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console.log("index is: " + localStorage["chosen_cache"]); is working
@Hope4You well then there are other issues, what you tried will work
So the local storage MUST not be returning nothing
@Dbz define "nothing"
did you try .eq() instead of .get()?
but the index it's returning to get() and the serch is returning nothing
  'ajax:success': function(){
  'ajax:error': function(){
It's returning the correct index @JanDvorak and @rlemon
I'm not sure if caching the reportAlert element would be needed
@twiz: No {{name}} :)
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLLIElement> has no method 'trigger'
.get is a shorthand ajax method.
use .eq
when try $(variable).trigger('create');
then you are not using jQuery
I'm getting the error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of null
With the line you gave me
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen You don't have name variable anywhere in your code or in your template.... so that might be a problem....
still smells like poo
I have included the jquery script
it's not loaded then
@twiz: I have declared 'name' as a member of Hello.ApplicationController
Okay I'll look more into that, thank you!
@Hope4You perhaps some other framework has overwritten the $ variable? What happens if you use jQuery instead of $?
@rlemon lol )
now my mouth still a poop i think )
index is: 6 selectable.js:33
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of null
var index = localStorage["chosen_cache"];
console.log("index is: " + index);
@Dbz then you're not selecting the element.
the first two lines are the console
@Hope4You jQuery(some variable).trigger("create")
document.getElementById('selectable') === null then
@rlemon still nothing, I added a console.log inside each function and they're not being triggered, so much be an error with something else yes?
do you have an element with the ID selectable
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen maybe you sent me the wrong link....
@XCritics problem is elsewhere then
<ul id="selectable">
people people people - put up a fiddle or a live example or we'll be here all day
@Dbz when are you executing that?
1 message moved to Trash can
thats not even a real question
@twiz: I haven't used jsfiddle before. It should be jsfiddle.net/bjarkef/qx6b8/1
@gni33 in a javascript file, I will make it the first line executed
first lines*
huh? a disabled input does not report click events. Any idea why?
Thanks @JanDvorak
is the js-file in the <head> or at the bottom of the page?
@twiz: It saves a new version so I need to send a new url when I update the code. My mistake, sorry.
@gni33 header
and you're not listening for a DOM-ready event I guess
try putting your file at the end of the page, directly before the closing body-tag
okay I'll try
@JanDvorak does it make sense to?
@gni33 YOU ROCK
do you understand why it didn't work before?
@rlemon I would like to know my disabled checkbox was clicked
Why didn't it work?
your script was executed before the browser parsed your HTML
Okay, that makes sense
> Here are some other tools that I recommend:
- Google
therefore your elements weren't part of the DOM-tree, thus you can't select them
Can you explain why


works, but this line doesn't:

$("#selectable li").get(index).addClass("ui-selecting");
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLLIElement> has no method 'addClass'
no jQuery?
.get() returns the DOM object, not aj Query object
@Dbz try eq instead of get
use .eq(index) instead
use .eq
@Dbz replace .get with .eq
am i invisible? i said that like 3 times now
yes you are
FGITW in the chat :-)
we all ignore the kid with the ice cream
@Dbz dude, you need to call $('#selectable').selectable()
Awesome, that works. I'll look up why
@rlemon ;_;
I've got to go to class
@GNi33 not once have I seen you offer to share!
THank you all so much for your help
so screw you!
Seriously, you guys rock
Thanks a lot =]
np (i did nothing!)
i'd love to, but i ran out of stock... believe me, i miss my ice-cream so much
fastest bullet hell in the west
fastest gun in the west
anyone good on css3?
do you know how to use perspective rule?
i tryed : -webkit-perspective: 300px;  /* Chrome 12+, Safari 4+
     -moz-perspective: 300px;  /* Firefox 10+
      -ms-perspective: 300px;  /* IE 10
          perspective: 300px;
  -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);  -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
     -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
      -ms-transform: rotateY(180deg);      -ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;
          transform: rotateY(180deg);          transform-style: preserve-3d;
!!/tell donotusetabtodigitthisnick mdn css perspective
but it doesn't works :/
Documentation for the win!
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen yea, actually that is weird, but I've just started with ember too. Have you tried it outside of jsfiddle?
also, non closed comments will f bomb your css
@twiz: No, do you think jsfiddle is the problem?
just a tip
@rlemon thanks but i red the doc andi tryed the code with no ends :(
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick you have to use perspective on the parent
or it wont apply
and also
@Darkyen i'm on parent :(
my element is <div><img></div>
i'm applying on div :( but nothing
works for me
2 mins ago, by rlemon
also, non closed comments will f bomb your css
-webkit-perspective: 300px;  /* Chrome 12+, Safari 4+
     -moz-perspective: 300px;  /* Firefox 10+
      -ms-perspective: 300px;  /* IE 10
Q: What does the colon mean in jquery? Is it like an else statement?

