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12:11 AM
Know what's awesome?
Ah, you said "what" and that destroyed my whole sentence. Anyway, what is it?
Voting to delete stuff
Now I just need more delete votes.
And I was about to write """Thank you for reviewing 20 low quality posts today; come back in 23 hours to continue reviewing." Meh, that was fast. Need to be 3k faster I suppose.""
I even don't have any votes. :((
12:14 AM
I spend a long time reviewing in the LQPRQ because I'm usually telling people that the post actually shouldn't have been flagged, and shouldn't be recommended for deletion in the LQPRQ
People flag too much not flag worthy content.
And other people recommend deletion on valid posts far too often.
You know wahtz awesome?
being a mod
Except for the not-awesome parts.
12:19 AM
Review event ~5 hours.
oh yeah, forgot about those parts.
@Tunaki @PetterFriberg @JAL 39 of those Java ones closed you were working on. And 5 more will.
@Kyll Sure you can, Windows 7 >:-)
Cross network link farming.
Why do people waste close votes on spam?
12:32 AM
@TinyGiant because they don't know better
@TinyGiant Prior to smokey, I would use it for spam that stayed for more than 10 minutes.
@AlexanderO'Mara I guess, send it through the queue. But a VLQ flag would be better because that sends it to triage where it will be seen quicker.
hey @Ben thanks.
voting to close on spam is rather useless on that one.
Yeah, i flagged and closed
12:36 AM
@TinyGiant Can you VLQ flag after spam flag? I didn't think so.
But we sure could use you to look at a block or two of c c++ stuff when you get a chance
@AlexanderO'Mara Yeah you can, you just can't rude/abusive flag it.
@KevinGuan Sorry, was afk.
and yes.. I still remember that. :P
It's 2.45 am, I stayed at work to complete my work but I am still hanging around to not complete it. Meh, I think I deserve to get fired. lol
But hey, I just got 75 internet points. That should worth something, right?
@TinyGiant I looked at the top most one and left a comment. A short one. I agree. I assume the others are similar
That was actually the worst of all the ones I commented on.
The rest are better, notice that every first "recommend deletion" in my comments where I'm not responding to another user's comments is a link to the specific LQPRQ review.
That one already had 5 recommend deletion votes when I got to it.
This was a blatant number 4
But dang he even had it in English and Spanish :P
@Drew As shog would say: "There's an answer there somewhere, but it isn't obvious and more importantly isn't here." - Shog9
I love the apple pictures I guess from that meta answer once. Could have a lot of fun with that in comments under answers like "Yours is #5"
1:13 AM
@Drew I do that sometimes.
Apparently a mod thinks that this "is not a question worth deleting."
This is just downvote and move-on kind of question, right? I still can not differentiate which "give me teh codez" questions goes into Too Broad or not.
@Lafexlos Unclear. They're asking a question, but it is really unclear.
Huh, got closed as Too Broad. Thanks for the info.
Got to go, good night all.
Too Broad for GMTC is when the question is clear, but it is clear that the level of understanding possessed by the asker is so low that you would have to right a novel to successfully answer the question.
1:20 AM
Reminiscent of the old "minimal understanding" reason
nighty night
Is it me or does this user post a ton, but deletes his old questions?
I feel like I keep seeing his name on posts.
Name's aren't unique
I wouldn't post a link to a user ibs
1:23 AM
plus that account is only 2 days old :)
I can see that. I could swear I have seen several posts from him.
Maybe it is just me
> This edit does not make the question on-topic, if it is applied then you will be robbing the post of it's only chance to go through the reopen queue.
@intboolstring It could be a sock puppet account.
@intboolstring stackoverflow.com/…
1:25 AM
There are 5 James Peters on the site.
Yes, they are all active in different tags though.
did you guys see my Kevin Brown one earlier ? I was shocked. Turns out, a diff Kevin Brown
I don't browse a lot of those other tags, so I wouldn't know about the other James Peters.
1:28 AM
The smart ones don't have a long tail
A bunch even have faces
we seriously need 4 or 5 more Java guys here
I can't even imagine how many JS we need
@MohammedAoufZOUAG I have a large batch waiting for you
We need 30 more JS guys in here.
I'll be back on closer to the event, going to spend some time with the family.
if I pulsed that tag with the bots it would be terrifying. I might just do it tonite.
