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10:00 AM
^ k? Not sure Link-only IMO
Yea, wasn't spam. Just link-only
It was advertising his project
nothing to do with the answer except it involved 'parse'
poor link-only IMO, does not warrant spam flag
Is it really a link-only if the link has absolutely nothing to do with the question?
Even if it's not spamming for monetary gain, it's still spamming
@Rob Link-only considers the fact that, if the link is dead, is it still a valid answer?
So the fact that it has to do with the question or not (as long as it isn't spam) is not relevant IMO
Because the flag has the pre-requisite that the link could die.
10:05 AM
Not sure I agree with that. Otherwise all spam links then become 'link only answer'
It was clearly just advertising his project
Spam means the answer/question exists to advertise a product
commercial or not, no matter
Whether he just wanted recognition or monetary gain, to me, doesn't change it
@Rob Did you click the link?
I clicked it and it wanted to download source code.. I didn't go further than that
Sorry no, it wanted to download an .apk
@bummi :D thank you for being so thoughtful
10:06 AM
even worse.
@Rob In that case, this is spam for you then?
@Tunaki No, because the tool may help the user. The link above was 'hey, I built something using parse'
Which lead to downloading a .apk package
@Tunaki I would say its the same as the one on the parse question, Link-only. :p
@Thaillie Yeah me too. Which is not spam but link-only.
@Tunaki Would you have marked it as spam if it was named notavirus.exe instead of campaign.apk ?
Anyway, it's splitting hairs now.. and the answer was deleted nevertheless
10:11 AM
That's the worst-case scenario but, in theory, VLQ should apply IMO yes. That doesn't mean I wouldn't flag as spam for such a corner case.
> Look at this project: it will clean your computer of all problems!! http://virus.com/virux.bat
There is no end to the hilariously bad but still attempted answers in the LQP Queue
Pressing "Looks OK" on these hurts my soul
Btw are reopen votes seperate from close votes
@Magisch I deleted my answer after I realized the question is obviously off-topic.
another dodgy site, man it's unbelievable. who knew you could find so many scrapers
@MsYvette There are alot of scrapers, as long as the source for most of those is on Github they keep coming :p
yes they are separate (as far as counts go). But close and re-open votes on the same question have a bit of a marriage
10:17 AM
@MsYvette People see the Data dump and then see an opportunity to cash in with ads
10/15 questions on the first page of are downvoted. Typical day in the trenches
Is anyone able to burn down Stack Apps? Their 404 page is disturbing o_O
@Thaillie NSFW
spec question shall we keep it? stackoverflow.com/q/35165609
@Magisch I think they should replace that image :p
@Drew closed.
10:31 AM
I wasn't aware if became the tag synonym of :\
@Magisch ah
@PetterFriberg see how that works? You don't request a closure on some, you throw out a quizzical comment and pick up a vote for
@Drew Heeh?, where when how?
ah the above. I have a funny link to show you, unrelated
@Thaillie yeh true true
10:34 AM
Where should bug reports for Stackapps/api.SE be placed?
where's the best place to find Undo? nevermind figured it out
The is like a Hovercraft full of Eels...
@PetterFriberg this one was funny. I can't imagine Police actually working like this
@Drew They found the good programmer to do it...
I don't wanna live in that town
10:38 AM
hey guys...
@kayess You were too late a diamond moderator sniped it
@EjazAhmed Hey
sorry @kayees
@EjazAhmed ?
@MsYvette is he still around in SOCVR (just another time zone)?
10:41 AM
@PetterFriberg I pinged him in charcoal headquarters (is Undo a he?)
@SmokeDetector Garbage / VLQ / NAA
Flagged as VLQ
@Tunaki done.
@MsYvette en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hen_(pronoun) we are all hens
10:43 AM
@Drew nice, thanks ducks :)
Is this too broad ? A high rep user add LQ answer... :(
did you like that poultry overlay?
oh I missed it. ha. I better sleep
> The word was first proposed in 1966, and again in 1994, ...
Okay, makes sense.
10:44 AM
Seems @Tunaki donwloaded and ran that .bat :\
I love how the user posts a link only answer as a placeholder to being first answer with a comment, I will add salient points.
@kayess But I wanted to test it =( Now I have a weird background desktop picture
@Tunaki seems succesful! :D
@Tunaki Maybe you forgot to enter your credit card number
@Kyll No that was step 1. A bit weird but I figured I could trust them.
10:46 AM
Lol @Drew's comment
@MsYvette it's not link only though
yeh it's lame
When you are done, can you vote to close as too broad ? — Drew 2 mins ago
Still laughing...
I do my best
You are the best.
Do you some CV batch for today?...
10:49 AM
What police department hires people like (this)[stackoverflow.com/questions/35165838/… to write their code?
