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@Connor I've heard of this thing called Ratchet
Don't know shit
^ here is your node.js host providers list.
But I think that has something to do with Socket.io
@Connor My middle name is Connor... and James. I have two!
@canon :D cool
I still haven't been able to wrap my head around this problem. Could someone help my ignorance?
var object1 = function() {};
object1.prototype.foo = {bar:1};

var one = new object1();
alert('object1 '+one.foo.bar);

var object2 = function() {};
object2.prototype = new object1();

object2.prototype.foo = object1.prototype.foo;
object2.prototype.foo.bar = 2;

var two = new object2();
alert('object2 '+two.foo.bar);
@AmaanCheval so with this socketo.me i use just that, wamp, and socket.io?
object2.prototype.foo = object1.prototype.foo; being necessary makes no sense.
@Connor I don't really know. Check with the PHP room, I think
ok thanks
Socket.io on the client should work
wait a minute..
Ah hah!
Since foo is a property of object1
var object1 = function () {};
object1.prototype = { // this is so much cleaner and readable
    foo: {
        bar: 1

var one = new object1();
alert('object1 ' + one.foo.bar);

var object2 = function () {};
object2.prototype = object1.prototype;

object2.prototype.foo.bar = 2;

var two = new object2();
alert('object2 ' + two.foo.bar);
when object 2 inherits it
it is only looking at object1
not taking it for its own
so changing bar from object2 is actually changing object1
unless we give object2 its own property?
and why the var obj1 = function(){} vs function object1(){}
because the pattern is more true to what is happening.
no it is not
you're creating class like structures, the opening function is your constructor method.
arguing with rlemon...that's not a place I want to be lol
you're not benefiting at all from that style. (all i'm saying)
It's just that when you use function it is rewriting it anyway
as var name =
so it makes more sense to me
unless Crockford lied lol
function Foo() {}
is not the same as
var Foo = function() {}
^ that is exactly what crockford said
but how in your case is it any clearer? I'm just wondering
@XCritics Thanks!
It doesn't matter, I just started doing it per the recommendation of several professionals
and am used to it.
Now that I see what is going on...the big question is whether not I am using the constructor pattern correctly in this case.
^ well here is another professional saying not, too
@rlemon to*
Yes, I am a comma-fucker.
there, now it's correct.
@rlemon Bah humbug
odd sounding, but correct.
I only cast it as a variable if there is more work to be done.
> To(be || !to(be, that === the(question)));
function Constructor() {
Oh yes, the further problem would be that I couldn't namespace my functions
var Foo = (function() {
  function Foo() {

