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I will be answerable on my blog.. I will definitely upgrade the things.. :) bbye
good luck.
c ya
Thanks @rlemon
@AnoopSharma also check new jquery jquery.com website .. its more informative than before
It might be more informative than before but it's now very painful to read the API documentation. It's slow, ugly and you really have too few words on screen.
The guy who defined the contrasts didn't even bother to make the page easy to read.
> read less. dafuq more.
@NullPointer and uglyer, though
posted on February 12, 2013 by Nicholas C. Zakas

In today’s web applications, dialog boxes are about as common place as they are in desktop applications. It’s pretty easy to show or hide an element that is overlayed on the page using a little JavaScript and CSS but few take into account how this affects accessibility. In most cases, it’s an accessibility disaster. The [...]

I don't even know how they can be that bad in design when they are so bad with code
they have to choose
Unfortunately they are not mutually exclusive
Seriously it looks like the website is 5 years old
@dievardump Could be worse I guess. It could have horizontal dividers and flashing text
Nah. Not for the "coolest javascript library out there"
@dievardump ... official source are good to keep in update ... might be design is not good like phpmanual doesnot have good design
php is not made by designers, not even technical designers, imho
jQuery is
php.net <- old - but much friendlier for developers than the jQuery API docs.
I had an interview 2weeks ago (am now at work there, though) and when I arrived in the conference room, there was some jQuery on the screen, and as a joke the guy said " Ok so, technical: what does it do?" and it was like a small part of code but I directly spotted the $ (jQuery)
jesus $200 for acrobat?
@dievardump agreed...with you ...its hard to read
I said " well... it's jQuery... so probably lots of crap"
I think he loved that :D
@rlemon Nooooo, don't remind me that that exists....
@SomeKittens best php resource there is
But I still have problemes with the difference bitween attributes and properties
@dievardump: did he really love it? :p
that === php in general
So i'm not the best
they rebuilt website (php)..
@jAndy he was here to hire me. I'm here, and while we spoke he said "jQuery is bunch of crap, just written by designers who just don't understand DOM"
So yes, I think he did :o
still a very wrong point and argument about the lib
!!s/ just written by designers/ just used by designers/
@rlemon @jAndy he was here to hire me. I'm here, and while we spoke he said "jQuery is bunch of crap, just used by designers who just don't understand DOM" (source)
There(s jqapi but the colors are so strange and hurting...
LoL @ "live is deprecated", just saw it
@rlemon it's written by designers too.
nah its not
apparently now it's completely removed.
and about the "DOM" thing, you're working pretty much the same way on the DOM as with any other lib or vanilla js
the only argument I'm buying on ranting on jQuery is the lack of modularity and therefore godlike-objects/structures
slow, also.
I seriously have good faith in the 2.0
I'm waiting for it'
but they seriously promote jQuery mobile and jQuery ui on their website
It seriously shows there is a problem in that "foundation"
I don't rant so much on jQuery anymore - pointless - I have turned my focus to raging on people using an abstraction library for a language that they refuse to learn. (the game) I get even more pissy when they tell me they don't need to learn it - they will just learn jQuery - this backwards thinking makes me so angry.. angry and sad... angry sad and gassy.
the game... fu
@rlemon when you are angry sad and gassy you can just
it's my favorite character
sure I picture you that way
Am currently doing a jQuery plugin :(
^ that was in the comments for that vid.
WTF Bronies..
stupid Bronies.
> Classify me because I crave attention! Look at me guys I watch a show thats marketed towards girls! Let me announce it to the world, look at MMeeeeeEEEe!... please... because I'm so lonely :(
seriously... I don't get the fandom.. but even if I were accepting of it - they are now the catholic church of shitty cartoons adults shouldn't watch.
spreading their MLP propaganda to the masses - if you are not a bronie - you're not our homie.
I'm glad i'm not the only one hating the catholic church.
I hate attention whores.
That's how I see them.
