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Anyone in here tried to set up nodemailer ?
Won't work for me :-(
I get this error now when trying to run my "node app.js"
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
    at errnoException (net.js:769:11)
    at Server._listen2 (net.js:909:14)
    at listen (net.js:936:10)
    at Server.listen (net.js:985:5)
    at Function.app.listen (/home/ame/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:529:24)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ame/NetBeansProjects/MetnikEl/app.js:107:5)
    at Module._compile (module.js:449:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:467:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
@JanDvorak: Hi! :) Sorry, had to leave for a while. Back now. Thanks for the response! Will try it shortly :) Have another problem in the meantime. Tried to migrate all my jQuery stuff to the index.html of Web2Py, but nothing is showing up. I think I am making some kind of a logical mistake. But the simple examples, where jQuery already interacts with hardcoded HTML elements, are fine. Where I dynamically generate HTML stuff using jQuery inside that index.html is all broken.
I think I am making some workflow mistake here, so have been going through the Ajax chapter in Web2Py book...
But it is not written there that dynamically generating HTML through jQuery is not allowed or needs special steps.
A selector always targets the elements at the time said selector is used.
In the index.html, there is a div with a certain id. My jQuery code creates tables inside that id. I see no reason why it would not work.
If you do $(".chzn").chosen(), and then add another element with the chzn class, it will not be chosen().
Yay it wasn't me!
@SOChatBot cheater ;)
@AmaanCheval so like I said - if the page loses connection the bot breaks
the page physically needs a refresh
@SOChatBot don't worry - this way I can care for you remotely.
export DISPLAY=:0.0
sudo killall chrome
google-chrome & > /dev/null
sleep 2
xdotool search chrome windowactivate --sync key F11
@rlemon I'm not dead! Honest!
@rlemon I awoke on Tue, 12 Feb 2013 13:12:29 GMT (that's about 3 minutes ago), got invoked 1 times, learned 33 commands
@OctavianDamiean Smartass ¬_¬
Is Zero Greater then Zero ?

If( 0 > 0 ) ?
how stupid of a question can you ask
!!> 0>0
@JanDvorak false
0 > 0
0 < 0
0 === 0
if you have three apples, and you give johnny 2 apples - you're a moron for giving away ~66% of your apples. you deserve to starve.
@rlemon I approve of this message.
Why can't T-Rexs clap? Because they're dead
:7679720 Yeah, I'm aware of that
erm, that was @JanDvorak
And Infinity turning null on output
@rlemon godlike ! :)
@rlemon Can you please run IO.events.heartbeat.pop() ?
Thank you. It's bugged somehow
So Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and Bill Gates die and find themselves standing before God. God tells them, "For your service of humanity, you deserve a place in heaven." He turns to Al Gore and tells him, "For your quest to restore earth, you deserve a place to my left." He then turns to Bill Clinton and tells him, "For your unwavering pursuit of peace, you deserve a place to my right."
Meanwhile Bill Gates gives God the stink eye, and God says, "Bill Gates, why do you look at me so?" Bill Gates says, "You're sitting my chair."
Wait...so God is a physical thing, not a metaphysical entity?
Eat shit, Judaism and its derivatives!
A bad joke proved you wrong.
@Zirak I thought it was decent :/
This young people's cult of Bill Gates is a little disturbing...
I prefer them admiring bill gates instead of justin bieber etc.
I respect him for what he's achieved and even more for what he's doing right now
I respect him since he redeemed himself
But old coders can't really forget
but that doesn't mean that i count myself as "cultist" in any way ;)
(I mean, I will but not before Alzheimer)
I respect Bill WAY more now than when I was a kid using "95
now that he's all, "TAKE MY MONEY!" - he's cool.
Here's another bad joke:
Gates: "Hey guys, remember ME?"
Q: Calling a slideshow function in another jQuery script

user2056484Brothers and sisters, I have a problem: When I click "Edit" button, the slideshow should STOP. So I tried this: Edit button code (editor-plugin.js): base.prototype.pre_edit_button = function() { var _this = this; return jQuery('<button>', { 'class': 'fee-hover-edit', 'html'...

Yes, way better than the "I'll kill you with trials if you install free OS on the computers you sell"
so glad i never came near that thing
ohh I had the pleasure of trying every windows OS out
JavaME wasn't much better.
even XPe
embedded edition
That's why I frequently see dead terminals and blue screens in airports and rail stations...
Hey Guy.
any queries
Reverse help vampire?
yea I creeped your blog and am sad
@copy You'd probably know (if anyone else does, feel free): Is it possible to shrink a partition, and expand another to fill up the space?
r u refering me
May i know why?
is there any problem?
source code
ext4 both, the partition in need of expansion should appear before the other (sda3 grows, sda4 shrinks), dunno if that matters.
I didn't actually read the content.
rlemon r u refering to me?
Who else?
first of all
is any one interested in jquery
no one
onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search: type, hit enter') {this.value = '';}"
then its very fine..
What if someone wants to search Search: type, hit enter?
<a href="javascript:scroll(0,0)">Top</a>
I did actually laugh at this
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why not just remove it ??
Thanks good catch.. by the way its not to hide
but definately will remove
I hate jQuery. It makes things too easy :-)
yes.. but guys.. seriously..
I have given a jQuery presentation today..
i hate jQuery developers - they are more often than not lazy fucks who don't know two shits about Javascript or web development for that matter.
and for that I have prepared a ppt of complete jquery A to z
not all - but i mean.. I do hang out in here ;) and the main site
even if u r beginner it will help u
i will share u all
beat you to it :P
What does "complete jquery" mean?
A link to the API?
ninja'd in a ninja reference?
u can say
indian presentation about jQuery? please, let me have a closer look at it
curious to see if you're the Amaan/Abhishek-kind, or the other one
I think a better presentation topic for jQuery would be: jQuery - why the fuck would you use me!? (then outline that RAD and team development + prototyping are awesome places for abstractions - learning and production are not (mostly))
Null we don't see you as an indian

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