  Foo.prototype = { stuff }
  return Foo;
^ kinda stuff
"Your browser deos not currently recognise any of the video formats available."
am I the only one who returns functions all the time?
function inherits (c, p, proto) {
  proto = proto || {}
  var e = {}
  ;[c.prototype, proto].forEach(function (s) {
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).forEach(function (k) {
      e[k] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, k)
  c.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype, e)
  c.super = p
@JanDvorak var question = function() { return (to(be) || !to(be)); };
WTH, shouldn't youtube fallback to flash automatically when the video cannot be played using <video>?
seriously that's the way I run
Do || !Do; Try;
> ReferenceError: Try is not defined
@ThiefMaster It should, what browser/os are you using?
firefox on windows.. had it a few times now (most videos work fine though)
but you can thank me for Array.prototype.find to come into ES6 :P
@ThiefMaster What does it do in that case?
@ThiefMaster Probably because you have the html5 video beta enabled, it still should've worked
so it supports everything but h. 246
and yes, i have it enabled
@FlorianMargaine Whooohooooo
@FlorianMargaine WOW!
what I really like is that according to rumours there will be a dual sim s4
I don't really care about dual sim :P
Awesome, @Florian.
what is the benefit of dual sim?
@ThiefMaster and it will suck battery life
well, chances are good that i'll work in switzerland for 2 or 3 years after i'm done with my studies so i'd use both a german and a swiss sim card
ahh so just for different carriers / 1 phone?
data roaming charges are ridiculously high after all
yea roaming charges are a bitch.
with my german carrier it's 2€ per usage day and a 25MB daily cap (2kbps after reaching that cap)
8 days in the US - no phone calls, small data for email and like ~200 sms messages cost me ~800 bucks.
heh yeah, overseas data roaming is super expensive
i think here it's around 10€ per MB
well I wasn't 'overseas' but yea.
it's stupid expensive
@rlemon gotta get on that iMessage bruh
@ThiefMaster lololol 2kbps :P
@XCritics data is data dude.
wouldn't have helped
@rlemon starbucks wifi :P
well when I was on wifi it wasn't an issue. it's when I wasn't on wifi
yeah, unusable - but still better than a high bill at the end of the month
@rlemon just kidding anyways ;)
but where I was for business there was very shit wifi spots
like worse than airport wifi
Middle of NE right?
I can't imagine much out there
@rlemon 800 bucks ..lol..
@rlemon haha man you should see the wifi built into the bus I drive back and forth to work man, like 17 minutes to load google.com
VERY small
@XCritics just dont load google.com :P
I got a 6Gig plan so I just use my data instead lol stupid bad wifi
I then send random pictures to anybody on the bus that has bluetooth enabled lo
I figured out the password for the admin console in bus wifi here :)
was it 1234 or 0000?
was it "god" or "admin" lol
There's a page you can access that lets you allocate more bandwidth to a mac address
was it password :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum hack the password/network :P
It was the name of the bus company, plus the string "1234"
Change the AP name lol
Changing the AP name is illegal here :P The law says that as long as you're not causing harm it's fine to find security holes in the system :P
I do however, prioritize my laptop :P
@dievardump thats so old man
@dievardump Look to your right :P
from a book written like 2 years ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not the same one. That's why I post.
ah wait that isnt the one nm
The starred one is the crazy old one
@dievardump NZ pushes this point home all the time
I love him for that
nicholas zakas
NZ = New Zealand for me :(
I should stop meeting strangers
Can anybody here make a huge RegExp string with no help from the internet :P?
@dievardump I disagree with that one though
probably most of us, but we'd prefer not too
Websites need to look the same on all supported browsers
@BenjaminGruenbaum no they do not. that is a fallacy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok. I don't.
Not behave the same, but look the same
best browsers deserve the best UX, older browsers need only work and not be offensive to view.
^ there you have a huge valid regexp.
@rlemon Exactly, they should look the same but it's ok if they do not behave the same
@ThiefMaster It matches some valid email addresses, that's like most email regexps I know
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, not they don't
I'm not doing to use images for round corners or drop shadows because of fucking IE
Whats everybody got for lunch today? I forgot mine at home x.x
@rlemon UX != UI.
they can get a flat view.
@dievardump I know
email address validation.. hate it
I incorporate UI into UX
so many sites reject the + character
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok pedant. see past the example and get the point.
don't limit/cramp new browsers because you have to support older ones. graceful degradation and progressive enhancements should be considered on all modern websites.
Its easy to not make things look good for IE when you don't have a big % of IE users
@Bracketworks There is no problem. Or the text goes under the image, or it does not. You are trying to make an exceptional case that should not be. You are creating a problem when there is not.
@Loktar That was true about firefox a few years ago...
Website should not look the same in every browser, unless you pay me a lot to do it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean?
10 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@dievardump Oh yeah, of course it costs extra, but if you're serious your website should look the same
@BenjaminGruenbaum No. No serious in that.
1 min ago, by rlemon
don't limit/cramp new browsers because you have to support older ones. graceful degradation and progressive enhancements should be considered on all modern websites.
^ exactly
If IE<8, forget rounded corners.
@rlemon I agree with that part, that's not the point, I agree with UX graceful degredation, just not with a different look and feel
why? put them in the CSS - if IE ignores them too fucking bad. I coded to spec.
ahaha @jAndy
just a random post..
It also depends on the site. A paying customer is a paying customer. You want someone who is going to give you $$ to have a decent and relatively the same experience regardless of the browser they are using.
@dievardump No I believe that the chosen copy has created the problem, I'm just trying to make it look not-crap.
Would be like Walmart saying their parking lots dont support Pinto's.
@AmaanCheval i got ignored
Are there some French here now ?
@Bracketworks there is no crap in the fact the text goes under the image.
I hear what you're saying, why make it an issue; well only because it's not aesthetically pleasing; and if that weren't a concern, then unlink all the stylesheets and call it a monochromatic day.
@Loktar but we need to learn (as developers) how to disqualify a client based on no understanding / no willingness to listen to reason / bat-crap-crazy demands.
@dystroy is a Russian living in France okay for you?
well I loved the constructor pattern until now :(
@RyanKinal will be thrilled.
@rlemon money changes all of that.
If they are offering a significant amount of money Ill deal with them
var ù = function(id){ return document.getElementById(id) };
@Oleg Why wouldn't it be?
@dystroy Works in console, what's the problem with it?
@dystroy Yep, here.
@Oleg If I put this in my libraries, some maintainers will love me...
but clearly it's useful for us who have the right keyboard :)
@dystroy Yeah, probably in the rear.
does anyone use socket.io?
On the bright side, I learned more about javascript. On the down side, this is the solution to my problem (I think)