I hate on organized religion (not your individual rights and freedoms to be religious or spiritual or not as it may be).
There's one church that I don't find bad, and I'm sure God wants to keep his people organised.
God loves jQuery
for its God-object
> When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. ~ some guy, some time ago
@rlemon who said that?
^ most overused athiest quote EVER.
if god is with us who can be against us
Days without a religious discussion: 35 0
@Loktar it's not even about atheism - it's about the stupidity to claim [your] god as the "one true god" but all others are fake. arrogance + ignorance === war.
I don't claim anyones gods are false. I just ask that they don't claim my personal beliefs as false.
and by extension: everyone else.
Well.. since it came from an Atheist in a debate about religion vs Atheism, I consider it an Arthiest quote :P
Athiest's quote**
and.. considering I see it repeated by Athiests over.. and over..
Ok, let's finish the religious debate. It's getting out of hand.
@SomeKittens There was a pope discussion yesterday. And I think there was a goodism discussion one or two days before. I don't think there was ever 35 days without religious discussion...
and over..
yap thats stupid. but ppl on the other hand only freak out about the whole "my god is better than yours", because of breeding
@JanDvorak You have no idea....
and over.
@Loktar want to discuss the things catholics repeat.... over and over... and over and over...
and over..
and over...
and.... over...
@dystroy I just picked a random number though 35's a bit high in retrospect.
Where's the garbage collector when you need him?
var foo = "over";
return !0  &&foo; // fail
@JanDvorak we have these discussions from time to time
they are fun imo
politics, religion, whatever
sometimes JS :P
whole point of religion always was to "control the masses", especially the low educuational folks, hope+fear is a strong combination
welcome to my thoughts... by jAndy :p
Catholics are wrong - the US is a bunch of pirates - PERL IS THE GREATEST FUCKING LANGUAGE EVER! Indian people smell. <debate!>
I don't like people implying advocating one's god = war.
@jAndy I don't fully disagree
@jAndy You could say the same about organized Atheism
Organized religion === war; // want proof? see world history page 1 to current times.
Any organization about beliefs people share can be used to cause war.
WWII had nothing to do with religion, and was a pretty massive war.
@jAndy 100% agreement - organized religion mirrors an early judicial system. now we have a judicial system.... soooo..
Other ideals/beliefs were at fault.
it seems like.. giving the billions of people the somewhat "right direction". don't steal, don't kill, honor your parents, etc. etc. these rules are there, in any religion on one way or the other, if you don't do it, you'll burn in hell or you reincarnate as.. lemon or what not :p
so to me, its just about control
I truly believe without any kind of religion, the world would be a much worse place today, even if that is hard to imagine
@jAndy Well, same with politician and politics.
@Loktar yes.. that is one war :P however religion as a significant influencing factor can be considered (as it was)
But above all : "do as I say you must do".
Religion definitely has had its place in history, and while people have used it to control others, or cause wars, it has also been very beneficial in helping civilization progress.
however a lot of other wars fought today are over religions
"today" ?
@rlemon there are many wars that weren't fought over religion. WWII was just the worlds most MASSIVE war so I used it as an example.
@Loktar I do agree with that last statement - however think Civ ;) after you're in the atomic age religion falls wayside
you can remove this word
@Loktar there are many wars fought over it as well. enough to make it a discussion topic.
What about organisations that advocate the belief in god but do not fight? I know of one, and I approve of that organisation.
American Civil War, American Revolutionary War, Vietnam War, Korean War, WWI, WWII, Alexander the greats conquests, the Mogol Hordes..
all wars that weren't fought between religious sects
I think humans just like beating each other up, and will take any excuse.
and that had many casulties.
We should give up forms of governments and ideals as well
since they cause just as much bloodshed
we should give up fire because people died in one.
stupid arguments are stupid.
@SomeKittens Nope humans don't beat up.
