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@Oleg if is on fire.
JavaScript needs an xrange feature :P
@FlorianMargaine you got me there
it's like...
By the way, wanted to ask for a long time... why .sort is bubble sort? Convenience?
So.. who's next to say array.indexOf() is great.. and not to forget array.some()
but of course.. functional loops are way more expressive and cool also, if you are not after performance.. thats the only big caveat still
while is a model and with is jailbait
@Oleg it's not always bubble sort
chrome implements it as merge sort iirc
@FlorianMargaine forEach is a marketing executive's daughter.
arrayOfNames.sort( byName ).filter( allNerds ).map( age );
I love those lines
where function names fit+describe the line
@FlorianMargaine That's interesting.
@jAndy totally, robocop
@Oleg It's O(nlogn) iirc
@FlorianMargaine: Borg
you're robocop
don't try to be anyone else
or you'll have a NullPointer exception
@BenjaminGruenbaum merge?
@Oleg Only one way to find out :)
I was assimilated by the borg queen herself.... @rlemon
@jAndy why sort b4 filter?
@Oleg QuickSort
@Oleg Falls to insertion sort if array is with less than 22 elements
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea, merge is nlogn, bubble is n^2
@plodder: yea I didn't really think about logical reasons there, just wanted a demonstration
Acts differently if the array is sparse, but it's basically quicksort if the array has more than 22 keys, otherwise insertion sort
I read the article from Nicholas too
is a good one
@jAndy okay i thought you had a reason and was already giving up on my brain... smoking weed when you're a kid tends to do no good :P
Can someone tell me which character set encoding is used in HTTP POST requests for the body? The header should be ASCII, but does this apply on the submitted POST form as well? Or can it be specified somehow?
@plodder: you totally need a mustache + borg implant extension
@RoelvanUden The headers specify that
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's good to know.
@Oleg It's always best to check the source code :)
@jAndy I am rlemon's test-cueball for mustache
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which header am I looking for? I expected Content-Encoding but that seems to indicate compression only.
@jAndy lol @ extension...
you know what folks, I call it a week now, following my co-workers
@RoelvanUden What data are you sending and how?w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html
jAndy.sort( byAlcohol ).beam();
@RoelvanUden Generally, content-type, like application/json; charset=utf-8
looks like merge sort
@Oleg ^
Yep, looking at it now.
that's the beauty of open source...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm writing a function in C# (Sue me) to simulate a POST. I understand the structure of the form-encoded data, but when I do a POST in Chrome it never seems to specify a character set (like UTF-8). I'm sending "魔法少女リリカルなのは" and for some reason, the server understands the garbage content chrome is showing in the console. (resulting in 魔法少女リリカルなのは)
anyone been mixing complex document data with 1 entity transactional in node lately?
@FlorianMargaine They say merge sort :P
I wonder if it would be a good idea to give us a choice which algorithm to use?
@RoelvanUden specify UTF-8 then
"MergeSortByKey(K keys, size_t len, K scratch, C comparator, AutoValueVector *vec)"
@RoelvanUden C# sucks. C♯ is fine.
Do you guys know why C++ developers wear glasses? Because they cannot C#.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's not the issue. I'm trying to understand why the web server understands Chrome's request that does not specify any character set. If it was ASCII, it shouldn't be able to understand the Japanese characters since they are way out of range of ASCII.
their sort implementation is awfully big compared to v8's
@FlorianMargaine you got that pic (gravatar) in any higher res?
@RoelvanUden Maybe defaults?
@rlemon yeah
@Oleg your face is perfect for a borg pic. not because you look like a borg, but because you have that stone cold no smile look on you in that pic
@FlorianMargaine link?
@RoelvanUden It guesses? Or maybe the accept header?
obvy I need it in higher res for some GIMP work
problem with making people borg in GIMP / photoshop is that I have to make it look like there is stuff coming out of your head, you have to be bald, and your skin pigment / texture changes
iz tough stuff for a non graphics designer
I don't get this guy... That doesn't look like an answer to me stackoverflow.com/a/15439261/1348195
@BenjaminGruenbaum i stopped reading after the 2nd comma
I stopped reading after "i -= 1"
no... i -= 1 is a necessity because thats what our teachers taught us in 1973
@rlemon Higher resolution pic is in a .psd file. No haz photoshop on this computer...
in 1972 they taught i = i -1
Doesn't i -= 1 fall in the indecisive space between i=i-1 and i--?
<- wasn't even alive in 1973 :)
neither was I but that dont matter :)
Crock™ advocates i -= 1 iirc
There's no "i" in JavaScript
@Oleg he would..
@JamieTreworgy You mean it's cold and impersonal?
We already know that JavaScript is communist, but saying there's no "I", no personality - that's a bit too much.
Yeah I meant it like there's no I in Team America.
afaik crock advocates i = i +- 1; does he not?
@Oleg so that's why you like js
@rlemon hmmm, at least he preaches i-- is evil and i -= 1 passes jslint.
@FlorianMargaine Of course! It's classless!
var i = array.length;
while (i = i +-1) { operation(); }
why not
All us common folk love JavaScript, we got no class :)
That's like asking why Java people always wear glasses (because they can't C# )
and we are quite de-struct-ive
^ needs JS logo (iirc it's yellow, or white on yellow)
var options = { duplicate: false },
    duplicate = duplicate in options;
Shouldn't that throw an error because duplicate is not defined while testing duplicate in ?
@dievardump false
duplicate is hoisted
the var duplicate
oh yes, fthat
I forgot
I forgot hoisting, for one minute
Thank you, Frenchy
this case bit me once.
it won't bite me again.
posted on March 15, 2013 by ericbidelman