But then what, go recruit and create a sub-room because it would be wild
cimm would like it tho :P
1:38 AM
@cimm some type of focus on J
some type of focus on JS in some fashion that would be more eyes benefiting your tags
it would? i dont follow the css tag anymore, and i despise javascript :p
the thing is that when one is hunting for CV those peeps are in your quadrant
maybe not your sector, but quadrant
Meh, couldn't work. I'm back.
2:05 AM
or not
2:19 AM
Also that CE recommendation in comments. sigh aaand comment got deleted.
@Lafexlos Ah, also afked.
So, sounds it's almost 4 AM now :P, 10 AM here.
Hmm...There's an event coming soon, but I can't join the event and work with you guys since I'm busy :(. Enjoy it everyone!
I like this .. keeping suspense: stackoverflow.com/revisions/35167170/1
Yeap, 4.30 now. And I haven't wrote a single line of code. Still trying to figure out.
That. Is. Weird. Why would someone create an answer like that in the first place? Also edit code in 15 mins later..
2:42 AM
@Lafexlos Okay, I need afk again. Good luck!
2:52 AM
@SergioAcosta if you have time for some reviews sometime, let us know :P
stackoverflow.com/users/5757238/vika-marquez?tab=activity I've used up my 20 reviews, this guy just doesn't stop!
A lot of them have gone through even though the tags he's adding, especially those relating to "shell", "linux", "unix" etc, aren't even good tags for most of the questions
Linux: "Questions relating to using or troubleshooting Linux itself are off-topic."
Unix: "The tag unix can be used for Unix system programming related problems"
Shell: "For questions about shell scripting, please use a more specific tag such as bash, powershell or ksh."
I'm not really a linux guru, but this one in particular : stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/11123942
He adds 'linux'
but from another edit it appears zsh is also available on osx
so not sure why he's adding the linux tags when the question is ambiguous
Looks like he's searched for questions tagged "zsh" but not tagged "linux" and added those tags
go drag him in here and we chat with him after a little review
I haven't looked at any of it yet
How can I do that?
3:06 AM
ok, so a guy posts a close vote off a spam notification from Smokey
I go to his last (probably coveted) Answer and say "hey Billy Bob, can we ask you a question in chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570/so-close-vote-reviewers";
poof he shows up in 5 min. I delete the comment then
Hey Yvette!
speaking of coveted, Jarrod, we need some more Java guys. I have a block of stuff that needs some eyes
10,003 views in 4 years! Can I ask a hard question or what? stackoverflow.com/questions/6681265/…
How do I help?
3:09 AM
Horrible question though, back when I was...still learning
@ScottKaye funnily enough, I noticed and brought up those edits in the lounge at around the same time you brought 'em up here
Ah perfect!
@ScottKaye many of us have those :D
Awesome! Scott!
Mine is self answers and it is terrible solution, but in 4 years no one else has offered anything better. Wisdom of the Ancients question!
Also whoever upvoted my bad question, thanks!
3:12 AM
@Drew I am not sure how many votes I have left today.
@Jarrod I was thing more like a few other people to grind thru a block. Not you
@Rob nope, not related. zsh can run on more systems other than Linux and even if it was Linux-only, it isn't relevant the kernel he's using
Ping me dupe hammer stuff, I do not know how work the bots in the room.
The use of 'l' as a variable is also discouraged because the letter 'l' and the number 1 are easily confused. I used the variables in the OP's original question, and I believe your edit of the question did more harm than good. — Alexander 34 mins ago
Someone doesn't like my edit :(. What's wrong with it?
We closed 40+ Java today in 30 minutes. But we need more recruits
3:14 AM
I do 40 from review queue in like 5 mins! :-) filter on [java] duplicate ;-)
I need 1k reputation, for no reason
we know B I look at it daily, seriously
@Jarrod if those were cv4 ones today, we could have done 130 of them. But they were cv2 and cv3 that we clawed back and closed
@Braiam yeah, we sent him an invite here
3:16 AM
Just posted the link for the invite
He's still active on the site, keeps suggesting edits, but hasn't responded to the invite
one-box senses are tingling
oh good @VikaMarquez is here. Ok Scott you have the floor with him
@Closey starting
@Tushar Make a dent!
3:18 AM
Hi @VikaMarquez, quite a few of us are concerned with your recent edits adding linux/unix/shell tags to everything
I'm not experienced with Perl, but it seems you've done something similar by adding the "perl" tag to all questions tagged "catalyst" as well
As we have discussed above, zsh isn't exclusive to linux/unix, so those two tags are irrelevant to most questions. "shell" is a tricky one, but I would also argue it's irrelevancy as most of the questions are not about the shell itself, but scripting with zsh (or zsh itself)
And I was thinking where do I remember that name.. Edit queue of course!
