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@Enzokie never saw you here before
@Tunaki does your bot do any batches for go daddy?
delete batches - so you won't be interested :)
no i mean i have cvs left so i want to close the questions
use Queen
oh yeah
@SotiriosDelimanolis Also, you can use MagicTagReview and filter by godaddy questions having 1 delete vote
charge your laptop please
Battery Percentage is the first thing that everyone looks at
second is that long "search" box that is taking up valuable space in the task bar
So much judgement.
much opinions
third is why u using windoze
afk lunch
@Tunaki i get only 6 question even after specifying 40 is that a bug or intended?
because there were only 6 questions to review probably
so less questions left?
i expected more
the reason i asked i got 6 in both cv3 and cv4
so i thought probably intended
I have an optical illusion on this question. The log lines seem to go upwards no? :D
looks like it has a couple degree tilt?
Bye all, Time to head towards home.
i ran out of cv
@BhargavRao bye
btw what will happen to closed question when tag is burminated?
A CM/Dev will remove the tag from all of them with the push of a button
i see
We leave the tag in place so we can clean it all up and once we are done anything that still has the tag has it removed. Then the tag is gone and everything that was crud has been handled.
only 105 questions remain then nice
tag is gonna burminate soon
@TheLostMind can't stop listening to TheFatRat
Hey tiny. I saw you had some fun on meta.
@ColdFire there are a bunch of remaining questions that are on the delete list though
@NathanOliver Who me? Where?
Oh, that ot burninate request and run away?
@Tunaki i see that is even nicer
@TinyGiant Yes :)
tuna i found a bug
@NathanOliver Couldn't resist
The thought that went through my head was He must have just made a batch of popcorn
mm popcorn. It's almost lunchtime so I'm hungry now.
I know how you feel
We're having a hard time deciding where to eat. Our final choice is between a local burger place, or a local Greek place.
I would say, at a table, for a start.
So I ask the internet: Burgers or Greek?
@Tunaki no food trucks?
one of them is a food truck?
How about Greek burgers? Possibly the best of both worlds?
@ryanyuyu Greek, Gyro, mmmmm.................
@TinyGiant Monody?
@NathanOliver this much
@Sam yeah, but all of it
Ok Greek it is.
@Louis Don't cv, flag as spam please
@TinyGiant :D
I tend to listen to the non-vocal version.
@πάνταῥεῖ I did flag as spam. I put the request for closure afterwards.
@πάνταῥεῖ he's talking about the question, not the answers
oh look, it's Tiny!
I just realized that :)
close votes queue too large
Hi everyone BTW
@Compass BS
try 10 times the volume
@Compass I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
afk for Greek food
I see Kyll's super-out-of-context message is still in the star board
Question of the day material here. You didn't even pretend to do anything yet. This is pathetic. — rmlan 2 mins ago
Didn't even notice. maybe I should actually look at that thing from time to time
this is when I wish I had cv's left
Compass passed a audit!
To bad we cant transfer them
what, give them all to rene?
Sure. I like that plan
Or we can get closey up to 3K and teach her what a bad Q is. Then let her go.
Compass passed a audit!
We're under 200 open godaddy questions!
we can get this done today if we really try
sigh I have to revoke my own bro card. I did this tag is on fire in my head.
I love when I see
> I've also dealt with the reviewers involved.
in a meta answer by a mod
@Compass You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 3 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 10 minutes and 21 seconds, averaging to a review every 15 seconds.
@gunr2171 :P
peeking in for a bit?
is there a stack?
trying to be more active
i have 12 cvs left
<.< where's the godaaddy shtuff
@Compass go to the go daddy room
@TinyGiant - IKR!! :P
@gunr2171 that's not counting all the questions in the delete queue
I have no dvs, cvs, or delvs left since I ran through godaddy last night
use queen to get go daddy quesions to be closed
@Tunaki well, I'm just working on closing or editing
I'm a <10k pleb, so I can't delete vote
ok i am in the room <.<
@gunr2171 You still don't have 10k?
There are 198 questions with delete votes.
nope, have not answered a question in a while
@Tunaki - new bot?
106 of them have 2 delete votes
you got me :D
in testing phase really
that :(
that :(
Lets turn that frown upside ): oh no got the whole head instead
89 questions remaining
one day and go daddy boomed
less than 100
life as a developer is weird when the QA servers are down.
Hi @NathanOliver /OT Would you mind leaving me a note what you think about my work here?
meh. I would not buy it. It only has a dual core chip and no solid state HDD or at least solid state cache drive.
i5 6th gen is bad?
Ram i am gonna bump to 16gb
hasnt i5 been up to 7th gen for a while?
SSD are damn costly
"Operating System DOS" LOL WAT?
@ColdFire Well the specs state Processor Count 2 which to me means it is a dual core and you want at least a quad core.
@Compass havent seen a laptop with that yet
@NathanOliver well if i go for i7 i have to add 25k to that cost
and that is costly
@πάνταῥεῖ Sure. I should have some time tomorrow.
