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Q: Prevent menu key from showing a context menu

NealI know that the keyboard menu key is keyCode === 93. So I have the following code: $(window).on("keydown", document, function(event){ if (event.keyCode === 93) { //context menu console.log("context menu key", event); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(...

What are you booing about?
What is this effing firebug window on jsfiddle ?
Er... not seeing it
@dievardump haha why not :-P so that way people don't come complaining to me :-P
pushed :D , totallly broken now lets actually make stuff
@Neal Oh... you've embedded Firebug into your fiddle. WTF.
Well... you must have a big screen.
Because with a "common screen and resolution" your effing firebug lite take more than too much space.
@RyanKinal lol no i did not. I just clicked the firebug checkbox in jsfiddle :-P
@Neal Ummm. I guess I don't understand why... isn't anybody who you're asking going to have a debugger anyway?
@RyanKinal lol no idea. But I have had trouble before. and why not provide a debugger for the users so they dont have to get their own.
I don't get why you care about the advice of anybody who doesn't already have one.
You're probably more experienced than they are
@RyanKinal hmmm that is true. Ill remove it for you ok? un momento.
It has been removed @RyanKinal :-)
Hell, even IE has dev tools now
wth is the 'menu' key anyways?? I read the wiki link. but I can't honestly say i've ever used this functionality and currently none of the keycommands produce this on my system (Ubuntu + Chrome)
I've never seen the "menu" key 0.o what does it do?
none standard IBM crap. gotcha.
stupid IBM
@Bot you obviously did not read the OP.... — Neal 4 secs ago
dumb users...
@Neal what does it do? right-click, right?
@Izzey nope. right click is on an element. this is a window event.
what does it do then?
@Neal I wonder if you could use the contextmenu event, but check for keycode and mouse button, only letting the mouse button through.
@Izzey are you joking ?
@Neal I added that image to the question: like I mention in the edit notes, not every system has this available to them. My current keyboard does not; and no key combination will produce it :/
so it was confusing as per what in fact you were trying to do without it.
@rlemon lol I was in middle of making the same edit :-P
Wow.... ingenious :-)..... Hmmm now I have to try to fig out how to not sully the global scope.... — Neal 54 secs ago
It's not the global scope
@dievardump There is no reason for me to put that event handler inside of a jQuery load
It's in a "$(function(){});"
You can take away the $
(function() {} ())
And that's it.
@dievardump hmmm true....
@all whats better ?
loading all the slides via XHR
locally ?
or having them dumped in a huge single file ?
caveats of loading content via XHR are still too great.
A dumped part, a xhr part.
It depends of the content type and size.
(not knowing what this is for... you can make the choice) - however if it is docs or a slideshow or something similar I would dump it all as minimal HTML then pimp the shiznat outta it with CSS and JS (and if need be you can XHR in a slick client side template to wrap your content up in)
@Abhishek what exactly are you working on?
a presentation
a small 15 slide presentation on html5
@rlemon dw bout the sleek client side template btw
why load anything via anything?
the file becomes huge to mantain :-|
if it's just ~15 slides, just stick it into <section>s
… and do fancy CSS3 stuff to them.
@Abhishek dumped.
I also would use Lea Verrou or Hakim El Hattab tool.
They are easy to use and kind of... great
I can handle css 3 part myself :$ .
@dievardump even trying to edit /etc/hosts on a windows PC is a pain in the ass.
@vzwick pardon ? It's the easiest thing to do
that's why i prefer my system to be *nix underneath its beautiful frontend.
Hakim's reveal.js is too professional and impress.js is to ammature
please define too professional further for me.
@Abhishek shall I critic your presentation? :x
the content, not the style
@FlorianMargaine its not even started :p so not now (x
u can tomorrow
am more working on CSS part of it atm
reveal.js is not too professional, it's good enough really
@FlorianMargaine For future reference, it's "critique"
impress.js is not too immature, it's just a PITA to set up
@RyanKinal I thought that was the word, and the verb was "critic"
howdy folks
@FlorianMargaine critic is the person, critique is both a noun and a verb
A critic is anyone who expresses a value judgment. Informally, criticism is a common aspect of all human expression and need not necessarily imply skilled or accurate expressions of judgment. Critical judgments, good or bad, may be positive (in praise of an object of attention), negative (in dispraise), or balanced (weighing a combination of factors both for and against). Since all criticism must be regarded as having a purpose, a critic may also be definable by his or her specific motivation. At its simplest, and for whatever reason, a critic may have either constructive or destructive...