Learn about CSS styling options in Shadow DOM.

great vid
@ShotgunNinja lol
I always want to hurt kittens.
@SomeKittens Not you.
I always hurt kittens before breakfast.
His argument against ++ is not very compelling to me
@JamieTreworgy yeah. I agree that it sometimes hurts readability
but in a for... it's just an idiom
@JamieTreworgy why?
It's too much a part of living/thinking/breathing C
@ShotgunNinja By the way ^ that could be CoffeeScript.
The only thing that I don't like in JSLint is multiple var statements when you want to write jsdoc-style comments for those variables.
What if there was a post-increment +=
I agree generally that you shouldn't try to use side effects to write overly clever one-liners instead of just being expressive. But when it comes to the increment/decrement operators, it's just so fundamental, i don't think it counts
a += 5 evaluates to a, and then adds 5 to a.
i *= (++i); // horror
@JamieTreworgy It counts because not everyone understands the difference between ++i and i++
@Oleg They should.
Not everyone understands closures either, but I'm still going to use them
@Oleg Yes thats why i always use fs.writeFileSync() :P
@canon Of course they should. But sometimes they think they do, write it in their own way and submit you the code. And you start to think..........
var i = 0;
i += ++i + i++;
What's crock's take on the ternary operator? Does he demand if then else?
no, he demands you use it smart
have it return a value, not run a statement
@plodder sync... urghh
So I guess he hates someBool || doSomething()
@Oleg some people don't understand async..
var i = 0;
++i &&( i += ++i + i++);
alert(i); // where is your Crockford now god?!
@plodder They should! async is yummy
now without running, who can tell me what i alerts?
@plodder they shouldn't use node then.
@JamieTreworgy no he also encourages that
it's like not understanding what function does...
@FlorianMargaine and thats exactly why i can write i-- !
@rlemon I can't. I do know that's UB in C++.
@FlorianMargaine thanks for your work on npm :D
@Raynos heh
did a pr yesterday, no answer though
@FlorianMargaine you should hang in #stackvm
@rlemon now let me think about it for an hour
(with a question in it)
then you can be like "isaacs: <link to PR>"
that works
@rlemon That page doesn't address using short-circuit or to cause side effects... that doesn't seem like something crock would like
@JamieTreworgy That's 8 years old
@rlemon 5
@BenjaminGruenbaum Has DC updated his opinions on JS style in that time?
My "good parts" was published in 2008..
@JamieTreworgy most likely, I don't like || for defaults in general, it has its uses though
@AmaanCheval ^
we can use the same for "Raynos" vs rest of room lol
How do you feel about one var
@JamieTreworgy It's awesome except when you have to write jsdoc-style comments per variable (but I doubt that's good practice).
@JamieTreworgy What do you mean?
@JamieTreworgy multiple variable declarations with one var keyword?
I don't do that any more. I used to be religious about it. I am now almost religious about one var per variable.
I personally prefer one var
@JamieTreworgy Why? Do you like clutter in your code?
but I don't really care.
I use a single declare in tsql too.
There is no one saying anything good about node on this... who are these people... ha news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4495101
If they aren't defined at declarion, I put them on one line, but otherwise I usually use a var
It looks a lot cleaner to me, especially with comments, than dangling commas
and once optimized it's exactly the same
Somebody give me an example where you would want to test for equality (==) or test for strict equality (===)?
Cause if they're equal, they're equal no?
@XCritics You would always want to test for strict equality.
because ""==0
Yeah but what's strict equality
@XCritics Doesn't typecast.
i wanna code :P
@Darkyen You're asking too much!
@twiz node-hate aside, I'm sort of surprised by the amount of javascript bashing.
@JamieTreworgy I do whichever and refactor to one var keyword with ReSharper when I'm done
@XCritics "" !== 0, "" == 0
@FlorianMargaine but don't they both just come back as false
one false one true
@canon Yea, its weird. Obviously everyone who posted on there can't wrap their heads around prototype
!!"" == false
!!"0" == true
!!> 0 == ""
Where's the bot?
@JamieTreworgy you forgot the >
!!> 0 = false
@FlorianMargaine Maybe it's double-negation for boolean conversion.
bot is dead
Who's the murderer?
he's not connected
so the traitor is @rlemon
traitor is my isp
and me being side tracked with this
Heh yeah that was confusing. I wasn't trying to invoke the bot. But I should have.
Florian of Borg ^ @FlorianMargaine
Where will I get chuck norris jokes now?
@JamieTreworgy You can try in 2005, I'm sure they have some left :)
@rlemon I awoke on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 19:09:29 GMT (that's about 15 seconds ago), learned 47 commands
otherwise you're just a saiyan
no one wants to be a saiyan
@JamieTreworgy While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium.
@rlemon hahaha nice
my gf is lol'ing :P
Tell her you will assimilate her later ;)
Alright guys, have a good night.
gn Oleg
he is the best 'base' image I've found so far
Klingon Borg
!!/urban crockford
No bot
@Zirak Y NO BOT?
I love migrated questions to SO from other sites. BAM free 45 rep
@BenjaminGruenbaum @rlemon hosts it. It's @rlemon's fault. Blame @rlemon.
Yeah well I have 127 rep and it's amazing
^ ? What does this mean?
grats bruh
A: How can I prevent javascript code theft?