Timothy RadzikowskiHere is a short line of code: data: {comment: $('#modal_form #note').val(), patient_ids: ids}, I'm just trying to figure out in what reference it's being used in between "patient_ids: ids"

@BjarkeFreund-Hansen could be... I'm also not sure why it has to use jquery 1.7....
everything past the first /* is now commented out
@twiz: Neither do I, but that is the only choice where any output is produced at all. Maybe I should just get ember-starter-kit and start from that :)
Would probably work better
What is a good simple webserver for development?
but "good" is arguable
@rlemon */
nginx i like
@rlemon thank you dude, i'm running now:
-webkit-transform: perspective( 600px ) rotateY( 45deg );
   -moz-transform: perspective( 600px ) rotateY( 45deg );
    -o-transform: perspective( 600px ) rotateY( 45deg );
    transform: perspective( 600px ) rotateY( 45deg );
found something called SimpleHTTPServer that can just be launched with python, I think that will do just fine :)
however depending on what you want, a LAMP or WAMP stack is like 2 click deployment
no deployment, just want to serve files from a webserver and not from file://
@rlemon but the two clicks have to occur within 300ms of each other
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen just google WAMPserver
thanks for you help @twiz
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen Apache doesn't need a deploy. Just store some files in a dedicated directory.
@JanDvorak: But it does need configuration, and storing files in a specific directory, and not what happens to be my current development directory.
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen which considering you just asked that question... using Ember is probably getting way ahead of yourself... haha
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen you can link your project to use the web root as its source directory
guys having problms width fullscreen
javascript fullscreen
@Samir tell us
@twiz: Probably, but I am going to try going that way anyhow. :) I have a pretty solid experience from java, c, c++, and php a long time ago. And specifically I think in objects really well, so I want to be using a javascript framework that approximates "traditional" object oriented programming. And I really like the thought of a client side MVC, so instead of updating stuff on my page at different events, I can simply update the corresponding model with the data I desire. :)
and see how it reacts
3 messages moved to Trash can
You asked once already.
click the fullscreen option on that page n see how it reacts
@Samir @all Please flag this as spam
@Samir You've been warned. Stop posting your site in here.
4 people flagging it as spam lolwut
flag marked as valid
8 flags lol i guess i missed something
I'd hate to have the username all. I'd constantly be pinged.
@FabrícioMatté He's posted that several times, despite being asked not to.
ok sorry fr that
@SomeKittens oh thanks for clarification. =]
but im trying to show wat the problm is
pondering whether i should rewrite my first jquery script atm
I asked for flags specifically because I just binned his last link and he posts it again.
lost track of how many globals and troll code i've put into those 300 lines
can probably rewrite it to 50 lines, let's see
@BrandonGelfand good afternoon
@BrandonGelfand hello
It was kinda fun yesterday being put in my place by a bunch of ppl i don't know lol...
or virtual misbehavior :-)
The second one
@BrandonGelfand You've earned yourself a place here after surviving all that and finally learning humility.
So um, question. I'm parsing JSON using JSON.parse in an html page. It works just fine on a local WAMP server..but when I push it live, it tosses an 'JSON.parse: unexpected character '. What should I be looking for, since it worked 100% fine local?
Haha, yes I think so, lesson learned about f'ing with ppl who know how to code a lot better then you...
@Kate look at the response in the dev tools. See if it looks like what you expect.
var generateQuest = new Request.HTML({
url: '<?php echo URL; ?>game/generateQuest',
method: 'post',
data: 'i' + i,
onSuccess: function(data) {
var string = data;
// console.log(string);