Haha, yeah - @VikaMarquez if you could hold back on the trivial edits, that would be fantastic. Please feel free to edit questions if you feel you can substantially improve them, but blanket-editing is almost always going to result in something happening like this.
Please stop spamming low-quality edits – Hubert Applebaum 14 mins ago
Hi Vika, do you mind joining us in SO Close Vote Reviewers to discuss your edits? – Scott Kaye 14 mins ago

Hi, Hubert & Scott! I didn't spamming, I just added tags for best searching by tag, especially for complex tag searching. – Vika Marquez just now edit
I see - most of the questions that were edited were from a while ago however
I haven't looked into each and every one, but those I did had some highly upvoted answers
3:24 AM
I need to throw this out there, just as reminder: tags are not search keywords
I didn't spamming, guys. Sorry if you didn't like my tag edits, but in my opinion, I need did it.
@VikaMarquez and I did not look at them but here is what happens: (1) the reviewers get swamped (2) the reviewers get locked out of keeping things clean after like 20 of them (3) a lot of cleanup has to happen (4) you may lose the privilege to do this anymore
we have someone serial editing tags and not always for the best
So we need a reprieve so that doesn't happen
jeesum MsYv did you just arrive here from Jupiter ?
And that's including a lot of skips for edits I wasn't sure of
3:27 AM
@Drew que?
This merits some review bans... stackoverflow.com/q/28028740/792066, the questioner use OSX!
@MsYvette what Drew meant was that the user had been noticed in the lounge by myself and in here by Scott around 20 minutes ago
@vika this is why you shouldn't add "linux" to everything ^
@APerson ah I see
and we are in the middle of speaking with him
3:28 AM
ah lol
1 message moved to Trash can
@ScottKaye, while that is public information, I don't like people flaunting their rejections against a single user. Please keep it civil.
The regulations forbid making lots of edits? Did I need waiting after each edits or you just dislike my edits?
his unlucky day to have us on his watch :D oops hi @VikaMarquez
@VikaMarquez the problem was that it was not thoughtful
I was just trying to demonstrate how we get swamped and can no longer review things after 20
3:31 AM
zsh isn't exclusive of linux, although zsh is a shell it can be used non-interactively, and certainly unix is normally considered for other topics, not run-of-the-mill shell issues
@VikaMarquez it's not necessary to add every possible tag to a question. Sometimes it's ok just to have one or two tags pertaining to the question.
@VikaMarquez Making a lot of edits are not forbidden. It's just that the edits are not explicitly helpful (even if they aren't bad, they don't improve the post either). Since you have under 2000 reputation, every single edit you make must be reviewed by 3 (or more) people - thus small edits are very much discouraged for users under 2000 reputation
Like many android tags could include java, but it's not necessary much of the time.
Unless it's a problem that pertains specifically to java or there may be confusion which language it's in
Luckily I have to go and collect my kids, so my sermon today is cut short :D
3:33 AM
@VikaMarquez in summary, tags are for people to answer questions, not for listing tangential or unrelated topics to improve a "search"
Now he has 234345 different pings from several users. One at a time fellas, one at a time
I understood you. But I saw a lot of posts where added globally tags but this tags wasn't important. I thought it's ok... Sorry :)
Vila your intentions are good.
Yes they are good.
I hate auto correct!
3:36 AM
@VikaMarquez Don't be discouraged.. it's good that you are trying to improve the site :). However, if you end up making a large amount of edits in the future, it's best to visit the meta site and get an opinion before doing so
How is this programming related? stackoverflow.com/questions/27773180/…
Intentions are good, just implemented poorly that is all.
@VikaMarquez I agree with Jarrod, your intentions are good.. It would be better to improve many issues with a post, spelling, formatting, clean up poorly formatted posts that have a good question. I tend to reject edits on low quality questions that I know will be deleted with or without the edit.
@Drew if you have any 4cvs that are going to age I can look at them when I get back. I have my full quota of votes.
And it is because your intentions are good we want not to read about you here too.
