @Cerbrus really to answer that but subjectively, I was relieved to not have my inbox fill up with pings during the night
and most of them will have expired by the time I had the time to look at them
@tripleee Ha ha.. Accepted too... Coz I have been having 700 notifications in my SE inbox!
lol sweet
also now it will be easier to ping you if we really need you
(or, well, more likely to succeed)
@PraveenKumar When you first subscribed to the notifications, I objected already. The list of users being notified just kept on growing.
@Cerbrus Gotcha... :D
Most of these users just didn't respond to the notifications.
Besides, on a room as active as this one, there's really no point in using the notify feature.
@Cerbrus it's fun to help nuking spam posts though
especially when you raise the 6th spam flag and nuke the post for real
@tripleee i dont see anything when i flag a post
the plugin is doing nothing
@ColdFire you don't see this? i.sstatic.net/98ENG.png
@πάνταῥεῖ Aw thanks. And the video length is π!!
@tripleee That's a extension
blob @Kyll
clob @Kyll
UserScripts FTW
@Kyll Fsck The World?
@Cerbrus yeah, we were talking about the Chrome extension before; if that's not what you are using, what are you using?
you as in @ColdFire
@Cerbrus how to use userscript sorry i have no idea how to use it
@kayess For teh winz
@ColdFire What browser are you using?
@TimCastelijns An links back to the previous one.
@ColdFire socvr.org/userscripts has a pointer
@Cerbrus chrome
@Cerbrus yeah easy close
Q: Manually adding a Userscript to Google Chrome

YMMDInstead of "installing" User-Scripts I found many tutorials on the web to add it manually. All of them told me to do the same steps: Make the directory C:\Users\Blabla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User Scripts Place a .js file there, which contains the User-Script Start Chrome ...

