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12:00 AM
night @Tuna
Night Tuna
Just how broken was the Godaddy tag? This broken
12:32 AM
That's weird. Just watched a low-rep user post correct code then delete it because a high-rep user had the same answer with an upvote
1 hour later…
1:56 AM
2:33 AM
@NobodyNada could you visit the testing facility once? Looks like you did not visit it from many days so my pings are not coming in your inbox
as you are not in the pingable list
3:04 AM
tabcontrol? lolwut
Must be a Windows GUI thing, but first I ever heard such a name. Not sure how they came up with that tag though.
3:48 AM
@SmokeDetector sd n
@SmokeDetector sd f
4:36 AM
Wow, I got on meta
not expecting that
@SmokeDetector definitely completely off-topic; Google translate gets me something about ejecting from the cockpit
@SmokeDetector f as such, just off topic
@NobodyNada a hex dump would not reveal 200e or 202e directly because it's UTF-8 encoded; the UTF-8 encoding of U+200E is e2 80 8e
4:57 AM
@Tunaki :D
@tripleee oops, you're right. I don't see that (or e2 80 ae for U+202E) in the hex dump either though.
@NobodyNada no, that's correct
didja see the ping by Anish above, too?
@tripleee yeah; thanks
close voted a bunch of questions, maybe check the queue for those if you're looking for something to vote on
I don't have time right now, but I may tomorrow. Thanks!
5:20 AM
hai o/
5:55 AM
you sneaky duper you @πάνταῥεῖ
blob kyll
morning @TinyGiant
6:06 AM
it is currently 11:06pm, so not quite morning for me yet
11:34 am here
morning here
Its 8:06am here and its already 30°C
This is gonna be a shit day in the non airconditioned office with 4 vapers
6:07 AM
it was 35*C this morning at 8:06
30-35* is pretty normal here
My optimal temperature for sitting around in a shirt and shorts is 10C
above 25C its entirely too warm for my taste
In a non-air-conditioned mechanics shop in the sun all day
this afternoon, at the hottest point, it was 44*C, and it was colder than normal
6:10 AM
Yeah no
I cannot function above 30C
where are you?
Since ArtofCode made his user script, people using it have cast over 2k spam flags on smokey reported posts
@TinyGiant In germany
My part of germany is suffering from an unprecedented 5 day heat wave atm
after that its hopefully gonna cool down again soon
@Magisch I used it for a little bit
@Magisch Ahhh, makes sense
@TinyGiant What made you stop using it?
6:16 AM
It inspired me to write a userscript which loads the entire post in chat in it's natural form with all functionality on the main site. It never really got finished, I never posted it anywhere, and accidentally wiped my hard drive before I finished it.
That worked for all posts linked in chat
I like FDSC
It cuts out 90% of the typing feedback by hand
Flag Dialog Smokey Controls
6:17 AM
It will automaticly sd k a report on any question you flag as spam or offensive
That seems excessive
what if everyone in chat has the script?
Whether there are 5x k or 1x k on a post is largely irrelevant
only one message gets posted. The feedback is posted directly to metasmoke, its not sent via chat
Ohhhhh ok
6:19 AM
I thought we were spamming chat here
And then smokey will post something like this:
on the first feedback recieved per post
well that's not bad then
In fact, it cuts down the noise from chat feedback significantly and saves the flaggers having to type out a feedback per hand
It also automatically feeds back naa- when you flag a post with a report as naa
So the only thing you have to do by hand anymore is sd f and those aren't that common
Maybe once I get more active again
6:32 AM
@TinyGiant also, you will even have to type in the tp- feedback manually on self-vandalism posts. The script does not do that
but that's not very frequent
@AshishAhujaツ Since Art launched the script, over 2000 spam flags have been cast with it
@Magisch yeah, but I was telling about the tp- feedback
not all feedbacks
I just felt like telling you :p
6:34 AM
There is a guy on meta moaning that he lost 300 rep due to serial voting reversal when he recieved 35+ upvotes within 4 minutes yesterday
@Magisch link? I really want to see the meta drama :p
I guess you shouldn't sock puppet upvote yourself then, eh?
@AshishAhujaツ Its on the front page of meta
6:36 AM
There is a shocking number of "My very obvious attempt to cheat the system didn't work, please help me make it work" posts around
I r cheetar, halp my cheetar?
you mean
Remember that post by the guy Codee Twodee or something like that on meta? That guy was acting like he knew nothing about his sockpuppet
and he had one
@ColdFire I was being facetious
@TinyGiant haha ok
6:39 AM
My favorite is "Why I r get downscored? You so mean!"
Especially when it is one downvote
6:46 AM
NATO on m.so is hilarious
@TinyGiant #teamno10k :c
NATO is like.... the best thing ever
what is NATO?