@MsYvette I will make you happy
3:42 AM
@Closey end session
@Tushar I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
Ok, I will no longer add only tags, sorry for inconvenience :)
I have troubles seeing how this is on topic stackoverflow.com/questions/28316552/…
can someone reject and edit this one stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/11123860
actually, closing the question works
that is why we need new bodies. We are flat out
@Braiam edited
3:57 AM
@Drew Or vote limits should be increased
Either by badges, rep, etc
I have said 200 (I backed down from 250)
40/day isn't really a lot if you spend time trying to clean up the site
I've noticed that is full of off topic questions...
especially when there's a hilariously huge amount of pending close votes
how many close votes do you guys start with everyday ?
3:58 AM
@Drew 40
on AU: 50, everywhere else 24
@Tushar weren't 50 votes and 40 reviews?
why only 40
50 votes 40 reviews
good 50
Ask Ubuntu
3:59 AM
actually, the 40 reviews isn't fixed, but any site with more than 1k pending reviews in the close queue get 40 reviews, when it goes down 1k it returns to 20
4:11 AM
the queues are bogus in that what matters is what are the live questions in the system.
so someone here knows the answer to this and I don't. What does it take for a question for review in the CV queue to no longer be in that queue?
(short of being closed)
@Drew all pending flags/close votes to age away
someone that hits "edit" achieve the same effect
what impact does Leave Open have to it all
questions leave the queue as soon as the reasons keeping it there aren't met
Why is it an option when there is Skip then?
hypothetical: There is a Q in the queue that is formatted wrong with 3 cv on it. Someone makes it pretty. Saves. It still has 3 cv. Is it still in the queue?
4:22 AM
because, the aggregation of 3 "leave open" reviews drops it out of the queue... but can reenter it if someone organically vote to close
so then
@Drew did the editor used the "edit" button of the queue or outside the queue
Well then it does have an impact :)
I don't know. My point is you guys have no idea how many more questions there are than what you are seeing.
@Tunaki says that is not possible. Then I show him
That is what my system tracks.
on Stack Overflow only: for a question to enter the queue it needs at least 2 flags or 1 close vote. If the question entered the queue and either, a reviewer edited or 3 reviewers selected "leave open", it drops from the queue
4:26 AM
The point is, whether or not someone does an edit inside or outside the queue is irrelevant. It is still a crappy question with cv3 (or whatever). But it is not in the queue anymore. And people think hey great we cleaned em all.
Ergo: Bogus
@Braiam @Drew I think that's a flaw in SO's design to be honest
At the very least there should be a warning telling the editor to confirm that the edit solves the problem people were trying to close it for
I think it is intentional but not for any maniacal reason
I understand why it's intentional, and it kind of makes sense
4:28 AM
I agree
But at the same time, things like fixing code formatting shouldn't stop the question from being closed
good luck with that Lisp program :P
All I know is that I see a good 521 questions that could use some review. Tunaki can probably see 40
@Rob I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Rob you know there's an event in 26 minutes right?
4:34 AM
I do now... ;)
Though I'm at work and might not be able to be here
Magic​​​​​​​​​​ — Tiny Giant 53 secs ago
@TinyGiant I'm always tempted to tell people to use Brainfuck.
I'm going to have to write a language like that and call it Magic eventually.
Maybe JSFuck, since it's for the web.
4:43 AM
That's hilarious, I just passed an audit, then failed it. Thank you review enhancements.
@EdCottrell are you close by?
@Rob Yes, you are a privileged user.
Having an editing button in triage is so nice.
If you all would be so kind during this event, the tag has had many questions dumped into the queue in the past 24-48 hours by yours truly. About 99% of them are tool requests
4:53 AM
@Drew honey I'm home.. you got those expiring reviews?
@TylerH Will run that tag first.
@TylerH ah k
@MsYvette I have many but they aren't all going to be cv4 trust me
@Drew well if we're having trouble getting votes on them now, there's no guarantee that we will get more before the next one expires :/
4:55 AM
trust me I see them thru
ok then
I will trust you :D
@TinyGiant I'm adding more (going through all ~140) but the newer ones won't be in the queue in time, probably
@TylerH takes 15 minutes for them to get in there.
ah well then some at least will be in before you run out
4:56 AM
I only have 37 votes left, so...
@MsYvette they are codified nothing can go wrong: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/41570?m=28524645#28524645
@Drew thanks ducks
@MsYvette using the u instead of the i tonight?
you spelled it wrong :P
4:57 AM
hahahahaha yeh don't talk to me about it. I'm deprived and depraved these days

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