oh I see
btw florian guess what
I am frigging ill .. agian 3rd time in this one month.. oh jesus christ !
this jsfiddle.net/donovandigital/78CSh is meant to output when on changes in any of the values, but for some reason only outputs on changes in a or c
personally i feel common cold is the worst enemy of productivity
@Abhishek – disagree. SE and YouTube are.
@Abhishek It is a pretty bad perpetrator
not only it makes ur responses slow and makes u dizzy but also if you do not take proper care in a bout 2 -4 hour your keyboard buttons start becoming glittery
@vzwick that way porn is :-|\
In other words, if it gets new b it only outputs after c changes
@Abhishek, just had stomach flu - 4 days down the drain
figuratively and literally :/
well lets see i had mouth infections , migraines and now i have common cold !
@github hi, is it normal that github pages is sometimes slow/not updating? https://github.com/Ralt/tartempion/blob/gh-pages/documentation/documentation.html is not showing the update (from 30 min ago)
still on :|
@FlorianMargaine mine showed update instantly :-.
anybody on mine?
@jamesson cant figure out what outlet is going to do
it's a github page, not a repo
@jamesson Can you give us a working example, rather than just some pasted code?
@Abhishek, dont mind that, its unique to the environment. I can replace it with console.log if that helps
@jamesson provide more code and HTML example. Seriously we can not us what you past.
@dievardump, e key stuck =P?
(I think we all agree)
let me think how to do that
I think we're all kind of unclear on what "change" means in your case as well. Are these values coming from select elements? input elements? Something completely different?
any knockoutjs users here? I'm wondering if using ko.cleanNode on an element that has a bunch of descendants bound to an observablyarray (via foreach bindings) clears the bindings those descendants as well a just clearing the bindings to the element itself?
@RyanKinal, a formatted datastream from an external controller. Essentially it gets a list of 3 numbers that go straight into the arguments
Ah. That could be difficult for a working example, then :-P
@RyanKinal, yep :)
Are you sure you're getting the right arguments? Is b actually changing when you think it is?
I can test this quite easily
just checked it, aok
@FlorianMargaine wanna help ?
with content
@jamesson Can you give us some test values? Preferably some that are working, and some that are not.
None are working
That is to say, none that fall within the first 2 cases
They all only output correctly after c changes
Okay. Can you give me any test values at all, then?
128 55 64
144 119 127
in the first 2 cases c will always be 124 or 67, but that should be obvious from the code
@jamesson The only problem I see is that outlet is undefined, which I assume is not the case in your application
Just got it actually
It was the order of the statements =P
Ah, I see
As long as the outlet d statement came first I was ok =P
Here is my two cents...
@jamesson That's... odd.
I'm guessing there are some unintended side effects happening here.
@RyanKinal, you dont know the half of it =P
Its a fairly wierd environment
Is d supposed to be global?
@RyanKinal: no, why? I thought I made it local?
@rlemon: salpagarov.narod.ru/kultura/hoca/Jokes.htm (paid in proper coin)
You need to declare it with var d = ...
@RyanKinal: to make it local?
@RyanKinal, ok ty
BTW - can i have if with no else?
Just close it out or (else{}?)
You might want to run through a couple JavaScript tutorials. Maybe check out developer.mozilla.org
@jamesson You don't have to do that
Been there
A lot :)
but you were saying about scope?
Scope is important. And a little tricky. Read the article at the link above.
Back in a bit... meeting time
@jamesson if there is one thing I advise you to learn about javascript, it's javascript.info
and I speak russian - sweet!
That thing is excellent - a detailed style guide too
yep, it really explains everything you need about javascript
has some exercises too, do them :)
I've trained a new colleague basically following the guides, he said it himself: awesome website :-)
haven't followed the russian version though :/
@FlorianMargaine, do you speak? I may chip in translating later
damn, the new ajax features on stackoverflow are amazing :D
@rlemon I LOVE those videos man
50 mins ago, by Abhishek
@FlorianMargaine wanna help ?
Ive watched a few that are like 30 mins of diff arnold clips
Q: customizing drop down menu

raviHere is the drop down menu I am working on. <select id="frames" onchange="updateDisplay()" class="styled-select"> <OPTION value="ravi">ravi</OPTION> <OPTION value="steve">steve</OPTION> <OPTION value="robert">robert</OPTION> </select&...