95% of all wars foughten ultimately were about economics and advantages on land and resources... at least thats what my professor told me once
Capitalism vs Socialism has caused millions upon millions of deaths.
@rlemon then what is your point?
Religion is bad because people have fought wars due to it?
Or not? Pick a side.
@jAndy thats what it comes down to, everything else is used as a way to incite the population.
I say: If every human beeing on earth would have a good (discussion point) education, religion would be totally deprecated.
I don't recommend deprecating all religion.
I think the controlling evil parts of religion would be.
People would realize they don't have to blow themselves up to go to a better place.
@Loktar I don't have to "pick a side" I have acknowledged that organized religion had it's place - however as we have progressed as a society (globally) we are getting to the point where it is starting to hinder us; why? wars, minor disputes, religious acts that endanger people and/or limit their abilities to learn or live a fair life.
Yes the argument can be made that other organizations also facilitate the same bad things as religious ones do. However I feel (personally) that the downside to no more organized religion is far less than the others mentioned (government etc).
Poor education is the culprit of much of the violence in the middle east.
@rlemon see reference 20th century wars.
I stand by my point.
@JanDvorak I dont' think it should be removed. I think the mass organizations (catholic church for example) should be re-thought
The last major religious war was what? The crusades?
IMO they do more harm than good
Eliminating religion would cause the rise of atheism, which is not a good ideology IMO (and is just as religious).
so what? You named a bunch of wars that were not fought over religion - they were larger ones - cool. How about the millions of people oppressed because of religion? Or indirectly because of religion.
> Guys I don't agree with religion therefore they hinder progress.. something about people died due to it... its all bad ok!
@rlemon I do think catholic church should be revised/removed. God thinks that too.
any religion should
War is for me a bad point about religion.
Have you ever actually read the bible? Some of the shit in there is insane.
W/O religion who knows how long we would have been stuck in the dark ages?
This is decades ago.
@rlemon oooh this is an attack on Christianity. I assumed it was on all religions. Silly me.
And I really despite religions.
@Loktar read above - early judicial system - worked very well for helping us grow - we're getting to a social point where I think we should move away from it.
@Loktar it is on all *organized religion. (key word is organized - individuals wanting to be religious I could care less about. live and let live right?)
the problem about "very old books" which got translated multiple times and also words/lines had a totally different meaning thousands of years ago, is just the tip of the iceberg
It's useless discussing what the world would be like without religion, because we wouldn't be human at that point
I need good dubstep
Defining invisible pink unicorns is part of who we are
Otherwise we might as well be discussing how aliens view the topic of religion
but good in "I want something strong"
It's just as useless discussing the world having a future without it.. because it will always be there in one form or the other
whether its called science, atheism, or Christianity.
@rlemon my argument is that not all organised religion is bad.
@Loktar science is a religion? I disagree with that one.
@dievardump thats what religious folk want us to think.
no it's not.
science is science.
@dievardump with devout zealot followers it could easily be classified by some as a religion.
all in all, religion always was about control, controlling the poor ppl with no education (vast majority) and nowadys, its still used to raise children in those horrible views
= religion should die
religion is founded on a belief which cannot be proven tangibly.
I was an atheist until nineteen and an agnostic for a few months after. I have followed Jesus since that time as a result of logic and evidence. I'd be glad to defend any negative claim you have made or want to make regarding the Christian faith. If you are interested in learning something, just ask. Otherwise, I'm not going to waste my time.
(fwiw, atheism is also not a religion)
atheism is religion, and quite a fanatic one at times as well
@RyanKinal thanks.
Also, I am not atheist. I have a strong belief in the afterlife (albeit skewed slightly from the norm) - however I still am against organized religion
religion is a belief system
so is science
atheism is a lack of belief
@JanDvorak they are going to pin you on semantics.
hence not a religion
world religion 2013 should be science
@iliacholy lol bullshit
Atheism is belief there is no god. Perhaps you meant apatheism?
Atheists have a strong belief.
atheism is actually the belief that there is no deity (no god) - nothing more or less.