woweiLiblock is a small tool built by myself. It encrypts your JS-sources - it's no simple obscurity by obfuscation, but good security by encryption. When you inspect the DOM in your client, all you'll see is: nplreq(url) for each script that you bind into HTML head. See how it works here liblock-de...

nice try. when will people finally understand that they can't hide stuff from the user?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that you can move messages to other rooms, pin/unpin/unstar starred messages, and that you can say you have a big e-penis
@FlorianMargaine Thanks I guess :)
you can also change the description of the room
otherwise, it's just that most regulars are room owners
@ThiefMaster Can't you just write a lot of it server-side and call on it?
which I feel should change. too many owners probably isn't a great thing
@FlorianMargaine Whoooooo
@ThiefMaster lol, what a bozo
sure you can do that. but that's slow compared to pure client-side JS
also we're a large enough community we should have a private irc room for owners
@rlemon Kick everyone out, then make me an assistant owner.
can't boot as owner ;)
wish we could
@rlemon I feel like it is. Community-driven.
@FlorianMargaine but there are a lot of owners who no longer contribute to the room as a teaching aid (or who never have)
@rlemon I was curious how that Brandon person stays around as long as he doers haha
@rlemon tell me one
I guess @Raynos
others are more or less regulars
Cuts me deep
Neal does not contribute help,
Esailija, Raynos, Andy E are never around and when they are they drop in pin a link and leave.
other room owners are here often enough, helpful, and sensible enough to keep the room at least somewhat under control
I think Contributions + Sensibility + general availability should be the deciding factors. but I'm just one of many owners.
I see Andy E quite often
really? I see him like once in a blue moon
jAndy all the time, but not so much Andy E anymore
I don't really get what being a room owner means... If anyone goes out of control ThiefMaster NEVER sleeps
Esailija is not here a lot anymore
@BenjaminGruenbaum the main position of a room owner is to bin trash and pin messages.
and clear stupid stars
and change desc
yea, but only if it's funny :P
Last time, I noticed I was room owner when by accident I saw I was able to do a special action I never saw before
@rlemon Oh, does that mean I can perma-star your slide poop message now?
really room owners do not have much power at all.
You have to know you are room owner to be able to do things
@BenjaminGruenbaum do it
Naa, I think that joke kind of died on its own already
@BenjaminGruenbaum pins are time based, they automatically unpin after like 5 or 7 days or something
@rlemon Nope.
but you can also 'cancel stars' if someone stars stupid shit (like using stars as a bookmark)
I got a 4 star post last night, best day of the week ;)
I've seen pins staying for waaaay too long
@FlorianMargaine almost positive they do. people repin shit all the time
@rlemon So, for example phenomnomnominal's userscript should probably go on your so-chat-javascript-rules github and not a pin?
@FlorianMargaine but i'm looking right now for that answer
The second pin is an HTTP 502 error
not 502 for me
Works here (the userscript)
502 Bad Gateway

Chrome makes it a 502
got chrome too, no error
Firefox is ok
now it works
wth I ctrl+f5 10 times
@ThiefMaster afaik pinned messages timeout after a while and unpin themselves. Is this true? I cannot find on meta.
i get 502 too
^ iirc @KendallFrey told me about the timeout
me tyoo
Q: How to show database live

user1578359I has some question about live database. that mean when database change that value, the page will show directly something like Live Chat. Language : Jquery + PHP Example: MySQL Database: Table : user column : username,Status,Date,TodayOnline Data : [Kenny, Online,15/03/2013,0],[David, Offline,16...

@rlemon yes, i think 2 weeks
@FlorianMargaine ^^
cool thanks.
has anyone used sequelize (github.com/sequelize/sequelize) recently?
hmm guess its true that no1 uses relational databases anymore :P
@plodder Answered a question about it today
@Darkyen Hahahaha
Anyway, I got to go, we can talk about sequelize later
Oh, hey, @BenjaminGruenbaum, have you read Flatland?
If you haven't, you should. I think you'll like it
@rlemon You didn't read the FAQ.
@BenjaminGruenbaum here or at SO?
@AmaanCheval I haven't, I'll check it out
@plodder SO
I'm off to see a movie, catch up later
@BenjaminGruenbaum k cool :)
damn, I went straight to meta
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have fun!
Exception is a great feature when you want to keep bugs for another day
I would totally watch that

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