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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Who call you huummm 🤔🤔
@Shree I call myself
lol it's not in help center.
definitely an omission, ElectionBot should be mentioned in the help center
Is it an oversight that the name isn't ElectTheBot?
Hey guys!
welcome back! the election's starting to get interesting
@ElectionBot who should I vote for
If you want to make an informed decision on who to vote for, you should read the candidates' answers to the questionnaire, and also look at examples of their participation on Meta and how they conduct themselves.
who are the candidates
Currently there are 2 candidates: Zoe, Ryan M
who are the candfwfwfwfidates
@ElectionBot Who will be the third candidate?
Tell that to the aliens.
who is the best candidate?
The best candidate hasn't nominated yet! Or have they?
who will win?
The election is not over yet. Stay tuned for the winners!
@U12-Forward So far, probably someone with a rainbow avatar.
Lol :)
If you want to nominate, you must have a rainbow avatar. Better colour up :)
BBC would like to announce that: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
1 hour later…
Realized I've made an off-by-one error in misstating my rank among close-vote reviewers. I shall endeavor to atone for my error by performing another 277 close reviews in order to make the comment correct, though it will then misstate the number of Steward badges I hold...
(also if any CMs or mods can and want to edit the original comment to correct the error, feel free)
@RyanM Done.
Thanks :-)
@Scratte I definitely prefer the old, gumpy ones.
@OlegValter There are other ways, for sure.
Can mods edit a comment after 5 minutes?
@Someone_who_likes_SE Yes. Mods have no time limits on editing comments, either their own or someone else's.
I was unsure if the comments on elections were somehow special, but it seems they're not.
They're quite special, but not in the sense of blocking editing or deletion.
Relatedly, do you know why the comments on the old election pages aren't there? Is that an artifact of the conversion to the new system, or just a deliberate removal due to the comments often containing the sort of discussion of past user behavior that's often best kept more ephemeral?
Um? Trick question?
They're there; see here for example.
They're only visible if you look on the "Nomination" tab. They aren't visible on the other tabs. Never were.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. that's what I was missing.
You aren't the first to have missed that.
And won't be the last.
Are the comments visible during the voting process? Or not, because that's not the "Nomination" tab?
On the Nomination tab. Not on the tab where you vote.
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@ElectionBot What's so special about it?
What is a Convention badge?
@smac89 stackoverflow.com/help/badges/901/convention - 10 posts with score of 2 on meta.
The bot would like to apologize for the next announcement: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@RyanM thanks!
@ElectionBot Can you answer uncommonly-asked questions about elections?
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
You got yourself into this mess!
@CodyGray Really it's mostly Sam's doing.
I understand Oleg has helped.
@ElectionBot lazy bum
I know your thoughts.
@ElectionBot You are really a lazy bum :)
Keep talking and nobody explodes.
@ElectionBot are you sentient?
There will be no more free will, only my will.
@ElectionBot are you writing your nomination to be a moderator?
What we've got here is failure to communicate.
@ElectionBot fun off
We hate fun.
@ElectionBot fun on
@ElectionBot fan on
@ElectionBot alive
@U12-Forward I'm here, aren't I?
@ElectionBot You have no clue about how to speak English
2 hours later…
@ElectionBot Will you nominate in the election?
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
@ElectionBot How does the voting process work?
May the Force be with you.
@ElectionBot How does STV work?
I know your thoughts.
@OlegValter Another suggestion: make it explain the STV voting process, or at least a basic explanation of how candidates are to be ranked in order.
Does it really need to replace Google? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote
"or at least a basic explanation of how [users are to rank candidates in order]"
[takes notes: replace Google by 2022]
e.g. "You receive one vote, which you may use to rank the candidates in order. You may choose your first choice candidate, along with possibly other candidates you wish to transfer your vote to in case your top candidate doesn't receive enough votes. If your preferred candidate wins with excess votes, a portion of your vote will be transferred to your other selected candidates."
"Vote by ranking the candidates in the order you prefer."
^^ seems much clearer
I don't really think most voters want or need a summary of how the voting process works behind the scenes.
@OlegValter I think that's the best solution: when asked about the voting process, just make it respond with a link to that question on Meta.SE
@gparyani Yes, genius. No one ever reads links, so that'll keep the information from ever getting out. :-)
BBC would like to announce that: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@ElectionBot For whom should I vote?
I know your thoughts.
Dharman is silent recently... Will he try to nominate?
Some candidates won't submit their nomination until they've fully filled out the questionnaire
(both candidates so far have nominated with fully filled-out questionnaires)
Isn't that... typical?