It is impossible to say that logically, @rlemon
Atheism is the lack of belief in a personal god.
reason and logic, forcing to challenge any dogma and not just believe some bullshit for no reason
@jAndy I'm afraid there are many things science can't solve.
Athiesm and christianity are both beliefs. They are not both religions
@JanDvorak: I agree
Lack of belief in God (or belief) automatically change the direction of your worldview, which is all encompassing. It can't be "nothing more".
!!s/science can't solve./science hasn't solved yet./
@rlemon @jAndy I'm afraid there are many things science hasn't solved yet. (source)
I @rlemon I disagree.
but the biggest problem of any religion envolves out of.. "things you have to believe, you are not supposed to ask".. if you don't want to burn or die in the past
@m59 "nothing more" meaning there is nothing more to the definition
and today its still not wanted to ask about certain things
But there is much more to "being an atheist"
and that is what is in question.
@m59 Examples?
@jAndy religion that promotes the lack of knowledge is a bad one, but AFAIK only catholicism did that.
Your view of human value
@JanDvorak that is extremely narrow minded if you ask me. To dismiss that we will have the ability to understand things we currently do not, then to chaulk it up to "our god did it and we will not be able to understand it because it is not meant to be understood" is just a scape goat on not understanding.
@m59 ... explain?
@JanDvorak: are you joking :p ? any religion does that in some way
posted on February 12, 2013

Eight top speakers talk about their favourite CSS modules. 14th of June, Amsterdam. That's CSS Day. Sounds good? It sounds even better when you see the line-up. Every speaker will focus on one or two CSS modules, as follows: Bert Bos on selectors Daniel Glazman on media queries Divya Manian on filters & compositing Eric Meyer on fonts & texts Lea Verou on border-radius Peter Gasston on ani

@jAndy eh, I was never taught any where as a Baptist to not learn.
or not ask certain questions.
@rlemon nah, it's just agnosticism
Considering a religious worldview (and by that, I mean one that is consistent with the view that there is a God), a subject like human value are relevant and important.
in some ways, at least
@Loktar: you know what I mean, you are not supposed to ask questions like "the world was created in 7 days? or maybe a few thousands of years???"
that makes no sense does it ?!
@jAndy eh I mean we were still encouraged to question.
and those kind of things you find in any religion
Maybe it was my church idk.
The protestant's have so many diff views on it
some say 7 days, some say 7 thousand years.. etc.
@m59 There is nothing more to being an atheist past believing there is no deity.
@m59 Yes. I agree. But I'd suggest that it only changes how a human life is valued - it doesn't affect whether human life is valuable.
all based on their interpretation.
@m59 What does human value have anything to do with it?
According to atheism, it is impossible for human (or anything) to have real value. In a true atheistic view (one that is logically derived from there being no God), this subject actually can't matter - since there is no such thing as value (only a subjective, trivial concept of it)
not done yet
@Neil human value is very important in the progression of civilization.
thats why science is the only religion left, it won't answer all questions (or the last questions) but at least there is no room for superstition and blind believing
I don't need a deity of have self worth. If you do, fine. I do not - so you cannot assume not having one has changed my outlook on life.
which is the best thing ever
I am fine with life having little to no point past living it.
@Loktar Yes, but it still has nothing to do with whether or not God exists
living life is fucking awesome. point enough for me
so, in view of religion, the concept of human value is a religious stance, and an important one. In view of religion, a belief of no human value is still religious.
On atheism, it is irrelevant.
@m59 no it's not
fucking meetings... this conversation is getting good. :P
If you're arguing the existence of God, you can't pull from beliefs deriving from the assumption that God exists in any way shape or form
@rlemon haha I hate when that happens
So, you're saying, from an atheist standpoint, human life has no value?
That's just ridiculous.
An atheist, or the worldview called atheism?
I have a meeting with God, so I'm leaving for now as well.

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