6:54 AM
New Answers To Old Questions
Part of the 10k tools page
It's part of the 10k tools page
I'm 6k rep away from 10k :(
Then I went and broke it, to make it better
i am 7k away from 10k :(
6:55 AM
that's... impossible
You mean 3K away from 7K
nope 7k away from 10k
Oh, well that too
You said 7k away from 3k
6:57 AM
which would mean you have -4k
in which case... yeah
yeah typo
I do have 7,8k am but 3,8k of that is going away soon
6:58 AM
i too have 1.7k rep from docs
At this speed I'll get to 10k maybe in 3 years
ahhhh, their taking away the docs rep now?
so my rep is going to vanish too :(
yeah shouldnt have added rep in the first place
I have made 0 contributions to docs to this date
6:59 AM
They're "redesigning" it
I made a couple of edits removing some blatant misinformation from some posts that blew up early
they'll hard cap rep you can earn from a single post and rework what constitutes a "significant edit". I'm not betting on any of this docs rep remaining
Well, I don't see docs existing in its current condition for very long
haha yeah @TinyGiant
it's a great idea, that has been very poorly executed
And then I spent 2 hours entirely rewriting an example with code demos and thorough explainations and it got 1 upvote since
well i made an example too got 1 upvote
7:13 AM
Wow, I'm being told by SE to consider commenting when downvoting questions now.
It isn't new
Morning btw \o
@TinyGiant it was put in long ago but you only see it on sites you have not been very active on IIRC
so it's designed as guidance for new users
@tripleee Oh yeah, I remember something about that
you'd think if you have a high rep on one of the SE sites you'd not need the guidance on any of them, but that's a fairly minor use case anyhow I guess
@kayess morning
7:19 AM
alright. I'm off to bed. Night guys
sleep well
We might have to declare you active RO again @TinyGiant if only for the time slot when none of us is around ...
heya @rene @ColdFire
@rene You can always throw more ROs at the problem
7:34 AM
HEYA @kayess
assuming there is a problem
Is this uhm... off topic right ? stackoverflow.com/questions/39139377/…
flagged as off site res though
No, it has a ? at the end
@Magisch meh, yes but a mod would decline it I guess. needs a custom reason
@rene What would that be?
I'm digging through the answers of that guy that moaned on meta about his serial upvote reversal. My gut feeling was right again: I already found 3 plagiarised answers.
7:50 AM
@Magisch This answer is link only but due to its wording it might be misguided when flagged as NAA. Without the links this at best defines what the OP needs, which could fit as comment. The answer needs to be deleted
Ok thank you
I have gotten a pretty good nose for plagiarism by now
Have you linked up the php feed?
Not exactly, but close ;-)
Sometimes you ought to admire the plaggers when they stitch together a long post from 4(!) different sources and all without attribution
@Magisch yeah, I always upvote such posts, for effort ... before they are nuked ...
8:06 AM
@rene is there a process to request blacklisting of a link shortener?
Or just a meta-post?
^ LOL @ no self-discipline
@Oldskool have you never watched porn?
@JanDvorak Not during work time, nope.
good point
Maybe he's remote / self-employed?
@JanDvorak Yes, "I work alone", which is a bad idea if you don't have much discipline in getting your work done.
I think he would benefit from using one of those "rent a desk" shared workplaces.
8:14 AM
I posted a meta
tiny.cc giant.do
Its a pretty insidious tactic if you think about it
a on the surface normal answer pointing to another SO question with some plagiarised code and then later they could just edit that into spam or use the recorded ip adresses of everyone who clicked maliciously.
Can someone with insta-edit feature remove from this Q please stackoverflow.com/questions/39045316/…
@kayess done
awww :( anyway NAA
8:28 AM
@Oldskool we dont report naa
only spam
spam/abusive posts
Ah, in that case it's a good thing SD stopped me ;-)
But good to know.
@Magisch thanks
@Oldskool In preparation for when you get privs, have a read: github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/Feedback-Guidance
@Magisch Thanks. Will do.
@Magisch a meta post is the way forwatd but make sure you have enough posts that would qualify
8:31 AM
@rene I made one. So far there is only one post, but its a pretty insidious spam tactic.
if it allows spammers to mod the redirector after they create it, proactive blacklisting would seem to make sense
(the earlier two are identical, same user and same content, 17 days ago)
found another serial plagger...
Why is it that people who plag once often plag like half their answers
@Magisch they have probably not been whacked properly yet
8:49 AM
8 pending plag flags
9:04 AM
throws kyll
lands in tree
breaks the tree
9:15 AM
I'm the anti plop
what means sd f , please?
false positive
sd is the reply to smoke detector
so sd f or sd k or sd n
9:17 AM
are all replies to the smoke detector's latest message in chat
@AndyK translates to sd fpu- which means feedback: false positive, unblacklist user (if blacklisted), don't respond to this command
i'm anti anti plop so it makes me plop ... or I guess ...
yvette are you familiar with doze and the crap it brings? I need some advice
@TimCastelijns no sorry, but I can still try and help
9:18 AM
@Kyll stop being helpful, it causes me cognitive dissonance ;)
@Yvette You don't need my help for that...