$('content').set('html', string);


How to echo values from the array? I Get "[object NodeList]" :/ I use mootools
@UchihaObito Please format your code.
Ach, give me a few, gotta figure out where firebug spits out that variable for me.
For Christs sake format ur code!
@BrandonGelfand formated: pastebin.com/gHpZSwzE
string is my array that returns [object NodeList] (but not when i "console.log" it)
i tried for loops with string[i] etc, but nothing worked
anyone here work with QNX6?
I'm wondering how backwards compatible they've made it
Applications built for QNX4 stand any chance of compiling?
@Uchiha I am at school, paste bin is blocked by the servers firewalls
@BrandonGelfand ...wat? High school is so stupid...
@BrandonGelfand use web proxy?
IKR its so stupid all tis stuff, I hacked the wifi pass though, ow. Think. A on here? :D gotta love cow patty
p.s. you can edit your messages... see?
[].forEach.call(string, function(node) {
^ buzah
if you're receiving a nodeList you need to iterate over the list to pull the nodes values.
Still blocked uchiha, and I am on my iPad OK so I guess I can edit.....
@BrandonGelfand menu -> edit last
dun dun dunnnnnnn
[].slice.call(arraylike,0) => a real array.
@JanDvorak why when mine does the operation while looping
I could [].slice.call(string,0).forEach(function(node){
but thats a little more verbose don't you think
Not needed in your case, but it could be useful at times :-)
hmm, it displays only nulls
string is such a bad variable name for a nodeList
[].slice.call(arraylike, 0).filter(...).map(...).forEach(...).join(...)...
then switch nodeValue to textContent or something
This is so much better then talking to stupid 9th graders... I fell a sleep and one stuck a f'ing skittle up my nose and ear....
but if it's a nodeList that is how you loop it (one way at least)
@BrandonGelfand crazy glue on their lock face. after it dries it's clear and they won't understand why the fuck they can't turn the dial.
Welcome to highscool....
@rlemon works with textContent, thx
or reverse the bathroom locks so they lock from the outside (1 screw driver is needed) then wait for someone to go in and lock the door
remember to add an out-of-order sign
xD that actually sounds like a good idea, accept we dont have lockers, kids were storing drugs in them, I get the feeling u did that though
if the lockers have the little slits in them , go buy a small container of glitter and dump that shit in
they'll be picking glitter out of their shit for weeks
I was a tyrant in HS
I liked to play pranks.
Huh, so my problem seems to be somethingsomething parsing. I'm parsing in XML via PHP, saving it to HTML so my javascript can read it. (Don't bother asking why, it's how I'm doing it 'cause I have to, sorry.)

