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@Darkyen what?
a senseless jsperf
...your testing methods are bizarre
how else would u get "undefined" converted to undefined ?
why would...bah, nvm, I don't wanna know
still ... i am wondering how can i convert "null" and "undefined" to null and undefined :P
@Darkyen how did the situation arise?
Database :P
it sends "null"
Why would it send the string null? What database?
mysql... probably something wrong in my code though
visited: 666 days o.O
Check the err variable, chances are if there was an error and it's returning null when it wasn't supposed to there'll be something there
StackOverflow needs its own jsfiddle system
meh my bad
Otherwise, when jsfiddle shuts down, we'll have millions of dead links
== vs ===
@BenjaminGruenbaum but then we'll have a whole system to shut down any fiddles that aren't deemed "appropriate" for the site.
i was letting it get converted :-(
i am a bad javascripter :-/
i keep forgetting internal type casting in js :-(
@SomeKittens I was thinking about making a feature request on meta, what do you think?
Ha, they'll downvote you to extermination.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will the fiddle also support C++?
MSO doesn't like anything other than "hey, here's a confirmed bug" or "I'm a new user, this is confusing"
Resistance is futile
@Oleg they should support native client :P
@jAndy from today i will call u nappa
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ha, first answer's just another question... (flagged it)
@Darkyen: what is that supposed to mean
@jAndy you are wearing a scouter
@Darkyen: I'm pretty paranoid on types like that.. I actually use +variable everywhere around nowadays, just to make sure I'm comparing apples with apples
i wonder what your +apple does to objects :P
allmighty NaN ofc
and sooo.
I just use + if I deal with numbers or expect to deal with em at lesat
var a = {
var b = a;
a == b
a === b;
+a === +b;
What are you trying to achieve?
@FlorianMargaine jAndy said hes using +variable;
that +a === +b statement is missleading
NaN never equals NaN
to make sure hes comparing apples with apples
@jAndy i know :P
NaN like Wau
so stop using .... +variable
@FlorianMargaine Hey Florian, what's up?
@jAndy That's not being paranoid, that's just how a dynamic language works imho
Wau pow(Wau) = Wau
Except if you're interacting with your own code and doing + for no good reason :P
actually Wau is even more crazy than NaN
@jAndy tau wau wau is just wow
@Oleg how about bau wau wau woof woof ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum: no its not paranoid, at least not if you're only working ===
I use + all the time too
When I know and want to deal with numbers
I totally expect some of my backend co-workers to deliever "52" as string instead 52 as number somewhere
Although I rarely typecast, if I do I usually do so as explicitly as possible using parseInt or parseFloat
Of course. Jandy said that too. Itd be stupod to use + if you're dealing with objects or strings...
I always reject incorrect types at the top of every function.
but even then.. its not too bad, because you'll probably spot an error, dealing with NaN values
@Oleg not much, actively participating in open source lately :-) you?
Who cares what backend sends me? Just fire TypeError and forget about it.
afraid I can't do that
@Oleg I disagree, I like NaN, its strength is exactly that you don't have to typecheck on top of every function
@FlorianMargaine Not much on my side, unfortunately. Banging my head against Vim.
its about internal data structures / JSON formatted I'm talking about
@jAndy I probably rely too much on my tests for that
Error 0 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
its not so unusual that people confuse strings with numbers, especially when dealing with hashes/json data
@BenjaminGruenbaum And get strange, untraceable results at the end? Thanks, but no thanks.
so, casting there should be pretty standard clientside
Hey all
Sometimes I pity clientside JavaScript developers :P
@Darkyen: we need to expand our collective
we need to assimilate
@rlemon borgify the bot :P :P
is there any reason why $('form').trigger('submit') wouldn't work?
(yea jQuery blah blah blah)
Somebody come smack me in the face I need to wake up more, falling asleep here
@Neal: yea, if there is no action configured on the form for instance
@XCritics Come over, I've got coffee.
@jAndy nope. action is set...
or the form in general is invalid
@Oleg hah nice about vim :p
<form action="/inventory/search/" class="form-inline" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="ETsPd0B3kCgZzOGBefwCjSIRPFY7hIrB"> <div id="div_id_show_all" class="control-group"><label for="id_show_all" class="control-label requiredField">
				Show all<span class="asteriskField">*</span></label><div class="controls"><select class="select" id="id_show_all" name="show_all"><option value="1" selected="selected">Company</option><option value="2">COLO</option><option value="3">Rack</option><option value="4">Quad Server</option><option value="5">Server</option><option 
@FlorianMargaine booo... I hate it with a passion! :)
Try to get past this stage, you'll feel powerful after that
twas created by django.
I'm not convinced yet, but surely hope so.
it submits normally when i click on the submit button...
@Oleg you have to read a lot about vim tips to start using some every day and start being confident
I started feeling the power after a month or so when I sticked with it
    form = $('form')
    _in = $('input[name="_in"]').val(0)
    _having = $('input[name="_having"]').val(0)
    $('input[name="in"]').on('click', function(e) {
    $('input[name="having"]').on('click', function(e) {
I.e. the 3rd time I tried really using vim
That should have worked ^
but it doesnt :-(
@FlorianMargaine yay vim!
Something that really helped me was disabling the arrow keys
@FlorianMargaine I've decided to use Vim exclusively when writing unit tests. So far the progress is six lines per three hours of work.
Dunno what youre doing wrong :p
It's like... "oh, how to get to that word... lemme see, google!... oh right, back to console, now... damn, doesn't work... oh right!.. now how to do... arrgh..." etc. etc.
Have just started to seriously use it, so learning tips and tricks while writing stuff.
w00t figured out! for some reason i named the submit button "submit" which is a nono
I'm a little puzzled by this one :
Q: Do new browsers optimize for loops differently?

stinkycheesemanI was reading Nicholas Zackas' High Performance Javascript in which he discusses optimizing a for loop by reversing it and minimizing it's property lookups. Instead of: for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { processItems(items[i]); } You get: for (var i = items.length; i--; ) { pr...