well yeah what cant jQuery do
be written by competent developers?
ugh. well no one corrected him so I had to. (that css issue)
3 hours ago, by rlemon
The summer of downvotes
I lose on average 5-7 rep a day downvoting now :/
I lose 5-7 rep per question
lol well I do on some.
But I tend to just vote to close those.
this one time a question had 5 answers, all of which had a blatant XSS vulnerability. So I downvote all of them and make my answer
then they gang up on me and downvote my perfect answer ;(
someone here linked a Q (i think it was you maybe) wehre 7 answers posted, 6 all wrong. I took a -6 there
Hey do 'or' pipes | <--those, in regEx make it impossible to use back references from an expression on the other side of a pipe?
@ErikReppen @Esailija please vote close the issue above.
the OP accepted an answer, but literally like 2 dozen dupes
Q: Do rape victims have biological defenses that prevent pregnancy?

SamTheBrandPro life Rep. Todd Akin, who is running for Senate in Missouri, recently said: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Needless to say, this claim is quite controversial. Is there any truth to it?

Controversy controversy.
Oh no.
Really? REALLY!?!?
@rlemon The last one is already closed :)
@some yea, after I asked :P hehe
@RyanKinal Jeff Atwood tweeted it
I was like " WTF ? "
@rlemon Well, I didn't notice it before :p
@RyanKinal I hope the Really REALLY??? is just in reference to the WTFness involved in the statements made by the individuals this question is questioning.
@rlemon It's in reference to the whole situation.
Politics in this country are friggin' ridiculous.
But I think it's politics everywhere
well yes, however as it has been stated incorrectly by a person in a position of power I'm glad SE has a site that will allow people to gain some more insight on the subject.
When you see what happend to the Pussy Riot's
@rlemon Agreed
A: Do rape victims have biological defenses that prevent pregnancy?

rdmThere's a lot of truth to that statement if human women are ducks, or maybe geese. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/20/does-legitimate-rape-defining-missouri-rep-todd-akin-believe-women-are-really-ducks/ However, if human women are not waterfowl, Akin's might be ... misleading...

this answer is funny though.
I luled
and I learned something about waterfowl I did not know before... I consider this to be a win/win
How's Canada these days? My company will allow me to work remotely... so maybe instead of going further South, I'll head North.
My country is kind of an embarrassment
it's a toss up. Our government is fucked like all others, I would say slightly less so in key areas. But some might disagree (depending on what you figure to be important to you)
am going to find a doctor
Good luck
Feel better
@Abhishek I told you to stretch before attempting page 243 of the Kama Sutra
@RyanKinal what things are you looking for (as a change i mean)
I'm confused. Why does:
give me a match of:
`["hubbahubba", "hubba"]`
do you smoke? and do you drink (enough to make this question matter) because both are way more expensive here.
Are back-references optional?
@rlemon Less religious zealotry would be nice. I hear the healthcare system is pretty sweet.
@ErikReppen [0] = whole match, [1] = fist match
because match without g gives array of capturing groups
@rlemon I don't smoke. I do drink (though not often to excess)
match with gworks differently
also test and exec work differently depending on the g modifier
@RyanKinal well it's not complete healthcare. I mean if you break a limb or need stitches or surgery you are covered. Eye and dental are not.
@RyanKinal Life is kind of cheap compared to what I lived in France. Cheaper than in U.S for what I know. People are kind as long as you respect their privacy. The country is beautiful. Totaly crazy how much it's natural.
Ohhh... okay.
such a wonderful and intuitive api that is js regex
@RyanKinal we tend to keep church and state separate much better than the US does. but then you have the native disputes. (key here is not to live near a reserve)
@ErikReppen try the same with /g
@rlemon Right. Those. I've heard about those.
sigh thanks a lot @rlemon now im watching Arnold rave.. over and over and over
Yeah, just did. Thx. That makes a little bit of sense.
@Loktar :D it's awesome no?
haha yeah
here's the docs for it thoug I'm sure you are already reading them :D developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/…
@RyanKinal Our money is easily identifiable... even from a distance. (you don't go running down the street thinking you saw a hundred only to find out it's a one)

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