When I use <?php echo htmlentities(json_encode($winnerData)); ?>"/> for the value set locally, it echoes a valid JSON string. Live though, it echoes *nothing*.
Even though the variable is there- I can get at it with var_dump.
we figured out how to break into the lockers, but instead of doing bad shit we just reversed the locks. Imagine coming in every day and your lock has been reversed but nothing is gone.
freak them right out
@Kate XML can normally be treated as HTML
Hahahaha, dude that is freakin funny, I am thinking about just getting there phone during PE and putting a bad jailbreak on it and bricking it, lol
protip: to break a school lock just get a 200+lb linebacker to pull on it. slides off like butter
@JanDvorak Yup, but I need Javascript to access it as a multidimension key->value array.
This, JSON.
Don't need to, u can buy master lock keys for 20 bucks on eBay
other good ones is to get those magnet sensor strips and hide them in peoples backpacks or stick them to their shoes or something
that way every stores alarms go off when they enter and leave
they'll be stopped everywhere they go and embarrased
it's a good non-malicious prank
xD I did that once to my brother, I put a little magnetic strip inside his phone between the back and the cover, worked like a charm
^ these
I guess my biggest question is..what the heck changed from local to live that broke it? The files, the locations are the same, and the variable is being passed. It's just not being parsed the same?
I stuck one to my gf's shoes, unside the heel so she never noticed it.
was funny as hell.
anyways, 5pm
later all
I just cut up one of those dumb marketing magnets
oh man, why haven't I thought of this. Thx! I'm not really used to work with linux. — tn4foxxah 44 mins ago
^ most awesome comment in all times
As if, in any other OS the solution would be different
Gotta be honest, rlemons poop slide comment is better
Someone should make an "artist's impression" of that happening
No. I don't want to imagine the usage of fecal matter as a lubricant. Hard to clean, for starters.
What did I miss? I leave for 5 minutes and something funny happens.....
@BrandonGelfand nothing really, just Phen mentioned a poop slide, which I refuse to imagine.
U mean how rlemon pooped on a slide when he was 13???
Yea... Is kinda nasty to think about....
I said, I refuse to imagine that, no matter what age are the participants.
It's a joke jan, rlemon didn't actually do that....
I refuse to imagine that nevertheless :-)
@rlemon ur gonna get this in an email, seriously though, people take things way to seriously.....
Above ^^^^
Ben, you good at English? Lol... I am writing a literature essay on the odyssey
"Badass mofo screwed up Troy, got lost and killed a whole lot when finally got home"
BOOM, done
i mean, that's how the cool kids write essays now, right?
hm, that's a pity then
While Odysseus had many characteristics, a more prominent and effectual one was his cleverness. He consistently schemed up ways of doing and getting out of things. For instance, when arriving at the house of the cyclops he was asked how they got there and he said " "(Homer # ). Doing this he tricked the giant into thinking there ship was already destroyed by Poseidon. Doing so stopped the cyclops from going and actually destroying the ship himself. Another act of cleverness Odysseus portrayed was when he " "(Homer #). He basically tied the men under the sheep so that way they could get
My first two body paragraphs ^ ^
I have to find the quotes, I don't remember the pages
> He also after stabbing the cyclops in the eye, decided that the world should know that he was the one who did it.
Sentence not good.
> While Odysseus had many characteristics, a more prominent and effectual one was his cleverness.
Also not good
I know, I typed that up in about 15 minutes, I am gonna fix me up later
That's good.
This isn't a persuasive essay, you don't have to be fancy smanshy, your stating facts, technically I could make it as bland as subways food and it won't matter,mi wold still get an A
And I would *
The trick to get decent food at Subway is to get ALL the vegetables
Sorry, I eat meat, roast beef and light mayo on wheat that's all
Jersey mikes is better by far
Subway has the meat that is used in dog food also, remember that next time ur taking a bite out of that chicken flavored sandwich
Ever heard of grade d meat? It's used in fast food and also dog foood
Enjoy them McSlimes :D
Math.sign = function (n) {
    return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
As someone who worked at Subway, the food is much much worse than you think.
At least it's not horse meat
"The Breakfast Club" was worse than I remembered.
@phenomnomnominal Whats that mean?
The veges are decent, real veges
but the meat...
In NZ, to keep food costs down, the lamb is beef with lamb flavouring
Isn't NZ the land of a billion sheep?
Yep, but it gets exported
(Also, we actually have less sheep per person than Australia)
I'm actually more disturbed by the fact that lamb flavoring is something that can be bought...
Ha - in a test case for CSRF exploits: Cookies.CSRFToken = "COOKIES!!!";
@twiz, yeah it's weird right
Maybe lamb flavouring is made of lamb.
I bet you have more sheep per square mile though... ha
@Zirak, I would actually highly doubt it
or square (somethign metric)
@twiz, go learn the metric system, fool
What is the point of coffeescript?
@Zirak like watered down gravy...
@XCritics python-like syntax, compiled to javascript.
Yea, actually I hate the fact that the U.S. uses these random arbitrary measurements for everything...
@JanDvorak so is there a way to write javascript and convert it to coffeescript so I can use it for something?
@XCritics, it provides syntactical sugar for javascript and attempts to remove most of the parts that cause issues in normal javascript
@XCritics js2coffee.org
But you're not ready for CoffeeScript, because you don't understand JavaScript yet
@phenomnomnominal I know it's just that Rails only provides page specific Coffeescript, if I use javascript it's included in the entire application
its loaded on every page
@phenomnomnominal something I thought of today, is it not annoying to find the bottom/top of a long function?
Coffeescript looks so much easier
way less brackets
e.g. my register form
or any other block that would normally have brackets
wait, in node i could just route my whole communication with a child-process by using .kill?
@twiz, no, because you just don't have long function :)
And most text editors have indentation lines anyways
1 message moved to recycle bin
No walls of code
Wall of text crits you for 999999. You die.
@XCritics Yes, because the difficulty of a language is proportional to the number of brackets
@Zirak why you bustin my balls man
@XCritics Actually, I killed the wall of text.
@XCritics Because you say stupid things.
@Zirak ok
@Zirak the smiley face beside your name is oddly misleading
It is smiling because it just killed a puppy
nice, reported him on the forums he's selling lememe from and a mod responded with "looked into it but then he made me look bad by reporting this back from your license: "You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. "
lol, I had to inform the guy that the paragraph it's quoted from is specifically for unmodified versions.
changing any text or source code constitutes a modification and breaks that clause.
he immediately deleted the ads :P
@rlemon Boom, nice work
Someone should make ^, ^^, ^*3 etc a shorthand for reply to (@BenjaminGruenbaum)
@phenomnomnominal you wouldnt happen to know why I'm getting the ajax:Error trigger, when I'm getting a 200 response back would you?

