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Shoulnt have used software center to install sublime text 3 .. now there is only a reinstall buton :x
Javascript isn't a real language
you are rich!
Yeah man!
In the test environment... :(
@phenomnomnominal lololololl
just a big wtf
yay freelance
that just made me sic
I forgot the selector
 var groupAvgEl = $('.snapshot-data-table table tbody tr:nth-child(' + row + ')');
@phenomnomnominal Do you deploy personal projects in 100% node.js?
If we’d asked the customers what they wanted, they would have said “faster horses” — Henry Ford
@XCritics yep
@phenomnomnominal I bought nodebeginner.org , @plodder said it's a great way to learn JS, I'm going to read it when I get home from work
psyaviah.com/2012/08/… my idol. so dreamy.
@GNi33 Should I know JS before attempting to read that book?
I must research his account, learn his secrets. become a master troll.
@XCritics uhm, probably
@rlemon you know over which site of a certain person i just stumbled again?
do you remember "Liza Shulyayeva"?
not really. remind me
@XCritics the links at the bottom are to more of his stuff, it's all gold.
the cute ukranian/australian - girl that posted a JS-related question on gamedev
stumbled over the page and now i kinda feel like a creep
maybe... I nerd search a lot of people
ohh yea, she is hot
@jAndy wow, she's doing some seriously cool stuff
I'm stalking her for several weeks
impressed me so far
SO stalking is fun man
so is spotify stalking

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