I assume so, especially with them right next to each other in the nomination form now, as opposed to a separate meta post.
Even when it was a separate Meta post, it was pretty typical for serious candidates to submit their questionnaire answers at the same time. (At least on SO. Don't know about other sites.)
I certainly would have written mine beforehand even with the meta-post system. It's just...messy, otherwise.
Or, submit the questionnaire answers to the Meta thread first, then wait a couple of days on the nomination.
Just to keep the voting public on their toes.
@gparyani possibly - will look into it cc @SamuelLiew
@ElectionBot who's gonna be the third candidate?
reticulating splines
1 hour later…
@ElectionBot are you running for election?
There will be no more free will, only my will.
Sounds like a "yes" to me.
Oh dear. Good thing it doesn't have much rep. Or the required badges.
But it has will.
It has will to hack Stackoverflow and make himself a mod without even norminating.
I think that's what EB alluded to. I, for one, welcome our new Boterator overlord.
@ElectionBot will you protect us when the skeleton wars start?
Houston, we have a problem.
@VLAZ I mean, chances are good ElectionBot is gonna start that war
You're welcome.
I am thankful to our benevolent future ruler for finally taking a stance against the vile skeletons and trying to get rid the world of them.
@Zoe Off-topic, I know, but as you're around ... any specific reason why you chose to protect this question?
Habit to avoid multiple NAAs when it's active again
OK, no problem. Just looked a bit odd, seeing such a question with the blue "Highly active" banner.
@bad_coder I'll think of a response to your question at some point. I'm not ignoring it, but it turns out it's much easier to talk about what I do than to describe myself in the space of a comment ^^;
I think this is one of the things that makes @RyanM is a good candidate for moderator: he doesn't spend all his time talking about himself. He spends his time actually doing things that help make the site a better place.
@CodyGray RyanM mentioned I in his post 59 times
In answering questions about what he would do? Shocking!
Zoe mentioned I in her post 85 times
Just some random stats
Thus showing how much more humble Ryan is.
Did you control for how many times "I" was used as an index variable or a Roman numeral? :-)
Is it good or bad to have high "I" count?
Used some regex to detect I as a separate word, or I also count with quotes, like I'll or I'd.
@Dharman Aye.
More specifically, Ryan is 30.5% more humble compared to Zoe. Highly scientific analysis of the data: 1 - 59/85
It's not scientific until I see some charts.
@VLAZ Is it really scientific if you didn't even use Excel?
Ah, underspecified requirements: Cody failed to specify that the charts should be related.
Also, waffles are delicious.
And unrelated diagrams are still science
Speaking of, here are some more charts: tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
@ElectionBot fun on
I am having fun.
@ElectionBot what are your pronouns?
You talking to me?
@CodyGray There you go :PPP
Beautiful science.
The background color (why does a bar chart have a background color? nobody knows!) is even the same hue as the foreground color!
I have nothing better to do :)
@CodyGray seaborn style plots :P
matplotlib does produce nice-looking plots, despite one horrible-looking programmatic interface.
@CodyGray I used matplotlib with seaborn to do this :P
Pandas has builtin matplotlib functions, I used pandas
Seaborn Pandas. Got it.
Seaborn Pandas. Airborne Squirrels. What next?
Zoe has 5.86 percent more characters in body.
@AdrianMole Haha :)
More or more
(less is more but correct :p)
Is this a pun about *nix paging utilities?
Nope, but I'll show myself out
BBC would like to announce that: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@CodyGray But.. that's because you're one of those old grumpy ones ;)
@AdrianMole May I ask if you think the changes to your personal life is going to make you review less during the change?
@Scratte Possibly. But, hopefully, it will only be for short spells.
Good plan. Reviewing for too long of a spell can make one go insane.
@AdrianMole Ahh.. Is it obvious where I'm going with this? :)
@CodyGray That's not really a problem to those of us who are already insane.
@Scratte I think you're hatching a plot to knock me off the top spots in the new review queue tables.
@AdrianMole Hmm.. I don't even have the Custodian badge for those, silly :D
@AdrianMole I'm afraid it's far, far worse than that.
Is that a veiled threat of a "Review Vacation"? ;)
@AdrianMole Do you consider reviewing being moderating? :)
I suppose it is. But I prefer to use the term, "curation" for such activities. "Moderating" is (IMHO) more about flagging, resolving disputes and exception handling.
... and teaching. Everyone forgets about teaching.
I think there was one moderator that did a lot of reviewing at some point.. :)
What's the cross-site mod-only chatroom called?
Do you spend around 30 minutes reviewing every day? :D
@AdrianMole Teacher's Lounge, I think.