var object1 = function() {};
object1.prototype.foo = function() {};
object1.prototype.foo.bar = 1;

var object2 = function() {};
object2.prototype = new object1();

object2.prototype.foo = function() {};
object2.prototype.foo.prototype = new object1.prototype.foo();
object2.prototype.foo.bar = 2;

var one = new object1();
alert('object1 '+one.foo.bar);

var two = new object2();
alert('object2 '+two.foo.bar);
can I get an "ick" please?
!!/urban ick
@JanDvorak [ick](http://ick.urbanup.com/131660) something gross, a feminine way of saying "ew".

usage by men: only recommended if you are a homosexual.
@dystroy I got myself some qwerty, so ù is alt+`+u... arghh.
var foo = { H̹̙̦̮͉̩̗̗ͧ̇̏̊̾Eͨ͆͒̆ͮ̃͏̷̮̣̫̤̣Cͯ̂͐͏̨̛͔̦̟͈̻O̜͎͍͙͚̬̝̣̽ͮ͐͗̀ͤ̍̀͢M̴̡̲̭͍͇̼̟̯̦̉̒͠Ḛ̛̙̞̪̗ͥͤͩ̾͑̔͐ͅṮ̴̷̷̗̼͍̿̿̓̽͐H̙̙̔̄͜: 42 };
This is valid JavaScript