Am I the only one seeing the OS listed as "DOS"?
no already aware of that
yeah i5 6th gen is latest
What currency is that?
@NathanOliver Take your time to read the docs 1st. I'm just interested about opinions by a peer.
No problem
@ColdFire so you are looking for something like $600-$700?
Also do you need an OS? The one you showed said it had DOS which leads me to believe it does not have anOS
If you were planning on upgrading to 16gb of RAM, one of the reviews claims it only takes 8gb.
I would have expected some angry reviews if it had no OS.
it supports 16gb i have verified that
i need DOS
that is right
Wow. Okay. Didn't know people were still rocking actual DOS. Doesn't it only run at 16 bits?
yuck. I would not touch DOS except through DOSbox
well i have OS
so i dont need OS in laptop
Ah. So you have your own OS and then you emulate/run DOS through that.
Surely it can't actually be DOS?
i am not gonna pay 6k for nothing
@AlexanderO'Mara it is DOS
Like, MS-DOS, discontinued 15 years ago?
Am I missing something?
yes it is MS-DOS
you are missing nothing
I didn't realize DOS could still run on modern hardware...
i am specifically looking for DOS based laptop @AlexanderO'Mara
every laptop has DOS afaik
Also everything I can find about the RAM points to only a single slot that can fit up to an 8GB stick
can install*
IIRC, the latest DOS-based Windows was 3.1. I remember literally launching Windows by typing win in the command line. It were these days.
this has windows 10 but no graphics card :(
by "no", do you mean "integrated"?
integrated graphics is shit
I have this buddy: alza.cz/…
The latest non-NT Windows were Win98. I would take a guess that they were launched through a DOS startup script
@JanDvorak No, there was also Windows ME
lets not talk about windows ME
OK, almost-latest. But WinME sucked
And yes, DOS was the OS, with Win loaded on top. Cut my teeth on an IBM PS/2 running PC-DOS and loaded Win 3.1 on it. I then had to use said PC to club a dinosaur to death
@ColdFire The only other thing I see about that laptop is it has no USB3.0 ports. Those are a must IMHO.
@Machavity I know how you feel. My first computer I played with was an old 386 from 1984.
USB 3.meh
oops wrong on the year. I think it mught have been 87
@JanDvorak You don't like it?
I don't not like it, but I have no need for it as of yet
Ah. I have an external HDD plug so it is nice to have the extra speed when shuffling GB's around.
True that. I don't have an external HDD though.
i have 2
@NathanOliver this one does have that
Off-center touchpad?
is that a issue
but strange why would they design it that way
They aligned it with the spacebar
It says it has a LPT-1 port but I do not see it in the pictures
Actually, mine's off-center, too
my mac one is centered
The only mack I'd consider buying is a coat
@ColdFire That one look a little better
The one-boxes
one boxes yeah
looked like a comment to me
Yup. Comment on another answer.
@Tunaki Did you follow this link?
I didn't.
You were landing on a page saying "Einsame Frauen suchen ..."
That sounds like a k.
> Open Sourced Vulnerability Database
@πάνταῥεῖ I don't have that.
@πάνταῥεῖ so many demos
It seems I got that wrong from the 1st glance.
this question and answer is so bad
The site just has a questionable ad at the top.
@Queen k
@Queen k
sigh someone post Java code as C++.
@NathanOliver and someone else answered in Haskell
@Braiam That would be awsome
I'm gonna say f to the spam but we need to close it
@πάνταῥεῖ left a comment.
@NathanOliver THX
It looks like they have done installation
I put a delete vote on it. not really needed but meh
@πάνταῥεῖ Thy said they did bootstrap and ran b2 and bjam. I don't see that they did boost.
@NathanOliver because they got the answer right?
@NathanOliver no no2?
@Braiam Because it would be the audit trifecta.
@Braiam no no2 :(
still in beta
Cool - when I told them it's not a good idea to post an email publicly, they deleted the question.
I'm here ...
Hi here ...
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
turns on sun lamp
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
How do I unsubscribe from room events?
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
You should not be subscribed be default. Are trying to hide the notification?
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
you can blame rene, that's about it
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@rene stappit
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
holy spam batman
stop it*
@JanDvorak this is about it, we're good for another month
I don't want to see those
@JanDvorak You'll get over it
You can ignore Feeds
Does that help with the notifications?
I guess so ...
@JanDvorak Yep, Ignore this user nicely removes all messages from Feeds
Now I only need to find out how I undo that ...
The topbar notification is not a Feeds message, is it?
OK, so now we get questions that get asked as topic requests: stackoverflow.com/documentation/c%23/topic-requests/6103
@JanDvorak ... you're out of options.
gn guys
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Is this a tool request? There was a recent new low quality answer added.
I'd say so - even if it has a code answer
That's what I was think. If not, it's probably also too broad.
@ryan I see you got hit with the gravatar bug, eh?

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