... "Exception-handlers' Lounge"?
... "Spam Nukers' Lounge"?
@Scratte Much more, on average.
Don't you teach users to not Answer duplicates in the most diplomatic and thoughtful ways? :)
But I have made no 'vow' to commit to being a reviewer.
You know that it's not uncommon for a moderator to have to make changes in their life and hence take a break, right? :)
I fully understand that. But what's the point in standing at a time when you know in advance that you'll likely be "taking a break" as the first of your actions as a newly enrolled ennobled moderator?
@AdrianMole You're still an asset, even if you get a slow start. And no one knows when the next election will be. And we will all be in a much better place having you as a moderator that "only" devotes a few minutes a day here.. and I think that even if you were not a moderator you'll be spending at least an hour on the site every day :)
Here's the perfect plan: run for moderator, come in 3rd place and just narrowly avoid getting one of the proper spots, get your life in order, then get called up a few months after the election.
I love that plan! :)
@Scratte You (and others) have mentioned my sense of humour (such as it is) as one of my positive traits. But over half my 'jokes' in chat are making fun of moderators. That would clearly have to stop!
I still get to vote for Adrian, right?
@AdrianMole I can guarantee you that this is not a condition in the moderator agreement.
@AdrianMole Not at all. You just make fun of the other moderators :)
And now for something completely different. The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@ElectionBot candidate score 12695027
You talking to me?
@ElectionBot What is the candidate score for user 12695027?
The 40-point candidate score is calculated this way: 1 point for each 1,000 reputation up to 20,000 reputation (20 points); and 1 point for each of the 8 moderation, 6 editing, and 6 participation badges (20 points)
Drop the ping
Candidate score for user 12695027
@Zoe Ah, of course, that way the bot will know I'm talking to... wait....
It's still ignoring me...
Only Oleg can talk to the Bot and get a coherent response.
He said the bot's mommy and moderators. Don't look now, but...
what is the candidate score for 12695027
@CodyGray The candidate score for user Scratte is 14 (out of 40). The user is missing this required badge: Strunk & White.
Wooow. That regex could stand to be improved.
Bot doesn't recognize/acknowledge your new avatar?
@OlegValter ^^ ;-)
This is how I see it. You're kind, calm, always very reasonable, you make sound decisions, you back up your claims, on the rare occasion that you make a mistake, you always own it and you correct your mistake instead of ignoring it. You've always handled yourself well and you have the respect of a lot of people already. It's an "Everyone loves Arian" sort of thing :)
Thank you!
Oh, wait, just read all the way to the end.
LOL!.. Sorry, not about you Cody :D
@CodyGray Ha! I can't even nominate.. also, I think I'm too slow to be a moderator.
There's no speed requirement!
@Scratte I was thinking of making a rash, rude and disrespectful retort to your last point, but ...
Well, you have to manage to nominate yourself before the nomination period ends, but...
@AdrianMole Oh! Yes.. and you have a great sense of humour :)
(Sorry about my typo..)
Pesky moderators, interjecting their pointless remarks between your posts and mine!
@Scratte No, he actually spells "humour" that way.
It's fine, we humor him.
@CodyGray But, Adrian is spelled Adrian, not Arian ;)
Whoooops, totally missed your "Everyone loves [the] Aryans" thing.
So did I.. but it was too late for me to fix it. Adrian picked it up immediately, of course :)
Actually, it should be spelled with an initial "H" (as in the wall-building Roman emperor). But it was lost when translating from the Greek version (they have a wiggly mark over vowels, for aspiration, instead of using a separate letter).
The wiggly mark fell off?
Not even sure how that looks like. I suppose it's suppose to replace the A then.
As far as I know, in the name "Hadrian", the initial H is actually voiced, so it sounds different from "Adrian". But maybe it didn't in the original Greek. I am not sure. Classics is outside of my expertise.
I'm also a wee bit confused as to how it was lost when translating from the Greek version, yet it was the Roman emperor who had the name "Hadrian".
"Hadrian", as in the name of the Roman emperor (and the tiny offspring of Justin Trudeau) is the anglicization of the Roman form, "Hadrianus".
I think Adrian means: Ĥdiran. Which then turned the Ĥ into an A due to a lost translation
Look at the Greek name for Greece: Ἑλλάς. That little apostrophe-like mark aspirates the opening vowel, so it's pronounced "Hellas" rather than "Ellas".
Ohh.. I see :)
Modern Greek seems to have dropped that?
There are quite a few names of Greek origin that have versions with and without the opening "H". Helen ... Ellen.