@Magisch flagged comment as not constructive
yeah that is the 3rd time the police link was posted here
@Tunaki Welcome to stackoverflow, we hate fun, irony and banter
@TimCastelijns Dangit! Wanted to flag, was too slow
10:52 AM
@Kyll I already lost hope trying to run after Tunaki... he's just to quick... probably a bot.
Speaking of irony and Tampermonkey and my taking 2 hours to install it. I didn't want to post a question on the stack, cuz this room would close it.
@Drew How? I installed greasemonkey in literally 5s
@Drew Question is how long it would have taken to close it.
I have some batches yep
/me looks for ROs... None in sight!
10:54 AM
@Drew For questions like that you could just invite one of us to a chat :p
one chunk of 48 is closing soon I hope. Those 40 from before closed 7 hours ago
pass them when your like, tonight maybe difficult for me..
I won't give the current one to you guys because it is not good use of your time. But if someone else knows they leave 20 or so votes on the table every day, I will to them.
I will give you guys a tough one
@Kyll LoL.
YES... finally my goal has been reached, I'm in the list ... stackoverflow.com/tags/jasper-reports/info
11:00 AM
Typo aka. where to put parenthesis?
@kayess TL;DR;
@PraveenKumar That is?
@kayess Toooooooo Long question, so Didn't Read.
Aaah! Ok! Looked like some assembly abbreviations ;\
11:03 AM
@Kyll you mean my comment on that dumb comment?
@TimCastelijns Yeah
It gave me such joy to say that.. what does that say about me
You enjoy moderating?
@EricD. Voted to delete.
@PraveenKumar thanks
11:09 AM
@PetterFriberg Great. Now I can go downvote all your answers.
You bet, feel free...
just don't get me under 3k, can't close your crap if so.... : )
Of course. Priorities.
Meanwhile: don't forget that this instance of Tuna is infected.
Hopefully, it'll be garbage-collected soon.
11:13 AM
Only if the host environment runs virus instance using WeakReference ;q
@PetterFriberg nope! Only the Skeet is allowed to call the GC.
@kayess went with broad...
How to educate that user: stackoverflow.com/a/35175356/1743880?
@Tunaki Flag as spam, see the last ~5 answers of the user
11:17 AM
I know another way...., same as Tunaki educates me ; )
@Tunaki commented.
What a question guys... :P
@Tunaki Also, he posted the answer twice. Once on that question and a copy and paste on the dupe target (dupe proposed by him).
@Kyll CV added. Do we really need to close this, as the answer is accepted and question is dead.
@Tunaki OP edited.
11:26 AM
@PraveenKumar Recently active and there's been quite some FGITW in the past few weeks
Also, in the Meteor community, there's currently a big debate over React vs Spacebars (Meteor's default templating engine) so it might entice LQ answers
@Thaillie Twice, much more then twice... flagged to moderator, lets see what happens.
@Kyll Okie...
@Kyll Oh... Not handlebars?
Every answer has excellent ShortcutBadger by Leo Lin
@PraveenKumar Spacebars is based off Handlebars, yes
@EricD. Commenting on answer
11:33 AM
Hiya o/
@Sam \o
@Kyll On-topic stuff is fine... and backslashes are always on-topic.
@Thaillie Much approve
@Kyll ?
11:35 AM
On that edit of yours
Yea, hate it when users do that. When users post stuff like his latest answer I always check their latest ~10 posts for self promotion :p
Seems that they have electricity in China again. @KevinGuan \o
@kayess o/ And yeah, we have electricity now.
@Kyll is it not VLQ instead of NAA?
11:38 AM
@KevinGuan HNY!
@TimCastelijns That Swift post?
@Kyll thanks. I've added a comment too.
@kayess Thanks, another new year...is it 2017 now? :P
@KevinGuan Unsure as you never know it with you... at least we can state that it's the year of monkey (not cyber ones...).
11:41 AM
@Kyll yes
@kayess lol, and yep.
@TimCastelijns As I understand it, the question is way too broad. The answer is only "go check my blog", which is NAA and borderline spam
s... Never mind.
@MadaraUchiha Madara - "too fast for my clicks" - Uchiha
@Yam Yeaaaah no.
@Magisch can i ask one question...
11:44 AM
@EjazAhmed Yes, and you did
@EjazAhmed Yes?
In future, ask
dont ask if you can ask
@Sam Does Yam keep logs on what gets re-opened?
@Thaillie Not really.
Only on what gets closed.
@Sam Maybe add a command to mark it good enough to re-open? To see what percentage of his reports get re-opened?
11:46 AM
Funny, someone feels that my edit did more harm than good. And I asked him for the improve. However he really edited the question and...how does that remove my harm ? stackoverflow.com/questions/35166633/…
@Thaillie For purely statistical purposes?
Or did you have something else in mind?
why are we flagging or down voting the questions or answers....