@ColdFire are you sure it's unclear? there's an answer with a score above zero - i think we should wait and see if the op accepts that answer
oh great
Unclear, broad, crap, whatever. the question isn't good.
my gravatar is messed up
The answer is just as bad. It's NAA.
@dorukayhan damn sure
On the upside, it's always nice to make your own desktop background. On the downside, it doesn't make too much artistic effort to download an HDRI lightmap, stick a rough sphere in the scene, pick a good view and hit F12.
@tripleee Oops. thanks! :)
@ColdFire Don't forget to format [tag:cv-pls]
better yet, install the userscript
@ColdFire same as this ^
installed it but not working
"not working" is not an error description (and not a sentence either)
Vtc'ed as No MCVE
it is*
@ColdFire for me it was a breeze, though I recall I looked at the preferences before I tried it; maybe there's something there you need to click in order to enable it? don't remember that part clearly
@JanDvorak Just for clearification purposes: Are you currently lieutenant or chief in the hierarchy of the SO-GrammarPolice? :o
I'm a freelancer
@Seth same question i have
@ColdFire Which browser are you using? :p
@Seth chrome
@ColdFire Hmm..
look up "tampermonkey" then
@JanDvorak and well we are not in grammar class are we :P
@ColdFire *grammar
Plop Yvette
If we are, I'd like to keep it going
@BhargavRao man it was intentional to see if he corrected me, but you destroyed the fun
*would correct
see he did
Bhargav Rao, destroyer of funsies
Cold Fire, trapper of grammar police officiers...
A trapper is a person who engages in animal trapping. I'm not an animal.
@JanDvorak Your avatar looks like it though c:
Don't hit me for the you're please c:
Then fix it ;-)
Couldn't stand looking at it ._.
what are you guys yabbering about? ;)
@Yvette About Jan's Grammar lessons
@Yvette grammar fanatic
ah k
Darwin was wrong
Guys, would you say this is off or on-topic? stackoverflow.com/questions/39163892/…
@ColdFire Uh-uh, don't use that word please.
Someone might get it wrong.
@JanDvorak now that passed a grammar check ;)
And we don't want drama again.
@ColdFire Take out the n-word & replace it with something like "fanatic" c:
@ColdFire who me?
@Seth That's the reason why I avoided it at the beginning.
@BhargavRao Avoided what? Grammar? Or that particular term?
@Yvette no no
@Seth That particular term which you asked ColdFire to remove.
@Seth I see absolutely nothing wrong with using the phrase "grammar nazi"
We see nothing, But there are others who do! :)
Offence is in the eye of the beholder, those people should probably chill out a bit.
@DavidG me neither
hey @DavidG where's our poetry
he didn't say "grammar nazi", he said "grammer nazi"
@DavidG After the drama we had yesterday (?) I would like to not step on anyones feet, not for now atleast. Just my personal preference :)
@BhargavRao I see :)
The gender drama, you mean? Yeah, that was fun.
@JanDvorak oh no!!!!!! too funny
I'd rather stay away from any terms that would offend anyone.
@BhargavRao yes
Staying away from it is fine, but suggesting to others is a form of censorship. Anyway, far too serious for this time of the day!
I once mentioned about a certain device used to kill other people in the early 1940s and that message was thrashed. Ever since that incident, I have tried to refrain from using offensive words.
@DavidG beer o clock or coffee time?
Device? What device?
Not yet midday here.
Moving on, did anyone look at the question I linked above?
@BhargavRao :/
moves away from the conversation
moves me too
@BhargavRao you're a lovely guy and I know that ;)
@Yvette Ty :)
@BhargavRao yw and it's the truth ;)
@tripleee I marked it as n?
Love is in the air tadada.. :p
Hey hey hey chill out with the spam flags on that one
@Yvette "exists solely to promote"...
@kayess nah, he's my internet son
@Yvette lol
we've actually talked about me coming to his wedding! (and no, I'm not the bride) ;)
Thats a well known free tool and the user has other non spam answers
@Magisch my thoughts also
although at his current rate he's nosediving into an answer ban because they're all bad
Still junk, though
@Magisch Agreed, but I did DV it.
It's just a link only VLQ :p
@Magisch lol
Holy moly, that went from 0 to deleted within a second.
I didn't even manage to open the flag dialogue.
that's a good thing
You gotta be quick
I know, it was vaporised mid air!
I know :p But unusual nonetheless.
@JanDvorak yep
@Yvette Yvette, we talked about this :/ No extraterrestrial weapon usage against spam posts!
Imagine you're a spammer, you finally managed to circumvent spam ram after a lenghty snowshoeing process. Then you post ... and your post gets exactly 6 views within 10 seconds and all of these are spamflags
Get -> dunked
Timestamps say less than 45 seconds
@Magisch nuked* c:
@Seth you spoil all my fun grumble grumble ;)
@JanDvorak felt quicker
@Yvette Hehehe c:
@Yvette git gud machine
@Seth your frequent c:'s remind me of an MS-DOS batch file :p
they remind me of magisch
:32504898 k
nuked within 30 sec
t'was quick
Not quick enough go, go ,godaddy gone! (sorry I have godaddy brunination dementia)
@Yvette bruuuu :o brunination
@JanDvorak You god darn ninja :|
@kayess c: Maybe I am a MS-DOS file?
@Seth - In that case we will not be surprised in case you stopped coming to SOCVR. :P
Troll idea: ask "what's the ms-dos equivalent of rm -rf", flag all answers as dangerous
@JanDvorak format c: /q/f/y
Close enough :-)
@kayess no votes left
> In case of fire:
> git commit
> git push
> git out
git checkout, git rebase, git reset head. Git kill yourSelf :P
git blame after
@TLM \o
@TheLostMind lol
@JanDvorak Last step is wrong. get out
did you know I missed you! @TheLostMind
I believe this is flawed, as you won't have time to solve any conflicts. It might be a better idea to create a fresh branch, isn't it?
@Yvette - That's sweet. No I didn't.
Then _check_out
@JanDvorak - Yes. I usually do that
@TheLostMind see? you are loved and missed ;)
within 5 secs
mod kill
@TheLostMind Why o_o
@Yvette - ooh . I see.
@Seth - Rude / abusive .. That user was just trolling
@TheLostMind Nuuuh
I wanted to know why you would not be surprised if I stopped coming to the SOCVR room c:
Click on the arrow in front of the @TheLostMind
@Seth what?
Oh thats because Windows Systems crash a lot..
@Seth wut??
> @Seth - In that case we will not be surprised in case you stopped coming to SOCVR. :P
I suggested the OP might want to come in here to discuss it
Well if you're a MS-DOS file, at some point you'll be executed @Seth
Oooh. @Magisch is right
Playing geoguessr. The first thing I see is a boat floating just next to a road, with nothing else suggesting water underneath the snow.
@Magisch Oh ... But I will be running after being executed...
Does that mean I'll be the headless horseman? O_O
Without the horse of course
headless chicken mode
Aw :< Headless chicken doesn't sound half as good as headless horseman
runs for 10 seconds then eternal silence as it bleeds out and decomposes into the soil from whence it spawned
Or "The beheaded horror"
ok I'm saying good night chat room by chat room. Night \o
@Magisch Now you're just being mean :c
@Yvette Bya o/
\o @Yvette
bye \o
I kinda liked bya ;)
Would you flag this comment as offensive?
I guess that got modded, TLM at work I guess :)
Really? Did you tried that? Try it with a stopwatch and see for yourself — Rahul 6 mins ago
OK. I've gotto ask.. Has anyone tried ^^^? :P
@SmokeDetector LOL xD
Hey Sam o/
@Oldskool I had just this problem last week and my solution was a different one from the one in the dupe you linked
Hey NO o/
I should either write a bot that automatically writes that, or get a bit more creative with my greetings...
@Seth heh
what are you working on atm anyways, seth?
@Magisch Interesting.
@Magisch An interface to easily register new employees. It'll set up most logins for the new users etc.
Saves a boatload of time, when done.
I have to use selectOneMenues tho :| They never do what I want.
At least you don't have microsoft access 2003 as main app platform
(like me)
Yiiiii >.<
And then you have to deal with it not playing nice with windows 7 upwards
You lost me at access :|
VBA is fun
Until you have to maintain sphaghetti code written by someone who clearly never wanted nor was talented to be a programmer of any sort
Spaghetti code is always fun :]
no its not
Especially when you've spent 3 hours getting into it, finally get what's happening there, and get interrupted right when you want to actually start fixing stuff.
Lovely >.<

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