@Yvette discuss in the other room? rene might get angry if we do it here
I can handle petter, but not rene
@TimCastelijns yeh sure, which one?
ah gotcha
I have hay fever you see, rene can make me sick with a single move
9:19 AM
I have a question for you folks. By parsing the bot litterature for SO and the SOCVR, I'm looking for the bot Queen
@Kyll I hate it when you make me laugh and I'm trying to be dead pan and insulting you. So just stop it ok? ;)
@AndyK :D
@Yvette feeling in a more jovial mood today I hope? :p
@TimCastelijns ah the truth of flower power
@JonClements Always when there's a rodent to insult
9:19 AM
@JonClements yes I give myself time outs
Hey @jon
I caught 2 serial plaggers today
@Kyll that is acutally true
Yvette is always jovial, it's just that sometimes she's jovially wanting to crush your face
a good start of the day
tosses @Kyll out the window, runs outside grabs him again and tosses him out the window again
9:21 AM
@Magisch gz
Plop Ashish!
@Magisch That's certainly a way to start the morning indeed :)
9:28 AM
@JonClements Never pass by an opportunity to allow some people to get Larsoned
Or Jon'd
Gotta love the fact somehow the mods are all verbalised :)
Its meant in an endearing way, not as a derogatory
hands Job some scooby snacks and pats
Undo'd is the best :D
@AshishAhujaツ can't wait for Redo to become mod as well
9:32 AM
@JonClements Larson'ed and Shogged actually sound really violent
Shogged just makes me think of shanked
like stabbed to death in an alley
Being Shogged and Larson'ed is kind of like being stabbed then set on fire
@AshishAhujaツ undone
I can't wait for Nathan to become a mod so we can say NO'd
I somehow always end up typing Jon Cements :(
@Kyll - Umm, its like being shot, and then stabbed and then set on fire..
9:46 AM
34°C in a non-airconditioned office
this is cruel and unusual punishment
@TheLostMind because he chucks you in a barrel with cement before letting you go in the lake?
@Adriaan - Nope. he never lets me go to the lake
@TheLostMind Thats because you'll get lost
@Magisch - Or I could lose my mind.. Oh but wait..
@TheLostMind You're from india right?
9:49 AM
@Magisch - Yes. Why?
Is it just my sample bias or are there just many indians who don't just plag once, but plag like half their answers
without fail every one of those people I found has been from india
@TheLostMind Please take a look at stackoverflow.com/q/39141816/4174897
JSFiddle has a porn "easter egg"
Flagged as spam since it linked to an adult website, I guess martijn declined
Please confirm and nuke
@Kyll - Shit, I openend it in office
Jesus christ that link
9:51 AM
my office doesn't mind but damn son
also if my flag could be not declined anymore that'd be nice, but oh well
damn i didnt open the link
Anyways.. Grr. I hope I don't ahve to explain anything to anyone
@TheLostMind caught you from india
@ColdFire Why are you searching for that >.>
9:54 AM
@ColdFire - Or am I?
@Kyll well you said so i was curious
5 mins ago, by TheLostMind
@Magisch - Yes. Why?
@Magisch - Unfortunately yes. Most of the times, they plag more than just once.. And all the ONLINE training stuff is also comes from the same country
@ColdFire - Lol. You should look at my profile then :)
It makes me think maybe its cultural and I'm being too harsh on those people
because usually when I find a plag I check every single one of their upvoted answers for plag - and most times, I find at least 3 more
what is plag?
This morning was a guy on meta moaning that he lost 300 rep from the reversal script, so I dug a little .... and found out not only had the vast majority of his (bad) answers exactly 1 upvote still, but some of them were even plagged. I modflagged that, but no reply yet
@ColdFire Plagiarism
9:58 AM
Na. Honestly, it's not too harsh. Although I don't like hunting for plagiarized content, I think it is necessary to look at accounts to keep quality of SO from declining
@Magisch - Will take a look later today
10:12 AM
Burned 20 valuable minutes of my life on Quora's C# topic and honestly SO is miles ahead... left a comment and logged out.
@Magisch All except 1 handled
^actually a C++ question, though not tagged as such
meta.stackoverflow.com/q/333159/3933332 Someone wants to explain him the joke? :P
@Kyll yeah - cos what we secretly do is when we suspend someone, is go to their place and physically beat 'em about the head with a baseball bat...
Now that's not so nice :>
10:24 AM
ohh, I'll save that quote for a meta at some point :D
Are following question delete worthy? I would say yes, but since I am kind of new in delete voting I would like to confirm it. I know they are completely off topic and answers are link only, but they have some amount of upvotes casted. XLIFF localization tools for Xcode 6 and Best practices for naming in Swift
@Adriaan on any local news story about a brawl you now wonder Was an SO mod involved?
@rene "Person attacked by ninja puppies and a dude who seems to have lost his mind"
@DalijaPrasnikar the first one is meh the second one seems ok to be deleted
10:33 AM
@Shadow you linked to an answer but I guess you meant to propose a cv-pls for the question?
@rene Thanks for the tip
@Shadow ^ same one as this
@TimCastelijns same one as this ^
@TimCastelijns haha
yeah I cv-pls'd it earlier
10:43 AM
@TimCastelijns oh, looks like I didn't scroll back far enough, sorry
Hello humans
Hello @Sam
Hiya @Sam

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