$(document).ready ->
  $("#new_report").on("ajax:success", (e, data, status, xhr) ->
    $("#new_report").append "<p>SUCCESS</p>"
  ).bind "ajax:error", (e, xhr, status, error) ->
    $("#new_report").append "<p>ERROR</p>"
The callback is JSON
and it's getting added to the database, and sending a 200 OK back to me, so I don't understand
is the response syntactically valid?
is it sent with the correct mime-type?
@JanDvorak     respond_to do |format|
      if @report.save
        format.json { render json: "Created" }
        format.json { render json: @report.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
pretty sure 'ajax:success' should be 'ajaxSuccess' and the same for error
@phenomnomnominal I seen that when I googled it, but when I tried it nothing happens
That isn't a reason to just make up stuff...
are you actually making an ajax request? why are you adding those event listeners to a dom element?
Yeah typical use would be something like:
lol @ your wall of text...
$(document).ready ->
  $ ->

The old nested domready events... and inconsistent to boot
$.ajax "balhdf.com/salkfj", { data: { hahs: hahs}, success: -> blah() , error: -> blah() }
error: -> blah()? Why not just error: blah?
@david, because i'm convinced that would just confuse him :)
I'm trying to follow a long with, edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/…
Give me a break lopl
This is fucking awful advice:
paintIt = (element, backgroundColor, textColor) ->
  element.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
  if textColor?
    element.style.color = textColor
$ ->
  $("a[data-background-color]").click ->
    backgroundColor = $(this).data("background-color")
    textColor = $(this).data("text-color")
    paintIt(this, backgroundColor, textColor)

<a href="#" data-background-color="#990000">Paint it red</a>
<a href="#" data-background-color="#009900" data-text-color="#FFFFFF">Paint it green</a>
<a href="#" data-background-color="#000099" data-text-color="#FFFFFF">Paint it blue</a>
@phenomnomnominal I wish I knew enough to know bad advice at first sight
Jesus, have they never heard of CSS classes?
> The Rails team strongly encourages you to write your CoffeeScript (and JavaScript) in this style, and you can expect that many libraries will also follow this pattern.
@phenomnomnominal I think they're doing it to just give examples, but, I don't know if that justifies it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Curse you. Sublime Text 3 needs a licence ^^
@OliverSchöning still $70?
Yeah :-P and I can't affort that at the moment hehe. I though I could run it for a while without. But it doesnt let me past licence :)
it's in beta... you can only test it if you're a st2 user already...
Is it a big change?
@OliverSchöning well you can use ST2 anyhow
@david I just understood it as if it was "free testing"
getting 2 then ^
ST2 is free testing
i'm still using and loving it too
Or vim!
or MS Word!
(and no, i'm not saying that vim is bad right now)
Of course not
i'm just not familiar with it, will give it a try some time though
the learning curve is a "bit" steeper than that of Sublime
hehe, yeah, i was thinking about that image
I've never played the game, but this learning curve always gets me smmobl.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/learningcurve.jpg

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