@Oleg I'm in the same situation right now. :(
reversed while-loops - all the loops!!
What bothers me about Vim is that I'm unable to have the same vimrc config when working over ssh (unless I install it on every machine I connect to...)
I can't understand how anybody uses for
@Oleg haha I see good luck. Try to stick with it, your muscle memory will take it over after a while :p
@dystroy Arrays are sequential
while( var-- ); is sooo intiutive, cool and fastest possible
@BadgerGirl how is lisp going btw?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't you see my deleted answer ?
It started like this :
@dystroy but the results make sense, its allocating more memory for the array
What seems to be optimized is the sequential access to elements of an array in order of the array. Which might be a low level caching (your array is big).
@dystroy It's not about caching, it's allocating memory backwards which is slower
@FlorianMargaine I had to stop for a while because my compiler project is taking way more time than I expected it to. :(
but iterating in reverse order, I got about the same result
wait, nvm
lemme look at the perf
I tried with that :
for (var i = a.length; i-->0;) {
a[a.length-i-1] = i;
Didn't know this for construct. Way to reinvent while...
@dystroy chrome gets completely different results
(2 being faster than 3)
@dystroy: you don't even need the >0 part
@jAndy I know
I use it very often
and then again, why not directly use while(x--)
@jAndy It shows no intent and it's harder to understand
Because the for has an initialization part which make it cleaner and more readable
@jAndy a for loops shows that you're iterating over a collection, or a number of times
That's something anybody having coded in C has used often
lets agree to disagree
I used rev while loops in C way more often than for actually
while(**something--) or even directly on pointers
is very standard
@BenjaminGruenbaum: harder to understand ? seriously...
while ( <this condition is true> ) { do stuff }
@jAndy Didn't we agree to disagree?
@BenjaminGruenbaum: no, we didn't
for ( <every item in this collection>) { }
but thats not true.. infact, for requires more parameters
I'd welcome and agree with crockford, a programming language should have only one loop() statement
@plodder same result for both loop
I never use while in js
and it would definitely be more similar to while than anything else out there
@jAndy We agree to disagree again, I'd love to have "until" in JavaScript for example
i do it to confuse people
for loops in while loops in forEach() that calls process.nextTick
@plodder in multiple worker threads!
and then finish off with a .map(function(a){return a;}).filter(function(){return true;});
@plodder having a return at first iteration defeats the purpose of your loop
oops you're right :P
@jAndy What about stuff like ".map" or ".filter" or ".forEach", those are loops in a sense, would you remove them too?
room vote: for, while or do-while
@jAndy goto loops.
@BenjaminGruenbaum: not talking about functional "loop addons"
those are great
are they?
@plodder no, they are not (different), they are great
i dont like them still
I love em for expresivness
@plodder map/filter/reduce are REALLY powerful
I agree
@jAndy Exactly! It's about expressiveness, being concise and clear about what the program is doing... How are for and for.. in loops not better than while loops in the context of iterating a collection in that regard?
I really gotta leave this chat so I can get some reading of this book done, but I'm learning just as much here haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum though slower
Object.keys( myObject ).map( getAllNumbers ).reduce( add )
is really readable
and you define the twofunctions, right below that statement
@BenjaminGruenbaum simple iteration with a for loop will go faster, because there will be no function invocation on every element of the given array
@jAndy I would be willing to give up for loops for forEach and .times
@Oleg A smart compiler will know to optimize that, or already does know how to optimize that
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think that's the case nowadays.
Lemme make a jsperf
@BenjaminGruenbaum: the thing I hate about for is that its requires init, condition and an additional optional statement. So many people already combine the condition with the 3rd executional line together
@Oleg I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out, actually.
thats why while is so sexy to me
/me likes while.
   //do something
   //is better than
for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
      //do something
   // is better than
var i=0;
   //do something
10.times ?
@plodder Ruby syntax
in js 10..times if you could even do that ;)
Also, in the .times version I did not declare a global variable :P
a recrutor just sent me a message containing: "We're doing innovative projects, web3.0 oriented"

WTF IS WEB 3.0 ???
another great example is,

    var elem;
    while( elem = array.shift() ) {
        operate( elem );
All the loops!
@dievardump it's desperation day today
@dievardump Dumb, is what it is. Incorporating haptic feedback, integrated video streaming, and 3-D web pages. Also, they seem to want to start making websites for your shoes, watch, and sunglasses.
web 3.0 is where web 2.0 meets web 1.0 in an additive fashion
@jAndy You really think that is more semantic than array.forEach ? (not to mention destroying the array)
@BenjaminGruenbaum: its free for you to clone the array beforehand ;)
@jAndy You'd rather clone the array and than shift it in a while loop then doing .forEach? Even worse, you think it's more expressive? o_O
@BenjaminGruenbaum: didn't talk about experesivness there tbh
Oh, if it's just about being cool then yes, it is cool
Nike Turbo™, now powered by Web3.0. Have your sponsors on your sneakers during a race or a game!
@BenjaminGruenbaum: but do that with for
and compare
I'm not comparing native loops with functional loops in expresiveness
It's the sort of thing I'd write and then feel clever about, then delete and re-write in a more expressive way
@ShotgunNinja: I just lost the game
for(var i=0,elem=array[i];i<array.length;i++,elem=array[i]){
//which, btw, compares to
@BenjaminGruenbaum: and now tell me the while vs for comparison isn't sexy for while
ohh dangerous wording :p
while is hot
@jAndy lol
@FlorianMargaine with is hotter
while is both hot and legit

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