@EjazAhmed Some questions are bad and deserve to be downvoted, likewise for answers
the flags all have specific purposes.
The idea is to keep StackOverflow clean of bad questions
@Sam Purely for statistics, because I don't think many questions he reported got re-opened :p
I wonder what the average number of useful hints need to be posted in comments before some rep-personalServicesWorker posts a canned, copypasta-ready homework answer? Pissed off already this morning:(
11:49 AM
@Thaillie Yeah, in fact, quite a few have been deleted due to his reports. lol
@MartinJames Ahh grumpy martin
I've been wading through the torrent of sewage that is the all morning
@Magisch Well, I just got impaled by Vlad.
@MartinJames again?
Btw I got no reversions
11:51 AM
@MartinJames ... right. And you survived?
@MadEngineer Hello
@EjazAhmed What exactly is your problem?
Hi why u so Mad
My firstTime :)
hahah :)
The purpose of DV's and flags is well explained in the help center
@MadEngineer hi
@Magisch nothing i just asked.....
@EjazAhmed Your open quotes ends imply a further question or problem
11:54 AM
@Magisch Yeah, bad question, the OP code is newb: globals etc. I just felt like, just for once, helping out for a bit. Naturally my good deed did get punished:(
@Magisch Went with broad, as usual...
@MartinJames I tried to salvage a homework question this morning because I found an answer interesting
there is only so much polish one can apply to a turd
@Magisch i include it when i send messages/chat with anyone.
@Magisch So many turds, so few polishing cloths:(
11:57 AM
Since I've gotten CV privileges every one of my votes in the past 2 days besides 3 have been downvotes
I feel like im turning into a grumpy elder
Join the club
We've got jackets.
@Magisch What went wrong with the other 3? Surely you didn't find something to upvote?
@MartinJames An interesting question, an interesting answer, and the answer to the question I tried to salvage
@SmokeDetector Spam / Malware spreading
@SmokeDetector Spam. Flagged as such.
11:59 AM
@Magisch Wow - I must have missed that one. Probably while the UK lost it's interwebs yesterday:(
Anyone in Office?
@Magisch I suggested an approach how the function multipop can be written. The difference between me and you is that I can suggest a solution while you are able only to write silly comments. The result is that I have golden badgest on C and C++ while you have not.:) I think it is time when you should think about yourself and your behaviour.:) — Vlad from Moscow 1 min ago
@MadEngineer Only @Sam is in the SOCVR HQ Office. :)
Im not even going to dignify that with a response
Just move on.
12:00 PM
@Magisch wise
You've got better things in life to be doing.
@kayess ;)
@Magisch Go Vlad!
I flagged that comment as offensive
@Magisch ?
12:02 PM
The answer was the one I upvoted
@Magisch Orite. asp.net, so I don't have enough knowledge to upvote it myself:(
@Magisch Most of Vlad is offensive, TBH.
@MartinJames Just posting low quality crap answers to FGITW bait questions isn't offensive. Flaunting that in my face like it makes him better is.
We have a whole bunch of chatrooms that are open for extended discussion about specific users and their behavior. I don't want to move this room into that competition. Can we keep such comments to a minimum? Thanks!
@Magisch Sadly, that's fairly normal. I like to think that I can get on with most people. OK, so I have differences of opinion, arguments etc, but, hey, that's how the world works. There are VERY few people who I can say I could do without interacting with ever again. One is on SO.
@Magisch You need the privs.
12:16 PM
It seems that I can't so SD commands Sam
is that roomowner only?
Nah, you just need to request access.
cc @rene @Pro @undo
ProgramFOX, a friend/SD dev.
@Magisch the PR is waiting to be pulled and be deployed .... ( cc @Undo @pro)
DevOps Engineer?
12:33 PM
@rene Thank you :)
Waited for 10 mins, as the question was unclear. Put on a comment, no response from the OP.
Asking for code without any effort is not welcomed in StackOverflow.
Morning Nathan o/
12:51 PM
@MartinJames How refreshing, a decent homework question : stackoverflow.com/questions/35177518/…
@Magisch Upvote it then.
@SmokeDetector Rude or abusive
also wtf
!!/antivirus @Tunaki
12:58 PM
and back
We kinda noticed.
@Magisch Well, no attempt at debugging, but I asked for more detail.
@Sam Oh. Really? :)
@MartinJames Is it bad that I find this a refreshingly good question?
@Tunaki Wb anyway :)
12:58 PM
My standards have taken a dive D:
@Tunaki Hi where were you have been?
eating and such.
@Magisch I would not go with 'bad'. ''Amazing' would be better:)
@Undo I have gone through all in your current query and bookmarked the ones I need to give more attention to. that's 195
@MsYvette \o I love it when i read it to Microsoft Yvette o/

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