Mathias Bynens rocks the JavaScript shadow parts
that was so strange, my monitor went purple and my pc froze.
Does anyone have detailed thoughts about the code above? Does it do what I think it does? Do you even see my intent?
@rlemon I'm pretty sure @dievardump's code above causes that exact behavior.
no, his summons cthulhu
@m59 whaaat?
So i cant use websockets unless i have dedicated hosting according to hostgator is that right?
var TheCoon = new superhero();
This is a property name, common.
@dievardump you haxed rlemon with that javascript
var mapp = {
	a: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!".split(""),
	b: "a͠ þ̌ ç̌ d̑͢ ȇ͝ f͛ͪ g͖͉ͫͥͨ h҉ î̩́ jͫ͏̙̤ kͫ͏ l̂ mͧ̾ͬ n ̔̉o p​̅ͫ͏̙̤ q​̅ͫ͏ r͎̩̱͔ s҉ † µ v͚̖͔͚̖͔͚̖͔ w͚̖͔ ×ͧ̾ͬ ¥ͧ̾ͬ z̈́̂̈́ A̡͊͠͝ B̀ Cͭ̏ͥͮ͟ Ð Eͧ̾ͬ͛ͪ̈́ F̷̭̯̙̲̝͖ G҉ H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎ | J̩́ K͠ L͑ M͊̒ N̐ Θ ͠P̯͍̭ Q​̅ͫ͏̙̤ R̘̝̙ͤ͂̾̆  $̝ͤ͂̾̆ T̈́̂̈́ U̲̖̚͜ V̈́̂̈́ W̷̙̲ X̚͜ Y̷̙ Z͍̭҉ ‽ ‽".split(" ")
$(".message .content").each(function() {
	var text = $(this).text(),
	chars = text.split(''),
	output = "";
	chars.forEach(function(char) {
haxed is nerd for hexed
@Connor hostgator is expensive.
@Connor You can.
@rlemon has killed us all :(
with his witchcraft
run that in your browser console on the chat
fun times fun times
What do you guys think of the new Object.mixin function?
(In the harmony spec)
@Oleg how
hostgator is cheap (shared)
OOOh nm dedicated hosting
stupid chrome + windows and no proper unicode support
Dedicated hosting is pricey pretty much everywhere imo
yeah, but often worth the money
@Connor npm install socket.io or a hosting that has it out of the box
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you a link to a good article, so that we can start to think ?
@ThiefMaster yeah
I colocate as well
and 50€ per month is not that much after all if you look at the hardware and bandwidth you get (at least here, no idea how it's in the US)...
VPS has served me well so far. :/
$70 a month and its my server
@dystroy Nope, I'm just reading the spec and noticed it
lol 50?
I pay $320 for my dedi hosting
and then $70 for my colocated server. Still well worth it though.
$24 bucks a month or something for my vps
I use a Linode VM for ~20 USD
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --record-mode
420 Gbit Bandwidth
I use dedicated hosting from a few years at ovh.com and I'm very happy with it
Thats a killer for me
@Oleg Where are you in France Already?
zg.net uses like 1.5 tb a month minimum
@Loktar you serious?
@dievardump I work next to Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux)
yeah, depending on the month
@ThiefMaster That's actually a really good price
Its been over 2tb
@Loktar that's the total datacenter bandwidth. you get 10TB per month with full speed
@Oleg What company (I worked and lived in Issy for ten years) ?
^ for colocation
@Connor Aww, damn! I don't really use PHP, so I don't know much. Google around I guess
if ever I get a site with that much traffic I will totes pay the price.
@dystroy uhhh, prefer not to tell, sorry :)
until then, fuck it. I just need something a that isn't stupid shared hosting
@rlemon yeah I mean its a small % of the revenue so it doesnt matter
(and now I work with a Russian X...) (X as in Baumann+Polytechnique)
@ThiefMaster ah thats not bad then
Ill only colocate now though honestly
I pay a few thousand for my server, and then pay like $70 a month
@Loktar you have to teach me how you do that :(
ends up cheaper in the long run
@dievardump its all about luck.
I got into zombies before the zombie craze
I've loved zombies for a long time
I'm a Lemon... I don't have luck. In fact other people use me as a measurement for how unlucky something / someone is.
fuck being a lemon man.
> Domain Name: UNDEADGAMES.COM Created on: 06-Nov-05
^ my first zombie domain
15:49 Object.mixin ( target, source )
Not much info about it
@dystroy Russians everywhere. They're going to take over the world!! Oh, wait... nvm.
So much lemon today ...
so just before the zombie craze
however if Renee does do what he/she says they will do then I expect a jump in my lemonmeme traffic.
@rlemon youtube.com/watch?v=Dt6iTwVIiMM always reminds me of this
Hey guys, does anyone know why "use strict"; is a string? And not /* use strict */ or something?
@Oleg To not break old browsers
@Oleg comments are not parsed. strings are
@rlemon That's what I thought (and js minifiers too). So they just trash comments without looking, huh.
@Oleg Honestly, you can't really use strict mode in production code on the web, I use it in node.js all the time though
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why can't you use it in production ?
@Oleg Also yeah, iirc minifiers was a concern when the syntax was proposed
@BenjaminGruenbaum If I have legacy code - I don't use it. But in all new projects "use strict" is on all the time.
@dystroy Wanna guess which browser will drop the ball?
(Unless you're making browser specific code, or code only designed to work on the most modern browsers, in that case go ahead and use it)
Well... I don't support IE8
I don't support IE
@BenjaminGruenbaum Any modern browser you mean?
I support current Standards. If a specific browser decides it does not want to do the same, well ef'em
@dystroy We've seen different behaviors in FF and chrome in strict mode in this room before
Not supporting IE9 seems harsh
Then again, myself not doing almost any front-end development I get to be a pretentious prick :P In node.js I never have these sort of problems
Not supporting IE9 = Your medium/large business will not see my site
^ I as well am not a front-end developer. So I can just say "fuck you browsers who are POS"
@rlemon back-end js developer ?
> javascript room
> not a front-end developer
@ShotgunNinja JavaScript is not a 'front-end' only language for quite some time now
if MS stopped developing their own browser and just stuck with an open source alternative (chromium?) they could 1) save a shit load of money on development / support costs and 2) stop being the joke of the browser community
@NullPointer c, c++ and c# developer
js is a hobby
@rlemon no no no, please not
@rlemon It's one hell of a hobby, then.
@rlemon That's a horrible idea
@ShotgunNinja well after the age of 21 I felt bugger sculptures was a little too immature for me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you are a horrible idea.
The last thing we need is less competition
then do like Opera did
If everyone moves to chromium that means stagnation
integrate it and skin it
I guess having competition in the market is quite good.
Opera moving to chromium is a bad sign, not a good sign. It means they admit their defeat in some respect
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not really.
Remember when we only had IE and Netscape was shit?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dat history... Pasting Hebrew?
The web stagnated until we got firefox
MS has a monopoly in most of the market (which is changing) - however they have been a back seat driver in the browser game for the past ~9 years.
@rlemon sounds really what i want to always do .. but mistaken and Chosen php as hobby and its boring :(
@ShotgunNinja lol, forgot to change layouts
@rlemon We don't want to change one monopoly for another
@BenjaminGruenbaum so Google's innovation program for Chrom[e/ium] is primarily paced by competition from FF/MS?
Just because google is 'cool' doesn't mean they'll be any less of a monopoly
I've always had a feeling that Opera innovates mostly on the user experience and not on the technical side.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bahaha. What were you typing in Hebrew, if you don't mind me asking?

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