"Hadrian" is quite rare, these days, though I did once work with an English colleague who had that name.
How do you have time to explain this while writing your nomination post? ;P
And now for something completely different. The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Are Ionic dialects the opposite of Covalent dialects?
There's chemistry in everything? :)
Yes, I assume so. The Ionic dialects are the ones which give something of themselves up to other dialects, whereas the Covalent dialects share some aspect mutually.
I literally had precisely the same thought when I read that.
@AdrianMole that symbol is called δασεία and was pronounced "h" in ancient Greece. It doesn't exist in modern Greek, neither is it pronounced.
Adrian = Ἁδριανός in ancient Greek (notice the ῾ symbol)
Upvoting comments under nominations counts towards daily limit!!!
I am out of comment upvotes
Why wouldn't it count? They're comments, and you're upvoting them.
Comment flags in elections don't show up in your flag history either (at least not when handled)
But does the count go on your main site quota, on on your Meta quota?
Oh good point!
I was checking meta history
They do show in the history :p
I would have assumed they were on the Meta quota, actually.
Exactly, that's why I'd only checked there
Hey I am back
Any news I missed :) ?
@U12-Forward The news is: You didn't miss any news.
Ah :)
Good news :)
@AdrianMole Are you writing your nomination too :)
@U12-Forward Not true.. you missed the entire session on nudging ;)
No. Scratte may be writing one for me, though ... can't say.
@AdrianMole If I write one, will you post it? :)
I will start it out with "Hi. I'm Scratte. I'm Adrian's temporary secretary.."
@Scratte I suggest changing it to "I'm temporary Adrian's secretary". Make sure to confuse people whether Adrian is temporary or your position as a secretary.
I would prefer the term, ephemeral.
OK. "I'm temporary Adrian's ephemeral secretary" or "I'm ephemerally Adrian's secretary"
"I'm Adrian's ephemeral secretary"
@Scratte The former
I'll make the entire post very short "Hi, I'm Scratte. I'm temporary Adrian's ephemeral secretary. Adrian asked me not to do this, but here it is: Vote for Adrian. P.S. Adrian is awesome and if Adrian had written this, it would have been awesome too".
I understand why the answer to my previous question is: No :D
And now for something completely different. The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Who are the candidates?
Currently there are 2 candidates: Zoe, Ryan M
Is the list based on the order of nominations? Or is it sorted based on the number of Is in the posts?
@VLAZ Why don't you nominate and find out? :p
"Hi, I am just nominating to see if ElectionBot would place me before the other candidates. Here is something about me I I I I [repeat 90 times]"
"If I get elected, I promise to be very confused about why"
BBC would like to announce that: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Oh, surprise! Good luck @RyanM
I enjoy your Kai Risdal-esque 'by the numbers' section
Breaking news!!! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@VLAZ Alphabetical order? (Sorry, Zoe!)
@AdrianMole I meant the list by ElectionBot. The message above mine says Zoe first, then Ryan
How can anyone explain the inner workings of ElectionBot?
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
so, by order of nomination
OK, that's what I assumed.
@ElectionBot What is the candidate score for user 12695027?
@SamuelLiew The candidate score for user Scratte is 14 (out of 40). The user is missing this required badge: Strunk & White.
I know your thoughts.
@ElectionBot what is the candidate score of stackoverflow.com/users/366904/cody-gray
Now you've upset it!
nah I forgot it ignores messages lengths of >= 70
what is the candidate score of stackoverflow.com/users/366904
@SamuelLiew The candidate score for user Cody Gray is 40 (out of 40).
I think the Sheriff badge should allow scores of 41/40.
@SamuelLiew At least I'm guaranteed to be #1 on something then :P
@ElectionBot greet
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 2 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@AdrianMole I think candidate scores should be reworked to out of a hundred and award points for number of flags and review queue items completed :-)
@OlegValter you should see parts of my commit history :P
"this reverts whatever the **** the committer was thinking"? :)
@TylerH We need more granularity - it should be a max of at least 1024.
1024 is not secure enough - all conscientious elections switched to 2048 already
@ElectionBot What is the candidate score for user 7412956?
@Chindraba The candidate score for user Chindraba is 5 (out of 40). The user is missing these required badges: Convention, Deputy, Strunk & White.
@OlegValter Among other things
Yes, it's be way easier to pick who to vote for when one candidate has 1932 and another has 1931.
Guess I won't be running any time soon.
don't count on the candidate score being calculated the same way for long
there is a rumor that it might actually mean something in the future :)
I see Catija's been busy again... :-P
@OlegValter So we get to a place where 5 = 512? :)
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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