So the "closed as duplicate" message tells the asker "If this question is different, please edit it to explain how it is different or ask a new question", is that correct?
@gunr2171 Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add review [review id] [user id] - Manually adds a review to a user. Should only be used for testing.
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
@gunr2171 You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 1 was an audit). The time between your first and last review today was 30 minutes and 31 seconds, averaging to a review every 45 seconds.
@gunr2171 Devil's advocate: If the original got severely downvoted, it might not recover. A clean slate with an improved version of the question is a fairer place to start.
@Siguza That's a different case than what I was thinking about, and unless the new question is changed to very clearly NOT a dupe, it should be duped to the original.
@PetterFriberg I believe the answer is no. The reason is that the job done by a tag wiki is specific to the way that our Q & A works, therefore a wikipedia-like page is unlikely to fulfill that mission. Likewise with the ad copy from a vendor's site or white papers.
We've ignored maintaining the Teams page, sorry about that. If you have been around for at least 3 months and have 2k messages you can request access to join. Please let the RO's do the approving.
Undeleted because you do attempt to answer the question now. It's not a great answer, and it's a pretty terrible question. In the future, put more effort into your answers and don't answer bad questions. — Undo ♦7 secs ago
I think I'll just let the Roomba run its course on that question